%■' :vt- S- ■ .■!- THB AGITATOR. !, oC AX ; AMr D m 10Ii L AWE OTT S, . _ Wednesdays &pril 9. 1663. ' New " Binghamton bommerHnl.Cotles&— Cowell & Warner. £icclioo Jyvtice —W ni. Ellis, Treasurer, W: Guernsey.'|| , Atlantic. Ifootily— •" . A ttiptiy n 3 cll t* —E. |p. •& Co. p nJ> aralUkd*ttt*tN<*j-p. Jt| Dormaul. f 0 BniUtrt anti KingsburySee. on Tuesday, nnd Mrs.C. R - FuUM. were driving nlorij- Ba%oad' Su, when their horse became frightened the and unmanage able. Mrs'.' Fuller was thrownjviolently from ‘ he baggy, breaking on arm and otherwise seriously in juring her.—Coming. Bimpifai,. | Fire at Mansfield*—Alcifnl noon on Mon dajlast, the cottage house i>elof| the Seminary }n Mansfield, occupied by Mr. Deotiat was d.s covered to be en fire. eitgatt ring a part of the' fnrnita|e. *h|loBB ww S 4OO - No insurance. The fire originated train a defective stove pipe. $9- STiTEHisT.-Bepqrts to me'that a certain person claiming to havf.bef appointed “Dep, nty hl : m|h»s bi tmaps schoolfl. * , ? % . . L I have appointed no person to a|t Id toat capacity withia the past year, excop£ Mitchell of. T ip, 0. Vo. Sup’t °S*~ nS'- Joettsbs PHOM THK pBSE|^E8 !—W«,nnder r standout the wntiog-of tetters |y soldier* in the hmy of.the fotomno, now in Virginia, is prohibited by an order issued headquarters,— How long this rule wifi be it is impossible to say. ■ Those who have' the army and receife no-letlers will understand fie reason. jsw On Monday an Irishnjan'byllbe name of Cor nelius Steele a resident of Corningjwaa found dead in the river atjthe (Jang mil); a tnil| 'South of Painted Post. Coroner Herrington .jbeld atj inquest, but the jury ndjoUrnaiVnntil Saturday to, time to-obtain farther testimony. Steele was lit 1 1| seen at Coopers Plains, nine weeks ago. He wa» ofiintempernte hab its. He left a wife and a grhwti *}), daughter. Ue was about flfty years old.— Ooming/Journal. : i Little Bits. —“ Winter still lingers in the lap of Spring.” Slewing is faihitfjiable again. —There -was a freshet in last week be low Babbs, Several lombermen i" fiintent.” '—The ice-cream party of. tbelTalilies’Aid Society last night was a success. Quite *j was ta ken np. “ s-|, —There is a rumor arann& towU fiat the Reserves left Alexandria last at £ p||u. bound farther Sooth. i ■ i Mi- is making 'exjeosive improve ■ msnts, by way of cleansing jnd in the Dick inson House, for the of the traveling public. Be is also preparing to -'dii|d an addition to the House, which will enable biii toi comfortably en tertain all who may call upon £ imj no matter bow large the number. Mr.'Owen ; late of tba A-mericao, Elmira, commenced hts duties as Clerk, on Tuesday. The Major is ttSdo business and is adding in every possible way‘-to me aUractions of his already unrivalled Hotel.— Democrat. '■jSf", AsAppeal.—rThe’lmdiej 'tl|! Weilsboro are collecting-some boxes of articles the comfort of thc’sick eudwounded-soldiers. , ’Tbey'wUl meet at the Court TL’irro jjt 2 o’clock, on iV; aflernoona of -this weck. to (nuke piufb 'materials as are contributed for that purport!. Materials ate wanted for linC bdodajes, •quilts, .'double gownsj bed-ticks, piliuWs edebions, drawers, 'night-shirts, also sheets and pilioV-rirVieß, and mlatge quantity of dean llueuand Cotton raps for dressing sounds. ; It is not deemed oecesSary to formal appli cation to tfae,people of Wellsboro ani vicinity. .It is taped 1 tbat this "appeal.”,is all that is necessary to induce them to contribute freely. - Two boxes will probably be ready f° r forwarding on Friday., April 7, 1882. ' f V . Swindle.—Sm: caution your read me against an advertisement. whgch - appeared in the Tribune two weeks since, relative to the firm of Bost wick. Tiffany A Co., of New % ark, felling jewO\ry and watches very cheap, en account of §ie hard times, wrote to the Arm for some information in regard to thru advertisement, bnt receired no answer from them, but the folio Ring, one from the Superintendent of Po lice, which speaks for itself, and needs no comment frotmne. Tours Ac., - CHAttbSs Seahles. Daggotts Mills,-April 3d, 1862. ; ' ■ ] Mjai 30, 1882. Sm; I am directed by the £nper|ute3jdent of Police l ° inform you that the firm of Boatwlck, Tiffany, A Co., is a twindlr. Any money sent thes is loti. Respectfully, 1 Geo, H|pcraft, Clerk Metropolitan Police. £9“ Qonsr for Apbjl.