i / /■;< IVf ANSFIEIp CLASSICAL SEMINARY. TIOGA CO., PA. The Fall Terta of this IhstituGon will commence September 3d, }86l) and continue thirteen weeks. /E. WILCMAnIX. M ' :.,PmscirAtJ Prof. N. M. Pb&e, A. B .Assistant! Mrs, H. P. K. Wildmas PrccEptreßS, , Miss E. A. CHiSE,; ,-Masic Teaser. ' U Teacher in Primary Dejiartinbnt. ~ -^nsfciip. Mr. Isaac J3«ckskt., Penmans!. 'i| ' expenses. ( TUitipn (Primary) per Term - S|*s® Gammon English...; « 'i> rtiehet English Math, and Languages, q 00 Music, Eiaofi or Melodeon 8 00 •ose oil Instilment., 3 00, Room rent, j.sr ter® i 1 50 Fuel, Fail &rm.. ,-.•1 3 •Incidentals, per _term...i. an ; ■>“;•• ’< *5 Board in t|e : Hall, per. week 1 50 We are most happy to be able to say ti i the friends and patrons of this Institution, and also to.all jritbin the range of its’ patronage, that the building will bo finished and furnished for the, all who may apply for admission as student., peo ple of Mansfield, who have so long and sacriupngiy labored for this educational enteipristj, Tiog|t and Bradford counties) Northern Pa., may bow bagih to reap) the fruits of haying in their minst) la First-Class Seminary of lenrblbg. . It is the design lif-the Faculty, which is cotijposbd of teachers of miich experience and noknonjedged ability, to make every possible effort 1 1 render this School one of the ryost desirable in Ihe Stale, ibr those who desirea thorough, practical educatioj. The building has a very, desirable location onjan emipen’co, about eighty rods past of the Tioga Railroad.! It is a brick structure,}!fill febt long, four slorieSj high, built in the most.roodcrn stylo of lychitejcture. 'There aye two Literary-Societies connected with the School, each having a roofs exclusively for its use. There is also a-Library in j*o Institution for the use ich htfWas.eurcd of that bike dis ease, CoWsumpliop, j i Sufferers eiitlf ®«t3BHPTios, Asiihfi, BKoS'csipis, or any, lung affection,- be sincerely hopes wilt try this Recipe, well satisfied that if they do (so they will be itf >re than shtiefie I with the result. Thankful for his own complete're4 >ratiop, he is anxious to place in the hands of or cry Offerer the means (of emu Those wishing the' ree« !ps with fell directions, j£ Nothing within my knowledge equals it fyr these female de rangements.” , ' i Edward S. Marrow, df Newbury, ATa .-.writes. “A danger ous avatian tum6r on one of the females in my family, which had defied all the remedies we ccnld employ, has at length beeh completely cured by your extract of Sarsaparilla, Our physician thought nothing but extirpation could afford re lief, but he-advised the trial of-yqur Sarsaparilla as .the last resort before cutting,and it proved effectual. After taking yotlr remedy eight weeks no symptom ol the disease remains. Syphilis aud Mercurial Disease. Dr. J, C. Ayer: I cheerfully comply with the request of your agent, and report to you some of the effects I have realised with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it in my practice, most of the complaints for which it is recommended, and have found its effect* truly wonderful in the cure of Venereal ami Morcnrcnl Disease* One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers in- his throat,which were comsuiriidg his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured Imn ill flve weeks. An* other was attacked by secondary symptoms In his nose, and the ulceration "had eaten away a considerable part of it, so that X believed the disorder Woilld sbotj reach Ins brain and kill him. But it yielded to my adimm-tiation of your Sar saparilla; the ulcers healed, and he is well again; not ol course without edme disfiguration to his face. A woman who hod been treated for the same d»sonng again. The best tllat odd t‘e said of you is not half good enough.