BI _P*Vk» s ir* {JH'ABIiEa < «©!?., j-/. ■. ■ , , '.. i Charles-S tamer, delivered an eloquent' adr drcssiit the Mas'saolufietts Rapuhlican Oonven tioirhqld la and'jprbgrcsu bf. the fbbelHon, denouuoedi, the tractors, in’sirpng-ternjk,insisted upon the,duty of loyal citkens tempi bid the government, and ipoke in favor pf a get erai emancipation qf-the slaves, as fdtlows: (i' : ' l-~ •i, - - I'- < ‘ I ie false to heyself if she Lailaat this, moment. yAnd yet I would not be wiiunderstoid. -Eeelibg mast.profoundly that tJiprejsjnpM ,an opportunity, such as rarely oc durVin human annals; for incalculable .good— aaaing clpar y t that there is one spot, like thp; hfsel pf Apples, where the great rebellion, may - lia. woundgd-.dedth—l calmly deliver the ythpljj question to' .tjio- judg-ment .of those : on whoiptho contenting myt, self with reminding yon that there are tlmei when not to'.nct .carries with it a greater' >c|- .Bponsibility than to apt, Jt is enough fur us tp review the,unquestioned power, of the govern ment to .handle fbr.a tnomodt its. mighty weap ons, which are yet allowed tp slumber .without assuming to I declare t jat the hour has come when they’.sljitll flush i gainst the sky. ’ | ’ r.jJ^ut.may.ajgoodPrijlidence s.uveour govern: pacni from lhat-eyer.lfq dug regret which must ensue if a great oppori inity is lost hy which all tho blecjdiug' -wands . of war shall be Stapnched-rb-by which ) fosperity shall be again established, and peacetoe, linked forever with liberty;, Saul was cm; jed for nut hewing Agag in pieces whin in his | |ianda, and Ahab was cursed for not, (g Bcnhadad; • Let 'no • sucli purses ever deseed i upon our .government. ' ".So many slaves, s{ hnuiy enemies !” Un less 'this ancient prqvpy illftn .copscd to be true, thero-ara now fuuy-mi,. jo.'jis ,of "enemies .inter mingled with.the rebelyg fyel'og R> UT millions of allies to titomationa! govefument. Can we af ford, to .rejeetjtbis natural alliance, coipmoif interest,' and' consecrated by human- 1 ity ? There ib another niutive to'siieh an alli ance which cpnnot be fcrotteiv .Without'’ sprre.ction. will be inevitable, and when it comes it'lyill,bo vyild.and lawless. This should he prevented, if .possible. .Bat if liberty-dogs not comp .from, tranqaiPpjid beneficiqtit action ■ of tlip gorarnpietrt; it w|jl|[!qme inblou'd, amidst ‘the pbnfusipn jof famijicll'* t.his foreseen -by , ifig emperor. of Russia il-fien; ph. tlie jYst of. September, 1858, he cdf -upon hrs'nobles ‘to white with him in'emiaeipatiun, “ which, w he .nobly declared, ‘fought 3 o Login from above'to The end that it'might'W jt’ come from" below” anilntiw, 'this'’ very.yc; if,', twenty millions' of /Russian setfs'luyye peiid < uf!y rntsseddutof the house, pf.b’ohda'ge." CheStedhy 1 Ibis''.great -ex- 1 ahipde, let/uafn'ot forgot' that jt began from above; { Tllero'id nndther.jifiit'.Tcall’advtihlago'Where' Ihe aetiun'pro’dqedbfitfn ‘the guyern'ment. The .ihieVests'vho. can etund hard labor, q atancl3 brpnches,ruirio'ilt(er;hc Wise, ‘should-'ba- prohfj this there is a feorid cha if more than ordinary rs, school directors, and in the , welfare of our be denicd,that many of. iso bands children tire, assess no knowledge of of touching 'whatever, that ( t)r. Burrows the is made the knowledge ilications of the teacher it o£ even a provisional hat any inp'plicant for a 'Kip .3. ip iiriy .of the w well qualified other tly refused j but upon ice for argument. ug military, affairs there, and, responsibility he rir in- tlio present con ! enough to terrify any < at energy , find almost he outside of this sheet iccotnpnoiej by Adju iis beei) in the West fur s -talent of, Gen, Cam eiuloVer. and toko in uiUs of“ •«b ghwr ‘ ‘ i,no completely trung : fur .the-IVar as rou i e^- , v~Wa boar by wnyyif Cincinnati that Gen. ... _ ■ Sherman'on Thursday sent by telegraph to übbean State Gonven- .