•3.TSM bl vT&r BueJrtall . We, need >mt remind ourroadqri ' : |/Hbeg!ory that crowns ilia original Buckto t»’|;,tbe name is sypodymous. with' -dash and t They have, conquered the admiration no ftjf? ffieqds but of their enemies. Not soig since a special order was issued by GenSjftell of tbe Ci S. A., authorizing an Alabama i|sgimen tie “carry .a. Buck's.-tail |w,th,e ,p$ lance, : ip honor of its gallant, figb t|pth' fa mous buoktail Rifles of ahdat this time the BucktailprisUners U *gihis Hons of Richmond. :*s ; ; la the lute, battles on the C iokahomiuy, whenever a. battalion was wants? meet the cneniy inliia advance end hoH in check' while # line was fafined to cover I w dangerous retreat of a division, to soppor't.fi' 1 ’ i|eftk!ngl'hie or.tlfbrm a rallying point for a,J altered brig ade, the Bucktaiis took the post (/Sjlnger asik matter of Tight, 1 and always held it. ©til l ordered tof&Rback: - - ■ . btOKTAID BRIGADE. '■ The .bnUiant-Berv-ioes rendered■flij'ittie Buck ta,il;i Rifles of jPenosjlvania thrwghout the campeigu an.d especially in the latg jjaittlea be fits induced tbV k i'®hr Depart ment,to request of the Governor - ffijpeonsylva nia,,theorganizatiqn of-a bpgadi.ol theeame class of men to hear; the same ntmeJ and wear the same badge#* the old regiment i| believing that that name and that badge, have become a terror to the enemy, .a|fM as an in spiration to the men who bear th urMshould no longer be conflned to a single ' j ; la compliaricewitn that reqnesijjlnjor Roy Stone, who commanded thc Buclctafl Regiment during'its..Six months,On the Pemasula, has been ordered to superintend the. Rising of'a Brigade to ;-be composed .entirelyljof skilled marksmen and yOung.men of intelligence who oan readily acquire such skill tq harmed with the most, superior weapons, in the beat manner, and in every respe/ ti& constitute a corps d’elite, worthy to act a , tip vanguard of a grand army, *; |i. : Those yodng< men of Penney vapia who en list in the earnest hope of doing .- their country eervice - and desire’to enroll tie pelves in a corps whose ndme and repo tatii n' San only be. unstained'by steady discipline, si irisendurnbce, rapidmh robing and hard fightii g. will find in the Jloektail Brigade their opp. lenity to win antThoimrable dreunction or a glj'fifes- memory. ■ Recruiting offices will soon biicfefied in all parts of the State., In the meantime, any one de’firieg authority to recruit, or information as to felietment, sub sistence or transportation, can in person or by letter, to the undersigned .ift the Head quarters in Harrisburg. RpIIjSTONE,’, Major Ist Hides, and superintendent of re cruiting service for Bucjtdail Drigade. All officers and men of ihe-Bqftktail.Regi ment notv on leave for wounds.©r’iqckness who are fit for.service on recruiting.sta'.'ipp, but pot for duty in the field, will report atjfhee, by let ter.,with Surgeons certificate iofjf|helr condi tion,, to Major Roy Stone, Harflsbefeg. ' ■■ - Messers. Wilmot and’ Ckpfran, Among hli the members of tbt'-'large Con vention of Republicans, which >ln| t in this city on Monday, there was not one mtfr who, bad a ■word tSvgay in defence, or excnl.-jation, or in extenuation of tha-conrseof A. Cowa.v, in the Senate of the United Stn eti : . There was a aniversal feeling of exedratiq t ofi the ingrate whe had so basely deceived his friends who had eievntod him to a'sSat, tqyuch beyond his capacity of his deserts. • -C ; ■ ; Western Pennsylvania £ Ijcflinrly Anti-' sMvery.' It is strongly, stenly. (Republican. When a Senator was.in the gi't c' the Repub licans of this section, they ijasly looked around fur a.man to represent bi'cjc'.who.Bhould above all Unrigs else be true an<{fsito their principles.