i agitator. r ASB KtB6ii.iAHB.OUB ' ' ■ • •• r - iboro, Wednesday; July 30. Wfe. New Advertisements. •' \j ;! /(trvifurt —E* Wcllfl. Sckef&A»ol— o.P/StoblnJ>i.| ‘i. ‘| MW.ly; patwtedr'BOifcftH , for tale at the Post-Office 5 for 8 cenU, hundred. ; They are Tory luly >o Ip those son ding papers Jo 1 ; ths paperU frtn strong.-. ‘ t -'J* Jj' eadori wiUnbtiebtbatthe Call fSiiijlfß ■tendon leaned by lhe Eepnbliefn Cbbntj is &! broad and liberal at the raoaf.ifwn mld darir** : .This u as it ehoajd b$ f .ound tba Committee have bnt foliptfod jdt example of tha Stat* Commit ]ae, act tTeryWhtra. ,;■", ij ! '■’M' ; • learn thattbjpeople of the’ (Kff WWqne vicinity intend holding "ft m> ts s|yjw-. it Elkland, on the sth of Angualt, Widest jdance of the Row. T. X.'Beeoherya) d lien -of Elmira, hate been ppocarji; foi'jtjm .. Preparations iaio beingynadb fbt.afmge rtd with this class of speakejmilae enthnsUatib time, well worthjr ®e .attend* terybody ' within rbaoh. r,; | Mra, Mary C. Hackman, for some ydar||<|ne ftcnlty of the Female College, at arrived here In company withi he| ijWr, irtba Emery, on Monday last. | ®>c j? fefl jle last February,; and came through ad Virginia where they wore detalnel for a |u|n -1 raonlhi. ’ ■ We welcome them back |> i tbo old flag, under which wo Unit regain, their .health/ which we le#n.,hts Seen that impaired by the hard (are ane }n. *ci a‘ trip through Dixie in these t : B| ot iXiDA TmsTLXs. —The LegisSttore, ttfj this its.last session, passed a law to 3“ prat )d|» far iction and present the sprem of by'which aH'holders of imd, eifbeFto otherwise, are required! to Ctk all .|'itfpfla 40 as t» prevent their going tgseedt thfir wing apdn' their promises,' pndtt the p patty Jojltra. The same law proridesgthat atfr.per -19 may consider themselves abonftol he injfred ejlecl or refnlal of the holder * t cat or destroy such thistles, thsl spoh ) «ntchs ip; themsolres about to ho injified may i lands of such delinquent andfcnt or desV/py ■ r snd charge the owner or holcseriof the f,td - of two pollan per day, as aicomponsagpn ' ' • I L monTTDL AcCujgar.—Abon| nine , o’elfitjk ■d»j aorning, a little son _of- Sitiuel Giffijt' i|tl years of age;'was'aertbu»l| if not fatfljy in tbe mill of Uessrs, Wright t Bailed,in ueo from this Borough. Jlly Sillott, wljo id in the mill, was taking apjk i tone for ;’;so dressing it, and when past} raised iije u set in motion by water ghat hod graf ;tod upon the wheel, hittingthe stone ufon ;0. was at work. In. its feyolations,i|ipo who was standing near, by a gpK machinery and'thrown several foat, afrit iwehe.nl upon the chime of y harre - frightful wound, extendings nearly I due led hu bead, and leaving IS teoniid 1 his skull completely ; Dr. ‘ wooed, taking np the. temporal aft sgis ion serered on each side, in! heskedh Although tho.yijluT is Ij .dangerous nature, somo| hojrea nra Sy. ir his reoorery, and we ainArely wish i) fy - . - ■ .4 (I ~-fe following table, for are intlejb£d at, Esq., shows tbs apportionment of* fjpe tired volunteers called by tb| Goreruof Wp /, to each township and jboroogbio the Ths first column of figures «2pws tbe ; pten by the Ust census. Igtt each dii.nqk in farmihuijjita qqpta of wn; . : " % 880 a.,.. 903 \; 1....2012 4 I 869 , tv! X....16M ..“.O' ...... ;.{L.. 317 --S’ ... ......2329. .£», ; i .... 679 , 7 —7» ; i -.;U. 312 ;S ’.—.1161 'I - 1 -417 4; f ' .......Jf....1625 n’-- 4.... 313 * s;; ......... —5....1037 .191 ■ ■ .............. ..... 615 "’5. j:..:.1642 3 8 1 I Boro m H , JM9; : . ...552 ilj 61?! ' '446 X. ,.,..1345 ;33-.l ,.'