-. " . • ■ ” * ' ‘ 1 A ' ' , Washington nrgenr requests fur TC-chftirce rvey for Gbveraor, an J t ° ~ ; ..... , _. , ’ . monts. Secretary Cameron ana Adjirtant-Ocn. Democrats, fur. the mi- ’ , - " . , c .g ~ . , ~r , , , Xhonias, who reached Cincinnati on Friday, at •doubtful yrliether the \ ' , T ~ - • ■ , - ... once sent Orders to Pittsburgh, -Indianapolis, ■ill dare to expose their' . „„ „,, “ , ' .. , ■ . i anu Chicago, :for BjGOO men to, bo sent to bis a ticket., ] ° aid. • It is thought that sharp -work may’he [publican, is re-clected ver y 800 u expected in that section. ity fertile Republican <-» '* • • ' in place of Col. Curtis A Tovcnavo I.NgiDEXi.—A day or two dgo, a ;teers).coUnts hy tlniu-. volunteer, about to join hU regiment, loiter f ed i’* .' ( ’ j th;U he. would take letters fur his comrades of 1 1 the same regiment. iHe received a great many 6 mi State Ticket j fetters and packages containing’smaird)inations Judication of general- 1 from loved, unci lit .home. It was interesting* to 10 .capdidatcs-electj Of' observe'the throng' as"they came, arid'dropping ire’ unL'imitv iusui- ' them went on their way happier. lbero*'.vore uW, Vuifiiii, ami mulUlo rnment u, every and and' sfsters- of Rebellion. :It, '^ o brothers. There'was one I ,’ however, who at ho* of [the- candidates [ traded more'attention-than the' rest. She was ponentk. TVe cah not ’ a girl of some 17 summers, sc-antfly but -neatly rotes «lro counted,-all j ,1 . ,e - S! * od * and C:,ro 'vhich'marked’ev i , J dry feature of her -Countenance, would have, a- we know,-until the ,- £ermcd pi , e|ty . , ~ , ' mon 7 are. Brechin-j “This letter," said she to tho lady who. 3lcalih\ihehi narrowly, [ received licr, “is for my brother. dVill it roach false, let them suffer ■ ila, ■ Miline, Vermont, nesutiV, and lowa—all ) voted—ns also Ralti l -the National Admin, i.; the Rebellion! Let 'story I j, t . . ■ _ . “Yes ma.hym.' You sen, since my brother.-, 'went to the win-, fam left-Hlomi with my “poor old mother.” Wtdk-has been very scarce, and I can gcarcidy’-dniko eniugh’tvi livoV.n.i But,when we hoard hiiw' rtUr-sotiliers -were suffering, in Western Virginia, ou'r hearts wererauehgained and mother and 1 have been grieving over the' fate of ury poor brother. We'Oirty a dollar, ‘andivo send it to him.-' J . We need hot say that The noble girl Thet with a cordial sympathy.’ In ordinary timei, such' instances of self- sicrifieo -were-scarce, but now They are hmneibus.—C/nciirafitf Times. ■ "In a brief interview -with Major (now Gen eral) Anderson, to-day, ilmt gentleman assured mo that lur had the fullest confidence iu tlio | speedy success of our anus in-Kentucky. Jfoth ingbutpliysiciU prostration could , jijnp com polled him *> leave the,field. But hp has the' fullest uuiikdeiK-e,iin, Gyu,,, .(Sherman, \s ho, if. ■backed,up witb- nieu and,toeans, willbe enabled >lo eru*b opt Jtphvdlioa ip that Slate, and ,'rpatore , freedom;to.iis, i Uniou-hiving citizens.- Con. Au- f derson saysllic Rebel forces kayo actcdlika htu burians towpidinnqoent families, iutlid destruc tion of property and violation of fem.itlc virtue, lie.cities; cases of..infamous conduct,,one- of .which wajj ,that nf.ihree or four 'i'enn'cSseoan^,. in Gen. Buckner’s command, who entered'ii bouse iu which they found two sisters.'td wWt¥’. { they jaadg £n'd 'frere ythbut" to ]foetid the eldey, w(jei),tbe younger.apreainitjj 1 btilil-sho. I.