- -Mr. Cowan’s Repußficari friends stepped < forward and presented-him. He was measurably unknown to the p’eoptjjj except as a clever country lawyer, who had Blade a few political speeches at Repn.blioan-’.iionventions. Some doubts aff to his reliabil ity, but ■ they were poofa-pbohed 1 down by bis friends, who vouched for him that Jpe was a Re publican of the true Antislavefy type, and withal a man of marked abilities. ;f' la an evil hour his election Wis conceded; without much opposition, but w2h very little warmth. A' fear prevaded many'minds that a mistake bad been made, but Jc&pne dreamed that it was of so.fatal a oharac.ar, Ha knew, when ho was elected, the views! ®T; his politic.! 1 friends who raised him. to hisil'eh seat, and what was expected- of him, an honcst man ‘he otfght to have undeceW If he had been an honest maVi, be dfld have done so; but he kept silent nntf ■ ie goal was reached, when ho, displayed in their true colors, Ijtn politico fiends, of the Republican party, have been ' ngjly betrayed, and they scorn the'traitor, a) his .acts. Senai-seoeasion Democr •Jr!''papers and conventions are now his defem p i and friends, while republicans despise th< ,-Rjn who.could stoop so low for office. Let C, win go. In Hon. David Wilmot w< , b&e a' Senator to be proud of. He has bees 'triad in the fur nace, and not found wanting. '• H|d convictions have been the, growth of yea, s If experience in public life, and; amidst and obli quy has he maintained' bis in egfity.- He has graven his name on the tbe hit brv of his coun try, and stands forth to-day t l tlSehonest and honored son of Pennsylvania, vWt|osa integrity has never been successfully as(ai;|!(l, whose.pa triotism is unquestioned, whcijeVability is un dbnbted, and who possesses the rgspedt and ad miration uf the people of all the.'loyal States. The Republicans of this city imdloounty see in him their true representative ib tjjjj Senate, and nothing will give them.greateirpl- asure than to see him re-elected by the nelt;L(>isioture, to a place be so ably fills,; and sq,mltoh adorns.— PiUtburgh Gazette* S l ' Liberality .of Physicians i— & has always been said that physicians wot Id |iaparogo any remedy howerer valuable, W iiagltbey did not originate them Selves. This hi,a tl|dn disproved by their liberal course towardi Hi. J, C. Ayer’s preparations. They have a. Webster. Killed in action in the late battles before Richmond. Officers —Capt. Philip Holland, at Willis Church, June 30th, jSo2—Orderly Sirgent 0. M. Stebbins, at the same time and plaee—Ser gent Samuel Willsworth. Privales— Charles Brier, Thadeus Babcok. List of Company A, Ist Rifles, present July 22d, 1802. I Officers —Ist SergL E. B. Leonard, 2d Sergt. Edwin J. Hunt, Corp. Andrew Godfrey, Corp, G. Hanover. f Privates —Henry 1 Taggart, Drummer—Eli Arnold, Albert Baker, S. Beeraan, Omer Cole grove, Norman CoVel, C. Clark, J. Conklin, G. Daugherty, G. Doylp, AY. Edgerton, M. Ev ans, R. Grover, A. Goodell, M. Hardy, L. C. Lewis, L. Lyon, N. Magre, E. McFall, A.More house, D. Orcutt, N. Odell, B. Pbinny, S. Row lay, T. Reed, E. Solfj R. Sullivan, A. Sweet, J. Vanvliet, A. Niles, IL. Niles. J. Walker, M. Wakley, S. Winters, J. Webster. ' Sick in Regimental Hospital —ll. S. Dorey, T. Sullivan, C. Smith, Wm. ft. Seeley, Wm. G. Seeley. Sick in General Hospital —Sergt. A. R. Sayles, Sergt. Daniel Boardm&n, Perry Mc- Clure. These lists are as correct as they can be got. I have taken great care in making' them oat, and hope they will be the means'of answering many anxious enquiries by “dear ones at home.” - ' ‘ During our encampment near Richmond, ev erything that