POETIC ALLY ILUfjfrRATEO. j Tdb following story aboiyjte '‘thhjji block crows,” is .not .nnly-prettily t(jld,but when pritaicnliy applied., ills “true ns preaching." Of ponfia, it applies ta those idle gossips who m'fftalk, andijbaving nothing better to -talk-sbont must prosoenie- their- wolnhle calling bpon a TBry*small capltaloffr|jlh, immensely exaggerated. Therb3»an obnlndanVa pf snch gossip? —they ore ns thick as crowenafonnd\lcornfield —and to-nll such'we earnestly dedicate, antit lhe pafable or " ■ THE THREE BLApK fe|OWS. Two honest tradesmen meeting in ihg sirend, Ote tank tha'bthor briskiy.by tha hajj.il “Hark ye,’.’ said he, “’tis an odd atfiry, this’ AbdtttthßTlrows !” 5 fj-. ; ' "I don’t kp.nwyhat itla," Replied his friend-*- -• •q, ’il--. “Np ! I’nS that; Whore I~oometWm, it is the oorom>S'oßat; But you shall heat; an oildaffttr.' fridoed! •Aj*d thatut-happoned, they are>ll;agreedi Not to detain you with a thing t'o stoinge, A.gSSt)epaD) that lives not far-^omd’^hange. This week* in short,"as ell the alldy :|i}ows. Took physic, and has thrown up; thSjfc black crow*. 11 “.Impossible I" ‘ i , ; I, , •■•t " '*> Nay, bflt'tie wjilly true, Ibaiplt from good bands apd so mfeyocr." •’ “'Fidm whose,' Ipray ?“ So having banted the man Straight to inquire bis carious ran, “ Brr. Jid you- tell ?'■—relaling jihe^feir— “jTes.w. I did j and, if its w( flblwnjr cafe, , Ask Mr. Such-a-one—ho told it ;mc|; L But.by, the by, ‘twas two black Irotes; not three.” _ Besolve'd to'lraed at woadrousj n . ■ > Whip to the third the virtues* 1;! “ Sir,”—-and so forth— •&,- : “ Why, y6«'; ls fact. Though in regard to' number not eitset; . .> 'Twaanottwo black oroi s, it Was Sidy one } Tbetruth ef that you may depend upon— The gentleman himself told me the pass.” " Where may I find him f” • - - -\i - _ “ lh; Sllc b a place." A way Be goeT, and*. Faring foandliim but— - " “ Sir, be so goodm to resolVe-h t}opih ,r - Then to hie last informant ho retorted, And begged trucj wSdl &£ Bed Beard, j< Did yon, *ir, throw up a biatfj crew ?” ' “ Bless tael how people propo] liei IJlack crows bare been thrown fp,'t|(ree, two and ono And hrre lflnd at last all 1 * Didyo.n say- nothing of a crow) jtfrfc ?” “Crow—crow—perhaps I migt £ Mir X recall The matter over." • |- ‘I |i|| ** ' "And pri.ij', Bj‘,whirwaaT?” ' " Why,T was horrid and at the rdld'tbrow up, and told,my nt igof.jr so, Something that was aa black, a ?,;%ia crow.” Chesterfield i£to|a. •Tbe’clever eorrespondenj Some Guard Bttys:, From the'fact that: made of giving command by fulls so harshly upon the ears of| sc kfCjve privates, the following style has to a regiment of “Reserved Qpys,"i a(ifi, appropriately termed the 'Chesterfield'Mil ajttil: $ BT COKiIANDIIJu lll'jlcEß. ' l.~Gentlemen, you wiU’pji-ia|e give me your' attention 1 1 , 2. You will fee kind enoojdj to caatyour head amfeyes to the right, and :er;dcnvor to observe the “ immaculate hosatti’l tir- t&e third gentle man from you; •, [ |l!'4 3. Oblige me howby your visual or gans to the front. i i' .'4' Allow - me to Suggegii, t|ie’ propriety of coming to an order arms,] ;•-* !; • . 5. .Gentlemen,will you oonfaaijond to shoulder arms? e- . k '6.' You will confer a speckd-favor by coming to a .support. 7. Ifit meeta your I beg leave to propose that you-carry 8. Now, gentlemen, ybd 'Hll please present arms, _- ,> 9. I shall consider mys i*founder an ever lasting'obligation if you w ll gnee more oblige me by carrying arms. ’ •,<{ I . 10. Having a high and j : tstjj appreciation .ot your intrinsic worth, as vi (.U'as your exalted position in society, I humldy.tjtrust that I am not infringing upon nature when I request yon to trail arms.' 1 4 I ‘ 11. Gentlemen, for theidstiime, permit me to remark that it is my earnest desire that you should come to a sbonldeV arris. 