Adrertlsemeiita. S < c ; to Electa A. Danbu-. ,%A.Sme»d. llirror ef I'atkiont. g jiro»n. • Bollard 4 Co. ■ c y.P»rtt. - , Bose.—The following longer parody,, wriltan p!a member of Cnpt. Hogh W. McDonald's Company . jjjc Fall U aent oi for publication. It 1> called Jt ■ • \\ THE aoso or the bccktail raegeri. - k <; i The antnthn, days are gliding by, T niiana l l'if, 1 ■ We’rein aland of strangers, ( r .-Dr. J- H - . f w „ make iha r,bol ehldiars fly lit above the PresbyterianChnroh-w k Before theßnoktail Hangers. " Jlr. Chester Robinson’*, on M»ilr Moms—For oh, we itand on Southern land, if Onr eonntry, we’ll defend bet ! ~ . i'l And just before, the cannon’s roar, are indebted to Mr.*,. j J ' We’ll make the foe surrender, , TO f Middlebnry Township for a >»**», j. Old Oeneral Scott the watchword gare, hi, rear’s growth. ■ The tObere wen ', et Bet every drum bo beating; w. think these are the'oarlieat- on, ;, si We'll look afar across the wave ' And see the foe retreating. ’ltWorm—For eh, we stand on Southern land Ac. Should winter days bo dark and chid, .. . I jl We will no trouble borrow; , j;r| For soldiers brace with courage bold r. S‘-1 ‘ There’* rictory on'.the morifowi r ■ 1 !C9on/s—For. oh, we Jtand op Southern land Ac. ' }» j • i :• Let storms of lead In whirlwinds rise# 'ln We, will not shrink, oh neverl ~!} Until‘with os th© nation cries, jl? The Union, now and erer. hh, we stand on Sonthern land Ac. .* '3 JliOAinio.— Peterson for, M»Jr j nnd is replete with embellisbriente iing Blotter, of the highest literary! , tno w of no better, investment of twV „ be mode than to subscribe foittßis pe-; Jto „ cbu. J- Peterson, Chestnut Street,.;. You Aiw Moset? Next to pay-! tr , the best JOU can put your sorplu., purchase of Treasury Notes. Goto j subscribe to the V. S. Loan, for rrh.ol.i i,. 7.3 per cent interest. A $5O Tre.asu-, .uwone cent a day. and $lOO ~djy. It viU prove a. good investment, , nB e time be patrio.tio in giving aid to the itiiDDi.E.— A correspondeat of the C]a •ate says that this eophoni.m tern .which •ome into general use, and which iscon ,md vulgarism. may bo easily traced to k n n. The word •ikcdannumi, of i hich th) used by Thucydides and Uerodotna ti\ i, dispersion of a routed armyr From tbs iiUtorian the writer quotes the following • Those who escaped from this battle were j ße k, eikedasteetan) [skedaddled] through!. ftrentcities." '■! : KtniEsT jlt Tiooa.—An accident of rsther: utere occurred in tho Tiling of Tioga 0^ MMU. Mr. Fletcher Smith of Tioga was t ||, jD I B D . upiriwd team belonging to Mr. John Mur.; v nk, p y tbeVlth iast., Mrs- DEBORAH HmUnd. When making a torn in front’-of ijQOLIDGE, wife; of Kilbonrne Coolfdge, aged 44 r llt | one of the wheels of the boggy .Strnelf ' gjars. L . ,[ . , .. i. , inlick of timber which lay in’ theatreer, jut thrown out nod the borsesran abontj; Ja | Dentistry. rhea ooe of thcm«feU nnd ft broke its leg..’ - j , -rr 'lT , T’*l7Ayr A-’NT ( nsaiso somewhat injured. The damage' *i[ ' * J’lAlVlAi .» , ■ md buggy amounted tu about $200.' Mh , '%ForififlrlF o£ Elmira, Blew York. utKirioaaly injured. i|t|‘ A perfect’ master of DENTISTRY iuail its branch — 1 . t 5 53 would respectfully inform the citiiens of • jnrßiTS.