( 1 i ;f || i'i, 1 I i \ T~T:i •; ;- ■ } r i it THE g!' jACTI 'OP .KitfAWSA. {, Tt has b( eti one of the boasts of Virgmia. that she woa “’the'Mother of States and Stores-- men”—a harmless piece of gasconade, quite in j keeping! Southern character. Butsurely_ 1 Vi%;iniii never coftjd (mveexpeciedto becfime the mother of thwiate born from her yw|o*- day. j ; ■ ''• 'O.-.f T The Convention i,f delegates from the hlyai counties of Western Virginia, sitting ot TV fuel ing, passed anl ordinance establishing a new Suite, composed of thirty-nine counties of Vir ginia, lying wejit ofthe main chain of the {Al legheny mount! Ins,'the .extreme Soutlicrn point being abont in; the latitude of 37° 12(K. { It seems to have;l ten considered prudent no| to inelude inny cfiihties in the netf State, exijjept those where tin U-km feeling is unmistakably predominant.!! Bai pertain adjoining coutaies may beiannexe i, il their people vote ho do I so. The bounties it eluded in the boundaries ofltbe new state—whi ie isime, by the wayj is to be Kanawha —hao ,a population according to I the . Census,bf I 860? of 281,786. It may be inter esting to have them named, with thotr . tive and we have, therefore, pared the folio', ;|ng list; ■ j POPd UtIOS OT SiNAWAHiJ ' - s'. 4,938 Barbour, '■ 'Wyomiag, - T 2,865 Upshur, - Raleigh, -■■ 3,367 Harrison, 13|790 ' Fayette, - - -1,5,997. Lewis, - - 7|999 \ Nicholas, - 4,623 Braxton, - 4|992 '■ Webster, , T 11555 Clay, - - 1|787 Rindol ph, -j': 4,990 Kahawaha, 1- 141575 Tuckerl -- Beimfe, - - 41840 Prestor, '- ; ):3,812 Wayne, - - r 6j747 Mononjpihalia, 43,048 Cabell, - - f|o2o Maripnf - 12.721 Putnam,"' - 65301 Taylor, - : i! 7,463 "Mason, - - 9t185 Jackaoii, -!’ 8,306. Wood, -i 11|046 ' Roanoke, -. j, 8,048 Pleasants, j- 2j945 Calhoun, -i 52,502 Tyler, - i.-' 6J517 ■ Wirt, 1 ' - - • 3,751 .Doddridge, 1 - 5|203 - GiimerJ - - 3,759 Wetzel, .-j - 6703 , Ritchie', ■ -., ?6,847 Marshall; f 13 001 ' Ohio, - Sr 42,422 Hancock, ~' - 41445 Brooke -!!.; 5,494 e Ttitil populatirn, - - - 2811786 The whole ;population of Virginia in 1861 was, l,ii9S,l99j;iucluding 495,826 slaves, |eaT - ing a "white pcjiulation of 1,097,373. | Not more - eight or Ipn thousand of the slaves fere in .the r of his staff. A few dnyssago lie was! walkiff ' (through one of the encdrop ments,i(icroBS f Potomac, and passing! the rear dfj the tests' he saw a bucket! of coffee standing,near i He asked, whnf it tvas, and one of thefso' diers said * coffee.’-” “ It 1 looks more like slop,” ho replied, “Oh,” said the toldier, “it is-net fit to dmnk, ■hut wffßavq to.phi up with it, and our food is ' not a Bit bejtefi”; 1 I “■WMl,vfhoai fault is it?” he asked. | “Oh, our Quartermaster is drunk mostofj the dime, and when!he is not he is studying ho|v to cheat.” .. J!. , | . on, and' seeing jinorolevi dehce "pf the I iiriy -and slovenly mannef in 4vhicb Ihe Qaat jennaster conducted ! his opera tions an his ten-, accosted him with thh re mark that were complaining of jbad ■ treatment froiriiSih. j The Quarterltiseter flew into a passion,[and (Wore it was; i tine of his business; and he had ■bettef not trying"to make mischief.- McClellan answered ;htm, teiling ' him he bad bet isr be cantious how he tal ccd. eplied, 1 - “Who art ; on, that yon assume so n|nch apparent aotho ity?” “I- im. Georje, B. McClellan, and you can ■ pock up your trjips and leave!’’ . The ;Qaar tSttohster was struck dumb,[and McClellan turmjdjandleft him. That evenling, ■the .Quartermaster left to the tune of j the “ Hogue’s Marchplayed by some of the boys who had got of it. They now hajre a. Quartermaster n|t “get drunk|and cheat," and that regiment would risk tiheir , lives at the cannon’s mouth for the man Who 2 does care how the men are provided tor. i The story baa beep circulated around sjrnie of the camps, and the officers are now al ways on the lookout for the General, and of -course do not have too much lying around loose. I Tbe Bot’s Answer. — Two boys of a tender ' age, who went by the names of Tom and J|ick, .become members of .a district school, in a jper , tain New On making fheiilap ■pearance, the teacher called them up bcforolthe assembled school, and .proceeded to make jber