The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, July 23, 1862, Image 3

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    "* o^ j. g.B mapa.s^,P?B
, Hew Advertisements. . I’J'.
, Clcicol Se»hVflrjf-V.
i » oft*t Clark.
,»The Ropoblicak Cofsrr Co«»irisi; ore ra-
meet at Smith’s Hotel, in Satur--
11 jjiy'2o r at 1 o'clock.?. M., for‘ the of.
Ljtiag unfiniaSed business. A fuU attcAJaoco ia :
IjJJji. .1. . ;si B, Eudbrr, G^man,
«f>lo IB* Dr.fjaff-&iip , a via'n
WUboro. He will be at the United Stljji Hotel
ffedneiday and Thar*day, July SO and "Bari
„ particulars, see tii’advertlsementin a&tghero »1
.. < T-l'
— ■■ 1 1 . < .PS
yf, w UI try and give In bar aeilleW®be »it
f,ui conditio* of the Tioga Boy* la tfcS, army.
Jalib’me (Wednkaday morning, )we hai&pie latar
waa published lb our lastjiksue. .fin*, oor-
“Soger Boy,” In Capt. Nil**’ COM>pny,,U
(ilikii gallant Captain.h> » Richmjiad priltjg. ~ . ,
rf-Srat* Ewrcitiosju. OoxTMtios.—J|tiB aeo
ti Dieting of, this Convention, is toi bo th*
oof tho Hunt* of Representatives, at E ArHsbarg,
.To*-'oaf, August k, 1882. - r. ■ .1‘
Ils Siate Teacher*' Association iseota at fading,
August 12tb, 1862, and eontinn*a|i|foision
if** day. 1, ' ’ „ Tli j
Tt. friends of education ganeraUj ate m
rtfi to attend these Conventions. *5,»,
:,. ’ ; Tnos.-Hi Bubrows. I^ID.,
S;C,-JoßMfSec'y. -’' ‘ Snpt. Gom/ j^ools.'
At a special meeting of the I,
(Jlh Regt. Pa. Vol. held at Hiltoa Hejad the
Slowing;rMohttiops wore adopted-: <• ,1,-t *7 .
That we" haw Tieard; w|th fi; tbe
iifb of inr latocompaaion In, firms, Serf Solon
Biiolced, That in his death the Compa,i-ssj loit
je of Its mo«t efficient members : abd wed apijrther
,*r» beat testimony to the faithful perfo ,i|anco on
1, part of every dntyajsigneahim Uurihl: a>i» con
«d»o with- nj, and that in hie decease w< -h|>v* loaf
Jinre iomrode, and our country a vilUab.'ifpldier."
Sauteed, Xbat to hit family and./HyndiW* tender
K liepere expressions of deep regret and ' 'impatbi
ir eoadolence; and thitwhile with thetd'
lii loss, we must bow in humble subiuiatf &to that
Also Fewer that doeth all things well. [;i _
j utlvtd, That a copy of the foregoing resojntions
Isfcrwardcd to the family of tho 1 deceased, mad that
jijts published in the newspapers of Tiog^Wounty.
f&- By reference to an advertisement iif #pothe r
(fare, it will bo seen that.the Mansfield, 'ifadnary
,jj be open for a Fail term. Sept. 9th. We are.hap-
Ijio learn frota Prol. Wildman, who
jjjtomluotcd the school for the past- two dn
jjj'its various financial embarrasementaj IISt Itn
iitory steps have been taken by' the trtfee§r and
adbolderi tomnkedt a' Stnts Norinal- Bc'ltWl and
it on a firm financial basis. Wo siucetdiy ’hope
lilSjrls to make it a .Normal .School will mrpeod,
hneb a school weuld very much .iqoreaahtio effi
fcttj of the common school system, asd tba
ijuiri of achool teachers in this 1 «ccfioa?-of the
mtrj. Jt will else be seen that the
Reaming year will afford the f« ii i. tioj,of
Uml. This department is to-be as per aitVortue.
ml, sndir.the super vision,of, the decidedly popular
lElpl Rev. N. >L. Reynolds. Thp
tdiumaaship Department under Sopcfiwt|bJent
liu ifferds rate advantages. Wo wish ‘jbe|6pmi
■yud its friends fench aueeeaa. , aiia
IDhcfs. lobes and Wiltfman are to finish fur
tt tbs Seminary before the «.pesiqg of ;, ,S Falj
j*» Scskcitt or tbL ;|<e ipe
ipsnic, ebangsj in the lower denominotion
n,.6j| become quite scarce. In 'New|r’;yt Last
suidsy,gold was quoted at 13,’andjsUvei£v : ra3'p'or
el pnmium. This is accounted U>t in ireys
I]lion who profess to knew;, -First,'thaf it. 5 -gold
oJ silver coin is bought up by British anf fj-reneb
what objeet the wiseacres doh’l>sii;§ and.
