AGITATOJt.iI nrodneadsy. Sapt. .11, 18^. '. ■;* ■^Adrertisemeutß p. Quick. • Deans- B. Niiga. T office notice. e \ „ irß „ that Government Envelopes ~eb v ™ been received at the Ppht Office They b 4 erchanged.for s* tihe old style envelopes for MX.'daM which they will not be - received .1 :—t-'i it will appear in oar nejjt) - ( Cyajt roar verses ore pretty. frethoag|t Lwhen Alice C#? pablbbed ft# «J, B.” Yotir verses aljout “Tg to" ore qnite original. Wo rtgret tt# , ro om for the entire twenty-fwo. Two id oar readers will agree wKh OS thht .. anxieties,- doubts, and it necessary crisis in fto : affairs of aU “popping the question,”-are bcnn|i-i yogly described in these atan*a«! ll ,o nod take a walk sod ho », I pi '.this meandering road _ ' if thong* he Hi red myself - j dredded load , ||; »•••*.* cl ■' i ' ■ i “ one and inseparable !! ie to here ai followes , you evor be my bride ~, ..pond was this “ I will sir, never leave your aide leave them thus, who have visited the Academy, sj)i . terms of the efficiency of tlfe teacti ra! improvement of the students- mro heard many complaints about So ut of the Borough towards Charlest|t. itUi. Silas Johnson’s is represented! ti ■s. l\"o trust the Supervisors Will see 't|» t ' bridge be put in 1 |j jju B. writes of Middiehury Center, ■to practice in nil the Courts of tyjjß : fcjrs that Mr. "Niles' examination'wa|« at. Atlthough quite young in yeare.||b JUod favorably known throughout gip long time, os onh of the moat men. Vi'e wish him the beSt success jh ■ ;; ; t .ays“ Oh, she Was h\t f bat aonnw i bia traces there." What becatne of] ilb. aarness he don’t state. — Erjje'pitpptcJLi jj ffiijlsken about that JEhe .same the same young lady, says ; a And orrow left, have faded out'in joy.", harness is still missing. ■ "! j es' lend, who requests ns not io mention os . the coming winter will bo early* stroijj continued. On cross-examining him afijie «for this opinion, he saiddhat' tbe'ndf 1 3 thick and close and cover the, toiie shall know next Martjb v Whether }pe meanwhile we advise eveybodjilto ,■ thing in which an average bUmanj pfe* in interest ia himself—nest- in ,order prime This is the terse Jvbd true! test journalist in America. ' We nakigpr , different townships and boroughs injjjme send us tho local news. ‘ Things hborhood every week which Would bleMf wt, So send along the news, j ' p’ notice a report circulating tnfottgb the Vilaljt si country, to the effect that Judge Wi(i that he cannot long survive. 'We: \ ting able to state that there is f i no.truth* ifa i, and that although Judge TV. 'las^not health for some months pas \ he is :rioir aproiing, and hopes ere long lo iioveliis rclj.restnred. — Bradford Argtii. j c i Democratic Delegate election On Sapp* at off smoothly. Sixteen votea;wer6 po led sagh and fourteen in Belpiac* Dr» TO >bh •Jghhor Jenkins are the ©lW Jed ‘bis borough. They a© /jjninstruC' sd. itie Convention will he he«l A ere to-b br ™elsewhere some correspondence 1 b m • the county In regard to the Dbtnoc; tic •'messes. tj Teachehb,—Supt. Coburn,'of Bradford Mi a Teachers’ Institute at Columbia.X imeneing Sept 36th; and Supt liewis, of ilds an Institute in Ulysses, conftmencJiig r at which\time Charles I)avies, X%Ld. ant. 1 . * 1 i • Of ■ «ben of eastern and western: £loga, fX* inriled to attend. ji, litute for this County, will not he H. C. Johns,, Co. Suj&s ‘pi. Smith, of Coudersport, Pai, 1 evening, with a company of T7O >lefot Pa., where they will jt>in “ Pennsylvania Regiment. They ?wro Mtible exception fine looking men, Weilent soldiers. They i obtained from Coudersport the imroodt-- is tbo Second lot of volunteers NfDj&mi do oihey place of Jt6 population Eorc nolle record of patriftfasni.