transpired was carried on in si lence, and as much as possible, unbeknown to the enemy. No music was allowed to play in any of the regiments; but axes, picks, shovels; and spades, were used from morning until late at night. Frequently were we called out un der arms, (the number of times, I will not try to tell,) but on the mbrning of the 25th of June, we received orders tp be ready togd on picked at 3 o’clock next morning. Accordingly on the morning of the 26th, we left oar' tents and ar rived at onr lines about daybreak. We re mained at our posts) looking at secesh drill, and viewing their pickets, until about one or two o’clock p. m., when our scouts came in with the news that the enemy were advancing in superi or force up the Rail Road funning from Fred ericksburg" to Richmond. Soon opr cavalry were engaged, and about 3 6f-4 o’clock p. m., news came that Jackson was within three miles of us with an overwhelmingyforce. The call was given for the companies to rally near Me chanicsville, where the sth regiment was sta tioned. Here a fety rounds were exchanged, and then the regiments fell back into their rifle pits. ' 1 will try and give you a description of the ground occupied by| the Ist Rifle Regt., (Buck tails.) and slh Rifle Regt., Pa, R. C. Vol. The road running from White Honse to Rich mond, ran on the left of our regiment, and on the right of the sthj Our rifle pit was dug in frojit of our campl and running not more than five feet from my tept, and the Fifths was dug on their side of the.road, a little belbvq ours, so j that if the enemy advanced down the road, they j would be under a “cross fire” that would tell on their ranks in round numbers. The Buck-tails and Fifth, bad not long been in their pits, when the enemy appeared in foil force in our front.; Soon the .ball opened in earnest. .The shouts of the com ba Wants min gled with, the roaring of artillery, and the clash ing of small arms, .os the troops became gen erally engaged. The balls from the rebels’ guns in front of our pit, passed harmlessly over our heads, or struct against the bank in front. Here we held 10,000 at bay from half past 3 o’clock p. m., till about half past seven. We lay in the pits all night. The groans and cries of the wounded anjl dying rebels, were enough to curdle the blood'in the stoutest heart. All night long did these miserable wretches cry in the most agonizing terms for help, but no earth ly help could come; to their relief; their cries were only hushed by the "pale messenger/’ who would, in mercy,' come .to their relief, and bear them to their last long borne. On the morning of. the second day, the ene my tried to inarch onto us by coming down the road mentioned above, but here they were met by our crossfire, which- .Utterly piled! them in heaps; such a havoc as was made in their ranks was awful to behold, and never shall 1 forget the spectacle. Some were lying on the ground with their legs broken, some were headless, while others who had received a mortal wound, but still had a little life left, were trying to crawl to a place of safety. Bat I .will not dwell on such a sdene. Suffice it to say that no words of mine are adequate to describe the sight that then and there met my gaze. Our deadly fire dould not keep back the oyer whelming numbers of the enemy that now came on, flanking kerning ns in on all when;--we wefiLijriJered out.' As we sgjng to par feat 40 obey,', the most of cont- I told you in; my last. Every man was for himself in the •general nuhrand-ait-eseaped-that-cenld. But I see that I am making this letter too Itongfir d ‘ b 3 r; - iCi.S %'t ■'love to all, 0. B. Stone: Trial List-for Septl Tiria, 1882. . ,fIRST WEEK- A. Bprrowg .Taj 'S- Bekfhi^'Ad^r, | John SEVoorhess, vs. James L. Palm'er, Julift Bttkitt; '- T».