Jr w*ek‘« j**Wsr t *iW«N4 *rtMi»,l«elfc *(<* ■*» '«&&'»*: tWr jfcfcmi m 1 “ j .ti *rtv.r- -1-7*.-fnt.i *r?n?T-W. dertmtd if- tiogftt it of »..wr«k iMtyMt of fttak MMIf «oy' tra reqnerted W »t»to that Rer. A. Q. ; CoTtAgton, *m preieh in tis Metho zth, in thl* Boroaghjon Monoiyi i)M«mb«r 7o'clock P. n. ' •. ' We"{mWt«b elMvhan efali eccoabtof the oil n Farmington.' We-ronch for the entire ih»t oar »;t be uw, u he U andoabtfirereeitj, A eorreipoßdeat of the: Elnrira: Dally Prtu leilbe daath of < *TC Delios Thornton, of Tiot. % P»," » of &Dart'» Heir TorkEo •t tbw at CattpJUalie. neiir Waibin^ton. jo Uodiet of Stony, ?ork_de«tiro,credit .(or irto tli'wUtfVaf ihoeoldier*. They recently to' ■ 4 doien pom of (octti, lira flf uAtlsk4r»4 tiores, 12 y»rd» of Until (,‘»nd» Wj|ditwiti 'f ' . mjuoo skßr*»poii»ibilUy of euting that the lait s tate .fdjoorned tine die tA five o’clock Md that it «u wholly unconnected kcld io tbe bail benaalh tba lariog Friday craniog. B. C. Jobs*. QtrouUi 11 Boe Hive” in Holden'* Block i( Vkut -ihoppinypUce* in Elmlm—»t leut, i«-.Tadi«t of- t£e Icdieij who ora generall; v id such btiUn. - M*r.tas jfifmly K R*cr»tB. —lt «riU ; b« -m*b by «n «J- at in nnotber column, Ctpfc K. C. Bsi »w in the county recraitiog for the 57th Begt • Penn*. Volunteer!. Capt. Btiley ru in the Uusachoseiti. Begimont which eat it* way Baltimore.on the 19th ■of April iut. Be ta tin throughout the' county, and .it popular "■noim. 1 win from ft responsible eonree fchftt Thoi /, hn been inVHed.and will rpeftk at (be nil* in fill* Borongb, on Tae«d»y nigbt of, t, of the war. Those whoi . onr (lorioni grid-iron banner—the' Strip*«—waved by the gentle ««pbyn of ft patriotic oration will flo will to attend, \t ipeech before tho Democratic Con- UortU semembered here by all. Ha wit] full hooM, aadtbe Udies will be out in their lb. • 7. : 7 . closing Exercises of the Wolleboro Aeed j beldr sit the Court Boose, on Wednesday 'th following johng gentlemen for Van Volkenbargli, W. ,'Q. A. Pearson, L. Dutnonx, Q. Austin, H. ail, J.lß.dones, (X B. Chnbbuek, C. B. Simp; >B. Dickinson, A. Kirkpatrick, David Power, eilowing young ladies, will reed -for prise*: ' Keeney,'F. Bailey, D. Bonce, L. Wylie, E. Dsrtt, S. Merrick, B. Merrick, A, Lsndis, i, N. Dsrtt. The Philharmonic Society will ituic for the ereaing. Let none fail to attend. tLE Bit*.—Thetfoot-bridjeon SUtegbroot 'Bg. ; • ’t foiigct to'gp. to thp SocUb Entertainment, wetter theeolifiere,dobe held atTloga to light. We Intend ieTte there. Tekehera’ Institute at $ p. tb.', Fri- Jt w • >bc«*Hc , QfeeW {•oeewUngsnot •Attrition between Benj.B*r*e sad th«X.y- Mnlna!, molted in s rerdift for the VIS. ef He cUlbu $2,008. ‘ ' *b» (top '• pager (fith, • followhg' h * fiat of tin nwM of (bo / »f TotoitMn «Mek J*ft -Xfegs Viltogo on ,nl w« Be*wi» itete, too oorrteo of,th* liut. 'TfaiVCompocy, ‘bofetoßost.Col. itofcUoofromWMh- - S.w , .t.«^• 9~ ■ _,, „ L». ■ %»* i .''l'- 7 ' '•’■'■'S-'f'- .'•* s. -i&. ~ . .: ■®gy6%-■’- «w ftwatfc-f-n, ipi-ami, .uirfw'ii *ws*tf’x-..~-.;-« rviahm --wi :w oVirnm* jv mm*-;■■■-*> c*hbm> wi *; .* •»--* .J«l' '.vU -’.tv ‘•'H /, $• Si*P r ; , In Bflddlebnry, ot the boo to of Bny*r Cbaotber. Wtt onftiol7orln«t.,byQ. D.Koedeyi Ibq.vMr.Si C, AKIH tb Mr». lANB Tioga. ' 4Xn CmrtagU)», »k (fat rwldenoe of ihebridn’a (jabey, .