V , } v B T o BB AsKM h A Zoo AJX.-rA ii ki« hair cropped closj \to his skin, had V tpn his seat and throw* off his hat, show cneMSting a white (rood scrubbing !k“ ith toost of the briiilos worn ofe— „ you wanted to bo3 ler that Zouave If,,,’’ S aid a lady td dier companion, 'u voo know bow to do i l V’ . “Not espe- Lweredher escort;. “Well, I!H tell the brightrtyed viidn, “ aSk him for 0 f bis hair 1” . . : i jiAßßlfllSi , . rharleston. Augi 17th, by Holman Morgan; r rEOEGIi WATKINS of SuUiyan, to Mist •JjY^FEfeßV pf Charleator, to. _ by Roy. J. F. Calkins, of the t*ar> * Mr JOSEPH THOMPSON, and MlssßMfc 'HARTJ both °f Charleston, Pa. -• i sfi Inst by the satne, at the Hotel of En il( Mlsboto, Mr. ALBERT B. RUHDEL of toMisa OBPHA A. LEBT of Middlebnry. a. .ittio at tho fame time hiyj plach, M.-WAL pITE, and slis3 KATE .JL LEET, both of ■bory,‘ ’ t SPEOXAXj ‘ I WHO SHOUL& USE j bOVEE DOBS’ vesetabl. IMPERIAL WINE ' BITTERS 1 Ui lire afflicts With Incipient ,Csnjnsinptlon or Weal ffnffwfro™'”' cnk Bjapep raSirom General °r NerWras f&hllity, Eestlesa- K want ”f Sleep, 4c., shohtfl tee theta tnonc who are convalescent aite? fever or other aick “(“ooTtheTo’jpol, lawyers, I* , , reauthorized to announce thi (meof DAVID A, u Middlelmcy township, as ■*,’'candidate for tho jhfrrifT, subject to. tho decision, 5 of tho Republican (hnTcritifti. TREASURER, ire Mthafi7cd'lo announce the of M. S. BALD (Uorrcncevnin, as-a candidate Ahe office of Trea subjcct to the decision of the County Con* 1 'I ire aathoriVwl to rttnofttfcc ihnt EEN'JAMIX S. S, of Deerfield. will be a candidate for the office of w 'object to tliftiecipion of‘the Reimbhcun County uou * " rf requested to state that'MORGAN SEfJtXT, of - will be-a candidate for the office of Treasu re to the decision of tho Republican County Con- COMMISSIONER. . Y vt wthorized to announce tho of S.B. WAR- H.cf Mmar, a«i a candidnti.for ths office of Com mis’ inject to the decision dt the County are authorized to announce thcjv&me of L. D. SEE j' •Brookfield, as a caadidate.*fof tila office of Commla" -object to the decision of the’i’tepublican County tfion. • - f' r '(l lr * authorized to announce the' E. S.&ELEY a candidate for tho offipo of Commissioner,, *tothc decision of the Republican Co. Convention. • ■reauthorized to announce tho name of PETER BUSH, Mlifld, as a candidate for the office of County Com -*r, subject to liio decision of tho T .Republican County 3Ucn* ' ■ i piutbnrt?ed to announce the name of XI. C. TER •ri Gaines, as a candidate for the office of County subject to the* fiecraldn of the Republican I Convention, * ' ' , inth °rfeed to announce tho name of JOB REX rf Clymer Township, as n candidate' for the office of * loncr > subject to the decision of the Republican -Ison jJ • / to annoupoo thorifime of CHAS. °' f Milchen'k trcck,.(Tlok Township') office, of 'Commt^ioDer, >tibject on of tbe^rpubUcan'Cdnv^ntion. 3 KkELT lh ° ri2C - d tO l enounce tbeiliaine of ENOCH •..j e^on > as -a candidfrte for the office of bJd”' BB^ect to decifl l° n tie Republican as-wcute judge/ ,■ 1 to- announce the filjnc |f SETHpAG °-v as a candidate for Associate Judge, subject on °* le Republican Connty|cdnvention. J S.tf t m ri7Cd *’ t ° annoluice the of WILLIAM «8 a candidate fo^ 1 the offifo of Asso - ' s_t ,BQ^eot 10 ffie decitSon of the ‘Republican Con ,0 “HBonace the nsmewf i,. BUTTS, of d * canrt^ ate f° r the office of Afesocinto Jludge, sub. tri 151011 of the Republican Cohnty Convention. Ofpfr l ,!r a 9 nonnco tho «« toe »t W-C. ElP >f k c ”® o ud Township, as a candidate .for the Biilyect to tie dfeisten or the Re r ® lT TAKpR a(W, ** B '^ eaw BDnoU! * ce name of Dr. 1 office 7° f E!k] . Rnd » ns a candidate for r«lec -0 bounty, subject, j. ; ecis *° n of tho Convention.- Dr - W’fl. os an officer, bis *'m pOEltion » and his idregTlty to principle, ality ! Bwe-satjfilactton whilst lm P«-tant one. j \ ujjdoA. 