—Let evets Epe examine fku number closely; for beauty‘and gnriety it has i ltTer been - equalled. First, we Ibe exquisite PUte of “.Aski for it, Nannynext, feVs exquisitely kwl'ilbl colored {astiion-plate dontoirihg ‘seven fig °’e,J snother.extepsion fashion contflifutfour figures')' I ‘An April shower,”, a seasonable then ‘•ran more figure? of spring fashions > '■‘’Costume and , Portrait of the Prince Royal of Francf,*' and a vari-‘ I'J cl other nsefnl and ornameetnl engravings,— drawing Lessons, Model Cottages, andSHealth De- Patment; Juvenile, Horticultural, M u sio|li and Fash j°n departments. Bat what will be variable to the di«« is " the science of Dress Cuttings” with dia- A treatrad upon this ■ the latiw) invaluo. T *lnaMe science, by .which every lat'y jfwl be enabled 0 her own dresses, is worth at loaiS one year’s •tiicription. For gale at_Eobinso)i;s D©k Store. . —Many good. tbMgs are .told i,.. 8 “"lettered simplicity of the offic agof tho law visit t ea r* y **“?> °f the CommonwenlahSl While on a *«. i, j* ooun ty seat atTiogarecanllyitoae of these e.,.. to ra’ind, by association,! probably. The kao »v, fi ‘ Bte . r and Eecorder of Tioga, Cdjdaty, was a otulvi 058 ‘iterance wns proverbial, and was notori y incompetent for the duties of tbe oifee. Qd one ttuiß.n 4 w “8 °f-a lawyer madq ont.k certificate I(, al ' persons connected With the' outfit" then in •men English gentleman who b'sgbeen.edu- Ptj j ”° ne °f tbe learned profetsions.anffihasgrxdu hc(, f n * of thp best Colleges in the wofld. These Uri Rond Semper?, Cutting Boxes. Sugar kcttlfes &b.. 4c.. of the must approved patterns, and made in the best manner for a LESS PRICE than at any other establishment of the kind in the country. Machinery made and repaired in good stylo on short notice. 1 * ►ck was ipi«d by with J, All kinds of produce, old iron, copper, brags and pewter, taken in exchange for castings. A liberal discount made to CASH PURCHASERS. P. 8. All persons indebted are requested to call and settle Insured WITHOUT DELAY, and save costs, that I may still he able to do a credi business in part. J. P. BILES, Proprietor. Knoxville, March 26, 1862.-6 m. 0. No War! War for the Union! loose of THE undersigned would respectfully inform his old friends, customers, and the public generally, that be has opened a CABINET AND CHAIR SHOP on Main Street, opposite H. W. Dartt’s Wagon Shop, i&bre be intends to keep constantly on . hand a gene ral assortment of tips and 9 books b Safes, it/ they Cabinet Ware, made of the best materials, and by the best workmen. Also Coffins made to order, and as as can be procured ©Lcwhere, accompanied with a Hearse. Also Chairs of every variety from the BEST down to the CHEAPEST, to n Suit Purchasers, jdiscov itizens •e—the being Down ; defec- Also Turning of all kinds done to order atid to suit CUSTOMERS. The undersigned having hod many years experi ence, both in France and in this country, feels confi dent that ho cannot be excelled in either of the above branches of mechanism—and further would recom-; mend the public to szami lamton ij Tbe are on j clear, jllve of jement fd du- CALL AND EXAMINE his workmanship and prices before purchasing else- where. JACOB STICKLIN. Wellsboro, March 19, 1862. r., every Tuesday and Friday. - California Mails leave New York the Ist, llib and 2 Ut of each month. An Overland Mail for California leaves St Louis twice 1 a week. Letters for this Mail should be marked “ Overland.” Ail Utters alleged to contain valuable enclosures should be registered. Post Masters are instructed to retain all mail mat ter belonging to any invlridunl until his arrearages— if he be in arrears—for postage he paid. Post Office open from 7 A. Jf., to 8 p. m., every day, Sunday excepted. Hcjob Young, P. M. BOMS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK; aa. i tax., 5i,000,006. Home Fire Insurance Company NEW EATEN, CONNECTICUT; CAPITAL, $200,000, ' ' - I - These Companies bare complied with the State law. Applications for Insurance received by CHARLES L. SIEMENS, Wellsboro Tioga County, Peoaa. Wellaboro, Jan. 15, 1862. NEW , COOPER SHOP.