12. jf .it is not too TaborSius, I should bo delighted to 1 see you chj nge your position by coming to a,right face. tip.,| ,13. To conclude your it rdilqbs exercises. I will still further trespass wellknnwn affability by desiring yml -ft:C(|me to arms port. • 14. Gentlemen! Soldieri;! he roes! if congenial to yout. 1 fqolinga, you may consider yourselves dismisseV!. I beg to re mark, however, that should yt suit ydhr con venience, you 'will, be kfndj, enough to hold yourselves subject to be aghiqf palled into line,-- which you will be madoasyarijof by theipepe®- ed and vigorous tapping ofthe •• spirit-stirring drum," rccolleoting, at thk>afne tjme, that the first-vibrations of that etkeeg instrument that- Strike the tympanum 6f Jou£ ears, is merely precautionary All ~ •’•“'HiVJßsclaim, in sena torian voicelarch! . There are Gen. MoCJeli buc ont li© whoiv, . from the press and people n . negative irleception. The general Salmon is,that it wsre|biettcr unwritten." There is an. expression in ij?es|ecially unhappy. He says: “you have to encounter— foemen well worthy of thjj, sgee'l yop will use so well.” . -IgthlSjSO? !tho battle field of Ball’s Bluff was rdoenily|ppcupied by our troops, they found on it-th? .v|bitening bones of our soldiers who fell inthart" engagement. ' The “brave foes,” thd “foemenwdpthy of the steo!” oTdur' troiipvbad left unburied. Is, Such. oondtfU fetfoming & brave foe? Let tte reader J ; a wiirpralap- Gen. McClellan forwhrvte-xfr |>4 achieves, even" if it should be the' conclusion, pjf a waning re. bell ion; but we cannot, so j stripe to such sen* timnnts ni tbs -one noticidrubove. — Minefg journal. -,u ’ j ) ■ ■ ’’ 111 ~ * ■ Neath ffragged Palmetto, (Southerner sat, a twisting the band ofhii' Panama hat, arid trying to "lighten his mindlo|;p load, by hum ming the words of the folk wing, ode : Oh 1-for a darkey? bod for a whip; (ohlj for a cocktail, and oh 1 for a nip; ho I fofc ajshot at old Gree ley'and Beecher ;oh ! for i) wick at a Yankee school teacher; oh 1 fur a o(vp|fun, and oh ! fur a ship ; oh ! for a cargo of, totke|B each trip.' And so he kept on nh’ing fi)r|rhat'he hndnot, not content with owing for S.JI that he’d gift. A pair of stockings sent 5 ladies? com mittee for the Use, of eom'p ijallant volunteer was accompanied "by the f(?sl(|wtng verse ; “ Brava sentry on yixn> Jopowi beat, . May these blue stockings >d|in your feet; .Amf-irbcD from war and ciib|p£f you port. May come fair kmttanwarjnyqurhearL" ' j 1 : Tbeyhare a pig in Hampers so thoroughly educated'' that he has taken; fto music. They regulate histune by twistingnjs'tßil—the great er the twist, the higher the ■ v (in Mtd let lire, i* not *' '-tooKo.-- I ' f: ’ l-i? w “ Notir in regard to 10 hie troops ; AYER'S CATHARTIC BILES. ; Are you sick, feeble, and Are you out of order, with your system deranged, And.your feoliage uncomfortable ? -'These symptoms aml often > the prelude to serious illness. is creeping upon you, and ehoBli3i« Jtvyjlea hy-fitimely use of the right remedy. Take Alec’s Pille,abd cleanse out the-disordered humors—purify the blood, and let the Raids more on unobstructed ip health again. Tfie£feticßitfpte the functions of'the body into vigorous activity* purify tbe system from the obstruc tions which make disease, A .cold settles somewhere in the-body; and obi.rpctj its natural functions!