10 '‘ annolll ‘Ce the ffi 16 o| CHA^NCEY. Y.-enbi M a C4niiilla t» ft ojf A««o -lt!av M lO tbe declsl S n Be&blican Coun on® °f oVdets residents as earliest Republicans!. He is well quail to the name of VICTOR »*ti|kct to 8 for of Assochite tre i a y 10r . C 60181011 °f the Republican-Convention t 0 nnnounce name of ROYAL ** e aa a candidate for tho office of * ct to the decision of (he Republican | SHERIFFS SALES. EX viftno of sundry writs of Pi. Fa., Lev. Fa., and Ve4d. Ex., issued out of the Common Pleas of Tioga county, Pa., and to m© directed, I will expos© to public file" in the. Court' Hdnse in Wellshoro, on MONDAY,:Iho 2d day bf September, A, D. 1861, at one o’clock In the afternoon, the following described propertyjto wit: A lot n the north,by lot No. 257 of the allotment of tfafe B ngham lands in Westfield township, con* tractcd to Ezra B, Knottier, on the east-.s>y lots Nos. 28 apd 4'l, op the south by lot No. to J, 4 J. Pari hurst, and on the west by lands of the Bing ham esta e, it being lot No. 40 of the allotment of Ihß Bingham lands ib Westfield township, Tioga county; Pennsylvania, and part of warrant numbered 1231—= containln ; one hundred abd one acres and nine-tenths of an acff. with the usual Allowance of six per cent for roads. «£6., akoul 60 acres improved, a frame house, barn, froiji trees thereon.’ To be sold as the property of Asa Mclntyre/ ALSO~|rA lot of land bounded and described ns fol-. lows: oh!the north by lot No. 172 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in Chatham township/contracted* to Seth Hncket and lot No. 197 contracted to Ste phen Fuller, on' the east by lots No. 183 contracted to Peter V. iHoteling, No. 307 contracted to Nathl. R. Starks, No. 196 conveyed to Abel Cloos 2d, and No. 286 contracted to John on the south by Ibts Nos. 196 und No. 2§5 aforesaid, and lot Nn. 194 con tracted tof David A. Churchill, and dtt thb west by lot No, 172) f foresaid, It being lot No. 196 of the allot ment of] l:ho Bingham lands in Chatham township, Tioga county, Pennsylvania, and part of warrant numbered, 1336—containing fifty-nine acres and seven tenths of m acre with usual allowance of six per cent for roads, Ac,, about forty acres improved, three log houses, 9 scanty, bam and some,fruit trees thereon. T property of Jas. E. Johnson and A. H. T. Allen. ' ALSO—A lotof land bounded and described as fol lows: on sie north by the north line of warrant nmn-. •berfed IlpJ>, on the east by lot No. 36. of the allotment of tbo Brigham lands in Charleston township, con*- royed to Caleb Austin) on the south by lot No. 37 contracted, do Silas S. and Eli Johnson, and on the -Wetlt/by loi No. 400 contracted to Jas. S. Brydon, it bethg io( No,- 30 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in [Charleston township. Tioga county, Penhsyl vni*. aciifiart of warrant numbered 1168—‘containing ■ one hira^r ed and seven acres and two-teftthsof an . acre with he usual allowance of six per cent for roads, Ac., aboqt 60 acres improved, a log house, frame born, fruit treds thereon. To bo Bold as tbo property of Jeremiah Young and Harvey Young, ALSQj-A lot of land bounded and described as follows: cn- the north by lot No. 302 of the allotment of thoß:p;;ham lands In Chatham township, conveyed to Gerard Doan and lot No. 301'Conveyed to Harvey Heath, on the east by lot No. 299 now or late in the possession of B. A C. Saxbury and lot No. 154 con tracted to John M. Oroft, on the south by lot No. 305 conveyed o Isaiah I. Cole, and on the west by lot No. or late in the possession of Reuben Cloos, it being Iplj No. 163 of the allotment of the Bingham lands ifjfjhatham township, Tioga county, Pennsyl vania, warrant numbered 1349—contain ipg sevcinfey five acres and seven-tenths of an acre with tbojnknaT allowance of six per cent for roads, Ac., acres improved, frame