% Boy.and f ißuaineps ,^|(«i.i - I TkeNpW XorkJframnp. Hosi-eays thjptjwhen a member if- the present Cabinet vwis liij- Cob gfc*« hi received a letter from boy Wjtbb©' any accompanying ipcpmmepdafipn., aski )g fpr n appointment as a, cadet at WcsfcPoint;The application wasdieregarded aa- probah'j the forwardness of a. stripling, only hnitionsl for an educational the public erpehie;' -Happening a short time afterwards to be in the litttetfk lage oiit'West whence the letter Wasniaiiedy herempmbered the incident, . and, after in quiries, found the ambitions youth, in the form of a tailor’s apprentice, in a shop in the oat skirts Of the town, sitting cross-legged; upon the.bench,.mending an old pair of pantaloons. The account closea thus ; ‘ ‘ 1. “ Near by, on a small block of wood/rested a hook of obatrucescienoe, to which he-turned his eyes whenever they could be transferred from the Work in his bands.- The p (amber aecosted him by the name given in tbj letter, and the lad replied, “1 am the per ion.”— V Yon wieh then to be appointed a qjdet at West Point ?” “ I do,” be rejoined. “ Why?," asked the Congressman. “ Because,” -answer ed the -tailor-youth, “I feel that I was I’drn fey somethingJbatter than mending old c itthes.” The memnlr talked further with him, tod was 80 pleased with his frankness, his Spl .it, pud the rare intelligence he evinced, thatb’ procu red him the appointment. The member is, now "Secretary Smit i of In diana, ondthe youth General Burnsid' 1 The etoVy of Burnside’s- dealing with his creditors, showing that the najjlj l am bitions lad was the father of the bon&t man we find; thus told in Harper’ s TTfeWy: f • 1nT853 he his rank in-the army and devoted his time and energy tp.tlU npanu facture of- the famous rifle which bears his name. When Bdchaifan was elected.' tq. the Presidency, his Secretary of War, Floyd,; agreed ■ with Burnside to arm-a large' portion,of the ariny with his rifle, and induced him to estab lish ‘extensive factories for its. manufacture.' The works were no sooner complete than an other gunmaker offered Floyd pecuniary in ducements to break his eontraet wjjh lJurn eide/who w'as'rnined in consequence. ing alb his .property to bis creditors; Burpside came to this city without, a dollar, .'sold his sword and uniform in Chatham strbety and went west in search of employment. Ee found it in the office of the Illinois Contral, w"hcre, as soon arhis capacity became known, he-jeseived a salary of §2,000 a year. Of this aunif hi paid - one-half regularly to his creditors, un i fy the. help of a timely legacy, ho was enabled to liquidate his debts in full. ■ - • ’ : 2 i 1,1 »j! The Goddess of- Poverty. ji.>| ■Paths landed with gold, verdant hiatus, ra vines loved by the wild goats, great nimijtains crowned with stars, impenetrable f?'|e|ts, let the good goddess pass through—the G fditss of Blncelhe world/ivsted, since tosh been,, she traverses the world, she dwells atlsngjnieD; she travels singing, and she sings wo; king, the goddsss, the good Goddess of. Poverty 1 |r Some-nien Assembled to ’carseliei'. , !i! They fennd her too beautiful, too gay, t|s,ijn;-tbe soul of,martyrs, in,the soul of saint '| : t|'o.go6d goddess, IMe Goddesß of Poverty ! i : ' She walked more than the Wamiftirtg Jew; she has traveled more than-thoswal awf'shs is older, tbtm'the' Cathedral of Prague; I she is younger than the egg of the wrec j Ihe has multiplied mote.upun the earth .tbs ber ries m Bohemian-forests, the goddd. $ ‘ffie good Goddess of Poverty I *" ; £■ •■ She always makes the grAndeatjihd 'most' beautiful things that t?S eee upon tlis e|rth ; it is she who has cultivated the field anifiprurted the trees; it is she who tends the fieldratoging the most beautifnl airs; it is she who fee's the first peep of dawn’, and receives the sni|e of ev ening, the good Goddess of Poverty i. S It is file who carries the sabre and- the gun ; who males our war and conquests. _i l| is she who collects (he dead, tends the wounded, and hides the conquered the good Goddess?6f Pov erty I ' ... \ Thy children will cease onp day to cjirry the world upon their shoulders ; they wii he re compensed for their labor and toil. > I The time approaches when there will be nditherjich nor poor ; when flll-men shall oonsimbtCe fruits' ofltEe eartb> and equally enjoy the^ifts-of God ; "but thon wilt not be forgutiquan