«■ Ah* |MJj«iWby the Eev.N. J* Eey»o|ii|r Hr. CHARLM,PKrriB otArgyle, Lafayette Co- Wie, l(iie.LllitSsA A. BARSWtBLL. . - -1 :! In CoTinpon. on the nihiiiuL.by Rev. S. L. Reynold*, Mjr. ELI JKLLIFF, of SdUiraa.M Uia DOB.LKBKI BARDWELL- lnCfaerry Flalt*, on Iho Sth in>t, ADA JANE, dadgfa ter of Thoma* and Alfa aline Kelley, aged >3 yeeh. ; - in Clymor, liogaCo., on the Btfa in»L, HEN RY LAiUBON, oldest son of William and Sarah Lar iion, in the 3Jth year of fab age. Annbls man nelb the Hit at mortality, The donated waaoneof tin prominent, andmoathighly raspeetadcitixeas of Clymer township. Honor, integrity and morality, bet) iron for him nnireraal eeteein. Bjr uniting Industry and tare' prudence, tie bad acquired a handsome fortune; fata fiunDy relatlonaweroof the meet gratifying character; and the la tan seemed bright with .financial prosperity and demaatie happlneaa, But bow transl totyatp the fondest earthly bopfu,, when not in keeping with IhniOte design I He was, almost momentarily, summoned to bU adieu to earthly scenes. ahd enter tin world of spirits. Bla diaeaae waa the rnpturaof an'internat blood Teasel, snppoaed to bare occurred while he waa atwork, and bat as fewUonra: in terrenod between the commencement of bleeding, and bla. death, Hia Just honra wereaingnlarty striking and impresseire- He retained Ids mental rigor in perfect clearance to the Ust,snd though he knew nla disease waa fatal, and that certain dissolution mu at band, yet in his heacldfrand disorfnrac, the raputad forti tude and calmness of Socratas wbsu dying, were fully repro duced. Though hia surroundingawere hia dying conch; and farad ones upon whom he waa looking (hr the last time, whoae heart* wen wrong with anguish, manifested in tears, and aobs, and tender expression*, such u only adeath-faed can call forth, yet he mA 'all with a sdbltma resignation; and to outward appear®®, hia mind waa so tranquil and composed aa if ho wetwgt hls breakfast table. He admon ished tbs mourning groop that they hmataU aeon An; at«r though hit faro slowest to devotion, yet if bis tipre had"come he was williug to go, In an|wer to the question •‘Do yon feel lbat it will ho Waif with yon I” ho calmly replied, “Tee; J am not;afraid t*. die." He gare the friends at his bed-side, each a kind, patt; ing word, exhorted them to be good, and kind to each othety and thus dropped away' with (ha seeming (ranqullily of *•' ann set. Long will bla memory be ihndly cherished la tkh community. The snhjcctof this police was a member of tba M. K. Church/ His runerst waa hehi at Ma faihen,£lS«iraaptfon or WUk- Lnags should ttsethem.-! I 411 who suffer from ca£ ficamafeps; Indigestion, Dyspep sia, or Piles should a»othem. ; •, All who’snffer from Qeuknl or .Herrons Debility,. Bestkss neeeat night,rraat of Sleeji, Aeijshoaldose them;* who die conralsecaat after fever or other sfek ness should nse them. , , . Ministers of the Oo*p»l,’ts.rrjet«,J«tnltrt J and all pub lic speaker* should ttee them. :. Baofc .Keeners, and al) persons Idditr a sedentary Ufa ’ shoald use them. " ' ...... Thoagwlatid itißrin should nsothem;' .r; ' All who