•*:A layr Miatfbcfiu'j* ;Isementa. v\ ■^'Roy. '‘r,£ • ;ays thaithere t 4» it-re-, sb, and that'the/IWarning' thingout bis] hg&i. ird that martm] i juSS'lias le toolhcdcomili jtt.—TCapitin'i- jJajgi «i;J , „ort of the Aid Sooietipj;,o(j/tiiB i line frotp. the Secretary ]of tha'iJ'janffeld 1 O3 that the Covington sooj|!fy vbpve fjoiof Hospital supplies valned at-S|3. ||J|s — 7 s — : — -V ‘, cow —Yesterday, Mr. Sorst foot - 1115 !bs - ■ b, t w #. t - Il» Hr- •l°' m B: ‘iley, of/Charleston, j -Taw is ratsei ta *“• Cii'Bor.t’s Meat M»r*ftt cop t at Cfafistiuas or XbankagivJ >g. 3f £ BtT !)t(SJ«it, while enragadin visitmg t«, s<*|pls Lasid, the last ut PebVi'wna'seiiJd Westfield, Brookfield, DaoefieMy lt u d Slkland-asTio intended;., ,y| it 1 jfeiß the rebel priaosjm .Richmoni; ; •fit, wa.notice tbo of Lewis M|fgr^t|of ,S»rou e b.: He Company J-, of |jie jai. snd was taken on the field of D|tnesvdje, |J«eembar. Ho is now at Portress Mcriroojgrd yrtebly be homeyon furlough-ia.* da|| i- Little Bits.-A Speeial #r kijiding, will commence on Monday, 2Jp !««• j, here a private letter from H. H. KU-ik, a||i* joy—who took part in the capture, of I. iff IS*- I which wo will publish in oar next. a * it gd iof lllinois. - j ' ,ii extensive fird occurred in Elmira hr tPr|py t Estimated loss, $lOO,OOO. Ho insui^^'p •■'Tie Ssow.—A largo party from ltdnatsgoof thbflne - sleighing, anddv're jwer ftnailyea’s. They were met by' a‘ partVJf ladfea Ipntlemca from- Urt a band. They had a lino tjmy uf it. ~, lj» sad far larger party, visitod-tbpt, iK d came, back satisfied. ‘ Summer. - fink ffatfon House,"ktWt be '> ; a triad attbe WelUburuugb Fuel SjfSce,..- -Jy ■ Hisatob 'Wiljiot.—lVV ate authorised; jib ISfitbo Jalv in is not the slightest fuanddliun iiltfce Bom David Wilinot depign| icsigSribg" affithe Saddle t6 ; ncccpyh 1 act gendemdn of this rdcai va| ,'Sj . MUtingnisheid .J?enn*ylvimun',-.w|th|d cplsty a,isphstically denying tbo report, aud f'tl.iSbi (htsailon to femlinin Ibo S4HaiS«v jidSi&e a official term. The same letter stories • rUr, Wilmotj is rvyouvt |n i 1 : f y f.i tSasabcr theEibibition of tbo Stulenxs o&tjie in Academy, on the -14th., Prof, iileiiris |nqtJjeEf|n the' old JJSohm never held. Everything passedoff viry creditable to all who the first attempt of at yet the declamations and tabjeauj were ; the comic sermons §ere dejif duetts sung much to the 1 htnbsemeni pf |p«j doubtless .every effort was’i|u forth £7' her scholars to mcettho 11 wi prove their;motto 14 jExce&ior’Mnif. :t *-it£5T,_F iLL Etioor, Mittcnilsr, !S6J. | “&•—ln accordance with a requiwt in y>ur 4me ogo that your frionds- wofild furnish t*'! M transpiring id the different pinto If 'Mtske it upon:mo to ioforcJ you of,a which occurred near this plsoo ttndfr *2*W«WMUW.; While the crips werton k P s ' oar g to FnH Brook arid iad pearly * ***# “* switch’’,'* Woman HnCnllough' attempted to juisg /in , tbp. Iji* "J* dt? oars were still running a|d waji 804 °f the Caboose aud" un far, . -•* »htcls parsing over her,' body -cans ftg *hont thirty minutesr"T>ecsased-liiE» ; Jr* ffchtnnir, and learesTrhtrsband ts Ife a/ , 4 'Coroner’s; InAuest u {mine bfcld S aL.v '*m 'by’/ttf ftrj iy.