....... ■— -»y CRVSTAI, FOUNTAIN ! ' DAVTD HART, ?tioi'HrETQ;. ||' ? \ The undersigned bogs leave toannoui’ is Mghiseld friends and the public generall.Vj *f*! possession of the old €tnad '-and fitted ip stylo, and intends fco keep it as .ft 2?o p*lns will bo spared to flccomrnminte public. Good striding and a good hosHar jrjgrays on band. Prices to sail tho times. DAVID ~4%VRT. a as. i-oivKEV Jts. f. wjMojn,- Attorneys & counsellors at win attend the Court of Tinge. Ihdtor and|HoKcen couulies, [Wellsboro*, Feb. l/ISoS.J’' . oicKiaisoar uotjsi! ' CORKXNOi If.T. f , Maj; A. Field. . iPrgrietor. Gaasta taken to'and from tite D^poL froo recharge.' « J. EJI'EST,' Attotiket and counseLions : St 'LA^V Jfellsbofo, Tioga Co., i*a. V(ils dfrotc his timo exclusively u» Uio practice oflasr;| (flections iaadn in any of tHo Northern coanlfe*|df?‘PenDfyi vania. /■ v :PE»SgYL.'FAKIA Corner oj Main Street and the Avenue. IlVfifw»ro, Pa. J. W. IiWONY, PIIOPRIETOE|-, This popular llotvl, having been rb-fittMnnd re: furnished Ihfouglrout, is now open, to the jjjjMiC as a. first-class homo, EZAAK tt ALTOX • UOifSE, U. 0. VEUXIL YE.A, FUO!‘itI%VUR. Gaiaos, Tioga County,;. “asj is anew hotel lufiUeU withiiv im-sf Access o X the fishing iind hunUnggroun .V I'.t. Nu.p.iius will hi) spared for the'aicuifcoodatiuu of pleasure scoKara and the traveling p .hlifi, ■ i April 12, iseo. •; 4, G. C. C. CAMI»EIhJ.Cs~ BAEDEE AXE HAIII-VliiS^EE. SHOP in the roar of the Post Office. in this line will bo done as well nod as it ua.ha dun© in the fcity Prep! for re ’ casing dandruff, and beautifying, thf ku#, f°* sale heap. Hair ami whiskers dydd any £ ' orP'Call and E :c. Wollsboro, Sept. 22, 1839. £f : riiE coitxisi* jontS|L. Gssi’c VJ. Pratt, - Sditor and tor. IS pu'jlisho-I at Corning, Sicuben Coi|Kvsj r v at One .It j!l.ir an.l i'tiiy CeuU per year, intoivjiaoe.' The Juura-iTis U--;>ubl;can in nnc|' iiai|h oircuta tlott ra idling into every part" of Steiwen|soupty. — Tiled! lie- r.ma of o-auii-Ung. their busH)efe.Tnto that. ant the a '.jo-ping counties «i}i find it dfp c%ellent ud yertieing hiadiuni.. A-ldress as above.jP-j, WELLES BO K« II . WELLS" OR OCOU, J|: E. £. FARR. - - - tf PIgPRIETOE. {F»>-httii’j af the United Slatea^h'lm..) Haring le:i'ed this well known andfllnuse, gohoUs the p.unmage of the public. JY&|* attentive ail obliging waiters, together with I p Br;oprielorV knowle Igo ot tbo he hopes it .raijjfce the stoy of thj.vj who stop wiiir him agreeable. : i WoUbborn, Jlay 31, 18C0, t -I * ' E. BENEDICT, WOULD inform Hie public that lu U *&tDjrftenfly •luvMted in Eiklohd iloro. Tin jii®. Prt., nnd 13 procure! by thirty yo ers' nil dis eases of the oyo-» ami their Pcientillp principles; an-V that -he cun cure w stioWg fidl. that. drcilf.il dts-M-e. called St- Vitus’- I {Choren Si mi Viti.) an I will attend to any o' in 'the line of I’hysTc nnd Surgery, [-!'i |T Hdslaml Lore, August' S, ISCO. „ T, TROY ACADE’jIfr 'TRO'V, BRADFORD i ‘o§ PA S, G. COIV3REY, A. E. - -,i- principal. wrni\ competent v455/iJrA’r^. ■'Ss.-fl; o^iLS2-TX)Asi-isss i .j'i; Spring Term begins Feb. 2.'jlh,—Eixdsf I2tb, Summer." “ Mny 20ih,— ||gMlh. F.. 11 •• “ Sept. Ulh,— " Sot. |2lth. "iV.nter “ Dec. 2;i. ' . -f! Thorough instruction giren in n|l Common nnd Higher Eugli.-li Brunches, Cbssics ntul Jfjadcrn L;tn pu iL’cs. Ptiidepi* fitted to,enter tbit bfet Colleges. Tufa's Tuition, $2 to Sfi. .at lioirnl and rooms for chore tfljo to hoard th«ni?ch es, can bo procured nt low £&tes|Tn ills im- Suadnilo vicinity of the Academy. J' | |, ‘ Far circulars'or other infnrmnlioni address S. 0. i ot. 1 Troy, Jan. SO. 15r.2.-ir. * £ |V;, G-Tl EAt T BEDUCTION JsiLE ' STILL CQNTIN'DES A.| BormauHs Bee ■•Hive.' Look at This Price; l|fet. 16* yards BlcarJ.ed Mnsjln.....w,...y.