L't-V ■ 1 ■ *3P»®m tlie ifithßennaylvajiU , Ft ‘ Camp of posite FRECERicksßUßa'.ifA.,} V [# , -r f ■ , -December.l6, , > ' J 'Ms. Editor TimeUnd circumBtan|6SQnce - more present -and I wjU drop you a t|w linea to letyou know that the 45th. are sl|llalive. Nothing of importance occurred sinceimy lase . letter op to Deo. 10th, when C6m,pan| loero i ordered out on picket, hot before e river for the purpose of crossing, but at' t|iis mo ment orders came to return to their 'Old quart _■ ters, which I assurq you was done, with|fi good will. Early next morning vita werjj again - up and off for the Rappahannock, which we crossed about eight o’clock A. 'M., and took up our position to the left of the dity -iand on ' the left of the Corps, skirmishers' werel thrown out and advanced as far as the rebelfpickets which were drove jn, no • infantry firmg :waa dune this day except skirmishing. I' . The 45th lay during the day upon th|* village green and in full view of the. enemy’| works upon the bill tops until about threer'P. M., when our attention was arrested by loud barking of war dogs in front, and llae well - - known whizzing in the air tliat makes k man feel desperate in less .than rio time. |"Grape, canister, and shell were poured .into us-lke hail stone. In a remarkably short time th| green was vacated, bat not until lifter the 45th were wounded', one of- Company (s’one of Company H, and one of Company IjidPalmer B. Watkins, slightly- wounded *in thg|*arin.— ‘ Soon, all was qnwt, and we again regained bur aid position and bivouacked, for the night. . At day light wo were up and tad oul coffee, about ten A. M., yre left the city- andi|oved to ' the left and joined Franklin’,), right* -heavy firing soon commenced on right' and left, by both .infantry -and artillery,our toys ex pected every, hour when our bn re oldlOolonel 'Thomas Welsh would sing -ou ; and we would once mpro be feeding'Jhe eaejny with our leaden rain, but luckily fa *us that time did not'come, so wo laid in o^r - shelter in a deep ravine patiently waiting|furthe|, Orders •which come towards night amE'rwe taoved off to the left farther, for the purposOof supporting s Franklin’s 1 right. At this time thl. battle raged furiously, charge after charge was made by both parses, our .men a '-lutle' the advantage in,the end. t This day wedott about 2000 killed and 'Wounded as pear d| is. yet learned. At ten .o’clock; evening, alFquieted down and we spread our blankets CnV more. About midnight we were called' up/fe(j,in line . and passed up to near FranklinV’ I gl#, threw out skirmishers and waited 'tbeirc. dt|. ■ Soon our faithful cooks .were seen pautio cing in our front, coming- along t.Orllinea in as near lino of battle aa* may bb although we ’ did not pour into them a. volley of !j>ack and hall, yet we made as good a charge a| time and circumstances would admit. jSoon weweceived' fresh orders and left Franklin to support bis 'own troops and marched back to our old posi tion and rejoined Sumner’s left. • Morning soon davrhed and a pleasant day it-was for the middle of December. To-day was the fSpbbath and for some reason no fightihg was done tliat is to no Recount, except a light skipiqisbing . nn occasional Tolley of musketry and now and . - then a little artillery mixed in'f'jve mad| several - knaves’during the day but nojlanroont to much as they, were' not in "the dir|otion of the enemy. At night wo moved iiito| a deep ravine for shelter where we were obliged to lay in the mud nr npon a Steep 'hill, -sidk which made one think of leaning up against one of old Pennsylvania’s hill sides forjt few moments , rest, but. as “fortune’ favors brave” we were permitted, to stay here all night. ■ The next day, Dec. 15th, we laid quiet, no was done except skirmishing, Ai ifght we again laid down expecting to remain |ii.peace through the night)-hot at. ten in the/Evening we were routed out and fell in'and afteHseveral ' delays we marched np to the city)* At midnight we were pointed across the pontoon |>tiqge and set in motion. In a few minntes we ivere across the river and on our way to our old canlp where we arrived at one in the morning and l&fd down but were'soon wakened by the heavy Spearing of min which lasted till daylight by i which time the troops were nearly all oyer and most of the pontoons taken np. To-day is Wednes day and all is quiet