— These, if. pot reHeyeji; ftwt upon themselves and the snrjoundlhjg. pfoduc.ng general aggravation, suffering,and disease. While in this condition, op pressed-by the derangements, take Ayer’s Pills, and see howctirectly they restore the natural action of tbe System, and with it tbe buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial «and common complaint, is also'true in many of the deep-seated end dangerous' distempers. Tbe same purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar ob structions and derangements of tbe natural functions pf thebody, they are'rapidly, and many of them surely, Cured , .Nona who .know thvir tues oftbess Pills, whWsufferiug from-the draorden :they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well known public persons. From, a Foricardtiig Merchant o/ Ni. Louit, 'Feh. 4, Dr. Ater: Tour Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine, They have cured my ‘little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that hacUptpved incurable. for years. been long grievously afflicted pies on her skin and in her hair. After our child was 'cured, she rlso tried your Dills, and they have cured her. ASA MORQRIDGB. a Fapilly Pbj*ic 4 ,- r Srqp\Dr*. S. - IT* Cqrtwrjght, New Orltaw, " Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excel lent qualities surpass any cathartic wo possess. They are mild, bat very certain and effectual in their ac tion on the bowete,. which makes them invaluable to us in the daily trsatment of disease. ' Headache, Sick Headache, Foul Stomach. From Dr. Edward Boyd , Baltimore, . , Deas Bro. Ayer; : I cannot answer you what com plaints-I have curfed with your Pills, better tbnn to say all that we ever treat with a purgative medicine. I plnce great dependence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us tbo best we have, I of course value them highly.^ Pittsburg, Pa., May 1, 1855. Dr. J. C. Ayer. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache any body can have by a dose or of yqpi; Pills. It seems to arise, from a foul stomaoh, which Ihey-cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, • Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Bilious Disorders-Liver Complaints. From Dr. Theodore Beii, of JVew York City. Not only are your Pills admirably .adapltcd to tbeir purpose as an aperient, but I,find their beneficial effects upon the Livr very marked indeed. They hove in my practice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious complaints than nay one remedy lean men tion'. Tsimfefely rejoice l that we have at length a purgative which is worthy the confidence of the pro fession and (ho people. Department of the Interior, ] ‘Washington, D.-C., 7th Feb, 1556. J Sib: I have used your Pills in my general and hospital practice ever since yon made them, and can not hesitate to say they are the best cathartic we em ploy. Their regulating action lirec is quick and decjded: consequently* they ape an nchairnblfj-rem edy forydehmgeraents of that organ, .Indeed, f have seldom found a case of bilious disease so obstinate that it*did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours,. ALONZO BALL, M. D. . Physician of the Marine Hospital. Dyseaterv* Diarrhoea- Relax- Worms. From Dr. J. Q Green, of Chicago. YouJPills have bad a long trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem ns one of the best aperients I have-aver- 'found. ■Their .alterative effect upon the Uvdr tnadCc-fhom remedy, when given in small doses for l>il’"uVfiyccn and dinrrhoea. Their sugar-* iv.MvOs Uj-'-’U \ ery acceptable and conve nient for the use of women and chil iron. Dyspepsia- Imparity of the Blood. From Rev J V Himes Danior oj Advent Church Rostov Dr. Ayer: I have used your Pille with extraor dinary success in my family and among those I ntn called to visit in distress. To rpgulnto the organs oi digestioii and purify the blood, they We the very best remedy L hnvo ever % ' known, and lean confidently recommend them to my friends, Yours, J. V. HIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N, T., Oct. 