Inod that it is hoarded up by everybody WR.i’Sonbti
Ifasbility of the government to redeem its.itfjiohso
inn of paper. ■ Without ‘ trying to • accents *«|r-the
sbiia; fact, it is onongh for ns to point , the.
afisdef arertlng the inconvenience arising’ it.
toptsi before its adjournment passed a tavSfrhich
bbten spproved by the President, making Sstage
bajsslegal tender to the amount of five-j|i*l|3rrs.—
Da sill prevent the issne of sbinjtlasterspebk -will
itn tbs advantage of being good for ihair fact-Vvery
mn They, can be.preoortd at 'any- post i®co in
uhagt for geld, silver, or government uqtt.hfp The
twuutioss of stsmps-are I cent, 3’s,
hud J#’«, with which any earn can 'bethspuifrom
ipuj to a dollar. We presume that as sobtt dg thia
pdipspio ls over, gold, mjin wldf
bttul Mine and ba sis -plenty wt beftrrc.; _: ’
' rr~T‘'ii;i ■
J#*Be»Tn sf CiTT. 6torboc£. — on
™*J. Jflb ult., near the CliicKaiominy, C»f r.®. W,
of Company F, SLIi Ifek’l. Pa. H. f
nlftraek by a'baif 5s
jCtJ. ,Hinn»n endeavored to carry his body otf the
pbWi the battle raged with auch fierceneit. - that
W»«t cot enabled to iccur* it, apd it was pp
ntbefield of'battle. '
Blurrock’i parents reside in oi and’
*ttcu bore ia December, 1860, to take charge (fjf the
Veer. When the call for volunteers was, made, in
Spring of IS6I, he was one of the first wb<liffi|pon-
Hiionlderieg bis mnsket no a private in
’ ,t«r tome tiau he waa OrdsfHy Sergeant, V/Jeleo
*R«l Lieutenant, failed to obtain his CodttVsion,
omission of the proper
bpuion ei Copt. Trout, he was- elected ‘dji Itain,
d has had command of the Company to^/ipme
, . ;p
kriaj th» few months CapL Starroek was tare, ha
di Bjny iriends, and wns universally respected and
dtati. ;Qfquiet*nnastamingmoniiers,Li. 1 titrilng
Wllisi aed social, maul/ disposition, wor.’Vue It
d all whom he -was associated. M*
wits life upon the altar uf his country, as I' f ho-'
sacrifice has been -offered tbati wh*n "§ob
de.BiutroCh fell dead upontba'badtlaflelii, (thcr
7, W* taen, in defence efthe tfcioh and if
fitporttr. . |j||.
r Editor, Btiuijftr* ■
daldhesteo ttfinform yon of the dcfttuß ii*!ffre
Sittk placejn our peasant IUUe Tillage, ;>r=: §un-
ult., about half past. J 2 .o’plodlt A* hi.
jdwtgjug house, or rather the summerki'i S&’£ f
i, ® Uartjodk, waa discovered do: be on al iptnd 1
A 1 tola fifteen mihutei the whole of ’hit B Vi4jfcg>
b a sheet of flame, Jim
to«scene,of dcatryeUopvbut all theirvPglk to
iiaildings and of'llr. Hartsoii.
The fire was communicated by. ji
newHotd, building pf-jii^tJ^V 1 *,
’tlt.i** Kohler’s dwelling
i J* rtM ewt of Mr. HarteockV Ullilup; #hd
untiring efforts' of those- that tm
bauaegs: bwnt ;*r'|W
°f r - Artloy'a household -id U* ;
tqj" 4 dwe cotutuned with hit bulWi*isAl Mr ’.
tll e graaUr nut of his hoosebbfd;, sods
The fire from Mr.
Wy to®»ealc4t*4 with tins dwelling «d*
2? t M.'B.w«rU»» m. to* wMVcn*Alto*
W, *0 street, aadrno varyahorts IWaUo
'• ■ piund. - Mr. Wsrline savad ,»J irffhis
-‘i -5... it*: ;
L;f | ■
s*>?**, T&fir*
from the burning hgildings on tbaabutbiideof the
attnet-wtsAba carried lythc high, wind aad eemmu
nlcaled folblAWelling houses ofMbasra.'Wtt.Maaa
and Geo. Artyf bn tbo iiortli side af tb* strait and;
in a very ahfirt period of time was alio consumed by
the raging flomeiwitbalithelt gbodaand efiScts/nnd
it was with the utmost andmost sacrificing effort!
■that the building* of Messrs. j.-Hi Lsrargood.N.
■Roots, Jajnes.Sbeffer.and gaptnel Hartman’a was
saved from the destructive dames of tbs. burning ole-,
meats, and-the,worst of Ml is, there was not a cent of
insurance on the sevon bnlldingi nor any of tbe goods
tbit was destroyed by the fire.. Tb* entire totals,
estimated at about $5OOO, X remain yours truly, ■ ■
Liberty, J,uly is, 1862, Q. R. Sairrxa.
On tbe 3d inah, at tbe hotel of B. J. Purple, by
Bar. J.F. Colklns.Mr. B. F. SEELEY of Deerfield,
to Miss M.P.'PENNY of Knoxville.
■-»S>33OZAX4 - rcOTXOXUS.