require a stimniant dr took sbdolonee (hem. ’ All whoare siMicfsd fcf the <*se.of arflOo t tpUUS and Wish to reform, should anthera. , ‘ - They are made-at b ia« »*> plants aad herbs of the country, and should be ranasmedrt-S ed by temperance societies, clergymen, ohysldaas, and alb friends of humanity. '1 " ~ They are prepared by an expert sssoed and stmtutl physi cian, and asms from fbdir medicinal'properties, ’are a most delightful beverage; and yet, ee-a trad kibe, are as id*oeent Sod harmless as the daws of heaven. .... Baldwin, Lowell ACo. Agante at Tioga. TiSyl.,, ' VS- Of- It- H. Borden, af Tioga, I# fledetal Agent far Tio ga Count;, to whom all application* tor agoaciea arast be nude.' 1 TTBNTION VOLUNTEERS.—A few more able bodied men ere wanted to .fill up tbeeufasof ttie 67th Eegt. Pit. Volunteer*, now recruiting at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, and laifierfte- command of that able and efficient officer, Col. Wtn. Maxwell. Fa; from $l3 to $23 per gionth, with board, clothing, an? medical attendance. Xbe company expect* to atari from Tioga Village on Thursday Nor. 23th. R. C. BAILEY, . Becrdtilng for 67th Beg. at THE BEE HIVE! After an absence of nearlyt?»o week* ip the East ern Markets, the undersigned has again returned home wlh'e, magnificent end caeefiutty selected stock of NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, all of which have been bongfat for CASH, and 1 wilt be sold at Unprecedented Law Prices, of which the followingsmall catalogue will convey some slight idea. . FIFTEEN HTJNDiBD Yards Bed .Wool Flannel THOUSAND Yards Dopble-fold Palmetto all shades of color only 13 cents. . i FOUR THOUSAND Yard* Magnificent Fancy Dress Goods at Is, I and Bd, and 2t—worth double; the money, FIVE THOUSAND Dollars worth of snperb col ored and Black Dress Silks newest designs at prices to suit the closest buyers. ■ , i Ottoman Cloth, all wool Repps, Plain and'Parish /figured Merinos Velons ; Imperatilde of the most re-, cherostyles. f Woolen Shawls in endlew rariety. Broebe Long Shawls allwool and silk, such as for merly sold fori# and 20 dollars, we now otter for H and 9 dollars. - , ... ..., Cloaks; Cloaks, wrbaro recently reeelTedan con signment from a first dasa liaao&eturing House in Broadway, an immense lot of stylish cloaks, v*rylng In price from!) tolSf dottar*, which tra shall -Cell at a slight advance aburo cost of BapufaeUiro-j ■ Lyons Silk Velvet, black and colorei.... Fremch Broadcloth, plain and ribbed/ English 'Beavers, Cloths, Cassimercsnnd Vestings td suit the moat fas tidious. 1 • Mtrj-nsrßß.'s- aoor>s ; of trtry whoUtaU taA r«tjij7| jn fiefoT erylbing.nsnaUj keptlir» ' - ' -/jKsr class mr oceps pwss Stonibtf Ibtniodl v .. .. % /■' r v?.;-c 's. •5' - J- >' -I * ‘... —SS—: OO X S 3 JO. BPEOIAi ItfOTIOES. IMPERIAL |pNE BITTERS t gold bj droggirta generally. CUAS. WIDDIFIELD A CO,Propritfor«. 78 W«Hom at. New To*. Not. 20; i8«l.» STOP 11 STOPS}! if#-’ .sfcrJa?k- ■ r >. 4 .V 34 i -:S$ >, SEWINOe • i Aft*eia t» o« tktpnWtfpaf~Oititt milTem*. &■'&*' - . „ • "Y -jßitVftlo Mitok lewSi^w^’i , The Grover A Beket-8. If. Ck top tßeftn.deet--' tenlioa of the pnhUete mrsßiEssfAMtiT Amuimp*c*pßnre ■i , 1 , lIAKISO THB WJTTMf O*. Wolt TBWnfc - ■ Thefo mfj ' t VT ' petition. 