^rod§ ; cecHft,sl 00 1C \:mld UnMc.uhed Muslin to i GO 10 yards U eiudied MubUn tine Co 1 OH 10 yawls I'liblv.iyhed 1 00 1(7 yards Good Fast Colored y|&o 100 Canton 1T.aunC|5......... i. 12Jv Indigo iiluo Deinius.. % £do ll Cotton Uatts per roll gf * Jhdo • 03 fcfliirt Fronts , iitflo - 03* 3s PJ.mno’s. : $ |»o '25 2s I)rets Good? £;* IpO 12Jo ,’}* Dress Goods., vj- fsdo ‘lB - >dkF '55 us Black Dress Silks di do Si- Fancy Dress Silks J-r flj Embroidered Dniperie, Mutiny: i£do .zp: Embroidered Dniperte Muelins...}. |jMoi ■ 18 $1 110/'p Skirts'... '...•1' fido. 02 ,2Uj Balmoral Skirt? S-‘do _s3 00 Ss,Ca??iincres fido ’75 12* Black Due - 100 bOO Black Bread Cloth ’ f|do . 360 Sbawla hi less than 50 cents on th^jollar. Every nHielc-will he sold ns ativeriiraK A;i ea:ly call will tno*t assuredly recur© a good Ui2ain.At ’ BORMAUL’S BEkIIIVE. Hol(Bb v « Block. Elmira, Feb., 19.1862. _ GROCERIES AND P|l«|lSI'OSS.- THE UNDERSIGNED wiWW.ffspeetfully, inform th« citizens of WETjliSßp|io nild vicin ity, that be l has leased the store tiwrtdd COS E, one door east of PARK'S HOTKU Street, where he will beep constantly on hand sr A LAIIGB A&'D WELL SELECTEtfk'TOCK OF FamUy Groceries & Provisions, , SUCH AS FLOUR, MEAL, AND FEED, KEROSINB OIL. FLUID. camphene, TOBACCO. CIGAEB, &c., &e.. trhich ho tvUl sell ebeep ■ 'V * . ' iiFOR • 'Also a largo assortment of fine |SK LN DIES, GINS, WINEB, OLD HY-E AND WUEATi frI&SKETS: he rl*o Manufactures a superior article' (f CbRN WHIS KEY, which he will sell to ers and others, at _ ' . WII OLES A L % |j' Cheaper than -any other estubliehjT>nVSn Northern Pennsylvania. i*V. J.EATON. Wcllsboroi Jan. j 15,1,56?» : ./ * r ; / BLA€fiSMITII i THE undersighed wishes to amjlunce to his for mcr Cutlmaera id Sullivan arid ,yiidaify, that noivvllhsiauding fit* emb irra«smcnl> fur llielaH six mouths they will find him at his s.&op fib Mtiinstrnrg with a good new stock of frotj anil 10 Uerial ready to wait oo them on reasonable terms. ELLIS. March 10. ,1562.-6 t. ' tXECUTQfc'S NOTICE,-—Letter* • testamentary Lharing been granted 'to the .subscriber, oir the BKtL-lgMg Ijggsr. late of towiighip, AYE IPS 'CATHARTIC. PILLS. s Are-you sick, feoblq, an£ complaining? Aroyoa , .nut of order, with yo'nr’systetn deranged;and your; feelings uncomfortable ? Thete symptoms ardcoften the prelude to serious illness. ‘Some fit-of sickness is creeping upon you, and should’be avrTtcd'by a timely lisp of the right reraedy. K Takp-Aycr'a Pills, and cleanse —puiify iho blood,, i and let the" fluids 'wove.on unobstructed In health' again. They stimulate the'fohcJlunß.qf into vigorous, QcUvity, purify the system frA>ra the obstruc tioiis disease. A eobl in fho body, and obs.ructJ its natural functions.—- These, if. not relieved, ream upon themselves and the surrounding organs* prodde ng general aggravation, gufforingVoud disease. -While in this condition, op pressed- by the derangements, take Ayer's Pills, and. see how directly they restore ibe natural action of tbeK 'system, with-it the. buoyant fpelinfc of. health •again. What is true a:d so apparent in this trivial is - hlsn true in.-many of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers. t The same, purgative eiTcet expols.tbem. Caused by similar ob structions hud derangements of tlio natural functions of the body* they are rapidly, and many of iheni surely r cured by the same means. None who know the vir tue's of these Pills, when suffering from the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some dT the principal-cities, and from other well,known publio persons. s " J From a For&drding Jtferehant 0/ St. Louie, Feb. 4,'56.. Bk.’Ayer: Your Pills are the paragon of all that U great in medicine. They have cured my. little daughter of ulcerous sores JUWS' her hands and feet that hud proved incurable'for years. Her mother has be6n. long gricrrHisly