I, i Tlia MaftlWhO faiuwa Everything. A mighty knowing mairwas Caleb Page, who kept the grocery At the_fbrk of the road, near Woodchuck Creek, Sprag HoUovr, in' the village tjf Hornville. No ocoorrencehadtakfen place; of nil thapartidularsof which Caleb did not poasesa a thorough knowledge in the minutest detail. All matters in the prospective were an* tlcipated.diacussed, arranged and satisfactorily disposed of by Caleb long before they took place. If a neighboritushed into the store to communicate what he believed to be a very re cent piece of nejtfs, hewbuld have the, conceit taken out 1 of him lly being told -by Caleb that hb V hadTheard of week ago.” Events of the poSt, present and future were all the same to hiirf; his übiquijbas knowledge graped and covered the|m aljr-jto him they 'were nil “ stale news.” j , /j A small betwas mtyfe'one evening between Si Stevens and J oe'v Stubbins, Si bet Joe couldpfic non'pbi3*Caleb' wi ib any piece of intel ligence—real or imaginary. Joe took all such bets ,ns thjit. j i , ';; . Tm following evening S'r and Joe, aocompa-- nied by two or threS more of the “boys” of the Village.who were to the thing along,”: and “ fill in,” proceeded A Caleb’s store. After being comfortably seated here and there, on boxes, barrels &0.,- SL opened the evening’s amusement by risking in,a manner that indica ted ’be was continuing* a conversation com menced before they bad,’entered the 'store: “ So yon say, Joe, the f have caught him at last." . , ", ' 1 Vs : « Yen, pir, about seventeen minutes after eight”'. ' . ■; 1 « Well,. Joe, how far tip the creek was it!” ' “On a careful Consideration, I should say it was about three miles, or three miles and a half -up the creek.” ‘ j Caleb, who had not a word of the con versation, dropped b' B eugar scoop' with aston ishment and opened bis esjra, for the boys were talking about a matter. in| which he wasnot “posted up.”' ■ f. The conversation continued; ■ “ Well,” says! Si, “ that couldn’t ’a been far from Doaoon Hunt's.” , ii . “ Jest so,’’ answered; Joe, “It was about eighty rods front Deacdjc Hunt’s hog pen, in slancli wise direction.”'; ; “ 5 “Did you hear, Joe,i with a face as solid as a grave stone 1 , “ how, much ile they gotf” “ Yes,4 did,”i repliedijoe, with another face as solid as two gravestones, “ I beam that they' got nigh about sixty baigls of ile.” . . TlieWaijs observed that Caleb *,was getting exceedingly, uneasy and-,“ piled it .on.” “ Well,;Joe, blow long was the reptile 1 “ Well, (Si, the insect was about eighty-two 1 feet long and twenty-eight odd inches broad— thick in proportion.” “ I thought, Joe, that there was a pair on W’ -j - U J • “ That's a .fajot, tfaeto jura's two on ’em but they only caught the he one.” , At this point pf the dialogue, Caleb became to desperately excited that be could contain himself no longer, and snappishly demanded to know' “ What in .the* thundery they were talking abput?” ,'J - •? Why,” said! Joe wittt,Wll feigned aston ishment,’ “ don’t you knoW about their catch ing that arc —” i “ That ate what?”'snarled Caleb. “ AVby, that are whale 1” seriously answered loe. 'i ; > ■ {;■ • tfOCv ■ I • “ A whale j" |exclaime|- the bewildered Co leb. “ Ilaye they caugHv that whale up th creek?" ~_/i .Uj ■ “ They liavn’t &ny thing elae,” sai the importurable Joe;? r "And how muchdle did they get?” inquire Caleb as he recovered file wits. . .' ‘ “ Ninety I two 1 by’ls,” said Joe, forgettin the amountjhe had previously mentioned, “Well,” ;eaid_Caleb with slow deliberatior and a satisfied look, : “ I'm glad they caugl him, for I heardjthey wore arter him.”' Singular Meeting l of ’Brothers After a Satire — Both of them Wounded. — A eofre i pondent of thei Richmond Dispatch, writing from “Oampnear Manassas July 27th," relates