>ya& hearthJ’’Jt'fobfathfi!', w&o cataa’fo 1 l.cue, and shut the- leader' «f thVg(ibg''ijD t!ifc s|)ut ” ' " >'' ’' ;=-• ‘ #£, iEHE TIoe;A AGITATOE. many guns/they cannot easilyjrfach the eljips as they pawy COttSeqnently tins' risk of the pas sage is very small.*-, Reconnoiaanccs show Ipiht at Leesburg tho Hebei force Is noT large', arah that the enenjyis'ovacoatirtg the plaoe-as raiffc,. possible; the same is true of Fairfax Court-House, "Beauregard-is said to have-Tvlfh-. drawn to Manassas, leaving a strong guard at Centrevillc,- and'itjis believed -by.some that at the latter placeaaght made when our army advances. ! ‘ It is reported from Missouri, that Gent Wy man 7 willTß.'OO' men,' had 'arrived at -Lynn Creek, where he dispersed a body of rebels, killing enlarge number, taking more than 200 prisoners, .and capturing a 'great Of property' which the enemy had stolen. Oen. Fremont, on Friday night, was still at Warsaw ; the pontoon* bridge, constructed 'by him over the Dsage river, was to he finished on Satur day; Siegel’s division had crossed tlie river. It was reported that Bon McCullough had rfe-Cn furced Price at.Oscijola, and that this ciTmhined army had fortified that town and Ihero wanted to give battle to Gen. Fremont. Another disr patch says',tliat it'is Carthage where Price means make his stand. Still another report concerning Rebel affairs in,Missouri states that Gen. Johnston has been placed in command of all tho Rebels in that State ; but it is not ; inti mated whether he supersedes Pi ice or not. All the reports fioni that section imply dearly that a hard battle, with a largo force‘on each side, must soon ho fought. there.; - The city of Lex ington Was recaptured by Mij. White on tlm IGth inst. A large number ‘of ouf 'wounded were released, and a ''number of the rebel gar rison were" captured, together with their arms, etc. The inhabitants who bad been plundered, were found to be in a deplorable condition. , From Missouri Ve learn tbat.Gon. Pries has, as was expected, made a stand in Cedar Coun ty, 2a miles - from Osceola, 'jvitdi, 20, (IW.well armed and vVeli “disciplined rtobps, and a- large force of-irregular militia.: It is stated that Hardee, with a large body df; troops, cipe'ctcd next Sunday. Gqn Fre'ianht has reached “Warsaw, and: had ou ,Wednesday begun ,preparations- to lay a pontoon bridge across the Os:.go riv'er. When be arrived at Warsaw the opposite bank oftlieriver was fined with rebel .car,dry who were, dispersed With, a few rounds of canister. It has been stated in several ways that for want pi adequate.' means of transportation, and 6f the muddy state of the roads, Fremont would hot hcabls'tdimove- bis army ; • but in an Incredibly short time he is al most in .faco qf the enemy,-ready! to push on- ■with.a vigoii as great as if,,his., way were per- fectly smooth and pleasant in every .partioubir.; Ws hare nows also of a fight -which occurred at Pilot Knob, Mo., ,6n : WSdilesdhy Mnjor- Gavit of thgTst Indiana, cavalry 'made ap at tack on the enemy at the place' named; but finding thorn too strong,iur-.hbn, retired until hiin, do.yod think?'! “It will, eert-amly." “I am so glad. There is a it, mad am, for iny brother.. ;Itis a Mnall sum-to, send him, (and tins tears lid led r her cj'ea,) is mj last dollar!” ' . ! ‘*Yullr last dolla>?” • • . .ir . GEN,A.\ui:nsox p.v ‘KENTrcicr.—Tire ATnsb. ington correspondent of the ]Pailadelj)Ui4'Press ai\ys i , PBOSf, THE TIOGA BOYS. / the Agitator* . . C.stf PiEiu’oxf'Vi, Got. 12, 1801. j Agitator.