mmmm li 4 jjSi fjiifl infill'iWiT'ii lull mrfr'ff tommiiaiuigf i , th»di%M*jtf.sbe»»pia mo?«o>«nti of poferVpeD ce«aed im tlie intrusion nndlookinff ; k up Mesart Bnpitj? Ijdinnitded and ob-^ 4 ■■ V:i. ' ? /' rT : '' ys *r‘ x' b^ihtle.con»«qoBir<»/ , i|rM tb«; ! roplyT’SOhg"a|liif tYnorais f' Theoomposef ma3e nn affirmfitfife -sign, and BtnicfewTiM of tfii rtrhngefrg . Mg&goimi appearance, motioned to ike ■ ■: •■: ''•■ 1 ' --•■ ■ trie* blUhe character that I abaft, name, and! ;tq be finishedforhie within three week* from’this day. Thejprice you may name yourself—-mon ey ifLof^^oon«afliV p n ; ce to ine. '"‘ l v ~‘ '/• \ hjfdl ,4wed; with an air. of annoyance, ♦•! have denied' ihatpnroe request'. tmttohigheat-.a«bj«e:in Garoirtny {the ;iqing himeelP my .pen at pres ent. lam engaged on a hew' opera, and mu'U nirVe'dislftr-bed!” ■ ; ; ; ’f- , ‘*ip| what l wish ;; here are t thousand,lhalera4..a llka.swn shall, to. at your, disposal ofttlle odoiplaSop .of the wiwk.l" . The composer contemptiously swept the tempting roll «E rt'tiw! from the table and sjlent }]y contiuuou its wiping'.. ’ 1 ■! 5 —‘"l wiifmukslt!threBthodsahdT ? ithe strange unknown excitingly exclaimed.- A balfapgry,; the head, was the , t nnly amewer.fanftftie pen which ho band in pui th'lt onecould wield s(ill cburscji., arid nnireiessiy heroes jibe papor." ■** J ' t “Herr Mosai\, yon sail at leaM hear me 1” His arm was arrested by thVstrangei’s hand; and.bis.attention,no Jen by the calm determin rttinhab whichthe ’words wsie spoken. He ISShed’urii Sighed wearily, and awaited the next" #wSHfWL "" ‘ , / ‘.- r I think I understand you,' he; said slnwlyaud tbpnghtfnttr, hut the’’ -necessity whioh’prcsses ■ me Uf ASw}^ B * l 'yrinf‘irfowlbdge. If gold comuii induce you-!to that task, y< u jthikMtteleßst iiybsß thfejclorais riflßo’igeSrsJ; Thee lA'kla a rooniem.'' head was rested on his hand, and his eyes fixed > absently"dftJdK is picture on the waftjbpparent lydMswastutally uncoiißcious of the stranger's prestfiicta ' ' ’ 1 ” > ’ “•' » • latter rejoined, “ftlretpnen*." J liet it |>a bug or' sljnrt, in what moretheni you please—fet iti th short, Ke. anything, so siiiM (mm-you f I .will reinrn-wheo you have ChSptllltf 6, ahft-furbish' ybd tha Wlanis 2 of ittfiptWe.'/ - - >- ■- ■. • '/ / . *’The speaker departed immediately;half fear y*g qijother refusal before lie could place' him- heyond the.reaoh of it. r; “A requiem ?’* ,he repeated with a shudder,’ ('Awl I.’tnn. sball need one 1” ' • -i _ * ‘TtteFin&ularfty of theiticidentmride a deep jmpreiwwp jipiin his mind. , The appearance «ndjai|n,ne'r of the stranger VJffemvsterions in tK degree,and he dUnppcnred without leas-, ing any cine to his ideht’ty. . . -- *' Ah . ion of iWmknM f -Mosart; ’ (he.ofipjra was laid ti||de and.hia hfturs Were passetMn ■ |§^\wS!ofe n ll)y pf e m plath in if hia'hab<% casually, and by force of h'ahity ie'' T. 5 •* *b| obeyl,’’ were the words with which hft rigue cce of the ghostly idea; ‘lt is'afe«!t?y,.frdm which I neither can nor may bia requiem, my requiem, shall - ~ -• ' : 'V y w>ejt,‘ , W»s‘ occupied in the el.thnrg fiwnf ,tfe*,j&o&;. and in silent.contemplation nfibeetibject. Hie pen was laid away Tor the j^if^enf,’ l ah3 , '4re>v ’ effort, mental and' bodily; ’a tatytibio form,of a ps*s *»di B»ieh*y inusii'al conception Paeiny thaftdwifairef'Ukei two lost in' a vision;- he-ah lowed hia_niind to ha Thoroughly I, penetrated 'qpt'bf h9T .£.