IS ttOtttisa'aUy in' peril If she Is mad enough to neg
lect or maltreat those sexual irregularities to which
two-thirds of her sex are more or lees subject.
DR, OHEESEMAN'S PILLS, prepared from the
same formula whichtha inventor, CONELIUS L.
CfIEESEMAN, M. D., of New York/bas for twenty
; years -used successfully in &n extended private prac
tice—-immediately'raliove‘without pain, all disturban
ces of tbe periodical discharge, whether arising from
relaxation or suppression. They act like a' charm In
femoring the pains that accompany difficult or im
moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and re
liable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Pain* in the
Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Nerv
ous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep and
other unpleasant aad dangerous effects of an unnatu
ral condition «f the sexual functions. In the worst
cases of Siior Albm or Whites, they effect a speedy
DR. OHEESEMAN’S FILLS art offered as the
only safe means of renewing interrupted menstnu*
tion, but '
That on that very account, if taken when the interrnp*
tiou arises from natural causes, they will- InevitmUy
prevent the expected events. This CAUTION IS
ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, for snob is the ten
dency of the Pills to restore the original functions of
the sexual organisation, that they inevitably arrest
the process of gestation.
Explicit direction!, Hating ufisn, and K Itv they
ehonld not he used, with each Box—the Price Ont Dol
lar each BoXj containing from 40 to .50 PHU,
A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the .4gents.
Pills sent by mail promptly, by enclosing price to the
Agent. Sold by druggists generally.
K, B, HUTCHINGS, Proprietor,
, For sale at Roy’s Drug Store.
Doe. 11, 1361.-ly. - 20, Cedar st, New York.
Mansfield classical seminary
The Fall Term of this Institution will commence
Sept, 9tb, 1562, and continue thirteen weeks.
Rev. E. WILDMAN, A. if., Principal and Professor
qf Mathematics and Anoiont, Languages.
Rev. N. L. Eevkolds, A. M., Professor of the Nat
ural Sciences and the Teacher’s Department.
HntiM C. Jou.vs, A. M., Professor pf Penmanship,
Normal and Commercial Departments.
Mr. L. ~A. Riugewat, Prof, of the German language.
Mr. J. W. Mounts, Assistant in English Department.
Mrs. U..P. R. Wiluuax, Preceptress and Teacher of
the French language and Belles Letters.
Miss Music Toacbor.
Tuition in Com, English Branches, per tens, Id Ti
Higher English Branches, Mathematics aad Aaoieai
Languges, - » . . ( 0#
Modern Languages and Hebrew, etch, extra 308
Music—Piano or Melodeon,' - . *OO
Use of • . j 00
Room rent, each person^ 1 , . 1 . Ijo
Board in the hall, per week, . . J*o
Fuel per term, if two occupy ono room, 3 00
vlnoidentals per term, - . . 2b
pir- Clergymen’s children, half price for tuition.
It will be seen by the above announcement ef a
Faculty for the coming year, that the Trustees are
determined to spare no reasonable pains to furnish
the school with a competent Boartkof Instruction!
Seven foreign languages, including Greek, Latin,
French, German, Spanish, Italian -and Hebrew, will
bs taugh,t, jf required. _
Thu TeacHer’e and Normal Departments, under the
supervision of Profs. Reynolds and Johns, will afford
all the facilities of a Normal School, in which stu
dents are .especially drilled and trained to became
practical teitohers. The trustee, have already taken
measures, wbich-it is expected will be consummated
early in December, for offering and having the Semi
nary accepted by the a State Normal School.
The Department of ’Peahjanship, Book-Keeping,
Ate., offer all the advantages of a Commercial Col
lege. The Seminary is under contract, to be finished
and furnished by the 10th of September next. It
Will, wheq finished, be among the best school build
ings in northern Pennsylvania, aad will afford excel
lent facilities for these regions to obtain a thorough
scientific and practical education. j ' i'
Special attention is given to the health end physi
edl education -of nke students.
tiotbingnaad be said to recommend the. Principal
to tbe confidence of the people, me hie eondact of the
Seminary for tba past two year*, has placed him fatly
before tbe pablio a® one of tbe educator* of tbe coqb
try*.' P+of*. Reynold* and Jobns—the former, tbe
into Superintendent of qommon ecboola of tbe county
—and life latter tbe present incumbent, are*too well
and too farorabljjbno”o to need ftrribcr notice to
recommend .them to the public. Student* coming
from a distance will have their rooms furnished—
those from within a too miles will bring their Own
furnishing, except bedstead, table, chairs, wash-stand
and stove., . > . •
ill students furnish their own towels, wash-bowls,
pitchers, pails, mirrors, ic. Rooms for self-boarding
can be had in the Tillage At reasonable rates. If ac
commode tions enough for self-boarding cannot be bad
in the village, rooms for that purpose, under certain
bo furnished in the Seminary by stu
dents furnishing their owq cook-stoye.
> , Students pay from the time they enter to tbe close
of the term, 'without aay deductions, except in cases
nf protracted illness.
AH kinds of proddee taken in payment.. Terms
of payment,one half ia advance; tbe remainder da
ring the term. W. COCIJRAN, Proildent.