their hymns, ,ob, good Goddess of' ,Pu|krty 1— Georgs Saudi ‘ ' , ' Thdriow. Webb's over thirty years editorship of the Alba ty|>£ceniny Journal, few readers need'to |(e tot vw|o Thur low Weed is. Of his hoyhoo'd an illßlmy cor respondent of the Rochester'writes: It is more than forty years fid, way worn and friendless, was trudging fan the northern road, and seeking the way to Utica.. He was a drummer by profession nn'dihad just served out his time of enllstmehtf-WSich had expired after the battle of Plattsbugfc- While the boy was wearily plodding alongtf® regular stage coaoh passed him, and the driver, himself a youth, noticed him with synyulhi, invited him to Chare his seat on the bos. - Tpat -poor drummer boy answered to the namc of*Thurlow Weed. IJe arrived at Dtica, and :the{fe,-while learning the trade of a printer, ho;bedamo the 'fast friend of the.kind stage driver,- , Years afterwards, when the printer bad become a, rish and influential man, he remembered the kindness shown him on the road, ah ejvidenaed’ by the kmd friendship .ever exisl£nglj between the two. Such was the.history gii.enjre of, the intimacy existing'between Thurlbw Wyedand Theodore Faxon. n A Sad Fault.— When General lee was a. . prisoner at Albany, he dined withdn Irishman. Before enuring upon the wine, thet' General remarked to his host; that after drinking# he was apt to abase Irishmen, fur whichjjie hoped „the host would excuse bimin adyance.f ‘‘By my soul. General, I will do that,” said bill-host, “if . you iriU excuse h trifling fault which fhave my ' self. It Is this: whenever 1 bear a abuse ouldlreland, I have a sad fyult of crocking Ijia sconce with my shillaly," The General was eiril darihg the whole eveding.j, ! ■ Aijoutig ooDßOript fell eick and 1 w|s sent to tbs milhary bospita!. A bath wasorclered It -MAYORS OF TBS Greats We, the undersigned Mayors, hereby <»r tify- that the*’Druggists, Apothecaries, and jphyaicianauf our several'otties have signed a doounieht of assurance to na that ACT®’® SAfiBAPAKEtLA has been fduad tp bo a remedy" of Wrest excellence, and wdfcthy , the Ybpnffd.eaoe blithe community. ; •EON.JAMmCOOK, r - Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. ;EON. ALBIN BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, N. H. EON. E. W. HARRINGTON, Mayor of MANCH!E3TEE, N. H. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, ' T- . Mayor of CONOOBD, N. H. HON. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WOBOESTEB, MASS. HON. NATH’I, SILSBEB, Mayor of 8 A LEM, MASS. HON. F. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. WM- M. RODMAN, . Mayor .of BKOVLUENOE, A I. HON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of NOEWICH, CONN. HON, J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS; S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTEEAL, O. B. HON. D. F. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YOEK CITY. HON. H. M. EXNSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, O. "W. HON. ADAM WILSON, . Mayor of TOEONTO, O. W. HON. B. M. BISHQP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. , HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, -} Mayor of LOUISVILLE, alf. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, lOWA HON. JAMES McPEETEBS, Mayor of BOWMANVXLLB, O. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, ' Mayor of AUGUSTA, MB. HON, HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor qf HALLO WELL, ME. HON.' JAMES S. SEEK, Mayor of FEEDEEXCTON, N. B. h6n. wiLLARi) nye, - idkyor Of HfEW BEDFORD, MASS, HON. J, BLAISDELL, Mayor Of FALL EIVEB, M A 35. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of HEWPOBT, B. I. HON. REED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, lOWA. HON< THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, .May hr'of CHATTANOOGA; TBUN. >» HON. ROBERT BLAIR; 1 Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. ; HON. R. D. BAUGH, I Mayor of MEMPHIS, TB23TT. H<5N- gEeabd 1 stith, Mayor of HEW ORLEANS, LA. ’ HON. H. D; SCRANTON, . Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. BE WITT C.‘ GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, • Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. H. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN. L. PAGE, : Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. ; HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of BACENE, WIS. HON. A. PARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN 0. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL, HON. M. J, A. HEATH, , Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J, NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY. ALA. ‘ HON. W. S. EOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, GA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE BE, CABALLO, , , Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO EOHEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. Certify that the resident Druggists have assured them Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Is an excellent remedy, and'worthy the con* fidence of the community. For Spring DUcnscs* For Purifying the Blood. For Scrofula or Etna’s Evil. For Tumors, Ulcers, and Sores* For Eruptions nnd Pimples* For Plains, nnd Boils* For St* Anthony’s Fire, Bose, or Ery* For Tetter or Salt Rheum* - [sipelas* For Scald ifend and Ringworm. For Cancer and Cancerous Sores* For Sore Byes, Sore Bars, and Humors* For Female Diseases* For Suppression and Irregularity* For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases* For Zikycr Complaints. For. Discascs of the Heart* The Mayors of tho chief cities of the TTnl tod States, Cahodas/and British Provinces, Chili,. Peril, Brazil, Mexico, and .infact al most all the cities on this . continent, have this document, to assure their people what remedies they may use with safety and confidence. But our space will only -admit a portion of them. i ‘ . ji Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s Cherry Teetotal, Ayer’s Pills, and Ayer’s Ague.. Cure, PKKPARtfD- BTr C. Ayer & C 0,,. VEI.V, MASS.,* ists every where. L. EOBIKSOy, WaUibore, Fa. " j *ts -4AGr ITA TO It* ' Union* sipk&v*ihi¥ M#^s ■ MAM9TH skylight rooms, ’;' ”?Q First door boiow C. L. TTXLCOX. . H. H, WOOJJT'vrqnld-say to , the inhabitants of Welisbofo and surrounding country, that ho is; now prepared to famish them with everything in the line of 1 PHOTOGRAPHS, I u AMBROTYPES, OB .A ME LA IN OT YPES, furnished «t any room in the-'City. Just received, a sett of JAMINS CELEBRATED LENSES, manuElpf tured expressly for the Carla dt ciiiU, Also a large assortment of ' ‘ PBO TOGS A PfflG ALi ttifft, price, from $1.25 to SLOO. At this day, no parlor ta bio is considered finished, without IbePJIOTOG RAPH IC ALBUM. i Coses of all styles. Pictures frorntwenty-uvecents to fire dollars. ’ ' V- Thanhful, for-past favors, X would solicit a contin uation of‘the same hy dJhig-firstolnss work for all. Wsttsboro, May 28, 1862. XL It. WOOD. War! War for the Union I THE undersigned -would .respectfully inform his old friends, customer's, an'd the public .generally, that be baa opened a CABINET AND CHAIR SHOP on Main Street, opposite H. W. Dartt’a X»gon-Shop,, where he intends to keep constantly on - hand a gene-- ral assortment of , - • CaHne.t HTftre, . made of the best materials, and hy the best workmen. Also Cofins made to order, and c-ieap as can he procured elsewhere, accompanied with a Jloarse. Also Choirs of every variety from the BEST down to the CHEAPEST, to ■ Suit Purchasers. Also Turning of all kinds done to order and to suit .GUSTO NEBS. The undersigned having had many years experi ence, both in Franco and in this country, feels confi dent that ho cannot be excelled in either of the aboye branches of mechanism —and farther would recom mend the public to CALL AND EXAMINE bis workmanship and prices before purchasing else where. JACOB STICKLIN. Wejlsbbro, March IS, 1862, THOMAS HARDEN is now receiving an , extensive stock OP Merchandise, which he offers on terms to SCJIT THU TIMES. j All are respectfully invited to coll and examine. I Wcllsboro, June 18, 1862. ’ TUOS. HARDEN. STOVES Aim TINWARE. WILLIABI ROBERTS HA? opened a new’Stove and Tin Shop in the Store opposite Roy’s Building, where ho is pre pared to turn if h his old friends and customers, and the public generally everything in hie line of business, including : - • . * . ■ Cooking Stoves of the most approved styles; Par lor, l>inipg-Boom, and Coal Stores; Ticnoro and Kitchen furniture of all, varieties. Call and sec our-new stork, nellsboro, Feby. b, 1862.