—The undpraigned respectfully informs the citisens of Wellshoro and vicinity, that he baa opened a COOPER-SHOP opposite CROWL’S WAGON SHOP, and is ready to do all manner of work prompt and tc order, from a gallon keg to a fifty barrel tub. Re pairing also done on short notice; 0. F. ELLIS. Wellsbdro, May 8, 1861. ! ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad ? ministration having been granted to the subscri bers no tbh estate, of James Metre 11 late of Liberty township, deeM,. notice is hereby given to those in debted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly ati* thenticated for settlement to the subscribers. 0. F. VEIL, 1 C. C. MERRELL, > Adpir^t Feb. 12, 1863. WM. L. KEAGLE, j Flies i flies: flies:—Eiy-stone, ot Cobalt* for poisoning flies—also FLY-PAPER, or EXTERMINATOR, price t-jx cent per paper. For sale at TROY’S DRUG STORE. pALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 JEROME SMITH Has now on hand a L ARGE and EXTENSIVE STOCK of DRY GOODS, Coosistloir in part of , BLACK AND FIGURED DEESS SILKS, WORSTED GOODS. Plata & Figured Delaines & Cassimeres, UEKINOES. LADIES’ CLOTH, OPERA FLANNELS, LONO AND SQCARE SHAWLS, And in fact the beat aaaortment of., LADIES' DRESS GOODS Ever brought Into this County. - X have also a Large Stock of DOMESTIC GOODS! FOOTS & SILOES, S. ■ .look Such as Grown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirt ings? Tickings Denims, striped .Shirtings, Red ai d White Flannels, Brown.and Blenched Cotton Flannels* Colton Batting, Carpel Wnrp, Cotton Yarn, Drilling* etc., etc. We have also a large stock of Satinetts, Full Cloth, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, 40, I have also, a Large and Extensive Stock of CROCE R IE S, READY-MADE 1 LoTUING, HATS-! AND CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Glass Ware, * Wooden-ware, etc., etc. I would invite the particular; attention of purchasers CARPETS AND FLOOR OIE CLOTHS which is undoubtedly the largest assortment ever brought into the county, and will he sold at prices that must give entire satisfaction ; and I would invite purchasers, generally, to call and examine ray Goods and Fries?, and they will undoubtedly find that the nlace to buy Good Goods and at Low Prices is at the Store of , JEROME SMITH. WelLboro, Oct. 9, 1861. WELL SB OB 0 , Are opening a fine Stock of NEW GOODS last bought at “ PANIC PRICES." and will be sold ?0B CASH, at a little ABOVE COST, if possibi EVERYBODY Call and see the New Goods and Prices. P. S. All persons having unsettled accounts ofi'our looks, are requested to settle the seme by Cash oi lote, immediately, as we intend to sell on the pay b an system, until further advices from the seat of L. J. W. BAILEY A CO. Wellsboro, July 31,1861. Fhe Spring Term.will commence on the 24th of [rch, 1862. Puition for term of fourteen: i ceeh, from $2.60 to DRY -W ellsboi EXECC h avis ootate'of JR CASH OR PRODUCE, A T PRICfcSBELOW f York Wholes fclc Prices. Ne< n , CALL AND LOOK BEFORE 'CEASING ELSEWMEBE. EU Dm. IS, 1861. 3TOR*S NOTlCE.—Letters testamentary Rebeen granted to the subscriber*. on the jhn Sheives la»e of Jackson' township dec’d,, ereby giren to thosa indebted to mnke low IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. PUBLISHED BY P. APPLBTUS i 346 & 348 Broadway, New Verb. THE following works aresont to Subscribes. In any part of tho country, (upon receipfrof retail price,) by mail nr express, prepaid; /. into Now American Cyclopedia. A po?»“» Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Lana, aided by anumerousselectcorpsof wri- Cera In all branches of Science, Art, and Literature. Thhi work is being published in about 15 large octavo volumes, each containing 750 two-colnum pages. Tols 1, 11, 111, IV, T,Vir, VIII, IX, X, xr,xil,xtuare nowready, each contain mg near 2,soooriginal articles. An additional toVtttae will 1m published once in nhou* three months. Price, in Cloth,s£; Sheep, $3,50; Half Mottocco, $4; Half Russia. $4,50 each ' The New American'Cyclopedia Is popular without being laperfleial, learned, but not pedantic, comprehensive but»»f* ticlently detailed, free from personal’pique and party preju dice, fresh and yet accurate. It Is a complete statement of all that is known upon every important topic within (I u scope of human intelligence. Every important article In It baa been specially written for Us pages by men who are au thorities upon the topics of which they speak. They are re quired to bring tbe subject up to the present momeat; to state just how it stands now. All the statistical inlormatka Is from the latest reports; the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical mutters include the' freshest just views; tho biographical notice* not only speak of the dead but of the living, it is a library of Itself. ABRIDGMENT OF i THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS.— Being a Political History of the United States, from the or ganisation of the first Federal Congress In 1789 to ISS6J .Ed ited and compiled by l|on. Thomas H. Benton, fronuihe of ficial Records of Congress. The work will be completed In 15 royal octavo Volumes of 750pageseacn, 7 Uof 4hicb are nowready. Ad additional volume will be issued once in three months. A WAT OX PROCURING THE CYCLOPAEDIA OB DEBATES. Form a club of four, and remit tbe price of four boots and five copies will be ient at the remitter’s expense for car riage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will be eratatouc expense for carriage. AGENTS. Nojfrither works will so liberally reward the exertions Agorits. As Acest WUst£» in this Csnnty. Terms, mad* knoqgi on application to the Publishers* [Jan. 11, ’62* ELKLAWD BORQUGB. AN ORDINANCE. j Be it ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of the Burn of Elkland, and it is.hereby ordained by the authority of the! sumo. Sec. 1. That from and after the date hereof, no cattle, horses, sheep,'geese or swine shall be permitted to run lit-large in any of the,public streets or high ways of this Boro, and any owner or- owners of any cattle, horses, sheep,['geese or swine as aforesaid per* muting, or knowing ;tbem to run or be at large within the streets or highways aforesaid shall, upon oonvic ; tion, pity a fine of not less than fifty cents, nor more than one dollar for each and every offence und lor Leach and.evejy of the cattle, horses, sheep, geese or swine, .so found offejnding as aforesaid, one half of said fine to go to thelinformcr, and the balance to be paid into the bands of the Boro Treasurer. Sec, 2. That any {person or persons leaving, put* ling, permitting or causing to be placed or left within the limits of any public street or highway of this Boro, any wfcgons, carts, lumber, logs, dray*, ploughs, farming utensils, or a'ny obstructions or rubbish what ever, subject to a fine of not less than one dollar, nor more than two dollars for each and every'offence; and it shall be the duty of tbe Supervisor and Con stable. or any other citizen of this B< ro, for each and every neglect, or refusal to obey the provisions of this ordinance to prosecute the offender and remove tbe obstructions. { • Sec. 3. It shall bo tbe duty of each and every person or persons ownir g, or bolding land witnin the limits of this Boro, framing respectively on any of ! tbe streets or highways, now existing, or„ which may hereafter exist in said Boro, to build and maintain