fHE A gTT AT OR. a it : attp Miscißi.x,Ai?goTrfl Wednegday.July 8, of^~r '. Sow A4Tortla*m*nto. »; „ ! V ,'%v. y.t.w—Thomas AUsn, Audit it. j ■ , ■ P* ~.■■ - ‘ a u ■ '«* ’ 1 it; : . r s*. ' Silfr's iVertee—H. W. William*, ,1*; : , K Z c f idlers— Tioga Post Offla*. jV „/£,wr»— Wellsboto Post Office,:., ( 1| XZj,,’, cirtiri .Suit—Alien B. Bryan, jlxeeutor. Antics—Hannah M. x^^'dinr. •fOar Educational Artie)* was rt week's paper. ' ,g. ViCATiox.—Th* Agitator boy*; ji*T*?doter to make • itr “ k Tnext week for Pit's Cwot, to (telr leek witb fiiesand angleworms. ,;lj4 trput ]jl , 0 doablbear of their intention, and t>J ,4 tiaddlt,iot they oonld not didn’t No paper will be inned froiatliia Of u nit week. Should anything of an ext aginary anscccor, we wUI lnoe an extra. ij f. |- | 0. Tioga Kail Road.—A half far* ins‘ trill oen tbs Atb, as follow* s Ijlt •: mam. , -Tat, urn. ’? jgs ; '■iibofg/ ” 6,30 a. a, Som«r»’ tan*, - 83$ *.*». >Tiß*ton, 6,00 ’ Lawrencavillo, B’SOi " wild, . 7,1 i . “■ Llndley, ■»,&. * toyi Bridge 7,44 . Cook's Turn Out, SbttV - yfiution, l.iii k ' Erwin Canter, ,9M "1 9,05' " Arrive at Corning SO.ftfi “ Et liming, will jtaT* Corning, at 6,30 pi m. J s 1 I p-Bio Sihaw»xbmis. —A Look Havejj’.pspor Bliim this ihlereslirig-item: j l i| ; j ■ •lit fruit-growara-la tbia region hare badfttsrolif ,tnp of Stniwberyias the present; feuifa Mo. saw ta in the window of Mr«. Sohroeder's Cooleptiun iilore,s few days ego which surpassed’ in flip any itsra ever seen. Some of them mentored Wiir iiz i*t in diameter, end of several quarts,.wa'Audge it none,measured less than three iucbeu,y ; V»Ji*V« (ten font which measured mar* tl&n eix list in diameter, and ’fuarf* that measured ’more n three inches across, but if yon meap the ntltrria ware at large at common ,si*ad jpjiinp-, u,then w»care! i- ’ •.I*l] ■ I ——-| —r i Jail Dxutxbt.--V man nbmplE'm . tsl indicted last Court for .marrying u »ucompatible with bis owndomesticc«nfo|t, dr peace, misty, and dignity of the. /lomlhonl* ■ld " 0a waa confined in one of the IbAer pells limit jail. On Monday night, lut, hai|ag. Jnt a kit the ceiling over hit own cell, inid;.i lit*'cell in tbich was tanantleas, and of ooacse, tinl|dcodL b plank flooring of tbit upper cell, had, SdubtVssj, a moored by him the day before, so ~tba£ Indiaing ■tiud tithe done in the night, Gut to taki.j pirn the, d-verk, and thus edcape into the itMOioEurewhich-eurroundt the jail. Kind ly.friiiosel dun for soeiety , got-him there, could n't f harbor iiJn of going alone, and so iteeems thatih jtohsll, ho at once proceeded with an hid di,ok-| di to law the hasp-off the large padlock Which io-j nlthi presence of another prisoner named' Staei ini confined in one of the lower cells fob break-1 ipuistonet, end other malicious raischi*(S|*>d lilcm Kinney fasd doubtless a privet* *irt;ngo- Snide to escape. The jackknife probing in|uffi. lilt the emergency, a lever of. soroe.hind t>e&.pp d,ud the look wu wrenched and broken hIF.iTio inn then proceeded to make a rope of bed-ilothbs, bring climbed to the rodf, they let; that hS|}wts. ntd ibeddadled. The two remaining pf iouoh, Wild not know .of the arrangement to eci»p|,|ttr T IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post by did, they preferred to remain. • { ft;; JLi Office «t WeUsboro, June 30, 1882. sulhres priaoners haT**sespedfrom,.lboto*w ilurt, M. A. Hanord, Nancy rijsil built at great