* itajeaiente. Yodr'ssnTiqete, ’v 1. . ;OssjßdM»-t ifa - oilier regiment Jo WJT 18 TO6l > a wide-spread reputation a* or Kane Eiflei. The pMtiUarnamek peenUjte modi itt jj. | h «y are no readilydiatlttjptiehod; Hjj. “seistodin bringing this'reghiieht ,oBe *^ B public—to cay notningHif *®“ fighting' capacity, as aihlljile.sf'iji. ltd with the rebels, at Brad isyilul if*—. fo l d of fun as they! arij^bf Si tief' I *, ’* Baia , *» larger portion’ jofltpij “* ar9 en 3 tl jed the rare spe jtfjf'A W,t MO * Dtiyoai l 6« ,' l ,tted to, P° rt °f that kind ’ £h* °r * n an w( ad, * diManee Wiflaa; ’ *W uteri; alUtand# fl «i /'uii helter-skelter, - fuahion o^-* ( Bcrub-race/' in boi pursuit. a'iiP £oor fox did ndsun far before he waa and escape eeemedlropoasible.: h e^^»g«a,tv,9lndei^heir-grasp, hjtfwas finally | •fl* j)uh.T on ■;* desgeraji Tn ■the Willi pursuit riven hy the “HmMriltMUQr-ni of themcu a“head!ong itaep/fkad j down they, went, to the number of a ecpre,pr more I •dtiwv’ttntii, bottom ip - a “mess of eoufurion,” moieo easily im .magined thathdejyribed.- Wqbody,was;tlßn, however and ail bauds greatly enjoyed the sport— Wuthing. tou Chronicle. ■ 1 |- .. ■T. * The following are the.names,,pf.the..Offleew and men of .Company I, 45th Kliment, now atationed at C. ' They hfire neyst beforo boen published in.tho Aqitator. ’ - , . C-ptain, P. M. Hiila. ... • ,x-. Fmt Jjieyt. —G. D. Smith* ■- - Second, “ —ti. M-Ackley. ia - ’ First Sehgea»t;c - —S. Jdainea.-' ■ ' Second, . —Wml*Chase* . Third;' ' “ —G. il. iiurt. , :V; ■ ■ ,• Fourth: u : ■ —H. \V. iV’utrona .. . . ’’ first Corpora!;— R. J. Sajfiold*. { Second: ‘‘ —Carrey. x - Thf'd, “ ; - “ 'V ,' ‘ '. *w/Si , “ c. «..i g ., v,v;::... - Fifth, “ —A. C. Elswortii . - *.■ - . ■ • iSUtlk).. Cota'., j , Seventh, ~ “ '-jiD’Dickinson. , 1 - 1 ■! ‘iPjkthfj: “ irhf.juusfiton. , . Peitates :■ c:-,n< uiUHf.l V* J.Jluck,,.. Jj Xl.Buckioy, jJ.-EtOatliß*.* l • Royce. ij if A-v»Vy*:. ' *i .flftd. Lo>a,.,,i \ A, Boydan,- Cl BlU&.* .. Ej-siWilinx* - - ”, vj;. J. Rowland, ' IxH.nooek; - ■' J. English, Ji Hancock,*" F. Marsh, A. M. Handy, ; M. Jlilynard ( ; J;E. Jones, ■, ; - J.B.Sireit, S. F Kenedy, a Wm Thompson, ■ Cl. H.XJfcnsend, ,M. A. Ruyce, P. R'.'Sliennan, G, C. English, Wm. Morse, ’ ‘ E. B. Boot, C, 0. Pemberton, J. Bowker, W. E. Tyler, 0. Handy, M. G. Stay, ' * L. Bacon, - * H. Sawyer, ' John Barr,' ," J. Kirkpatrick, J. Rcdingfbn, X, D. Bsxlor, C. Saxhury," . H. Bastmnn, . A. Hoiotlio, . g. Bttwit, B. ; Brown, C. Miller,. . C. Fosk, Q. Hawks, S. Sawyer, - F. Handy, ' R-. Wflitrosoo, ,\ ,> : A. Saxbpry, . W. Gwhnr,'' *’ - 'J. Emery, I ‘ D. Shelly, : r-; ;■ : ;;{ . W.RodlngtOß, - ■T. Lnnnipe, , ,jr , C. B. f Spfield, W. liarnson." - l a * J, Fletcher, - W.JS. Marsh, . Jf. Clfiso,, -- J. S. BeVchT ’ ' ' *' -'J, - p. B, ; WatkWs, •*.; ■j.tJohfleim,' J. S. Donely, 111 MaUwon, _ A. »i rx. 4 - - 1 • ’ J, Wood, . P ? Oktlo, G, EwgliMh,; ’ . J. Aavilr SI, D, Wilson, ‘ M. t , , i' ’ In Delni&r, 10th, 1882. at the reticence of the bride’s father, bj J. B. Hoinibton, E-'q.'. Mr. LEWIS HASTINGS, to Mias. ANN AUGUSTA BARTLES, both of the above named {dace. In liawrcnceville, on tie 20th ult., FRANKIE EDSELIi, onfj child of Albert H. and BrittaoU brook, aged 1 year, 9 months, and 18 days. . In Sullivuo, on the 19th nit./ISAAC HAGER, one of the oldest settlers of and one of (be veterans that defended our flag in the war of 1812, lie wni an active and faithful member of the Free will Baptist Church; and now Is. wo tnnst, enjoying -that rest for which he tolled steadfastly through yap. L. G. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES! TUH HEALTH AND: LIFE OF WOMAN IS contlnuilly in peril If she is inad enough to neg lect of .maltreat those pesnal irregularities to which l»u-thinld of her sex ere more or less subject. DR: PILLS, prepared from the same formuht which, the investor, COXELIU3 L. CIIEESEM AN.,M. 1).,,0f -New fur years used fuccessfnlly io'a'n ixteoded private prao- TOiievei-Vttiioul, piin/kll disturban ces of the periodical discharge, whether arising from relaxation, orßiipfpresilpn.’M’heJ' aetlikfca charm in removing the pains that accompiiny difficult or-Im moderate menstruation, and are the'ohly safe and re liable remedy for Flushes/Slck Headache. Pains In the Loinvltat-k and-Side.vPalpiXHlion of the Heart, Nerv ous llystericß, Spasm's, Broken Sleep and ochar unpleasant aud dangerous-effects of an unnatu ral condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Alhxa or Whites, they effect'a speedy cure. DR. CHEESEMAN'S FILLS are offered ns the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstrua tion, ,but LADIES MUST BEAR Iff MIST) That on fhm very «ccaunt t i£ taken. when the Interrup tion arises from natural causey they will Inevitably prevent the expected events. This CAUTION IS ABSOLUTELY KECESSARY, for anch is the-ten- , the Bills to restore the.original I the sexual organisation, that they- hjevitably arrest . the process of gestation. Explicit dirivtifyi*, Haling when,- and when they /•horrid not lm’u^ed' t 'teith each Box-—(he Price Oite Dol lar each fi[>Xy xontainiti/j fmm 40 to 60 Pills, A valuable Pamphlet, to, be had free, of the Agents. Pillirsjeir Ay tnaii- proniptfyi by enclusingprice to tbb Agent by 4r»gglBt6 generhHy. K.-B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, - Por sale at Rtty's Drugstore. • a, . Deo. l\ f 18Al.-ly. l s 20, Cedar st, -Kerr York. fioltock’s Dandelion CaTfe^. THI&-praparution, inade from the best-Jova Coffee,- is recommended by .physicians as -p superior Nu tncious Beverage for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all billions disorders. Thousands who.hav© beep compelled to'abandon tbe use of coffee will' use this without injurious effects. . One*can contains the strength of two pounds s>i ordinary coffee. Price 35 cents. I: a- b) The purest and best BAKINS POWDER known, for making. light, sweet and nutricious : Bread and cakes. Price IS cents. H. H. EOLLOCKj Chemist, ‘ Corner of Broad and Chestnnt Streets. Pbiladei pbin, and for solo by all Druggists and Grocers. March 5,1862. ’ , TXT ELLSBORO GYMNASIUM.—This n«st>- » » ctaiion meets every evening at ROT’S HALL, to promote health fot exorcise and muscular develop inent. 'Membershaveaccess.to tha Uall at allhonrs of the day. ..The'dues.nje SO cents per tpcutb. to pay for lighft,.roam.rent Ac.. . . ■ WellsboVo.Marbh 5,1862., . . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Letters of Ad. , ministration having been granted to the subscri bers on the estate of James Merrell lata of Liberty township, dec’-d,, notice is. hereby given to those in. debted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present tbemproperly an. thenticated for settlement to tbe subscribers. O. F.YEIL, V ' C. C. MERRELL.. V Admr>t l2, 1862. WJI. L,. KEAGLE, j , STOTES AMD TINWARE, WILLIAM ROBERTS HAS opened a new Stove and Tin Shop in the Store opposite Roy’s Building, where he is pre pared to furnirh his did friends and customers, and tbe publie generally with every thing In his Hue of business, including ■. Cooking Stoves of the most approved styles: Per lor, Dining Room, and CdsL Stoves; Tinware and Kitchen furnitaroef illyarietie*. '/ ' , 1 > oft fliylf. and tea ecr new stack. ■ W«U»b«o| Pdly. 5,18*2. DXB D . - SFS2OXAX4 2SXOTTOES. TO WIVES AND MATRONS. KoDuck’i Lcrain. MANCrACTCRED BT tWe Tioisa. BtIXABD & CO., AES irow -fir :r 3 v.' - FULL BLAST! A T TEE OLD BTOft B > ■ K , 1 —oiw?