house, frame barn an 4 milt trees thereon. To be sold as the prop erty of Daniel Churchill. ALSOi—IA lot of land bounded and described as fol lows : On fhe north by lot No. 241 of the allotment of the Binghltn lands in Westfield township, contracted to Richard PhiUips> and lot No. 222 contracted to An derson j[ Iftirdltj! dn the cast by lot No. 231, conveyed to Elansonj Burdick, lot No. 222 aforesaid, and lot No. 55 contracted to Noble Pride: bn tbo south by lot No. C 4«, contracted to Orlando G. Griffiin, and on the west by lot No. p 4 aforesaid, lot N0.'214 contracted to Ly man Pritchard, and lot N0.‘240, contracted to Henry M. Broughton; it being lot No. 54 of tho allotment of thc-Biogbdm lands in Westfield township Tioga Coun ty Pennsylvania, andpaYt of warrant numbered 1322, —containing one hundred and twenty-two acres and three tenths of on acre, with the usual: allowance of six percent for roads Ac, about 60 acres improved, a frame hbule, log house, frame* barn and fruit trees thereon. I 'Jobe sold as the property of Sylvanus Ba ker. i 5 ALSO[— A lot of land bounded and deseribed aafol lows : On cha. north by lot No. 186 of the allotment of , tho Bingham lauds in Clyiper township, conveyed to Alonzo King, oh'the east by lots Nos. 133 and 167 contracted p> Philo Griffin, on the south by lot No. 165 converted to Silas S. Griffin, and on the west by lot No, IsM’contrftcted to Chntles D. Cameron; ;t be ing lot N o.il 84, of the allotment of the Bingham lands in Clyrm r township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania,and part of Wiiriknt numbered 1223—containing forty-seven acres and ax-tenths of. on acre, with tho usual allow ance of fiixfpercentfor roads &6, about 40 acres im proved, frame hbuse, frame barn, and fruit trees there on. To DeSsold as the property of E. Q. Smith. ALSO—A lot of land bounded and described as follows: on the north by lands of tbo Bingham estate and lot iToi-20 of the allotment of tho Bingham lands in Westfield tsp.> conveyed to David Close, on the east by part of rot No. 19 wnveyed to Christopher Saylce, part of-lit po. 10 ‘conveyed to David Close, and lot contracted lo John Huyler, on the south by lot ■ No.-23 cc nfracted to Edwin Dewey* -anti on thn west by lot N3J242 contracted to Aaron L. S. Leach, it being, lo /so. 24 of (he allotment of th 6 Dingbam lands in Westfield township, Tioga county, Pennsyl vania, andlpart of numbered 1069-contain ing fifty- wjp Acres and two-tenths of an aero with the usual allAwfencb of six per cent for roads, Ac., about fifteen ‘acre* improved, to he sold as the property of George Cpie.- ALSOf A lot pf land bounded and described as follows: Wthe north lot No. 71 of the allotment of the Blngpara lands in Westfield township, conveyed to Apdrew Bmei and lot No. 70 conveyed to Thomas Strait, on tfo by lot N 0,70 aforesaid, and lotN<* *6B conr©ye| to William A Dougins, on the south by lot No. ftSmforosaid, lot No. 87 now or late in the possession sjf Henry McFaTI, and lot No. 86 Ac., con tracted to If®. Labar.Aod on the west by l9ts Nos. 68 Ac., and! 71 aforesaid, it being lot No. 72 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in Westfield, now Clymer township, Tioga county, Pennsylvania, and part of warrant numbered 1320—containing fiffy-ono acre* and [fife-tenths of an acre with the usual allow ance of ,'Bik|per tent for roads, &c.> about thirty acres improved,! flame bouse, frame barn, and jFruifc tVebs thereon.' Tqbosold as the property of John T. Labar. ALSO-U lot of Ihnd bounded and described as follows: oni-the north by lot No. 22 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in Jackson township, conveyed to Jacob R. Miller, lot No. 24 conveyed! to Edgar , Kinner lot No» 37 conveyed to Charles And lot N0.i84 conveyed to Wallin B. Miller, on the south by IpfiNo. 