interrogatoriea, concerning their names, ngej&c. ' “ Well my fine lad,” said the teacher to jthe first one, “ whit is yonr name ?” i “ Tom,” promptly answered the juvenilp. ‘‘Torn I” told .the teacher, “that doesn’t sound well, flemember always to speak r the full ndme. YXu should have said fhotntai. — Now my son,’;; (turning to the other boy, w|ose expectant. fact< suddenly lighted-up with | the satisfaction of a newly comprehended idea,) ■ '“ now then, will you tell me what your nhme ' ur> : I , “ Jackass” drawled the lad. in atone of Con fident decision. • Matbimonias View or thf Wab. —An| old maid wbohas her eye a little side-ways.on mat rimony, says, | The cause of this waris that it will mrtje so ■ many widows, who will b%?fierce to get par ried, and know bow to do it, and therefore modest old maids will stand no chance at all.” The hypocrite steals the most, lies the most and prays the loadoit. 1 I r 'i T" ~ ' AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PHBjIPYIIIO BLOOD. And for tho speedy dare Diaease Scrofula and such, ft* Turn ore, 171* cers, Sores, Erubtlons, Pimples* BoatuJes;: Blotchca, Boils, all Skin Diseases. v . * . v Oaelv^DjlBs9. J.C. -ponuil ftet'Jt ja?y doty to acknowledge what yofcr SampariCa has done for me*-.Haring inherited nScrofnlourlnfecliop, I havesufferedfto'o ft in various ways for yeari.- Sometimes It burst out in .Ulcers on my, hands &o 4 arms; sometfmM it turned inward nod distressed me at the stomach. -Two years ago it broke ont on my head and covered m£se»lp sttjl cars with one sore, which was painful and loathsome w.foad description, 1 fried many medicines and several physicians, hut without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse* At length ! was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had pre pared an alterative iSarsapaiilla), for I knew from your re putation that anything yon made must be good. 1 sent to Cincinnati and gut i£, and need it till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, In small doses of a feaspoonful over a month, and used almost Threebottlea. New and healthy skin soon formed uuder the tcib, which afterawhilefell off. AJy skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone'from my systeol. You can well believe that I feel what lam saying when ijtell you thatl.hold yon to be one of ithe apostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully, yours, ! ( " ALFRED B. TALLEY. St Anthony’s Sire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter and; SaltKheutq, Scald Head,'Ringworm, Sore ] Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N.’ Y-, I2th Sept 1839. that be bos cured an inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to tormihate fatally, by Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous attack of Malignant Ery sipelas by large doses of the same; says be cares the common Eruptions by It constantly. Cronchicele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Sloan pfJProspect, Texas, writes; “Three bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Goitre —a hidpons swelling on the neck, which 1 have suffered from over two years.” j ; Leucorrhoea orjVThites, Ovarian Tnmot, UterineTJl-, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B, S. Chancing, of New York City, writes; “I most Cheerfully comply the request of your agent in saying I have found .your Sarsaparilla a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for which we employ such a reme dy, but especially In Female Diseases of the Scrofulous di athesis. 1 have cured many inveterate coses of Lcucorrhtea by It, and some where the complaint was caused by ulcera tion of the uterus. 1 The ulceration Itself was soon cured.— Nothing within my knowledge equals it for these female de rangements.” [ Edward S. Marrojw, of Newbury, Ala., writes, u A danger ous ovarian tumor on one of the females in,my family, which had defied all the remedies wo could employ, has at length ' been completely cubed by your extract of Sarsaparilla, Our physician thought Nothing but extirpation could afford re lief. but he advisptfjthe trial of year Sarsaparilla os the lost resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy cjgbt peeks no symptom ot the disease remains. Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. 1 N*w Orlsaks, 25th August, 1859. Dr. J. C. Ayer: I cheerfully comply with tho request of your agent and ireport to you some of the effects 1 have realized with your Sarsaparilla. 1 have cured with it in my practice, moetofthe complaints for which it is recommended, and bare found its effects truly wonderful in the cijre of Venereal and Murcnreal Disease One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers in bis throat,which were consuming life palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in five weeks. An other was attacked by secondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believed the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my administration of your Sar saparilla ; the ulcens healed, and he Is well again, not of course without sonjje- disfiguration to bis face. A woman who bad been treated for the same disorder by nuircnry was suffering from tbisjpoison in her bones. They nad ‘become so sensitive to the weather that on a dump day she suffered excruciating pain ia her joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by yiur Sarsapariilain a*few weeks. I know from its formula, wbichr your agent gave mo, that this-pre paration from yonrjlabratory inust bo a great remedy; con sequently, these truly remarkable results with It have not surprised mo. Fraternally yours, } G. V. LARRIMEn> M. D. Rhemaitism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Independence, Preston Co., Va., 6tb July, 1869. Da, J. C. Ayer: Sir,--I have been afflicted with a painful chronic llhomatismifor a long time, which, baSb»d the skill of physicians, and to mo in spite of all the remedies 1 conJd And, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One bottle cored mo Jit two weeks, and restored my genehil health so much that lam far bettef than before I was attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. j. J. FHPAM Jules Y. Oetchellj of St. Louis, writes: K I have been-af flicted for years wit ii an affection Of the Liver, which des troyed my health. I tried every thing, nnd everything failed to relieve me and I have been a broken down man for some years from no other cause than derangement of the Liver. My beloved jMistor. the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me to try yonr Sarsaparilla, because ho said he knew yon, and any thing you made was worth trying. By the blessing of God it has cured me, and has so purified my blood as to make a new nmn of me. 1 feel young again. The best that can be said of you is not hblf good enough.” gchirrns. Cancel Tumors,' Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. \ A great variety oi‘ cases have been reported to us where -cures oflhesc form dable complaints have resnlted from the : use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit them. Some of them may lie found in our American Almanac,which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Melan i cboly, Neuralgia. Many remarkable cares of these hare been mode by the altoratire power of this medicine. It atsnvnlates the vital functions iniqlvigeroas action, and thns overcomes dis orders which would be supposed beyond its roach. Such a remedy has long been required by the necessities of the pco the people, and we are confident this will do for them all that medicine can do. J AYER’S GHERRT PECTORAL, FQR THE RAPID CURE OP Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Hoarseness, Cronp, Bronchitis, In cipient Consumption, and fur the Relief of Consump tive Patients in advanced stages of Disease. T.hU is a remedy so universally known to surpass any other for the core of throat and lung complaints, that it is ageless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its nil rivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly won derful cures of pulmonary disease, have mape it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. Few ore the communities, or families among them, who have not some personal experience of its effects—some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtlo-and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dread