Sow Ad". jemonts. -• v I J . ' . . . ’ ’ j '■ y*. - Ittion SaUt— B. H. Dormant. - ? /or Lionu—J. F. Jro'y. Bnige BpHdprt— wrin—Baboi BlbeliwbU. v'j Ge'wge P.Crippon. <: jjj " iotiVy—Df- 2oy. ; j : V f 3. ’rt« ffbr/rf—A.'Bacon. . r. »^ r Jj Prielam'itio*. ‘ i, Chirry Pecloral. ' i ' is to FennTß woe,ee!ebrated ift Mod tfylein Liberij x WtfVould iil tb» aeeonat of these “ dotage” the „ crowds (fat everything else, n, jr,Dry,.Shef?o°a, E»g./ of this'll illo'M, has irti & draft for CwjjjAwr' ‘‘ I'* adef bjt ol. 'Regi- fioiV nc®payiog ogi tieinoney 'ofiona a«,Ht h-sdnijhojf •*. 1 :i . ■ . Ooofc Job. —Mr. Jii iL. CopTorw bujet hi# ,n-to a lavol with »»d libit front. We,U&r«|thnt he; it » icb of rutsraer goods and intends; Ip. them >M.'they can be bought anjwbtro nitride of . ... . _ r r-rre I CoupaST.—JfO are pi jns*£ tj learn jltbajairiotio nsJnot-enlireiy < led|oat of fjrtti yon. Mr. R.tSCjgckeon of who; kaolintear ia tha three mon\hsvcar|paign IfljppF.aU'ersok; it now engaged in got (jcp'a'Mtnpany. He expects to stajt ’ciont the ilireelc in August, and w.isbfo jqji’ican jdo ilffiit ottea. 'The'Government will advisee one ittS pay and $25 o£ tho ? slaO. tonntjr inyidigiety fSeing" mastered serviced (Joint boys, {lt time to rally" for thealdfiag p: t A, » ' Accideut.—At the Tioga' Eiemrsidn ipwas retunringjOn-'tWereniog of, the Fourth, ijpfioU’t Stiitid=/Jt»o of Pa,, .ffrtirajr fell frjm thjrtop ,■ t stepping fnm |>ne to ,+tr; aamn\ onpßjPjpnr’t caught bis ooal shirt and [ill. Be had boo of hit legs badly mnDj icd above slnM ij tbs wheals passing orsr it; jimptttated at the hip-joint'a fewhoyrtS after by r.BordeO; it Tioga, but.all efforts to sorp Mr. jllitcb r,ur* were in vain).and. be died on fjundi'y. l Ho ( ,bont twenty-one year* of ago, and ,i#' ; said to ntssnayonng mart rare pcr*onj|l tprnlities, on untimely antf.ehocking death is dbeply ifturn -1; > Urge eirolo of friends.and nin; Jburiml. r ,~ ',• • ,fc. _. jg-Tnt RtoauosS Solpirbs ,Atn or-- oiied Sept. 1861, continue their rognlaritnejitings Ml week, in the reception room at the iola.;,afield S|t«ry, They ore,Just forwarding‘tbcir tbija box ilstling and hospi al supplies, and will inimedi- upon another.-,.' . brag organised “Tor the war,", they intajfd not sail tbsir efforts whilst a sick or suffering soldier ditin seed of their aid. The follaWingfijettcr sliiss itself: ; i ,fj ’ - sfASsrrEi,i>, July Utb,lp2; • Qi ladies of the “ Rigjjmond Soldiers'-A'd'|Jpre dfhtir united acknowledgments nod the id of Covington and' Blossburg, for dnae and neceptabje donation to the fynris of the f $34*16 tire proceeds ice (»renm (nfreibmenls told at Coriogton on the 4tb*)f'Jtzly !ky appreciate the-interest mnnifeßted-ip tbnJ for. tfinj rd enterprise which seeks to h sma\t the comfort ofjpur lilrtns for the defence of oar country; ■ij tbfe inerifftHle casualties of war, thiy hu|ime Uuof the hospitals. *, ; 1 ' vij ' lUj al&o take this opportunity to acknowledge a klob of $lO from Mrs. Clymer pf vlf|slk n; tod one of $5 from Ohas. JS. Smith, EsrS, of Wripbia, both received in May, 1862, (Jo fatftalf / I*-, Jf#TJAB. R, Wjlsoit, President* \* f v Mrs. Joa. P. Morris, Secretary^ ' Jt*&oTßjrE.fTs of Tins Tioga Bor*.