81 conveyed to John Arpol, and on the west by not No. 40 conveyed to Westlake Seely, and lot N 0423 conveyed to Jacob Miller, it being lot No. 39of;dbo allotment of the Bingham lands in Jackson township, Tioga county, Pennsylvania, and part of warrants numbered 1413 and 1414—contain ing one huojdred and twenty*mx acres and one-tenth of an acre! the usual', allowance of fix per clot THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. for roads, Ac., about 80 aqres improved, two frame bouses, frame bam and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as-the property of Charles Tillingbast Jr. , ALSO—A lot-of land bounded and'described as follows: on the north by lot No. 24 of the,allotment . of the Bingham lands in Clymer township, conveyed to Peter Walradcd, on the feast by lot NO. 129 con veyed to Dixon Southworlb, bU thfe South by lot No. 128 contracted to William H. Reynolds, and on the west by lot No. 247 contracted to John M, Harper, it being lot No. 248 of the allotment of the Bingham lands ill Clymfer township, Tioga cotinty, Pennsylva nia, and part of warrant numbered 1320-—containing fifty acres with the usual allowance of six per cent for roads, y lot No. 121 allotment of the Bingham lands in Rutland township, conveyed to Bennett Reynolds, the past by lot N0..123 con veyed to Sally Pears and lot No. 140 Sullivan, con veyed to Hiram Hedged, on the south by lot No. 140 aforesaid nnd lot No. 136 Sullivan, conveyed, to Jus tus Wand, and on tho veest by lot No. 119 SulllvaA nnd Rutland contracted to Mathuen Reynolds, it being lot No, 122 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Rut land and Sullivan townships, Tioga county, Pennsyl vania, and part of warrants numbered IS 1 9 nnd 1820 —containing cighly-lhiye actes and fottr tenths of ftn with the usual allowance of si.t per cent lor roads, iVc., about fifty acre:} improved, frame house, frame barn and fruit tree? thereon. To be sold as the prop erty of Solomon'Phillips. ALSO—A lot of land bounded and described n* follows! On tho north by lot No. ISjv, of tho allotment of the Illng barn lands iu Mlddlebury township, contracted to Gilbert.B Owlett, Jr„ on the east by lot No. 301, contracted to Gilbert B. Ovflcll Jr., on the south by lots Nos. 162 nnd 4. conveyed to Newberry Cloos, Jr., on the west bv lot No 1, con veyed W Gilbert B. OwlettJ it. being lot Np. 2of thoallottm nt of the Bingham lands in Mlddlebnry township Tioga county Pennsylvania,and j>art ofjwarrant numbered 1355 —contain- ing eixty-five acres, with tho usual allowance of six per cent for roads Ac..about 40*acres improved frame Imn-ie. frame barn, and fruit trees ihordon. To be sold as the property of Daniel Churchill. ALSO —A lot of land bounded and desorbed as fol low?: On the north by Hot No* 183 of'the allotment of the Bingham Lands in Ricbmondtownship contracted’ to Horace Borden and lot No 1M contracted to Ilornpe B. Seymour. On the ejast hy lot No 150 JUchmond d Kntland contracted to James Phalen ftnd lot' No, IIC Richmond, Rutland & Sullivan, contracted to Silves ter Bailey. On the south by,lot No. 19 Richmond, convoyed to James R Wilson and on the west by lot No, 133 aforesaid. It being lot Ko, 142 of the nllot mentof the Bingham Lands in Richmond township Tioga County, Pennsylvania and part of warrant num bered IS2l—containing fifty acres and six-tenths of an acre with the usual allowance of six per cent for roads Ac, about 30 acres improved, house, barn A fruit trees, thereon, T*o be sold as the property of Bcthuel Bentley. i ALSO —A lot of land in Wnllsboro, bounded north cast by William Bachcl south 4 west by Richard Eng lish, north west by. Pearl Street, south east by street leading by A, A, Marbles —containing i of an acre,* frame house and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of M. J. Grierson, adra'x, of Chas Oner son and Montraville Gjrierson, Caroline Grierson, and Ada Grierson, heirs, Ac., of