—-About siX-miles south’ot the”CapilaC in a fJniTlafmltig Country on; the' main-**«vd.t)otaa;eu-Waihinglou and-Mannas sas, is located Gen. McCall's division. Last s ebpul-aoon, orders came formas ,tm prepare to march ns sodn ns possible. I soon learned that the order was general throughout the division, but we ■ had received such orders, so many times before, that we took it perfectly cool, and did what we had to “do in short order. About 2 o’clock,-the long roll whs sounded, and , wenveie drawn up in line of b title. There was a long train of’Pennsylvanians, the fifteen regiments of the Reserve Corps were for the' first time in one marching train. We crossed the Chain Bridge late in the- afternoon, And us regiment after regiment stepped upon the soil of' -Old Virginia,” the Heavens echoed with cheers; Titty all felt that tho '•Rubicon” was crossed, and the time was fast approaching when they were to decide the destinies of America, -M e' traveled eight miles and encamped in a fine oak' groive, "by tho road-side. We.had no tents, but whan the shadows'of night had gathered deep and black, I curled down by the roots of ahold oaki that had' stood the-storms of centuries, with a.bunch of leaves for a pillow, and :iny camp- ; sliawl over me, I . slept as soundly, as though 1 had been .‘in’ my own Northern bomg. Thursday morning found us all right, and with in tfen yards ( of a secession nest. It had been a guard-stand, and was made of grape-vine, woven from one tree to another, about six fc»t from the ground, arid then covered-with leaves and'isiraw. I It reminded me of a ‘ bang-I,jrds nest," and I trust it is. Everything-around-us had the appearance of a fight—’regiments were stationeddn the moat -commanding points—Jar-f tlllcry was planted,- and cavalry mounted, but there was. one thing lucking—there was noar my to fight.' . 1 1 -' One of our pickets was shot early in the morning, which convinced us ■ that the - maid gang,walnut fur off. We now have an ini- 1 menke army on this side of the river. l - We have ■lin'de a good advance, and th,ere-will be no re treat ; our movements will b$ oincard. -All the natives'iri thls section ofR-he country, have fled to o'tilier 'dikes', and left their propei ty-behind tbeui'. . ‘ 'i Odr'hcspital'ts flow in a splendid farm-house, wbieh is well furnished and situated on one of Hie highest?poiii’ts of land in this vicinity, arid is surrounded with a beautiful shade. The barn! is full of hay and grain, which is used for the lionl-fit'uf the afniy. Our “mMi- took- two prisoners yostehday, utid'kiilod two more. With a good “, wVcould see their- bayonets g!is-“ ten ip the sunlight. The:is must be fighting sb6n, and,l think the battle field will bo near ’■ "' 1 | 'There was a report “yesterday that an army was advancing us, and it was not withou t fluhdationfor a company of cavalry was seen not nforo thart four mites from us;- In-a mo ment a hundred drums were .sounding,-and 1 a 'mighty in busy preparations fur hat 'll..'. 1; hi,-Led the most like fight of anything I have st'err sinoe we left New Creok. I think it is their oliJeLt to attack us here, and then fall back to M iii.iiVasq biit they wi 1 lav.o a pleas snt timoat.that,-foirwhen-the ball is once put 'in motion, it - will roil on like uu avalanche; s«e-’p hig evjery thing bifore it, . ; i';. We aro untler marching orders, and know not want hour we shall be called to face tho-enemies of our- country and 1 liberty. But when that hour aomes, will ibid the tons of “Old Ti j ogu” foremost in the ranks, with willing-hearts - and strong hands to do their duty in tliis great revolution. - I 1 ■ It is impossible to tell the .movements which' are tßtnspirWig'ufonnd jnsl; Everything is, a se-' cvct.jjnd it'is right that it should bo. .. 