.....,....1156 'iiU . Ji? 't\ ; .......X...1Y71 I?'* 1685 10' : f43 4<- ....:.....;.5,.;.i320 ’ i 3 :;,: BO9 ' ..4 1135 .11 , 603 * ‘ . .M..* Situation of the TlOffUjßoye. . ' S«low the latest account* ire have from tfce miei in the army from' tbie County.-" jive each week, if possible, the cnijif *aeh company,.not alone tot the bonofi’tofj • at home, but for the bene- It of the b iys "t Every soldier from County dei) he*; * »b«te the “ other are, and ll -'ey to be gratified with, this- intolliger i».| pH therefore be grateful to’ any person for -th* l ‘ Nwncefroft thoMldi W , ' j V| ttldiets in Captain Sills’ and Captain;WJrj?i pjPanics,have sent home $lO6B tatheirfrieiiffd* •hsnds of Henry Sherwood, Esq.,Tvhb vt«'; rpieaumd to those entiled to receite it. 1 “ Ullt Eeg’t., Pa. Vol».,C»l*i ,V.-A,EUi«& : '? Ul f <• also considerablyrthined ont, and 11 iut accounts only fid mon. . Caf'K. ’ - from corny fever for »b< ivering, add hotels' sdo id. Majordloard- ha* ke£jt lent Colonsloy oftha regi-i qualified to fill. • ie news from bur Cavalry' ir fcqm .Cspu’Wood’s, Caval-- ■ that the.tattethasieftWhsii;; ~?r ty. ' | ;-I /ORPHAN’S COURT SALE;—By virtue of teterve Corps. late Caplaifj'J (.7 an order of the Orphan’s Court to me directed,! f win sell at public vendue on Saturday the 9kh day of irthor news- from this oa the p romiBes In Jackson, at 2 o’clock User of last week, publish'»v| p t ha following described real estate, to wit: . f A tract of land situate in the township of Jackson, ing. We Save a letter from I beginning at a post in lino of James Hostile; IheneC igineer .Regiment, dated R;| n brth'li oast'lSO.f per. to n post in south line of Seth ’ 18th,,stating that Cap’tjUi I Daggett; thence south S9J, east by said Daggett 18 bcing deaa, is alive s „er cheB to a post; thence south: 66}, east by Daggett ' . ... [‘ jqi 3 perches to a postf thence south 7, West 13.1 liable, we should Hail it witit I perches to a post; 'thence south 65} east |6.5 perches ted Major Stone a Bepf> \ ]ace o£ beginning-vcoutaiaing 78.2 acres, intions tbo'ejtaet time aj(.J AI.LES B, BUY A if, Executor. oiljnd’s death. He stat. Jackson, July "2, 1853,. , : ;1 • ' ’ ; lli: •C that he vfss shot white'"steadying. his own aid endeavoring to rally others." Besides this, be hare the concurrent testimony of other witnesses who ever that they sow Capt.. Holland shot. Besides,ilf Capt. Holland were alivehe would hare relieved the deep, anxiety of bjs friends long ago. Co. D, sYth Eeg’t, Pa. VoUj Capt. Canlkingi The news from this company it quite meagre. Wo hare heard that Capt Caelking had tendered hit reeigna. lion on account of ill hcaltb,-hut do not kaow wheth er it was accepted. A letter from Corp. Edwin 0. Goodrich, hat'been received from Richmond, In which he says he was.eaptnred on the Ist of July, and was in good health and well treated.' He and all other prisoners there, will probably he exchanged within b few weeks, • ~ Co. 6, Ist Iteg’f. Biflet,'. Pa. -B, CriCapL Hugh McDonald. We las t h card from this gallant' compa ny at Warrenton, Va. A monster-petition If Wing circulated in the northern part of the connty whine the Captain is so well known, asking for bitipremo tion. We hope hekrlll succeed;. 