expense to the county.! >®f Barry, David 2 Healey, Joseph : „ , " , _ V Burnside, Wesley James. J. E. !Hihe Grand Jnry at tbe.next Session, wjl mi|'e Clinton, Elisabeth Jay^Cyntba bdaly to inquire into the matter, and Cburcb, Jno. W. 3 Kenhdy, Russell 2 , a shire it properly belongs. . Crane, Sarah Kenedy, Alva i, —w '• I Crowl, C. H. Kenedy, Mary pMovMtttrr* or Tax Tioga Bots— Dobbs, Jordan Lovett, Marcus ■hem this County were, at tba latest accoaCUsj pi Urukeilin, Georg* Mitchell, L. iJitiae places • *if IS Durey, John Pinckney, Alfrsd , 1,, * i ■ * „- i LDarling, H. X. Potter, Miss B. A. tE,M Regt. Pa. Cavalry, Capt, K. T.i Vje#|, Derby, A. H. Parker, Miss H. E. hjguard in Washington, City, D. C. . ' Dennis, ii. D. Phipps, C. E. 11, Kill Bst'L Pa Volt Cant. V A 1 Hint* Docker,-Harrison Rigby, J. W. C. UL !' * r ’ P v ’ p,pt ’ ' W* Elweli; Win. Kink, £ Oren, was the enemy near Richmond, Va. , I s|‘li Flint, Charles Russell, S. A. iMSth Reg't, Pa. Vela, Capt. Whitne Vlcpi Frisbie, J. C. Russell, E. A. :«* uw.mbasuo. ■ ls a a'" -k WMtoos Will probably b« hoard from at lK Spood. BriMania Saymoore. Haory. '-v *•' i Sk-wart, Almira' 7 Sly Mr«. Sosan it nj aof the part taken by Co. U r whioh does nj t £fsi. X IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post tteisUy from that given by our eorrespot. iektij, Office at Tioga, June 30, 1862. b*. Cspt. SchieffeUn w«. We'regret U Jcpmo _ Kamp, Albert ijjt j * • • ; _ ' ' • _ £ iriDl Bruoaon. Leri 1 Lobey, sad unable to do duty, and b)» cod iw*? , Blake> Mieh i Mofnok. B. W. Jeoamiod of Lieatenant Hvwrrd, who al Cady, Htory - Karh:»n, Mark Winll. ' * Mrs. Aramlnta Parera, Alpbooso aijlh Reg't, Pa. Vols., Cept. Hills, w j'|>V **!><* Mis. Libby C. Wilkins, Daorg* <*lihad with Companies, f}; and- H. • ! < f‘ri;. ... f . J Ibii.t a .n .. * . v. V 1 PeMODB oallioff for mj of tba abora latUrt, will aoni osa from South Csrolma, brings th i sad. I#aso tb , dTor f iB ed. 1 . 1“*»of the death, on thp sixteenth of. Jot LEWIS DAGGETT, P. M. ‘taiof Charleston, this County, aynetnb |ri lipj! ‘ ■■ ■■ ■ 'h '■'■■■' 1 ■’!"?" *■— Ho died in/hhe'lloapitaU on.iKori|i : ; ; S5O REWARDS •“tad, bf typhoid fever. He was' for e ! on® Ij-T) EG KB ont of the Tioga County, Pa., Jail, op the “{tdtttedentof thh Sabbath'School in'Cba d»S : sJ 3«th of June lost, a man of the name of Lather ••ftil,|t W apoouDcioghi. dcatta wee'ret g- 11-, Keeney, about2s years of age 5 feet 8 inches in tjK, |i. , ■ ' 7 11 As, bight: black moustache ;no whiskers. Ills eppear l«t Eundny.. Mdny bitter _t.ar f :W- „^ a indjosu that b , ili4’ with McClelUli'sarfny, and are dip) s'ti Cssiy's Dirision now jerdf kd| of Monday, contain a listof wain’ iej, of ths 26th, an ooeonnt of which (i M| the Reserve,) may he found' ini util D will be seen that the Buok-fl lit] “*“»Wof thefr • -*' UnriLnt _ !ny ‘ J ‘ TO beerihor effort for aalo the Steam GrietMill 1 , * ng * g * d n tbfl bWtle ** “I vx located on Stony Folk. 9 mileVfrnm Wolljiaro, . other lourctj, that Ibis regiment r MlJjmb S.acres of land, one store buildingand dwelling 1 * Parting a-Hail Bbad, The lisHti' (k»fs«ww ahaohpd, one email dwelling and jpudl bajuh.; * Sergeant of Company A, of the But k*M bt; miU hs ‘ 3 run of stoper-Egood bojw Nn* r I Siiaecesjaty apparatus in;a euatom grift mill, a good 111,1 .“!