<#3 Igtondeiir oftlm «ohJee« t ; r and ides -which era waed -thickly: Sped him, hes.y*terasfiied nnd-arnsnged fW | absorbing emhpb .V ■* .oCkaredr was fimehed before it was tran kwdwd'upnn-paper; ;and seating himself at = th^^^o^^hh { ii|ldr'9ohK;fHlm The kisys with' ■nervoue, Impetuous strokes, the first execution ’ • train, iknnwrto-daV ;y ,-w- ■ •=; i~ iy o^lth. itq musician haj} . and I «rtin‘maaj- respect^ mighty geniue of tbe immortal " ' .Id u ‘ERTAL WINE BITTERS!!! : sho hire not used them. \fe challenge the worM me their equal. a JBTTTnu General ty, and for Blood, an mtoiy unsurpassed by any othrr remedy on earth. To *B*ored of this, it It only necessary to make the trial, •e wine Itself 1« ufa superior quality, being about ono-thlrd Xooger than other wines; warming and invigorating the ■hole system from the hand to tin fret AS these Bitters ate action to alhita partis bj equaliting- the circulation 3 moving Obstruction*, and prpduclngja. general warmth tejarvaUo excellent far Diseases and Weakness peculiar *to Females. «i>ere a Tonic i» required to strengthen and brace the cvetem. No. lady, who is subject to lassitude and £*4ls they are retiring their tetiun. THESE BITTERS Will not only Core, bat Prevent DUeacc, and in this respect are doubly valuable, to the person who may use them. For j Weak Longs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Ncrveus' System, Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a'Tonic * : Dr. Dads’ Celebrated Wine Bitter* the truly valuable. . For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a weak con stitution—for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all pub. He speakers—for Bouk-Kceiiers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Stu dents, Artists, and nil persons leading a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. As a v and delicious to the taste. ¥»ej* of Brandy cr without intoxicating; .and are a valuable remedy for persons addicted to the use of excessive strong drink, and ivho wish to refrain from It. They are pure and entirely free from the contained'in the adulterated Wines aiHLJJquors withVhich the country i*» flooded.- These Bitt rs cot only CUKK hut PREVENT Disease, amT should be used by allwho live in a country where the-water is bad,or where Chills and Fevers,are prevalent. sBeing entirely imioreU££jp W 6ll fr W to Children and Infants with impunity. ' Physicians, Clergymen, and temperance advocates, os an act of humanity, should-, assist In spreading these' truly valuable BITTERS over the hind, and thereby essentially aid in banishing Drunkenness and Disease. ‘ ■ In #4>e3a£iii, sltk Hlai ache, or Nervous Headache, Sr. Soda’ Imperial Wine Bitters will be found to he most Salutary and Efficacious. -if*' £ ■M •*L,t •• I - INCIPIENP*oSOVAViIPTION ; FEMALES. The many certificates which have been tendered as. and the letters which we arc dally* reaving, are conclusive proof ihat among the women these Bitters have given a satlsfac lion which no others have done before. No woman in the |aud should be without them, and those who once use. them Will not tail to keep a supply. DR. J. BOVCE RODS’ JMPm^IVINJ^miTERS Are prepared by airemfnwt rhmVkmffir who has .used tbem.vuccessfully in his practice for the last twenty-live years. Thepropiietnr, before purchasing the exclusive Tight to manufacture nnd sell Dr. J. Bovoe Duds* Celebrated Int* .perial Wine. Bitters, bad them tested by two distinguished medical practitioners who pronounced them * valuable 1 remedy for disease. \ ' Although the medical moo ol the