1 This niorhing at sunrise, there was a Lallooni seen utter Washington, which must have been loose, .for it was veiy high when it was. first gb ; served, and still went higher and higher, until; it was lust.among the clouds. ~ Tliu general ht.ihh of the army is better than it was two weeks ago. IVe arotnow encantped within a hundred rods of our friendk from WeUsburo, Invincible's) and I trust that >vhen we.are separated again, it will be wlniu all is peace and rwo’ return, to our quiet houses to enjoy without 1 friends, that priceless hoop— ' Con. CnuesET. [' ' ENGLISH: IoKIKIOIf. . ■ I O;tg[iof tluji clergyman of Now York; who imsdo it political',.speech| on tiie National Fust I Uoy, gives his private experience in regard to to the public opinion., of England. What he says of.-ihe Earl of Shaftsbury is noticeable: , Ihetjtevprend gcjiikman stated that upon his return)from tjie lioly Land a few' month's ago, he determined tu visit England for the sole pur pose vjf, learning for himself the real feeling there,.rchtlive to this .war. Jla,accordingly wouty and; jpent some ; time there,-mingling' .among all classes, from {be noble to the peas ant, eon versing -and arguing constantly' upon the, topic of the American war.— r His solo object. Lying to feel every man’s pulse, and having done so ho came >o v tfie following, conclusion, viz; ,Thu English,may, be divided' into five ejasses as , ivghrds- the subject, and -first, the noblemen or lords of the land, are'not in sympathy with the North) but are saying and . doing, levei-ything ttiey 'can''agiiins¥ : ns. The Eaid of feliaftsb'ury stated to ‘hini'Vory Explicitly tb'at'tTih polioy'bf England' was'hofto allow the existence,of any overshadowing government.— They fijre Jealous, of our rising greatness, and are determined that Eoglfindshali’b'e the'great est nailaii qnjearth;B7ic?i you arc (iOiOOO,- 000 of ‘iicioe,' r said the ,'Earl, “you icitl come over here'to 'dictate to its.te/iich contingency tee must, and wilt if jio.-^ibl'efji'oid, 11 Tire second class,' nii'O the English abolitionists, who. oppose us because wo w;i! not make The abolition of slavery an issue of this ;■ war. ■ The -Earl 'of Shaftsbory said, to” me': “If Von will’ emanci pate all The 'siiiws,' we-hHU'-'syuipatlii'.fe with you.” The third class in England opposed to Us—and a very powerfolonc they are—are the > rhefehanfs in the largo' cities.- They want th'e : South tu he the victors, tirld edttbn king. t-The 1 ' fpuHh'class’wre (He editors; and (hgio-arb some very mean inoiy-imififg'tliehii-especially' connect-; ed vvithiUie London. Times and JJcrahh' •. •• ' ’ • ,6na of them an article tu tfiotCecli that G'eo. Siede] iiiiii'rblihed’theß.mk/of Bprihg f field tS" |?Sf),fjOO. I.wont With seVenti ••friends tu tho editor to got him-to correct the emir,- and, Ihimad uf iUteuing'to any;p3uphthatibii, he fell •to atn-ing the-whole Budy-of Union officers, ’'calling ihii'ui'thkiVes': laughed 1 at- atvd'defiaed , President ■Llapoßr"l& weak' and incompetent,- < ar,du'a!k-d thir Cahiiiet folds ahdUtiavifsv ' ••-/ r The fifth elitists the great English heart.-±- They the masses .}ti. -England' • fare' hptrwdlHnfoVmhd tit powerful, ao'd the'resnlt ' - of'Ttiy ls.ytbat from England we: Tiare 'uotlShgto' lope and nothing to' fear, i '[Great applause.] . ’ ! |Freejiasoxrvat Fortress-Monroe.