—Read our J . W£ L-ZJS 8O R 0 i,Vt, Otter Island, S. C-, n andt Pittahujte: |j ■' : ' ~ . . . , * 7 - 'j: • „. .jt; surrounoiDff.dountry, that he a bow stopping at 'HDttsee. They aie more than usuaUy.tfu |L * . r * % PEHXSTLVANIA HOTEL; 351 t . i * .. rtere be- can be found between the hours of 8 o'clock and 6 o’clock B. M., ready to perform any 0,. {Jration pertaining to his art with skill, and at low pri , mechanically, and attended I'jjlth V|Ory little pain. i J’ExiiiibATiotis Or the Teeth, ond conanltationa SIS ;ed of Charge. ; If. B.—All work warranted as represented. Wollsboro, April 30, 1862. 1 ' lilhflnrn, of the 45th P. V., U Still confined ihr illness. His disease is inflamato|y ilmra will be published next week. ' in Turk Legislature has passed a law tax taSi, all other dogs SI, The national Speaking of dogs, T road the .‘•Bewitched a tor Amrth page, add remvmbertbe moral iclterworlh—our whilom, "imp of the aj in the army before York town. I j6b past' year, Mr. Lyman Wetmpre of no delivered Uye hundred and soventj ■!. eggs to bis regular.' customers in this h boas must be very industrious. biter, M- D., of thisCuunty has been ap-’ aunt Surgeon in the Volunteer service ■unsigned toduty at Camp Curtin for the In Music.—We bare received from Olivet I Co., 27? Washington Street,. Boston, tW Ipcti of ■ new innate; " There is a word bn tone,’' Ballad by Maria Louise Garcia) w»; “The Dying Volunteer,” a aung by Ji cents; “ Canticles—'Hare -iriorcy Upon d” by Louise A. Denton, 85 eenta; " Nev j Itinlsin Polka,” by Sherman, 25 cents^ - of Liberty, an Invocation 'as a" Grand ‘beautiful production by E. Wood, 25 cents; fill!." by Howard, 25 cent*; Nita Schott tj Ssecney, 25 centsj " Die '1 mug, composed by Fr. Agtbe, 25 aVietoria Quick Stop,” composed in Yemeni- 1 flie Surrender of Fort Dunelson, by Dr. K. Any of the above will bo'sent by juipl of price in money or aiampa. ' ftttT Trees.— Without trees, what a deiert tibeonr earth, —naked, parched, hateful JO id bow many are thoughtless of the uyS • trees! Most beautiful Oder ap Ghd ■ : l beautifni even planted by tbe poorest tutu should be protected and preserved. ” “benefactor who causes two bladee-of grand, dtu oae grew before, how muclf greater i£; who plants a tree in some waste plact ■’-Jibade, to draw thither song birds, ami > 'lonian? ’ , plant trees, yon that have waste,land; ® derywhere, by v the road-side and plant them with care, and in forms : Please the eye; and then bo careful of fields of grain-rand then they will •tar the declining years of your life, and CWthebudding humanity that playabeneath *•1 ihadow. • i I/'""** Relic. —Mr. „dlirei> Willard of ,5 » io his eightieth year, thawed di r*- 1,,r 1 muff bos, which wai brought to this J .Joseph Willard a passenger in the May •'«>i is three inches long, two inches »a, M * M * l deep, and is looked hjr ■ j^* ps ' “P™ which (remarked the initials : > *“** descended as an heir loom from Js - to Joseph Willard (son) for ninp Ibis country and has nerer been out Q '»« l«2«. How long itwU & 'Wore Joeeph Willard loaded at Plymow| hr r IC “ V* 1 * • curiosity, and h eclions. Afthongh made for 'a me[jt. 1 ooold not here!been usedfori Utei , the residence of the family in PiytjU J; and the ■•• blue jaws" of a later data oontraband abomination.' The eurioas the Post,Office.' , : : i : that wa published last ik **> interesting pri rata letters: A J ro!l of the Regular Engineer. ‘hw!l Pieken *' desorlptife otoamp i h tort, ’ e * lp foHowiag paragraph, > own ootrespondeneb of the Elmira 0* 4rd to him: ■ if.' hi [ n *° ot!ler incident, as it Is. connected tear/. yonr .''ioinity. Sergeant Ayras.of .