• may not be opr hi teem I d;<'aieani-engi n e,aU in.good. running order, which he will aVo u-ooe of the Si f.:Kllata bargain or wonld'esehanga for other property. i/* ll Mmpacy,' r . i Thereis no better loeation in Tiogit County for a good ■ *H’WPa.C«.W i oUetornGrlst Mill', tftle perfect. For further portion lltai, 1 . ''***lry,Capl- Dartt and < A enquire of S. 6.. Packard, Covington, Pa.AJ»o.9r *' ,am ® Begt., are back to Tfaebvi ifnerasof. land, tj milea. below Bio mill on StonylFork k.J I’®, 1 ’®, r I'Jbr eule. Timber Pineand Hemlock. -- Pa. VoW 4 * 1882 - 3m * s * s - WCKARPe Ricijtncmde ~ ri • . n ’ I ■' I _ ■ l^»Srt- P rirate-Cbarl M Butler, eligb't; f -|BPHAN’S GODET SALE.-By virtue of C. Lot. .lißhtr G n Rtroottr A*/ an order of the Orphan's Court to me directed, I L «**, ‘TS »eU at pnblio vendue on Saturday the Bth day of Ale*. -Hamilton, ellghC: Jgugnat 1862, bn the promises in Jackson, at 2 o’clock Witi,,' ■' i iP. H.i the following described real estate, to wit: TBudV-Utls,) dapb Bogii tract of fend situate in the township of Jackson, * WweJijritb Fremont. ' ! Isejginnlpg at a poet in line of James Roselle j thence li? ««t,Fa. B. tf Vbl 4 4 oFwbdk Mr ft ? north ij easl,Js9-7 per, to a post in south line of Seth CsetaJn Kd . . - i j-?iW«i'tli?»« .o»th 89i,eMl by-said Daggett 18 H TTOMBdwd. : ( perches to a post; thence south 66*. east by Daggett be * n d from Canth |»f,3 "perches Id a post,- thence jonth 7, west 13.1 H-L, f “taehed to the ith Kegb.P.E.C : Jiefehes to a post? thence south 65J east 46.5'perohes - _ f t&ja poet; thehoo couth 61, west by lande of Jamee h» ®WiW,rw »t. t,, 'Vv.w’!i' ,v ' Slardavant and Vborhces 178.2 perches to the “W Capt. Mitchell, waa'e* Cm*S"f beginning-containing 78.2 acres. . a . i -T? •* AlbES'B. BBTAV. BTOcutar. •_ •‘•.oiloir.Bgnota-froin.CanipWhtfrl ■ |SacVp<.n, July'2.'lBs2. Houw, Va., dated Jun* 20th,1882, lB nlstian to the I»l* &rg*t, Wheeler, of this oo top any: “We have jnat received news of the death of Han. ry E.' Wheeler, Quarter-Masler-Sergeant of our Com. pany, from Tioga County, Pa, Be left Camp Hamilton, Ofay 22d, 1862, very much out of health, but was Dot considered dangerously lit It was thought that once at home among his friends, ho would toon regain bis health, and ha able to Join bis company and perform the duties of hia office. But we are .informed that bo did not reach hia home, but sipped at Alva, Bradford County Pa., and remained until ha died. Wo beg leave to assure hit friends at bom*, that in mourning his loss, tbey monrn not alone. Here there Is a whole company that monrn deeply with them. Soldiers,as they are, many an ey*' was moistened with tears, on the receipt, of the sad news. Ha waa a willing, active, and brave acldier; univer sally beloved by both officers aind men, . fie bad been in the service since the’ 26th of Adgnst, 1861, and in every {balance, discharged faithfully the duties as. signed him. Although ho wasl not parmitted to meet the enemy in the field of battik, his ffisnda should be eonseled by the thought that his rendered hia coantry valuable service in its hour of need, end bis memory may be classed among those who her* sacrificed their lives for the maintenance of tie Union, and tba so premaey oi our glorious flag. : I B. O. T.'