1 ■ Oct. 30,1861, SHERIFF’S lALE». BY virtue of.eundry wrjt* of,K. £*r, F«-,»nd Tend. Ex., iuned oaf of tbe Common Pleu of Tioga, will vague to Sublie tale in lhe,Coßrt 1 Home in Wellabort, on [OHDAY.-iiie 24 d»y,of, Deoembtr.A. D. JB»J, *t «t o’eVook in tW aiWnvoo, onthe swstb by D. C. Evens, and on tbe west by. Israel Mor ris—being the Shuth-ww'part of wa'mat-’Nb. 1S88; with about forty tores imprered, one frame house, one log bCnsh, leg bam, end apple orchard, thereon. To be sold as the property of Henry Brill, Lewis Brill, Philip Brill, and Peter Brill. 1 • ALSO—A lot of land in, Charleston township, boun ded north and cost by Olivet Elliott, South by'State Road, and yreet by Meeting House lotr-containing; i about ihreefetths of ah acre, all improved, with good framo store bouse and.dwcllifig boose combined, and soma fruit trees tbcrcesa To i» foM as.tbe property of Abrabem Johnson..' , ALSO—A lot of land la Hbefljr township, bounded north byil. Kriliinger, east fay F. Licit, tooth by David Oetnim,-eudWes tby Samael-Hibble—etmtain -1 ing about 55 acres, about S 6 acret improved,log house,: log barn, out buildings and fruit trees thereon. To bo cold at the property of John M. Love, j ■ ALSO—A lot of land In Richmond (ownebip, b00n.,, ded. north by John Job and Constant BOuey,'east nip C. Bailey and Lucy Elsworth; south by EUworth told Bri White,west by Bri White and H. Wood—contain. ing about 9b acres inore or letsfabouliscVes improved, frame house and frnlt tree* tboreofa.i To be sold at .the property of L-R-Love, and Hannah Love., ' ALSO—:A lo| of land inShippen township, bhgining at a post, the norlh-eafct corner : of N. Impson, then** by the wacraut line, east 138) parek.es to a birch, thence south 46 perches tq a post, tbe northeast opritpr ,ef Uria Impsusi, thodee by Said Impson weit'TSS percb** to a post, tbdnfiaky N^ftbpikm,M(ft#ei.five and soven-tenlhsperebea to tha.place of begin leg—eon toimng,lhlrty,toVelijrpd a *«»H( IfWmvWlili acres improved, a log booss, log stable, aad.frtit treeathere on. To. be sold iAibh property afLt A.' Jearla. ALSO—A lot of lend la Mansfield, to wit: Bcgts ning at a postlhcaotlh wash cswnar hereof and tbe tontb east comer qf land of J P Morritt thence along -the east aide 9| Street, sonth 12. degrees, east 339 feet to a post: thence along land of J S Hoard and otban north' K- degrees, east 719 feet to a post; tbenewfilMgsatd Morris land north 21idcgrees east SM feet; ttys along said Morris Iwid south 78 de grees to the place of beginning—captaining between Ivewndsig acres, be the same more or leas, end de scribed lb Min' pbit of the villegkdf MaaefieMas the Seminary" lot,ell imprered;-with a brick Seminary building thcre<», »a4n|hcr be told -as thaproperty of tbe Mansfield Classical Seminary, ALSO —A lot of fand (n Chatham township, bound ed on the,north by lends of Seth B. Heckctt and high way,,ba the soft by Lovell Shag/ On the south by Lovell Short and Constant Avery, mi the yfcstjhl Constahl Avery and Chariek IMtihr »*« tfilning 57 fi-lllih ieitti ahimt gb aermf Mfemid,' frame house, frame harh.iand a few fruit W»i» mrifiihit. saßjg^BafflHHH ■hk 'J U V-tv'? ,-C-cf , i ‘y , I»U* A frstw* ■; i. --'■' ! '.f ; - XOSG WCAM SHAWM, i ■ -• . m . » - >i (j' :*^3FS%^PWrV?