« "r^r V 1 $ (Fron? the i;ew YsrjrEvcalnE Poet.]. . . thre£ hunpr w;, mob e,' "; We are homlin g/FathoF hundred thou ■■ ' ■' sand tpore, ' . '• "'.''.'t ' '• " Prom Missiisipgi’e winding ! and ,from' Xew England's shore; ' ; \y;l /."'.l' We leave; dnr ploughs and • V children dear,’' - ■- '„>■ 'T/~ V,‘ " . With hearts too full for ntto' wfth' bat a silent ; 1 tear; - • ,1 - 1 " ‘i : "\ "’•' / We dare-not look behind stoadfasdlj’ .b?- We are coming, Fatber ( AbrabSm—-three hundred / thousand more! % r. •? If yea look across the hilj.tops that meet the North . ern sty, ' ”, •. : 4 ■. . . long moving linos of' rising dn|t ybnr vision .may descry; - ' ,[■ ■ ‘ ' ! ■ And now'the wind; ad instant; lemurs flu cloudy veil Itsidaf 'i'. ?r ’ ':' • - ■ ■' ■ And float* dloft glory and in .priStt?i-- * 4 ~ ' 4 And' bayonetsfn to sip light g pAn, gad bands brara Tnasio'pour— 1 * '‘ , 1 '*■ ’ '■ We are coming, Father tbroe hundted . ibdMie{- ft®/- ■>' ’ If you look-up allou/' yiidlcys/jlhcra'to,growing . harvestsshine, n.jp-. k; - -• -...ji-rr': Ton may *o« our sturdy,farmer mto ~■ linb; : .. . ; ;.f, '■, -il t.di,- -g#;/- . And children from tour mother s ; |nees»re pullpg.at -.thwweeds, ■ -..it,'- or ,• V:,' ' AhjJ learning how tto reap ahf ;i ;soW,.&gainyt ihcii; * country’s needs; : i;-r And'a farewell group, stands at every cottage Wo aro codling, ’Father’ Abrahi|n— thr«a husdrod . thousand more j ■ i Ton have called ns/an’d we’re Joking, by lUchraond's bloody tide, > ' \a To lay us down, for 'Freodoc* s ocr brother e bodes beside; ' : s' * Or from four treason’s to wrench the murderous blade, „ ; . And in the face of foreign tog 1U fragments to pa red*- ' , J ’ gix.hundred thoftsand loyal menMnd true have gone before — ■ We, are coming; Father Abrahpn—three 'hundred thousand more! : -1 ' : ——-f—; . , Fer the Agitator. Slavery and the Conititutian. Mr. Agttatob.—Will yOhlVlease give place to the following article whf|Hj|appejired in thp Independent the summer of hoping it may lead some to“ investigate morajoloaely the Con stitution by which we must a|| hope to'see out pres-nt diffioshlea arranged "TheroV a divinity which ihnsej our ond«, -y Rough liew them as, >7O wilt." ; j It is well known that the Constitution of the tlnited States is the eupretoeffaw, of the land, nnd that no State law, ai Stc|e custom, or pe culiarity, which cohtttiTenea Sat sapreme law can be sustained when the quffltitm upon which h acts, is brought before the Sorted States Tri bunals ; and although they tfiiy decide wrong fully, yet public opinion i,s tbslast grind earth ly ros|rt r and never fails, eventually, to'consti tute the Supreme Court, gasify decide thelniys to be as a full discussion ffeclatres they are.. It is also well known that'the Constitution guar antees that ‘:no person shall.lg deprived of life liberty?, or happiness 1 , wkhoujj due process of law,” which due process of, is understood to mean,a trial by aiCOurt'^a ! |d jury., But it has not been mooted that ivlry child','though borne of a slave mother!. born free, and cannot bo rcdufljo faUervitude, or sla very, without due process oil For it is al so declared in our glorious 'f.S-d providentially made Constitutionj that ”no«|kate shall pass any bill of attainder,” and evBty law imposing penalties on children’ because (jf, acts of the pa rents, would be an ‘‘attoinder’” Now the tinrt is unßouh&jly at hand when this great truth must be established, that the Constitution of the United States does abolish slavery 1 in all and every Slate and Territory, over which its authority » rightly established. For this wo have net te tba'nfc any man or men but that divinity wbicb guide! our fathers to do that which was right in itself, and placed, the Jaw where it could be formediwhen God’s time for its execution arrived, r 1 The phraseology' is most excellent—“No per son.” Tbs very term used 'tic.refer to slaves, or “persons held ;to service.) 1 ., No ‘ State law can override this; no State ,!an establish sla very. Slavery existed at the:'time the-Gonsti tution woe adopted, and that yas not interfered with. Those then slayes, orjfheld to service,” were to’be redered up each if|they escaped into .other states ; but no state was allowed to pass a bill of "attainder" to naakg their offsprings slaves, or to hole them to serviceand-no per son could, therefore, he reduced to slavery, or “deprived of liberty, withf n| due process of law.” Their progeny were ftjee-by the Consti tution, and have ever since illegally held in servitude, and are now e it,tied to their free dom by the laws of God anil in on. There are many difßcuUila/to be overcome, many threats of secession tf>|\e made, and per haps enforced, but when thf gnestlon is fairly raised, it must eventually b|; decided according to the plain terms of the C(ti|titution ; not ns understood, but as written i sot as heretofore administered, but as-the Declaration of Inde pendence would have us ought to he.