• ’ -— 1 t 1 -— ‘ , . ; :rule, that when Mr, Lincoln was ef'j |d Presi ; dent I hailed his triumph with ail joy ’because bis hands were,clear of theseSfamies ; because be was. under no covebaptivith the slave aristocracy. [Applause,] t .! jj r i ; In the coming campaign, althongle victory is, I In my opinion, certain and sare/we ihall hare'' ‘‘tk bitter and reckless foe to putdowi/; Should We fail, one defeat will be aooeptei fas a dec laration in favor of the rebellion. Admin istration will bsarrested in the pro Wntion of this, holy war, and the sympathij&prithSe oesssion will insist that their wfe’Jfinations have been triumphant and theit ttJison con firmed, The Breokinridgers erpeefeviitory be cause they have been so generously and sokindly tolerated, -Folminatingtiieir hjstred ■of; the conntry’a canse in public ahd'jnl private, corresponding with foreign, who pray for their downfall, some of thoaf-whobad hidden themselves in Paris and fii ddbu nre quietly returning to th’eir homes/' A 1 to it'jese men we have a right to demand tßit the Ad mlnistration of the Federal GovembrSnt. shall put the strong hand of power,npotl .The Sympathisers with Secession', wh4t|;jf onr ele gant friend Mr.JHaldeman, from toi; Neighbor hood, whose ’correspondence he. traitor emissary, !'. Butler King, has onlWyjely seen light, whether the:editor of a neysllper, l who’ is only saved from the, punishment fey bis own ■ insignificance, or the faithless Mfeisentative •who looks for re-election by thevotp'if a peo ple he has deceived,’ they should bo | that there is a limit even to the intlt|l£ence and ! forbearance, of a great Government; ! and that I .they cannot at the same time proMo- I tion and inttigne for its overthrow.!,| I He who is false to the-flag of Ss eoußtry, I and yetdates to live in the loyal should I either be compelled to go to a foreign lOnd, or I be driven with the seal of condemnation on his. : brow, among the rebels themselves/ Bet the f administration treat suoh men as eSetoie*, and ■with a finnand cansutant policyjthei war will terminate viotorionaly, and the l?»dpf-box record ah: emphatic verdict in iSiTpr of the I frienda of the Union.. j 1 . - . I ' A Proclamation. 1 • (~ . i . ] . Ik the Name and btthe Atnf&Gj irv or the j CoiIHONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA , ANDREW IG. CtIBTIK, GOVERNOR' OF THKi j'l COHUON- I WEALTH. : !'•'] 1 M • ,iW‘4 ji To sustain the Government h; times of eom ; Dion peril, by alibis and his life, if need be'j is the firstidutti of .every I loyal eitiien. 1 i The President of the United Siatesjhas made : a requisition on Pennsylvaniaiforiiyentj-one ‘ new ’ regiments, and regimfeatjhjilready in i the field must .be recruited. Etliuments will : be made for nine months in the devprojiments ' and for twelve months in the old; * r ! The existence, of the present emergency is i-i well understood. No patriot Wilpjianse now : to investigate its causes; Wq mueVlook to the future. Everything that is dettr q be. is at «J?he. ' ’ h %. . onder these circumstances I ppptt |wi{h con fidence to thefreemen of Pennsylvania. Yon have to save your homes and yoUrHiresides;— your own liberties and thoseof the coun- I call on. tho inhabitants of Ihgi counties, cities, boroughs and townships oar borders to meet and take aoti'V measures for the immediate furnishing of t le qulbta of the State. 1 f| Let those who oannpt go thensriy|s contrib ute to providehountias, equal, at iio at, .to those .offered .by adjoining States. The Constitution prohibits me-lfdy drawing money from the Treasury of> Law, and I will not cast a doubt pn-the patriots ism of our citizens by .assuming: Im necessity of calling the. Legislature at this tijne. 