• 1101/SEUOED FIin^ITURE, THE LADIES arc Che ones to select Household Furniture, and ft iV so much easier for them to take a carriage and ride a few miles and return than to go 40-or 50 miles for tbd purpose, that the subscri ber would inform them that be has just enlarged his STOCK before the tariff and tax prices are upon us ; and has* a large nqd inviting assortment, which he will behappy[to show to those who may favor him with a visit. MAHOGANY SOFAS, $2O, $25 and S2B. Tele or Tr(cn y $22, S2S find J r / < PS^ ou,c Hqtpeis for I, 5, •'6, 7, 8 atrd 5 yard# *Voir»*Myi"U/a cfitncs, SIU He has also JO/IBforent styles,, of with matrasses and spring bottom?, and IfijUflerent Chairs with everything else Ws tbc turnityre V\ ■-■ He is also sale of Prihde cel ebrated rMelodeona,SeHool and Church Organ*? uf: Ruffitjo, N. Y., the. oldest* and largest establishment in the United States. E. D. WEbLS. 1862. Insurance Agency. THE Insurance Company of North America have appointed the undersigned an agent for Tioga County arid vicinity. As the high character and standing of this Com pany give the assurance of fall protection to owners of property against the hazard of fire, I solicit with confidence a liberal share of tho business of the county. This Company was incorporated in. 1794. Its capital is $600,000, and its assets in 1861 as per statement Ist'Jon. of that year was $1231,719 £l.. CHARLES PLATT,„ Secretary. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, ;...;.rrc?ident. Office of tho Company 1 232 Walimt Street, Philadelphia, Win. Buclilcr, Central Agent, Har- i > hl>iir; , f Pa. JOHIf W. GUERNSEY, Agent for Tioga County, ya. April 9,1362. " ' New IHillincry Goods. MISS PAULINE SMITH has Just 'returned from the City, where she received a very large uud choice variety of FALL AND ’WINTER GOODS, embracing tho latest and most approved stylo of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, to the examination of which she invites the ladies of Wellsboro. Remember the place—First door below the Agitator office, up stairs. ’Wellsboro, Oct. 8j 1862. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE, —Letters of ad ministration having been granted to the snbscri. bar, on tho estate of G» I). Smith, late of Wellsboro, dcced.; notice U hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hating claims to present them properly authenticated fur settlement to the Fuliscriber. JNO. L. ROBINSON, Administrator, Wellsboro, Nov. 19,1862. iririoN ACADCMr. S. B. PRICS, • - Principal. Mrs. SOPHIA PRICE, - - Preceptress, Miss I, D. REYNOLDS, - - - Assistant. Mr. I. G. Hoyt, ’ - • Teacher of Jfutic. Winter Term of 1862-3, Commences December see* end. Spring .Term of 1863, Commences March third. T VI TJON FJiOM $2.50, TO $5.00. . Term Bills mast be' paid, or satisfactorily arranged in advance. Deerfield, Nov. 15,1862 * Corulng Sewing Machine Depot. THE best Sewing Machines in the United States Grover A Baker's New Family Machine, making the Lock Stitch, acknowledged to be superior to aU others. Price $46. T'“ GROVER & BAKER'S FAMILY-MACHINE, so much admired by those who have used them. Price $lO. GROVER A BAKES'S BARGE SHUTTLE MA CHINE for sewing Leather and Tailor work. Price $4O. 1 Wheler and Wilson $45. Finkle & Lyon's $46. Singers, $5O,- Umpire, - ' $46.- WiUcox.A Gibbs, $3O. ‘ .* ~ Persona buying or ordering machines of me can rely on getting enp adiptecLto their business.- . Every Slapnwe.waryapied to give- satisfocUonTdr one yeas/ Machfoes,* on Mahogany, Black Waluiit, and Rose Wood casennit. advanced prices. For par ticulars .send for. Oirculars, C. G; HOWELL, ‘ ‘ Proprietor of the Corning Bag Factory Coming, N. Y., Sept 10, 1362. WmmmM TEE' BUEFAXO “ ; IIBUCAKTIIiE COILEGE, -COUKEn OP Main and Seneca Streets, m important link in the great chain of National Etile Colleges, located in the following Cities Mere) jin im YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA, IOOKLYN, . ALBANY, *)Y, CLEVELAND, 5 TROIT, CHICAGO, • AND SAINT LOUIS. ieholarship Settled from the Buffalo College, en he holder to attend either or all the Colleges for i limited time. ... ( design of these. Institutions, IS to impart to t men and ladies, a Vioroityh, practical butiaat titles an un Tin yonnj crftfco fioit. , ;B© Colleges are organised and conducted upon is Avlilcß must secure to each separate InstittiUog ist possible facilities for Imparting a thorough mm ercial education, and render it as a whole, the ' comprehensive and Complete system in this >ok-Keepingin all its departments. Commercial , Commercial Arithmetic and Penmanship, are in the roost thorough and practical manner. U Spencerian system of Penmanship, is taught t mpetent and experienced teachers, i'lolarship, payable in advance, $4O. s > open day and evening i—no vacations, esidont Principal at Buffalo, J. G. Brtast. j: further information, please call at the College uia, or send for Catalogue and Circular enclosing I stamp. Address BRYANT & STRATTON, o 4,1862.