— And finally wje shall agree (hat truly in our country, all men are born egually, and that among their “inalienable are life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.f; - of Jesse. , The only objection we havsWver beard made to this position, is that the facers did not in tend to dispose of slavery in riis way .they in tended each State should free own slaves. Some have followed out tbeir'Jntention. Oth ers, like Pharaoh, refused, to I',?; them go. Now if there is a chance for (the slaves,) in the constitution, let them knotvthat under Nor thern interpretation,. the , Constitution frees them, and they will become grateful subjects, not lawless insurrectionists.',3-, Why did Mr. Buchanan, ip;|is last message, lecommend three amendmenW|to the Constitu tion on the' subject'of slavery,'if slavery were already safe? , fH|' First amendment, “Anesp (jks recognitlon of tbo right of property in slayin the State where it_now exists, or may I'Seafter exist. -ilfj T. H. 0. Good.— “.'Wbo made you V% 'ifikcd a teacher of a lubber of a boy, |iad lately joined her class. _ , J,, “I don’t know,” said he. “Don’t you know \ You be ashamed of yourself, .ahoy fourteenths oldllAVhy, there is littleTKck’y Ful\on-?h|fia only three— .he can te)h Y dare . tere, ; ■who made you? " ‘ ' ' “Dod," said the infant.' li -, “There,” said thh teachgri gwmphantly, “I knew he would remember it.;' “Well, he oughter," 1 said ||io stupid boy, “’taint but a lit tie, time sine §ho was made.” ‘.Mrs.- PArtington wants to -tnovr what sort of drums conundrums.are f \S;ie thinks, some are hardld bent. ‘ f 4 1 do not say,’remarked >1«. ’Brojni, “Jones is a thief,, but I do pay that I” bis farm joined Kiina I would not try to keep j ibpep.” s M p : t p ' i .--f.CB(.I£UKD.By,II. ApPLEtp; 4 CO. ' dll -r»fi m jm ,,. nFfflA l rAu itipon recept o£ repil, prip,)by mpjl.oy, 'hifoW lAmefiean A pdpulsr K«tonUr>u>r ti'cnornj Knowk’tfge J.JiiUtcd by Ueorge tins itr nUPfancbed of Saynr.Wgfi.'M c ®- l2 2?|f work-li fjV/»s abonb l£ f l{frgi vHilto rolrtrieS, eadrYontafninir 750 J tWi>coI«inti paf?«B. WoWiT/llj Vetll.VlttvlXyX, XiI,XIIp:UIIVCtDpk- pcody, w;- • t ■ ‘American Cyclopedia; is popular without being superficial, learned* bnhnot pedantic, coiuprobdnsivcbulsut fldooMr detailed.'free from iKTsoual-pique and pnrty>prdn diet, fre.xh and yet accunrte, a complete «(otemept;^f air.fTifft m known upon every-importaut.topic within the tscopoof luiman li;U bdoti specially.wj-itteo for Unpaged by men; Who «re-a«- ifjrirltit'i* upon the topics of wbicb-.thdyipeok.; They a» re .bring tba'subject up tjo Hie present womont; to state just how it stands «oia. AlllheßtAtisticaliDforinatioD U from the- latesj tbe accounts keep pace vrfth'tbjj espiomHonsyiliistorieft! matter^Jnclodc , fob ‘tohditjust ticwa;th« biogrupbical■ notices jiotonly SomJcol cha dead but ofthellrinff.' It is a library of Itself. OE. tUE (J)KOfe Being A PuTltiraMliPtory of tb6. tnited'Stotep; from *thfc.W- of-tlie QHt-KcdemtCbngfkiiHh U by' Ifionf; Tbodma tiC/ißoptarf/ from 1 1 of- Ifoiaißccorda^ [ Cot^o«....,..- v — , "Custiveiiess, Bilious Complaints] Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn ’Headache arising from-i foul stomach, Nausea, Indige-tioii, Morbid Inaction cf tho Bowels, and Pain arising theivfrom. Flatulency. Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous aud Cutaneous Diseases which require.au evacuant medioino. Scrofuhvor-Jiing’a Evil. They also, by.purifying the blood aud stimulating the system, cure mauy complaints which it wLutd not be supposed they could itaich, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and perrons Irritability, De rangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kin dled complaints arising from a h»w state of the body or ob struction of its functions. Do not lx* pot off by unprincipled dealers with some other {dll they make more profit on. Ask for Ayer's Pills,and take nothing ette. No other they can give you compares with this hi Its intrinsic value or curative powers. The s|*k wont tho best aid there is for them, and they should have It. Prepared by Dr- J. C- A7EB>. TVacftcnJ and Analytical ChemUt, Lowell, Jtfast. Price 25'cents per box. Pivo boxes for $!