* wk. Secretary.
Man»ficld r July 23,1862
' AxmoofiMmczits.
A''-;-firwtucmbck or i»ss«SLT.:
-Ml tforiE's-i-Pte**® outaMf the Mote of Bob. J.O.
m (' Oandldiu fef ItepriwecU*
4iv«, d«cUio9& th* Con*
TentioQ Una’oblige,* xiosa.
tfu&h# of fI^T^STAN.
TON. of LftwroneerilU. m acaodidat# for tba office of Rap*
men tefhta, wibjoet to thb4jcUiWi of tho BopoMJcaa Coft# ty
Conyeniton, , | - **♦
- Wears requested to annonnce the same of WILLIAM
BUTLER, of hat candidate far tbooffico of Bop*
. meotative, to the decision of the Republican County
Convention.* I ;
We are requested to unnounco Uxe name of ENOCH
BLACKWELL, of Nelson* as a candidate for tba office of
Commissioner, subject to the deciaioo of tbo Republipon:
County Convention.* , - \ , '
We are requested to announce the name of OSOB6R P.
CRTPPBN. of a candidate for the office of Com*’
xntesloner, subject to the Section Of the KepublfCMPCDUnly
-V ’ . i 1 i '
Portable Patent H«r»c>Pottor, ;
THE undersigned take pleasure in notifying the
public,, that they have succeeded in devising a
UuJB»Puy»er with oply three .places of friction. and
the maximum of efficiency, durability,
and economy, with the minimum of weight and price.
On account, of . ila simplicity it may becuußtruotod
by pay ueohapio for less than, half the cost usually
paid /or horse-poner?. It is well adapted to thrash*
iog grain, sawingwood, and. churning, also 'for turn,
ing utbes, saws, planes, and other machinery in the
I hop. Individual rigbts^<4.oB.—Juwnahip, Cbuaty,
and SUta rights at our offioe. Agents
brantsd to sell tsrritoty. For farther particulars el.
!«,. v MIDDAC6H * CUBX, ,
• Mansfisld, My 33. Ittldtf. .
SIDE ja htre* or small qDantitss,for ablest
. .i... wJI - . KOV’3 BROO STORE. .
ThUUes machine, fehahoiup&UU I ‘
OGodliasplrtoijmind, . ;
ThU I may uudenUad th« (am*,
Nomorito . ; . v \ \-
Insplromytbnfdi, j.
And ttMful kaoidad .. -, i-
That knowledge too, may I input, ■
And teach mankind tg lira.
DR. Ja'cK^ON,
- -
Indian Physician,
'of saxs- oin; pbnn'a., 4}
May W Aanti*) o» /Mmtt—Fr** •fOkaryt,
Horae IstUl., N. T., Cbadwbek Hon*., - < ’!
Saturday and Sunday,'July Iff arid 29
Cam an a, N. Ti,' at Hotel, Monday, Jafy 21
N, Y., Doolittle Houia, Tuesday, J«Uy22
Corning, N. Y., Dickinson Sou*., Wednesday," 23
Both, N. Y-, Union Hotel, Thun day, July 3*
TIOOA. Pa., Goodrich Houle. Tuesday, JMy'2ff
WELLSBOBO, Pa., United State. Hotel, ■
Wodnaaday and Thursday, July 30 and H
Hhnlra, N. T., Bcainatd Honaa, ,
Saturday and Sunday, Aogut 2{aad 3
TROT, Pa., Troy Houia, Monday, August 4.
Havana, N. V., Montour House, Tuesday, Aug oat 8
Watkins, N. V., Jefferson House, Wednasduy, Aag,,B;
Dhndse, H. Y., Ellis House, . Thursday, Aug. 2,
Penn Yon, N. Y., Stuel Homo, Friday, August 8
Those Sofflaring from Chronic Disease,
of any detcription may b* assured that thsir oases
will be treated fairly and candidly, and they will not
bo encouraged to take my medicine without a eorru
pondiag prospect of benefit.:
Dr. Jackson can be consulted at his Rooms, in re
gard to all diseases, which be treats with unprece
dented success, on anew system. He euros Chronic
cases, of diseases,.which have been pronounced ini™-
raM. by the Medical Faculty generally, sneb at Ner
vous and Neuralgic Affections, Diseases of: Women.
Paraiysisj Epilepsy, Asthma, Salt Rbcum, Remittent
and Intermittent Fevers, tb* diseases of Children, etc.
AU cases of Seminal Emissions which is carrying
thousands to the grave annually. ■.
Remember the Doctor does not promlee te cure all
stages of diseases. While oil diseases are curalU, if
taken In smuoa, all stay*, are net. Year ease inky be
curable Ikit week, not nec(—(s-dey, not tt-morrau;
beace tbe danger of delay.
Comuitaiiom Fnt.
Distant Jntalidt. —Patients unable to visit Dr. J.
by appointmeat, can communicate their symptoms by
letter, and have proptr medicines sent to any part of
the world by express, with certainty ami dispatch.
AU letters of inquiry must contain one stamp to pre
pay reply. Address Dr. AC. Jackson, Erie, Penns.,
Box 30.