—A lef T tdr in the Philadelphia Inquirer, datedi'at For tress Monroe, says: *•- .‘‘Fre6niasonry'i}.rcvailB:,ta a great-extent among the officers and men of our army, and hy a - -greater portion -of-thenr-the loss-of- the benefits and pleasures of attendance upon lodge meetings is severely felt. Toremedy this and to keep themselves bright in the workings of ‘ tho plan, they have established a lodge at this post.' A dispensation to work in the three de grees .of Masonry has,, been by, tl B Grand Lodge : of the State of New York, and Lor several weeks’they have been in-active sci* vice. A lodge room has been fitted up, and the regalia and working tools of the lodge will out rank many,lodges who have better facilities for their labors. Several candidatcs-bave been put through. The lodge is well attended, some of the ipost distinguished officers here being among tho members.and regular attendants.” SPECIAL NOTICES. WHO' SHOULD -USE DR. J. BOVEE BOSS’ VEGETABLE IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS f AI! who arc aflljctvd with Incipk-nt.Cpusuliiption or Weak Lnnb’’- should ujUftlium. ; . , r All who sullcr from*weak Stotmudis, Indigestion, Dyspop hiftjor should use them. g ' 2, All who suffer from'General or Nervous Debility, Restless* at night, want of J*U*vp. Ac-, should use them*, . jfll persons whuarv convalescent alter fever or other sick nftss tdionUl uae them. - Ministers ot the Ooffpfd, Lawyers, Lecturers, and all pub* lie speakers should ti*e them. Rook Keepers, and all persons leading a sedentary lifu sh mid use them.- Theaged and infirm should asc thedh. ’ , * ' All who require a stimulant or tonls should uso them. All who are addicted to the use of a.duut spit its and wish to icform, should use them. They are made of a pure' Sherry ‘Wine, ami of the native plants siud herbs (ff tbe'cotiatry, and should be rceOnum*iu!- ed by temperance jsock'tics, clergymen,, physicians, and all frfends-of humanity. * i They are jueparbd experienced und-Skillfull physi* clan, und ftodi their medicinal properties* aro a most delightful beverage; umed.eiue, uro-uelnnocent and harmless us the-dvwvjjf heaven. . * .. Sold byjJrugsKts generally, • CUAS. WIDDii’IBLD k CO., ‘Proprietors, 78 William 3t„ New York., Lqwoll & C0.,-Agents at Tioga. 7Usyl l>>, Di. 11. 11. RorJeU, of Tioga, is General Agent for Tio* ga County, to whom all applications tor agencies uaut-bo made. ' 1 ' BANK NOTICE AN Election for Directors of the Tioga County Hank, will bo held at thoi Office of the Bunk in tlu Village of Tioga, on the third Monday In Novem ber 1801, between the boars of two and four P.-M. B. C. WICKHAM, President, Ticgn,-Oet. 23,15G1. 4t... > SPECJAIii-SOiTICE; “ TO C ONS lI'IPTI VES. THE Advertiser, baying been restored to Health in a very few weeks by a very simple remedy after having sniffled several years with a severe long aifee-' tion, and that dptad disease, Consumptiun—is anxious to make kaewn to, his fellow-sufferers the means of, cure. To all who desire'lt, bo will send acopy of (he pre scription used, (free of charge.) with the directions for preparing and-nsiag the same; whicb they w til find a sent: rr.iL for Cuxsc.-.i.'ij-j.v, Asriuia,, Bmi.vtiiiTi.s, Sr. The only object of-the advertiser in reading the Prescription is to benefit file ; filleted, and spread in- 1 formation which bo conceives, lo bo,invaluable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try Ills leuicdy, as it will cost them nothing, and’may provo a blessing. ' Parlies wishing the prescription. will please address Uav. E.-J-.'