Charles Grierson. ALSO —Alotot land in Corner township, hounded north by Caleb Trdbrltjge. east by lands in possession of Samuel Stfimler and AdrinJ King, south by A final King and west by A. B. Tanner —containing about 50 acres, about fifteen ncres improved, a frame house and some fruit trees thfcreon. ,To bo sold as the prop erty of Maloom Tate» i ALSO—A lot of land in llelranr township, bounded north by William* Wnrrincr, east by hinds in posses sion of William liacbE; south by Amos Wnrriner. and. west by lands formerly of Simon Wilcox—containing about 15 rfCVcs.'aboht 12 ticTQs. improved, log bouse, log bam, and fruit trees theregn-. To be sold as tho property of Hannah E; Hall. ALSO—A certain twjo story frame house or build ing, situate in the township of BtaSs, in tho county of Tioga, on the east aide) of Wiitiarnson road, contain ing in part on said street \6 feet, more or less, and in depth 28 feet, bounded on the north and east by va cant lots owned by Seymour, Pavis A. Co., on the south by shop owned by P. li. Clark, on the west by Wil liamson roadyand tho lot or piece of ground'and curtilage appurtenant to said building. To be.sold as the property of Jnmds R. Tullock owner or reputed owner. - ALSO—A let ofUftciln llutland towhsMp, bound ed north by Wm. Updike and S> Wood, cast by E. Wood, south by John Xe’wberry and C. Qallj and west by S. Kennedy—containing about 104 acres, about 75 acres improved, frnmb house, frame barn, log shop, fruit trees and orchard thereon. To be sold as (lie property of Philander )W. Roclhfell. 1 ALSO—A lot of land in Delpiar to4rnship.bonndcd north and west by highway, east by WilUnm Ebcrenta, and south by I. Stone-fcontaining nbotit four acres of improved land, with sdme fruit trees thereon. To bp sold as the property of Joseph Humphrey. ALSO —A lot of land in Brookfield bounded north by S. and John Lewis* east by Bingham lands, south l?y Bingham lapds and Lemuel Pease, and west by S. Tubbs, E. Culver and B : ngbain lands—containing abolat one hundred and seventy aefes, about forty acres improved, a fratab house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the’ property of Samuel Tubbs, i ALSO —A Jot of land in Tidga, bounded ntjrth by Crooked Creek, east by| road leading from Wellsboro and Tioga road to Bayers Mills, south by Wellsboro and Tioga road, and west by lands of Lyman Adams —containing about one acre of land, a frame bouse* frame out'house or kitchen, frame barn and abed and fruit trees thereon;. To bo sold Ai the property of James Goodrich opd Horace S.; Johnson terre tenant ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township, to wit: commencing about 10 rods west of the road on south line of the Tnylbr lot adjoining Richard Hull' on the north; thenco west luO rods along the line; thence rode j thence east to the road; thence south easterly to the place of beginning—containing twenty acres, all improved,, frame bouse, ba'rn and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of William. D. Kelley. ALSO—A lot of land In Morris township, bounded north by Duffers, ensl by Dnffeys and Jnmca English, south by I, J, W. Lewis, ami w»>t by Ivins—contain ing about 70 acres, about li» or 15 acres improved, a log house, shanty and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as tho property of Samuel Campbell Jr.; ALSO—A lot of land in Gaines township, bounded north and west by Billings lands, cast by Long Run Road; nnd south by main highway—containing about one acre of improved land, a frame -tavtrn house, frame barn, outbuildings and fruit trees thereon. To be sold,ns the properly of Benjrimin Barsc. ALSO—A lot of land in Lawrence lowhnsbip, bounded north by Cowanesque River, east by Widow’ Nelson,, south by tho James Ford estate, and west by road running South ffohi CoWanesqUe River to Bear Creek—containing about 17 acres, all Improved