• SOLD BY C. &J. L. Robin c on, Wellsboro: S., X, Billings, Gaines; B> If. Borden, Tioga; Dr. Park hurst & Vi. H. Miller, Lawrenoe ville; S. S. Packard, Covington*; Beunett & Son, Mtddlobury; Gullck t Taylor, Blos»?burg; Fox & Witter, Maioaburgj 0. L. Strait. Roseville, and Dealers everywhere. ‘ July 10,1862.—dm. Portable Patent Horse-Power. THE undersigned take jfleasuro in notifying the public, that they have succeeded in devising a Horse Power with only three places of friction, and combines* the maximum of efficiency, durability, and economy, with the minimunfof weight and price. On account of its simplicity if may ho constructed by any mechanic for less than half the cost usually paid for horse-powers. It is well adapted to thrash* inyj grain, sawing wood, and churning, also for turn ing lathes, saws, planes, and other machinery in the shop. Individual rights $5,00. • Township, County/ afid State rights foV, sale cheap dt our nffleo. - Agents wanted to sell territory.' Tor further 'particulars' ad drc*s < -MIHDAUGH A CLARK* Mansfield, July 23, 18C2.-tf. • “• ! AUDITOR’S ' NOTICE.—INotice 18 hereby given that the nndcrsignedjhashcen ro-nppoint ed by the Court an-Auditor to aadit and distribute the moneys in-the bands of the Administrator of the os* tate of Jbhn Svens, dec’d., will attend to the duties of his appointment, where a bearing will be had in the premises, at the office of Ai P. Cone, Esq., in Wcllsboro, on Wednesday, the 20th day of August, nest, at 7 o’clock p. m., to distribute the said fend. THOS. ALLEN, Auditor. Wellshoro, July 2, 1362. \ GLUE in large or small qtfcntits9 t for dale at ROY'S' DRUG STORE. * > ‘ j , » IT A T 0 E . —* SjL J **. Ij. > - fi* js. -X yi>w ’ 1 'z . *-) .„ X ‘ 1 I,l — , .’ ■'■ BINGHAMTON :!' > : : :&&Mh e jb e tAjL.- EX-: .; . ■ ■■■■■ p !>■• . ■■ ' Ailfiißtltutioii to Qualify Young - ' Ld;WE LL & WABNE R, , ‘»i r , <■ !tsi! > . , | Y AT. LOWELL, Principal, Professor of the Sci ■f f once bf Accounts, author of Lowell’s Treatise upbn'Eook keeping, Diagrams HlnstSating (Be Same, Str. ■■•■■■ i - t- 'jf. John Banklni Commercial Accountant, Professor of ' Book-keeping and Practical Mathematics. A. J, Warner, Professor of Practical [and Ornamental . Penmanship, Commercial Calcnlat|bns,nnd Corres ..poitdenee. ' J. Ji.Curtis; Teacbei;, la - the Book-keeping Department-. .[, o Geo. PujßowebTeafher of Ornamental Penmanship, i ■ . ijßotircrßES s , . . „ Hqq, Doniel S- Dickinson, LL.D., Lijcturor an Cow ' 'mergialXawMid Political jjwiu llipso'jp BaJetim, Lcoturoron Cpatracts t Protnis: HeVDr. E/Andxewfibn, ‘ , ■ Btliaents c'dn ehter ht any time; navacation. .Grad uates arejpresoqted with an elegantly engravedDi jlftlfi'tfi Usual time required , to-ebmplete full comp racial contse'from Bto 19 weeks. Every stndent is gnbraiiteod to ho competent to take charge of thh Bobkrtdanybhsines# firm, and qnelified to earn q lalaryi from'dSOO to $1,500 per annum. Assistance randeredtogmdaales in obtainingsicuotiona. Board .$2 to 82,50 per week'. , - ■ ; jgsr~ For particulars send for circular, enclosing etamp. , 1 April 9,18C2.-]y, ! Tioga go. court proclamation Whereas, the. Hon. Robert G. President Judge fol the 4tb Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case, EsqJe, Asso ciate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their pre cept, bearing date the 37th.day of June, 1862, nnd.to mo directed, for the bolding of Orphan's Conrt, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer.and Terminer, at Wellsboro, ib? the County pf Tioga, on, the last Monday Of August, (being the 25th day), 1862, and to continue .two. week?. Notico- is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner, Justice* of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper per-, spas, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to.do those things, which of their offi ces and ih their behalf appertain to be done, and all witnesses ;and othex 1 persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or person*) are required to be then and there attending, and not to deport at their peril. Jurors hre requested to be punc