- a ' ; - , _,V. ' •. ' 'Oif: **-i •• t’ I ' [ B. B. SMITH, \ SM.OW - J* - -: j-,i,v .v J * . !.*** M Vs -■ . ■i ' :f A. ttOVSIt , " : ' ! • \y WITH A FULL STOCIt ‘ ■‘Hir- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, <6*., Ac., BOUGHT Iff ADVANCE ~ er tss PRESEIfT WAR PRICES, ' t AND : ’ v '" WILt BS *OLB; for cask or produce, AT PS ICES BELOW /. New York Wholesale Prices. CALL AND LOOK SETOSE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. "Wellaboro, Dec. 18,1861. i G R E AT REDUCTION SALE STILL .CONTINUES AT Dormaul’s Bee Hive. List, 16^ardaBleached Hn3Hnr.^ t ..;^...frredu«dto $1 00 16 flue.,....reduced to IPO 10 yards Bleached Muslin fine.........reduced.to I, Oil 10 yards Unbleached heavy./. do 100 IB yards Good Faat Colored Prime,., - do 'v IDO Oadton Flannels....i, do 12£c Indigo Blue Demins.. do 11 Gotten Battsper r 011...................... do 08 Shirt Pr-0a0~,.>.,.. do 03 SsFiannels.. do 25 2s Dress Goock,.dq. . I2Jv 3k Dress Goods.;.. do * 18 6s‘Black Dress Silks do 66 8s do ' do 73 8s Faney Dresa Sllke " do 50 ]s 6J Embroidered.Draper!* Muslin. do 12jc 3s Embroidered Drnparia Musli/5... ' do 1$ SI lloop Skirts;....'. do 62E 20s Bnlmoral Skirts;. do $2 00 8s Cossiraeros.... do 75 12s;BIack Doe Skid., ;..... do ISO 5 09 Btg* do ", .“#‘Bo Shawls atlesa than 60 cent* on tbo dollar will bo soft's* advertised? ,K ? ‘ An early-call will most ns«nredly securer good bargain at- DOBMAUI/S BEK HIVE. , ‘ ‘ “ Holden’s Block. Elmira, Fob* 10.1562. apt. 17~m6. 1 Bonqo nnß insurance company NEW- YORK; OAPIIAL, 81,000.000. Home FEre Insnrance Company t IX - .. NEW HA yJSN. CONNECTICUT; CAPITAL, $200,000. The«* Companies hare complied with tbs State law. Application! fur Insurance received by - CHARLES L. SIEMENS, Wellsbero Tioga County, Peons. Wellsbero, Jan. 16,1632. GENERAL Hf.CLELLAN HASdedded to go Into winter'quarters, end P, R Williams, Agt., has decided to “ follow suit/' and has accordinglylaid in a very large stock of New Goods In his line, vis t , Kerosin* Oil, . Lamp Oil, a Burning Fluid, Camphens, Alcohol, Turpentine, Brags, Pateift Medtdnei, Bye Stuffs, WindowOlass, Potty, - v - .- r ,Ac.> ' Ao., ■ Ac,, -- which will be (old at lowest dity prices during the war. ' P. R. WILLIAMS, Agt . If. B. Confederate GUIs Stocks end ell book ac counts are at discount—can't (all goods for either. Wellaboro, Nov. 27,1881. .CORNING ; . ; , WHOLESALE DRUG AND BOOS STOSS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, f PAINTS AND OILS, WINDOW GLASS, EEKOSINB OIL, 1 ALCOHOL. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Sold at wholesale by , Country Merchants supplied with. theie srtleje**t N£W YORK PjaiCEfi. Corning, Peb. 16,1£6?. . COUNTY aykips cathartic mi,- . Art yoiu sick, feeble, and eomplninJngf.; Art you but of order, with deranged, and -.your footings.uochmfiirji hie f ..There symptoms are iiften the preladetdiserjuus illness. Seine fit’of sickness it creeping upon yoi t »bd shonldboWv.vyredby’* lintely nse: of the right j'remedy.. TekoA, er 1 * Pills, »t>d cleanse out the disordered humors—pm ify the blond,’ an diet Abe ffuidstmoveon unobstructed in hctith again. They stimulate thefunclions of tbe.bedy.iort; vigorous activity,"purify the system from the obstruc tions which make (disease. , A cold 861(1$?; somewhere in. the body, a/idtobs room it? nafaralfunstiunf.