24, 1855. Dear Sir : lam using your Cathartic Pills in my practice, and' find tbom an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the fountains of the blood. ' JOHN G. MEACIIAM, M. D. Costlpalion, CoMivim***, Suppres sion, IfiJiemntriisan, Cioisl, Sears* K giu, l>ropay. Paralysis, Fils, etc. From Dr. J. P, Vavghn, Montreal, Canada, Too much cannot bo said of your Pills for the cure of Costivcncss. If others of our fraternity have foundibeta-os efficacious as J have, : they stoald’join me in proclaiming it for tho benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that comprint, which, although bad enough in itself, is tho progenitor of others that are worse. I beiovo costivoness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that orgua and cuco the disease. From J fra. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife , Boston. I find one or twb large doses of your Pills, taken sit the proper time, are excellent promotives oT the •patqml when wholly-or partially suppressed, and also very to cleanse the stomach and ex pel worms. They are so much the best phj’sie we have that I recommend no other to my patients. From Rev. Dr. Hawkey of the Methodist Epic. Church. Pulaski House, Savannah, Go., Jan. 6, 1856. Honored Sib: I should bo unpmteful for the re lief your skill has brought mo if I did not report mj case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating nenlnlgic paiue, .which ended in chronic rbeilmalista. Notwithstanding I had the best of ,the disease grew worse and worse, until by the .advice of your excellent ngent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried yotfr Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them, l am now entirely well. Senate Chamber, Baton Rouge, La,, 5 Deo, '55. Dr. Aver ; I bare been entirely cared, by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout—a painful disease that had ail for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. ■j£©"Mhs! o’F^tho'Pills in market 1 contain" Mercury, which, although a Valuable remedy in skillfull hands, isdangereus in a public pill, from the dreadful con-i sequences that frequently follow its incautious use. Those contain no mercury or .mineral substance what ever. ' t . - . . ’ Prico 25 cents per bos, or 5 bozos for $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER & Co.. , . . . Lowell, Moss. Sold by C. £ J. D. Robinson, Wellsboro;‘H. H. Borden. Tioga; W. G. Miller and C, Pnrkhnrst, Law renceville; A. AJ. Deartnan, Knoxville; S. X. Bil ling?, Gaines; J. & J. G. Parkhurst, Elklond; W. K. MiteheU,'Mitchellville; J. - Rodipgton, Middle bury; Bennett ib Randall, Middlebnry Centre; G. W. Nesbitt, Mansfield; S. S. Packard, Covington; Q. R. Sheffer, Liberty; D. S. Magee, Bloisburg; Fox '& Witter, Mainsburg, and by.Deulers everywhere. Nov. 6,1661.-8 m.% t - v / : The great cause of human misery.— Just Published in a Seeled Envelope; p rice 6 ets: A Lecture by Dr. CULVERWELL, on the cause and cure- of Sperraaterrhoeny.Consumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness)-Epilepsy; Im paired Nutrition of the Body ; Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs-and the back; Indisposition, and Inca pacity for Study and Labor; Dullness of Appreben sion; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Love of Solitude ; Timidity ; -Self-Distrust; Dirsiness ; Headache; Affections of the "Eyes; Pimples on the •Face; Involuntary Emissions, and Sexel Incapacity; theConsequcnces of Youthful Indiscretion, Ac., Ac. This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self-afflicted, evils may be removed.without medicine and without dangerous sur gical operations, andshould bo read by every yontb ond every man in the land. Sent under seal, to any address, ir a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of si* cents', or two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. C. KtINE, 127 Bowery, New York,.PosbOfßoeßbr, 4556. , Jan. 29, Ida2.