* NOTIOSB. IMPORTANT TO FEMALESI THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN IS continually in ptri! if the if mad enough to neg lect or maltreat those sexual; irregularities to which two-thirds of her sex are more or less subject DR. OHEESBMAN’S PILLS* prepared from the same formula which the- inventor, CONELIUS L. CHEESEMAN, M. D., of New York, has for twenty years used successfully Iq an extended private prac tice—immediately relieve without pain* all dindrban cea of the periodioal'dtscfaai!ge, l wbetber arising from relaxation or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains, that accompany difficult or im moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and re liable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache. Pains in the Leins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nerv ous -Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep and other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an unnatu ral condition »f the sexual functions*. In the worst cases of Fluor Albut or Whites, they effect a iptcdy cure. TO WIVES AND MATRONS. DR. ,CBEGSEMA!f J 5 PILLS are offered u tbe ..only safe mean* or renewing interrupted menstrua tion, but LADIES MUST BEAR IN MIND That on that very accouut/if taken when the interrup* tiou arises from natural cause?, they will inevitably prevent the expected events. This CAUTION IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, for Such is the ten dency of the Pills to restore the original functions of the* sexual organization, that they inevitably arrest the process of gestation. Explicit direction*/ eluting when, and te »«r they »hmdd not be uted, with each Box—the Price On* Dol lar each Box. containing from 40 to 50 Pillt. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of - the Agents. Pills. •«»/ by mail promptly, by enclosing price to the Agent. Sold by druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, For rale at Roy's Drag Store. Dec. 11, ISftl.-ly. '2O, Cedar st., New York. Annoanoemont*. for «EMBen or AsaxMinr, Ala. Tovxo:—Pitas© announce the name of Hob. J. C. WHITTAKER. ofßJkland.as a candidate forjßepresecta* tire, subject to the decision of tbe Republican County Con* veqtion and oblige,* [ Ifroa. We are requested to 'announce fhe name of 6. W. STAN* TON. of bnwrencevillv. as a candidate for the office of Rep* resvntativa, subject to tbe decision of the Republican County Convention. the estate of WiUiam Updiie, late of Ent ijjpud Xotrnship, 4e0% notice it hereby giren to thu<« indebted to said estdte, to-make immediate payment, ■end those baring deltas, to present them, properly . authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. July 3,1863. HASNAB M. WOOD, J.dm’x. FOR SALES. THE TIOGA COUNTY A GIT ATO It. AN INVOCATION, That niee maehinp, the human Dame I O God! inspiremy mln’S MAMOTH SKYLIGHT BOOMS, ' OVER C. W. SEAB6' SEW SHOK BTORB, FJrstdoor below 0. L. WILCOX H. If. WOODf?wotrii say to th«^-inbabkanle of Wellsboro and surrounding eonntry, that be ia sow prepared to furnish them with everything in thalineof pnbidGßAPiis, AMBROTYPES, OR MELAINOTIPES, : , furnished at any room In the City, dost raeclred. a sett of JAMINB CELEpKATEDLEJfSES.mannfec tnred expressly for the Cartes dt suite. ' Alia * large assortment of ' 1 Pbo took a pbic AIBVUS. price, from $1.36 to $4.00. At this day, no parlor ta bleis considered 6niehed,with6ntthe PHOTOGRAPH IC ALBUM. . Caeca of all styles. Pioiarea from twenty-ire cents talire dollar*. ; j Thankful solicit.