— These, if notrelleted, ream open themselves and the surrounding organs, produc ng general aggravation, suffering, and.disease. Whil? in this, 'condition, op pressed ,by the derangement", take Ayer’s. Pills., and see how directly they restore th'b natural action of the, system,and with Kt the buoyant, feeling of health;; again. What is trie aid so apparent in til? tnvtal and common commniut,.is nisi, trite in many of tic.' deep-seated and cfadgerbus distempers. The same, purgative effeet expels them. Caused by similar ob- - structions and derangements of tbo natural fdnctlons of the body, they ar! rapidlyfnnd many of them aurely, 1 oared by the snide means.. Kono’wbo'know the.vir» rues of these Pills, ‘ when suffering.from the dlsorden theyonre.' ft • , >- r ■Statement* from ! ending physicians in some Of the principal cities, anil from other well known public persona. From a Foneardhy IfercAnnt of St- Zmit‘s, Fth, 4, *J6. , Dr. A ter: Torn Pills are the paragon of all lb at la great in medicine. They have' cured my Hills daughter of ulceroi s sores upon -her bands- ehd feet 1 - that had proved in? arable for years. Her mother has boon long grievously afflicted with blotches snd ! pics on bar skin ant inherhair. ACtor-our child was 1 cared, eh* tlxa triec, yo«r Pills, and they have cured; |h*. • -v,i ASAMSEORIDGE; Aia Panltr Piiphh < Tour Kljsaretbq prioOe ’Af purge). Their, excel lent quality*.surpass an; cathartic,we possess, »re milt], out very certain and “effectual lu'their ac tion on the bowels, which makes them inraldableW ns in traatmantofdisease.. ,:I'' .'.fJ. Headache, Sick From Dr. E Dxar Bao. Ansi plaints I bar* cun >s; all that we ever I place great dcpcnr to; dally-contest w that your Bills affor value them high!;. DftTj. C. Area, cored of the worst b desa-or two of yonr foul stomach, which great respect,. Not onl; are your I purpose as an npdri effects upon the Livr J in my practice proved bilious complaints th lion; I sincerely rpj| purgative which is Wo fCMioa aud the peopls '»■ . \ ' . , D*e| Waablnj , 6nsr I bare, wed hospital practice ever cot hesitate to pay the] ploy. Their regulotln and decided, cqoseqpet edy for derangements J seldom found n c that it did not readily Fraternally your?. Dygontorv. XHa /row TonJPills have hn-d i I hold them fn esteem have ever found. Tb liver tnades-ibem rip ex small doses for liiliuiis < snEror-«-imtinjc m/ikci th oient for th« u*e of hvo Dyspepsia Imparity of the Blood., ‘From Idev J V Himet I'nttvr of Adeev! Church liodo* De. At*E: I luife tiled your Pille with ejcliuorJ dinary success In my family end amour those I an called' to visit in distress. To regulate the organ* of digestion and purify hhe blood, they.; re the fere best remedy. I have ever knovn, and I can confidently recommend them to lor (friends. Tours. ■J, 7. aillES., Co.. N. T., Oct. 184 S. , italftSnt: I am-os* practice, and find then cleanse (he system mu blood. jJG >lon, Rlicuidh ii*siK Oont, Ift*ui;;tl r . gist, Di o|>»)' v P irtilyu>, FilUj t'Hc, /’re m Dr. J. /V Va tghn, JSlontr§»l, Canada,- *■ Too much cannot be e ild of yoor Pills for the'cnre of Costiveneas, If : others of oar fraternity have, frond them ns fffirncioi s as I have, they sbouldjjoin me in proclaiming it 'for the benefit of tho multitudes who suffer from that; oo nplaint, which. although had enough to-itself* is the progenitor nf others that are worse. I heieve costive teas to originate in the Hvor, but yoar Pills affect iho organ and euro the disejvse, from Mn. E. Smart,, PA ysicion and AJiflin/e, IhvUn. I find one or two Sarfc doses of your- Piik» v