-^-^mira i married and single Indy In the Stale of ia s bould knit a pair of good strong Woolen now" in the ranks serving the '* this Who will send shs first fifty t Master’s Departambt nt'lCarris- • Pri suggestion; but Indus, should you ®m bravo .boysj sb id tliem to the ,ft tieoielyes, Never miqd the Quarter Office at Bjarrisburg, nr.ajiy- ‘fw, > '""7 ~ ■ \ t , fl! emphatically " a reading.ootBmnnlly.’’ loot own curiosity as well as toJoniighlen lave made inquiries! of Sjrtrir istdlrom the records of the llost’Ofßco •aber of papers and -periodicals oirenpated ii ib. *° 6 follo '' lD S tho result: Somber of t^7 floi7 JiJ’ri4ui.c,ns; fferald,l&j Timet/ Cot' l *~' n dailies from Now York ' Philadelphia,', Pren, Newt and i-.," * !0 taken. Of Weeklies there are about k a sf Ect ni-Weeklic«, 7; iHonthlies, (JThe ic '’ Ac ***• *? nr esjlnta*'» of id ' r '!' toelnde the AoirAtoji abi'Vemt iral atij, , ®“ r an d around the bofonghjprobibly itd ““fill say that our peopl*! ore-pot -J.' ‘ ,i 'ti /; aiij ° i* 103 Caucus at iKKoSviiAE.— W™* n °ticc, conspicuously >osted ( of t , S«}l - ».|' U at Knoxville on Satur ttfCstc''- 6 C ' c]oei P v Mj” sff., by Vj, - ltlee > (bowhtjf the Conn litlee worn far • *l®iathijers ttvUi Use u aveiaent, rind £M»'! ' h ll ! f ’’III -rr-rr ! ■' 1 i i : I ?, iS ‘;! ■£’ 'i, ,j» therefore, axe not supposed to ,haveo? Jackson —o. Bl Weills, 1 Lawrence and LawrfncevilU —PardohjDatnoh. > Liberty —Charles F.jVeil. & > Maiu&bnrg and Fish. Mansfield and Jitchrpond — AmosElxby. - Midattbu rv' —o. P. McClure. Morris —Wml Babbi Nelson — G. H. Baxter. Osceola — A. K. Bos&ard. Ilutlqxtd— Bojyal Rcfeo. Shippen — Edgar Grinned. Tioga and B^Yo —T| L. Baldwin. Unions Ambrose. Barker. We*ifieid-~ Diarid Closo. Weltsboro— Hebry Sherwood, Henry Willia A. J. Sofiold. i j \ Ward — Wm»i E. Lypfi, , • By order of ihq Committees. A. J, SoeieJ - -Wellsboro, Sejit. 4, jlB6l 3 ■' sic A-|r BtSb, ' • In, WelWmrd, ion. tlte fth in«t., by A. J. Esq., Mr. JOHN FRENCH to Miss ANN GROVE, both of fifidslebnry. Also, iiy the tame, at the same time and a! PORTER SHARP to Miss MARY JANE I>l BON, both -of Mtddleljjnry. ; SUSD. In Tioga, Aitg. 29t|, Mr. THOMAS K. ELL, in the 62d,year bf hia age. He pros Tor'inoce' than 4ft years a worthy and actli bor of the Baptist Church of that place. . In Cherry Flatta, Scbt/lst, 1361, of Dipthei MAN HENRY,'only faun of Dr. H. G. an<^ Mart n, aged $ yean, 9 month* And 5 days. Teh boys, of about his ago, bad died of this fatal disease in that community, *hd whfe yet well, lie expressed fiho opin ion that if he should he attacked, he should die also! )Vhile sick, he remarked that ifthls Absent sister did not arrive be fore hla death, she must share in his little toy* and also try to meet him in Ileaveii—&hat ho did not want bis f’tends to bury him. in MausficUi.mrom whence they bad recently moved) but with the dtl|er good little boys who hafl died at Cherry Flatts. lie also laid he was not afraid tq die, and expressed the desire that Brother Adams as he familiarly called hife. should preach Ids fttnero! sertnou. 