*! Oostln. .nation of the earn# by doinj -firstclass work for_ all, -"treUsßdiro’.'Ma'y gg, iSßgC^ H.PrWppp. [ • A.' UDITOR’S NOTlCE—Notice j* bireby glren t\ thattha undersigned ha* boon appointed by the Court to i&ndit sod Distribute the moneys arising'op. on tbeSßenlf Satpot the reaVeetate of Timothy. Coats ahd LtnUford Ciiata—wilt attend to the ddiftyof bit appointment, whpre a .hearing; wijl bs. had iV thp premise*,'at bis offipa In Welltboro, Monday, the IJth day of. togust next, at I 'o’clock p. to, distribute the said fund. . H. W. WU>bltU*6,. Auditor. Wellsboto, July 1,1862. A fcMLNISTBATOR’S NOIICEr-Lettereof A Administration having bein. grmntedtotbe on. dersignedon the eatati of BENJAMIN H ARROWEB, late of liindlay, N. Y., dee'd., notice U hereby given to tbeee indebted: to |»ld eatate to make immediate payment, and thoaa having elaima to pre>eot them properlyanthentfoated for aettiement to the anbacri ber at Bikland, Tioga Co. Pa. K4SSON PABITttOBST, Adminiatrator. Jnna2s, 1862. Veal skini. , TBS h’ghest price will be paid for Hghfekiae-*- m >it ba free from cuts or boles — by JOHNSTON i BOVCE. Tio.ti, Jniiel,lHJ. St AT tbs € ORMM CHEAP cash store. THE eUitana of Tioga-and tb« neighboring cqnn tleaarerespeetfaßy Invited to.call and examine (at tbe!r earliest opportttnlty)’the ; lats arrlral* of Spring and Summer Good*, - received by thp subscriber during the last fair Weeks, it being to tbs intereat of all (0 do so If in need of good* and they like BARIiAIJiS. Tbs stock ia fOU of new styles in aU kinds of DKSBS GOODS, from a good Himalaya cloth at lOeanta.to the rlcb styles jo Mosambiquej, Poplins. Mohairs, and all the varied varieties in market at prices from 1 and d to S shil lings. The styles are new and desirable and were never cheaper than now: we have good De Baines 1 shilling yard, Fine Challles 1 shilling to 1 and 4d. best De Baines is. 6d.,'Bawns cheap, Black silks fi, 7s. Bs. per yard, cheap ohougb for the closest boyar. We intend to keep al) goods required in this market and guarantee the prices right, CLOAK AND MANTILLA STOCK. We make this a leading branch In the bnalness and keep all the new desirable styles, such as English Sacques, Qipteys, Ac, We also keep e fail line ol cloth from 6s. to 12s. per yard, also trimmings to match. ' PARASOLS, SUN UMBEBELLA3, Fall assortment, good ones is., better 6a. to Ba* heal 10*. to *3,60. Domestic Stock* Wo are selling every article in this line lower then tb* present market prices, om: stock is full. and there is scarcely, an article except brawn sheet ings and shirtings in the heavy mokes, hat that w« are tailing at . LOW AS EVER. We have good blosched .Muslins at 10 end II eta., handsome yard wide do. at 12£ ots„ best qualities yard wide brown shirtings, 12} cts.,rich prints war ranted fist colors 10 cts., good Gingham* la. yard. Pant stuffs cheap. Napkins, Tabls Linens, Towelling, Window Drapery Ac., cheap aa ever. ; We have a larger stock of ; BOOTS AND SHOES, than w* have usually kept, they are cheap, STRAW GOODS, such as Men’s and Boy’s Hats, Sbaktrt, TUtegTriai miogi Ac., full asiorUasnt, Groceries* We intend to keep this stock so u to girt Perfect Satisfaction to all boyars both at wholesale and retail, WHOLESALE BUYERS, can most always pick up goods throughout oar stack at much lower rates than can ha Found Eisvwliorc. Buying in lute, enabling us to sell goods at leu than New York prices adding expenses. CUSTOMERS from ail parts ars incited to call. Goods freely shown, and if prices are