-— T&I Bfrea this County were, at the latest aeconnl iMiting plaies: ! -£!j kl.,Jd P.egt. Pa. Cnralry, Copt. K. T. Wjsod, kiifpard in Washington, City, p. C. St. W Bison, M. D., of Dalmar, who fla •fy Sergeant of this CoApanyhas been propped h trillion of Firet Surgeon ol the I Mfllrt Reg’t, Pi,.Vo!s.;Copt V. A, ikfora tbe enemy near Richmond, Ya. ? j k°P»me# K, I, and O, 46t1» Pa/ Vdl., with •kw* on James Island .had evacuated tijat jpfkl ludtaored back to Port Rojal to wait for •®ti. This is the last report, ’JP I Regt Pa. Res, Corps, Cftpt Carlo. ■fuj U new at Harrison’s Landing os the is. • '• that this Hogiment'was etatioae|j&t *Hoos» Landing to guard the Government St(|f es On Saturday Jane 28th, they recf'|fed "tionihark for the James Hirer byway of Fof < Unroots the enemy had • possession of !ho They reached their Division JMcCull'p) ''*< *al found them badly cut up. The wfro He rebels, soipo of nnpiorjs ?«ur. One shell buret very close to the l'o£i • nl» pie M 0 f ft cat a hole through the oodur • Joiiih Coolidge,'knocking 1 cat three of! ,s|e ftil it believed to be the only casualty in.-ivc nut , . ' ,!® f.Bailey ie sick in the hoepltal at Annsifcol|s. l li lit Pa. Rigej, Reserve Corps, Capt Hollaed. 9 StßMnij, Orderly Sergeant of thin belter known to tho tenders of the Adpjst • "o*l, Crockett” is numbered amo'ngi Te print elsewhere his last letter, written •hVore hla deeth. We cannot in a pnrnghy|h I* Justice to his memory, and. we desiref.o I'm the mein fact* of his life and death jSr tod more fitting ocenoioni ,By his death (ps lost one of its best and bravest Soldiers, ™ u » loving and devoted-son; Slavery, •ad wrong, a sincere and earnest enemy; JlitlTiios its most popular correspondent that Capt Holland was killed anO t 4 J hadjy ent upfbut oar news is qnitomel grS S** give ill ihe particulars in onr next,', 1 Ift Ssg't, Pa. Cavalry, Capt Dartt, ans C%.' .Andrews, soma Beat, are back to NashaiKs V* order*. , ' Eeg’t, Pi. Vot.Capt Caulking, , ,f nj before Richmond. ": . f l«!a r,, * flß7 ' j'ltv'J's-, , e~Xt >» with feelings'of heartfelt sorrow' we record the death ef Captain Robert W. Starrock of this Bor. oagh, who was killed on the everiing’of the, second dayof the battle near Richmond. He bad been on gaged’dn the 26thand on tho 2Tth. His Regiment was lying undercover waiting for orders to charge some regimsnts of rebel infantry when he. was shot through the templf .by a rebel sharp shooter, the ball passing thrOngß- the scull. He Used an hoar after ward unconscious of all that passed around'hlm. He wastaken to the held hospital and was taken’ care of by oar own surgeons until he died, andwas probably accorded a dimest-ional,. Mr. Slurrock commenced life as a printer, and/was co-partner with'Mr. Cob.b ii' the first years of the Aoiriron’s existence. Withdrawing all pecuniary interest, in the establishment ha remained with Mr. Cobb as his: foreman, pnd it was in this capacity, we first met him. llaregiainoj with bs until the'Spring of ISCO *ted to. Mmopoco' the inane of KNOCH BLACKWKLIh of Nelson,m for the office of CommiufciMVffibiecc to the dediion of the Bepublicaa County ConVttotloo** We are requested *o aononnce tbe, name M. GEORGE P. CRIPFBN. of Rutland, as a candidate fori tbe office of Com, miseioner, to bject to tfeo 4ec liion of -the Republican County Cqciyentloß.* ' r - Notice to Bridge Builder*. , t'T’HE Commissioners will let on the 29t!i day A of July lust., at their office the building of a bridge across the Cowanosqua River near Westfield to the lowest responsible bidder. They also will re ceive bide for building' the following bridge*: One across tbei, Cowenesque river i)l be- treated thirty and candidly, and they will not he encouraged to take'iny medicine without a oorres ponding prospect of benefit. ' Dr.Jnckson Can be consulted at his Rooms, in re gard to all diseases, which he treats with nnprece dented success, on a q*ir system. - Bo cures Chronic cases,of diseases, which have been pronounced focu irabU by the Medical'Faculty