titkfn at the proper time, are excellent of the natural secretion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual pel worms. They nr* have that I reconunent From Rev. Dr. ff>nci llosored Sir: Is •lief your skill has hroi Ciise to you. A cold's on ezerneintisg neu chronic rheumatism, of pbysicfatie, r fii« «t until by rba advice Baltimore, Dr. Macki effects were slow, hu use of them, 1 am noj l Sonata De, A tee: . I birji Pills, of Rheumatic G afflicted ms for yeoni. of tbo P which, although a val is dangerous in a pul sequecoea that frequt These oocUia ncMacj-i ever. | Price 25 cents Prepared by Sold by 0. i J. t Borden. Tioga; W. (J, reneoTiile; A. 4J. B ling*. Gaines; J, 4 1 K. Mitohell, .Mittotaei bury; Bennett 4 Rc W. Nesbitt. 'Manage! O. R. Sheffer. Liberty 4 Witter, Mainsburg, Not. «, ISBI.-6m. j THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERT,— Just Published i; i a Fcnled Envelope ; p ri:o 8 ete; A Lecture by Ds.CtTLVEEWELL, nn'the cause end enre* of Spermatorrhoea. Consumption, Mental end Physical Debility, Nervousness. Epilepsy: Im paired Nutrition of lbs Body; Lassitude j Weakness of the Limbi and the jack; Indisposition, and Inca; paelty fbr Study and :i!,abor; Dullness of Appreben. lion; Lois of Memory; Aversion to Society; LoVe of Solitude; Timidity: Self-Distrust; Dirtiness; Headache; Affection? of (lie Eyes; Pimples on, the Face; Involuntary Ejolssions, nnrt Sosa! Iticapiro:ty; the Ounseqnonces of 5 otilhful Indiscretion, 4?.,'Ac. This admirable Le 'tnro clearly prove- that the above enumerated,-often sclf-nfßiotei). evili may b» removed without medicine and without dangerous snr gioal operations. and tnould be rend by every youth and every than in the and. _ Sent under seal, to sny address, ir a plain, sealed envelope, on -the receip tof six cents, nr two .postals Btamps. br addressing Dr. CHAP; JP.'C. KCtNR,: ' 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office :Boi, Jap. 20,1562.-4ra. - ' " ■ ’ T SALT Juet v-s received, ajii for sblo T A £ I T A TORI From Dr. S. W, Carlo right, Few Orkom, ■ ,;j ’’ 4 Headache. Fool St«maeb. Sdtcard Sugd, Baliimdrt.' ;|j I cannot answer you wtat eom i d with four Fills bcttertbas to treat with a purgative medicine, c cues on an effectual cathartSe is th disease, and believing aside r i ua the best wo hare, I of count PiTTSßtnto, Pa., May I,lBSi. Sir: I bare been repeatedly ifldat ho any body can hare by a Pills. It Seems to-arise from a ;hey cleanse at once. Yours with ED. W. PREBLE. Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Com plaints, lire Bell, of Hea York Gifg. Bilims Disord From Dr. Tkeom Pills admirably adapted to their lent, but I find their beneficial very marked Indeed. They here I more effectual for the cure of an any one remedy -I can men. Lire ibat we bare-at length,* inly the confidence of the pro. Irtmant of the. J - an, D. 0., 7tit Feb,- IBS'S. J iur Pills in my general pod nee yoft "made thorn’. end cab are the bear cnihnrtic wo cm ‘action on the. liver is .quick ly "they erenu ndrairnblc rem r that organ. Indeed; t* bare ' billon* disease *to ebitinate ield Tti rhem. ■J ALOKZO BALt, M. D, ijcinn of the Marine Hospital, rrhoea Relax- Wonajfc -7 Gum, of. Ch icogn,' j long trial in my practice, and is one of the h‘e?r aperients t ir Alterative effect upop the ccllent remedy, when given in ypontrry and lTheir iin very ond convC' nen and chit iren.