not satisfactory, we do not expect to •ell any goods. JAMRS A. PARSONS, Ho. 1 CONCERT BLOCK, CORNING, N. T. May 21, 1862, fob. 12, lilt. NEW GOODS! T. L. BALDWIN s now rseaiying a large and Well 3r eeted Stock tf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of a General Stock of VST GOODS. LADIES’ DKSSS GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, hat's AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. BOOTS AND SHOES. WOODEN WARE, An., Ao„ Ac., A*,, All of which will he sold VERT LOW for READY PAT ONLY. ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PKODOO* TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All persons baying GOODS far READY PA r. Are respectfully Invited to eell end examine Tflß iBXOCKs . As thsy ire fa be sold st VERY LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tloge, May 28, 1882. T. L. BALDWIN. TWENTY FIVE CASES OF NEW GOODS, JUST OPENED AT DormauFs Bee Hive. Great and cheap New Goods el Domanl’s Bee Hire. , J Imported DrCn Goods. We eell the speetal attention oftherlsdiee la enr dr•«« goods Department, eomprising toms entire stir Styles which cannot he band anjr white tit* task as Chens Ponpadoors, ■ , Otis d Basse, id odea. AsnliffS, French Fancy. Place, . ’ - Imperial Poniards, '' • ■ N«w Styles Irish Popllss, Norwich Lustre, . Pensee, Assandrlnes, 1 Those who eontemplate hnying s' dress of say de scription will find it their interest to cell st Dorm is aTa Bee Hire. Black Slks and Mantilla Bilks, s full line from M cents to $2 50 per yard. Coland D rose. Silks, pia\n aqd fancy, Jnjt opsned. SHAWLS—Broche.Stella, Thibet,'Silk, eneßdiesa reriety, qk leu than $0 pants on the'doHar. Id Cloth and Silk panties our asscrtatcnt cannot be excelled ip quantity, style sndpriaes. millinery Goods of erery description at wholesalA.nnd retail cheap at DGRMAPL'S BEE HIVE. Milliners pUaaa taka notice-; Finest linen Table Damask worth 83,00 per yard • —> — , Doeskins, Cnsaimeres and Broadcloths,'a large as sortmenkcheep.' us u. /. •...-„■• i/ j , 1 DraperyLaoss and Drapery. mnslinj, from 8 pe»t| to 75 eenfi per yard. ' Gruiteitbstgainl ereroflkted. TO Dosen li oenttir 100 Litla^Tbread'Grtovee......,'.;; j 1 60 ■ u Ladles ifnse- enafit. -i 29 . <‘-obirf'Frbnts...., ........,.„.03cent*. : :« " Silk Mitts'. .......OBeehts. ' 0000 yards white 8riiU»nu.,,.,.. 1 ..„,...,,0(rC0}i1i; . . Fast col. Madder Prints ...06 cents. ’ Cbambny 98 cehts. j Parasols and San shades a Tory extension and ale- tnnsbadn from 81,00 upwards at . PORMACL’S BEE HIVE, 136 Water BL, Elmira, N- Y. Elmira, May 31, 1862. . . Sqmao Wanted. ’ ONE DOLLAR. per.haqdred weight, will be paid for dry StnrscHanx or Leaves, by ' JOHNSTON 4-B6TCE. - Tioga, Jane.-t 1 „l/S62._£t. . _ fQJAJE in large op small quantiles, for sale at v .: , ; rots drug store. ! X JIOTjttER fresh,. o»sortmont. of-tho’e- - ole £*■ pint 11 cent by Jane Ia.'AS'K.C i '> % HARDEN.i A LARGE NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK or SEASONABLE GOODS, ) BATS SSI* BSCIITTO i At >n TROY CASH STORE* i i We Bar* f N£T£R SAD A ' ! More Complete Stock i ■ 4 THAN THE PRESENT. Oar Price# WILE BE FOUND BELOW mi MARKET RATES. Oar Large purchase®. AND LARGE SALES , WILL ENABLE US Give Bargains ■■to OUR CUSTOMERS, NOT TOBS YOVED ELSEWHERE. OU*t IMPUTATION Cheap Goods Tr BE rcur XAimPAiiiED. We Confidently ;j.C» i COMPA BISON. Ferine & 00., TKoy, PA. ANOTHER STOCK OF FINE CLOTHING AT PRICSS fat Below Competition. ... Wehare jast receeeWed a large pprebasejof sea sonable Beady Made Clothing, from the Assignees of the celebrated !] . , : OAK HALL ESTABLI SIIMENT, Atprioee that will enable os to sell. Mow the mnifttMii. , This stock )< well worthy the aitan. tloa of "all ’purchasers of Olutbisg. ” " , ' r-“r-’v-‘F'BBtSE'VDOr i • ■, ;C. ,J. i **. V * * kj, r A i. --■* •- ■ vzw. - j.