*’ Schirrus, Cpncer Tumors, Enlargement. Glceratioh, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones, A great variety of eases have been u-pdrted to ns wheyo cures of these formidable complaints liave're-uUed from the use of this remedy, but onr i-pace here will not admit them. »Somo of them may be found in our American Almanac.w Inch the agents below named are pleased to firrolsh gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Melan choly, Nvurulgm. Many remarkable cures of thr-»o a£f“ctloin bare keen marie by the’aUor.itiro power of this mc-iliuue. U st i uu*iHtfcs tbe vital functions into vlgerou* .icti >n. un'l tljrts overcome? 'lis orders whkb \umld bo mppovod its leach. Such a' remedy has long been required by tbu a nHeo.«.*«iiies of the peo the people, ami wo are confident this mil do for them ah that medicine Can do. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR TIIC RAPID CUKII OF Coughs, Cold*, Influenza, Hoarseness,, Cr»np, Bronchitis, In cipient Consumption, ai.d for the Relict «t Consump tive Patients in advanced stages uf Disease. This is a remedy so universally known to surpass any other for thfc core of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless here to publish the evidence of it* viitue«. Its un rivalled excellence for coughs and cold*, and its truly won 'derful cures of pulmonary disease, have ninja* it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. F>-w arc the communities, or even families among them, who have not some personal experience of its effects—some living trophy Ja their midst of Its victory over the subtle and dangerous -disorders of the throat and lungs. As till know the dread ful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects ol this remedy, we need not do more than to assuio them that it has now nil the virtues that it did have when making the cures which have \ruu so strongly upon .the con fidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & Co., Sold by C, &J. L. Robinson, Wcllsboro; H. H. Borden,'Tioga,• W. G. Miller and C. Park-hurst, Lnw rencevillo; A. & J. Doorman, Knoxville ; S, X. Bil lings, Gaines; J. «fc J. G. Parkhurst, ElUlaijd; W. K. Mitchell, Mitchellvillc; J. Ucdinglon, Middle buryt Bennfitt & RandalJ, Middiebary Centre; G. W, Nesbitt, Mansfield; S. S.’Packard, Covington; G."R. Shaffer, Liberty; D. S. Magee, Blossburg; Fox k Witter, Mainsburg, and by Dealers everywhere. March 27tfa, 18dL-6m. NOTICE,^— Tbe public are hereby notified that the Co-partnership heretofore existing and conducted in the name of Bennett & Randall, in the Mercantile business, connected with tho manufacture of Lumber in this County, is now closed by mutual consent and agreement, taking effect the Ist of April, inst. The Bookaiand Accounts will remain with, and are the property Of the new Firm of Solomon Ben nett uo per annum. ‘ WRIGHT'S. Arthur’s Magazine, ! Ladies’ Repository, Ladies’ Visitor, Pickles, HORACE DAVIS, Administrator. S. X. AVERY’S PAifi? nrPEOVED wr PATENTED MAY 8. ISGO.^te X this invention is to apply a-hral * in snch a manner that articles attacks io lass, and raised by it, may be l ower 2 *' the hitherto slow and tedious manual mcntof the windlass being avoided a I at the same-time admitting of t]/ e „ complete control oyer the descending of' article being lowered. The invention ' various purposes; its use in connect!! 1 may be mentioned as an instance in ■ ets, after being raised and emptied mavt ered,.and their movement retarded’ot th so that they ,wiU not violently strike the entijic. American. ‘ e For the purpose of Raising aa d In Wells, it is decidedly _ 1 THE GREATEST’ IMPROVEMENT 01 the Brake acts as a check upon the Wi of the bucket, without turning the crank actingas.a brake, by pressingi W ardsi All who examine this machine, will 0 i edge its PRACTICABILITY AND SU’ Over every other machine in use. Jt, the windlass is easily controlled with at oxe hajjd. ' It combines all the advanta, fashioned with the' self-emptying bucket many new and useful improvements! J apted to wells of any depth, and will ni ordinary turning, Fite Buchctt o/ tro(tr from wells of ordinary depth, and