tual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree- Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office, in Wellsboro, the 16th % day 1 of July in the year of our thousand eight hundred and sixty two. y H. STOWELL,'Jr., Sheriff. TtiE«*ubscribct offers for sale the Steam Grist Mill located on Stony Fork, 8 miles from Wellgboro, with 8 acres of.lsnd, one store building and dwelling bouse attached, one small dwelling and small barn. THo mill has 3 run of stone, 2 good bolts and all the necessary'apparatus in a custom, grist mill, a good steani engine all in good running order, which be will Sell at a bargain or would cxchange for othor property. There is tib belter.location in Tioga County for a good custom Grist-Mill; title l perfect. For further particu lars enquire of 3. S. Packard, Covington, Pa. Also 97 acres of land 1} miles below the mill on Stony Fork for sale. . Timber Pind and Hemlock. .Covington, Jnna 4,'1862.8m» S. S. PACKARD. ; / ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letterg of administration having been granted to the sub scriberon the estate of William Updike, I ate of Rut land Township, deic’d, notice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment, and those having; cloims, to present them properly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. July 2, 1562. HANNAH M. WOOD, SPRING- FASHIONS. S. P. QUICK, HATTER, 135 Water Street, Elnkira, keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of FASHION SILK AND OASSIMERE EATS. Also all kinds of 8o ft Hats and Caps, Furs for Ladles, Ac. Hats made to order. Call and leave your mens lire, and then you can have' a Hat to fit you. Prices tq suit the times. Quality warranted, Elmira, March 19, 1862. MAP OF THE WORLD 'OK MERCATOR'S PROJECTION THB undersigned has been appointed Agent of tho New Illustrated and- Historical Copper Plato Map of the World,-on Mercator’s Projection, compiled from tho latest and most authentic sources, exploit ing, the recent Arctic and Antarctic, African and Australian Discoveries and Explorations, let. This Map shows the world as it is. 2d, Shows the rdpidity of the- ecoan currqpts and streams per hour. ; ' 3d, Map of the Earth, showing the currents of the winds and streams of the Ocean. Also the lines of equal seasons, equal summer and equal winter, temperature attached to it. 4th. Time table ; of the world, elevations of the Earth, lengths of the principal rivers of the world. 6th. The world in four hemispheres. Also the -world as approhendedhy the Ancient Greeks, Cam metii in Homer's time 000 years before Christ. • Oth. Description of the principal sources, divisioa of (ht;prinoipal -erfleds in the world, table showing the mean annual fall of rain in the U. S. of America, statistics of the 'whole world. i’th. Jlyeteograpbica! Map of the World, exhibit ing mean proportion of ram distributed in differ ent /.ones,, Table showing the relative proportion of land and water. Btb. The phases of the Moon, and Chronological table stating the most important-globular circumnavi gations. Everything that has been recorded is on this map. This map is designed for Schools and will bo furnished to School Directors and citizens at a very reasonable rate. The County Is now being canvassed. Delmaf, July 16,1862. A. BACON. Dissolution Notice, NOTICE is hereby given that the Co-partner ship heretofore existing between JOHN W. BAI LEY A THOMAS HARDEN, under the firm name of JOHN W, BAILEY, A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Notes and Accounts of theeafd firm, remain in thej hands of TUGS, HARDEN, for settlement. Wellsboro, May tf, ISC2. DENTIST. DR, RALPH VILLE TTE, JASPER, STEUBEN COUNTY, N. Y. r Forfa long time a resident of Wellsboro, will visit once in each month Knoxville on tho 25th, Elkland on the 26th, -Lawrencovilie on the 27th, Tioga on the 28tb. Those living at a distance to avoid disappoint ment will please address by letter to Jasper. N. Y. May 21, 1862. Howard association, Philadelphia For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, af flicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and espe cially for the Cure of Diseases of the. Sexual Organs. Medical advice gi.en gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weak ness, and other Diseases of the Sexaal Organs, and on the new remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will bo ae-! ceptable. • • J t Address; Dr, J. SKILLTN HOUGHTON, Acting- Surgeon, Howard Association, !No, 2 South Ninth 1 Street, Philadelphia; Pa, ' ’. - Jon? d£ ; . 