.V.UD A. WILSON. Wiillamsbarg,' King Couufy, New I’prk. (dm.) October 2d. ISf.l. WOKD TO INVALIDS. - Consumptives should try Dr. Jackson. Throat Diseases successfully treated by Dr. Jackson. Kbcutnaliem is cured, by Dr. Jackson. Scrofula is cured by I)r. Jackson. S..U Kheuia is cured by Dr. Jeckson. Skin Diseases is cured by Dr.-Jackson. Palpitation of Heart is cured by Dr. Jackson. .Dyspepsia is cured by Dr,.Jackson, Liver Diseases is cured by Dr. Jackson. Neuralgia can bo permanently' cured by Dr. Jaek- Scrofulous Soru-Ej'cs, cured by 'Dr, Jnvkspa. All dUtiaac*. of luducyj are cured by Dr. Jacksoi). I'tl'ri is cured by Dr. Jackton. Physical Weakness is cuiud by Dr. Jackson. - Nond/iis Deb»frfy is cured by Dr. Jackson, Sra bis Appointments. NOTICE. —All election forl’rcsulcatj Directors, •Treasurer and Secretary of The Tio S , now oi'UNisu AT'TMS BEE MI¥ET W c refer I he cit icons of Ktlruirn, and the Public gen erally, to the following Catalogue of Gouda, which are ‘ , , f■ . UNSURPASSED mSBAUTr? ■ TJKEQUALLED IK YAIIIETY! !•' ' VKJU I'A LLED IK CUEAEKESB!!! cull the Lad tea' special attention to our " Efcrcss &ikkls V .omfrisiug all the uovdiiica ol' the such as; Plain rep. Ottoman, '* lifeado Ottoman, * Vellour Ottoman, French Merino?, • (all colors and grades,)’ llieh Pans Printed Merinos, . ' do do do . Wool FeLainos, - English Plain Repp, •' ' English Printed liepp,- ' Printed Oyburga, English Plain Coburg?, Irish £ Fre ’Poplins, Glace Mohairs*. »- Mohair Foulards. Ari' endless variety of . DUESS SILKS from sGets to 82,50 per yd. COLDUKI) DItESS SILKS, pJahi and figured,some of the. most recherche designs.’ ‘ * . . ; frYOSS*ALL J/AXTJLLA V^ITETS. Oar SSaawl DujKu imcitl, ,: Contains all thy Lest Quakes of Amtricaii anddniportcd . W oolen shawls; a due iiae«f lutzes' and misses* sinall Shawls, ' r . EEOOHE SHAWLs/ I ,’ nit less-Than oU cepts oil the dollar;' dwifl£to r an cx traorJinary importation"tho 'prices are very dc jpre?fed. I?iny all wool Silk Doubled Brvchc Shawls, Tlcmcrly sold at SIU, we ofler at FASUIOXABLV 'CLpAKg, : liluck and Colured; ve shnU receive weekly durip"- Kju.staeou all theory latest siylei. Cloak? miiUc to order !u a very superior manner, ou short notice. Slack Gclorod ‘ Broadcloth-Beaver and Branch Tricot. IK-;irous of making’this a v6ry important'blanch of our business,'wa.have jntrcha.-cd tin}; most ekteb- Eivc -.'lock over brougiiLln town, rangingiu price gram ,tsi tu,pb piir. I yarj'. Wc can and dills liit’ca uryliody in g-waut ui Broadcloth of any kind. '' 1 ' : , u.iiLx.rasrsE.-v- <3codb of'every description, wholesale- anti retttilj’at unnre ceneutoulow prices, • ■*. 1 Milliners please tabs Notice, 723'- Country merchants not visiting New York this =ea-uu, can replenish their stock with tut at Now York . jobbing Prices ' . ■ • ■ - This entire Stock is'ridw, and has b«m Wight-re- f n “ er „ tho prcsentidoprossetUstato of-Hbinga, for Cash at Auction ampekowliepe. «, „ t . Xho Urge -iiierouio of sales stimulates U 3 to still greater eijorts, Nothing 6a our part' will be lefc un done to please tho’public.- ■■■ r ’:!A.'can sellcUeth' u.- - , - > .. ■ : “ -IiLXAS IkDOUMAUL, . -Bimtra, Oct. » i 8«. ' , apR.U-fflG. ' , QIX VISITS PER YEAH.