-c4m. - - . ■-- ONE HUNDRED BARRELS SALT, Jaet meiytd, and far rale at tit* Union Store of . CO. THE TIOGA COXJKTY AGITATOE. WELLSBOBO BOOK STORE. THIS subscriber, having purchased of Wm. B Smith his inieießt in the Book and Stationery Business, would respectfully inform the public of hU desire to keep A, C3-S2TSOrIa.X- StfEWS BOOM AND BOOK STOKE, frhere he will furnish. AT THE OLD STAND, in the Post Office Building, (or by mail) all . TEE NEW TORE DAILIES at th» pnblishera prices,; Hewill alio keeep on band all,the Literary Weeklies, and The. Ho»thls Magazines, Including Hsrper’e, the Atlantic, Godey”«, Peterson’s Knickerbocker; Continental Ac., Ac. Also, Will be kept constantly on hand, a com ,ete repository of ’ CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL SCHOOL" AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Cthink Books, Paper Hausiugs, SHEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, COM PLAIN TS. In th« sooth and west, where these diseases prevail, they will be found Invaluable. Planters, farmer? and others, who once use these Medicines, will never allerwards he without them. ’I BIFLIOUB COLIC. SEROS. LOOSENESS. FILES,-CO STIVE NESS,COLDS AND COUGHS, CHOLIC, GOKRCPT HUMORS, DROPSIES. . Djfspepsfa—So person with this distressing disease,should delay using these medicines Immediately. Efnption? of the Shin. Erysipelas. Flatulency. FVrer attd Jgue. —For tois scourge of tbujwestern Country, them medicinal will be found a safe, speedy and certain rem-, edy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return oi the dieoase; a cure by these medicines is permanent* Try them. Eesotisfiednnd be cured. ’ Jfrvlneit o/iomplcxxon~- GENBRAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflamatory Rhema - - tism. Impure. Blood, Jaundice,Loss of Appetite. Mercurial Ditecues. —Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most pow. erful preparation of SftrsanaVilla. NIGHT SWEATS. KBRwbDS DEBILITY, COMPLAINTS of aD kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. P original proprietor of these medicines was eared of .pijes of 35 years’ standing, by the nse of these Life medicines alone. ' PAINS in the head, side, back Joints and organs. J&leumotttm.—Those affected with this terrible disease,will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy,Salt Scrofltrfa,-or Sing’s Evil in its worst forms, Ulcers of ev ery description. , Worms of all kinds are effecturally expelled by these modi dues. Parents will do well them whenever their existence suspected. Relief will be certairu The Life PiUs and Phcenix Bitters PDEIFIf THE BLOOD, _ And thu* remove tU disease from tho syatdm. Prepared and S«U4y - DE. WHXIASI B. MOFPJT, 534 Broadway, cor. Anthony Street; Hew York. forMtohj-aaDruggMr... , 52yl CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FAMILY AND MANpRACTDEEJS BSE, - - ABROAD WAT, NEW YORE. Agenda »n all tie principal CHiet and ZW*» fn tie ' ‘ ‘ United. State*, ■ Tbe Grover & Baker S. IS. Co. NOW DEFER, IN ABJHTION.TO THEIR . . - SPLENDID STOCK OF MACHINES ' ■ hAkingThe Celebrated' 1 ‘ , gkoyer a baker stitch, NEW AND.SUPERIOR Shuttle, or Zi«dc..Stltch Machine*, Adapted to alt varieties., of ,owing, . ■ Mach more Staple, Vnrq.il/e, Nqitelete and Perfect than any' “lock-stitbV* machines heretofore in use 1 . * ‘ - All who use 1 this class of machines will find these new “ lock-stitoh” machines by Grover k Baker a great advance upon. pU “lock-stitch” machines here tofore in the market. The Grover & Bolter machines