•- -»VT ! if' 'f * When- green kayos coi I jf again my lore, Wht-trgreen leases < i >ue again—’ s : Why pttt nn sucVa *K[ ■ Whengroen. loaves u aiaegainf - ‘'Ah. tKU spring will 1' last. Of primlsß falßß-naif _ : ' And summer die in wJi Jtrajifms > Ero'greettdeaver oo d!> Bjgiiif,”' a J fcv "'fio sltnihe seasoni-l“id ontlirwi 'Tis Idiot o'domplail Bat yet I sigh,. I why, ■ When groeoleares or jaeagaiu. Nay, tiff np'thankful cyhs, my iwoot, ’7 Baparae,wtl»ng no the. TprM lasts,- Green loaves will cot e a§aip. - - For sire asaartli lives pidersnows,- 1 ’• '' AOdTbve liver underlain,' ■ ’Ti« good to"rring with I erythlngr. _• -Whon.greon.Teivca'cj^po^ttin. ' . -\-3i^.cmiltau r t Majnzinc. -i j f 1 For the Agitator. ED.TmATioK-Aj;< mr«.,zxz. . j :gh thef given we see that although a%-indivjd'anl'mnyfbe-tn aU appearan- of ;«dt ttalenf» ipf, an.ordinary de gree, and of -all the .which .wqaUh affords, yetar they ate iigetio, persiwVriflg and temperate, they may i (outstrip their more fortuDate'imsOriiatbs. Fro. =t fi«' wo in ay-safely conclude kbit to acquire’ it good -education re quires energy, perseveratrci: arid fcnJperaqqe. Xha.-essential; ifijalities.of.thß suc cessful wjlliQt no ontcneed look for successTu; the edi |atiohal line.' us look a iittte more clo’Beh 'at these essential qualities. J Isti finergy; This ia -al|: stnportant in the acquisition of'knowledgß, :\A good, education is something,that wp innstiobtam by hard la bor if we have it at .all, labor must he pub forth in, astir ring.and (^iorgetio'manner.'— It’will hot do to sit down ed fold our arms as though we had do, but wbriiast up andiil it with a willanC show-to the world thot wo a gobli education too great a -treasure tor bri helps* by oar, want of energy. It .would be just as foolishl{oc a student to try to qbUiinai),education :wit|iout putting -forth his' whole energies ias if would be for a general to attempt'WfSke'" OibiaJlar” with aiesfcnien andguna.- i 1 - 2d. conqper- ■ eth all things’' is an ol^St*jring but none the less true, fpr U ig.».fact,wlj|j.h, we,|ee .dempn- Btraled Pvrityday of ouj Ihfesinevcryputririit of fife, but IrinoCas’e mlorefclearly than in the Fife of the student. Ob&latiea great, numerous and varied, pre placed in §>e path of the stu dent, some in one in,auotber.— One ; o£-tbp. most ’impedimenta is indolence., When the' atudeht looks at jlie vast amount of. loarnihg which has been hiljaired by ■ tSS’wise of IbeCarth arid, then Sflfhe small amount which, bs harplteady >*edrhis ,heart, : ie;{pt to.siuk within, biin, and I riljives way to a feel ing of indolence and l|ut perseverance qopjCs td biti relief arid whispers “litipuprind try again,’ 1 ; agd urged on by its soul inspiring tSrieCHtkutdcT and purtn&This codrß withrerieWed vigor $ This most essen tia) what maket.f our Washingtons, Jeffocsrihri, InflcoTos/.&c., id|jn who have arisen by their perseverance frdtS ' obscurity to the bights of fame. Without perseverance Ihemost brilliant talents arid' all the advantages that wealth can bestow failiqg!ya to the pyofessor tha:coveJte4,MWwd.ef:&m<-|: 3d. Temperangp,, Ttiembas always .bean a great deabraid'about iempelance ia eafmg'and dririkirig-butyery little abmit it ia studying. It is avery common idea men that if a Boholaf'sih poßririg ever iiis books day and night, tbaybe.will inevit*t|y,.baooine -wrgrtat man.. that jSoef'this mast have a strong constitution iq to liye a majc. What ,is it tbit cn t »e« the studeriVs cheek to grow pale, aridhikJ'eye to burn with an unearthly Juster,uoless£t-is iritempPrririoe in'- striding. What is it Ihsf causes consump tion to spizetipon bim **» doadljf igrasp uniesg.