the following afffjctingintjident of the meeting, after the separation .of iseven years, between two brother?, onfea member of the New Orloacs Washington Artillery, the other belonging to the Ist Minnesota Infantry. He Says: “'We went into a'stabje’ot Centrville, where thirteen wounded Yankees were, and upon entering found a-Waphingtqn Artillery man -seated by tie side of ia wounded soldier, evidently niinis .lorifag to him with great care and Me remarked that it was very hard to fight njs fas had fought, and turn and find his own broth er fighting against b)m,.:Bt the same time point ing to the wounded soldier from whose side be had just risbn. 1 asked ifitwas possible thajt was,his brother. ‘Yes, eirj he is my brother Henry. The dame mother bore us, the same nursed us. We met tje first time for seven years. I belong to Washington. Artillery from Now Orleans —he; to the First Minnesota Infantry. By the merest'chance I learned he was wounded, andsoughfehim out to nurse and attend him.’ I Thus th’ey ibet —orie from the far N*>rth,-the other from the, .extreme South—on a bloody field in,Virginia, in a miserable stable far-away from their mother, home and friends, both wounded —the infantry man by a musket ball in the right shoulder, the artillery man by the wheel of a caisson over his left hand. Their names are Fredrick Hubbard, Washington Ai--: tillcry And Henry Hubbard, First Minnesota' Infantry.” ’ > > *l. The above extraordinary incident we are as iibred Is ■literally truje. ' llie wotfnded brothem ore naptowa of Jtr. lleprf M. King, of Utica, Utica Observer! | u A Noni.t Reply,— --Among the Vetferaf prisf; ftitisr*, writesbv correspondent from Richmond! Ja a noble looking and, intelligent Zouave.- I sow him on the fielcl just after ha'was taken.—[ While-passing a group of our men, one of the Hiltter called dtim l spme'hard name. Sir,’’ said tho Zouave, turning,on bis heel and look* ing the Virginian l full in the eye. “ I have heard that yours is a nation of gentlemen, but your insult comes from a coward and a knavei I Urn your prisoner, but you -have no.right to fling your curses upon me because I am unfor {emato. Of the two sir, I consider myself tho gentleman.”] The Virginian slunk away under the merited , ani’:' a dozen soldiers gathered rotfnd the prisoner, and assured him %{ protection from- farther Jnsuft. ' Thereil no policy like politeness; and a good mumer is the best thing in'tba world, either to get» good name dr supply, the wont of it. -Well,'Mr. J; how did you get through the 4-.hV' “Ob, tery well indeed, tint/but it was tbe sth that trenhled : me." I * Jig jIYER’S SAESAEAEIL^A, S FOR PURIFYING jfcrtd for the speedy cure of i he { Scrofula and Lffdct!ob^'«^‘lw^^fe^* I curs, Soros, Eruptions/ Blotcpis, | Boils, Blairs', ft id all Skin. ,• *, | /. ' J i- r OAKC^'3^^^ifjim« t _|859. f J.C. ktaki,<& : :J&6itt6T Ifteilwayiftyioacknowledge Fhat ydtir AdwtiUsßhßfjaa done foe s SctoftifeU^ftcttdb v l,ad i ln various ways for years.* S&metttfegit Ih KtflnUri Ul#B on toy. bauds fn’d araursoinetilßes it -ttfrßed-dttFdHiatid distressed me tt the yeafafegr^ittrolntont on myrfSgtd and Covered ra/bdalp audits onosnro, which was>patnful ail.l Jptioo. Ivtried many medicines Snrl wUlidiife' much relief from any Shin*. ‘ln fslct, thoMisordcr grew worse* At length I was |cjoiceit;to read in the Gospel Messenger that yon had pre pared’au alterative (Sarsapiiiilla),‘for I hefcw frotri your re putation that anything yOq mHde miisl be good, I sent to Cihciuuati and gut it, and used it till It cured me. I took it, Ss yob adrise, in small do'iijs of a teaspoonful over a month, ind tisdd Almost three bottles. New and healthy skin soon firmed under the tcab, which after a while fell off. My skin £s now clear* und I JsnowtW the disease has gouofrotfl my, Rustem. Totfcaifrreil helleft* th«,l feci what am saytng when Tfoll you that! hold you to he one of the apostles of the age, and reniaifl eVet gratefully, yours, ] j . ALFRED B. TALLEY., if fit. Anthony’s Fird, Rodoof Erysipelas, Tetter and’ J Saltßlieuni, Scaldlllead, llingwdrln, Sore t Ejei, Dropsy. J Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. T., 12th Sept. 