%«er.Corps, srrirei her, P “ s> * r * for fh® commanding (to* 1 ) * horse, and immediately set put ■ N’hd. By * Bme *4» n * he goteh ; !h^ h * wm »*«• of it h, mV e ß‘*r*d r *d those o{ the enemy. On S tb#iC,nfederilt * MfcW; °rk, end concluded that wtp a| up tel- II i''|. tor place/oW McQlellari’s Headquarter*. Ontum f* K £ ijftto retreat he was greeted with a vohoy of musket fyus . :$• rom *&• Seeeeh pioket,one of which' pasted * l-1 . 1 -itioagh his ‘ coat iail.’ ,Ha succeeded in reaching inline* in safely, and saysit ia the narrowest es / he erer met with. He is from troy, Pa., and If te heed in the service seven years, lie is a brave idier and a splendid Engineer. ,:'|o ■ , ’ Advertisement. . cfChe subscriber has just received his 3d large stock ffiew Spring Goods, consisting mostly of Dress eds, Shawls* Clonks, Now English Walking Socks, rasols, Straw Goods Ac., goods in great demand at i-tlme—a large line of new Dress Goods at 10 etc, '*p,jl2j, do 15, do 18, do 25, do 31, do 88-t-ne« styles ijlU the prices. Dross Goods were never fn better va u- hly, and never cheaper. We sell best DeLainesls • “||fbest''Prlnts9,,lo, 1 lets. Domestie stock full. Good ; 5«. Good Pant cloths Is. Bd. per yd. Double :s|a Tgiat do only 22ets. cheap at Ss. Linen Goods i?|ryehCap. Grocery stock is all right. Cali early, ; ns Intend to sett i _ ’ Corning, April SO, 188?, ‘ ' J. A. PabSox*. ‘■Hi’ ' ' •" I - 1T - ■ i,tt> Snlllpan, on thoSth last., by the Rer. a. Rook -■Siatli' Mr. P. Pi ROGERS, of Coylngton, to Miss •SRIA N. COWAN, of Columbia Platts, Bradford . p., P». •' .In Cherry Platts, on tho IStVinst., by H. Morgan,: •A Mr. H. S. EIIMOTT, of Cherry Platts, to Miss D. STRATTON, of Rie'mond. New Spring Stock, || THE BEST* EVER BROUGHT HERE pA'ITD ,‘i‘ilE CHEAPEST! Mr | ' ■ ; ■l CALL AND lIAMINJS -FOR TOUBEBLTES if i.j THE OLD STORE B. B. SMITH, TIHREE DOORS BELOW H WELLSBORO. HOTEL, :di . ■- , | BULLARD & CO., |'j: 1 TO THEIE NUMEROUS FRIENDS FOR fl , •;.j A LIBERAL SHARE Yj- OF PATRONAGE, ; | Have Pro vided Th««n*e l f c* I WITH A FULL STOCK i j!i ’ 1 s ' ?,| -Of-* ,-'V ■ isr GOODS, GROCERIES, «**,' <*«., -;-i \ . wat ac sou |£. I FOR GASH OR PRODUCE. ';1 v ■■'v., jW«|l»boro, April 80,1868. f llisarciiice Agency. hTIHE tnrnrsnco Company of North America bore A appointed the undersigned an agent'for Tioga rjuuntj and vicinity; /|A» the high character andstanding of this Com jrtoy give the assurance of foil protection to owners of property 'against the hajsrd of fife, I solicit with ionfldence. a liberal share of the business-of the »nnty. This Company was incorporated In 1704. Sts capital ,is $500,000, and its assets in 1861 as per 'statement Ist Jan. of . that year eras $1254,710 81. Secretary. O. C0FF1N....... President. OOca sf thfl Company 239 Walnttt Street. U Phlla(telpUa, = |Tai. Bac it ter, CettlnH Agent, flar if- rl»b«rss l*a. • **! - JOBI W. 6tEB!t*lGV, ifi isetit fi>r Ttfffa &»■«•»( P«. vi April 0, 1863, ■ j. 1 A T i —OT— 1“ ' • THI THE; TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. JOHN R. BOWEN BROS leave to stale that having “removed” from the • - “ OLD EMPIRE STORE ' across tbs street to bis present location, bo is now preparedj to