-it jß.the sajna oaiise. t Thai intemperate pursuit of knowledge, baa been the iqeana,of destroyioga.fefeatmapy’; fgidabie - live's. The student should attend to, h sphyaioal as well as bis mental,education. ; W idle he is ‘strafcgttign in£arid ekpiridirig his ipf ’rick he should also strengthen bfcbody. ing bus mswul fscnltiea j e stouid also be de veloping his sua j to have agoqdsound physical systriin. If ja'jrjry necessary’iri'order to have a vigorous,mind;fnd one that is capa ble of grasping great ’snd 'intrierita- that the studeqt should hove ?ar vigorous body if he does no tflbP mind (will wearoht thCbaiy and then tho mind mnstssuffer decay. Th* Lows* Class. —'Who are they ? The, toilmg pillions, the laboringimun, and the farmer, the mechanic; artist, the inven tor.-th'e produoer ?. Far ifreca it. These are natui'eV nobility—God’s' fa* s’ritee— thtf Salt- of the earth.- No matter whether they are high, or low in station, richcn; poi,r in~peif, cerepio noolfor humble in position,'they are the “ upper circle” ip the order of nature, whatever the* fivctitious distinction; of fashionable society.— It is not low ; it is the highest duty, privilege, pli&hi^ women to earn what they possess, to work their 1 way through life, to he the ’architeots of their own fortune. Some may, remark the classes we base alluded to are-eply rslaticely-IDW. nnd in faoUhe middle classee. yjtepinsistthat they are absolutely the very hiaeet.' Is-'tfaerS a class of earth wh(®nay properly be denominated . low ? If so, it is composed? of those who-'consume without producing, who dissipatethe- earnings of • fathers or rela taycowUhout laboring or doi&g.anjthiog.ghem selres. , .jl i! ; .,-x i<‘ - , Tiji “ I, understand that ypfy aifenow.Ln ds.ioilk bosiness, Bones.” Mi- ■ ... r “Yes-,.Sam,” said BoQ0s|! “I’a now in. de milk wejl,” “ Glad to bear it, •" r * “ Bat a fellow met m 9^.’ defer he, Bones, you otter sflii^la", dem cows' of yontn." ' ~ -5 ' ‘•Shingle your eo”* world did he ax yoai to abitalo da nows fort” Bones took a long breo thfhnd-easting a sly,: glance atSam,he answer! to Keep de water : from runninginto do miltJ ! ‘ . - hp — A Cheistias Tdrk.—l b of Turkey has behaved more like a Christian toward ns than any other sovereign -|i . . ‘ry— IT a : map is not satidih a little,, it is ▼ery certain -he will nevei enough. A clear eoDsoieneo it sometimes sold for money, but never bought frittrit. t ; , Tba captain of avessej jis- .not governed bj ti» mate, but & married i tth generally is. U 3 | XWfORTANT NATIONAL WQ#fcB. j ‘ PUBLISHED BV D. APPLETON i CO. | 346 & 348 Bryadwa|i^^B»Ji|||^ v . THE following works nre«nt pf tlie cuuntry, trice,! Vf Bail or '“Tbe New i^ lar ißlctlonary of iand Charles by in wri jters in al^^^^hr^urHrleßC^A|^^l^l^ratnr^^This j UaJfßlorrocco, sli Half i The Cyclopedia in-jfcpular without being jßuporfpir learned,*Dut not j'crlaiitiCyCimipreliensiTO bntenl- I free front person# 7 pique And party jdice, fresti and yet accurate. It is a complete statement of ’all that is known; upon every Important topic‘within the scope of human intelligence, Every important article in it has boen,specially written for Its pages by men who are an* • thoritics upon the topic* of which they speak. They are re quired to bring tlQp agbigg up tfftheflrescnt moment; to ; state Just how.lt stands note.' ‘AlFthe statistical Information ! fa from the liifrej reports; the geographical accounts keep, pace with the latest explorations; historical matters jnclnde the freshest just vjiews; the biographical notices not only rtMßkyift'-tbQrdcail bn* a library pC4tscl£. ‘OF DEBATES OS Being a Political Iljistory of the United States, from the or* gnmzatlou,pf the first Federal Cpngress in 1789 to 1856! Ed ited and compiled bV Hon. Thomfts 11, Benton, from the of ficial Records of Congress. i | The work will be-jcomplcted Id 15 riyal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 14 at which arerioW ready. An additional volume will be issued once in three months. •, it Form a club of 'four* and remit the price of four books and fire copies will he sent at the remitter’s expense for car riagc«'*jr£orrt«n|;Ba))dcnbere, be ipetat our exp^ej&r- _ /f tl £ t No other works will so liberally reward th® exertions Agents. An Agext Wanted in this Oodnty. Terms mad® known on application to the Publishers. [Jan. 11, '62. Tioga eo. court proclamation.