again, but Vo expect to move up again soon and fry the tbijfg over agaiii. Heavy siege pieces are daily Arriving here from Washington, seven wefe planted last • night.' Sigel is now here ready -Jfor the fray. Everything looks now like aiother|speedy -movement with -our army, it will, irobablysoon come and we hope with better sal tesi. t hardly know whether to call onr -last nuf >'re a Xutreat, a .repulse, or a skedaddle, or a oi -nll. 1 ■do not think the last backward p W wV mode ■-. from sheer necessity but because ,5t 'wgjpoliey. - . ; _ The weather is very warm ang pleatmtoon-. x sidering the time of tbs year.' Wh httve not’! V- . had morn than three.inches of*sbow f »t any ; .V i(^ )ne 4ime tbisyearand only ..two! »nV! squalls. - - ' - - |'i tjaißUß. J The President hasl fixed Friday tile 19th in*, 7ebi : fMcuteJ,. 1 invio(ed»or brqtai' > in Mintie|ota. « t THE AGITATOR. HUGH -YOUNS, EDITOR —,—’' Department of Common Schools, at Har risburg, this Hth day of December, 1562. Tho. H. Burrowes, Supt. Corns ion Schools. WELLSBORO BOOK STORE. No. 5, Union Block. THB subscriber, having purchased & new stoch in addition t&tbo well selected stock bo bad on hand, is prepared to accomuiodtuo the public by keeping _ | A. Q 33 E RAL NEWS RO O ■ AND BOOK STORE, where he will furnish, ? AT i THE NEW STAND, in the Post Office Building, No. Union Block, (or by mail) all | ■ THE KEW YORK DAILIES at tbe publishers prices. He will also keeep on bund all tbe Literary Weeklies, and f The Monthly Magazines, Including Harper’s, the Atlantic, Godey's, Peterson’s Knickerbocker, Continental Ac., Ac. Also, will be kept constantly on band, a com iCU repository of 1 CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Books, Paper Hangings, SHEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, *e. Orders for Binding Books. The work executed to suit any taste, and on the lowest possible terms. Particu lar attention will also be given toSPECIAL ORDERS for any thing comprehended in the trade*- One Thousand Volumef-©f the Latest Editions of ‘ SCHppL BOOKS.- Parents, Teachers are invited to call and examine this large usortmont of School Books in which may be foWd' 7 everything in use .in the schools of tho County. Rkadbus.— Sander*' entire series, Porter's Reader, Sargeant's, Town's and Willson's Readers, at the low est cash rates. Spelling Books. —Sanders’, Webstors Ac. Arithmetics. Greenleafs, Davies', Stoddard's, Colburn's Ac.; ' Graumars.— Brown’f, Kenyon’s, Smith'* Ac. Geograpuizs.— Mitchell'*, Warren'*, Colton's Ao. Davies' Legendre, Algebra, Surveying Ac, Slate* of all kind* and size*. Copy Books, Steel Pen*. Paper of all kinds. Latin, German, French and Greek Text Books: on - . ' hand and purchased to order. Watches, Jewelry, Picture Frames, Paper Hang, ings, Christmas Toys, Fancy Articles, Maps, Pic. tares 4c. ' All orders promptly attended to. Wellsboro, Nev." 26; IS«2. J. F. ROBINSON. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad ministration having been granted to the under signed on the estate of Jas. H. Root, late of Morris Township, dec’d, all persons having claims or demands against said estate are hereby requested’ to make immediate payment, and those having claims to pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. " NANCY C. ROOT, Amr’i. Morris, Deoi 3,1862.* Brtray. CAME into the premises of the subscriber, about the last of September, a Brindle Heifer Calf.— Any person or persons claiming the same, will please come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away. . THOS. WINGATE. Wolltboro, Dec. 10, 1862.* Estray. STRAYED from the premises of tho subscriber, on on the 2o}h of November, 1862, two colts, one a yearling bay, with awhile stripe in bis fale, with one white bind foot. The other, a sucking colV, color, sor rel. Any one giving information where they can be fouad, will be liberally rewarded. HALE. Farmington Hill, Dec. 10, 1862.® NOTICE TO COLLECTORS—The Collectors ere requested to settle the balance fit their dupli cates at December Court without fail. The demands npon the Treasury makes it necessary that this should bo strictly complied with and it is hoped none ■will need further#)tico, HENRY D. CARD, WvUabioro, Ndv; S, 1(362. Co. Trenifr. O CHOOL DIRECTORS, School Teachers, parents and guardians, are invited to ooli and examine Willson's School Readcrs-for sale at ROT’S DRUG. STORE. * * * f de;. sW£et> s INFALLIBLE LINIMENT THE GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA rr,, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, CUTS AND WOUNDS ■ AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND sni 1 VOUS DISORDERS, For all of which it is a speedy and corti!