country, uft general thing disapprove of Patent Medicines yet we do not believe 'ZMtaws&3Jstix»S& not highly approve DU, J. OOTKE BODS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. Id all newly settled places, where there Is always ft large quantity of decaying slmber from which a poisonous miasma is created, these Bitters should be used every morning bforc breakfast. ,jL DOBS’ ISPCRIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pure and unadulterated Wino, combined with Barberry. Solomon’s Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark; spikenard. Chamomile flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dodrf hlm*df, who is an experienced and fot |bp classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the Medical Profession are so Justly preju diced. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community for almost every variety of disease incident to the human xyatem, that they are how deemed itidi'iprns&feßftsttf TONIC, MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE, PURCHASE ONE BOTTLE! It Lilile! Purify the Blood ! Glee Tune to tlic~Slomach! Renovate the System ! and Prolong Life ! Pries $ ‘l>s Softies for $5. Prepared and sold by CHARLES WICDirisLS & CO., SOLB I’ROPKIETOKS, ;1 78 S(r«'>, Sew 'Stork.'f’ Fur sale by draggiata and grocers generally tbrongli oat the country. - Sept. 25,1861.—3 y. — hi— DE. ROBERT ROY jtSA cut ALWAYS BE rOtIED AT ROY'S DRUG STORE, Welleboro’, X*cu ADTIOE.( OFFICE. Mail* ehiM as follow!; Tbo Northerh (Tioga, Cor- .mg, Cleveland, New Yijj-k, Ac..) otS-45 *. w. The Southern (Troy, Fhil»delphin,W«i!bingl«-&eepi»|f aiapp led to the foiioslDff kinds of.biuinees. vlz;--General Merchandising, ManufaCTunnl; ‘Banking, OomtntuiiOir, Ste4mfcdating‘rfiiDl roadlng, Forwarding, Freighting.,foreign Shipping, Ac. iYonxo Mas can qnaUiy-themselvea in a short time at this Institution to AH,important and'tacratlre situations. Am ple references can be given .where graduates of 18J50 fijlfnl tfeslral* sftntttions with salarieKTtrylirg from sSww sjsop per annum. . , The Pruprietorstire in possession of testimonials from some of tlte’totQCpnpproial hapfaa 4he State, whom they, have furnished book-keepers, showing "their entire' sfttisfac- confidence in ability of. r lh|& graduates of this lawtituation.-' *• PbxmaSsci?, in all its branches, taught by the moat skfllral and riw-ougb masters : of the ayt/' Kocolleger la the boon try en£yre RhlgtorTeputatma to this department. • ' impart men t entirely separate from that of the gen- i in . . .. • Studeat»>Mn renter,«C<2Trge At any time—no -racitlon.# TSme Cdcomplete theT aW^dfqss.Bonnets from up to please the taste of ike flrsVflpsscostdmei'. Goods TnrfaßteJfis iostr ebehftieidbe patronage nftk*. public soliciti, ;.■■■» . >». - ■ 08,H.X geuuSy. -n j D.tarfeWs.May UWISdJ. i . j ;j Will aim mil goad* for ready fay, taVrag the custom on goodspurchased,itoingaway-irHh ,fc: ! ■ r ■OKBDiI'-ersreWßswii't . •• ■Wdli is raDwtuda bothbayor and miter. dWBTTBB and'PRODUCK'tor warded -each week to New: York W lUi ReM WMtoiasirHliSowcs. Express will'rifti todHh pail RbadNo3eV Wednesday. ' TIiG HIGBEST CASH Pitlfk paid fi>r BUTTER, EGOS and PRODUCE." My oH customers of Brookfield Will not be'neglected in »Hs neVafrangemcnt.' , Deerfield, May Ist, 1881. piMENSE ATTRACTION! $10V«00 WORTH OP neir FALL GOODS, ~ : i • !! ' 'rt *P,rt opesyi l ' •" 1 ■ ' A HIVET I j‘^V«f e Elmira, anj.lh? Public gßii- to ilia foIWwUs Cataliigiie of Goodij wlileh > B -oV ' '• ' ,■ ■T’ : UNSURPASSED IN BEAUTY] •" ifNE'Q UALLED IN VARIETYIV '1 * - v t it * ■ -yH-is' ••- ,4 , UNRIVALLED IN CUEAPNESOW wll special Attention lonur ’ ' ' ’ Juries# Cl»nd« Ucparlmcrii, f J ompritihg all-the novelties fit (he mason; Such as: Plain rep. Ottoman, “ *- ■ Brocade Ottoman, ’ ' * Vellour Ottoman, French Mcripns, . ; i (hllcalors and grades,) f_ _ Rich Paris Printed Merinos, ,do do do Wool DcLaices, , ’V ' Etiglisli Plntin'Repp, ‘ * 'if h, a- ■■ ' Engiifh .Printed Repp, :f - ,'.English PrintedCoborijs, M ' English Plain Coburgij - Irish'S French Popfins, "-; Glnce* Mqhhlii, ' Mohair Foulards.; , 5 n* * - *V'-' 1 * ■ An cifdte? Vririe/y of ( BLACK DRESS SILKS from Stfct? to $2,50 per yd. oftbfi rWVtrorbercho'' 1 1 t | . ? :>■ Oar Shawi Dfiimrlneal, , 1 ciinlnlnsWh tbobeat' mofeeset Amerieen dnd i reported ■ Woolen shawls; afioelineof Wm* and misees’smatl eidek’Shsirl*./' '* *■ ’• ■;- ; i S^bds_SJSHAL-Wjus;' •• - atiess. ex- Abo,prTjea.«r() jerj de pressed. ' Fine all Wool Silk Brotfap ■ formeriysold «tslB, wentin Soy J'-j.. TlmioxAms GioiKs;^ ' '-%t«)r»»td!Cola«*l;r(Wl#»HroreeWy daring the >«ubU.*il tbn’vdiy lateetaiytf*.; Oonke mode to order-!*'.« ifery superior manner, on abort notice. ' verjjaporluiibrtoeb ; •f oar wo bavepuroliaspd thamon ejten : «hra, Stack aver UronfHin -town,ranging in tljlo W peTfyard.; ■ W« «a «ndviUtait»j!arjbodtT : ifi , ., .' a*tt oooos ' ! of ererj desoripiifm, vkoUtaUjiti retail, at r iMpre- VWriaifct iimwvim ««wws^*>faun hft ** arife liWw>uWiHyia«iM>»<>i! 1 ‘u ■ > '.~v-.,rv? *v E. GRfDLEY -t',',r - afArthin*, iMArnt^ .mloww> *tbxoatb ißrOptlOM of th»BkJD, -^nArw 25- igwf —»ftr t3Sw»iirrtof roe western cmaflry, ssssmSgesr^ tjam' Impanßurat JwnfllWjXw* ' • aasirassmsa&'sws m ,(»f ‘ H«k flßfllSlC ' ’ • i medicines alone. . , _ , 4 *l2 W. Bhe^w.nbg.. Scroflnla. or King’s tviUn Ittwont forms, Ulcers of^r- »Ukted« are effoctoraUyeipeiw by ‘h«“ “«N; cfnii “SrenSwlHdo well them whoneTei' thelr existence (asnspcdtsd. BdliefwillboHortstn. ,s. " , The life , Z- PIJBIFY THE BUOOD, , , And tbm remora *ll disease from the »?»*!s#• J’MJ*™ 1 snil Mid by “ UK. WH.UAM *; MOST>T, , 33ff Broadway, cor. Anthony Street, New York, i ; ; J?or ?ale ,. ./ . -. r _ ; ■ BOOKS A.TT23 STATION■A-IR'V, NO.' 8 MAEKETSTKEET, The rahscriher would respect!ally request theatten- t!on of THE OF TIOGA COUNTY, ' tjo thaeiknaiye additions lately mode to his stock of Books, Stationary, forming; tibe iadst complete assortment that cats be found in this section, and wbio* *ri 'be sold at. WHOLESALE OR RET AH-, at prices n hick canp?t fail, to * ire satisfaction. On bandit all J • eafsirajKff wo mo; the juc&t I POPULAR AUTHORS, in sroeßaphy. aG. CHiWTCTURE,'RELIGION, ROMANCE, AC. DISTRICT SCHOOL LIBRARIES, Inpplled aA 1 York prices. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, BOfiSSi quantity. BLANK BOOESi of evCtydeScfiption. ' *' I I ‘ • too i-s--.-. . • ' | of aU kinds, and any* particular kind maefe to dr on short notice. AU kinds of writing »nd indelliUe INKS, Steo end Gold Poos, Drawing Paper, Mathematical Instrn mcnts; Portfolios,' Pdeklit Knives, Ac. Ac. ’ ‘Alargo stock of ' I .v.. .. ■ .0 : . PAPER HANGINGS, of now and beau Ufa! designs, from 6d to $2 perrollj T. BrGRIDLEY. Gold nnid Velvet Borders, of extra or narrow idth to match the different styles. Winds W. Shades, Oil Paintings,, French s>. •>sr ' LitStegraphs and Engravings. PICTURE FRAMES. Era.s>in «fr6ilt,.and Paney Mouldings, or plain Ve neered Mahogany,, fitted to any