—DR O The Celebrated REFORM BOTAMr; ISSJSAJf PHYSICIAV ■ J ' = ■ . OF ERIE CITY, pa. ‘ ’ , May be Coxsi-lted as Fuii-ows—F aEE 0f . West Greenville;' Pa., Et Charles ITai.i . i w > Mercer, Pa., Stuart’s American, Satopfl,, day Oct. 12 and 13. •• J Franklin, Pa,; Lamberton Bouse, Sionfli* noon and Tuesday forenoon, Oct. 14 and lj * Mcadville, Pa., American Hotel, Wedne«d«. t Hornelaville, Ff. Y., Chadwick, Bouse tober2l. . ’ ““1 Corning, N. Y., Dickinson House, Tuesday-a ; Tioga. Pa., Johnson nV« Wellsboro, Pa., U. S. Hotel, Thursday Oct 2t -..Ktmvoo, Pa,, Landena Hotel, Saturday Oct. if ’ Liberty. Pa., Woodruff's Hotel, Sunday day Oct/ffT and 28. -y. £lmira,’jr. Y., Brtilnard House,'Wednesday. Havantij X, Y., Montoir House, ThursdayV. _■ Watkins, X. Y„ Jefferson House, i'ridayj,, Penn Yen, K. Y.. Stull House, Saturday a -->' day XoV. 2 and 3. Erie. Fa., Office at bis residence- on 7th itii door West of Peach, North side, Oct.'9,13 Nov. S nad 9, , Those Sttizeridgr &cm Chronic Di^ QF any description, may be assured that tteif wi\\ treated fairly and candidly, and they i be encouraged to take tny medicine without ponding prospect of benefit. Dr. Jackson can be‘Consulted at bis Roccii gard to all diseases, which bo treala with OE . dented success - , on a new system. He cures Cl cases of diseases, which bard been prnnonDc&l ruble by the Medical Faculty generally,] voua and Kcuralglc'Affections, of all of Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Consumptioß.g realism, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Asthma,CSalt El Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, fbo Children, etc. All cases of Seminal cmi>sVcj» Is currying thousands to the grave annually. lluinelnber’lbc docs not promise to all stages of diseases. "While. all diseases are Clr if takrn in ?casou, all etsyes are not bo curable ihii w£ek, not 'next—to-duy, notw,. hence/ the danger of' delay. Coiisultatious JEroe. Distant Invalids* —Patients tinalle to ris J. by appointment, can communicate tbeir ?yaj by Ibttcr, and have proper irtcdicinei, sent ti/atr of (ho world by-cxpresa, with certainty and de All letters ot inquuiry moit contain one stamp pay reply. -Address Dr. A. C, Jackson, Erie Box 30. Oct. 0,1861. ' NEW GOODS! .. T. %i* BAIL®WIN is now receiving a large and Well So octecl Stock t' ’ FALL -AND , WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of a General Stock of DU IT GOODS, 1 LADIES' DR r .ES GOODS, , READY MA.DE’.CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, .GROCERIES, ' , hardware;' BOOTS AX’D .SHOES, ' 1 WOODEN- WAKE, Ac., . Ac., . Ac., Ac., All of winch mill be soId.VERY LOW for '. KEADY . PAY ONIr-3S:.i.'l>E CIoOTSIISGi ■r ■ . :bats; asd caps, Doots and„SJkocs l .i.nidware, Crockery, Class tf 3ll ' A Wcodon-wafe', etc., ‘etc. ll would invite the particular atton : I to ray assortment of . }.CAIiPETS AKD FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS /which the largest assortment crer .(froUght into the county, and wll’be soldatpnc must give entire taiblaclion : and I. wou f jj to cull-aad csaini in ® .and Prices, and' [bey. will undoubtedly find placb to buy (sood Hoods and at Eonr Prices J* Store of, -■ ■ JEROME SMITH , Mi r ollsbnro, Oct. ft, 1801. _ —:—t__t_a— 2 = —■ —» ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue^ . im order «f tiio Orphan's Court to IH ®, will sell al public vendue on the iCth of Ao\ • v at the'Court/Hbu'so in VVellsboro, at 2 t> ; A' certain lot of land in Deluiar township north by Win. li Sull't hi, duc'd, at l po dons indebted to c - en t, decedent, art* Tequued to BiokopiM® l and.thOdtt having eiaim* aganfst the Ajo tliem to ' I Eir-*- j ■ 1 AwU. PECK,. . * ') .Troy, Pa.,:Scpt. 11, ISQI.y . .... XJI, Administration- having been !2 r aij -lat« «f digued on the estate of PA'S'H> TAU®, “ ■Oseet/lo all P crs °?, s .“a Vme at, estate are requested to maho imitpia' l Pb,; yrv; ;S ‘ those having claims' against the :a™ them to - £ E:N5 idimW* l "' Sdjtt, 18, IStil.-Str, _ T. L. EALDTO, m of purcbutU