„. and never fails. This Liniment is prepared l* a,i recipe ef Dr., Stephen Sweet, of Connection, *1 mens bone setter,-and has hedn need' in his p 6 ' for more than-twenty years with the most aiSH? 1 jug-success. . 101111 AS AN ALLEVIATOR OP PAIN, it rivaled by any preparation before the public 0 f ,v-°' the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trS This Liniment will care rapidly and radical! Rheumatic JJittrdert of every kind, and in thousand of cases where it has been used it has never t,,. known to fail, FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE {o thrso minutes and is warranted to do it, 0 TOOTHACHE also will it core instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENE. RAR LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or«. cess, this Liniment is a moat happy and nnfailiar remedy. Acting directly upon the norrons tiuuef it strengthens and roririfics the system, and rostom it to elasticity and rigor. FOR PILES.—As. an external remedy, w» claim that it is the bell known, and we challenge rj, world to produce an equal. Every victim of this dii. tressing complaint should-give it a trial, for it will Bo j fail to afford immediate relief, and in a majority t{ cases will effect a radical cure. 1 * QUINSY AND SORE THROAT atMoas times extremely malignant and dangerous lit s timely application of this Liniment will never feat* cure. —SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and en largement of the joints is liable to occur if negleeiei The worst case may be conquered by this liuiaiM in two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, UL CERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to tile wonderful healing properties of Dn. Sweet's Isrso i.ible Li.wimext, when used according to direction. Also, Chilblains, frosted Foot, and Insect Bites sad Stings. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTI CUT,jhe Great Natural Bone Setter, DR. STEPHEN SWEET,"OF CONNICTI CUT, is known all over the United -States. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism and never fails. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Braises. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail. DR. SWEEPS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords immediate relief for seldom fails-la cure. DR. SWRET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache in one minute. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cats and Weunds immediately, and Isarei^o scar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best remedy for Sores in the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. ‘ 1 DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken internally cures Colic, Cholera Mother end Cholera. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a “ friend in need/' and every family jhoaid bare it at band. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for sale by' all Druggists. Price 26 and 60 cents. A Friend in Need. Try it. Or. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment, ns no ex ternal remedy, is without a rival/and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For ali Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly in fallible, and as a curative for Sorest Wounds, Sprainr, Bruises, Ac,, its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who . have over given it a trial- Over one thousand certificates of remarkable carets performed, by it within the last two years, attest the fact. To Horse Owners! Or. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Horses is unrivaled by any, and in all casas. of Lamonesij arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Gallb Scratches, Mange, Ac., it will also cure, speedily Spavin and Ringbone may bo easily prevented and cured in their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of o radietd cure, No calf of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless butt it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithfuj application will 'always remove the Lameness, a#