— Whereas, the Hon. Robert G. White, President Judge for the 4th| Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case, Esq.*B, Asso ciate Judges in Tjogf* countyfbfevo issued their pre cept, bearing dffte the 17th day of Jane, 1862, and to me directed, lor the holding of Orphan’s Conrt, Court of Common 'Pleas, General, Quarter Sessions antLOysr iind Tcritfiner. at Wollsboro, for the County 25ui nuy),’ 1865, and tocontinue two creeks.* v ' Notice is therefore hereby’ given, 'to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, in their own proper per sons, with their records,inquisitions, examinations and remembrances,- to jdothdse tilings which of their offi ces and in their behalf appertain done, and all witnesses and persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against apy person or persons, are required to be theki and-there, attending, and not to depart at theft pen!. 3 * Jtirofp afe requested to be punc tual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree- Qlren under my hand and seal at the Sheris'* Office, in Wellsboro, l6th .day of July in the year, jof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty THE subscriber offers for sale the Steam Grist Mill located onSsot»y Eork;fl roller froth?- Wellsboro, with 8 acres of land, one store building”and dwelling house attached., ope small duelling and small barn. The mill thus 3 run of stone, 2 good bolts and all the necessary apparatus in" a custom "grist mill, a good steam engine all itkgood which be will sell at a bargain or wouldexchange for other property. There-is no better location in|Tioga County for a good custom Grist Mill, title perfect. For further particu lars enquire of S.'S. Covington, Pa. Also 97 acres ofjgnd l-femUea. bek>«4he -aiU on Stony Fork for sale. ‘Timber jPide ana Etemlocß. * Covington, June 4, 1862.3ra° ' S.'S. PACKARD. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of administration having been granted to the sub scriber on the estajte of William Updike, late of Rut land Township, doc’d, notice hereby given to those indebtedto?said-estate*to and .thqse ihfLyiiqg Jirtsfeht properly authenticated-for settlement to the subscriber. July 2, 18C2. HANNAH M. WOOD, Adm’x. Notice to'Wricl£cteuiltler». THE Commissioners will let on the 29th day of July instant their office the building of a bridge across th? River near Westfield to the bidden r Jhey dfao will re ceive bids fpr building the following bridges: One across the Cowarjcsque river at the mouth of tho Jaraersoh Creek, one across the Cowancequo at tho Academy T Corncrs, and-one-aerpss^the Tioga, River at VA drgfe the above bridges can be seen at their office. SPRING FASHIONS. S. P. QUWk, \HATTER, No. 135 Water Street, Elmira, keep* of FASHION 1 St£k,Akff- dASShfEItI!*HATS. Also oil kinds of Soft Hats and Cops.'Furs for Ladies, Ac. Hatsanade to order. Coll and leave Tour meas ure, and then you can Favo-a Hat to fit you. Prices to suit the times. > Quality warranted, Elmira, March 19, 1862. THE undersigned has been appointed Agent of the New Illustrated, and Historical Copper Plato Map of the from the latest and most ’authentic sources, exhibit ing the recent Arctic and' Antarctic, African and Australian Discoveries and'Explorations. Ist. This Map shows the world as it is. 2d. Shows the rapidity of the ocean currents and streams perh'dur,V- *’ ' 3d. Map of the Earth, showing the currents of the winds and streams of the Ocean. Also the lines of equal seasons, equal summer and equal winter, temperature attached to it. 4tbf/Firae. table of the-.wo^ld,-elevation# of the Ejirth;'lengths bf the priictpdl } r!rors if thb world. stb. Tbo world in four hemispheres. Also the world as apprehended by the Ancient Greeks, Cam mem in Homer's tim»£oOvyears before Christ. 