1862. j ,! NOTICE.-Lettera of T*~ Administration having been granted to the un dersigned on the estate of BENJAMIN HARROWBR, late of Bindley, -N. T., dec'd,, notice is hereby given to tbeso indebted to,'said estate to make immediate payment, and those jbaving claims to present them properly anthentioated : for settlement to the anhscri ber at Elklund, Tioga Co,. Pa, r KAssoN parkhurst; June 25,18C2. ;■ ' Administrator* Veal ghloit THE highest price will be paid for light skins— must bo free from cuts orholesd—by i JOHNSTON 4 BOYCE. Tioga, Jane 4,15(}2. St. ■ , TOR SATE. i ’r ( t • OT 1 THE-IJJfIIiBJB / S, , rATES.{ t _ ' ■ In the monthpf‘iloccnltef.ils?, tho grat time offered, fo? .sale, to the- public, Bpvcc Hois' tmeprial Wiaeßittora, and.in vhiashprt period they .hate gireii'aucfr universal satisfaction t°rtbp many thcrcjftpda of pcrSpns who havo tried them that it is ijo? an established article. Thp of bodily and mental misery arising efcnply from a neglect of complaints Is Bor prising and it is therefore ofthc utmost. importance th»l a strict attention.to the least nolmoat trifliPghotUly ailment ihouM'hehadp for diseases of the body mush invariably aflitotthe mind. The Bubscribefa now only wit atrial of Dft, J. BO¥®E BODS’ ■ JMFEEUL WBfE BITTERS! / / from all whobarenotnsed theo*. TT« wor ?^ ■ >, J ' Tbu&-BzxszM.lte:tbe T CQrftiQf .Weak Stomachs,General Debility, and for Enriching .tbe JDloodj arf abacdatclj.ui»nrpaaacriby,amy other remedy oa .earth. To beaasnrodof this, It is only acce*&ry ; td ofihe .the*trial. The wine Itself is of ft superior quality, being about stronger Oxen other, wine#; tfaj|iiijg:afa4 Whole-system-from- thph**d to she Toe t. Aatfat«4 Dittpcp.aije ionic *nd alterative in the** character, so tljcgr ?i>eng*hea and invigorate tbo whole sy stefe and girjfc njflnetpne ax? 4 hwithy to all ItM part?, t»y eqqalijing; ihe circulation pemotihg obstructions, ond producing a gepecal wuqitb They are alio, excellent for IH?eaaM and,WeahsCBB.pesnlist to Females* *b«o * to strengthen and brace the system*; Kp. Lady, who is &ut>ject to ‘lassitude and, faintness, should h? without them, as. they are 'reviving their action ' THESE BITTERS Wilt not only Core, but Prevent Disease, Mid. in thl* respect are doubly, valuable to the person who may uro them. For ( , INCIPIENT , CONSUMPTION, Weak.Lnngs, Indigestion* Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic Dr. Bods’ Celebrated Wine Bitters ARE .UNSURPASSED! For Sore Throat, so common among tbe Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a weak con stitution —for Ministers of the Gospel,'’Lawyers. lie speakers—for Book-Keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Stu dents, Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They 'produce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy cr Wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons addicted to the use of excessive strong drink,*nnd who wish to refrain from It. They are pure and entirely froo from the poisons .contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with whichjffie country h flooded. These Bitters not only CURE but PREVENT Disease, and should be used by all who Hr© in a country where the water is bad, or whore Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be given frooly to Children and infanta with Impunity. Physicians, Clergymen, and temperance advocates, as an act of humanity, should assist In spreading these truly valuable BITTERS over- tbe land, and thereby essentially aid In banishing Drunkenness and Disease. In all Affections of the. Head, Sick Head>- acbo, or .Neyvpus Headache, Dr. Sods’ Imperial Wine “Bitters will bo found to be most Salutary an Efficacious. FEMALES. The many certificates which hove been tendered us, and the letters which vre are dally receiving, are conclusive proo that among the women these Bitters have given ft satisfac tion which no others have done before. No woman in the and should be without them, and those who once use them will not fail to keep a supply. DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by an eminent and skillful physician who has used them successfully in his practice for the last twenty-five years. The propiietor, before purchasing the exclusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovco Bods' Celebrated Im perial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distinguished