'liese be* reared pantotsare;herelw assured of our sincere sympathy for them In this, their nftJictioh. for we have drank of the same cup and rem&ubcr its - bitterness. Oh, that tho abounding consolations 4f the Infinite Ohe, way be, theirs. | It. L. SijLwm.. NOTICES. WHO Ihould use SR. J. BOVS&I DOSS’ VEGET IMPERIAL I WINE BITTERS Al! who are afflicted vfith Incipient Consumption Lungs should nse them J All who suffer Stomachs, Indigestion sU. or Piles should usetbem. All who suffer from Gincmf or Nervous Debility, ness at night, want of Sleep, Ac., should Use them. All persons who are convalescent after fever or o ness should use them, j Ministers of the Gospil. Lawyers, Lecturers, am lie speakers should use fiiem. Book Keepers, and oil persons leading a sede should Use them. 4 Theaged and Infirm should use them. All who require ia stimulant or tonic shonld use 1 All who are addicted tfe tlie use of aident spirits! to reform, should use them. , * I They are made of a pure Sherry "Wine, and of tjhe native plants anO herbs of the Country, and sliould bo rtComm.nil ed by temperance societies, clergymen, physicians, and all friends of hnmanity. | * . . . ~ , . They are prepared by An experienced “and skiiilml pnysi cian, and aside from thetr medicinal properties, a*c a most delightful beverage; nnp yet. as a medicine, are a* innocent and harmless ns the dews of heaven. 1 gold by druggist* geufrally. CHAB. WIDDIWBLD A CO.,Proprfctors, ! 78 William Bt.. New York. Baldwin. Lowell A Col, Agents at Tioga. JWyl * -ft* Dr. H. 11. Bordcli of Tioga, is General Agent for Tio. ga County, to whom all applications for agencies! must be made. | JEROi A TTOUNE Y ANi ■ Middlebnrj Will attend ito all bu promptness and fidol Sept. lj,,lB\li S. P|. QUICK, *.THE HATTER, HilS removed froth CORNING to ELMIRA, 13d VWatet Street, I where he keeps constantly on hand a general 'assortment of FASHION SILK & CASSIMERK EATS. Also, all of the different qualities of soft BATS and CAPS, of all kinds;; Every article usually, found in his assortment. [ . , J • The prices trill nlbhe made to sort the.tines. 1 g. ' . | QUICIv, Hi dter,. - Sept. .11,1861. | 135 'Water.Street, Slmira. STRAY.—Caine into ’ the enclosure of the subscriber; abofctUhe 19th of August, (two cows, and two two-ycar-oltl Steers. The owner is requested to come forward, prate property, pay charges and,take them away. ] ] fi. P. H SANE. Delmar, Sc(pt. ll,jlBflt. ' A DMmiSTRijTOR'S NOTlCE.— letters of A odministlstioit having been granted to the sub scriber, on thjg estate of Presilli Colton,- lato .of Del mar Township, dee’ll., notice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to' make immediate payment, nnd those having claims to present them properly au thenticated for gettWment'to.tbe subscriber. ; | ' ISRAEL STONEj Definar, Sept 4, iS6I.--6t. New wheat flour at j I: , I WRIGHTS A BIV 'XV, Sec'y. Sofield, COLE- wo, Mr CKIN- JITCH- re mem- Con. ta, LE- Sarah ABLE ? or Weak Djppep- Rcstlees- tber sick- all pub- itary life phem. iaud wish ;E B. WILES, 1 COUNSELLOR AT- LAW, ! Centre, Tioga Co., Po. j liness entrusted to his care with tv 1 AdtnVr . [tl?sV j ' THE TIOGA COTJKTY AGITATOU. GROWER & BAKER’S ' ■ CE!— SEWING MACHINES, roods Com > nfeoi e men utam inlty. (?ub- Begt. ■FOE FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING BSE, 495 BROADWAY, FEW YORK. Agencies tn all ths principal Cttie» and Tornit -tn *A< ■ The Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company are now manufacturing, and have on exhibition at their different making the Shuttle or Lock-Stitch, ol the same patterns and at the same prices as their celebrated Grover and Baker Stitch Machines, thus affording the pnbiic the advantage of comparing the stitches of tbe'two leading machines and exercising their own judgment as to their re spective merits. (This is the only company that mann factors both kinds of machines, and therefore tha only one that can ofilr this privilege to the purchaser. Com- * We speak from experience when that* alter having tried all the principal Sewing Machines, we most accord to that of Grover and Baker the pre eminence. Those indispen. sable feature* of sewing, strecgth,nn{/anni£yandela*ticity, all of which are brought out in this incomparable invention, make it the first sowing machine in the country. Others have their good points, but this combines all, and possesses every characteristic necessary to make ittnost desirable.”