May 21, VJ62. ;
New Spring Stock,
AND THE cheapest:
- if w
B. 3. SMITH,
MB •
or patronage.
> j
Hava Provided TbemMlvoi
t, :
DRY GOODS. OBOCIJtaS, da., de.,
Wells boro, April St, 1882. .
Closing out all our-Stock of Sumner Oov
Prices reduced on Plain Press Ooodi. '
■ Price* reduced an Fane; Drees Goode, -
Prices reduced on Cloth and Silk Mantles. j
Prices reduced on Sbswls. I
Price* reduced on Sttosii mins and. Paratols.
A sweeping reduction three gh-onr entire stock.
HoldenU Block, Elmir\
Black Silks hare advanced in New Turk, Itll
are.offering m |
Good Black Press Silk for diets- worth STets.
“ 87 “ 124
,i u ino « 158
3e*t " •' 12* "174
Pane; Silk* equally low at {
Ironks, Valises; Travelling Begs of every descrip
tion, direct from the manufacturers constsatlj ha
band at i
Kspfcins,' Doylies, Linen Towels, Iluckabuck, Bilrta
Eyes Piaper, Pure Linen Table Pamask, Mslseillis,
-Quilts, Woolen Table and Piano Spreads, 20 per jesbt'
below market rains at
« “
tfattiagbam Lao* Curtain. and rich «nbnjidai»d
Mu.Uo., the largi.t and finaat ainrUßibt
ever exhibited. . -- ■ ; -■ , ,i ;
Bolden's Block; Elmifa^
' I
B«op SklrUl
R«« StjlM 1
. B.«t Quality 11 . |,i
andcbeaper than any .*. i it
English Hoiiery ! Ereryborfy will ba uitwj 14
H ° mty ‘ ... DORMADL’S BEE HIVE, iJ |
Idnaa Pockat Haadk«robi«fi..9l-; i
liilte ;»W‘ ,
Sbirt Fronts '*Wi i
JodKßobbifßodfil Con* .OS i
Silk Mitt*. .□S';
Eadiu U<*M. a—.aa.— a aaa.w.*>..Mw.w.mwm»..». «W[
£*o7 »rticU ( »oW*i A^rerti«|d., j j
mW»ictBt,El*lra,K.T. '
ElaU», JttTy Xsi IM3. ' "1:* 1
' ' Ht ->^c-'r>gifaLC"r..- t
x.y »' *■*-■*
ClfjBAP CHII ,»*ftpE.,. .
cldtem of Tiega aadthe neighborlag eoan
spring Summerj Oockli, t
received by tbs lubacriher daring .tbs tut fcw week*,
it being to tbs iotereit ofjill ‘to do" ss if in need of
good* Witt, .they like £ASOilifS, - Tbs rtoek i* fall
■■ of new eljylei 1q .*ll Hindi of DUSSS G00b,3, from
a good Bjimalay aelothw 10 oente to' the style*'
in MoMnibiqnei/Poplinij Mob a Ire, and all tfie’rarled
varietia* In,market,at prieaa fevui l ards to sibil
lingi. Tjb»*tyl»« areheiv and djtiirable and were
nevercheaper than no*; »ehave,good Detain**!
ehiUingjard, Pins Chaliies 1 ibilliag to 1 .and 4d.
beat D* talnrili. ffd., Lawn* cheap,‘Black, lilki fl>.
T*. 8k per yard, cheap enough for th* cloieit boyar,
W* in tend to keep' all gooda reqairedin tbi* market
and guarantee the price* .right. .
We make this a leading branch in thh' bailaMi
and keep ,*ll,the naw d*«ii*bleitylei, eneb ar B«lUb
Saoquei, ic. We ainrheep a full/ilp* a(
cloth from S*. to 13i. par yard, alio trimming! te
mateb. .!
Poll MaetjtmenV good on*i if., better Si. to <n> bait
10*. to si]oo. > j.
Domestic Stock*
We ardtselling every article In tb<i line lower than
the preient market prices. .
and there iie tcaroely an article ereept brewasheet
ingtand tbiriinga in the heavy maker, bat that we
are telling aa j •
{ LOW Aft! EVER.
We bavfe good bleached Muslin* at 10 and 11 <U.,
handsome yard vide do. at 12J ota., beat qualitiaa
yard vide brown ahirtinga, 12i eta., rich, printi war
ranted fast colon 10 eta., good Ginghams la. yard.
,P«nt ituffs cheap, Napkins, Table I.iotna, TuwtUiag,
Window Drapery Ao„ cheap aa orer.
Wa hare a larger stock of*
than, we hare usually kept, (hey are aheap.
aaeh u Sftn's and Boj’a.HaU, Shaker*, fflate, Xfi*
ming* 4c., full ftijortcocQt.
to all bnyara both at wholeaale and retail.
ean moat always plot up gooda throughout ear alack
at much leWar rates than can be
, Found’ Elsewhere.