sized Pictures, at cheap as the cheapest, - TBB MAGAZINES AND.NEWSPAPERS of the dayfunuabed at Publishers* Prices, and al .P orders for * SHEET MUSIC ANIS, BOOK BINDING, executed promptly, and prices. -i 1 T. X. BALDWIN It now receiving'tinrjfo anil Well St coled Stock of FALL AND WINTER GO6dS. la part of a General Stool of : GOODS, LADIES* GOODS, ' ' ; READY MADE CLOTHING, ' ’ . hats AND CAES, GROCERIES, ' HARDWARE, BOOTS ASP SHOES, ; WOODEN WARE, >*- ,r '£e.y /. Ac., Ae., AU of whiob.will be gold VIfRT LOW. for ■ ■' - ÜBJkWFS 9SY OMilf. ALL KINDS ON PRODUCE . TAKES IS EXCHANGE. AH pertont buyta|f* f- Mnsic, Piano ofiljlWWff.... W| r ;oit ' 4< tS ; Boom not, per ■••—*'v*-'i i S! v ■ Pnel, FtH ttn&u*„a.vit it “ .' Bond in tie 1 80 ». B^^ijrerthnppy*» ***«*> kafa*mai.oftbifJoUtiuitum, and.atshlurdj/witwu; tfae WjW». ’finished and fnrnSbedfor the accommodation of all IrbomM- apply foradmlssion iis students. 'TieptedJ pleof MfcnSflsld, whoWh ‘so long and labored fef thl*-:sancaOoi»Veh:Uiprfie, Tioga and : Bradford counties, Northern Pa., me/ bo* beghi’t* reap the fruits of having ia thoirminst t a Piret-GlaiS Semlnaryjof ioafpiiig, t ;.. i\r i •■ • : It is the design of the Faculty, jrfpflh is composed hf teachers of mnchexperlenee and- acknowledged ability, to make every possible; efibrt to render this -School pneof the most desirable m the .State, for those, who deoirep.'thorough, practical education. Thp. Building has a very desirable location on an eminence, about eighty rods east of the Tioga Railroad. Iris a briek structure; ISO feet long; four stories high, [ built in the most modern style of architecture.- There i are two Literary Societies connected with the School, each having'* roomexcinsivety for its use. Thereii also a Library in thdTnstitution for the Use of stu ■ dents. 1 , ' ’’. V , , No student will Be taken' for less than a term, and [any who enter will, therefore be obliged to, pay.tni tion for.a fall term. Tuition payable; one half at the | commencement,and the remainder at the middle of' .the term. ' . " , ' .<• ‘i»y ien,*ho The building .hiring been erected at a , great ex pense, the Trustees being anxious to beep it in the best possible state of preservation, think it- not best to have any seif-boarding in the building. Those who' desire to board themselves, can procure-rooms at a very reasonable rate io the village. For further particulars address'the Principal. Eev. N. FELLOWS, Pres’t. Joly 17,1861. A. J. Ross, Bec'y. WATCH, CLOCK, JEWEERY STORE. fpiTß undersigned, having purchased of As- JL we Foley Ills interest ii the Clock, Watch and Jewelry bnsiness, respectfully invites the attention of the public to bis assortment of goods, in connection with the BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSINESS. WATCHES of-all disoriptlons for rale, and at pri ces ranging from $lO to $l5O. ' Can sell the new AMERICAS WATCHES, wiih benvy hunting cases; an l warranted, -for the iriK Sum of $35. Also, will be kept-in band, GOLD WATCHES, espicially for the Ladies. CLOCKS, fromsi.