— •Xf, T. Christian Advocate and Journal. > leeltr, *’Mebit vs. Pretence.—We perceive that the Grover and' Baker Sewing Machine is every day growing more and more in favor, both for manufacturing and family purposes—but especially as adopted to all tho requirements of family use. Other machines, by dint of brazen puffery and conniving with committees at annual fairs, have been thrust forward into the first place; but they are fast .losing this .unmerited posi tion. The real merits of the Grover and Baker Muchiao are beginning to be known in a practical! way, and daily is the demand for them increasing, while the demand for heretofore better known, but inferior machines, is proportionally de creasing. Bo it turns out in this, as ik many other instances, that‘honesty is the best policy,'and 'the right, in tho end comes uppermost. _ - “ A trial of over two years enablesrtis to say with the great eat confidence that there is no better machine fot general fhtnily use than Grover and Baker** Sewing Machine Co. , It makes a beautiful elastic scam that does not rip with wear or washing, nmq almost noiselessly, la plain, simple, easy to work, and not liable to get out of repair, fastens the ends of its own thread, and uses threads and silks directly from the spools oh which they are bought. J '—iV. Y. Leader. Grover and Baker’s Machines’ work in theirpcculiar stitch, and fabrics f.ut together by it, may wear and drop to pieces from original weakness or bard usage, but come apart or give way at the teams, they can • not; they will bold together when the cloth or calico around them hangs In rags and tat ters.—:JV r . Y. Daily aYcim. “ The points we conceive most necessary and important to meet the wide range of requirements in a machine for family jewing, we find.more combined In the Grover and Ba ker, extent of capacity, simplicity of construction, ease of management, advantage of using thread from two spools without re-winding, strength of work, elasticity, durability and regularity of stitch, and quietness of movement. therefore mark award to the Grover and Baker.” —Report of Tennessee State Fair of ISOO—also of S. Louis Slate Fuir of 1860. ' May 15,1801.—1 y. is and SPECIAL COURT. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Spe- J-V cial Coart will bo bold at, the Coart House, in Wellsboro, by the Hon. Ulysses Merour, commencing on the third Monday of October next, to continue two week, for the trial of the following causes, under the provisions of tho act of Assembly of the, 14th April, 1834. J. F. DONALDSON, Proth’y. August 14, 1861. 1 Samuel M Fox Vs, J Thompson Pliny Bun vs. E B Jerodld, Adinn Geo Wallace Uttd Vs. I In echo S. Pierce Vs. J Dufley et «1 Sobeiski Ross vs. Stephen Babcock Tioga County vs. John W. Maynard J S Btyden’s Adm’r vs._ Hiram Inscho F S Elliott vs. Tl T Ihivts ctni Bingham Trustees vs. Stephen Putter J N. Baoho Vs. A C Ely Sarah L Keene vs. Amos Bikby Amos Bixby vs. Borah L Keene Bingham Trustees vs. A a son Buck at al Bingham Trustees vs. Timothy Brace et fid A S Turner vs. John Drew et al Jumps I Jackson vs. J N Bache, Bsr Abel Nickerson vs. Pejter Green M M Converse vs. Henry Coltoß George Gorlies vs. Edivfti^Dyct' John F. Donaldson vs. A P Con© Bingham Trustees vs. David A Ciark « vs. Martha J L Clark fit al “ vs. Gcorgfe B Colegrove et al « vs. Josepk^Staffordetal POPULAR TRADE AT THE BEE HIVE* Bow Prices the order of the Day. Eight hundred yards fo?t color scotth Gingham; really Worth Is. for 6 ic. FIVE HUNDRED YARDS White Briilamt at 5i cents. SIX HUNDRED YARDS Barege d’Anglais for 0 centa. FOUR THOUSAND Yards thagnificent Dress Goods, latest and richest designs, at Is, Is 6d, 3s —well worth double the money. ONE THOUSAND' YARDS Black Dress Silks, warranted all boiled, frotd 50c to $B. COLORED Dress Silks, same of the most recherche styles, Very low. SUaVIS, Cloth, Silk and Lace ModlUlaS, Very el egant and Wonderful cheap. 2300 Pair more of those splflndid Shilling Hose.' 20 DOZEN. Gents' Neck Ties at (2J cents a piece. other Goods equally cheap Ml LET nobody spend a dollar for DrtOoode Until they have exOtainctl my stock. Gdbdß shown freely*. . .... T) EAR Yaldncibnnb and Gulpdre Laces, a magnlfl. IV cent variety, now opening. RICH .Lace Draperies and embroidered Curtaid Muslins, trefy bhdop. j . • ■ HOSIERY, fot all creation ! Cotton, Lisle Thread, and Silk; everybody can bo sotted in Hosiery. TWENTY-FIVE CARTOON’S Brocaded Bonnet and Trundilfig Ribbons, tot 10 ets. per yard and upwards, at the BEE HIVE. Elmira, July 10, ISttl. 1 npr. 17-m6. LHPORTAff AUSNiIjjrfcEJIET! THE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of W. A,- HOE A Co., having been dissolved, the sobsoriber, for the purpose of iihtriediately closing up the business of the cSncern, nd.w Offers their large stock of Goods at NEW ltOßl£ COST. Persons desirous of making purchases, will find it to' their advantage to call at odea and maker their'se lections, as . “ FIRST COME, FIRE T SERVED.” This stock consists of the usual variety and general assortment of ' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWIRE, CROCKERY, BOOTS 4 SHOES, ' HATS 4 CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, WOODEN WARE, i - GLASS WARE, CARPET & FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, Ac., Ac. and must be immediately disposed of. JEROME SMITH. Wellaboro, July 10,1861. ' •rrrOOL! WOOL! —The highest Market • VV • price paid for Wool at tbe Union Store of . d. IV. BAILEY, iVO. s \ .* United State*, WAK! WAEIj UPON HIGH PRICES & L&S T G CREDITS O. BULLARD I . Has just returned from tbe cities witb 6 eiropiote a i. . .sorlmeot el. .. . I, COFFEES, SCQABSf , MOLASSES, BPICE3. and other staple Groceries, which cannot be. e'ScMlei! in qnolily or cheapness in this or any other country ton-n. HU nett stock of Groceries embraces SALEBATtTS, SOAp, OEAH6BB, - IiEMOTfSj KBBOsmm, camp^bn:?/ t| CASTOR Ott, tttW, Tf SWEETOIE, LAMP OIL, and nearly all > the luasrtes need, ib ibis i&isiet of Civilization generally and the people of Tio/;a County in partienlaf. Among these are each articli iai HAMS, Sugar-Cared or Smothd, { DRIED BEEF, an excellent antiltfjj CODFISH, Pickled or Dried, : MACKEREL, WHITEFISS, HERLIKO,, PICKLED LOBSTEBS, SARDINES, Ac. , A good article of FAMILY FLOUR ; Always on hand. Also, BICE, COBS BTAECH, SYRUP, id. 1 WOODEM WARE, , Including, . I WASH TUBBS, PAHS, ’ CHURNS, FANCY BASKET^, BABY WAGONS, two or three kindle , MOPS, BROOMS, BHOOM-SBtJSHES, CLOTHES BASKETS, MARKET do. ‘ .MEASURES, CLOTHES PINS, lots of then!, TRAVELING BASKETS, WHEELBARROWS, for, nmall boys. BUGGY MATS, and oth of iiiiga ton numorooa to mention^ DRIED FRUITS, Including’ DRIED PRUNES, * DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED ENGLISH CURRANTS, CITRON, DATES and SPlflT PEAS. Also, all kinds of NUTS and FANCY CANDIES. , MISCELLANEOUS. HEMP and CANARY