« 'f jtWaaba a tamStook of {« \'J*ri *•{& U '' f /‘i r l ' ' -\u j l } w-. v t - r 0 OITBSTIBGOfI DS! ;J jftwiii.M aiiA.SWru WIM. Tick lap Denlmt, ■triped Skiniapt S»d *M WiWftanoeU.-BrDirnMid Bl»»«bWCott*«W»n»«(», :•*?.& i A : .„ £boTMym:c4smw»Ms,. ., : Stuli Clotk, tmmih. KittH&f'Jm P, *fc'V I b*r« »l«o, a Large and Kitradr* duwlt *f ,: M* ’;.. «10C E »1£ •* •• • ■ > MH»T.HAOE fMLoTHIKCt, ,- {pjtn ■ JMUr :'£***, ; Soprani Shoal, Hardware Crockerj.Glwi ITart, ' , i. J.' I particular alien tics of panliwfrn CgRPETS AKD FLOOR OIJc€LOTBB wMob I« undoubtedly tile l»rg»*t waeirtment e»er brongbtinto the county* indwiU be' fold at J>ric*» that mart gir» entire ewiiCactioo end I .weald incite pnrdbaeen, geoetellyvto'eallaod exneniea myGoade they »iH undoubtedly dad thatthe place to bar OoodQoodt and at Low Price* i» at the sWir jSkome smith. Velbboro, Oet. f, 18SI. ThTOTICE.—The School Director* ofWellboro de ■ tire to engage (wo teacher*, (a male end female) tbr-thh'Winter term of the Common Sehool,wkieh will commence on Honda; Jan';. Mb, 1862. Application )n writing, incloaing the certlSeate of thewppfldaßt mo; bomadOto the Prcafdent or Seere- Ur;, and will he ac]kd ogon-b; the Boardon -Thura da; erenihg Nof’r. Jlab By order or tSe 'Board, hot. 6,1861.-8 i BOBT. a BIMPBOS, See’;. OBBHAH’S COURT. SALK.—B; virtne oC in or. dor of the Orphan’s Court to me directed ;! will aeti wfe pnWio Tendon on- the; 30th of Nor’r. 1861, at the Court Houae in Wellsboro,at 2 o’clock V. M. AH that piece of parcel of land eitnate in the town .hip of Delmar, beginning at a post the north wett eorner of land enrreyed for John St, Hurting* J thence by aafd Halting* and lend aurreyed toX, Fora, aouth aerwrty-fire perehcaand-a half to a birch tree; Imm hyltnd rorrejod for Wm. L. Waro*r,we»t .one hun dred and fourteen perchei toaUtan .tree ihthe W«‘- rnnt Jiue; tfcenee by-the warrant ilbe northitreoty fir* aad ope half pereheaJo a hemlock tree; thence bydaoddeeded to y»tce A Wilcox, east one hundred end fonrtcen.pefcbe* to the plaoe of beginning—son, tafaing fifty,tiree and three Ragrtm. jtuwe.,«Rfb • togboure and ah eld. ahenty for ;a barn and about twenty acreeimprored and*fewfraittree* thereto. ■ J j 1 ;tV ■: /Tt Rt*kATTS an \_f der of the Orpbaa’i, Ceeft tomedireeted, I will tell atpoMlevendue <*' the premiaet at ooe o’clock n Satnrdaj lhj Ttb ot Decemberj next. A iotof laodiu 3nS>t*h ItNiunhip bounded and d*- rcribed ae followh': on the ronni iif htdda of widow Slraege biul Obariei Strange, on the weetbylanda Of Jaaae Richmond, totbe north by. Aaron Squire, on the eaat by laddaofffe A’. T.yior-r-oontaijiing abont eighty aorta, with a frame booae, fiame.barn and ap pie orchard thereon, to be. cold ea the eatate of Ste pbek P. Afoiber. Terms made knot *on the da; of gale. UYDIA U MOSHER,' ... Rot. . , , Adminlatrafrix. .. AUDITOR'S NOTICJt —Tho endcrsigned taring been appointed by (be Cowrt of Common Fleas of Tioga CcßOty>:Bn Auditor to distribute tin funds arising from the sale of the real estate of Charles Grierson rtec’d", will attend to the daties thereof on the 27th day of Nor. inst., at theoffice of Jos. Low ray, Esq., in Welisboro, commencing at 1# o'clock A. M., at which time and place ail persons claiming urtf part of said fondsere holehy notided lo appear and siresent the same." 8. F. WILSON, Auditor. ii Jiov. 6, 1851.