furnish bis ’ old friends and customers with a well selected assortment of DRY IOOODS, LADIES' GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, JEANS, CASSIMERES, ! BOOTS ,AND SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES. U PROVISIONS, TEAS, COFFEE, TOBACCO. AC., AC., At a very small adsaoce upon I New York Prices. The highest marketprice paid for all hinds of , ; PRODUCE. Remember, the place—First Store below the POST OFFICE. ! > Welisboro, Feb, 5, 1862. I'be Knoxville Fuuadrr, CONTINUES in full blastand is in the'best run*-' ning order, where you can get Stores, Flows, Road Scrapers, Catting Boxes, Sugar Kettles io., die., of the must approved patterns, and made in the best manner (or a LESS PRICE then at any other establishment of the kind,in the country. Machinery made and repaired in good style on short notice. All kinds of produce, old Iron, eoppar, brass and pewter, taken in exchange for Castings. A Hberal di6count,m»de to CASH PURCHASERS. P. S. All persona indebted are requested to call and settle- , WITHOUT DELAY, and save costs, that I may still be able to do a credi business in part. J. P. EIUES, Proprietor. Knoxville, March 26, ISA2,-6ib. UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION! Grand Display ot Elegant NEW SPRING GOODS AT ; Dormaul’s Bee Hiv& ; Dress' Goods, New Mohairs, New fealzdrines, New Estrellas, New Poplins, New Poilo de cbevres, New Ueol De Laiaes, Yard wide English Prints I2scts, Pipe chintz figured De Lainea lOcts. Ten thousand yards fast color Madder Prints at 6| cunts. Five thousand dollars worth of filook Silks, a good quality at 50 cents pep yard. Colored Dress Silks, a magnificent variety just opened, i Cloth and Silk Mantles, latest neaveautes, snob as Olivia, McClellan, Clqtildcete. Ladies Cloth all shades of color. a. - Shawls. Broohe. Thybet.-Steffa, Black Silk etc., at less than 50 cents on the doHar* Wool EJannels.atilfi cts per yapd., : ~ Charabre f«r •diakers only 8 cts. White Brilliants only Gets. Embroidered Collars only 3 cts. Shirt Frooi«, good ones only 3 cts. Rich embroidered curtains muslin 12$ cts. 'do do at 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 cts. worth double the mobey. Hosiery, Kid Cloves, to suit the most fastidious. Nice white cottbn hose only 6 cts. ' Cloth, Caesimercs for Gent's and Boy's • wear, an immense assortment from 10 cts upwards, fine all wool Cassimeres only 75ots. Millinery ■Goodip. wholesale and retail, at New York jobbing prices. , Milliners please take notice. Trunks, Valises, cheap. Hoop Skirls, best quality and style, 30 per cent less than elsewhere. Save your money, buy your Goods at DORMAUI/S BEE HIVE, 136 Water St, Elmira, N. Y. Elmira, April'lB62. upr. 17-m6. War! War for the Union! THE undersigned would respectfully inform hi? old friends, customers, and the public generally, that he has »pened a cabinet and chair shop ob Main Street opposite H. W. Bartt's Wagon Shop, where be intends to keep constantly on hand a gene ral assortment of Cabinet Ware, made of the best materials, and by the best workmen. Altq QofflnMnado to order, and as o-ienp M can-bo procured elsewhere, accompanied with a Hearse. Also Chairs pf every variety from the BEST down tb the CHEAPEST, to Still Purchaser*. Alio Turning of all kinds done to order and to suit CU STOHE R S The undersigned having had many years experi