Buying in large lota, enabling qa te aall geada
at laaa than New York pricca adding expenses.
i ,
from all parta ara inrited to call. Goods freely shewn,
and if prices are not aatlsfactory, we do pot expect to
tail any gooda.
May 21,1861
« naw resaHng a larga and Weil Se cctad Stock of ’
eaulatlng lit part af a flan oral Stock of
‘ Aa. Ac., < Aa., - Ac.,
All at which will be fold TEEY LOW for
All p«rt«Di buying GOODS for
Ara respectfully Inrited to call and examine
. I •; THE BTOO 5,
Aa they ara « be cold at
Tioga, May 28,1883. X; L. BALDWIN.
AUDITOR’S NOTICE.-4No«f» ifc hereby pvao
that the undersigned tun been appointed by the
Court to Auditand Distribute the moneys arising up
on the Sheriff Sale of the-real estate of Timothy Coats
ahd Lintsferd Coats—will attend to the duties of bis
appointment, where a hearing will be had in the
premises, at fain office in Weltshoro, Monday, the HA
day of August next, at 1 o’clock p. m., to distribute
the caid fond. H. W. WILLIAMS, Auditor.
Wellsboro, July 2, 18f2s
•fa, Administration.haring been granted to the un
dersigned on the estate of BERJAMIRTIARROWSR,
late orLiudJey, If. Y., dcC’d., notice is hereby given
to these -indebted to teid estate to make immediate
payment, and those having claims, to - present them
properly authenticated fojr settlement to the subteri
her at EUtluud, Xiog»'Co.;Pa.j ; : I
June Ji, 1862. Administrator.
•\T OTICB is hereby girin that ah application has
Iri teen made to lbs Court of Cotamon Plea's -of
Tioga County, by L. D. Seeley, John 1 George, Q, W.
Norlhup and others, to grants charter of incorpora
tion for religious purposes,'to themselves, their asso
ciates and successors, under and style of the
“ Second Society of tho Methodist Episcopal Church
in Brookfield,’’ and if; no sufficient cause be ahswn to
the contrary, the suid court will decree! tnnrthby be
eome and -his -a body corporate. By the Court,
Juno 18,J«82. ; ~ J-.F. DOXALDSte.-Prolb’y.
no r icc.
NOTICS ir hereby given th.ntan application baa
been made to the Court of Common Plea* of T».
oga County, by Joel H. Austin, Charles Howard, D.
S. Baokbee: and other*, to grant a charter of inner
poration for religions purposes, to thetnselrei, their
associates and successors, undo: the asm# and style ef
“ She First Methodist Episcopal Church it gariaiag
ton," antLlf ,no sufficient cause b* |h<x»iato the con
trary, tbasald Courtrill dptrea thiiy become and'
bs a body corporals. By the, Court, •!j I
June 18, 1862. ■ J; g. DONALPB#] Prothfr.-
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters! testamentary,
bnring been graatpd, tt{ the subscriber on fhytae-t
late ojf .Msrvtn B- Mato*lf, late ef Bropkfleld, town,
ship, deo'd., noticed* hereby to<,woM ..indebted
to make immediate payment, and thoiajbaving.ctiiiipi,
to present thorn properly anthcnticale^iiorsettlement
to the subscriber at Brookfield.,- , - i i I- •
■ JOANNA MIETCAXF. Etteeatrii. .
Brookfield; Jfana 11,18C2.* •. ’ -}! !
AbSTTNIStRATOE’S NOTlCE.—totter* of ad.
imißUitalurtioa.'hsringbees groufedto thb sub.
soribsT on ttte estate of Enchel S. Billing*. Uuo ol Elmi
ra, N. T., deed, potiee is hereby givenlo th-tie indebted
to laid estate to make immediate payment, and those
haring claim* to presentthemproperly authenticated
for settlement to the suilis'criberr-" •; - i J
. jnfao g. BILUSQB. Admr. ;
Venl Skin*. ■ .. .< , •
THE price will-be paid f OT light ikini-t
smut be free from cilia or boles—by ; i
it t : iJOaKfiION *jBOTCE. ,
Tioga, Jnn* 4,8 t ... ... i
" t -• ■■ -I- >. • : .. - ■
A NCTEIIER ftenh **s<irtmßnt of flutse-Bler
**■ gpnt U cent CAXlC<3i?3—iatt receired hy J
Jana I*,*SB2.=- - . T.; HARDEN, j
.t&i' .’.'u '■ ■. '
I s " $
Wa Intend to keep thia atoek so. aa to girt
Perfect Satisfaction
fab. 12. 1862.
■■-jjs. i.a*©e j
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Wjb Hare |
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more Complete Stock
•fj . - ■ j :
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Waffle feJB FOlfijfD
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! Onx Large I
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Confidently |
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" Per;
OY, PA. ■
OF fine clothing
I««r CoinpoUtloa.
For Bel>
ieeiT«d a larje pnnhaie o( sea*
9 CiotWag, {romtbaAuigiiMsaf
W* h»T» Jiiet n
»OUbl»Rtoray Hi
tbf Mtabßitad „
M wUse» ttcM.aiiri *n*ble at to mTI belbw tl» «**t of
Tfo * all' worthy Uie »IWo-,
*i ».X \-
Cilit, C<m<fh», and Ho«ne&««
BRixmiD, Matt., 20th Pec., 1855.