- i . Wiarba-TT, W’yohaii ig-yoar Cathartic PilUJn my an excellent purgative to purify the fmiomin? of the EIN Gr'MB'ACIIAiM, M.’D. m cleanse the stomach and ex to macb the best pbyiU we no other to my patient*. - nf the ifelhndi*t Epii. Church, lavannnb, Ga., Jnn. 6. 184(5. Palaaki House, multi be ungrateful fortbare* ght me if I did not report tny itrled in my Umhi and bropght algia- pains, which ended in Notwithstanding, I bad fho.best sense' grew' wort* and ‘ wprve, of your excellent agent in nie, I tried your Pills., Their sffre. By persevering in the entirely, well. Rouge, Lfl„s Dec, ’£s. been entirely‘rtifddi by jybnr out—u painful disease that,had, , VINCENT SLIDEtXJ * ? 11? in market oonta!iTMer I iabU remedy is skillful bands, blio pill, from the dreadful eon cnlly follow it*, incautious use.. |i dry or mineral substance wih&U- r box, or S boxes for sli r. J. 0. AYEB & Co.. ' ' Lowell, Hu>. . Robinson, TVelUborn; 5; 5k Miller end C. Parkhtrrglr jorman. Knoxville; S. &. . G, ParkhursU GUchtnd; W. ville; J. Rodington, Middle* ndnll, MiddleKury CentreG. i ; S. 8. Packard, Covington; ; D. S. Megee, Blnttburg? fot nod by Dealers everywhere* rX\-I mTQ THE people * ; r i! ;.V1 ■ , n iTO 'ilb » t;j *. *; if. • ! i ” ■ ffBSgND&REBTING! KiTINa fISCDItSO s r. - . , ji' ’. . . . .->t> : r '*• FULL AND AMPLE SUPPLIES r r:. ! rx- •/ ■J 7 ;1 - SEASONABLE GOODS, 15 ADVANCE OF THE PBSSXMT WAR PRICES, :: >■. . ,'i;\ : ■. -- ■■ : 7 'C?r5 ■* W 2 TASfcPLEASCEB “*_• if: nr sum ;*su to urosv tbs rvstie, . J- A’- " TBIT WI BATS JL STOOX f m r AH i X i 7 vj'a " I ,V -i 1 •# ri ■x *’ ■.> v/i y, NOW ON HAND WHICH HAS ! 1 ' ~ Jk • i Kirs* tux swuub n? tali makut, . to i 1 smooo. wx.isk tuvs ro&rizf£h. [tamtittaw pricw. A»b sBAXt -ife '.AiitX to WStMSW* r This targe Stock , ' f ! 1 “it, ■■ v ; i - KEWYOBE WHOLESALE FXICES. peeine & ooe, TBOY, PA. h -i I 't! SCHOOL BOOKS. Parents, Teachers and Scholars,! are Invited to call and examine this large assortment of Sefaaol Bockl, ", in which may be found ercrytiiing in nse in the school* of the County. Readers.—Sanders’entire series, Porter'* Reeder, Bargeant’s, Town's and 'Willson’s Readers. Bpbiuso Coosa.—Senders’, Wobsters Ac. . AEiTtuikncs- Green leafs, Darios’, Stoddard**, Colburn’s Ac. OtusniAßa.—Brown’s, Kenyon’s, Smith’s 'As. OsortßAFinES. —Mitchell's, Warren’s, Coltoe’s-Ait . Davies’ Legendre, Algebra, Suit eying Ac. 'Slates of &U binds and siiot. Copy Boobs, Steel Pens. '■ Paper of all binds. Latin, Gorman, French and Grosk Text Books j e» hand and purchased to order. Wntebes, Jewelry, Picture Frames, Paptt Haag, logs, Christmas Toys,-Fancy Articles, Maps, fie. hires Ae.. - All orders promptly attended to. Wellsboro, Nov. 37, 136], J'. F. BOBIKSOH. : ■r-ras AfANSfIELI) CLASSICAL SEMINAR' if-*-’ MaWSriELD, TIOGA CO., PA. Tho Spring Term of this Institution will mromepo* llufgli 18th. fS(5'2, anil continue thirteen attki. ' .'£ WII.DJIAN. A. ; , Mrs. H. It. IVildti a. Preceptress. . MUsE. A. Chase,.... Musle Tether. . Jlr.iseAC SUCWS.V". .?enmM»pii>. ; .i../it' ‘i’V •-.EXPENSES.' , i 1 Tuition, Room Ksot.l’ucl and Board per. Term, th CoiPuum EJzlisit ‘ ' Tuition froth- ' i-i - -r. $2 50 Id 48 00 - f,i t* ff . , " tl | t The success of tho-scbnol daring tier* tunes'when ~ the- countryis need .demands the services of every able-bodied young m.m. has been beyond the expecta tion-! of the most sanguine of its , friends; .Tito de partment' of PonmbnshipTr .very popular. I’roC Stiekney is'#'.master of his profession. VTe are most happy to suy that ; he has been prevailed open to r#» main,with us. Besides the daily instruction* that ha ' gives) Prufessor