ence, both in France and in this country, feels confi dent that be cannot be excelled in either of the above branches of mechanism—and farther would recom mend the public to CALL AND EXAMINE his workmanship and prices before purchasing else where. JACOB STIOKLIN. Wellsboro, March 19, 1*62. JF. W. BAILEY * CO., AT THE UNION STORE, c WELL SB OR 0, An opening a flpa Stock of NEW GOODS Just bought at “ PANIC PRICES,” and will be eold FOR CASH, at a little ABOVE COST, if'pouibl EVERYBODY Cat) and see the New Goods and Price,. P. S. Ail person, biring unsettled accounts on onr Books, an requested'to.,ettle the same by Cash or Noto, «»»i chants are keeping their usual assortment* of goods owing to the TIMES AND OTHER TROUBLE^. All kinds of goods here advanced large!y and it is FOLLY TO ADVERTISE. to sell lower than ever, as is the fashion, but ire CAN AND WILL self GOOD GOODS ns cheap (if cot cheaper) “ns any HOUSE IN THE- TRADE. All Our Purchases are made for - , CASH OR PRODUCE (which ha* been our rulefor year*) ’wo bare no bad debts to CHARGE CP to oar Curiomtrj but can GIVE THE It tb* benefit of the SAFE RULE. Customers from a dif tanoe -can ear* enough la a SMALL BILL OF GOODS, ‘to pat Expenses of , Coming* All Guods watTHnted .af-reprere’nttd. An «*rly Call iio Solicited. JAMES'A. PARSONS, No. 3 CONCERT BLOCK, v CORNING, N, Y. Feb. 12.1567. ;AT ANSFIELD CLASSICAL SEMINARY. BXANSFISIiD, TIOGA CO., FA. !Tbe Spring Term of this Inetitution will commence Maroh 18tb, 1362, and continue thirteen weeka. ■*E. WILDMAN. A. M Principal. Mrs. H. P. R. Wilujiax Preceptress. Mias E. A. Chase Mnsic Teacher. iMr. Isaac Sticknet Penmanship. EXPENSES. Tuition, Room Rent, Fuel and Board per Term, in Common English - - - 828 60 Tuition from ... *s2 60 to S 6 00 Thnsirtcew of the school doting these times when the country's need demands tbo services of every able-bodied young man, baa been beyond the expecta tions of the most sanguine of its friends. The de partment of Penmanship.Ja \ery popular. Prof, Sticknoy is a master of his profession. We are most happy to say that he has beon prevailed upon to re main with us. Besides the daily instructions that he gives, Professor Srickney gives-extra instructions to those desiring it for e reasonable’compensation, Those desiring to teach during the summer will be admitted for half or two thirds the term, others for full term only. Board in the Hall at $1 60 per week. Rooms for self-boarding can he rented in the village. All kinds of produce' taken in payment for tuition and hoard at market prices. Feb 26, 1861. E. WILDMAN. •M CONSTITCJTOON WATER. THE ONLY REMEDY FOR DIABETES, Irrita tion of the Neck of tbo Bladder, Inflammation -in the Kidneys, and Catarrh of tbo Bladder, Stran gury and Burning, or Painful Urinating, Stone iu the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Duct Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges after Urinating. For sale by all Druggi&ts. Price $l. WM. H GREUG'A CO., Proprietors. Morgan A Allen, Genera) Agents, No. 46 CHIT 6b, New York. JOHN A. ROT, Agent for Tioga County. Wellsboro, April 16, 1862.-ly. HOME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY iir NEW YORK; OAPITAIr, 81,000,000. Home Fire Insurance Company IK NEW EAVEN, CONNECTICUT; CAPITAL, $200,000. Thu. Companies hare complied with the State law. Application, for Insurance received by CHARLES L..SIEMENS, Wellsboro Tioga County, Penna. . Wellsboro, Jan. 15, 1862. NEW COOPER SHOP?