1 ,-i.V- Co. H,.6th Segt. Pa. Res. Corps, Capt Carle. We print this week an excellent private letter from a mens, her of this' company. .It shows the exact .state of feeling on the James,- botk as regards matters there and here. We ask fathers, mothers, sisters, and broth ers of all soldiers whose eyes may chan do to read, this item, to read, what "R. B, W.” says abent the|; receipt, of letters by the.soldiers at this time. The Company, we learn from good authority, numbers only about 62 effective men,oil the others, being sick. lon furlough, or in the hospital. Lieut. Bose has resigned on ac count of ill health. „ . Co. I, -45th Reg’L, Pa, Vols., Capt.’, Hills., We learn that Lieut. Q, M. Ackley of this Company has resigned on account of ill health, and that Mr. James Cole has been promoted to the post of Second Lieu tenant in his place. —The 4iih Eegt, Pa. Vol. Col. Welch commanding, arrived in the Arago at Newport News, July 21st, and ore reported in good health generally. They left Hilton Head, 8. C, July 18, and are probably going to farm a part of the Grand Army on the 1 James River. Co. F, 11th Cavalry, Capt Mitchell, ni at Camp Hamilton, Va. ‘ i Co. E, Ist Regt. Rifles, P. R. C. Capt. Nilcf. The following letter from Lieut. Mack of this Com pany will be read with interest: 1 Hear Friends -at Hour : lam now a prisoner in Richmond, Licnt. Truman, myself, and ‘part of ear Company were taken at half past four, Friday; (Jane 23,) Capt. Niles land the rest of the company, (except the wagon guard, sick, and a few others) were taken in the forenoon of the same day,- Lieut. Truman and myself gat into Richmond at half past eight the same night; Capt. did. hot coma in until the next day; we had-two man wounded; Chas. Vallence, of Coving ton, bad bis arm brake with a musket ball, Peter Bothwoiler, of Lancaster city was wounded in.-ihe face. -We are all well, and treated very kindly, Ca leb Fenton and J. V, Morgan are in the same building •with Capt. Niles, TrumanTßhdinjyself. Enclosed I send you the names of those of our"-Company who are now prisoners here. From your affectionate Son and Brother, . Lieut. S. A. Mack. Names of the Officers, non-commissioned Officers and Privates of Co. B, Ist Rifle Regiment, P. R. V. C., who are prisoners TnT&icbmond: . ' Captain—A, E. Niles. , Ist Licutcnantr-rHucius Truman. 2d Lieutenant —s. A. Mack. 2d Sergeant —Vis. Taylor. 3d Sergeant —Geo. A. Ludlow. -4th Sergeant —Gilbert R. Christcnat, Ift Corporal —Caleb Fenton. 2d Corpora 3d Corporal — J. V. Morgan. ' 4th Corporal —-Robert Kelsey. Wnu Boatman’, Albert J. Cbristenat, W. : Campbell, H.- IL Grow, . K. A. Johnson, James Kriner, Wallace Moore, Edwin Osborne, Robert Steel, Jafeob Snider, John Weidle, James A. West, Andrew Walters, George W, Champlain, P s Roberts, B. Bv Potter, Wm. English, Saifal. Buck,. Bela Borden, % Cyrns Wetmore, Charles Sweet, Charles Hosdlij, The foregoing names are all those that were taken prisoners Of our Company, the reat 1 think are safe i 8. A. Mv Prom this list it will be seen that Boht. Kelsey re ported killed is alfve and well. A. later letter from Lieut. Mack informs ns that .Charles ValUnce had-his arm'amputated. Capt. Kilos was suffering from p a attack of jaundice,’hut - was 'recovering. He reports himself hi Iboking IhroUghtiregtites.’ ! IMPORTANT TO FEMALESI / t THE HEALTH AND LIFE OP WOMAN IS continually To peril if she ie mad enough to neg , lect or maltreat those sexual irregularities to which two-thirds of her sex are more or less subject* HR*. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS, prepared from the snibe formula which the inventor, CONELITTS L. CHEESEMAN, M. D,, of New York, has for twenty years used BuccessfullyTn an extended private prac tice—-immediately relieve'without pain, all disturban ces of the periodical discharge, whether arising from relaxation or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains, that accompany difficult or im moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and re liable remedy for Flushes, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nerv ous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep and other unpleasant aud dangerous effects of an unnatu ral condition ef the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Flnor JUbv* or Whites, they effect a > speedy cure, j ' _ * - • >'•81121 SOO. DR. CHEESBMAN’B PILLS are offered! ai the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstrua-, lion, but • , "f' ■ > LADIES MUST BEAR IE MIND , That 6ri that very account,it taken when the Interrup tion arises from natural causes, they will ineVitaMy prevent the expected events. ’ This CAUTION IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, for such Is the ten dency of the Pills, to restore the original functions of the sexual organisation, that they inevitably! arrest the process of gestation. . I !‘ Explicit direclimt, idles, and «1(« fluy thouid not be need, uiti each Price fat Sol? \lar each Bo*, containing /rom iO to 50 Pillt. ' • ■ A valuable Pamphlet, to- bo had free, of the dgenta. Pills tent by mail promptly, My enclosing price to'the Agent. Bold by druggists generally.' R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, •' ' For sate at Hoy’s Drug Store. Dee. 11, ISBI.-ly. . 20,/Cedar ft, New York. Richmond, Va., July 8, 1882. Officers, Privates. Wm. Blackwell, i Lorenzo Oatlin, ! Stephen Campbell, Jacob Hack, A. J. Kriner, Wm. Morrison, Wm. Morgan, H. C, Roland, Joe t -S tarbwea ther, Hiram Wicks, Edwin Wilcox, PhUetus A. West, Wm. Walters, A. G. Bardwell, Thomas Martin, Ww. H.-Jackson, D. C. Lampman, Eugene Stone, 0. P. Borden, Gustavos Sweat, NOTICES. .TO WIVES AND MATRONS. I TH 1 ‘TI OH A GO tr ITT Y AHITATOB. That, nice machine, the hitman Dame! ■ - - O God 1 inspira-mymAud, . That I.may understand the same. No more to nature blind. Inspire my tongne, inspire my-heart, : - And usefalknowledgegivo, . That knowledge too, may I impart, . And teach mankind to lire. I>R. JACKSON, THE CKLEBRATD E£FOBI BOTA HIC 1 ..... - rr .jvJsn?-,- ; Indian Physician, . : OF ERIE CITY, PENN'A., May be CentnUed at follmce —Free e/ Charge, Hernelsrille, H. T., Chadweck Honsd, ' Saturdayand Suaflay, July 19 and 20 Cameron, N. T., at Hotel, i Monday, July 21 Addison, N. Y.,DooßUle House).' - Tuesday, July-22 Coming, N.Y., Dickinson House, Wednesday, “ 23 Bath, N. Tf, Union Hotel, i Thursday; July 24 TIOGA, Pa., Gooddok-Honse. : . Tuesday, July 29 WELLSBORO, Pa., United States Hotel, Wednesday and Thursday, July SO and SI- Elmira, N. Y., Braiaard.Bouse,; Saturday and Sunday, August 2 sad 3 TROT,, Pa., Troy House, t Monday, August 4 Havana,'N.Y., Montour House,; Tuesday, Augbst 5 Watkins, N. Y., Jefferson House. Wednesday, Aug. 6 Dundee, N. Y., Ellis House, Thursday, Aiig. 7 Penn Yau, H. Y., Stuel House, Friday, August 8 Xhw Suffering: CromCJiroiiic .Waeaaa, of any description may ho assured that their esses will be treated fairly and candidly, and they will not be encouraged to take my medicine without a corres ponding prospect of benefit. ’ | Dr. Jackson can be consulted at his Booms, in re gard to all diseases, which be treats with unprece dented success, on a new system. He chrea Chronic caaesof diseases, which have been pronounced theu rable by the Medical Faculty generally, such as Ner vous and Neuralgic