Stiekmy gives icxlra instructJoß* to those desiring if for d reasonable compensation. Those duiiring to tench during too summer Trill be admitted for half or £« 0 thirds the term, others for full term only. Board in the Hall at SI 60 per week. Rooms for can be fentc-d in tho village. All kinds of produce taken in payment for tuition and board nl-raarket prices. i Feb- - E. WILDMAN. /“VRPUAJi'6 COURT SALE—By virtue of au or dvr ef-tbe- Orphan's Court to me directed. I wilt sell at public vendue on Saturday; the 6lb of April int-ir. at tho Court House, iu Wcllsboro, at 2 o’clock P; M. ' A.certain lot of land in Delmay township, being property of the late Priscilla Colton; bounded east by'-thefoad leading from Stony Fork to Weitaboro,. south by*R. W, Campbell and Wm. Francis, wejt and, north by. .Wat. Francis—rcontnining 20 acres; with 8 or 10 acres improved, and a good frame -dwelling hou-e. - ISRAEL SIOBE, Adm’r.. . Feb. 26, mt- ; ROY ACADEMY, A ' -n\ ! _ TSOV. SHADFOEP CO., ML. - 8. O. COWPBE?. A, B. ».>+• t^efca* ! . mm -COMPETENT ASSISTANTS, oXi^ntroAS-ieea. Spring Tehn begins Feb. 2o!b,—End* May. IBtlw'T' Bnrotnbr “ “ May 20t h,— u Aug. 4th. ■Fall ■ “ " Sept. Vtb,— ■ « Kov. 84th. I Winter « •' Dec. 2mhii bis interest in tb« Bouk and Statktfitry ; Business, would-respectful] y laluJia ibe public of hit* dkaire to keep I - A. GENERAL ROO3M CAND . BOOK STORE,, where be.wlH furnish, j AT THE CLD STAND* 1& the P6st Office Building, (or by ixmli} all - TEE NEW YORK EAILIEB at the publishers price*, He will alto keesp ea band all tbs mternry Weeklies, and The Wonthls Magazines, loalodlcg -Harper'?, the Atlantic, Godcy’s, Petsaoa'A. Knickerbocker, Cuotinentnl Ac., Ac. ■ Alio, will be kept constantly on j band, a com .«U repoiltory of I CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL. POETICAL SCHOOL A.Ni MiSCELLAKEOCS BOOKS, Bltuik Bowks, Papcf. Bangings, SHEET HUSiC, PICTURES, HAPS, Ac. Orders for Binding Boobs. Tlio work excreted toeul any taste, and oo thelowestpossiljlii terms. Particu lar attention trill also be given to SPECIAL ORDXSS for any thing oomprebeiidod in the trade. One Thousand Volumes of the Latest Edition* of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. f | ’HE UNDERSIGNED would reapf'ctruily ; A inform the citizens of WELLSBORO and ricla. |ty,thot he bnalensedthe storenitnert by A.P. OOSK,' one door oast of FARR'S HOTKL.'on Main Street, where hd«ill keep constantly up hand * A LARGE AED WELL SELECTED STOCK OP Family Provisions, SUCH AS FLOCK, MEAL. AND FEED, f- KEKOSIKE OIL. BCKNIKCtiFLCID, CAMPHENE. TOBACCO, CIGAKS, &c.. &c„ which be nil! ,eU cheep FOR CASH. Alto a large eirortmentnf fine BRANDIES. <1 TOT, WINES, OLD EYE AND WHEAT WHISKEYS; ha also. Manufactures & superior article of CORN WHIS KEY, which hu will sj&U W Laubenaca, livWl %ii fifid others, at [ WHOLESALE, Cheaper than an; other eatublishment In Northtjn Pennsylvania. - 3.3. BATON. Welleboro, Jan. 14,1562. DEACON SKINS WANTED.—Thiny to Forty ceuta will -he paid tor n bound- ekin and free troui cute w.keKa, at the Brooklyn Tnnneiy none Tioga/ ' U. S. JOHNSTON. Feb. 12, 1562.-3 mos. YOUNG HEMLOCK BARE WANTED —Smooth young hark of the,first growth, mill he paid JS t.» 40 cents per 100 weight, nf this years peeling, at the Brooklyn'Tannery near Tlngn.- Feh. 12, 1852.-;i m<.». v 11, S. JOHNSTON. • ■ WANTED. • F!TETfTOW?KD Builds i’f Oats for Ul-’hrat turned yVic« jiito«»K "HI l>c ] od d(S« Uyery at tl,*|r - S. SEKNET A SO£ V* 'A'-DDW fitfltjf-DX i)T- T G ■•<»'!* . I 1 X a-