— The undersigned respectfully informs the eitisens of Welliboro ■ad vicinity, that be has opened a COOPEK-SHUF opposite CBOWI’S WAGOS SHOP, and is ready to do all manner of work prompt and tc order, from a gallon' keg to a fifty barrel tab. Be. pairing also done on short notice. 0. F. ELLIS.. Wellsboro, May is, 1861. ’ EXECUTOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters testamentary harieg been granted to the subscribers, on the estate of Jobo Sheives la'e of Jackson township deo’d., netfeeis hereby,;gtren to thoselndebled to make im mediate payment, and, those having claims to present them properly authenticated for shtdement to L. B. SHEIIfES. U,,.. B. fl. GARRISON, J KMcnto "’ April 2.1882.* DEACON SKINS wanted.—Thirty to Forty cents will bfe paid for a sound skin and free from cola or holes, at the Brooklyn Tannery naar Tioga. . , IL S. JOHNSTON. Fab. 12,1862.-J mos. •36. A Salary Id Agents, f4O. A FEW enterprising Agents, titkar Gtnlleatn or Ladiot, are wanted to ihtrodticQ a new Literary flewspapor, To pooh as can giva nnexeaptionahls references as to Obnrahtet, add Ability,—we will pay flam $26 16 $4O per month, and their necessary trav eling expenses. On receipt of ten oents,'we will'aend -pail paid, spMinffe'a copies of the paper, dnd a pam phlet, giving ftll particulars. Address,. , E. C. RICE 4 CO.. Frmklfn Soasrt, Norwich, Corns. the People if I covidtr To TIO6 CVLD SAT, 10, s ipPRBCTATIN FULLY HTRO LARGE L 19SlilLT BEST 0 W EDO P;0 i) ur ik a THE PAST IE ft e : a a v s Hlade Prepara |fOR rat \ \ Coming Spring ON A SCABS LARGER .THAN BERET\ i ■ l' WE flow FULLY KNO’ WHAT THE PEOPLE IT IS GOOD GOODS AT^HEIR " CASH VALUE.. THIS ill WHAT WE ABE NpW PREPARED, MORE THOROUGHLY i Ever 4 Before I ; TO jBIV-ff TO ALL. I ffJviNO RECEIVED \ Large Additions OUR STOCK,.. ! i WE WITB fB» rCLLEST CORADdtCt, : --ii.i I INVITE ! - ? ‘f 1 , OUR If R I ENDS l -i •I I To Give 9» ;' ' \ AN &ArLY CALLi a ■ 1 Perlne & 06., tov, M* ElNGHiM'fbtf .i C O Iff Iff E B tJIAL COLLEGE.' An liistHnilon lo QnalWJ itoniijf Iffeii for BU'lnc**. ! tOWELL * W^EHE Rrf ! PSOPlUfflTflfct.' I I DW. tOWELL, Pii.pal. Proftiior |of # enco of Accounts, author of Lowell** Treatise jpnu Book keeping, Diagrams illustrating Iho'Wios, Ac. I John Rankin, Commercial Accountant, Profcisor| of Bookkeepinprand Practical . - j. « A. J. Warner, Professor of Practical and Ornamental Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, and Corres pondence. | J. J. Curtis, Assistant Teacher in the JU»k-koepiog Department. | • * Qeo. F. Rowe, Teaehor of Ornamental penmanship i f r ! J ! Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, LL.D., Lb&turdf &n Ooit* mertidl Law.gnd Political Economy. \ Hon. Ransom Baloom, Lecturer. oitContrapts, Premia-’ •gory fiotes, and Bills of Exchange*. , [ Her. t>r. E. Andrews, on Commercial Ethics. i Students can enter ot any time; no vacation. Grad; dates are presented wJCh an elegantly engraved Di ploma, Usual time required to complete full com mercial course from Bto 12 Weeks. Evprj student ii guaranteed to be competent t 6 .taka charge of the books of any business firm, and qualified to eart a -salary from $BOO to $1,500 per annum, i Assistance renderadHo-gradostes in obtaining situations. B