generally, such as Ner vous andjNonralgic Affections, Diseases of Women. Paralysis,""Epilepsy, Asthma, Salt Rheum, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, the diseases of Children, etc. All' cases of Seminal Emissions which [s carrying thousands to the grave annually.' Remember the Doctor docs not promise to cure all stages of diseases. While All disaasas.ero curablt, if taken in season, all stays* are not. Year case may be curable f*«» week, not nsert— to-,dagfuot ts werr.w; hence the danger of delay. - I Cwtiitationt Frtt, \ ■Distant /nWid*.— to visit Dr. J. fay appointment, can communicate thoirsymptoms by letter, and have proper medicines sent to any part of the world by exprtss, with certainty and dispatch. All letters of inquiry .must Contain -qua stamp to pre pay reply. Address Dr. A. C. Jackson, Egie, Penns,, Box 30. , ' '' / , May 21, 18«2.-. I . P New Spring Stock, THE BEST EVER BROUGHT HERE aWd tue cheapestj CAU AKO BZABIKI TOR TaCrtAILTM THE OLD STORE • B. B. SMITH, THREE DOPES BELOW WELLSBOBO HOTEL, BULLARD & CO., TPARKTOL TO ZBZIK KCMEROT7B IBIENM TOR , i A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE, Bare Provided Tliomaclrca •J WITH A FULL STOCK DRY GOODS, GROCERIES <6*., <&., FOR CASH OR PBODCTCB. Wellthoro, April 30,13(2. GREAT REDUCTION SALES. dosing out aU our Slock if'Summer Good* I Price) reduced on Plain Dress Good). Price) reduced on Fancy Oreu Good). Price) reduced on Cloth and Silk Mantle). Price) reduced on; Sbawle. Prices reduced on Sunshade) and Parseoli. A sweeping reduction through our entire stock. DORMADL’SBEE HIVE, Holden'* Block,' Elmira. I Black Silk) hare advanced in New Pork, still we are offering Good Black Brest Silk for (Set), worth 87ct). .« « n , 87, « 1 25 •< « « ' 100 “ 150 Beit " •' 125„. . « 176 Fancy Silks equally low at ’ DORMAOL’SBKE HIVE. Trunks, Valises, Travelling BegSiif every dtserip.- tiou,; direct from the manufacturers conelantfjr on; hand at s DOBMADL’S BEE HIVE. Napkins, Doylies, Linen Towels, Unckaboek, Birds; Kvaa Diaper, Eure Linen Table 'Damask, Marseilles,; Quilts, Woolen Table and Plane Spreads, 3D per cent; below market mine at DOBMADL’S BEE HITE. Nottingham Laos Curtains and rich .embroidered Droperie Muslins, tba largest and finest' assortment ever exhibited. DOBMADL’S BEE HIVE, Holden’* Block, Elmira. Hoop Skirts I New Styles! Best Quality!! and cheaper than anywhere else. DOBMADL’S BEE HITE. English Hosier/! Everybody will be suited in Hosiery. . ' DOBMADL’S BEE HITE. Linen Pocket H0ndkcrch^Ce.......*............. ,,„... ,03 Silt UltUts«w**H« MtMHH *,♦,*,»,eeee *•»••••*•»♦»,»» I/adles Hose Embroidered Collars, Every article sold as advertised. DORMATJL’S BEE HIVE, .136 Water 3t., Elmira, K. T. Elmira, July IC, 1892. AN INVOCATION. At —or— TBS —Of— tnu. bx tots OB ,CORNING CHEAP CAJH STORE. rrißß Tiogaaod ths neighboring eoun- X lie* aretespeetfuliy Invited to mill'and examine (at their earliest opponenity) the late urtyals of Spring and Sommer (foods, received by the subscriber daring the last few weeks, it being to the interest of ell to do so if in need of goads, and. they like RARQAIKS. The etoek 1* fall of new styles in ell kinds of DHESS GOODS, from a good Himalaya cloth at 10 cents to the rich styles in Mosamblqnes, Poplins, Mobeirs/end ail the varied varieties in market at prices from 1 end 6 to 3 sfail. lings. The styles are new end desirable and were never cheaper than now; we have good De Laicei 1 shilling yard, Fine Cbailies 1 shilling to 1 and 4i. bast Da Baines la. fld., Lawns obsap, Black silks Os, 7s. Bs. per yard, cheap enough for the closest buyer. We