'lbis is no time to. trait for Legislative notion • and the negotiation of loans. . Delays might be i fatal. To put down this, rebellions &e basi ! ness’of every man in Pennsylvania; and bet i citizens-will show on this oceasioutliat they do > not wait for the alow.process of Jejiulation, and ■ do not desire to throw on the TH ai&ry of the Commonwealth a burden which theyhreindi vidually neady'to bear themselves. ..Si -*i The conduct of onr mon alreadyin thefield . benched immortal lus tro onPeUnsyK-ania; Let their brethren fly to arms to suppotf them,.and make victory;speedy as well as certain.. I designate below the pamber or .companies which are expected, from the sevetlconntlos in the State, trusting the support o jher honor in this crisis; (as it hi ay be safely'lrqsted,)' to the loyalty,: fidelity and- valor of freemen. ■ Whilst the quota' of the sevetalqo’nnties is . fixed equitably so as to fill the,re([t|iBition foe twenty-one regiinents, let not the iqyal people Of ahy county limit their exet ioiis' to' the en listment of the Companies namei.. I -; Our heroiosons of Pennsylva iialiave moist ened every battle field with their l»l6od ; thou sands have bravely died defend! ig nnity of the Republic and the sanctity \ f ynf flag, and (jther thousands have fallen sick addwounded, and their place filled. . , _ " 1 Freemen of Pennsylvania 1 Friends of Gov; eminent, of order and of our c i imon nation ality I -one earnest struggle aU U peace will again dawh upon ns as a happy,.prosperous 'and united people. ’ .Given under my hand aud the great seal of the State at Harrisburg, this twenty-first day of July, in the year of our Lord p: «e thousand eight'hundred and sixty-tWo,.>fid of the. Commonwealth, the eighty-seven ih. AO. 2CRTIX.'' By the Governor. . T ELI SLIFER, ,(1 &cnUary of ihe Commo^iSedUlu Get}. Twiggs, the donble-dyeil traitor, died on tbo 15th of July. ■ His thr'a ewords. pne, presented to him by Congress, I mower by the Legislature of Georgia and aejot 1 lerjiy the city of Augusta, were all captured ' from a -negro .who hod them in his possession' Uidep. Butler has sent them to President Lipct The Republicans of Snyderi' pnnly' have -nominated. Col. John J. Patten j; of Union County, as a candidate fop 3Ss,'and H. K. Ritter for Assembly, both su &ct -to the conferees respectively, who are tojix the can didates for the Congressional imtkLegialativo districts to which Snyder coaa|yru attached. -The Secessionists in the Giy ; jSpnncils of Baltimore hare refused to allov ai y appropri ation of funds for the paymeit; (if...bounty to peoplearevety, i ndignant at jt, and the offending members .hsv'e to be pro tected by the police. - i 1 . "Stonewall” Jackson, of the Retel army,-Is ’ a son-in-law of the Rer. Dr, Jnnkj n.Prgsbyte , rian clergyman, formerly of MiHoK.f; .1 5^7 THE AGITATOR. HUSH YOTJIfS, EDITOR k PROPRIETOR WBLtSBOEODGH.PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 30. 1862. People's State tfondnations. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, , THOMAS E. COCHRAN, OF FORK, COBSTT. ■ FOR SORTRYOR GENERAL, WILLIAM S. ROSS, OF LCZSRNE COONTT. • -( , ; 868 T The People’s Convention of Clinton Coant; met at the Court Housh'at Lbek Haven, oh Tuesday,-July 22d inst., ! nod unanimously adopted the Resolutions of the. State Conven tion i B.Ruah Petri kin, was nominated, for Congress froth that County iby n vote of 49'to 29 for W. H. Armstrong of Lycoming. The Convention was addressed! by Mr! Petrikih, Mr. Chatham, (Douglas Democrat,) Mr. 