- > THE QBE AX ; IfATIOJIAL HOBSE FAI# fIU ISIS TEAR St BEU> At Keystone Park) Williamsport, Pa., Tuttday, Wtdnttgaj/, Thvrtday and Friday, Stptt*> ler! to S inebuim. j Arrangements have been made to secure the Bnost assemblage of important bloods and native breed of Bosses, that baa ever been collected in tbia oodstr?. The list of premiums will bs large, ranging pKbigfc bo S2VO. Liberal arrangements hove and wUi M made with the different railroads. ; Williamsport, situated in the megaigeent Valle? of the Susquehanna, and accessible by,rail from ait parts of the United States, is eminent!? veil suited for tbia Exhibition, Fuller particulars will short!? be gives. BOABD OF IUSTOESfI D. If-, Jackman, P. Herdic, Edward Lyon, X S. Bagg. Henry Drinker, (Jordan F. Mason, Col. S. O. Hathaway, J. H. Cowdeo, Win. Colder. W. F. LOGAN, Chief Marshal. | H. E. TAYLOR, Treasurer. Geoboe it. Dz Put, Secretary. Jane IS, 1867. ' THOMAS HARDEN it new receiving an i EXTENSIVE STOCK or j Merchandise, which he offen on term* to SUIT THE Tin El. All are retpeotfhlty invited to call end eramlM. WelUbpro, June 18, 1862. THOS- HARDBif, . SOTILU. 1 NOTICE is hereb; gins that an application bee been made to the Court of Common Pleat of itog* Conoty, by L. I). Seeley, John Georgc.O.W. Nurtbnp aud others, to grant a charter of inoorp'ort* tiun for religious purposes, to themselves, their asso ciates end successors,-uijder the name and style of tbs Second Society of the Methodist Episcopal Churdit in Brookfield," and if no sufficient cause M shown (• the contrary, the said court will decree that they be come and be a body corporate. By the Court, June 18 1862. J. F. DONALDSON; Proth’y. NO I ICC. NOTICE is hereby given that an ai been mad* to tint Court of Comma eg* County, by Joel H. Austin, Cbarlei S. Buskbae and others, to grant a eba poration for religious purposes, to isauoiatea and eueeessora, under the nsm “ The First Methodist Episcopal Church ton,'* and If no sufficient cause be shoe trary, the said Court will decree that the be a body corporate. , By tho Court, June 18, 1862. J. F. DONALDSOi EXECUTOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters J baring been granted to the enbseril uue of Marrin C. Metcalf, late of Broi ship, deo'd., notice is hereby given to tl to make immediate payment, and those to present them properly authenticated to the subscriber at Brookfield. JOANNA METCALT, Brookfield, June 11, 1802.* ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE—lilten of al. mini'tratiation having boon granted to th« mb scnberon th« estate of Rachel S. Billing*, lots of Slnl* ra, N. Y-., deed, notice ia hereby given to tl istc Indebted to laid estate to make immediate payment, end those having claims to present them properly aatbentleat*4 for settlement to the subscriber. . June 11,186?. 6i* D. F. BILLIN' ... . THE BUFFALO j MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 'CORNER or I Hain and Seneca Streets, It aa important link in the groat chain of National Mercantile Collegia, located in the following CHtiee nil I ! 