intend to keep all goods rtquired in this market and guarantee the prices right. ■ v CLOAK AND MANTILLA STOCK We make this a leading branch in the business and the new desirable styles, such as English Sacques, Gipseys, 4c. W e also keep a fall line of cloth from 6s. tai 12s. per yard, also trimming* to match. PARASOLfe, SUN UMBERELLA.S. : Full assortment, good ones 6t., better 6s. to B*., bjsst 10s. to $3,00. ' Domestic Stock* ' We are soiling every article in thto*m I STUMERS, OUR t TO BE' 1 \ t ELSEWHERE: i WOWED OUR REPUTATION > . \ Cheap Goods I SHALL BS ; 1I ; I FULLT MAINTAINED. We Obnfidoatlj ' j INTITS ‘ ’ COUPARIiON. : Ferine & 00., I -- " ! ' 1 TROT, PA, ’ i I * ANOTHER STOCK 0B FINK CLOTHING AT FBI CSS Far. BcloWi Competition. We hare jnst teeeecired a large'pnrthaseof sea sonable Ready Made Clothing, from the Assignees of the celebrated ; OAK Hitt ESTABLISHMENT. Atprldes that will enable ns to veil below the mst of mauiifactnring. Thi* ftncfc is well worthy tbp ntlcn tiiss 6f all purahasers of Olatbing. - -1- |- , FERINE 4 CO. , BECBIYBD, iplete Stock FriCM ’ EFOUND Large |i r argains . l ’• r “- AYER'S I CHERE Y PECTORAL* FOR THE RAPID CURS OP Colds, Goughs, and Hoarseness. Ba»mu) r Mas., 20th Deo, 1865. i Dr. J. 0. Arro: Ido 'not hesitate to say the best remedy 1 have ever found for CoufChi*, Hoarseness, InßacrnrA, and lbs con comitant symptoms of a Cold. Is your Cars* Ef Pectoral. Its constant use in my prac tice and my femCy for the last ten years baa shown It to possess superior virtues for the treatment of these complaints g KMQHT, M. D. a; B. MOBTLEY, E SQIf of Unci, N. Y., writes; “Item* used yo\ t Pectobcl royeelf and lo tny family ever slut© yen Invented it, and believe It the beat medicine for ltd pnrpo*© ©rer put out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay livenry dollars for a bottle than do without it, dr taka any oib*r remedy.” ... Cronu, TfrhoopSnj Cough, Influoasa- SraxorjELD, Miss, Feb, 7.1 Me. . lfcoTQ£B ATni: I will cheerfully certify jyour Pectoral is the best remedy wa possess for the core of coil**, creep, and tho chest diseases of children. We of yonr ii*- ternity in the South appreciate you© skill, and edmraoni your medicine to our people. AMOS LEE, Esc., Monterey, Ia„ writes, 86 Jan,, IS*G: *• V bud ft tedious Influenza, which confined ma in doors «U week* 5 took many medicines without relief: fluHily 'I your Pectoral by the advice of our clergymen. The flm doaa re lie rod the soreness in my throat and lungs: fcee than one hdlf the bottle'made me dorapletely well. Tour tn* di does are the cheapest as, well as the bast we can buy, mid tv* esteem you, Doctor, and your remedies, oj the poor mans friend.. 1 Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis- WIST S!XXCXTCS7ES, PftU Fob. 4, 1554, Bnt: Tour Cherry Pectoral Is performing marvelled cure* In this seetlk n. It has relieved several from alarming symptoms of consumption, and Is now curing a man win* p*a Üboruk under au affection of the lungs for the last forty yean. ~ UENKY L. PARKS, Merchant. A. A,-RAMSEY, 51.1)., Albion. Monroe Co-, lown, writes* Sept. 6,1856: “• Uuriug’my practice of many yeais I harn found nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral for givi rg case and relief to consumptive patient*. or cuiing such as are curable.” * tVe might add volumes of evidence, but the most convin cing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in its eflVctjj upon trial. v i Consnmptisn. Probably no one remedy has aver been; known which, cured so many nod such (longerons cases asl this. Soma no human aid can reachbut even