6th. Description of the principal sources, division of the principal creeds in the world, table {showing the mean annual full of rain in tbo TJ. S. of America, statistic at ftl*. >orl* S £-<3 J 7th. ilyoteogrnpmca! Map*bf the World, exhibit ing the mean proportion of rain distributed in differ ent Zones. Table showing tho relative proportion of land and water. Bth. The phases the -Moqp, and Chronological table stilting the mbst important globular circumnavi gations. Everything that has boon recorded is on this map. This map is designed for Schools and will be furnished to School Directors and citizens at a very reasonable rate. The Countyis now being canvassed. NOTICE i?.sSreby.KiTfsi thaVlbe Co-partner ship heretofore existing between JOHN W.BAI* LEY ib THOMAS HARDEN, under the firm name of JOHN W, BAILEY, & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tle'-Nkes abi Accounte of the said firm, remain iu tho hands of XHOS. HARDEN, for settlement. Wellaboro, „ For a long lime a resident of Wellsboro, will visit once in each m -the 26th, Elkland on the 20th, Lrfwrhncevilireh the" 2Tth, Tioga on tho 2Sth, Those living at a distance to avoid disappoint ment will please address by letter to Jasper, N. Y. Howard association, Philadelphia- Fox the Relief oP the‘Sick and Distressed, af flicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and espe cially,(,r lie Oare, SfiDiaeasAS of- theSexnnl- Organs- Medical advice gK en gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weak ness; and .other. Diseases; of the, SeJthol Organs, and on the nc-.r remedies employed, ip.tho Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In sealed. iQtter, envelopes, free of charge. Two or throe: stomps for-pbstage will he ac ceptable. . ■ ; Address, bn. J, SKILLIN' HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No, 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, P 4, June 18,186& A WAT OP PROtUBISO TOE CYCLOPAEDIA OK DEBATES, TO AGENTS. FOR SAFE. ' AMBROSE BARKER,} JOB REXFORD, [ , Commis’rs. •.-OHAa.KMILIiER, Wellsboro, July 16, 1862. ox NercaTor's projection. Dissolution Notice, »E\XIST. DR. R„+J< ftjff GJ&M&T TE, , llff#-. TIO & M lOlO IF NT YAA^I^ ! A 1® ® • VV pßraatfiMWif - CO.SIJDLE AI. COLIEG JS. An lnstitntlon to <)oaliiV Yoni% -. Men for BOiiiaeiis. . L4WE t|,r& WAiRWSft, .. . EBOPBIEXOBSi B'. W. EOWEtl,Principal PtofeWot of tjho Sci ,#-,epco of Accounts, author of Lowell’s-Treads? upon, Book keeping, Diagrstm lUuetiatipg the same, - •’. ■ • ’ ' . GROCERIES AKX> PROVISIONS. THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully Inform the citizens of WELLSBORO and vicin ity, that he has leased the store owned by A. P. CONE, one'door oast, of FARR’S. HOTEL, oh Main. Street, where ho will heap; constantly onTiand A JyUiGBAXD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Family Groceries & Provisions, •sUte as . ?lOur, meal, And feed, ,' ■ KEROSINS OIL, BURNING FLUID, CA-MPIIENE, TOBACCO, CIGARS,- &q , 40., which hc will sell cheep FOB CASH. ' Also a lnrgo assortmontof fine BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, OLD RYE AND WHEAT WHISKEYS; he also Manufactures a superior article of CORN WHIS KEY, which he villseU to Lumbermen, Hotel Keep ers and others, at- V 1 Wholesale, ; r Cheaper than any l other establishment in. Northern Pennsylvania. 