'Wil son and others. The greatest enthusiasm pre vailed. Jt@“ General Pope haaissued a series of or ders which convinces ns that be at least intends to carry ont thejjdrit of the Confiscation Bill. He has ordered thaTliereafter soldiers in his army will not be employed to guard the prop erty of rebels. He believes that a soldier’s duty is to fight and not to play war with trai tors. So for the future the pen roosts of reb els, their pig-sties, their milch cows, and hay stacks, must take ears of themaelve. Coaxing, then, has come to a close; hereafter they are to be fought and fought too, wjith all the energy of the. Government, and with all the means "Within its power. We trust every General, in the army will adopt the policy of General Pope, and the sooner the better. TIOQA BOYS, BALLY! We print elsewhere' ‘"the patriotic proc lamation of Governor Curtin, calling upon the people of the old Commonweath to raise twen ty-one new regiments and fill np the old ones now decimated by sickness and death. Three companies are to be raised {from this county, and although this is more (than onr share as compared with other connties, nevertheless it is our duty to raise them promptly. Our peo ple are already alive to the work as may be seen by the accounts of the War Meetings which we print in onr other columns. When these three companies shall jhave been ‘ raised, (and the indications are that they wiH he raised within ten days,) wo shall then be the Banner -County for the War, U we have been the: Ban ner Connty for Freedom. —We point with pride to ihe proceedings of the War Mass Meeting bald in the Court House in this Borough, on Tuesday night last, and the consequent action of the County Commission ers.’ It wilt be eeen that the Cosnty has offered a bounty of $5O to be raised by loan, to every volunteer who shall be swoijn into, tb,e service, .until the three hundred called for from this Connty, shall have been entailed; This patri otic donation of $15,000 involves the necessity of issuing certificates to represent this loan, in sums of hot less than $5O, bearing seven per cent, interest, and reimbursable in' four; equal annual instalments from the date of issue. ‘The necessity of' this action was Immediate' and pressing. More than one handled recruits hath within the pasttwoweeka gone to Corning and Elmira, and taking advantage of the liberal bounty offered by the Governor of New York, have enrolled - their names there, instead' of here.' More than three hnndred men did so under the Second call, making an aggregate of over four hundred men from this County who ought to be numbered among the troops of the | Old Commonwealth, who are not. ' Citizens of Tioga County, you who bavemon ey to Uhd, show ydnr patriotism by taking this loan. Let it.be done promptly and. cheerfully, for without a Government,-your, wealth is as nothing. The country demonds sacrifices from all her children;-bat hero-is'an opportunity to servo her without ‘much sacrifice. We trust that every dollar will be taken in the county, and that too, immediately, ileantime, let every man who can, repair at once to Wellsborougfa, Tioga, or Etkiand,'where recruiting offices and camps have been establisheid; adder the new call, and in a very short time the quota will bp filled. * : 'i . The brigand chief Morgan, made a recent raid into the heart of Kentucky with about 2,- 500 cavalry, during which be succeeded in rob bing And frightening the people of that State quite extensively. By rapid movements he pounced upon a number of imall plaoes suc cessively, .which he plundered jof everything that he could carry away—doing a large busi ness in hbrse stealing and store-fobbing. The State wasyery ranch excited, arid alarmed by the audacity of tbie vagabond and his ragamuf fins—Frankfort, Lexington, knd I Louisville be ing- threatened by turns. Morjgan issued , a grandiloquent address, calling bn the people of Kentucky to "rise/’ and all that sort of thing; but they didn’t rise ranch except io meet the invader, though he, no dobbf,:anticipated a general rising of the Rebel elejnent of Ken tucky, but they seem to have been too shrewd to trust their fortunes to this would-be Attilla with his devastating Hans. ..The latest account we have . from Morgan and j his; gang' is that they were scattered'and put jo-flight by an in ferior, cavalry force under t Gen. Green Clay Smith,. near Paris, after much of the plunder 'which they had taken at Cykthiana and other places had been recaptured.! Among the bril liant exploits of this baud w w the crossing of the Ohio River at Newburg lud., where they ‘ - .Jv THE WAX HEWS. THE TIOOA COUKTT AG-ITATOR. seized upon' and plundered-the hoepital, and compelledSS sick soldiers .