SEEDS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, all sizes, Adamantine Candles, Snuff, Smoking sod Chewing Tobacoo, a dozen varies, and a good assortment of Yankee No- tions and Toys Wellsfcoro, April 17,1861, NEW GOCB^I ‘ VERY CHEAP FOR READY RAY. X. L. BALDWIN Has and isnow receiving a large and various stock of SPRING AND SUMMER MERCHANDISE, Composed of i DRY GpODSj GROCERIES, . HARDWARE, BOpTS and SHOES, HATS and iCAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, WOODEN WAKE, [ and in fact all Merchandise called for in ihe market/ all of which will be sold at the PANIC PRICKS for READY PAY). AU persons desiring to buy Goods fur CASH, will do well to call and examine iny stock of MEB CBAJTDISE before making purchases elsewhere, as th* stock will be disposed of at unusually low prices for Cash. Tioga, May 8,1861. T., h. BALDWIN.' J. W, BAILEY & CO., AT THE UNION STORE, WELLSB 0R0 f j : Are opening a fine Stock of ' | NEW GOODS ’ Jnst bought at “ PANIC PRICES,” and will be sold JOB CASH, at a little ABOVE COST, i(j possible/ EVERYBODY | Call and seo the Now Goods and Prices, j 1 p* S: AU persons haring unsettled accounts on our Books, are requested to settle the same by Cash or Note, immcdinttly, as. we intend to sell on the pay down system, until further odvices from the seat of war; , J, W. BAILEY A CO. Wfellsboro, July 31, 1861. r WRIXSBORO’ ACAD Wellaboro', Tioga County, Penija ta&MHfiS N. AS.LEM. A. m.: - - {Principal assisted by a corps of competent tcarbcrs. The Fall Tferm ftill commence on the 1 )lh inst, Tuitibh term of fourteen tceeke, from to $6.00. ' ( - military instruction . will bo introduced this term into the Academy, aecofi ding to a late act of the legislature of this State. A XitAcriKs’ CtiAs will also bo foirnted. By ordorof Trustees, , I 3. f DONALDSON, Pr«t’l. Wellsbero, Aug. 7,1861- THE OSCfiOLA Hl€>H SCHOQfc WILL.OPEN the Fall term of Hie ensuing year, Ang, 2Tth, Winter tefm, Dec. 10th, Sj/flng term, March 26th, 1862» Each Term to continue fourteen weeks, faitiofr from $3 to $B.l Booths furnished for thos ? wishing to board themselves. . , 51.50; Board atftf lodging* ST.?S h er week/ Room.’sllso per term i Instrumental Music, with use of instrument, sld.oo'f Singing in clisscl freb. School Books can be procured at the Institution, flSS*ior Circulars, or for larlfiSV {fttftfcrflAftf address- ~ . R. WIOHTMAN, Osceola, Jaly.Si, IBPI. NEW COOPER SHOP.—The undersigned respectfully mfor&e fb© cViiaensof Wellshnro and.vlcinUy, that he has opened a COOPER-SHOP opposite j CEOWt’S WACOJI SHOP, and is wady to do all manner of work prompt and id vrdet, (runt a gaAuo keg to a. fifty barfijl tub., Be (miring also done on .“hurt notice. OV T. ELLIS." I Wellrboro, May 8,1801." TEAS, WE WOVLI) BBSfECTftiLLY tALL LABOR : J :i SUMMER ROODS, I D O M JE S T I C S', I j m 6 BOUGHT AT THE LOWEST PRICES TEAS, SUC/ABB, AKb tOFFEES, IMV. BOUGHT PREVIOUS TO Tftf L'Atlf ADVANCE IK PBICESi . J ?,W gMbtitia it iifiss tkiff tMftftt vAttns. feslns k 00., A TTEIf TIOIf; 1, i r AfißlvAjig *-ot~s £ H£ E T 1 N O s\ SB IB TINh S, * S for" Cash. ALSO, TROY, PA<, i ' c ZKPOBTAN7 NATIONAL WORKS. POBLISHED »t D. APPLETON 4 CO. 340 & 348. Broadway, New York mis'following «ortnare sent to Snbacrrbess loony part 'J/ of the cotnftry, Cty 4 * receipt of retail price,) bjMoall of Wew Ainerieaa Cycloecdia. -A popular Knowledge. Edited by Ucorgnliipk-y Soil Charles A. Dana, aided by a numeronaaelect cotpaofWit ten ffl all bl&flcfcs of Adeoce, Attend Uti-rmnre. Tills work is being published in abuftt 15 large octavo votornM, each containing 760 two*colutnu pag£i. ■ Vois I, 11, 111, IT,’ V, VI, VII, VUI, IX, X, and Xl,ore now ready, cmh contain* ing near An additional volume frill ba fcnblished o'rice In abohi th'rfee months'. • , Price, In Cloth, $3; fihoep, $5,50; Half Morocco, $4; Half Russia, s4*so each, jj The New American Cyclopedia fs pojtalDr without being superficial, learned, but not pedantic, flciently detailed, free) from personal’pique and party prfrjuf dice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a complete siaterhehtof dll that is known upon every important topic witfath th# Scope of human .Intelligence.' Every important article In it has been specially written foMts pages by men who are atH thorities upon the topics uf: which they apeak.. They arc re* a aired to bring the jsubject up to thopresonfmoment; to State just how it stands noib:. All thostatlsticu* information is ftom the latest reports.! thd geographical amounts, keep Pace with the latest explorations; historical matters include the ffoshes! Jest views; titß BlographlcAl notices not only: ■peek ol the.dead bpt of tins ILvlni:., It is a library oritsellv ABItIDOMENT Olf TIfE DEBATES OF Cd.NOHESS.— BcfffgrfPdfitltel ntitoiy.of the Baited StalM. from the or-, gaslzatlon of the ftrsi Federal Congress in 1759 to 1550 Ed ite&aad compiled by Hon. Thomas H, Benton, from tho of fidai Records of Cofigtcss. • - a The work will bo completed in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, Uof which are now ready. An additional volatile \tfll bo lushed once in three months. RING THE CYCLOPAEDIA OH DEBATES. ur, and remit tho price of four hooks, sent at fte remitter’s expense for car. Jribcrs, eleven copies will he seiit at our a wat ot PSOCC Form a citib of fo find five copies will be rlago; or for ted stibs expense for carriage. TO AOENTS. - No other works tjill so liberally reward the bxeriions of Agents. Ay Agent Wanted in this County. Toma mmib known on application to the Publishers. [Aug. 11,’59. CLASSICAL SEMINARY; LD, TIOGA CO., PA. J&te Institution ■w ill commenced I, and continue thittoen.wecka. k ji MANSEIELDi MANSFIi The Fall'Terra < September 3dj IS6 B. WILDMAN, Prof. N. M. Pbii Mrs.H. P. Re'W Mias E. A. CH A: Principal. ‘B; A. B..;..Assislapt. LLDMAiti-.... Preceptress, Musin'Teacher; .eacher in Primary Department; ixKV;.; Penmanship. EKPfiHSES. Cry) per Term... ' SIr.Isi.AC Stick ?2-i0 7a lath, and Languages ■ 6 80 [Melodeon $ 00 " .2 08 . 1 30 , 2 00 Tuition (Primat Common Englisj flighor English j Music, Piano or Cse of Instrume) fioom font, per Fuel, Full term. Ineldehtals, Board in the Hall, per week 1 oU Wo are most happy to he able to say to the friends and patrons of this Institutibh, and llso to all within the,range of its paWohage, that thb building will be finished and furnished for the abeoinpiodution of all who may apply for) admission as students. The peo ple of Mansfield, 4ho have so long and sacrifizingly labored for this bductttiohiil enteiprize, Tioga and fifadfbrd toohtifisj NorthOrn Pa.,'may now begin to: fSljf.thS fruits of having in their minst, a First-Class Sepeinary o( learning. _ . , It is the design of the Faculty, which is composed of teachers of much experience arid acl-nowicdgcd ability, to make every possible effort to render thid School one of the! most desirable in the State, for those who desire a thorough, practical education. The’ building has a very desirable location oh ah chiincncc; about eighty rods it Ist of the Tioga Kiilroad. -It is' a i brick stroWUrOjllaO febt long) four stories bigbj built in the mist hfodern style of architecture. There termiiij, defies connected with tbe School, i ejdlnJttfely for its use. There