afflicted with blotches and pim ples on her skin and imher hair. After our child was cured, she rise trier derangements of that, organ, Indeed, I have ?oldura found a bilious ditenso so obstinate that it did not readily.yield to them. Fraternally ynnrs, ALONZO BALL. M. D. Phs.'ician of the Marine Hospital. Dysonterv. Diarrhoea Relax- Worms, f from Dr, J. G G/xeu, of Chlcoyn. You-PilU have had a long trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem a? one of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effect'xipon the lirer modes them an excellent - remedy, when given ip I x ?irall dotes for bilious dysentery and diarrhoea. Theird sngnr-'-oating makes them vciy acceptable and conve- 1 ! nieat for the use of women qnd chil iren. Dyspepsia: Impurity of tbs Blood, Fiom Dec J T Unites J'msturo/ Advent Chinch Bouton Dr. Aver: I have used your Pille with extraor dinary success in my family and among those I am on lied to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestio-i and purify the blood, they rro the very best remedy I have ever knovn.and I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours. J. V. ITTMES. * ' Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N, T., Oct. 21 y 1855,’ ! Dear Sir: lam using your Cathartic Pills in my J practice, and find them nn excellent purgative to cleanse-the system and purify the foantuin? of the j Mood. _ ; « . JOHN 0. MEACHAM. M. D. C»MiT(iU'A«, Suppres sion, Itaeiiii39»n>aii. Gout, N*;ar:i|~ gi;i, Di op\y, ParatyOn, Flit*, «lc. From Dr. J. J*. Vauyhn, Mouticd, Canada, ' Too much cannot be gold of your Pills for the cure nf'Costiveness. If others of our fraternity hrtve found them ns efficacious'as I ha\e, they should j*»in mo in proclaiming it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is the progenitor nf other? that are w-ir-e. I beieve eostiveneM to originate in the liver, hut your Pills affect that orgab and cure the disease. From Mrs. E. Stunrl, Phykicinn ttud Midwife Boston, I find one or two largo dose? of your Pills, taken at the proper i’.no, are excellent promotives of the ■natural secretion w wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectu.d to cloan-e the stomach and ex pel worm?. They are ?o much the best phvsie we b.ivo that I recommend no other to my patient?. Ft om Ben Dr. JLnckes, of the-Method ini Epis. Church, Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1858. Honored Sir : I should bo ungrateful for there* llet your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to you: A, cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating pair'?, which' ended io chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, tiio disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. (Mackenzie,! tried your .pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them, I am now entirely well. ‘ Senate Chamber, Baton Rouge, La,, 5 Dec. '55. Dr. Ayer: I entirely cured, by your Pills. ‘of Rheumatic Goufc*-a painful disease that had afflicted m© fur years, VINCENT SLIDELL. Most of tho Pills in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skillful bands, i? dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con sequences that frequently follow its incautious use. These Contain ed mercury or mineral substance what ever. Price 25 cents per bos, or 5 boxes for $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER & Co.. Lowell, Mats. «.ao <|i 50 u; igUf lie Sold by C. k J. L. Roblpson, Wellsboro; 11. H. Borden. Tioga; W. G. Miller and C. Pnrkhurst. Law renceville ; A. &J. Bearman, Knoxville; S, X. Bil lings, Gaines; J. £ J. G. Parkhnrst, Elklnnd; W. K. Mitchell,' Mitchellville; J.. Redington, Middlo „bury; ’Bennett & Randall, Middlebury Centre y Q. W. Nesbitt. Mansfield; S. S. Packard, Covington; G. R. ShcSer, Liberty; B. S. Magee, Blossburg; Fox & Witter, Mainsbnrg, and by Bealera everywhere. Nor. fi, 1861.