medical practitioners who pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although the medical men of tbe country, as a general thing disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet wc do not believe that a respectable Physician, can bo fonnd in the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve DR. J. BOVEE ODDS’ IMPERIAL WJNE BITTF.HS. In .all newly settled places, where there Is always a Large quantity of decaying simber from which a poleoimna miusma is Bitters should bo used every morning before breakfast. DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Ate composed of a pure and unadulterated Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon's Comfrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark; Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Br.Dods himself, who is an experienced and successful Physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the Medical Profession are so justly preju diced. These truly valuable Bitters hare been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community for almost every variety of disease incident to tho human system, that they are now,deemed indispensable as.a TOXIC, MEDICINE AXD A LEVERAGE, PURCHASE ONE BOTTLE! It Costs but Little I Purify the Blood I Give Tone to the Stomach J llenotaie the : System ! and Prolong Life f PHce $1 per bottle, 6 bottles for $5. Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDWFIELE & CO., SdlE PROPRIETORS, TS William Street, New York. eST" For wile by druggists and grocers generally through onf the country. Sept. SS, 1861.—1 y. NEW GOODS: T. L. BALDWIN S now receiving a large and Well Se eeted Stock ef SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of a General Slock of DET GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AXD CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, bOOTS AND SHOES, WOODEN WARE, he., he., he,, ■, he,, All ef which will be.sold VERY LOW for READY PAY ONLY. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All penooe buying GOODS for READY FA T, Are respectfully inti ted to eall and examine THE STOCK, A. they are to he sold at VERY DOW PRICES. CASH PAID. FOR WOOL. Tioga, May 28,1862. ’ T. L. BALDWIN. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby giyin that an application haa been made to the Court of Common Pleas, of Tioga County, by L. D. Seeley, John George,. G. W., Northnp and others, to grant a charter of incorpora tion for religions purposes, (to themselves, their asso ciates and successors, under the name and style of the "Sheend'Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Brookfield,” and if no sufficient cause bo shown to the contrary, the said conrt will decree that they be come and be a body corporate. By the Court, June 18, 1802. J. F. DONALDSON, Proth’y. WE&LSBQRO BOQK STOBS.j ; rpHß“ £ Enbscktef; hatinlgjpottsisaea of -ffm. H: ,!jt* Smith his-iniereatu in ;thß ; -Busineas, would respectfully ipfonn tbe public o£,-lda desire to keep -. . | ~, v . ; a ctBJSTEst-O-,5* asrs.-wfs,„.R.Q pi* . AND BOOk ' SJOKE,. ; , wbqreio will famish, ; At THE, OLD STANDj 1 n thi Post Office Bailding,|(or by mail) all THE NEW YORK DAILIES &ttba pub) if her? PWWi H« will alw k,«WP alt tbs Literary Weeklies, »nd The Hpnthly htegazlneg*, Harper’s,tbsAtlantic, Qo> PeteMen.’* Jfnjckeibooker, CoEtineßtfdie.i 4c, ; . > Also, still bo kept com t*atly. on-haad, a com ,eU, repository of ' ' ' r |~ ' mSTWBICAXa POBWCAJ. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ; Blank Book/,, Paper. Hangings, SHEET.MUSIC, ’PICTUBES,- MAPS, it. Ordct| for Binding Books. | The work executed to smt any taste, and“6n theloweal possible terms. Particn larattention will also be giv-cnto'SPECIAL ORDERS for any thing comprcbooaea in the trade. One Thousand Volumes of the Latest Editions of SCHOOL | BOOKS. ! .. Parents, Teachers and Scholars, are invited to cal and examine this largo asgortmont of School Books in which may be foohd ererything in nse in the ; schools of the County. \ / 1 Readers.—Sanders' entire series. Porter's Reader, "Sergeant's, Town's and Willson's Readers, Spelling Books, —Sanders', Websters Ac. ARumiETirs. GroenleJrs, „ Davies', Stoddard's, Colburn's Ac. v Grammars.—Brown's, K myon's, Smith's Ac. Geographies.