and fruit trfefes thereon, excepting therefrom, ttyo acres convoyed to tho Widow Nelson, aiujiiFof an acre be ing school house lot. To be sold ds the property of Henry Colegrove. ALSO—A lot of laud in MorfU township, bounded north by warrant No. 4220, east by warrant No. 4368,. south by wdfrant No. 4379, and West by Warrant No. 4388-—-containing about 900 acfea with two lumber shanties thereon, To be sold as the - property of S. T. McCormick. B. I POWER, Sheriff.. Sheriff* Office) Wellaboro, August 14, 1861, WAR! WAR! UPON HIGH PRICES & LONG CREDITS! O. BULLARD Has just returned from the cities with It Complete es- soriment of COFFEES, RAISINS, SUGARS, MOLASSES, and other staple Groceries, which cannot be eicelled in quality or cheapness in this or any other country town. His new stock of Groceries embraces SALERATCS, ORANGES, KEROSINE, CASTOR OIL, LAMP OIL, find hearty nil the luxuries used in the tables of Civilization generally jiml the peojiTfc of Tioga Coupty in particul'fvr. Among these are such articles ua SWEET OIL, HAMS,. Sugar-Cured or Smoked, DRIED BEEF, an excellent article, CODFISH, Pickled or Dritetl) MACKEREL, \VBITEFISH, HERRING, PICKLSD LOBSTERS, SARDIXES.iAc. A good article of FAMILY FLOUR. | Always on hand. Also, RICE, CORN STARCH, STRUT, Ac. WOODEN WAKE, Including, WASH TUBBS, BAILS, CHtjINS, FAXCV BASKETS, MEASURES, BABY WAGONS, two of throe Uind«, MOPS, BROOMS, BROOM-BRUSHES, CLOTHES BASKETS, MARKET do. CLOTHES PINS, Jots of them, TRAVELING BASKETS, WHEELBARROWS, for small boys. BUGGY MATS, t ■ , and other things too numerous to mention. DRIED FRUITS, | Including DRIED PRUNES, dried apples, dried peaches, DRIED ENGLISH CURRANTS, CITRON, DATES nnd SPLIT PEAS. Also,*!! kinds of NUTS and FANCY CANDIES. iIfttELIAXEOtS. llfiJtP and CANARY SEEDS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, all sizes, , Adamantine Candles, Snuff,’Smoking and (dewing Tobjicco, a 1 I dozen varies, and ft good assortment of No- tions and Toys. Wellsboro, April 17,1861 NEW, GOODS I YERY CHEAP FOR READY PAY. T. L. BALDWIN Has and is now receiving a large and various stbA of SPRIMG AND'SUMMER HERCIIASDISE, Composed of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,' HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, ’ HATS and CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, WOODEN WARE, and in fact all. Merchandise called for in the market, all of which will he sold at the PANIC PRICES for R&ADY PAY. All persons desiring to-buy Goods for CASH, Trill do well to call and examine my stock of MERCHAKDISE before making purchases elsewhere, ns the stocA will be disposed of at unusually low prices for Cash. Tioga, May S? 1861. T. L. BALDWIN. WELOBOKO’ ACADEMY. Wellsboro’, Tioga County. Pcnna. MA&XNUS N. AI.LEN. A. XVI.: ... Principal assisted by a corps of competent teachers. The FfllbTerin Will commence on the 19th inst. Tuition for term of fourteen foerkif from s2jso to SBJOO. Military instruction will bo introduced this term into the Academy, accor ding to a late act of the Legislature of this Stole. Teaches’ Class will also bo formed. By order of Trustees, . J. P DOXALDSON, Pfts't. Wellsboro, Aug. 7, 1861. NEW COOPER SHOP.—The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Wellsboro and vicinity, that he has opened a COOPER-SHOP opposite CROWE’S WAGON SHOP, and is ready to do all manner of work prompt and to order, from a gallon keg to a 6fty barrel tub. Re pairing also dune on short notice. 0. F. ELLIS. Wellshorb, May 8, 1891. NOTICE.