-6m r THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY.— Ju*t Published in a Sealed Envelope; p rice 6 eis : A Lecture by Du. CULVKUWELL, on the cause ami enro of Spcrra‘atarshf six cents, or two postage Stamp-*; by addressing Dr. CfIAS, J, C, KLINFJ.i - 127 Bowery, Ney.York; Poet Offico^nx^AfiJfi.' THE TIOGA COtISTY AGITATOR. 'WELLSfiORO BOOK STORE THE subscriber, hnviirg purchased of Tfln- II Smith hig : Interest, in the Rtfbk ntfd. Stationery Business. pnbUo of his deaire to keep : ' v ' ;a GBNERAX- XT3S WS ROOM [■ AYD BOOK' SfORE, !where lie will furnish* ' . AT THE OLD ST A YD, In the Post Office Building, (or by mail) nil 1 THE NEW TORE DAILIES at the publishers prices,’ He will Also keobp cn hand all the Literary and j - : (1 The monthly Hagaalnes, Including Horper’eytho Atloptio, Godey’s, Peterson’s Knickerbocker, Continental Ac.,, Ac. Also, will bp kup.t constantly on hand, a ,com .etc repository of * CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL SCHOOL ANa MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Books PaiMsr Hangings SHEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, & c. Orders for Binding Cooks. . Tlie work executed to sui any taste, and an the lowest possible terms. .■Particu lar attention will j»1so be given to SPECIAL ORDERS for any thing comprehended in the trade. One Thousand Volumes of the Latest Editions of SCHOOL BOOKS. Parents, Teachers and Scholars, are invited to call and examine this largo assortment of School Books, in which may he found everything in use In the schools of the County. Readers,— Sanders' entire series, Porter’s Reader, Sargeact’s, Town’s and Willson’s Readers. Spelling Books. —Sanders', Wobsters Ac. AmfßKETics. Greenleafs, Davies*, Stoddard’s, Colburn’s Ac. ■ Kenyon’s, Smith's Ac, Geographies.—Mitchell’s, -Warren’s, Colton’s Ac. . ■ Davies’ Legendre, Algebra, Surveying Ac, Slates of all kinds and sizes. Copy Books, Stcei Pens. Paper of all kinds. - Latin, German, French and Greek Text Rooks; on. band and purchased -to order. Watches, Jewelry, Picture Frames, Papeu Hang ings. Christmas Toylj* Fancy Articfes, Maps, Pic tures Ac. j&ir* AW orders promptly attended to. Wellsboro, Nov. 27, 1861. J. F. ROBINSON, WAR! AVAR! UPON HIGH PRICES &, LONG CREDITS! O. BULLARD Has Jnst returned from the cities with a complete as sonmont of COFFEES, SUGARS, ‘ MOLASSES, RAISINS, SPICES, and other staple Groceries, which cannot he excelled in quality or cheapness in this or any other country town. His new stock of Groceries embraces SALERATCS, ORANGES, KEROSINE, CASTOR OIL? FLUID, SWEET OIL, LAMP OIL, and nearly all tbe luxuries used, in the lahlu.- of Civilization generally and the people of i logs Couj-m in particular. Among these are such articles as HAMS* Sugar Cured or Smoked, DRIED BEEF, an excellent article, CODFISH, Tickled or Dried, MACKEREL, WIIITEFISII, HERRING, PICKLED LOBSTERS, SARDINES, Ao, A good article of FAMILY FLOUR- Always on band. Also, RICE, CORN STARCH, SYRUP,'Ac. WOODEN WARE, Including, WASH TUBBS, PAILS, CHURNS, MEASURES,, FANCY-BASKETS, two or three kinds, MOPS, BROOMS, BROOM-BRUSHES, CLOTHES BASKETS, MARKET do. CLOTHES PINS, lots of them, TRAVELING BASKETS, WHEELBARROWS, for small boys BUGGY MATS, and other things too numerous to mention. DRIED FRUITS, Incloding DRIED PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED ENGLISH COREA NTS, CITRON, DATES and SPLIT PEAS. Also, all kind* of NUTS and FANCY CANDIES. m ISC EX* LA If EOU9* HEMP BBd CANARY SEEDS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, all sizes, Adamontine Candles', -Snuff, Smoking and ObewiogJ'|t baeco, dozen varies, and & good assortment of Yankee No* tionj and Toys. Welleboro, April 17,1861. KoUock’* Dandelion Coffee. THIS