a side walk of p.ank, bpards, or gravel in the following manner, viz: If of plank or boards they shall be placed crosswise upon good and sufficient bed sills to be four feet wide and placed nutless than-one foot from tbe fence and filled between the fence and w.ilk with gravel. The gravel walks shall be five feet wide and not less than one foot tbe same to be construct ed of hill gravel. The aforesaid walks are to be built Under tbe direction of the Burgess and Town Coun cil, who shall direct the building of walks of one or more planks in width j when‘more is not necessary, and to relieve persons from building any walks when they are not actually required for the convenience of the Boro. All walks to bo completed witbin thirty/ days after receiving notice from the Burgess and Town Council under the penalty of having the said walks built by the Boro authorities and a charge of 20 per cent, in addition to the amount of constructing tbe same. _ JL jPABKHURST, Burgess* Attest, J. 6. PARKHURST, Clerk, Elklarid, March 26, 1862. TREES! TREES! FOR SALE, THE FOLLOWING APPLE, Price, 20 Cents. r . Summer Apple —Early Early Strawberry, Large Yellow Bough, Golden Sweet, Bed Astraehan. Autumn Apple —Grarenstein, Fall Pippin, Porter Juneting, Rambo, Jersey Sweeting. Hunter Apple— Baldwin, Newton Pippin, Rhode Island Greening, Esopns Spitzenburg, Boston Russet, Ladies Sweetiijg, Ladie Apple, Peck's Pleasant, Hnb bardton None-Such, King, Yellow Bellflower, North ern Spy, Talman’a Sweeting, Seek-no-furtber, Butch Mlguonne, Fiy’s Russett, Hereford's Pearmain, Bot tle Green, Wagoner. I Crab Apple—Large Bed Siberian, Small Rod, de., Yellow, do. i Pear, Price 50 Cents. Summer —Madaliene.lßloodgoqd, Dearborn’s Seed ling. Summer Franc Real, Rostiezer, Osbacd’a Sum*' mer Bartlett. Autumn —Pondante d’ Aotomno, Seckel, VirgaHeu, Beuree d’ Amalie, Flemish Benuty. Onondaga, Fulton, Stevens' Genesee, Urban is te, Napoleon, Henry 4 th, Dix, Cushing, Blucfier’s Meadow, Bezi de la Oswego Beurre, Golden Beurre of Bilboa, Beurre Bose. Woodstock. Winter —Lawrence, Gloat Morceau, Passe Colmar, Vicar of Wakefield. For extra sized Pear tree* we shall extra prices, Cherry, Price 38 Cents. Black Heart, Black Eagle, Black Tartarian, Down’s Late Red, May Duke, Early Purple Game, Late Clack. Guy’s Early While. Napoleon Bigarrenu, Am ber, Yellow -Spanish, Beauman’s May, Holland Ei garreau, Golden*Drop of Herrington. I t Plums Pyice 50 Cents. Duane’s Purple, Lawrence’s Favorite, Washington, Huling’s Superb, Matteson’s Favorite, Smith’s Or leans, Jefferson, Magnum Bonnm, Imperial Gage. Pracli, Price IS Cents. Crawford’s Early, Melocoton, Bergen’s Yellow, Sweet Water. Grapes. Isabelly, Catawba. Concord. Diana, Rebecca. Dela ware, HnVtford Prolific,! White Sweet Water,- Bl&el Burgundy. Enslisli Gooseberries. SeveralVarietea. entrants. Cherryf While Dntch and Bed, do. Or nil mental. Norway Spruce, European Silver Fir, Scotch Fir,' Balsam Fir. American Arborvilte, Siberian do., Eu rnpean Larch,JJreen Forsythes, Whits Flowering Dentxia, QraigsilL Dentxia, Althea, Chinese Weigilia, Baltimore belle Bose, Queen of the Prair'es, Willow, The; above wo’offer for sale 'at oar Nursery; they ere handsome and of'snporior quality, hers all been transplanted and will bear removing with safety. In digging and packing care will be taken, and the charge for packing will be the cost of materials used. Trees will be delivered! at the Tioga depot free of charge. We invite all to visit our Nursery and see. for themselves. Orders should be sent in early. I B. 0. WICKHAM. Tioga, March 19, 1862; ; Fall of King €ottbn. B. GEER, AGENT, IS now receiving and< intends keeping constantly on hand, a large assortment of DRY GOODS, , GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARD-WARE; , Ae., Ao., Ac.. j whioh he will sell at the least possible advance front coat upon whioh a man oon live. CALL AND SEE. No Charge for Showing-Goods, j Lawrencaville, March 29.bt' •, koticc.