have taken the first premiums, over all competition, at every Slate Fair where they have been exhibited this season. {From the Nets York Weekly..) The Grbvcr & Baker Sewing Machine Company, who have from the first beenamong the most promi nent \n bringing the sewing machine to its present state of perfection step by step, and who still con tinue.their improvements, have recently introduced, and are now.Jargely sewing machines making .the lock-stitch, of the same patterns and at the same prices as their celebrated Grover & Baker stitch machines, thus placing side by side in their salesrooms, for examination and comparison, the two most popular and only good machines that are made, leaving the selection and choice entirely at the option, of the purchaser, whose decision under such circtim-' stances, seeing both machines operated and -contrast- 1 iug specimens of the work of each is quickly made. And a siill further advantage is offered by the, plan adopted by this company, which is that in case the purchaser of cither style of machine should find son for reversing their decision, they will be at liberty to exchange their first choice for such a machine as their increased knowledge and experience may sug gest. The machines manufactured by the Grover A Ba ker Company, whether lock-stitch or Grover & Baker stitch,’combine all the latest useful improvements and are finished in the best style of the art. Jan. 22, 1862. May 15, 1861,-ly. WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. T>OBEK|X YOUNG, lata of the firm of Tahor JLV <£?Co., Tioga, takes tbis_ method Ip in form the Puulic that he has.leased the Foundry and Machine Shop, in the Villagi of 'Wellsboro, for a term of years, and having pat itjlo good running order, is prepared to'do all kinds of usually done at such an establish* mept, in tho qcst manner and out of the best material. TWEN' ■Y TEARS EXPERIENCE! lover twenty years’experiencein thebu | have the work, entrusted to aim, done I his supervision. jr/Sr will be eent-ont half JinUhed. KPIKGS, PLOWS , STOVES tall kinds on band and made to orders EGBERT YOUNG. Ho has-hadl sinees and will directly undci Ko icc MILL-GEA and castings o May 28, 185 RE MOT AG. PH RIBEROLLE JOSE HAS remn .-ed his BOOT, SHOE, LEATHER and TIN DIG STORE, from hie late location on Main, Street, to his Tannery at the lower end of the village, where lie will bo glad to .wait on bis customers and the public generally. Competent, jrorkmen- are’ employed in the Manufacturing Department, and all work warrantee to be-our own manufacture. Also, all kinds of^ READY-MADE BOOTS AND. SHOES* constantly on hanA- All andSho.i.. Findings, alsb ( distantly on hand and for sale at low prices for cash ir ready pap?. ' ' HIDES and 3 ELTS taken in exchange for Goods at. the highest niarket price. JOS. RIBEROLLE. Wellsboro, Alig. U, 1861.. N. B. All (hose indebted to the subscriber by book account, or otherwise, are requested to call at once and square up, * JOS. t RIBEROLLE. - I STOVES ANt) TINWARE. WILLIAM ROBERTS HAS opened! a new Stove and Tin Shop in the Stor^oppy. 5. 1862. tAL MCCLELLAN ;o go into winter quarters, and P. B igt., has decided ta ** follow suit,” ►ly laid i&ft very-large stock of Is T ew viz lil. GENEI HAS decided Williams, , and hna according Goods in bis line Kerosine ( Lamp. Oil, g Fluid, Campbene, cohol, Turpentine, Dnigir, : Heines, Burnir A 1 Patent Me Windc w Glass, AOi* 4c.f it lowest city prices daring the to, Pvß. WILLIAMS^jIgt. N. B. Confederate State Stocks' and allboolrao. counts are at discc ant—can’t soil goods for either. Walleboro,- Not. 27, 1861.. which will be eo! GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. rpHB UNDERSIGNED would respectfully 1 inform the citizens