in the tion to the depth of two hiindred'feeL The windlass and brake is also nppllcabl and lowering any kind of weight, andieei is far superior to those heretofore in use. Having purchased the right for the Cot ga and Potter, Pa., the undersigned.are ofier for sale township rights for the mao sate of the above improvement, on rcaioi A. BI L. D, Oct. 13, 1860. CORNING FI&B & LIFE INSURANT BIGELOWTHOMPSON, AGI AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPAQ Of Hartford, CL—Capital j HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COS! Capital, PA(ENIX FIRE INSURANCE COIIPJ *Of Hartford, CL—Capital, PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE COM Of New York City—Capital NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCI Of Hartford, CL MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Of New York City,—Capital MASSASOIT FIRE INSURANCE CO. Capital, HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE COM] Capital, NETV YORK LIKE IYSURAYCE CO. Accumulated Capital, Tbo subscribes are prepared to issue pel surance on the most favorable .terras in the known and reliable Stock Companies." Farm buildings insureds for'three jearj low as any good companies. All losses will be promptly adjusted ant office. Applications by mail will receive tcntion WM. L. BJ Oct. 13, J 859. C. 11. TUI P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor, FOR SALE! WICKHAM & BLOO AT OUE XUESEET IX TIOGA, TIOGA Pi, - A LARGE STrPXT OP PRUI’Bj TBKES, SKCiK GRAPES, EVERGREENS, d-c., * PEARS —Trees of the most desirable kn tra large size, if desired. Standard trcps in to APPLES —A great supply of the choice*: different kinds of Crab nppie. PLU M S—A large supply of the best end kinds. CHERRIES —An extensive assortment of ti GRAPES —Viz: Delaware, Diana,DalelkE dy. White Sweet Water, White Summer, liartf Eebocca and Concord. . ORNAMENTAL —Weeping Mountain A 4 nht, Balsam of Fir, Scutch Kir, fJynijipau Silur, Sp.ruce, Siberian and American Arbur Vilae.Ln SHRUBBERY— BoIIy leaved EorberrT.Cl::f Spiraea pru m folio, Boutzia, Green For>jtiia ROSES— Baltimore Belle, Frame Queen. GOOSEBERRIES —Of several choice vanttis. CURRANTS —Cherry, Red, and WHif' We would invite all who are in rant of atjfJ trees, £c., to coll and see them for t'ieir own i B. C' IYIC JuHXT.M Tioga, Aug. 22, ISflOjl JSI PORT ANT TO THE V WASHING NO MORE A The undersigned announce to tbs Tioga County, that they fcafe-purebased manufacturing and selling HECAY’S WASHING if A which for simplicity of construction, ntiiitj ness, exceeds any other machine in use. I other recommendation than to see it wotx ten or twelve years of agej/cau do the ws family IN AN HO UK.' Any person f good labor-saving washing machine, cai these home and doutheir washing with it, perfectly satisfied, they can return it. Recollect, this machine is no humbug h cle indispensable ia,ev£ry family. It d° e or tear the clothes like band wa PRICE, FIVE DOLLARS. Machine HOE & CO/S Store, ‘Manufactured arti SXUREOCK’S Shop, near the Academy. ' W. A B( , T D. SILT Peuniti/hanh H v Wellsboro. Dec. !■ Having used one of Mecay’s Vasbiog caaconfidently recommend it/and cut one for any price. I9tf wm THE Subscriber most respectfully he has on hand at tbo old stanor Cheap lot of Turiii comprising in part s. Drdsiug and.Cammob Bureau** Se<' rr -^ u . Cctses, Center, Card rifid Pur j Breakfast Tables, MarbUdoppcdand ic Cvphoardi, Cottage and other Bcdsha '*• fas arid Chairs, Gilt uflrf Jlosctcood Picture FrartieB> COFFINS mfldS to oidef oil sl'ttt hearse will be furnisbedjf iiesirid. N. B. Turning and gawfng done to August 11, 1859. I B.T. '■ WIILIAII WAtß®* DA! A SPLENDID LOT WHOLE BUFFALO EOWER THAN EVER Offered in. this mabi Whole Bobe* from $3 to $ 8 HAT AND CAP gr CORNING. N- Y ' January 2, 1861. 1 CARPETS AtfD OIL CLOT® you good to see tb* patterns -gQi At th'o J Wellsboro* Pa. NE HUNDRED BARR^.fc received, and for sale Jit Laths, pickets sale at Tioga, by , *■' March 20,istm mV