. ©R.J.C. ATBtt tito not hesitate to-say
tbs be*t remedy I bare over found' for
Coughs, Hoarseness, Influents, and the c6n
constant symptom* of a Coltl. ls.yonr Csss*
Bt p£Cffißau Its constant useln my
tic© and my family for the tost ten years has
shown it to possess superior virtues for the
treatment of these complaint*.
-A. B. MOB.TLST, Eso,.of
haed yozt Pscreauu myself and is my family ever sfoepryoa
Invented it, &ad believe it the best medlcMfi for
fcver pat out. With »Md cold I should sooner pay twenty'
five dollars for a bottlethaa do without it, or take as 7 other
remedy.” 1-
Croup. Whooping Gough, Influenza.
' 1 SPEII-araif, Miaa-, T,184«.
' EftoTßsn Artß: X will cheerfully certify your Eectorul 1*
the best remedy we possess for the euro or "whooping'■coogu,
croup, and the cheat dieeanre of of your fra*
ternttyln the iSonth. appreciate youe. skill, and commend
your madlebriTto our pwplo,- - - - - t •
AMOS LEE, Esu* Monterey, la,, writB3, Sd Jan* I8W; V I
had «tedious Influence which confined me'. te idooa *U
weeks; took many, xacdlciuea without relief; finally trad
your Pectoral by the advice of our clergymen.' Tho'fine
doe* relieved the soi'anesaia my throat anUfamgs: less than
one half the bottle made me dompletely (well. Your muji
elnts are the cheapest as well os tbo best ttc can bny, and we
eitwa you, Doctor) sad your remedies. as*tbo’ poor jumrt
Menu. |
Asthma or Phthisic* and Bronchitis- ’
West Ma:«cucst£E, pa., Feb. 4, ISM. ,
8i&: Tour Cherry Pectoral is performing marvellour
cures In this sectii n. It has relieved sevettU-fopm alarm!ug 4
symptoms of consumption, and is jjow coring a man w’mj
has laborok under an affection of tlie hmgs for the last forty
years. ~ ILENKY L. PARKS, ilarcbant. ~
' A. A, RAMSEY, M. D., Albion, Moo roe I Co., lowa, write*.
Sept. 6, ISW: “ During my practice of many year* I huve
found noth tag equal to your Cherry Pectoral for glvivg oof*
to consumptive patients, or curing sudi as are,
curable.** ]
We might add volume* of evidence, but the most eeavta*
clng proof of the virtue* of this remedy la found in lie
eflbcts upon trial. 1 ” J
Probably do one remedy has ever been known which
cured so many and 5 such dangerous cases as 'tills. Heme uo>
human aid can reach; but wen to thoso the Cherry I’ectortl
affords relief &ud comfort. |
- -JtsibE if ocas, New Yoax Cnr, March 6,IWd.
OS. Ana, Ltfwau.: 1 feel it a duty and a pleasure to hi*
form you what your Cherry Pectoral has done for my wIYa,
She,bad been mouths laboring under the dangerous
symptoms of Consumption, from which no; aid we ouuUi piy
curo gave her much relief SLo was steadily failing, until
or. Strong, of this city, where we have Icome lor advice;
rocdaimonded a trial of your medicine. Wjo bless bis kind
neal, as wo do your skill: for she has recovered from that
day. ShelsnotyetasatroagAsabAitadd n> be, but is free
from her cough,-and caifs hers*lf well. ;
ORLANDO SHELBY 1 , of SbcVarille.'
Consumptives, despair till you hare tried AvorV
Cherry Pectoral. - It is made by one of the best tiivdreot
chemists is the world, and its cures aIV us lAapuak
the high merits of lu virtue e.—PkUaddphia Judges.
The.sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been-taxed
their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative
which Is known to mao/ Innumerable proof* w« ehuvnt
thatf'theee Pills have virtues which surpass in excell-ut v the
ordlp&ry medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly npc*
the esteem of all men. They are safe andi pleasant to taka,
bat powerful to core. Their penetrating properties »tmiu
late the vital activities of the body, rcmovc-the obKtmitions
of its organs, purify the blood, apd *gpel disease. Tliey
j)urge out tbu foul humors which breed and grow (hcfrpjpw,
stimulate sluggish or disordered organs'irito their natural
action, and Impart healthy tone with strength to tho whale
system. Mot only do they cure the every-day complaint* **f
every body, but also formidable and dangerous dl-eosee that
have baffled the best of human skill. \Miiie they produce
powerful effects, they are at the saoie time, in diminish*4
doses, the safest and best physic that can be eni])b>yed foe
children. being sugar-coatud, they ate pleasant to take; and
being purely vegetable, ore hoe from any risk, of banni,
Curve have been made which earpa&s belief were they nod
substantiated by men,of such exalted position and.chaift.ter
M-to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Maiiy eminent cler
gymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the"
public'the reliability of my remedies* whild others Jmvcaeut
BiVthe assurance of thofrconrictionithet my Vropamtlons
contribute Immensely to the relief of my Afflicted, tuft-ring
- The Agent below named is pleased to'furnish gratis ay
American Almanac, containing directions Cor their use and
certificates of their cures, of the following complaints
Costiveness, Bilious' Complaints, Rheumatism. Drdpvy,
Heartburn. Headache arising from a foul ptomacb, Mau*%
Indigestion, Morbid Inaction cf the and Pain arising
therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous and
Cutaneous Diseases which require an oracuant mwliouif.