to those the Chciry Pectoral affords relief and comfort. Aston Hons*, New Tows Cut, March 6, IS6C. ■ Dfe. Atxb, J«owu>l; ’ I feel it a duty -and a' pleasure to in form you what your Cherry Pectoral, has done for my wife. She had been five qiontfas laborfag under the daugeroua symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid we could pro cure gave her much relief. She was steadily failing, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we have come for advtoe, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bios* bit kind ness, as we do your thill; for she has rccoveied fr<»« that day. She is not yet as strong as shejnsod to jbe, but is fr*e from her copgh, and calls herself weji. { -ORLANDO SIIELBT. of Shrlbyvillev. Consumptives, do not despair till yon have tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is made by* one of the bust medical chemists is the world, and its cures all around u« bospeafc the high merits of its rlrtnca.^-FhUadtlpkiakedgtr, AYER'S CATHARTIC PILES. The sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have becn'trttl their utmost to produce this headmost perfect purgative which Is known to man. Innumerable proofs pr* •shewn that these Pills havo.viitues wiiich surpass in excvlloico the ordinary'medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly iifKfn the esteem of all men. Tliey are safe and pleasant to but powerful to euro. Their penetrating propertl-s f t'tnu late the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its'organs, purify the blood, and **xpel disease. ahoy purge out the loul humors which breed-and grow fUMc-mper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into! their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Mot only do they care the orerv-day| complaint* nf every body, but also font idablo and dangerous di-ea*os that, have baffled the best of human skill. Vihlle they produt* powerful efforts, they are at the same time, In diminished doses, the safest and best physic that can be, employed fbr children. Being sugar coated, they are pleasant to take; and 'being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substantiated by men of such exalted position! and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many emlrnot ch-r -gymen end physicians have lent their names to osrtify to the public the reliability ulfmy remedies, while others hare cent mo the assurance of their conviction that my Preparation* contribute Immensely to the relief of my afflicted, enfferinc Wlow-mon. The Agent below named Is pleased to furnish gratia'eng American Almanac, containing directions for their use ana # etrufic&tet of their curvs, of the following complaints Goctiveness, Billons Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy* Heartburn, Headache arising from ai fonl rtopmeb. Nausea* Indigestion. Morbid inaction ef the Bowel*. and Pain arising th«r«from. Flatulency. Loss | of Appetite, all Ulcerous end Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacuant m&dtafa*. Scrofula or King’s Evil 'they also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the system, cure mahy complaints which tt wmld not be supposed they could reach, such at Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and N'ervous Irritability, Do tangementa of tho Liver and Kidney*, Clout, end other ktn* dred cumpiaiot* arising from a lout state of the body or oh* atrnctiou of It* functions. y ~ \ \ Do nut be put off by unprincipled dealer* with some other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Ayer’s Tills, ud take nothing cbe, No other 1 they can give Jon compare* with this in its intrinsic value ormvatlve pow«r< Tho siek want the best hid there is for ( them, and they should hare it* Prepared by Dr J. j C AVER. PtozUcuL and Aaafyti'enl Citjniit, Lmktll, Mat*. Prioo 25 cents per box. Five boxes for $2. SOLD BY- i ' . C. &J. L. Robinson, Wellshoro; 8. X. BUtlnß*. Gainst; IT* U. Borden, Tioga; Dr. parkhurst A W. U. iJDIer, Lawrence* Tiiie; 3. S. Packard,Covington; Bennett Oulick A Taylor. Blossburg; Fox Al Witter, Uaiusburg; Ok L. Strait, Roseville, and Dealers everywhere. | July 16,1862.