preparation, made from the be>t Java,Co oe is recommended by physicians ns a superior Nu truioos Beverage for General Dtbilify, Dyrpcpfb. and all billions disorders. Thousand? who have bvtn conipelltd t<» abandon the use of coffee will Ofe'thb without injurious effects. One can contain? ilu ►trvngtb of two pounds"of ordinary coffee. Prico 25 cents. Kolloefi’s Xcvnln. The purest oncLbest BAKING POWDER kno*n. for making light, sweet and.zmtricious Bread and cukes. Price 15 cents. MANUFACTURED BY M, H. KOLIOCK, Chemist, Corner of Brood and Chestnut, Streets, Pbilade’- ibia. mid for, sole by all Druggists and Grocers. TEAS, SOAP, LEMONS, CAMPUENE, TO I OF THE UNITED STATES tI (; In the month of December. 1858, the undersignrd, for'the' 1 first time offered for wile to llio public Ur* SoVGO Dodi’ Impprial Wi&e Bitters, bud in tins short ; period they Imre given snob-universe! satisfaction to (bo many thousand, of persona who have tried them lliai it is now mt established nillcie. The amount of tiodily and -lneniat misery arising simply from it neglect of small ieai[,]!iijps surprising and it is therefore yf tire rfunhs;-,lmp«n«jic*J]iat ft' strict attention to the must arid most'trilling bddiiyallnient should lie hsd; Tor diseases of theibody must ijirtiriubly affiet the mmd, • Thotsnhscribora nop', only ask a trial of ik. J. BOTTEE BODS-:. i ; IMPERIAL WINE BITTEBS.ni frbm all who have not used thefcxi; the world toprodd^jhelf'rijual:. . • .-<■ These BiVters for the cure of Weak, Stomachs. General Debility.and f»r Purifying and KnriChlnp the Wood,are absolutely mnmrpaaSed by any other remedy-oti earth. To beoaMin-d of this.ir> only to make the trial. Tbo wine itm-lfls of a auiajpor quality. being abont one third stronger titan otherwinea.; wprhnpg-.aud* the wljole system frqm the head to the feet As these hitter* are tonic ami alterative in. their character, so they strengthen and iHvlgorrtte.tho/wholi syptCDi'.and give a - ft n e tone ami healthy action to all its pdrls. by equalizing, the circulation, removing obstructions, and producing a 'general warmth They are also' excellent for Diseases and Weakness peculiar to Fern aids, wherVa Tonlc-U required: to%tffHSgihe& and brace the system. Wh wI,o i 3 huT, i ca lassitude aud faintness, should he without them,us they are i reviving their action. . THESE bitters Will not only Cape, but Prevent Disease, and in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use them. For incipient consumption. Weak Lungs, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nitrous System, Paralysis, Piles, and for nil coses requiring* Tonic Dr. Bods’ Celebrated Wine Bitters ARE UNSURPASSED! ' For Sore Tlj,roat, so .Common among tbo .'Clergy, they arc truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a weak con sfXtctU'D —for Ministers of the Gospel. pub Uc "speakers—for Book-Keepers. Tailors, Seamstresses, »tn dents. Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will pro*© truly beneficial. As a Bevcrnge, they are wholesome- innocent, and iMidont to the taste. They produce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy cr lntoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons addicted to the use of excessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from It. They are pnre and entirely free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country i« flooded. These Hitt ra not ouiyCUliL but I'lM-aae. and Should be u-ed by all who live jn a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be given freely to Children nnd infants with impunity. Physicians. Clergymen, and temperance advocates, as an act of humanity, should astdst in spreading the’te truly valuable BITTKKSovvr the land, and ffiereby essentially aid In banishing Drunkenness and Disease. In all Affections of the Head, Sick