-25 io $75, will always be found,on exhibition. _ INCONNECTION WITH THE ASOVE, ’ can he find all kinds of SILVER AND PLAITED WARE; to snit the purchaser, and marked with any inscription or name. The above is always warranted. A large assortment of watch' guards, key's, Ac., and best AMERICAS KNIVES, silver batter knives, 4q. 4c. All kinds of REPAIRING done by Andie Foley at the nldstand. W. H. SMITH. - Wcllsboro, March 13,1861. WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP AGAIN -IN PULL BLAST. ROBERT YOUNG, late of- the firm of Tabor Young 4 Co., Tioga, takes this method to in form the Public that he has leased the foundry and W.ichinn Shop, ,• in the Village-of Wellsboro, for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done at sach an establish ment, in thebest manner.and ont of the best material. TWSMTCTSABS EXPERIENCE! He has had over twenty ycars’oxpcrience in the bu siness and will have the work, entrusted to him, done directly under his supervision. - _ . . uVc ic ork mill sent out half finished. mill. at: as rif os, plows, stoves and eastings of all kinds on hand, and made to order. May 28, 1857.' . , , ROBERT YOUNG. FLOURING MILL Olf HIIL’S CREEK, NEAR .HpLIDAYVILLE. Tho subscribcVhnlfngcomplett&'Sis'large three pferjTTr(it is fntnisb Ftottr; Meat STrd F&&fn*qhantitieg’ tosai t purchtean. ‘C CS-'TOM W ORK of kinds on short notice, and on terms which cannot fail to please, I have THREE RUN OF STONE, almost consta'ntfy employed; and I am sure that a trial of my; work will prove beneficial to the customer as well ns myself. IS6O. V ' vjj ±,'l V FAIViiBLE Fißmi!VG USDS FOR SALE. fpHE undersigned is no.w offering to settler? J- a largo quantity of excellent farming lands, sit uated farm two to fifteen miles’ distance from Wells boro, ip Delmar, Shippen, Morris and Eih townships, Tioga Co., Pa, The lands are .generally well watered, good soil,and in a healthy part of the country, and will be sold ,in lots to suit purchasers and on very liberal terms (of payment.. T , - For further particulars inquire of the owners, Messrs. Phelps, Hodge * Co., IS and .21, Cliff St., New York, or of tho subscriber. -• ’ JOHN DICKINSON, Agent, Wellaboro, Oet. S, 1860-yl the mct invented, BEST AND CHEAPEST ' SPRmck BED I3XT- XTSH I MORE elastic than feathers, find lighter uml more a arable. Price, only $5.80. For sale by ® E. D. WELLS/Lawrenceville. ANEW?, Largo, ami Btegan{,df eortment of : EiTItTO, Will be sold at the lowest prices, by V. , , ' B. D. WELLS. Lawrenoeville, Sepi.‘l2,dBBo. ' ,■ -3* MORE'. NEWS FROM HEAD QUARTERS. ■f’-*-] Tt o subscriber would respectfully announce td Hie oitisens of Wellsboro that he has on. hand an as sortment of Harrison’s Colombian Hair Oils, Soups, Creams, Hair ResteralWes, Rouge and.powder f o r the Ladies, *e., < J HVwdnW Invite all td rivehlii a call, at the barber shop, baok r flf thoFortofflce Wa April 17,1861." . . GEO. CAMPBELL .Tiayo IpghamV Combined Stnptter and Separatot in oor Mill, and can now. cleaaall farh^pei./«(/y f «d separtite all foul fivm and particularly the oats. i Farmers (Mnbare all the oats taken ontnf their needwheat at oor Mitl at 4 nil per bushel. Call and examine the " mersheeh » ■ . W^Wm^l 3 :imT RIGHT ; A BAIiST - MILLS near IpOGAi -; A . .. >it «■ S./ORSStOtf. ? " 1 1 ‘ ’ l I ' 1 if 1 . ' - '* '" 11 ’ a '7* $ 6 * 1 Spring. fthaa Laraber. —AND— 0. P. McCIiURE, NOTICE. .t , v ' ;mw ENQtAifi) jsates. f/.' Of SW,jiA mvumtcf co.- ■ynrtnce on thermoet fMorable tern* nnd reliable Stock Companiu. ; *ar:b« promptly tdJnjM ioSofro j4pplif»Mon» by. nurilwiij re ~, tendon tinLr j ■ 00t.13,1859. ~ cJb Tnn t P. J.,F4EBmejojr, S B nrey.