—Mitchcllp, Warren's, Colton's A?. Davies’ Legendre, Algebri, Surveying Ac. i Slates of all kinds and sifos. * : Copy Books, Steel Pens. Paper of all kinds. J. I Latin, German, French and Greek Text Boo)ss ; on hand and purchased to ord^r. Watches, Jewelry, Picture Frames, Paper Hang, logs, Christmas Toys, Fancy Articles, Maps, Pic- t turcs Ac. 1 All orders promptmattended to. Wcltsboro, Nov. 27,18G1| J. F. ROBINSON, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. THE' 13NDI3lSIGNl|p'wouM respectfully inform the citizens of iWELLSBORO and vicin ity, that he has leased the store owned by A. P. CONE, one door east of FARR'S HOTEL, on Main Street, -where be will keep constantly on band i LARGE AND WELL STOCK OF Family Groceries & Provisions, ; SUCH AS 'FLOUR, MEAL, AND PEED, KEROS! NE Ollj,. BURNING FLUID, CAMPIIEifE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &0., to., which ho will sell cheep T 1 FOR GASH. .Also a large assortmentorifine BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, OLD RYE AND W|HEAT WHISKEYS; he also Manufactures a superior article of CORN WHIS KEY, which ho will sell to lumbermen, Hotel Keep ers nnd others, at * WHOLESALE , Cheaper than any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. J. J. EATON. Wellshom, Jan. 15. ISC2. \ JOHN R. (BOWEN BEGS leave to state that paving- "removed" from the ' i - “ OLD EMPIRE STORE” across the street to Me present location, bo is now prepared to furnish his old' friends and customers with a well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, | LADIES 4 GOODS, 1 “ READY MADE CIJpTIIING, CLOTHS, JEAN|9, CASSIMERES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, | PROVISIONS, 1 : TEAS, COFFEE, TOHACCO, kQ. r AC., At a very small advance anon New ¥orkf Prices. The highest market price psiid for all kinds of PRODUCE. ■ Remember the place—Firsc Store below the POST OFFICE: Wcllfibotoj Feb. 5, 1562. | STOVES AND jriNWARE. WILLIAM ROBERTS HAS opened a new Stord and .Tin Shop in the Store opposite Roy’s Building, where he is pre pared to furnirh his old friends and customers, and the public generally with everything in his line of business, including \ Cooking Stoves of tho approved styles; Par lor, Dining ‘ Room, and Coalj.Stoves; Tinware and Kitchen furniture of all variejies. Call and see our new stock. Wellsboro, Feby. 8,‘■1862. j CONSTITUTION WATER. THE ONLY REMEDY Folr DIABETES, Irritn tion of the Neck of the jßladdcr, Inflammation of the Kidneys, and Catarrh of the Bladder, Stran gury and Burning, or.-Painfnl formating, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges ajftor Urinating. For sale by all Druggists. ‘Price $l. WM. H. GREGG A CO., Proprietors. Morgan & Allen, General Agents, No. 4G Cliff St, New York. , j ROT, Agent for Tioga County. Wellsboro, April 16, 1862.-J;, THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY.— Just. Published in a Sealed Envelope; Brice-6 eta: A Lecture by Dn. CULVBRWELL, on the caqie and enre of Spermatorrhoea;! Consumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Im paired Nutrition of the Body;} Lassitude; -Weakness of the Limfasand the back; Indisposition, and Inca pacity for Study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehen sion; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Love off Bolitude ;. Timidity ; Self-Distrust; Diiiiness ; Headache ; Affections of the Eyes; Pimples ou tbo Face; Involuntary Emissions,liand Sexal Incapacity; the Consequences of Toothful -Indiscretion, Ac., Ac. This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often solf-|kffiicted, evils may he removed without medicine nntbwithout dangerous sur gical operations, and should bo"; read by. every youth and every man in the land. 1 Sent undersea), to any address, ir a plain, sealed ’envelope, on the receipt of sixloeots, or two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. JVC. KLINE, . 127 Bowery, New Yerk, P’pst Office Box, 4536. Jan, 29, 18G2.