-id sign a parole, after whicb theyskedaddled back to Kentucky. , Among, the -otdera recently- issued by-Gen. Pope is one holding the inhabitants iphis mil itary district responsible for the acts of guer rillas, viz : - Whenever arailmad*,wagon road. bridge or telegraph is injured by guerrillas, the citizens living" within five miles of the spot shall be turned ent eninasseto repair the dam age, and shall also pay the expenseof coercing sbch labor! /if j, soldier, or lOptimatofoliow er of the army, be fii«d upon from anylhonse, the bouse .sbajlbo,raised to the ground, and the inhabitants sent prisoners to the headquarters of the army. ..If suck an outrage occur at any place distant from settlements, the peoplowith in five miles around shall be held accountable, and made to pay an indemnity sufficient for the case. Any persons detected. in such outrages, either daring the, act or any time afterward, shall be shot without waiting civil process. WAB .HASS MBBTIHGK Agreeably --> , m JMC A, In Blossbnrg, on, the 2fth inst,, at the residence ef the bride’s, parents, by the Rev. Ai ! G. Ilammon, Mr. 0. C. WUSINHY; to-Miss'JOß HEftRROfiSTON. In : WWlsKorb; on ; the -37th -inst./ at'tbVM. E.' Par sonage, by Rev, J.jLaadreth, Mr. Op ARLES DAW SON , of Charleston, to Miss CORDELIA WETHER q .* *T-* if . In Wellsboro, on the 20th inst, by A. CROWL, Esq., Mr. DICKINSON FRANCIS, I to Miss LYDIA KENEDY; both'of DolmAr. '' ■ ... In Farmington, Joly Sth, 1862, h; r Rev. J, 11. Au«- tin, m ELUAB AMES, W Miss LOUISA .PEASE, both of Middlehnry. ■' ir> is ±> . :j' •' • In Chiarlayton, Jnly.2s, AJsJlv;ififg>of John E. Jone>, aged 56 years' and 4 daysi In Delmar, on the 13th insU/of Consumption, Miss AMELIA GRIFIXN, ngod 25 yeaye, 6 months and 18 days. * • • t| AC her brother’! (Chnunoy Johriion) residence in Covington, July Üb, ELVIRA JOHNSON, aged 26 years. _ | The subject of thii • momobto express oil.public fiitb in the Saviour at the early age of fifteen, jdejuified herself with the Presbyterian Conmnnion in Covington, where she re* moined an exemplary* Christian up’ toil the period of her ored, she died lamented, , -Com, tfifo lUh inst, Mr. ARCHIBALD >9 years, ID montbs, and 11 days, ter had been a professor of religion for hough suddenly' called from-the em >nde, (not being confined to his room feeVa blessed assurance that their loss md the Christian patience be manifested upright walk as &> citizen, bis tender ikHhfalness as a’Christian and a hue eld in sacred remeijkbrauce of deleted death. She liyed 6e Id TfesWdd, oa C. BALCH, aged Our deceased brot toady yean—and a) braeje of woeping fri quite two days) tboj is his eternal gain; tinder affliction) bit care as a parent, his band, trill long bo t worth- • May 28th, at the residence of bis 'RACE LEROY, inly child of Ste ench, aged 1 y«sr, 4 months, and 1 , In Farmington) grand parents, H( pben and Mary F 4 days. Tho depth of this lovely babe learn hisinothsr very lonely her husband being; Ip tho army, a member'of tbe 45th ' l'.V Begiment, Col. Welsh. Looking trom the window wo be* hold: the flowers blooming in the snnshfne apd swaying in tho breeze. Bot where, oh wheie is the lovely bud of prem ise, pet of all our hearts; who bloomed so lately in onr hap py household: cheering ns from hour to,hour with. bis sprightliness and beauty, where ie hel echo answers where? But faith looks up with tearful eye, and says be has a man sion in tiio sky. ' ■; ■ ,j Con. select school. Wt. STEBBINS, - 4 Teacher. The Fall Term pill commence August 26,1862, and continue 12-weeks. ■ ■' ! ' TUITION. ;; '■ Primary Department $2 50 Common English... ....