—Cm. TIOOA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION.— Whereat, the lion. Robert G- White!, Provider t Judge for the 4th Judicial' District of Pennsylvania* and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case,"Esq.X Asso ciate Judges in Tioga county, bare issued, their pre cept, bearing date the 17th day of Juno, and to me directed, tor the holding of Orphan's Conu, Court of Common Plea*, General Qn&rter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Wellsboro, for the County of Tioga, on the last . Monday of Auguat,| (being the 25th day), 1862, and to continue two week*. Notice is therefore hereby given, to tho Coroner* Justices of tho Peace, and Constables in and* for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper prr* sons, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances,-to do those things which of their offi ce* and in their behalf appertain to be done, and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf, of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not'to depart at their peril. Jurors are jyquestcdjto be punc tual in their attendance at tho appointed time. a;rr« o- Oiren under my hand and seal at the Sheriff*? Off. e, in Wellsboro, the 16th day of July in the year, of ourJ*ord one thousand eight hundred nml fixiy two. ' H* STOWELL, ShcrlU. Dissolution Notice. 1 j NOTICE is hereby given that the Cp*pTrtner ship heretofore existing between JOHN W. DAT LEY A THOMAS HARDEN, under the firm name of JOHN W, BAILEY. A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .The Notes and Accounted!* the sail firm, remain is the has da of THOS. HARDEN, for soUlemant. | _ " Wellsboro, May 9, 1862. i FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale the Steam (Grist Mill located OD Stony Fork, 8 mile.” from jWelUburo, with 8 acjx« of land, ono stare building and dwelling boose attached, one small dwelling and ernnll !»-ri. The tniß has 3 run of stone, 2 good bolts and f)U rbo nectssarjf apparatus in a custom grist mill, a good ■team engine nil in good running order, which be will sell at a bargain or would exchange for other property. There U no better location in Tioga County, f«r a-good custom Grist Mill, title perfect. For further particu lars enquire of S. S. Packard, Covington, Pa. Also 0? acres of land li miles below the mill on Stony Fork for tele. Timber Pino and Hemlock. • Covington, June 4, 1862.3m* S. S. PACKARD. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—letters nf administration having been granted to the mb. sort her on the estate of William Updiko, late nf Rot lend Township, doo’d, notice is hereby given to th.-e indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment, and those having claims, to present -them propotjy authenticated for letilcment to the subscriber. July 2, 1862. HANNAH M. WOOD, A«Ve. " DEXTIST. DR. KALPS GILLETTE. : JASPER, STEUBEN COONfT, S’. {TV For a long time a resident of Weilsboro; wilt visit once in eneh month Knoxville on the J?Mh. Elklnna on tho 2Clh. I.owrenccville on tlio 271 h. lioga on tho jjgth. ,Thp#e living at a distance to