Affections, Diseases of Women, .Paralysis, Epilepsy, Asthma,. Salt Bhenm, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, the diseases of Children, etc. All oases of Seminal Emissions which is carrying thousands to the grave annually. . Remember the Doctor does not promise to cure all stages of diseases. While all diseases are euraih, if taken in season, all stapes are not. Y our casemay he curable tkie weak, not next — to-Jay, not t»-« orraw ; hence the danger of delay. Coniultatiom Free, Dietant Invalid/. — Patients unable to visit Hr. J. by appointment, can communicate their symptoms by letter, and have proper medicines sent to any part of the world by express, with certainty and dispatch. All letters of inquiry must contain one stamp to pre pay reply. Address Hr. A. C. Jackson, Erie, Penna,, Box 34. May 31,1862. New Spring! Stock, THE BEST EVER BROUGHT HER* AWD THE CHEAPEST! CALL AKD EXAMINE TO* TOEESILVKS THE OLD STORE B. B. SMITH, THRU DOORS MLOW WELLSBOBH HOTEL, BULLARD & CO., THAKXTFL TO TSEIB NUMEROUS TBXEKBS TOR 1 -1 ~ ,' t ;; A L&£ UR AL JSSA B JT. IInr« Provided Themtelro* WITH A FULL STOCK DRY GOOD'S, GROCERIES, d*., de.. FOR CASH OR PRODUCE, Weltsboro, April SO, 1802. great KEOccTidir sitfes. doting out all our. .Stock of Sutntter. Goedt! Prices reduced on Plain Drue Goods. Prices reduced on Fane, Dress Goods. Prices redneed on Cloth and Silk Mantles. Prices redneed on Shawls. ■- Prices redneed on Sunshades and Parasols., A iweepli jWdnclion through nor entire itoek. DORMAUL’S BEE HIVE, _ Holdtn’t Block, Elmira. Black Silks hare advanced in Kew Tork, still we are offering Good Black Dress Silk for Mats. Worth STcts. .< •< •• 87 «* 125 " “ " 100 , “ 169 Bsst “ u 128 “175 Fane, Silks equal), low at DORMAUL’S BEE HIVE. Tranks, Tallies, Travelling Begs of every descrip tion, direct from the manufacturer! constantly on hand at. ' Napkins, Doylies, Linen Towels, Hnokabnck, Birds Eyes Diaper, Pare Linen Table Damask, Marseilles, Qn!lt*,Woelen Table and Pimre Spreads, 20 per cent below market valne at '' Nottingham' I>ae« Curtains and rich smbtoidsred Braperia Muslins, the largest and finest assortment erer exhibited. DORMADL’S BEE HIVE, Botgen’a Block, Elmira . • Hoop Skirts! Heir Styles! • Best Quality 11 and cheaper thdn anywhere else. i V- , , DORMADL’S BEE HITE. J English Hosiery! Everybody will be suited in Hosiery. i, ' DORMADL’S BEE HITE, Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs?-....... . Lisle Thread Gloves gi Shirt Brants, r....... ,0S . India Bobber Bound Combs . .03 Silk Mitt*. 06 Ladiei.Hosev .05 Embroidered Collars.... .. ....... .03 Every article-sold ne advertised. I DOBMAUI/S BEE HIVE, 130 IVatCr St K. T, Elmira, ,Tuly lii, 1303. AN INVOCATIPN. A T m OF PATRONAGE, —«r— with si toiv DORMAUL’S BEE HIVE. DORMAUL’S BEE HIVE. CORNING chEap cash store. THE.eitiieDB.oC Tioga and tho. neighboring e enti ties ire respectfully invited to call and examine (at their earliest opportunity )> the late arrivals of Sp*sag and Sommer (foods, received by the subscriber daring the Iwt feir week*, it being to the into rest of all to do to If in need of good* andthoylike BASOAWS. The stock isfbß of now styles in all Muds of DRESS GOODS,'tom • good Hlnmlayaoloth atlbeehts to the' rich itylet in Mosambiqnes, Poplins, Mohairi, and all the varisd Varieties in market at prices from 1 and 6 to 8 shil lings. ThO styles are new and desirable and. store nerer cheaper thah.now; re bare good Do Lain as 1 shining yard. Pine Challies I'’shilling to 1 and id. best De