'ISS9. that ho hai cured an inveterate casejtf Dropsy, which taterrdinate fatally, by thd persevering use oronr ■Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous attack of Malignant Ery sipelas by large doses of*theteamc; says be cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. [ - ✓ - y Crouchocele, QoJ | Zebulon Sloan of Prospeci (|f your Sarsaparilla cured Swelling on the neck, which' years.” ] ] Lcucorrhcea or sFhltos,J)vaHan Tumor r Utprine tll | '• - cerationj fpmale Diseases,'' - t I Dr. J l . B. S. Channing, of New York City, writes: U 1 most Worms of all kinds arp effecturally expelled by these medi cines. Parents wilt do well them whenever their existence ie suspected. Relief will be certain. The Life Pills and Fhccniz Bitten • PCKXFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from tbo systdm. Prepared and sold by BR. WILLIAM B. MOPPiT, 336 Broadway,!cor. Anthony Street, New York. For sale by alt Druggists. 52yl QH ARLES J-G, OSGOOD, . Is now receiving his WINTER sjrOCK 0E GOODS. i Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, IKON AND STEEE, NALLS, FLOUR, . t t , L * ’ SA]LT. As C 3. Which, for variety and extent, is rarely excelled, and ho greater inducements to purchasers can be offered in this section of country, either in ! VARIETY, QUANTITY, QUALITY OR PRICES, 1 . '"-Whethoi for LADY, GENTLEMAN, BOY OR GIRL, Farmer, or Lumberman. Wellsbbro, Oct. 31,{1860. FALL | CAMPAIGN JUST OPENING AT C. & J. LJ ROBINSON’S ONE PRICE STORE. ' TTTB wish to calMtho attention of our friends and YY customers to cur assortment of * SEASONABLE GOODS, | SUCH AS LADIES* IDRESS GOODS, : COMPRISING BLACK AND FANCY SILKS CHALLIES AND DE LAINES, INGHAMS, BRILLIANTS, LAWNS, FRENCH ANDj AMERICAN PRINTS | ALSO SHAWLS, MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Our etqck of staple goods is large. Particular notice is invited to our . BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS & SHEETINGS, CLOTHS, CASSIjMERES AND VESTINGS, FARMERS & MECHANICS’ CASSIMERES READY-MADE CLOTHING, CROCKER'S] AND GLASSWARE, GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES, : HOSIER]? AND GLOVES, &c., fitc., ! &c., &c., &c Wellsboro, Sept. 1, iB6O. JOHN A.. ROY, WELLSRORO, PA., APOTHECARY, ‘ WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALER IX DRUGS, MEDICINES AED CSKSIWALS, j PERFUMERY SOAPS, TOILET AND | FANCY ARTICLES, BRUSHES, VARNISHES, P AISTS, OILS AND DYE-STUFFS, PATEKT, MEDICINES, VIOLS JiND BOTTLES, WINDOW-GLASS, PDTIY, LAMPS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, PITRE WINES AND BRANDIES, FOR METRICAL PURPOSES. ALSO, SACRAMENTAL WINE, ted to bo pure Grape juice, prepared ex. Communion purposes. Warran pressly for To Farmers. We have for sale Farrier’s Powders and Liniment, the best kind of preparatibns- for Horses, By the use of the Powder, the appetite is improved, all derange ments of the digestive organs" are corrected, while it softens the skin and gives to the coat a soft and shi ning appearance, I The Liniment is need for stiff joints apd lameness of all kinds in horses and cattle. I. TO THE PUBLIC l Choice Teas..... ............. Soda Crackers... Pure 5a1erata5,....,..;4.... Marking 1nk...,.,,.. Cream of Tartar * :.... Writing Paper—3 colors.. English Corbonate Soda.. Pens and Envelopes.. .... Corn Starch ..J,... Black and Yellow Snttff... Eutmcgs and Ginger...... Indigo, Cndbar, and all Pepper and Cinnamon.... articles for coloring Stove Blacking. Botsles for pres, fruit.,..'