iff ho Institution for the use of. sta- are two Literary Si each taring a root also a Library in I dents, . I )6 taicn_ (at less than a term, and therefore, be obliged jo pay tuU Tuition payable, one half at the. 3 the remainder at the middle of Ho student will j any who enter will tion for a full term commencement, in the term. The building boring been erected at a great ex** tfense, the Trustees being -anxious to keep it in thd best possible state of preservation, thlhk it not best to hare any self-be arding in the building. Those frbo desire to board tletusejves; procure looms at a very reasonable rale in the village. • For farther particulars address the Principal. Rev: N. FELLOWS, Prcs*t; * Jolrlf,lB6l. - A. J. Ross, See’ CMj CLOCK, WA' —ASD LRY STOKE. Igned, hdting purchased of Ax* is Interest in th# Clock, Watch and. •eupcctfhlly jhviteg the attention erf issortmeht of goods, in connection I BUSINESS. JEWEI oDdersi ■L DIE For.EV 1 Jewelry business, tbs public to b]9 i with tbs BOOK Astf all dlaenptto63 for rale, and at prt» $lO to $l5O. Can selk the neft TCHBS, witfi Heavy hdntin-j casesi ’ the lovr stftn.of $35. Also will be fLD WATCHES, eepiemDy for thS >, from $1.25 tos7s,'wm alwnyi bk n. » . WATCHES 6'f cos ranging from, AMERICAS WA ail. I warranted, fo' kept on hsind, G( Lollies. CLOCK!; found onexhibitu IN CONNEI cm M hail Stl ki WAJIE, to suit tlji inscription or napv A largo (issoftme'ifl Wtsl AMERICAN Si. All kinds of I si ti'J.old stand. | Wellab'ofo, Miitc crioN with the Above; mdt pt silter And plaite# e and marked with any le., The above is always warrants, ft of SafSb g6flfB£ SSyi, ic,, and KNIYES, silver butter.knives. So. REPAIRING done by Andie I . w. H. SMITH; isb is; 18S1. HHjEMOVAt. JOSEPH EIBEEOLLE AS removed his BOOT, SHOE, LEATHER and FlNpife STOIIE, froin h!s late location on Haifl Stffcet; uf ha Tttflhfery kt the loket eirfj of tbs' village, Whet'S he Will bSgladtb Walt oil pit cuslSmer* and the public generally. . Competent workmen are employed in the .Manufacturing Departinebf, and all work warranted ip bo bur own ihanufabtnl®. - Also, all kinds of SeaOY-made Bd6Tis AND SHOES; ; constantly on band. All kinds of Leather and Shoo J Findftigs, Ms!) constantly on band and fot sale at low prices Kir cafb oriready pay. -. HIDES and PELTS taken in exchange for flopdt ’ it the highest market price. JOS. RIBfiftOLLE. Wellsboro, Aug. 11,1861. IS. B. All thosi indebted to the' subscriber by b»6fc account, or otherwise; ate requested to c&ll tit onto : Sbdsqtiafe apt j .JOS. RIBEROLLE... coiWUinPTiresi ! TO Tills enbscriper will cheerfully send (free' of charge) to all. who desire the copy ofaSiM ple which bo was cured of that dire dis ease, Cdnsumpttop. % . . •» Safle&fs tflth (CdNStJMTtftfjf, JLsftixA, Bfco'ycmrra, or any lung affection; be sincerely hopes Will, try this wall satisfied if they do so' they will bo tnore than satisfied the result. Thankful for his own complete restoration, be is dutlotfs (o place In the hands- ;of evoty iiifferef ih% thettHi of cure. Those wishing the with, toll ..directions, Ac., will please call on dr address WM. 6. ALLEN, ' [ So. 66 John Street, New York. Jon£, 6 f Is&u | Mfiy 1, XB6X.-3 moa. \jT ANHOOD. Ilofr Lost, How Restored. iTI : Just Pnblwhcfi, to a Sealed Envelope. A lecture on the Nature* Treatment, and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, oVSeJ&lffel We&kfieite, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and invol bffttfrt emission, producing impotency. Consumption and Mental aqd By Robt.J.Cdlvbbweu., M f».. The,important ffet that the awful consequences of &*lf abose may be_e