of WELLSBORO and vicin ity, that be has leaded the store owned by A, P. CONE, one door east of. FARR'S HOTEL, on Main Street, where be will keen constantly on hand ; - ' A LARGE AND] WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Family Groceries Provisions, ! SUCH AS ’ FLOUR, MEAD. AND FEED, KEROSENE OIL, BURNING FLUID, CAMPHENE, j?OBACCO, CIGARS, Ac., &e., which he Will sell Johoep '. P(iR CASH. Also a large asijortmcntof Bne BRANDIES. GINS, WINES, OLD RYE AND WHEAT WHISKEYS: he jilpo Manufactures a superior article of CORN WHIS KEY, which he wit) Sell.to Lumbermen, Hotel Keep ers and others, at wkoLJSSAIE, Cheaper than aiy other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. / J.J. EATON. Wellsboro, Jan. 15,1862.. •*?. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Letters* testamentary having been granted to tho subscriber, on the estate of Hagart late of SnlKvan township, dec’d., notice tie hereby given to those indebted to 1 make immediate paymen-,and those having claims to present them’property, authenticated, for zelflcment to t ‘ ISAAC SQUIRES, Biecutor. Sullivan, jkaieb 26, 18j52. - ~ ■ CORNING FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE 0] BAKER’S BIGELOW 4 THOMPSON. AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMp/nf Of Hartford, Ct.—Capital * BART FORE FIRE. INSURANCE Co*/.\ Capital, i PAfENIX FIRE INSURANCE COUP if Of Hartford, Ct.—Capital, ' PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE COirJl* Of Now York City—Capital NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURavpp Of Hartford, Ct. " ® oro, Eeh. 13, iB6l s now receiving a large and Se ccted SI FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I consisting in part of a General Stocfe of - DEY GOODS, j LADIES’ DRESS 00' Dye Staffs, Putty, Ac., ‘ Ao., Ao,, **i Allot which viU-bo »rid VERY ROW for sem PAF onw- ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE • TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 1 All persona buying fl OOD£ for BEADY PA 7 Are redpectfally invited to call and ea* B THE STOCK, Aa they are to be soldat 7ERY LOW PRICES. I Tioga, Oct. 16.1861. j- T. L. BA FASHIONABLE mnUNEBT MAIN ST. r WELLSBORO. MISS PAIJXINB SMITH hujnst pnwl FALL AND WINTER <3 OOPS. Consisting of Straws of all kinds, Bloomer Hats, Flowery Velvets* Silks °* and in foot all KINDS of trimmings. She solicits a call from tioladios of Wellsi> ors vicinity, feeling confident that HER GOODS WILL BEAR INSPEC and compare farorahly with those of any ei meat in the county in regard to price. ' AND PRESSING doi superior manner. JSf" Boom at the residence of C. William?) eite U. S. Hotel, np-etairs.- Oct, 2,1861.; TTroOi! W6QL'.— Tb 9 highest W price paid for Wool at tie JOHIT A. BOY • WELLsnono, pa., ’ APOTHECARY WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL TIEALEfi «, BSVGB. MEDICINES ASD CHEMICAL perfdmeJy soaps, TOILET ANO FANCY ARTICLE'. SHUSHES, VABqiSBES, tUSTS, OILS AND DjrE-STDFFS patent m:mints *■ WINDOF-GLASSj POTTY, VIOLS AND BOTTLES, LAMPS, CIGARS .AND Ti FUSE WINES AN6 BEASI FOB ■ MSmCAJj PGEPOSig. ALSO, SACRAMENTAL WISE, Warranted to be pure Grape joice, prepi pressly for Communion puiiposee. To Farmers. TTe have for sale Farrieij's Powders end Lh the best'krnd of preparations for Horses, By l of the Powder, the appetite is improved, alldti men.ta of thedigestive organs are corrected,? softens the skin and gives,to the coal a soft niog appearance. The Liniment is psed for all kinds in horses and oat TO THE N. B. Turning and Sawing dose to order. August 11,1859. • B. T, VAX NEW GOOD'S! T* L. BALDWIN READY MADE CLOTHING, HATiS AND ’CAPS, GROCERIES,' HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, IVOODEN stiff joints and loot tie.