Head ache, or Nervous Headache, Dr. Cods’ Imperial Wine Bitters will be found to be most Salutary and Efficacious. FEMALES. The many certrficutts which have been tendered us. and the letters which we are daily receiving, nre conclusive proo that among the women these Bitters have given a fathdae tion which no others have done before. No woman in the ami ebouhJ be whhout them, and those who once use them will not fail to keep a supply. " i>a. J. BOvr.E Dons’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by an eminent and skillful pliy=l< inn who ha* U«ed them succc«-fulU in hi-* practice for the la-t tWenfy-five years. Th* pr>pnctor. before purclmring the exclusive right to mnnwiacture nnd f-cll Dr... 1. Uovee Dojls’Celebrated Im perial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distinguished medical practitioners who pronounced theta a valuabh tvmedj for di«e«H©. Although the medical-men ot the country, as a general •thing disapprove of Putcitt Medicine*, yet we do not believe tliat a respectable Hijelci.in cun bo found in the United State*. acquainted with their medical propertied, vhn a ill not lngh'\ approve DU. J. UOVKK CODS' IMPERIAL WINK BITTfcUS. In all newly settled' places, where there is always a large nn*n» s M * eaungauaber from \\l:ub apoi«onous invi.-mn la created the -• Bitters sboold be used o\cfy morning b fore breakfast, , , DR. J. BOVEE BODS' imriAL WI1«E BITTERS Are cotnj oaed >i a pure and unadulterated Wine, combined with Ba.bonv, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cherry Tree Barkj tp-Ttcn .d. Chamomile Flowers, and Gentian The) are u-t-Du act fd by Dr. Dod a Imnailt. who i«un experienced , UiU i*h) siei.m. and hence should nut be classed among the qivick mediums which flood the country, and against which the- Medical I'rufussion aie eo justly pteju diced. The«o truly valuable Bit tors have been so thoroughly tested by all rinses of the community for almost every variety of disease Inuideut to the human system, that thc\ are now dee »vd indispensable as a TOMC, MEDJCLSE AND A BEVERAGE. POROLiASE ONE BOTTLE! It Costs but Little! Purify the Blond ! Give Tone to the' Stomach , Renovate the , System I and Prolong Life! Price s,l par bottle, 6 bottles for $5. i Prepared end sold by ' - CHARLES WIBEIFIELD & GO., S JLB L'KOPIUE'i ms. 78 William Sired, New York- Foreale by druggists and grocers generally through out the country. Sept. 2 0, fSCl.—ly. POKIP3T THE BLOOD. MOFFAT’S vegetable FILLS,' PHOENIX BITTERS. TUG high ami envied celebrity which these pre-eminent Medicines have acquired tor their invaluable efficacy in all the Diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practiceof puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy. of them. IN ALL CASES of Asthma. Acute and Chronic Uhematiam, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. UILLIOCS FKVKBS AND LIVED COMPLAINTS. In lb* aonth And west, where these disease* prevail, they will bo-found Invaluable. Planter?, fanners and others, who once as© these-Medicines, will never afterwards be withocl them. . 1 \ BIfLIOUS COLIC. BKROS. LOOSENESS. PILES. COSTIVE- NESS,COLDS AND COUGHS. CHOLIC, CORRUPT > ■ '‘HUMORS, DROPSIES. Dgtpepti&j—R o person with this distressing disease,should delay Turing; these medicine* immediately. Ernptlouft of the Skin. EryslpeUfl. Flatulency. Fever aud Ague,— For toin scottfe* of the western country, these medicines wilt be found a «afo. KpeiMlv and certain rem edy. Other medicine* lenvc the system subject to a return of the disease; a cure by tlieae medicine* is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied and be cured. F ulnea nf • ompltrion — GENERAL DEBILITY. OOL’T, GIDDINESS; GRAVEL. Headaches of every kimL-Tnwnrd Kevrr. luflamatory Rhema ti*m. Impure Blood. Jaundice. Loss of Appetite.' Mercurial, Dite.cues. —Never fails to eradicate entirely oil the effects of Mercury. Infinitely sooner than the most pow erful preparation nfSttr*"tmrin*a.' * NIGHT fiWKAWr-NEKVOUS DERFLITTs COMPLAINTS ofallklnd*.OßGANlC AFFECTIONS. Piles.