— The publics 01-e hereby notified that the co-pnrthership heretofore existing and conducted in the name of Wu.. A. 4 E. 6. Lane, is now desolved by mutual consent; faking effect the 29th day of July, is6l. WM. A. LAXfe, Jackson. .Toly :n. ISBI. 3t.» E. f?.,LASE. AVfUUL! WOOL f—The highest Market ’ » price paid for Wool at the Uuion Store of J. W. BAILEY, 4 CO. New wueat flour «t WRICHIS 4 BAILEYS. Teas, SPICBS, SOAP, L%MOXS, r CAMPIIEXE, FLUID, WE WOULD Respectfully CALL ATTfUTtOH . . r |0 , LARGE ARRIVALS i 1 , SUMMER GOODS, DO M %;S TIC iS, SHEET l\E'V S\ • i / I. is n i it. p / iY g s, ■( B'OtG&T -At TtlE L'OWEgT PRICES FOR ©ASfcL r. —i i Jr i AlsovJ , ! j v , i- ’ 1 tEAS, SUGARS. ANDt COFFEES, • ' ■ j’ BOUGHT PREVIOUS TO THELATfe ADVANCE ' «• •; ,i IN PRlcjcS, Kt)W SEfcLIJCO.AT TfiAtt freSbwt value. .-j - FERINE Sc CO., teoy> pa;, ; t I 4 1 I t ] GROVER & BAKER’S CjELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FOR FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING USB, 495 BROADWAY, NEW'YORK. Agenda in alt the principal Cities and Tv tens in (hi United States, The Grom and Balter Sawing Machine Company are no# manufacturing, and bare on exhibition at 'their different salesrooms, machines‘making the Shuttle or Lockstitch, of the same patterns and at the same prices as their celebrated Grover and Baker Stitch Machines, thus aflordlng the public the advantage of comparing the stitches of the two leading machines and axercislng theirown judgment as to their re* ipectlve merits. Thirls the only company that manufacture both kinds of (machines, and therefore the only one that can offer this privilege to the purchaser. « VTe speak from experience when wo say that, after having tried all theprlbcipai Sewing Machines, we must accord to that of Grover and Baker the pre eminence. Thosoindispeb* sable featured of sewing, strength, uniformity and elasticity,* all of Which at? brought out in this incomparable invention, ttake it the dpt sewing machine In the country. Others have their gded points, but this combines all, and possesses vrttf ■characteristic necessary to make it most desirable. if,T r ohHWtitm Advocate and Journal. <* Sfsfclt VsjPaETß^tE.—' We perceive that the Grover and Baker Seeing Machine la every day growing more and more In favor, both for manufacturing and family purposes—but specialty ujidhpted to AlHhe requirements of family uses , Other nJttfcltfps, by diht of bra Sen puffery and conniving with : toinmltteea atjanttn&l ihlrs, have been thrust forward Into the first place; bdt they are fast losing this unmerited posi* *-> tlon. j The merits of the Grover and Baker Machine are beginning to ie knoWn in a practical way, and dally is tho demabd tot lijem Increasing, while the demandfor heretofore bettor known!, hint inferior machines, is proportionally de creasing. Bo jit tnrns out in this* as in many other instances, that ‘honostylia the best policy/-and the right, in tho end come^nppermost. “A trial of lover two years enables us tosajr with the great eat confidence that there is no better machine fox general family uf>e than Grover and Baker’s Sewing Machine Co. It bmkes a befeimftxl clastic seam that'does not rip with wear or Washing, runL'almost noiselessly, is plain, simple, easy to Work, and nod liable to get out of repair, fastens-the- ends fff Its own tbreau, and uses threads and silks directly from the spools on which theyare bought.”— XT. T, Leader. Grover and Baker’s Machines 1 work In theirpccnUarstUch, and flibrfca put together by it, may wear and drop to pieces , 'Mm original weakness or hard usage; but come npartorgive way at the scams, they can not; will hold together 'when tire doth oruslleo around them hangs in rags ajidJat ters.=-JV r . Y. Laity A'evs. "■ The points we conceive-most necessary and important & meet the wide range of requirements in a machine for family sewing, we fin'd more fully combined in the Grover aud ita ker, viz., extent of capacity, slippHcTly of construction,'ease' of management, advantage ©fusing thread from two'spool* Without re-windfng, of work, elasticity, durability and regularity of stitch, and quietness of movement. TTe therefore mark award to the Grover and Baker.” —Report of_ lenntuee Sate Jfoir of ISGo—ato of S. Louit Sate R*vrcf, 1860. * sfe}-i's, IS6l.