-4m. - ANOTHER fresh assortment of those ele gant 11 cent CALICOESt-just received by . June 18,1862. | T. HARDEN. READY MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. constantly on hand. AU kinds of Leather as Findings, also constantly on band and for ul« prices for cash of ready pay. HIDES pnd PELTS taken in exchange fer at the highest market JOS. RIBEBC Wellaboro, Aug- 14,1861. itliinmuiu. '' CABINET WARE ROO THE Subscriber moat respectfully annoiom ha has on hand at the old staid, and fin Cheap L.ot of Fumitire. comprising In part Brewing arid Common Bureaut, Seerelaritt end . Cases, Center, Card and 'Pier TnhUi, Dimj Brcak/att Tablet, Marble-topped and ComnanSt Cnphoardt, Cottage and other Bedtieedi, Stand fat and -Chairt, Gilt and Boteteoed Mauldin j Picture Pramet, , COFFINS mode to order on skert utta. hearse will be furnishid if desired. CHARLESTON FLOURING M WRIGHT So BAILEY, Having secured the bolt mill* in the County, prepared to do Custom Work, merchant W< aod in fact everything that ian bf does ii Ci Mills, so as to give perfect satis faction. FLOUR, HEAL AND FEED, - AX WHOLESALE OK RETAIL, at oar store in Wellsboro, or at the mil!. Cull Goods exchanged forgrain a,t the market price. All goods delivered freo of charge within tbr ratio*. ..WRIGHT A BA. T Wellsboro, Feb. 18, 1861. THIS preparation, made from the beat Jan U rceoknraended by physicians as a eoparH trieious Beverage for General Debility, Djr and all billions disorders. -Thousands who bar. compelled to abandon the use of coffee will tie without injurious effects. One can contain*, strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Prict cents. The purest and best BAKING POWDKKU for making light, sweet and nutritions Bred oakcs. Price 15 cents. Corner of Broad and Chestnut Street*, Phil phia, and for sale by all Druggists and flraeirt* March 5, 1862. MISS PAULINE SMITH has jDFtrurcht« FALL AND WINTER" G GODS, Consisting of Straws of all kinds, Pattern Bloomer Hats, Flowers, Velvets, Silk* of all and in fact ALL KINDS OF TRIMMINGS. . She policita a call from the ladies ef Wellahoto vicinity “feeling confident that HER GOODS VIDL BEAR INSPECTION and compare farorahly with those of any meat in the comity in> regard to price. BLEACHINO AJTD PBESMKC 4«» superior manner. _ JCST- Boom at tin i residence of C. Trillion*, site U. S. Hotel, upstairs. Oct. 2,1801. ' Mails class as follows: Tbs Northern (liog*< mug,Cleveland, New York, Ac..) at a. *• Southern (Troy, Philadelphia, Washington, “ j 7.45 a. y. The Jersey Shore, (Morris, Cedar ' Ac.,) and the Coodertport (Pine' Cifcek, ’ Pike, A 0.,) at 2p. k.J every Tuesday .and FriW- California Mails leave New York the Irt" 21st of each month. . • An Overland Mail! for California l ea *? ! . . twice a week. lietteiwfof this Mail should » " Overland." . AlUetters alleged jto contain valuable enc should be registered.; ' u ,| - Post Masters are instructed to retain an n> tor belonging to any jnvividosl until.his if he be in arrears—for postage bo paid. Post Office opein from 7 A. K., to 8 p. *■, *'J Sunday excepted, j Hcon Yoi *»,' NEW COOPEKTs^P.—The min respectfully informs the cUiseo* £. and vicinity, that hof has epepod * COOF* opposite CROWE’S WA«OS SBOPr and is ready, todo all manner of. work P'®“Pf' order, from a gallon |keg to a fifty pairing also done on short notice. v> TCeJlsbaro, May 8, frSfil- I* , i! ; .J,OEN. A. E o f apothecary wgwawiM ixp’.axzrtj, „ t ' - DEVOS, MEDICINES AXs suns, K TOILET ANJ) fA(IW BBUSBIS, Olts AND DYE.BTc Wg *' P.4TBST VIOLS AND BOTTLES, ;/ WINDOW-GLASS, PCTIt. CIGARS ANDIOJ,. WIRE WINES AND bßasd, JOB MEDICAL PCEP ■ALSO, SACRAMENTAL iTQfc ■ Warranted to be pore Grape * ' pretsly fer Coamnniori pßrposee. ' “•?«*< ( ’Proscriptions carefully compounded „ promptlyanasrercd. «B*t* • Every article for rale usually , 0 ] d t , Drug Store, and at the lowest market I™- "M -Wollaboro, May 1, 1861. pnMl GENERAL McCLEtIAiP* HAS decided to go into winter qnarter. ..j Williams, Agt., has “follJt 15 ! and baa accordinglylaid merer*lam ,Zu!f Goods m burhne, nz: J* ' K«™n«-Oil, Ump Oil, : Boroing Fluid, C. Bp E«,, Alcohol, TnrpsnUai Drugs, Potent Medicines, Window Gloss, ie., ic„ whieh will be sold at lowest city priest dnfc. w#r r j p - H- WILLIAMS, N. B. Confederate Stato.Stocks and til bsok', oount* ape at discount—-can't sell goods for title Wjolisboto, Not. 27, 1861. ' 1 removal. JOSEPH RIBEROLLE HAS removed his BOOT, SHOE, LE'" and FINDIG STORE, from his late. Main Street, to hia Tannery at the lower enc village, whore he will be glad to wait on hiiem and tha pilblio generally. .Competent wotkm employed in the Manufacturing Department,! work warranted to be our own manufacture. Also, all kinds of N. B. All those indebted to the iubrcribar - account, or otherwise, are call at and square op. JOS. RIBEROT Is. B. Taming and Sawing done to order. August 11, 1859. Kollock’s Dandelion Colli Kollock’a Leva In. JCAKUrACTCRED UT H. H. KOLLOCK, ChemUt, FASHIONABLE 2VULLINBBT SB' MAIN ST., WELLSBOKO. WEEXSBORO POST OFfW®- DjsSUUi, Puttjj B. T. VASHOI