- BcPai & Hatbropr . Clark W. Bailey}, vs.’ GeO:: W. Mott, S. RrAsitk, :t- :j J«JwiM. 9*- . ■■ JSECOJtD. WEBBi H. I/Boker.&Bro./ Vi, A. Looey, i. rs. Dailey & Egleston, . P. Damon, vs! W. B. Middaugh, Harrison 11111, [ . vs. A, Smith, ■ 'j' 1 wi Beach, Chirk et al, .vs.- Hoard, Beach A Co. Abby MoNielt, - vs. Wro; J. McNiell, Commonwealth, 1 v*. B. T. Ogden et al, J. W- Bailey,-, vs. Joseph Willard,. Henry Sarin, vs. SamL Sykes, Ear- , W. Bi Middaugh, vs. AYm.Bostwick, Thomas Power, ’ vs. E l . P. Deane, Eredk. Stickley, ‘ vs. 11. A. Guernsey,. . Earm’g’n Sob. Diet. vs. N. Dudley, W. E. Dodge, -- vs. H. P. Erwin et al, , J. P. Morris", vs. E. Faulkners heirs, Ira Bulkley, vs. M. P. OftotJ.et al, A. Andrus, vs. Solomon Bennett, S. Hutchinson & Co. vs. M. J. Grierson et al,. Victor Case, - vs. Warren Bonney, Pletce Sherman", ’vs- Jphn/BehSon;,|r., ; Melben Modorn°f.angu age’s and' Hhbreiy, Music—-lliiln4 or Jdelodeon, Use. of. Instruments, - I- J Room rent, eaeh person, - ISO Board tin the ball, per week, -♦ j - - -1 so Fuel pier term, if two occupy one 3 00 Incidentalsper term, - -j _ • IS gSh Clorgythoo’a children, halfl price for taitun. Ikjtbl.’fc# eoen by the above announcemenk-ef a Faculty for the coming, thaf| the,Truteei are determined to spdra no reasonably pains io'fanish the school w|th >1 competent' Board .of Instruction. Seven' foreign. languages, including Greek, Latin, French, German, 'Spanish, Italian and Hebrew, will bavtanght, if required. s TbpJToaoher’c and Normal the supervision of Profs. Reynolds and Johns, will afford all thejfacllities'ofj’a Normal School, in which etn dontiiare especially drilled and trained to become practioaliteacbers.' The trustees Have already taken measures, which it is expected will be consummated earld in December, for offering and having tho Semi nary accepted by the State as a State Normal School. The Department of Penmanship, Book-Keeping, Ac., ol’er all the' advantages of a Commercial Col lege., Tl» Seminary is under contract, to be finished and fi rnished by the lOth of Sipteiuber next. It will, when finished, he among tin best school build* ingsiij) tie fiber n Pennsylvania, an i will afihrdeical leot kaoilities for these regions to obtain a thorough BoieDtffic and practical education. Special attention is given to th< health and physi cal education of thp students. Nothing need 60 said to reoomn end the Principal to the /confidence of the people, as his conduct of the Seiunfiry for the past two years,,t os placed him folly befqreitbe public us one of the edi cators of the copn try]. I ,' Reyriolda and Johns—the former, the late Siiperintendcnt of common tcpools©f 4 the entmty —andjlhe latter'tho present incumbent, are well and top favorably'known to need further notice to I recocafucnd-them .to the public.! Students coming from oi distance.will have their frooma furnished — those frpm within a few miles will, bring tbeir own fumistipg, except bodstcad,' tablet chairs, wash-rtaad and stl)ve. ' | All fitudrotkTnrnish-their ©wn pwels> wash-bowls, iptchets, pails, mirrors, oloi r' **' * v rt. r tV *'t .7, 1 *• f ' i A ti A. NEW AND btoc; SBASONABI A T T TROY CASjH STORE, We Have JUS mm SAD A more Complete Stock \ THAN THE ’ PRESENT. Oar Erioee i WILL BE FODHD } r f B E LOW "t THE MARKET RATES. '• 1 I Omr Large PURCHASES, WILL ENABLE U* •"IP Give Bargain* DUE CUSTOMERS, ftOT HO tt i j rqvm mumwmsbs. 1.-.-t- OUR reputation —-I**! Cheap Good* SHALL BS FULLY n^WTAW**' We, Confidently •IH-iT COISPAB Ferine 1 • r - (4 TROY, AT fX Far Below C< ? ' s- RGB ESIRABLS OP : GOODS, lSsbiyed H P