1 NE* YORK CITY, PHILADEI BROOKLYN, ALBANY, TROY, ; CLEVBLA3 •DETROIT, CHICAGO, AND SAINT LOUIS. A Scholarship issued from the Buffalo litlpi tha bolder to attend either or all the an nnlimited time. The design of these Institutions, is to Imparl'(O ynnng men and ladies, a Ihtrovgk, pratiicat ikviMes etfocatto*. These Colleges are organized and conducted npast a basis which must secure to each separata Institution the best possible facilities for imparting a thorough commercial education, and render it oe a whole, tha most comprehensive and Complete system in this country. J . Dook.Kespiog in all its departments. Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic and Penmanship, ar»_ taught in tha most thorough and practical manner.: The Spencerian system of Penmanships is tonight ! by competent and experienced teachers. { i - Scholarship, payable in advance, $4O. , I ' College open day and eveningno vacations. ~ Resident Principal at Buffalo, J. C. Brtait. For further information, pleas* call at the ColUg* Rooidb, or rend for Catalogue aad Circular euolon'ng UtUrttimp. Addrsu BBVANT & STEATTOtf, Jnnr4, 1882.—1 j. ' Boffalt Tbe Kuuxrllle Foimdr: COSTUftTES ip full Wait nd It in tbs I Ding ordar, where you can get Stove Bold Scrapers, Cutting Boies, Sugar Kettles of the most epprovsd patterns, and' made id manner for a LESS PRICE than at any other establishment of the kii eoantry. . Machinery made and repaired in.,{eod abort notice. Alt kinds of produce, old Iron, copper, pouter, taken In exchange for easting*. A liberal discount” made to CASHPERCI ASSES. P. fi. All person! indebted are requested to e»5 end settle WITHOUT DELAY, and save costs. that I may jtill be able to do ft ere3l business in part, ’ ' J. P. BILES, Proprhftnri Knoxville, March 28, 1862.-6 m. - Diaaolnlioil Yollce, "VT OTICE is'herety given tlrat the Co-partner l . Jek ehip heretofore existing betWeen’JOHN W.'Dat- LET ATHOMAS HARDEN, under tbs firm uftmetof JOHN W,- BALLET, A Co., la this day diasofarpdaby mutual consent. The Notes and. Accounts of tbeuid firm, remaiu In the hands of I'HOS. HARDEN, Jot settlement.' „ . .e.I ■ Telltboio, May 9, 1882. ' ■- ;, woot cAHDiio Am*;; ’’ ClibTH DRESSING, 7sV TUB OLD FOVSDBT 41) _, !:i Wellsborongb, Tioga County, Pa. TEE mbtpriber having fitted up the plocii /or iHk porpoaeof Wool. Carding and Cloth . llreajipg. and also would inform the .people that we will tafce wool to manufacture on shares or by the yard, tutnit customers, and would inform the people that we Aau card wool at,any time, as our works 1 run bjt steam power, and also that all wool will bo carded for four cents .per pound. Wool and produce will bo tabcn~lbr pay for the satrie. N. B. Prompt attention will ho pi:d to all Ihvorlog ui.. Wo will give good satisfaction. - i 3 ' ' 'CHARLES LEE,. I : PHILBTDS HASIPtOJf. Wellsboro. June 11. 1882. . <1 '• ■ BARRELS 0j, _ SALT—just received and for sole by . " ' T., IT VTtT)EN, ( A. E. SAP?, Prerideot. pplteatloa baa in Pleu of "Il ia Howard, D. uter of lntor> imielTM, tfaoir no and ilylo of h of Panning wn to tb« eon ay beosmo aed IST, Prolb'y. j testamentary ibei«atfc* «• ipkficld tow*, bene Indebted having elalna for utllcmwl Eioont»uc. IS, Adair. 'SI A. 1 College, aa* CoUegeafe* i, rf- Yi Ta ibestrws. da, Flo*», 1 4c.. is. i the baa Id in tlrt style os ran and