— The original propHrt« these medicines was cured of Idle* of 35 years’ standing, by the use of these Life medicines alone; * ' .PAINS in the Lead, side, hack Joints and organs. JWwuwitiun,— I Thnse affected with this terrible dtseftse,will be snre of relivf.by the Life Medicines. .Knsh-of Blood to the Head. Scurvy. Salt Rhenm.Swelling*. Scroflola. or King’s Evil in its worst forms, Cieers of*v cry descripil m. Worms of till kinds are effecturally expelled by these reedl tlnea. Parents will,do well them whenever their existence 0 suspected. Belief \rill he certain. The Life Pills and Phtonix Bitters ' ■ : PCUIPV THE BLOOD, OYER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEW INGf M ACHINES,, FOR FAMILY AND MASVFACXDBINO'WE, . 495 DROAD WA Y, NEW. YORE: 1 ' A'jendetin till the principal Cilia and Totem in the . United Staten. , ' The Grover & Baker 8. St Co. NOW OFFEH., IS ADDITION TO TEEIH' SPLENDID STOCK OF 'MACHINES HARING THE CELEBRATED GROVE a & BAKEItf STITCH, " KEW.AKD SUEEBIbIi Siiiittlok'or Lnrk Si Hell JTlacliliio*, A nap ted ta. all, varieties of sewing. Much , mpre Simple, Intrabie, SoUelew and Perfect than any ’••lock-stitch" machines heretofore in use. All who use till* class of machines will find these new ‘'.lock-stitch" machines by Slrover &, Baker a great advance’upon all 'MOck-stitch” machines here tofore in the market. ' ! The Grover i Baker machines have taken the first premiums, lover competition, at- every State Fair wbero they have been exhibited this season. {Ffom ike New ' York Weekly.) The Grtlver &' Bftker Sewing Machine Company, who have from tb« first been among the most promi nent infringing the sewing machine to its present state of perfection step by' step, anil who still con tinue their improvements, have recently- introduced, and are now largely manufacturing!. sew'ing machines making tbs lock-stitch, of the same patterns and at the earn© prices as'.their celebrated/ Grover & Baker stitch machines, thus placing side by side in their sale.-rooins, for examination and comparison* the twd most popular and only good machines thaljir© made, leaving the selection and choice entirely at the option of the purchaser, .n hose decision under snob, circum r-tanceH, seeing both machines.operated and contrast ing specimens of the work'of each is qoickly made. And u stil,! further advantage is offered by the plan adopted hj this company, which is that in case the pUrchasenof either style of machine should find rea son for reversing (heir decision, they will be at liberty toesebanje their first choice for such a machine as their increased knowledge and experience may sag ge-t. The mashines manufactured by [the Grover & Ba ker yewinpr.Machine Company, whether lock-stitch or Grover &|Baker stitch, combine all the latest useful improvements and are finished in the best style of the nrt. / Jan. 2£. 18fi2 weLusboro foundry USD M.ICIMSE jSHOP AIGAIN IN FULL BLAST. ROJRE7IT YOUNG, la te of the firm of Tabor [Young «k Co.. Tioga, take?'this nielhud to in form the'Public that he has leased the . Foundry and Machine Shop, in tb( Village of Well>boro, for a term of-years, nnd having .putyf in good running ordei - , i? prepared todo all kindsof work u>unlly done at such an establish ment in the bett manner and out of the best .material, TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE! lie has h.