1 . J. J. BATON* WeUeboro, Jan. 15,1862. <. JOHN R. BOWEN BEGS leave to,state that having “removed” from tho - . ' “ OLD EMPIRE &TORE* Utrots the to hie present location, he U now prepared to famish his old fric&ds and with a well selected assortment of PRY QOODS. ’ LADIES' third stronger than otlier r wmefl; Worming and invigorating the* whole* jstajnfrom the head to thsifest. Aatiesaßitters are tohfc and alterative in their character, sothey strengthen and invigorate the, whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to aUits parts, by.equalfcingtfe circulation removing obstructions, and'proddclng a J general wArmtS They are also excellent for Diseases knd Weakness peculiar to FjsmAUifl,.where a Tonic is' required;to gfc*btl£tfaeS anl brace the «yrtem. No. Lady, who ir subject to lassitude and faintness, should bo without them, as they are reviving their action. THESE BITTERS wm not toly Cure, bnt WiflsSc, and In this respect are 1 doubly valuable to tfieperson who may use them. For ‘ w ‘ t ■ INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION,. Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nemos System, Paralysis, Piles; and for all cases requiring a Tonic • Dr, Bods’ Celebrated Wine Bitters ARE UNSURPASSED! Tor Sore Throat, So common among; the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a 'weak con* stitutlon—for Ministers of the.Gospel,’Lawyers, and all pub lie speakers—for Book-Keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Stu dents, Artists, and ollpcrsona leading a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. , ~ , As a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy cr Wine, without intoxicating; and ore a valuable remedy for persons addicted to the use of excessive drink, and who wish to refrain from it. They are pure and entirely free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country Is flooded. These Bitters not only CURE but PREVENT Disease, and should be used by all who live in a country where, the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent* Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be given freely to Children Mid infants with impunity. Pbysfcians, Clergymen,, and temperance sw an act of humanity, should, assist hi spreading these truly valuable BITTERS over the land, and thereby essentially aid in banishing Drunkenness and Disease. In all Affections of the Bead, Sick Head ache, or, Nctvons. Headache, Ur., Duds’ Imperial Wine Bitters will‘'he found to he most Salutary and Efficacious. The many jvhlch have been tendered ns, and the letters which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proo that amonttlie these pilfer? haye giveq a satisfac tion which no iothers have done'before. -KV woman in the and should be without them, and those who once use them still not foil to keep a supply. DB. J. BOVEE BODS’ IMPERIAL .WINE BITTERS Are prepared by an eminent and akillfal physician whe has used them successfully in his practice for the last twenty-five years. The proprietor, before purchasing the exclusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovee Dods* Celebrated Im perial'Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distinguished medical practitioners who* pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although the medical men ol the country, as a general thing dis*ppiwrebt : believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted .with their medical properties, who will not highly approve DR, J. BOVEE DODS* IMPERIAL WINE BlTTEß^.j^' % ’f l<; y,, y§ J > In ill newly*" settled' places, where ftiero always a large quantity of decaying simber from which a poisonous miasma is created, these Bitters should be used erery^morning before breakfast. ' i( '“ ~ 1 B. C. WICKHAM. DR. J. BOVEE