.. Prepared Glue Violin i Base Viol strings Brirtol Brick (scouring... Trusses & Shoulder brace. Prescriptions carefully compounded; and all orders promptly answered. ! Every article for sale usually sold in a first class I)me Store, and at the lowest market prices. Wellsbofo, May 1,1831.' WELLSBORO BOOK STORE.! . ' i IMPROVED mmiA, PATENTED MAY 8, IB6O.—ThT7 X this invention Is to apply a brak ue Jn such a manner that articles attacked ! lass, and raised by it, may be lowered tbe.hitherto slow and tedioiw manual r *‘‘ h ment of the windlass being avoided. j « B tk! at the same time admitting of the i d complete control over the article beipg lowered. The Invention various purposes ; jts use in may bo mentioned as an instance, in H « te » and emptied, and then-movement retarded at so that they will not violently strike the. l entific American, : ; ! Pgr the purpose if-Saising and Low..-- . in Weils, lt|s decidedly cnD S I*4, fHE CiREATEST IMPROVEMENT ip T( , Thoißrake. acts ns;a check upon the back.. 7 * 5 ! of the bucket, without turning the crank pit B ’* acting as,a brake, bi, passing inward at tb i* 6 All who examine this machine, will it one« i edge its ;. ' i: bj» PRACTICABILITY AND SDPEEiojiji Over every other machine in.use. The on. ■ thh windlass is easily controlled ivith, and one aim .It combines all the advanta^T, fashioned with the self-emptying backet many new and useful improvements. It’„ ,** spied to wells of any depth, and will raised,^ I ordinary turfamg, Five Bucket, ~f water vZ" I ''' I from wells of ordinary depth, and in the sW* tion to the depth of two hundred feet'. The windlass and bjabe is also applicable w and lowering any kind of weight, and in evenw U far superior to those heretofore in use.- .- Having purchased ihe right for the Counties,j. ga and Potter, Pa., the undersigned are ptetir3 offerfor sale township rights for the mannfacw 1 sale of the above improvement, on reasonable pi? A. ;L- X>. SbELri BOOKS, BOOKS! IItIHEAH FOE SMITH. subscriber, having purphssed of E.£.. f inson Ins iftlerpjt jp thp fi.g'oW'and Stationery bu siness, would respectfully informtho public of his de sire to carry on _, _ .. „. , A OBNBRAL NEWS RO&,k £ND BOOK STORE, whore he will furnish. AT THE OLD STAID, opposite C. G. Osgood’s Store, or by mail, the following newspapers and Magazines, at the publisher’s rates. DAJLIE& SERVED BY CARBIEkSi \ New York Tribune*, ; Herald, | Times* . , i - - i World, ! WEBfeLIES. New Tort Hedger, - WaveriyMagatine, “ Mercury, ' Thompson’s Beporter, " Weekly, Lift IHustrated, Welcome Gnest, Wilke’s Spirit, j Century, '• ' Porter's * j , Scientific Americas, Boston Pilot, l Frank Leslies’, True Flag, | N, Y. IHustrated News, Irish American, j Harper’s Weekly, ’ Littcll’s Living Ago, Waverly Magazine, Thompson’s Beporter. MOKTTHI.ISS. Harper’s Magazine, Godoy’s Lady’s Book, 1 i Prank Leslies’ Magazine, Peterson’s Magazine, | Atlantic Monthly, . Arthur’i Magazine, Eclectic Magazine, Ladies’ißepoeitory, All the Year Bound, Ladies’ Visitor, Knickerbocker, , Pickles, Budget of Fun, Phunny Fhollow. Also, will be kept constantly on hand, a com ,ete repository of CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL, SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKSi Blank Books, Paper Hangings, ■ SHEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, Ac. Orders for Binding Books. The work executed to Suit any taste, and on the lowest possible terms. Particu lar attention will also be giren to SPECIAL OBDERS for any thing comprehended in the trade. , SCHOOL BOOKS: Sanders* Series of Headers, Greanlcafa Matb&aaties, Colton’s & Fitches’ Geog’y, Davies u Monteitf & McNally’s