—ly. MANHOOD. How Lost, How Restored-. Jnßt Published, in ft Sealed Envelop.. /A lectare oh the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, orik>min«l Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and invol untarv ymfspiqd', producing itnpotency,- Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. By Rost.jj. Cclviewell, M.2V The important fact that the awful consequences of self abuse nifty be effectually removed without interim! medicine* or the dangerous applications of caustics, instruments, med icated bougies, and other empirical devices, Is. here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new ami highly successful treatment, u--adopted by the celebrated author Billy ek- Wleined. by means Sf which every one Is-eunMcdlocUrb him .seif perfectly, and at the least possible cost, .thereby avoid ing all the advertised nostramsof tho day. 1 This lecture will prove a boon fd thousands and thousands. Sent nftifer seal, in a plain envelope, to any Address,, port paid, on the rvdeipl of two postage stamps, by addressing ‘ Dr. CM. J. C. KLINE, 127 ;Bowery. New York. Post Office box 4,58 C. IMPORTANT AMOCSCE3IETI i 4 THE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm ob Vi-’. A. HOE & Co.,having been dissolved, theeobscribfeYVfor the purpose of ftnteediatoly closing up the business of tbo concern, no\v offers their large stock of at * ' ' NEW, YORK COST. , T?ertobs desirous of making purchases, will find it to tbcrr advantage to call at once and make their so* lections, as j. . PIEST COME, FtRST SERVED.” This stock consists of the usual variety and general assortment of DRY GO'OflS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS & Sfi|oE3, READY MADE CLOTHINS, WOODEN WARE, - . GLASS WARE, CARPET & FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, Ac.,Ad. and must lie immediately disposed of. ~ ’ JEROME SMITH. Wellaboro, July 10, 1861. J. W. BAILEY & CO., ~1 AT THE UNION STORE, If ELL SB OB 0, Are opening a §ne Stock of NEW GOODS Just bought atPANIC PRICES,” and will be cold FOR CASH, at a little ABOVE COST,* if possible,- : EVERYBODY !-‘ Call and see the New Goods and Prices. P. S’. Ail persons baving unsettled accounts on _6nr Books, are requested to settle the same by Casbjor Note, immedintfly, as we intend to-sell on the pay Sbron system, until further advices from the seat of war. i J. W. BAILEY * COj Wellsboro, Jbly 31,1861. ! THE OSCEOLiA HIOH SCBOOE WILL OPEN the Fall term of the ensuing yenr,Angi 27th, Winter term. Dee. 10th, Spring term, March 21 th, 1862; ' ' Each Term lo continue fourteen weeks. Tuition from to $B, Kooms furnished for those wishing to bonrd themselves.,' c _ . Donrd §l-50 Board and lodging, $1.76 pop %cek ; Room, $1.50 pi r termlnstrumental Music*, with u*e of instrument, $lO.OO j Singing in classes free. t' School Book i can be procured at the Institution. For C irculaVs, Or for further particulars address A. R. VTIOHTMAN, Principal,. Osceola, July. 31, 1861. Removal. JOSEPH RIBEROLLE HASremcved his BOOT. SHOE, LEATHER and FU DIG STORE, from his Into locmrunon Main Street, t* his Tannery at the lower end « f tbo Tillage, whore be will be glad to wait on his customers, and the public! generally. Competent workmen aro employed in the Manufacturing Department, and all work warrinted-to be our own manufacture,^ Also, all kinds of READY-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, • i constantly on band. All kinds of Leather, and She© Findings, also constantly on hand and for sole at low prices for cash nr ready pay. ’ HIDES and PELTS taken in exchange for Goods at the highest binrket price. JOS. RIBEROLLE. WellSboro, .Aug. 14. IS6I. JJ.'AU those indebted to Ihc-rnWribcr by book account, or otherwise, aro requested to mil aneb cpd-squaj© up, JOS. RIBEROLLE,^ CROCKERY, HATS & CAPS,