Laities Is. 6d,, Lawns cheap, Black silks fs. 7s. Ss.per yafd,eiestp enough for the closest buyer; Weintend to keep all goods required in this marks! and guarantee the prices right, \ CLOAK ASi) MANTILLA STOCK. We make this- a leading branch - in the bnsiqeis and keep aU the how desirable styles,'such as English Saeqnss, Gipsoys, Ac. We also keep a fall lino of doth, from Bs. to 12s. per yard, alto trimmings to match. . PARASOLS, SUN UMBERELLAB, Pull assortment, good ones is, better Bs. to Ba, beet JOt. to $3,00. Domestic Stock. Wo are telling.every article in’this line lower thaa the present aurket prices. OUR STOCK IS FULL, _ and that* liaeatcely an srtiqU bream ebeet ingr and ihirting* in the heavy make*, bnt that we ere telling a* , LOW AS EVER. We.bare good bleached Mnaline at 16 and 11 *U., handiomc yard wide do. at 12) eta., belt qnalltiu yard wide brown abirtinga, 12) cl*., rich print*, war ranted fait color* 10 ots., good Gingham* I*. yard. Pant staff* cheap, Napkins, Tabic Linen*, TaweUiag, Window Drapery 4c„ aheap ai.erer. We har* a larger etoek of ' BOOTS AND SHOES, than we have usually kept, they are aheap. STRAW GOODS, neb ai Men’* and Boy’s Hats, Shaken,' Plata, Trim mingi Ac., fall assortment. Groceries. We Intend to keep this itook »o a* to giro Perfect Satisfaction to all buyers both at wholesale and retail, WHOLESALE BUYERS, eao most always pick up goods throughout our sleek at much lower rates than con ,be ■Found EJicwliere. Buying in large lots, enabling us to sell goods ai Ibis than Ke* York prices adding expenses* CUSTOMERS from all parte are invited to call. Good! freely ahowa, and if price* ere not i&tiefactory, we do not expect to *eU any goad*., JAMES A. PARSONS, Np. i CONCERT BLOOR, ' ' CORNING, N. T. M»yJl,lm. ' feb. 12,1««».. NEW CO 8! T. ii. BALDWIN ■ new rsourjlg a larg* end Well 8* ectedSUek ef SPRING AND,SUMMER GOODS, .... i; n s ■ , ■ ’ emulating in pertef a General Stock of ■ DRY GOODS; ; ; ; LADIES’- DRESS GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, . HARDWARE, Soots and shoes, wooden ware, 4e., Ac., Ac., A*., All ef which wiUbe icid TERT ROW for READY PAT ©SET. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE . TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. " All persons buying GOODS for SHADY FAT. ,yi, ' be sold at YMRt LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tioga, Hay 28, 1862. . . \ ,X. L. BALDWIN. AUDITOR® NOTlC?—Notice is hereby given that the undersigilndba* been appointed by thn Court to Audit an d-Dis tribute the moaeya arising up on the Sheriff Sole of tho'realestate of Timothy Coats ahdLintsford Costs—trill Attend to thcdtictns of bis appointment, where a- .bearing will bo . bed in : the premises, at his office in \Ve}l«boro, Monday, the 18 th day of August next, at' 1 o'clock -p. m., to distribute the said fund, ~ ~ H. W, WILLIAMS, Auditor, ’ WofltUrtf/ldjy j;- «Bl.' •- ' -• f ■ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—letters of Administration hayjag been granted to .the an-, do fiijrhedondhe estate of BENJAMIN NARROWER, late of Liudley, N. Y„ dos’d., notice is hereby given to these indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those baring claims to present them properly .an then tics ted-for .settlement to the subscri ber at Elkiand, Tioga Co. Pa. ‘ , - KASSON PABKHUKST, ; Jane 2S, 1862. Administrator. noticF. NOTICE is hereby giyiu, that an application hau been made to the Court - of-'Cotnmonf Pleas df TSoga Connty, by L D. Seeloy, John George, O. W. Northnp and others, to grant a. charter of incorpora tion for religions purposes, to themselves, their asso ciates and successors, under the name end style of the “ Second Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in and if no sufficient cause be shown to the contrary, the said court will decree that they be come and be a body corporate,. By the Coart, Jane 18,1862. J. F. DONALDSON, Proth’y. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby gircalhat ad application liaa been made to the Court of Common Pleas of Ti xtgs County, by Joel H. Austin) Charles Howard, 1). S s Buckbee, and other?, to grant a charter of incor poration for religious purposes, to themselves, their associates and successors, under the same and style of “ The Pint Methodipfe Episcopal Church of farming ton, 0 and if nosufficient cause he shown to the con trary,,the said Court will decree, that they become and be'a body corporate. By the Coilft, i . June 18, 1862,. J. F. DONALDSON, Vtjfh’y, EXECUTORY t NOTlCK.—Letters tftetacaentßTy having bean granted, to the subscriber oa;tbe » tate of Marvin B. Metcalf, late of Brookfield; towa ihip, deo’d., notice ia hereby given to those indebted to make immediate payment, and those having clftima to present them proparly authenticated for ntOemeet to the anbeeriber at Brookfield. JOANNA MBTCALF, EtcebUix, Brookfield, J unol 1 ,1852.» t A 'DMJNKSI&TOHIS SOTIC&i-tetters of ad miniatratiation having been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of Rachel S. Billings, late ol EVmi. . ra, N. Y., deed, notice is hereby given to these! odehted to said estate to mate immediate payment, ana those haring claims to present them properly authenticated . for settlement to the subscriber. . '*■ » ilone 11,1862. 6tr D.yF. BILLINGS, Admr. Feat Skill*. THE highest price Will be paid for light skins— must bo free from cuts op holes—by ‘ 1 •. JOHNSTON & BOYCE. 1 Tioga, June 4, 1802. St~- 1 jA NOTHRR fresii assortment of those ele gant 11 cent CALTCOftS —just received !»y [ Jane I*, M 2. J. HAHBEy-. A Is NEW AND BTO SKASONAB HATS BE] ▲ V TROY CAI Ws nstsk Wore Coin] THAN THE Out WILL ■ BEL THE iARKET HATES. i - * I; i . Ow Us** PURCHASES,? AND LARGE SALES, WILL SJfABLS US i 5; ~ •* j . ii."J : i.- - |Klve Basins —to— -OUlt CtPSTOMBRS, KOT TO SB Eo eEb ELMS WHERE. OUB REPUTATION Cheap Good* f i I (shall be CULLY HAINTAINEB. We OfmAdently INVITE EeHPNBIiON. ferine Sc Co., ; TROY, PA. ANOTHER STOCK OPFINE CLOTHING AT p&ices Far Below Competition. •; We have just receeeived a-large pnrohoae of tea. aonable Heady Made Clothing, from the Assignees of the celebrated OAK HALL ESTABLISHMENT, At prices that will enable us to sell below the coat of thanufaeturttij*. This »Wek 1, well worthy the atten tion el nil pnrcharCrs of Clothing. - ' FEIiISE » CO. ■ i ROB i* • ' DESIRABLE K OP S 6000$, RKCBIVBD I ■ * ft i H STORE. [are | I, SAD A I; ,1 lete Stock PRESENT. r Ices fovsb w .■ 1 !: MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. We, the undersigned Mayors, hereby cer tify that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and Physicians of our several cities have signed s dooumenfcof assurance to us that ASMB’S p*tw*-Psairr f T.a. Trm* .beats found to bo a remedy of great excellence, and worthy the confidence of the community, I'i / i HON. JAKES COOK, . Mayor of XiOWiiiDXi, MASS, HON. ALBIN BEABD, Mayor of jNABBOA, Zfl B. HON. S. VT. HABBINOTON, 7 Mayor of MANCHJUS'iMIB, XT. H. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, 1 ' Mayor of CONCORD, N. H. HON. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WOBOESTBB, MASS. HON. NATH>L SILSBEB, , Mayor of SAU3M, MASS. . HONJ P. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, HASS. HON. Wfc. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, R. X. HON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of 3J|OB>WIOH» COJSTff. HON. j. N. HARRIS, Mayor of COJJJT. HOW. OHAS. S. EODtBB, F Mayor of MONTREAL, O. E. HOT-; D. F. TIEMAWW, I.", Mayor of HEW YORK CITY. HOW. H. M, KTNSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, 0. Jfft '■ HOW. ADAM WILSOW, , A Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. - HOW. S. It BISHOP, Mayor of CHNOrNNATI, OHIO., HOW. I. H. CRAWFORD, . Mayor of LOOISVIIiLB, ICY. ; HOW. iOHW SLOAW, Mayor, of LYONS, lOWA. HOW. JAMES MoFEETEES, Mayor of BOWMAN ViliLH, O. W, . HOW. JAMES W. WORTH, ■ - Mayor ofAHQtTSTA, ME. HOW. HEWRY COOPER, Jr., , , Mayor of tTALLO w-rIJUL, ME. HOW. JAMES S. SEEK, Mayor of FBEDBBIOTOW, N., B. ; HOW. WILLARD WYE, Mayor Of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HOW. J. BLAISDBLL, Mayor of FALL RlVEtf, MASS, , HOW. »'W. H. CBAWSTOW, i Mayor of NEWPORT, R. L - BOW. FRED STAHL, ' Mayor of GALENA, ILL. , HOW. JOHW HODGDEW, ' Mayor, of. DUBUQUE, 10WA.., HOW. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, F Mayor of 'ObLaTTANOOQA,' TEEM.'; BOW. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. , HOW. Si 1)1 BAUGH, ; ' Mayor Of MEMPHIS, TENN.f HOW. GERARD STITH, ; : MayoT df NEW ORLEANS, LA.' HOW. H. V. BCRAWTOW, Si Mayor of ROCHESTER,. N- Y* . HOW. BE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N.Y.- HOW. GEO. WILSOW, . ' ' : 'f F Mayor of PITTSBiraO, &L‘. ’ HOW.: C. H. BUHL, .j, Mayor of DETROIT. MZCBt. ■ HOW, HEMAW L. PAGE, • < ■ Mayor of ~ALiIWAu h i i*l, * HON. W. VAUGHN, ■ ‘ Mapor of BMUSE, -wis. HON* A. PARE; . ■ • ,' ;r , ' Mayor of KJEtrosHA, W 18.„ hon. JOHN c. haineb, : ; ." dSlaybr of CHICAGO, TT>t»»’. HON. H. J. : A. HEATS, ; : ' .Maloti erf SELMA, AX. A. SOS. A. J> - NOBLE, '"■ Hajwof MONTCOMEAS - , ALA. . SDK, W. B. HOLYBADi V - (Mayor of GOLOMBUB, OA. • DOS ESPAETERO MANUEL, L .1 1 Mayor of VKEtA CBtTaf. boN PIETRE i)E caballo, Mayor of MEXICO. 1 DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVAMA- DON ANTONIO BCHEVERA, . . ’ Mayor of M*, PESO. Certify that the resident Bruggiate have) • ; aaanrjed them " Ayer's Sarsaparilla la an excellent remedy, and worthy the con> fldence of the community. tor Spring Dliemts. : Ter Purifying the Blood. Fw (noOUt or Slng’i Evil. For Tunn, Clcen,.nid Borer. For Rrnptlen* and Pimple*. For Blotches, Hiatus, and Boll*. -For St. Anthony’s Flre t Bose, or.Ery- For Tetteror Sait Rheum. [slpelaa. For Scald Head and! Ringworm, For. Concer.-ond Cancerous Sore*. For Sore Byes,' Sore Bars, and Humors. For Female Diseases; For Suppression and Irregularity. For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. For Direr Complaints.' For Diseases of the Heart. The Mayorsof the chief dues of the Uni tedßtates, Canadas, and British Province*. ,■ OhiU, Peru, Brasil, Mexico, and in foot al most all the cities on, this continent, hayo signed this document,"to assure their people', what remedies they may use with safety and : confidence. But our space will only admit A portion of them.' Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Ayer’s Pills, and Ayer’e-Ague Cure, ■ ■ rncpAr.SD nr »r. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWKLI., MASS., - - And sold by i)rus , tirory wiierc, _F<)r‘FaliH'.T‘C.'A'.T. I„ IiffBIJCVOK,’ IVeUcUit'/i’i