-3 W. - EDITOR'S NOTICE.r-Theniidersigoed AuditOf /\- haciog been appointed by" ita Orphan’s Court of Ttojhl; C(»u3i Jo «{•» jff ,8“ OB,rt * ? f Chester Koßinson, Administrator of .nth estate ot p. B. Goodman dec’d., will attend to the duties of said appointment on Monday the 35th day of Nor. IMI, nip ocloefc A. M. at his office in the Boro of Wtflls bon —*t rrbieh time all'persons intsrertedHUrsaid as- Count or haring claims eoid estate will attend or be deb’erred from presenting rfe same in More. ■Raw.A. IABt; ’ WILLIAMS, Auditor. 1 A UDKOR’S NOTICE.—Ttm undersigned* pairing been appointed An Auditor to’ settle* tbeweeount of Robert if. Archer Administrator of John P. Har rison dec'd., and make distribution, will attenddo the duties of said appointment at his office in Wol]sbor6,’ on Tnesday the 28tb <|ay of November, lost., at two o'clock P. M. of that day. HENS? SHERWOOD, Auditor. : Nov.«, 1561.-St i i- t : i* . .. ~ ; ’ '■ ' gtyriCE.— To teLiw tt moy Coaevra: Notice is hereby given that pt books, accounts, Ac., of late grp of Baldwin. Lowell A Co., have been td in'the hands of F. i Smith, of Tioga, for im kneßmta- settlement end fAßeetion. All persons In* debtad ij> said-firm wilt eoACsr a fkvor upon ns and rare themsejree sostshy eaStog npoohim and nettling tholracoomts. BALDWfe.LOWELLA CO. Tlagn>,Qet« 30.1801 ,-tt. ,*: V T> BOIBTPE’B NOtlC*:—Notice is* herahy glren -fcUowing Admjnfrtrators here died itbeir ln the Retitßft’t Office of Tioga County, Wod tfcasto inAte wra bewprOseated to tbeOrphnn's Cenrtof said oauntj. osi Monday the oth day of Da cembev i«SI, ftroooisniMfcP and ailowance. ;■ Account of Jehu James A James 11. Goliek, Ad- Joboi.Brans, dec'd. ; Aneottat of P. 0. Baig A Andrew" BJWe, Admln ;lstn#s of A.Wflson.dert. " .flwWat W. 1 QlfeWdyAdmintstrator of the I * T. WiGitebefl.Ad. ministrwtora ofttd Ramsey, dec’d. Account ef LaiOyetos ffirwp, Administrator of tha estate of lortu. H. 8* ARCHER, - Nov.U, IXI. - Register. i A sdmVnistratiaS Mrbtngbeea granted to the sab* seribef; ontbaceUieaf Thomas Mitchell, lata »f Tie, gvTewnship, dec’d* wodoe is hereby glean to thoea indebted to said eatats to mske immediate paymaat, «sddMllith| claims to pressed them properly ans theatleated for settlement to tbo sobectfter. TVOMABR. S.IUTCBZIiL. AJa.V. Bn«ts N0t.30, iSTkif, (tM pM Him »tti^*ViM#M>fctatMd Ano*imT4mmeMßiiOM atiaw, WUlflUnd tekk «m *IA wmafctWrt irtUffii;, 4. - ■■■ -'•• .= ■■ : n%*> ■-'•r -s , - -■--*-' *■'>■-': .<,.C J Wooden-ware, etc., etc. to m; atportment of gfHPji- 'WMI? i' .. r s?:; -V/.' I AtT«€X READY iIABI CLOTHING V HAS B£XN RECIIVXS t» u mm OFiW FOR SALE. JLH THIS MUTISM L9T nr AS PVBCSiffiD I ROM: IHR ASSIGNEE •V A BROADWAY CLOTHING MERCHANT. tbs QtJAirrus AKM MVPKHIOB H stir ever orrxntD —Of— ms 4abkct. 'fiir MUCEB A*Kftftl4TLT iixow f ttfi v *^A-t»'US> nsOiaftOQ., ~,, ~ I ■ wl k,-a $ >,4 r /ir, tr £ Cf. v 4 -u; \V-Vv v>p idil (MtrtToir C 9nfT»*», .vy , Tbawork will W completed la 15 royal octavo ya2awaa;af;.j >- •;.