>il over twenty y efuVcxperionce in the bn sines > and will have the wurk, entrusted to him, done directly under Uis supervinoD. A T o work in'U lie sent out hrrjf finished. .L-GEAIt I KGS, PLOTS, STOVES oslinjr* of sll kluds on bum! nod mode to order. y 2S. 1857. ROBERT YOUNG. ■mil ( Mi REMOVAL. JOSEPH. RIBFJROLEE Has iMMnnvpii hi boo r. siioiv lea i her and FIXDIO STOKE. fn.niibis lain location <.n M-4 Sltcel, to Ins T.im.eiv nl li.ul l.mer end of the village. where ho will ho glsul t«» unit on hU rustoniere and Lho public generally. Competent woikcuen are employe dm ihe Manulucturing DepnrimentyaDd all work warranted to he our owa Qiacufaetiire. iao, nil kinds of • READY-MADE BOOTS AND SIJOES, run ituntly on hand. All kind? of Leather and Sho Fin Hnjra. nlro constantly on hand and for sale at low prices for cnj.li «»r ready pay. IHDESnnd PELTS talon in eichnnge for Good? nt Wie market pru 0.. RIBEKOLLE. Ipellsboro, Aug. 14. 1861. ' B. All thu«e indebted to the subscriber account, or otherwise, are requeued to call at once up. JOS| RIBEROLLG. \ltbw flouring! mill ON HILL'S CREEK, WEAR HOLIDAIYVILLE. Tho subscriber. having complclcd his large three nry Gri>t ami Figuring Mill, is prepared to furnish lour, Meal and Feed in quantities to suit purchasers. CUSTOM wpRK Jf kindson short notice, nnd on taring which-bannot ail 1., please. I have THREE RUN OF STONE, .Imos-t-conetnnfly employed, nnd lam sure thatn trial >f my work will prove beneficial,to the customer as veil as injreif. Q. P. McCLURE. December 5, IS6O, LIGHT! LIGHT!! LTGHT.I!! —A large lot of those Chimneys for Lamp?-, which do not break .Irmri heat, Also a Iprgo assortment ol lamps, also a Ipt of that Petroleum Oil which suits everybody, and does not explode. \ For sale nt STOVES AMD TINWARE. WILLIAM ROBERTS HAS opened a new Stove and Tin Shop inibe Store opposite Roy's Building, where he is pre dated to iuruuh bis old friends snd customers; and ho public generally with everything in his line of business, including Cooking Stoves of the most approved styles ; Par or, Dining Room, and Coal Stoves; Tinware and' Citchen furniture of all varieties.! JS&* Call and see our new stool'. ’ Wellsburo, Feby. 5, 1862. ; WAWTEP. FIVE THOUSAND Barbels of Oat* forwhich the highest market price in each’ will be paid on de livery at their Store, by S. SENNET * SON, 1 A new stock of Dry Goods Ac./Just Received, j Middlebury, Feb. 12, 1862.-3 L J GENERAL MfCIjELLAN T" AS decided to go into winter quarters, and P, R J_ Williams, Agt., has decided to “follow suit," id Ima accordingly laid in a verjt large stoclt of New oods in his line, via: j Kerosino Oil, . Lamp Oil, Burning Fluid, Camphene,. - ■ Alcohol, Tnrpeutine, Drugs, ] ? Patent Medicines, : Dye Staffs, Window Glass, -• Patty, *o., *e„ ike., i >cb will be sold at lowest city prices'daring the if. P. B. WILLIAMS, Agt, If. B. Confederate State Stocks and all book ae nbts'are at discount—can’t sell-‘goods for either. Wellsboro, Nov. 27, ISSI. IT ELLSBORO-GYMNASTDM.—This r eiation meets every evening at BOY'SHALIi, toinole healthful exercise and muscular develop |t. Membershave access to tie Hall at all b< vs 1 ■] May 15, ISCI.-Iy. HOY’S! DBDG STORE. ;G’€) 3R;N' s XrN G , : FIRE* tIPE IMSUBAHCE OPFhjj . BIGELOW;*; THOJiPS Lot of Fufullure. comprising in part | ’ Dressing and Common Burenui, Secretarial and Bo*l Case*", Center, Card mid Pier Table*, Pining and Breakfast Tnfile*, Marble-ioppedaiid Common Standi f Cupboards. Cottnae and oth&r Bedsteads, Standi, St* fftM and Oh airs, Gilt und lioeexcood Moulding for Picture Frames. | COFFINS - made to order on short notice. A hearse will be furnished if deaired. N. B. Turning and Sawing (done to order. August U, 1859. B. T. VAKHOBff. CHARLESTON FLOURING MILLS.— WEIGHT Uh meet in the county in regard toj price. pB- BLEACHING AND PRESSING deM superior manner, I ggr-. Room at the. residence !of C. WiUia® l ' cite U. S. Hotel, np-stairs. j Oct. 2, ISfiL | - OOL! WOOL! - TheJii£h££iJ[Silil ssb»,ffod, !LIC Socia Crackers,