* 3 60 Common English and one branch! higher... -3 60 Common English and two or more higher;.. 4 60 No deductions in tuition only in case of continued sickness. No effort will be spared tt> make this school eqnal to any in this otmnty. Public examinations Will ha held' monthly., Vocal Music taught free. Board, Booms Ac., for the accommodation of students can be bod in the village at low priies,' ? . U. P. STEBBINS. - The Westfield Village School has: been under the instruction of U. P. Stebbins, for tbo last eighteen weeks to tbe rapid advancement of students, and en tire satisfaction of the, people, ! Committee. Westfield, July 30, 1862. ,*•':. > Concentrated lye. fur sale at . ROY'S. DRUG STORE. QOVSCHOtD ' THE LADIES ar» the one* 'to select - Earniturefand it is. to much easier for Jw’l? take a carriage and ride a fowiniies and return it .a to go4o or SO miles for the purpose, that the re v,7*, her would inform them that he has just STOCK before the tariff and tax prices aw "m, . and.hasa largo and.inviting assortment, *k;Xv‘ wilfbe happy to show to those who may with a visit. ■( M 4u » fcMAHOGANT SOFAS, $2O, JSS-snd $2B. . 3W«; $22, $2B and $32, Handtomt ,W„ ; . c*l tor 4, '5, 6, 7,8 and 8 shillings a[ yard, ehlnet, $lO and $l2. He has abb 10differesT"*??! of .Bedsteads, with matrasses and spring 16 different kinds of Chain with everythin. the Furniture Hue/ : ‘ ■ if * *“*® He is also Agent for the saletif Prinse 4 Ce’e-j ■ehratsd -Malodeons,„Bchool-.anß Church (W. Bnffalo,N,T., ! he oldest and largest ciUMUISJ, in States, 1 • >f - E. D. WELTa^’ Lawrenoeville, July 30,1982. f . ‘ Tl/T ANSHELL CLASSICAL SEMISary ITA IBAtfSTJELL, TIOQrA CO., Pa. The Fall Term of this Institution will commtu. Sept; Sth, 18*2, and continue thirteen week:. ** Hev.E, WILDMAN, A. M.> Principal and Prefoow •Of Mathematics and Ancient Langeagt,. ’ Rev. N. L. Retsolds, A. M„ Professor of th, j-. • oral Scfoncea and fheTeachtr’s Department' ' Hiiuii C. Johss/A. M., Processor of Pemnmkb ,: Normal and Commercial, Dsportmenti. . Mr. L. A. Ridgewat, Prof, of tfie German ianmn, Mt J. W. Mounts, Assistant inJEnglish Departm.it Mrs. 11. P. S. 'Wimitas, Preceptress and Teeehir «f the French language and Belles Letters. * —; —- Music Teacher, j RSPENSEg. Tuition in Com, English Brai ches, per term 14 fl Higher English Branches, Mali emalice and Aseient -Langngea, , ~ , - - - (0* Modern Languages and Hobrei r, each, extra ]|| Mosic—Piano or Melodeon, - . g u Use of Insitnunent, ... jto Room riant each person, . . Board in the hall, per week, - • Fuel per term, if two occupy one room, jjj Incidentals per term; ‘ ‘. . jj _£Sf~ Clergymen’s children, half price for tuition. It will-be seen by the abo r e announcement ef a Faculty for the coming year, I hat the Trustees art determined to spare no reason this paint to finish the school with a competent Board of Instruction Seven foreign languages, including Greek, Latin) French,,German, Spanish, Italian and Hebrew, will be tnnghtj'if required. ■ J' The Teacher’s and Nonna! Departments, under tke supervision of -profs; Reynolds and Johns, will afford all the facilities of a Normal jEchooi, in which Its. dents are especially drilled and trained to become practical teachers. The trustees hare already taken measures, which it is expected Will be eonsancotated early in December, for offering] and, haring (be-Semi nary accepted by the State as a State NormaPSehoei The Department of Penmanship, Boric-Keeping, Ac., offer) ail the advantages of a Commercial Csl legeV The Seminary is nnderjpontrsot,tube finished and furnished by the 10th of September nut, R will, wheh finished, he among] the best Behoof build, ings in northern Pennsylvania, and will afford excel lent facilities for these regions to obtain a thorosgh . scimtifioj and practical