—1 y. Buffalo, N. T. Tb( a bosi the b< moat couni Bp hair, taiiß} Th by c( Sc' Co Fa Roov Icttci NEW GOODS! T. lie BALDWIN - ijv receiving a large and Well 3e acted Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, a cting in part of a General Stock of ;RV GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, READY HADE CLOTHING, - .HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, OOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN WAKE, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., of’irbicb will be sold LOW for BEADY PAY ONLY. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 1 persons buying GOODS for R.E AD r P A r, Are respectfully invited to coll and examine THE STOCK, a they ore, to be sold ai . VERY LOW PRICES. CASH PAID POB WOOL. _joga, May 28, 1862. T. L. BALDWIN, $ no cons ’orlable JPalent Hoi>c-Powei\ HE undersigned take pleasure In notifying the public, that they have succeeded in devising a Power with only three places of friction, alii! bines the maximum of efficiency, durability, economy, with the minimum of woight'and price, iccpu.nt of its simplicity it may be constructed ny mechanic for Ices than half the cost usually ( for„ hprsc-powers. It is well adapted to thrash- Jgniih, sawing wood, and churning, also for turn flatbed saws, plane*. and other machinery in the p/ rights Township, County, fStato rights for sale cheep at our office. Agents ited to icll territory. For further particulars ad s ' * MIDDAUGII £ CLARK. qn'df wadi ;,drc^ Mansfield, July 28, ISC2.-tf. wmk gj Xlic New Commercial Bulltfing* are located opposite Court House, corner of Court and Ciieiianso-Strccts. This College la in no way connected with any other Xristitation. Tho energies of the entire Faculty arc exclusively devoted to this. Tho design of this Institution is to afford‘to Yoona Men an opportunity for acquiring a Thorough, Prac thtaff 7/««/hcm EducuitQH' jxho Books and Forma are carefully arranged by pi-nctical Accountants, expressly for this Institution, mid the Course of Instruction is such as to combine Theory and Practice. ‘ . COLLEGIATE COURSE. This Course embracelTßook-Kceding in nil its de partments’, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, business Correspondence, Commercial Law, Political llftnomy, Commercial Ethics, Partnership Scitle n ents, Detecting Counterfeited and Altered Bank jfotes, Ac, Spencerian System of Penmanship is taught in varieties, by the most skillful masters of the The all Us aft. The Book-Keeping department is under the special supervision and instruction of the Principal, D. W. LOWELL. j QENEHAL. INFORMATION. Students con enter at any time. No vacations.— guftl time to complete the Course, from G to 12 weeks, esistapco-rendered to graduates in procuring situa ons. ; Graduates arc presented witbnn elegantly* en roved Diploma, For catalogue of 70 pages, specimens of pen manship, fl ’ Washington, ho possesses first rate facilities foS the prosecution of Claims’for Pensions, BocfcPsy*,' Bounty, and all other just demands against the eminent, All such claims will he attended to wi&’ promptness -and fidelity,.and “no charges” will ho» made uuU*9 fAe application i> wcecas/ul. Middlebury Centro, Nov. 12, 1862.-3 m-. HOME FIKE INSURANCE COMPOS*'' NEW YORK; O -A. PIT -A. X. . $1,000,000.' . Home Fire Insurance Company I.V NEW HA TEN, CONNECTICUT;: CAPITAt, $200,000’. These Companies have complied with the Statolafp’ Applications for Insurance’received--by ' <■ CHARLES L. SIEMENSv Wellsboro Tioga County, Pennn. Wellsboro, Jlio. 15, 1862. . • T - DENTIST. DR. RALPH GILLETTE,] ■ ‘ JASPER.', STEHUEK COT3ATT, S. Ti, _ For along time a resident of . once in each month Knoxville on the 2Stm JuWt*® on the 20th, Lawrenceviilo on,Che 27th, Tiogann "SStb. Those living at a distonce-to avoid di?ap^ u - ment wll] please address by letter to toper* h* **. .May 21, 1582. v