PODS' IMPERIAL WIRE BITTERS Are composed of a pare mad unadulterated Wine,-combined with Barberry, Solomon’s Seal, Comffey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark; Spikenard. Tippers, and Gentian. They •re manufactured by Dr. Pods himself, who is an experienced and.successful Physician, and hence should not be classed the,quack which •gainst r 3fiidi "Profession 'arb §& Jhitfy' preju diced. Theta truly. valuable fitters b£s- thoroughly tested by alKthuses'of'tfae edmmudlty •f&t almost every variety of disease incident to the human system, that they are now deemed indispensable arm TONIC, JfSDICINE AND AMIViBiUGf I PURCHASE ONE BOTTLE! It Cost* but Little I, Purify the Blood ! Give Tone to the Stomach! Renovate the Sytiem I. .and Prolong Life 1 , . , j . ; •i' ■ •' ■ Price $1 per I>ottle r -6 bottles for $5. Prepared and sold by ..CHARLES WXDIUrZZUJ) &.Co*.., SOLE PROPRIETORS, ‘ 7S William Street, New York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally- through out the country. Sept. 25,1861.—1 y. ' YEOETABLE LIFE mUL,S, AND PSCENIX BITTERS. "■ ' THE high and envied celebrity which those pre-ezninent Medicines have acquired (or their invaluable efficacy in all the Diteases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual pjrm&lceofp'iiffing hotonly unnecessary,’ bat unworthy of them. ■- ■ /r IN ALL GASES of Asthma,Acute ppd Chronic RljWtisin, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. BILLIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAJNTS. In th*» south west, where these diseased 'prevail, they Will he found Invaluable*. Planters, farmers anaothers, who once use these Medicines, will never afterwards be without them. , *' -• ~j BIFLIOUSCOIIO, SEROSA LOOSENESS, PILES, COSTIVE ■ kess, cou)gANpcqcQH3, Cholic, Corrupt . . humors,’ imopSDSS. 'i ' \ \' s. r JDy&gaia. —No per»on,wiih this delay unng these medicines immediately. ' Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas - , Flatulency. DncKdud ‘4^t.- T Bcyprgd of the western country, these medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain rem edy. Other Medicines leave the system subject to a return ol the disease; a cure by these medicines Upermaheotr Try them. Be satisfied and be cured. t ' IX-ulnatof ., , '[ * ■ GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS; GRAVEL,- Headaches' of every iflnd, Inward Fever, Inflamatory Rhema tism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. Mercurial JHttattx. —Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner.than the'.most pow erful preparation of Sarsaparilla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, COMPLAINTS of all kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS,. - ■ , PiUt^ Tbe- original proprietor .of- these medicines vai rored'Of Pilfei ofC3 years’ standing, by the use of these Life medicines alone; ' - . ' PAINS in the head, side, back. Joints and organs. .. Rktiotuiixim^, —lhoee affected with tbi* terrible disease,will be sure ofrellefhy the Life Medicines. -- Bnah of Blood to the Ilead, Scarry, Salt Bhenm,Swellings. Scrofiola, or King’s Erll.in its worst forms, Ulcers of, ev ery description. - * ’ - . c “ • • Worms of all kinds areeffectoraHy expelled by flies* raedi bines* Parents veil them whenever their SoSpeeted. ReliefvrilibccertaljJt v » Andtbns remove all dtecasefrom the srstdm. Prepared and sold by 88. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 336 Broadway, cor. Anthosy Street, New York. For sale by all DrngaiMs, • TO TEE PEOPLE OF THE CftlTBD S»A*JES!t FEMALES. PDEIPY THB BLOOD. * . ;;; MOFFAT'S' • Tho Life Pills an# Pflowii* Qitftae* PDEIFT THE BLOOD, WEKLSBORO BOOK STORE, fES subscriber, having purchased B Smith hie interest in the Book and Stationmy. Business, would respectfully inform the public of his desire to keep J ' A.QENBEA'i-NS'W'S ROOM AND, BOpN. STORE, where he will furnish. AT: 188 OliP- BTASD, : n theiPost Office- Building, (or by nm»> all i |i* fTTR NEW TOES DAILIES at yte publishers -prices,. .Uphill also keeep on band ail tt* Literary Woaklies,aß TINWARE. f I WILLIAM ROBERTS ' - \l HAS opened a new and Tin Shop in the Store opposite Roy’s; Building, where be is pre pared to furnirh bis old friends and customers, and the public generally witMeverything in bis Hue of business, including ij Cooking Stoves of therijost approved stylos; Par lor, Dining Room,-and Opal Stores; Tinware and Kitchen furniture of all varieties. Call and see our ndw stock. Wellsboro, Feby. 5, 1862. GENERAL ScCLELLAII XT AS decided to go into Tvintcr quarters, and P. E n Williams. Agt., has decided to “ follow suit,” and has accordingly laid is a Tory large sloek of New Goods in his line, fi:; I Kerosine Oil, ’ Lamp Oil; Burning Fluid,Si Camphene, Alcohol, Turpentine, Drug*, Patent Medicines, " Dye Stuffs, . Window GlassJ Putty, i -' Ac., Ae., As,, which will he said at lowest city'prices during the ?. R. WILLIAMS, Agt. wa*; ■N. B, Confederate State Stocks and all- book no eeajnts'uw at diMoUnt—can’t sell goods for either. Welleboro, Nor. 27,1851. WERDSBORO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP ■""A'CTA'IN IN FULL BLAST. ROBERT YOUNG) late of the firm of Tabor Young _ , Sent under seal; to any address, ir a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt.ofjsix cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing Dr, CIIAS, J. C. ELINE, 12? Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 1586. Jan, 29,1862.-lm. j . CORNING^ & LIFE INSURANCE BIGELOW A THOMPSON. Ao AETNA FIRE INSURANCE CORPjfS I ' Of. Hartford, Ct—Capital ? HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Capital, PA(ENIX FIRE-INSURANCE Cft* n, Of Hartford, Ct.-CapUal COJ &-iST. PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE Of Hew York City—Capital NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSm ■Of Hartford, Ct- auß *lWt tf ft ’ MANHATTAN FIRE INSURas/m,’-,. , Of Now York City.-Capiua a CO - JNSDXUKce fCapital, *CO - FIRE INSCEAKCE COUP^ 1 ' NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE C 0 ' Accumulated Capital, ‘ • The are prepared tsisnsenv ' snranco on the most favorable terms intt known and reliable Stock-Companies. Farm buildings insured for three jttn low as any good companies. All losses will be promptly adjusted andmii office. Applications by mail will recti.,^* 1 ' tentioh WB riVJSW Oct. 13, 1862. CHlto?* P. J. FARBINQION, SimyoT THOSI8 «I JOHN A. EOF' WELLSRORO, PA, > APOTHECARY ' WHOI-MAifl 'MD-EBTAUrfiRAUBB ' DRUGS; MEDICINES AND VBBMfCAIt \ PERFUMERY SOAPS, TOILET AND FANCY AWICU BRUSHES, YARNISBES, tilSTt, OILS DYE-STUIJB PATENT MlJUeiHil VIOLS AND BOTTLES,. WINDOW-GLASS, PDTIY, , LAMPS, CIGARS AND TOBAO PIBE WINES AND BRANDI FOR MEOICAL PURPOSES. ALSO, SACRAMENTAL WINS, Warranted to bo pure Grape juice, pnitni pressly for Communion purposes. Prescriptions carefully compounded, aid ij K promptly Answered. Every article for sa|e usually sold ii a inti Drug Storis, and at tbs lowett market prices. ■WoUaboro, May 1,1661. RSBBI* C ABINBT WARE ROOI rr\HE Subscriber most respectfully snnoßaeii I bo has on band at tbe old stand, tndftrn Cheap Lot pf Faruiinre. comprising in part Dressing and Campion Bureau*, S*cretariu aid, Cases, Center, Card and , Pier Table t, Diniij Breakfast Table*, Marble-topped and Common Su Cupboard $, Cottage and other Bedstead*, Stank fa « and Chair*, Gilt and Bonuood Jlnlditf Picture frames, - j COFFINS made to order on short boAn hearse willibe furnished if desired. N. B. Turning and Sawing done te order. August 11,1850. * B. T. TiSHOI pIIARLEST