ful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure that it has now all the virtrfe-s that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the con fidence of mankind. Prepared try Dr. 3. O, AVER & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by C. AjJ- Robinson, Wellaboro; D. H. Borden, Tioga; W. G. Miller and C. Parkhursfc, Lnw renccville; A. f the new Firm of Solomon Ben nett k 'Son, who Will continue the business .at the old stood. All havrnjg unsettled accounts are particularly requested to call find settle the some. The. old firm tepder their thanks for the liberal share of patronage givdn them by the public, and solicit a continuance of thjeir favor and patronage to their suc cessors, who will endeavor to render a full equivalent in good and cheap goods at cash prices, and every-ar ticle plainly marked in figures, that all who purchase can read and examine for themselves. SOLOMON BENNETT, J. M. RANDALL, Middlebury, April 20, 1801. WE have Ingham’s Combined Smutter and Separator in onr Mill, and can now clean all wheat perfectly, and separate all foul grain from, it, and particularly the oats. Farmers can hare all the oats taken oat of their seed wheat at our Mill at i cts. per bushel. Call and examine the “ mereheen.” WRIGHT & BAILET. Wellsboro, Maich 13, 1861. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER ' . WALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL PAPER ' WALL.PAPER Latest styles a: >d largest assortment of wall paper ever brought in Wellsboro.’ In eanneetion with the above can bo foul id Window Shades of all kinds. Gall won at WM. H. SMITH. , Wellsboro, April sth,-1860. . 1 . NEVTS FROM HEAD QUARTERS. XTI. The subscriber would respectfully anaonnee to the oitiaens of.Wellsboro that be bu on band an as sortment of Harrison’s Colombian Hair Oils, Soaps, Creams, Hair Restoratives, Rouge and Powder for tbe Ladies, Ac., t Ifol MBS. GREDIET’S MIUINERT STORE! AT THE ACADEMY CORNERS, DEERFIELD, PA., Mrs. G. tenders her thanks to the Ladies of Tiogs Co., and takes pleasure in informing the pnhlio that she will OPEN A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ODT FASBION ABLE MILLINER 7 CIOODS May let, 1861, at PAYNE'S STORE, opposite the CowKESQne Hotel. bonnets, flats, ribbons, flow ers, LADIES' AND CHILDRENS RI- DIN GHA TS AND COSTUMES , on band. A large and beautiful variety, inten ded to please the taste of oil. BLEACHING AND BLOCKING done. All orders for every variety of BONNETS and BaTS, filled and forwarded at once to any address. Bonnets from $1.50, np to please the taste of the first class customer. Goods warranted as represent . Goods sold cheaper than at any other establish ent this side of Now York. THE LATEST STYLES ANDFASHIONS just eceived. The patronage of the public solicited. E. H. N. GKIDLEY. D erfield, May Ist, 1861. X. E. teBIWyEX will also welt goods for ready pay, saving the custom on goods purchased, doing away with a CREDIT SYSTEM which is miaous to both bpyer and seller. BUTTER and PRODUCE forwarded each week to New York to the best commission Houses. Express will run to the Rail Road each Wednesday. TUB HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for BUTTER, EGGS and PRODUCE. My old customers of Brookfield wilhnot be neglected in this new arrangement. T. E» GRIDLEY, Deerfield, May Ist, 1861. HEAD QUARTERS —foe — BOORS and stationaby. NO. 8 MARKET STREET, CORNING, N. 7. The subscriber would respectfully request the alien lion of THE INHABITANTS OF TIOGA COUNTY, to the extensive additions lately made to bis stock of Books, Stationary* FANCY ARTICLES, &c.. forming the most complete assortment that can be found in this section, and which win be sold at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. On hand at all times the STANDARD WORKS OF TBS MOST POPULAR AUTHORS, IN PROSE, POETRY, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, AB CHITECTURE. RELIGION, ROMANCE, 40. DISTRICT SCHOOL LIBRARIES, supplied at New York prices. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, and. PRATER BOOKS, in great quantity. BLANK BOOKS, of every description. Memorandum and Pass Books, of oil kinds, and any particular kind made to or on short notice. All kinds of writing and ■ indellible INKS, Steo and Gold Pens, Drawing Paper, Mathematical Instrn ments, Portfolios, Pocket Knives, 4c. 40, A large stock of PAPER HANGINGS, ; of new and heantifdl designs, from 64 to $2 perroll. Gold and Velvet Borders, of extra ’or narrow width to match the different styles. Window Shades, Oil Paintings, Preach Lithograph* and Engravings. PICTURE FRAMES. Frames of GUt and Fancy Mouldings, or plain Ve- neered Mahogany, fitted to any sited Pictures, at short notice, and cheap as the cheapest. THE MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS of the day furnished at Pnblishers’ Prices, and al orders fe , ' . SHEET MUSIC AND BOOK BINDING, executed promptly, and at the lowest prices. , ? “ %B. ROBINSON. pdiurv tbs Bioids. MOFFAT’S vbobtablb lifs AND PHCENIX * BETTERS. THE high and envied celebrity which these pre-eminent Medicines hate acquired for their imtaable efficacy in all the Diseases which they profess to cores has rendered the usual practiceoipafhßg not only unnecessary, hut unworthy of them 19 AIXCA9EB V . . , of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Bb«m attain, Affections erf the AND LITER COMPLAINTS. In th» Booth nad neat, where these diseases prevail, they will ho found invaluable. Planters, farmers and others, who once two these Medicines, will never afterwards be without DIFLIOUS COLIC. SEROS. LOOSENESS, PILES, COSTIVE NESS, COLDS AND COUGHS, CHOLIC, CORRUPT ’ HUMORS, DROPSIES. ZtytpepHas—tfio person with this distressing disease, should delay using these medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency. • fbcer and Ague,— For tois scourge of the western Country, these medicines will he found a safe, speedy and certain rem edy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return oj the disease; a cure by these medicines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied and be cored. general"DMltlTyrgout, giddiness, gravel, Headaches of every kind. Inward Fever, Inflamatory Khema tisok. Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. Mercurial tHruua.— Never foils to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury, Infinitely sooner than the most pow- COMPLAINTS of all kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. POet.— The original propriehr of these medicines was cured of Plies of 35 years’ standing, by the use of these Life medicines alone. PAINS in the head, side, hack. Joints and organs. ' JBieumaiiimc-Thoso affected with this terrible disease,will be snro ©Crelief by the Life Medicines. _ Bosh of Blood to the Head, Scnrvy, Salt Rhenra,Swellings. Scroflnla, or King’s Evil in its worst forms, Ulcers of er ery description. Worms of all kinds are effectnmlly expelled by these medi cines. Parents will do well them whenever their existence ie suspected. Relief will be certain. The Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove nil disease from the srstdm. Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAM ». MOFFAT, 338 Broadway, cor. Anthony Street, New York. For sale by all Druggists. S2yl QHABLES G. OSGOOD, Is now receiving his WINTER STOCK- OE GOODS, Consisting of Dry Goods* Clothing, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, IRON AND STEEL, NALLS, FLOUR, 3 A L.T, dto. Which, for variety and extent, is rarely excelled, and oo greater inducements to purchasers can he offered iu this section of country, either in VARIETY, QUANTITY, QUALITY OR PRICES, Whether for LADY, BOY OR GIRL, Farmer, ‘mechanic ox Lumberman. Wollsboro, 0ct,37, 1860.. FALL CAMPAIGN JUST OPENING AT C. & J. L. ROBINSON'S ONE PRICE STORE. WE wish to call the attention of our friends and customers to onr assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, sues as see 1 and E. D. WELL! S. Xi AVEftjtj p IMPROVE]) ■pAI®NTEB: MAY 8, iB6O - invention is-to »ppj, / Jo roch a manner that article, lass, and raised by it, u, By •be hitherto slow and tedioa, went of the windlass being avoS 8 * 1 at the same time admitting 0 f ik complete control over the dc f( w; ' article being lowered. lh 6 varions purposes; its use i n c “7 may bo mentioned as an instance I.' ets, after being raised and emmieV * 1 ered, and their movement retarded . 