<:• : »ELL»ISOkO’ ACAULiSk. . WeUaboro’, County, Prana. asAßnruBjr.AU.sn. a. ait -. Pri»d»»L auiited byacorpaof competent teacher*. . The FaU'Tenn will.eotnmeriea on. {be IVtb ioat* Tdition for terra of /ourtsan weak*, from S3.M te $8.69. • - - MILITARY INSTEUCnOM; trill he (o trod need th ie tcruLiatn the; Aradetay.aeiat , ding to a late act of the Legislator* of tbla SUM- I JW“ A TkACBEn’ CKAaa willalao b* formed. -Sy order of Trustees, , .. J. F. DONALDSON, Prm% WeUaboro,-Ang. 7,1801.' ' THE OSCEOLA HIGH MBOO W ILL OPEN the Full term of the eneoiitf year, Aug. J'tK, Winter term; Dec. 10th, Spring terra, March 251 h, 1562. A Bach Term to continue fourteen week*. Tallies from $3 to $6. Booms farniibed for then visblag U hoard tbennelrca. --, - Board $1.50; Board and lodging; sl.ti par week; Boon, $1.50 per.tcrm; Inrtrotacnul Murie, -with aaa of initrnraont, $10.00; . Singing in el arias five. Bohoo) Books can ha procured at the ItutlloOoa. For Circulars, or . for. further particetara adorns R. VriOHTMAN, frinaifmL Osceola, Jo); SI, 1851. •• I. P. QUICK) TH E H ATT EB, HAS reraored from CORNtKO to KEHIJU, US Water Street, where lie keep! eßntUatly •«; bend » cenerel eejort meet of ■ , FASSIGNABLE SICE * CASSIMEBM MATS.' ] Also, ail of the different qnalUiri of teft HATS m 4 'CAPS, of all kind*. Every article areally bid|fe s Hat Store can be frmnd in his. areorlmeot. The price* Wilt all be made to nit the timet. QHICX, BtHar, F 135 Water Btiw*t,w«fc».; s#pt. u, reel. NEW COOPEII SllOT.—The- nndcraignai rertiecrtulty inform* th« citisana of. fdMt: sold vtcintiy, Am hu bs, opened a COOPHIBIfOP oppoalte . CftOWt’S WAGOiT SHOP, . and i» rindy to dorfll manner of mirk prompt lad te drier, from a gnlfon teg 40 a fifty hanel fab. K«- pairing alrai don* on rGort notice. WoUAoro, May 8, IStl; TtfOTlCE.—Notice U hereby gim that** applie*. X 1 tion has been made to A* CoortofC''*tao» Pica* of taid county, by C. 0. Seely, %B. It Aoeh, John Wat lee and other*, te grinka-Ohertir" wiewa pore two for relipoea petpeaaalle ttiwtlttMWr aaeooateaand glicreewr*, under ttaa name aad rail of tin M £rea Will ftnptiit ChorOf of find If no (ufScient rcatoffl b* mown to -the eMiirary, tbe raid ConH will decree that they hMemeata said Court have appointed Mobd*y, tbs 2d day of I*o - fi’clook K Jfcj fcr featuring lb* siM Ha rills A, Johnson is tfao premises, at "blob time awd place yoa ran if job think proper. B. L POwjg, gfearig.; A PPUCATION IN ffeßy B.ich*dson.—'Yon are (tank* notiMihatJofe* - W> Richardson, year- husband, has mW to Ik* Conrtof<>tomnbTle»» (>ftloga donßt3r ffer» Bsws (Mb tfeb bondbaf matrimony, and thaetka said Cmrtltm appointed Manday.tha 24 day efOaaa**« bar, at thaCourt House in Wallafaara. at Ifi o’eiaek 4. Jl., for bearing the aaid John W. K i ehardsa* la tb* btamlMs, at which time and. place yoa eaa MHwd H yod lhlnk proper. 8. t NWRR, Skatif. N0v.*,16«1. .f . V-, ■ ’ " Ib mUter of i - Notiifok ■ Ii««!t 6. ÜBBOtB > I*wi» a. Bum . iMotreat j Ty»e» Common Plow ot P io*»Cfjßq*jJob- ftp IMMIt «C ft* In«ol»eirtl»«> of Aft* b*«Sie<3 on tWßm' M«b*^;'of'®ft*Bftw'llll, •*' i s’elook P. M.. m Mi* ibß tUn^»lrf^' "' } • ' r~r;l: ... : ft E IS OVA 1. ■yv-r*- " - ; r -r. m. 'rf . * ite.