edncatl m. Special attention is given to the health and physi cal education of the students.] Nothing-need bo said to recommend the Principal to the confidence of the peeplel as bis conduct of the Seminary for the past two years, has placed him folly before the public ns one of tbejedueators of the coun try. Profs, Beynolds and Johns—the former, the late Superintendent of common schools «f the county —and the latter the present i icnmbent, are too wtU and too fanrorahly known- to Weed' further notice Is : recommend them to din' pn 1 ilic. Students coming from a distance- will have ti toir rooms furnished— those frqin ,within,p few mihW will bring their owe furnishing, except bedstead, t jble, chain, wasb-iUsd and stove. j AU students furnish their own towels, wash.bswlr, I pitchers* pails, mirrors, Ac, - looms for srif-hoifdioj can be had in the village a| r :alonabTe rites. If to dommoda tfona eitongh for self boarding cannot hahsd in the village, rooms for that purpose, under eertshr restricttioni will be famished id the Seminary by sir< dents famishing their own cot h-stove. Stndents pay fromtha time they entir lo the eloee of tho term, without any deductions, except in esn* of protracted illness. ; All hinds -of- -produce taken in payment. Terse of payqutit, one. half inadviulWu ■ the remainder is ring the term- W. COCHRAN, President., Wu.'C. Ripley, Secretary.] Mansfield, July 33, IS*?. Mur . Annomicemenifc .TOR ME3IBEJTO? ASSEMBKTV Mn. Yocxg .announce the name of Iloa. 3.C, WIUTTAKER, of Eiklajui, as a'HaiDdidßt* for Rtprewct** tire, subject to the decbiqn of the Bepnblican,County Cos* Tentlon and oblige,* ' ' ’ Tioct. Wear© requeued* of O.W.BTAX- To!f, of Lawrencerjlle. a* a candidate for the office of B«p* resentatire, ■ inject to IhoMettbionj of the Republican County -Convention. j ' ' , *»* A *We are requested to 'onponncd theHiame of WTXHi# BUTJLER, of Blosabbrg, u a candidate for the office of B«£ resentatfte, robject to the dedslopjof the Republican Cfcnaty ■Contention.*- jj TTe are requested to announce the name of iMCff of sd«», m « candidate tor the office* Commissioner, object to the decision, of the EeptbWM County Contention.* - * '-* j } We ere requested* to ’announce the- name of CRIPPEN r of Rutland,asanaodidate-tor the office«w»* miasioner, subject to the decision of the Republican Cetßiy Conrcntlon.* 1 ' Portable Patent Horse-Power. , THE undersigned taka plaasuro in notifying &• pqWic, that.the/ bar® ipceeeded in deTiiiag • Horsepower with' Only three - places of friction, ine combines the maximum of j' efficiency, darebiotfr end ecenomjf-with- thenriaimam of weight end pnccj On account of its" simplicity ift may be constructs by nay mechanic for less than half the cost nwwjf paid for bpr^o-fjowers.. It iq Well adapted to thras ing groin,- sawing wood r cind churning, alio ing lathes, saws, planes, and other machinery in tn shop. Individual rights $5,00. Township, Connty, and State rights for sale cheap at our office. Age wanted to sill territory.' ?orifnHher particularsit dress': I'll .. ' . , 4CL Ana- Mansfield, July. 23,1862.-tf. AUDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby gi«» that the undorsrghedhas Men appointed by Court to audit and distribute the assets raised by a» sale of the real and personal estate of Stephen sier, dee’d., will attend to the dhties of bis »pp men t,-Where a hearing will bo |hdd in the P ra I ““*’ the office of A. V. Cone, Esq., VWellsboro, on Ttam day, August 21st, at I o’cloclt p. m., toi dutri' said fund. THOS. ALLEN, Auditor. Wellsboro, Joly 2, 1862. | 1 Ai EDITOR'S NOTlCE,—jNotica i» i«M b 7 -ca- givsn that the undersigned has been.'•'•PPJJ'lL ed by tho Court an Auditor to audltand d.atrdute IM moneys In the hands of- the Administrator of tate of John Evens, dee’d., will attend to the of his appointment, where a hearing nil! oe the premises,-at the o«