Scrofula or King's Evil. They also, by purifying tho blood
and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which ft
wpaW not be supposed they could reach, such ns Deafness,
Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, De
rangements of the Livur and Kidneys, Gout, and other kin
dred complaints arising from a low state of the body or ob
struction of its functions. ■ J
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with some other
pill they make morn protit on. Ask for Ayer's Pills, and
take nothing eDe. No other they can gito you compart*
with this iu its intrinsic value or curative powers. Ihe uUSfi
want the best aid there is for them, should have it.
Prepared by Sr* J. C- AYES*.
Practical and Analytical'GMmUt t Lowll, JJfu.
Price 25 cents per bos. Five bases for $l.
C. t J. L, Robln»rn,Trells!joro; 3. X. Billings, OalriM: 17.
B.tiorden, Tioga; Pr. V-irkhurut k W. 11. Miller, lAwteof*-
villt; S. S. Packard, Covington Bennett & fijon, Middlwlmrj }
Qalick k Taylor, Bloteburg; Fo* & Wittey, 2£ftUi»bur£; C.
i. strait, Boieville, and Poalors ivory where.
16) 180&-^6uji
Tioga, co. court proclamation.—
Whereas, the Hon. Robert CF. White, Piu.-iduct
Judge for tlfa.4th . Judicial District of [Penneylrani),
*nd Royal Wheeler and Victor Case) Esq.’s, Amo
oiate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their pre
cept, bearing _date (be 17th day of Juno, 1862,
and to me directed, tor the bolding of prphan’aCbnTi,
Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions
and Oyer and Terminer, at Weltsboro; for the
of Tioga, on the last Monday of August, (being (he
2ith day), 1862, and to continue (tro weeks. 1 -'
Notice iS tbereforo hereby given, to the Cot oner.
Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the
oqnnty of Tioga, to appear in their own proper, per
aonS) with their records,inquisitions, examinations and
remembrances, to do those things which of their offi
ces and intheir behalf appertain to be done, bud all
witnesses npd other persons prosecuting in behalf.*f
the Commonwealth' against any person or persona, mo
required to be then and there attending, and not So
depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to he pniiv.
tualln their attendance at the appointed time. s'? r - b-
Givcn under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office,
■ in Wellsboro, the 19th day of July in tto year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eiaiy
twe, 11. STOWELO, Jr., Si.irilf.
THE subscriber offers for sale the Steam Hii>f Mtii
located on Stony Fork, 8 'miles from WUlibi.n.,
with 8 acres of land, one store building and duelling
bouse attached, one small dwelling and.small biro.
The mill has 3 run k>f stone, 2 good bolts aniLoU the
necessary apparatus , in a enstom grist mill. :i good
.steam engine all in good running order, which he-w'iil
sell,at a bargain or would oxcbnngU for other property.
There is no better locution in Tioga County for a good
.custom Grist Mill, title perfect. For further imrtieu
lars enquire of S. S. Packard! Covington, Pa. Aim Bf
seres of land 1} miles below the .mill ou'StOiiy Forlt
for sale. Timber Pine and Hemldok. i
Covington, Jnno 4, t862.3m*- S.S. PACKARD.
administration having been granted to ■ tbe sub
serihar on the estate of WUliani Updike..lnte of Rut.
land Tolrnship, dec’d, noticu is hereby given to those Mid estate, to make Immediate payment,
»nd those baring claims, to present them properly
authenticated fur settlement to the subscriber.
July 2, 1802. HANNAH' Sf. WOOD, Adm'x.
Notice to Bridge Baiides't. -
THE Commissioners will let oh the 2(!th dor- ~
of July in st., at their office the building of'a
bridge acmes the Cownoesqne River near.WesifloM
to the lowest responsible bidder. They also i\ ill re
ceive bids for building the following, bridges;. One
across the Cowancsqne ,rirer at the uiouth, of the
Janiorson Creek, one nerost the Gowaheaque at tho
Academy Ooruers.-»nd onaccrosilheTioga Itiver at
LawrencevUle, A draft with epeoificntinnsoi' each of
the above bridges can bo wen nt their .office,
JOB REXFORD., .. . kCflKals*!*.
,'r, „ F.Mri<LE£(:
Wellabore, July 16,1862,,
A CnEIOSnT.’— In tho of
VV. If »*» -patort.'.Frnit .Tur. for Truit.
mai b*««n at EoyVßfnK Stan.. ,CoU,w4.esao»n»
ic fiVfQ if vou Uj ufl wish *a i _
:■ ;-?/ Vo
■ -i*