li Sanders* Spellers, Potter and Hamntond’s Writing BooEf/ Brown’s and Kenyon’s Grammar. The jmtrtoage of the public is respectfully solicited WM. H. SMITH. Wollsboro, Pa v September 5,1560. yl ~ WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AMD DACHIMD SHOP Again in full blast, i ROBERT YOUNG, late of the firm of Tabor, Young & Co., Tioga, takes this method to in form the Public that he has leased tho Foundry 1 and Machine Shop, in the Village of Wellsboro, for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done at such an establish ment, in tho best manner and oat of the best material. TWENTY TEARS EXPERIENCE I He has bad over twenty years'experiencein thie bu siness and will have the wnrk, entrusted to him, done l directly under his supervision. , No work will he tent out half finished. \ MILL-GEARINGS, P‘LOWS, STdfks ' and castings of all kinds on hand and made to order. May 28, 1857. | ROBERT YOUNG. FLOORING MILL i ON HILL’S CHEEK, NEAR HOLIDAYVILLE. The subscriber, having completed his laige three story Grist and Flouring Mill, is to furnish Floor, Meal and Feed’in quantities to sait purchasers. CUSTjOM WORE of kinds on short notice, and on terns which cannot fail to please. I havs| THREE RUN OF STONE, almost constantly employed, and 1 am sure that a trial of my woik will prove beneficial to the customer as well na myself. i 0. P. McCLURE. December 5, 1860, j VALUABLE PABUHSG LANDS FOR sale: THE undersigned is now offering to settlers a largo quantity of excellent farming lands,'Sit nated farm .two to fifteen miles’ distance from Wells boro, in Delmac, Shippen, Morris and Elk townships, Tioga Co., Pa. The lands are" generally well watered, goad soil,and in a healthy part of thio country, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers and on very liberal terms of payment. ’ ‘ For further particulars inquire of the owners, Messrs. Phelps, Dodge & Co., 19 and 21, Cliff St., New York, or of fho subscriber. JOHN DICKINSON, Agent. Wellsboro, Oct. 3, 1860-yl THE LAST INVENTED, BEST AND CHEAPEST STBINQ BED IKT , TTSB ! MOKE elastic than|feathers, and lighter and more durable. Price, :only $5.00. For sale by ' 6 . E. jD. WELLS, Lawrencoville. MIRRORS! i - MIRRORS! j MIRRORS! JUST received at SMITH’S BOOKSTORE, the largest and best! assortment of- Mirrors ever brought to WellsboroJ People who Wish “to see themselves as others see them,” will please call end examine, * AtfEW, Large, anil Elegant assortment of Will bo sold at the lowest prices, by i E. D. WELLS. tawreMOvilk, Sept j 12,1860. WALL PAPER ] WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER 1 WALL PAPER . ! WALL PAPER ;i Wall paper Latest styles and largest assortment of wall paper ever brought in WellsbOro.’ Ip connection with the above eaa be found Window Shades of all kinds. Call soon at WM. H. SMITH. "Wellaboro, April sth|| 1860. TyrORE NEWS PROM HEAD QUARTERS. J-Ti The subscriber would respectfnliy announce'te tbe citizens of Welisboro thafhe baa on hand an as sortment of Harrison’s [Columbian Hair Oils, Soaps, Creams, Hair Restoratives, Rouge and Powder .for the Ladies, Ac., Ac. Ho would invite all to give bim a call, at the barber shop, back of the Postoffioo, April 17,1861. QEO. CAMPBELL. /"'IASH paid for GRAIN at ■ ■ TIOGA STEAM PLOHB MILLS. Angnst 15,< 1860.' sm.' Oct. 13, 1860, CORNINa FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE OFFig BIGELOW 4 THOMPSON, A'GEXjt AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY^ Of Hartford, CL—Capital- HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMpjj? Ca P ital > (SUM PACE NIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hartford, CL—Capital, jjj.- PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of New York City—-Capital jm s NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE CO ' Of Hartford, Ct. . MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. ' Of New York City,—Capital Mjij. MASSASOIT FIRE INSURANCE CO. | Capital/ j2S,|i HOMESTEAD Mt&iNSUAANCECOMPAST Capital, NEW. YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. ’ ! Accumulated Capital, , $151(9 The subscribers are prepared to issue policies tf, snrance on the most favorable terms in the absti,.; known and reliable Stock Companies, j Farm buildings insured for three years atntoi low as any good companies. i All losses will be promptly adjusted and psiiilS office. Applications by mail will receive pnsapi, tjention WJI. L. BIGELOW Oct. 13, 1859. C. fl. THOiIPJOS P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor. FOB SALE! -BY WIGKHIM & BLDODIifIOI AT OUR RUSSERT IS TIOGA, TIOGA COUNTY, PA., ; _ A LAEQS SUPPLY OP TREES, SSiRXJBBEBY, | GRAPES, EVERGREENS, Ac., Ac.. h. i PEARS —Trees of the most desirable klnda,«d;fß tra large aixe, if desired. Standard trees in bearin'. APPLES —A great supply of the choicest kinds, 7s different kinds of Crab apple. . PLUMS*—A largo supply of the best and most ippuMi kinds. 1 CHERRIES—An extensive assortment of tho totkhlL GRAPES—Delaware, Diana, Isabella, Black Bc-ia ly. White Sweet Wabtf, White Sommer, Hartford Prri lebecca and Coneocd. ORWAMEffr/*L-rWM}i3 ? Mountain Ash, HomOel mt, Balsam of Spruce, Siberian and American Atoor Vitae, SH RUBBER Y-r Dolly leaved Berberry. CLinMi'flcju, Spiraea'pra ni folio, Beutzia, Green ROSES—Baltimor^Belle,Prairie Queen.^ GOOSE several choiceyarlctia.' CURRANTS—Cherry, Bed, and White. j We wonld Invite all nrbo are in Vant of any of tueiira rces, Ac., to call and see them for their own satis&tki B. C. WICKHAM, JOHN T. BLOODGOO?. Tioga, Ang. 22, ISSOjI JM PORTANT TO THE TABUS | WASHING NO SHORE A DEEMS. 1 The undersigned would announce to the citiuu j Tioga County, that they have purchased the right manufacturing and selling JIECAY’S WASHING HACHIK, frhich for simplicity of constructipn, utility aDdctuj pess, exceeds any other machine in u?e. It needi:» iither recommendation than to sec it work. A en or twelve years of age, can do the washing » amily IN AN HOUR. Any person in wanted ;ood labor-saving washing machine, can hese home and do their washing with it, and d- 5 perfectly satisfied, they can return it j Recollect, this machine is no humbug, hat an art cle indispensable in every family. It does not;*® tear tha clothes to pieces like band washing. ! PRICE, FIVE DOLLARS. Machines for n\t6 ROE & CO.'S Store, Manufactured and cold at STURROCK'S Shop, near the Academy. 1 W. A. ROE, I I). STURBOCK. ■■ Pennsylvania Houti, | Wellsboro, Dee. 1. 1360-j Haring used one of Mecay’s Washing can confidently recommend it, and would out one for any price. Jb. W. BIGOM* 19tf CABINET WARE BOO& THE Subscriber most respectfully announces he has on hand at the old stand, and for Cheap Fot of Furniture* comprising in part - Dressing and Common Bureaus , Secretaries and Cases, Center , Card and Pier Tablef, Breakfast Tables,Marble-toppedand Uojawos-S- Cupboards, Cottage and other Bcdsteadst-Sff *' )j fas and Chairs, Gilt and Bosetcood J [o»w*P* Picture Frames, - COFFINS made to order on short node*- , hearse will be furnished if desired. If. B. Turning and Sawing done to order' August 11,1869. S. T. tiSS®** WlltliK WALKER HAS A , SPLENDID LOT Of WHOLE BUFFALO BOP LOWER THAW EVERgBEF(SS ■ OFFERED IN THIS MARKET 1 j Whole .Rohes &o» $3 to $8 a* & HAT, AND' CAP . STOT& CORNING, N. V. - l - ifanaafy 2, 1861, . CARPETS AND DIE CLOTHS.-^* yon good to see tb« patterns ' Wellaboro 1 Pa, ONE HONORED BARRELSSALT‘J c!? received, and for sale at the Union Store ; | / XW. T] ATHS, PICKETS AND «sf JU sale at Tioga, by H. S. .March 20,,1-SM k . ni 1*