„.' °' jomT.'hoy^ WELLS BORO, PA ■ •' ’ apqtwkcar ■ -> 1 WBCiegilß OM> 'RETAIL' nziizi B DR VOS, MEDICIXES A&D CRUMICI '■' r PEUFDWBRY SOAPS, ttfilET AND FANCY ARTf BRVSBES, VARNIS'BES, tAiXTS. , V 9P^ S AND, DtE-STUFFS, PITEIV T MBJIJCJJi VIOLS AND BOTTLES. WINDOW-GLASS, PDTXY; LAMPS, CIGARS AND p PIKE WUIES iITD BL FOE Me?JICAC PER POSES., ■ ALSO, SACRAMENTAL WINE, Warranted to ba,pure Grape jaice,pi pressly for Cdnimunipn purposes. • -To Farmers. . h iTO for sale Powders bod the best kind of preparations for Horses i of the. Powder, the appetite js improved' *11 meats of the digestive organs arc corrected softens the skin end pres to the c«at a tor’ ning appearance. , , The Liniment is need for iliff joints • all kinds in horses and cattle." TO THE - PUBLIC: Sod* Cracker*. PureSaleratus....... Harking Ink., Cream of Tartar Writing Pr English Carbonate Soda- Pens aid-. : Corn Starch.* .....* Blaikand Yelli ffutmega and Ginger Indigo, Cmibar Pepper and Cinnamon.... articles lor coU Stoke Blacking.....-*,....... Betsies for preti Prepared Glue Violin Jt BaseWt Bnrtol Bnck (scouring... Trusses * Shook Prescriptions carefully .coinpounded, answered. j Every article for sale usually sold in a . Drug Stof£,'and-at th 6 lowest market prices, I Wellsboroj Maylj TB6I. 9 l CABINET ? : ABE .EOO THE Subscriber most respectfully mot He Has on hand'at the old. stand,, «nd ft Cluap tot of fnnijiHrc. . Dressing and Common Bureaus, Secretaries Cases, Center, Card and Pier Talks, Dim PrcalrfastJ aides, Jl£cirbie~toj)gedand Cosieoii Cupboards, Cottage and other Bedsteads, Suit fas and' Ch’aire, Gilt atrd-Jioseiiood MoM* Picture Frame** ■'><- COFFINS mode to order on short notice, bears© will be famished if desired. N. B, Turning and Sawing done to ordef. August Hi 18504 " B.'T. VAXjaM® WmiAn WAtKEB HAS Ji SPLENDID LOT OF WHOI.K BUFFALO 1 LOWER TEAS' EVER Offered in jfiis jiaeketJ Whole Hobesfroia s3’-to'sB it tt HAT ANt) CAP S' corning, ».■ y. January 2, 1861.' ' •■ - srij NICHOLAS HOTEL Broadway, Mew York. BOARD 'SEDUCED TO t 2 PER Ht SinceAho opening of this vast and comnit tel, in {ys4, it has been the single endear proprietors to make it the most sumptuons,® and comfortable home for the citizen ami r‘ this side of the Atlantic. ■i ' And whatever^as sneaked' Ilkfily -adai the comfort of its guests they bare cndwtcr out regard. to coat, to comfci elements of iodi vidua! and foetal enjor mad era art has invented, and modern ' and the r pft,tPonage which itlmsco®. the past hix .years is a gratifying- prpof 4 efforts haye boen apprcciated. ' \ To iaoet the exigencies of the* eß required to practice the most rigid 'ecauoroy?' . • v .. T Save Reduced, flip Price of Board DoUar^jerEay, .at the same time abating none of the to which their table has hitherto been sapplied. • . LL, WHITCOMB New York,'Sept- 2£y i861,-f-3 mos. 11/TANHOOI). .How-Lost,- Hot Just Published, In n &»led ‘jlnveior th» Nature; Tiwattnem, andltadlcat Cure oft [ oySeminal Weakness, SeinalfiebHity, Settees j notary emission, prodncing impoteney. Coats! Mental and Physical Debility. By Root. /.Co™’ [i The Important fact that theawfnl consequ™’ abuse may be effectually removed without iebsT' l|or the dangerous applications if caustics, lustra Heated bongies,and other empirical d trices.!' .demonstrated, and the entireiynewand bifjn tTMftwut, ad<®«odt,W the celebrated »«»» plained, hy means af which every one is ewwH* self at tho jeatt passible cosy fag the.daj. proveaboon'tofhosfcandnaadthousands. ~ Sent undhr seeV in a plain envslspa, to •*! paid, on the receipt of two IJ’g (ti 127Botrcry r ?f»* »rk. PottOfflc pAHPBTS AND OIL Von good to »»o'ih* ji|uarasMSiB» BARBELS SA yJ receiyed.'^r Cobalt, 'fw jplwolog-. »' !o ' , or Apkjrriije «* Brio BOX’S EE”' Jh wmw. iPESTSOjCT V*P*h »ad sold foT,4s,«nj£r"P n^^