1 ? 3 Por the purpose of Raisin in Wells, it is decidedly * THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT The Brake acta as a check upon tt.- of the backet, without taming (U acting a»> brake, by pressing i aw J, All who examine thie machine, wnu, cdgoits 41 PRACTICABILITY AnS Over every other machine in hse. the windlass is easily controlled wil ose BAim. It combines all the ad f ) fashioned with the aelf-emptyim. i many new and nsefnl improvcmat. apted to wells of any depth, and will e ordinary turning, Fite Buchrt, «/ from wells of ordinary depth, and i„ fion to tho depth of two hundred feet The windlass and brake is also serf; and lowering any kind of weight, li* is far superior to those heretofore in Having purchased the right for the ga and Potter, Pa., the undersigned offer for sale township rights for tie sale of the above improvement, on Oct. 13, mo. COENIN FIRE & LIFE IWSr BIGELOW 4 THOMPSON AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMP; Of Hartford, Ct—Capita] HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Capital, PACE NIX FIRE INSURANCE CO' Of Hartford, Ct—'Capital, PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE Ci Of Now York City—Capital NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURm Of Hartford, Ct. MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE CO Of New York City,—Capital MASSASOIT FIRE INSURANCE CO Capital, HOMESTEAD EIRE INSURANCE Cf Capital, NEW YOKE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Accumulated Capital, The subscribers are prepared to is: sumncc on the most favorable terms h known and reliable Stock Companies. Farm buildings insured for three ji low as any good companies. All losses will be prpmptly adjusted e office. Applications by mail will recti tention WILL' Oct. 13, 1859. CH.TI P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor. FOR SALE! WICMAM & BLOOi AT OCR KtmSERT JET TIOGA, TIOGA COCSTT, A LARGS 6T7PFLT D? VEWT TUBES, GRAPES, EVERGREENS, it, PEARS— of the most desirable t tra large size, if desired. Standard frees tn . APPLES—A great supply of tbeck different kinds of Crab apple. PLUMS—A of tbs beatwc kinds. CHERRIES —An extensive assortment' GRAPES —Vis: Delaware, Diana, dy, White Sweet Water, White Summer, ] Rebecca and Concord. ORMAMEWTAL —keeping Mountain DM, Balsam of Fir, Scutch Fir,‘European Sil Spruce, Siberian and Americas Arbcf Tuie, SHRUBBERY— HoIIy leaved Berfceny.i. Spiraea pm ni folk>, Dentaia, Greea Fowjiia. ROSES— Baltimore Belle, Prairie COOSEBER R (ES-Of several cioi« ti CURRANTS —Cherry, Red, at>d WKu. We would Inviteall who are in'waulcfi trees, Ac., to call and seo them for tbeiroxrn B. C.WI JOHN T. Tioga, Aog. 22,1860.yl J M POR TANT TO THE WASHING NO MORE A The undersigned would announce to Tioga County, that they have purchase manufacturing and selling MECAI’S WASBIIIO ih which for simplicity of construction,alß Dtss, exceeds any other machine in use. other recommendation tbnn to see it if ten or twelve years of ago, can do the i family AN 110 PR. Any parson goodlabor-saving washing machine, e these home and do their washing with perfectly satisfied, they can return it Recollect,-this machine is no humhng, cle indispensable in every family. It ? or tear the clothes to pieces like band PRICE, FIVE DOLLARS. Mad ROE A CO.’S Store. Manufactured * STURBOCK’S Shop, near the Acadeny n W. Pcnntyhw ll * WcHsborA Dec- 1 * C ABIS WARE ' THE Subscriber most respectfully ■ he baa on hand at the oM' Cheap tot of Fornil comprising in part Dressing and Common Bureaus, Cases, Center , Card and Pier *a Breakfast Tables , Marble-topped ani \ Cupboards, Cottage and other Bed t fas and Chairs, Gilt and Motetcooi Picture Frames COFFINS made to order on hoarse will bo furnished if desired* K. 8.. Turning and Sawing dona to 01 August 11, 1859. . L ' WILUAItt WAX mas A SPLENDID LOT WHOLE BUFFALO LOWER THAWEVEK OFFERED IN THIS MA® Whole Robes from s3 to^ HAT AND CAP CORNING, N. ?• January 2, 1881. CAKPETS AND OIL ybu good to see th ft patterns* , at the i * ' Wollsboro' 1"*. ONE HUNDRED BABB®* 5 , received, and for Ba * e jg/ T ATHS, PICKETS s ®! AJ sale at Tioga. i>7 Maroi 20, ISfil. «1