The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, August 07, 1861, Image 3

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Wednesday,‘kugVßt 7,1861.
, 4 Co., 119 Nassau St., Sew York, and 10
,irtt f are the Agents fdr the j igUator, and the
B?i‘°, n ’ d largest circulating Newspapers In the
od the Canadas'. They are anthorlied to con,
our lowest rate.. £ .[ .
County: Co^iyentiou.
O üblican electors in the ae-feral election dis
:« tt- »n Coufaty, are requested to meet at the
1 oPT ' for bolding,elections on SATURDAY,
J p' ,ce ' 0 f August next, bitwecn the hours of 3
Jtth W j cc “ two delegates irom each district
jP '- Convention at TIOfIA, on FRIDAY, the
tt "° f August, 1861, at one o’clock P. M., to
1 W Aidatos for the following enumerated offices:
!l person fur President Judge, ‘ -
a P ,«gu! fur Associate Judges. ,
W sons for members of Legislature. ■
"Sou fur Sheriff.' |< ■
person for Treasurer. P ._
:;Lrson for Commissioner .
' ‘. r , n n for Auditor. I
c committees of itol^VCß.
, ’\VilUaoi Butler, Bpweri.
. ;,__ L p. £ e ely.
i B Strang, A. A.fAmsbry.
»»? 'g W. Avery, E&raiifa Hart.
‘ Harvey Leech, RcUbon florae.
['*“ - t B GoodonouglS, S. F. Richards.
" J m Faro-Ira PatobinlL. B. Smith.
Ws I. Jackson, tfirani Hastings.’
nimrles Goldsmith!: Jeremiah Stoddard.
■John C. Maynard, Benjamin Freyer.
j r G Parkhurst, Lender Culver..
7„_Charles Howirfc 6. H. Blanchard.
Marsh, Benjamin Furman.
,_U li 'Veils, Benjariin Miller.
„ c 0 Bowman, AAJ. Dearman.
’-or, Roff.
BeebfepFreeman Phippen.
C. ‘
Joht "jB. Kobinson.
-lps,rSt. J- Boss,
mmqiid, Geo. D. Keeney.
Enocl} Blackwell.
, JobsHaz!ett.
lleftrg Seely.
iavr,|SelU Whittaker.
jells,| Marry Ellis,
mroej&i. D. Gray.
, A, f? Turner. ,
tor, inp. J. Mitchell.
, P.‘ Herrington.
*r, Carles Goodspeed. \
'won,?sTohn Alexander.
3t.,h. 0. HolUa. -
the respective elec*
acjjjpromptly and vigor*
luc Ifyice of the primary.
( f ds|£gatea may be given,
; represented in the
of the Commit*
ly si Pve promptly, are re*
irneijy recommend as the
ig ihf fairest expression of
talllpting at the. Primary
loteit ier written or printed.
tbaP Ihe balloting be mode
of ? ie Committee in each
led, j f the persons substi
ittee: j
irtii imeij^s.
J - HtorfJ.— Dr. Ch. J. C
mtli , Li Bult«.
Sheriff Power. '
VdltboTfi Academy. —M. K AllyA., ■
OnUn'i Court Sale.—?. ( Hotf, jChdrow'Banle,
Uministrntors. ,"5 i
S - On Saturday last thd thermometer stood 'nt
5I ‘ '
The “Tioga Boys” Scattered every where.
ie clip the following from a | 'So Tribune:
“FonTß Momioe, lUysday, July 30,1801.
CipL Kilpatrick, formcrjyg-bf Col. Duryce’s regi
:wl, arrived here this morni3b£ from New York with
nnpflny of 100 mounted!, hflemen. Cavalry has
«ngreatly needed in this vicinity, and it is to be
iiptd that this branch will be strength
Xr. J. J. Brady of Tioga, (Mill Creek.) is a mem
ad the above corps. The mounted riflemen will
reheard from in due time. j|
_£S*\Sad Accident.—A si Knoxville writes
a is follows: £' -
"A sad, and almost fatal a&ideti happened a few
dei from this place, one week aft-, last Sunday. A
Iwghter of J. W. Holmes waVridtag with her broth
tr, wHeo the horse took frighf and ran away74hrowing
ie girl from the Wagon, and [ faulting in the fracture
tf the Inferior hfaxiJary Ik •», (chin) fracturing it
ca hoth.aides, and jeaving it hgling, being only held
together by the muscle of thf>_lhin,also fracturing the
Clavicle. The fracture was ([jnacceMfally reduced by
L. Darling, of Lawrcncefille, fttod the* patient is
hi fair way to recover. * i
Knoxville, July 29, 1861. ! .
have received new pieces of
music from Messrs. Pitson A Co,, No. 277
Washington Street, Boston : ‘l'JheUMoon .behind the,
bcaotiful'ballad, by “The Captain’s
SflJe,” a Song, by J. W. Turner :; 'Our Polka,” dedi
bled to the Young Ladies Female
Allege, by our talented young,friend, Prof. R. Harri
es,formerly teacher of musiol q Wellsbofo. "Child of
heart,” song, by Blanched. Artois, music by Kim-
'Flowers of' Fall, Wril?£,” by Beschor; "Che.
Sscto Quadnll,” by Boris; ijorinna/'aaong with-'
W words; u ßiverrido”“W*jhrojlh for piano, by
Any of these ijhabntby mail upon
receipt of twenty five cen-h ih money or sjtatapa’
iddresi (he publishers ns nbofil
We call particular att* §tion to the iibw Ad
visement in this week’s p” of the Wellsboro
Aadtmy. p ro f. Allen’s milit j'y training and expo
hec« f°r the past three month?, have admirably fitted
bhn for the undertaking therein announced. The Act
f approved the lish of May, gives author
-I{y for m c h a course of instruction* We copy from
that act: * !■''
- Action 18. That all incorporated colleges, univer
se* and academies, in this jbonunontfeolth, are here
v Jaaihomcdto establish, in connection with their
Te «l institutions, a mUitsy professorship ftt tbh
Ration of young men in iHliUry discipline, ft fid in
ofvrar.”- ‘
the present war for the; iJnion, mfiy he d protrac-
°Wj the importance of (jch » course of training
"!ra 4 t home, cannot be^ovo| , '-estinJated. '
Among the gentlemen very actively and effiei,
engaged ih testoring order to the frightened and
j*®nicd np baggaged trains and to others, after the
Wscf and saving arms and other property
on the field, fte&i laent, Webster, of the
J* T J.aGd Capi. of the artiay,
°|)oth exerted themselves {ill after midnight very
iVatiojicd Tntt\ligtncey.
nsa Yodsg—Slk-A-Tbh atovj paragraph
fjntn the National JntelUpwber, Washington, is
|j = evidence of thf* efficiency of CapL <J- B*
. l °n, & gentleman wel£ known to Jottrsell and
*|yof'JohT readers.
ft *rjUr, ajhw day* Blncfei.mbi ii friend Vrho wa's
J** t6e "Staton of thb Uubh' *» WA Rufii «nd
1 on the field sfihny. *
ta e tt «t Captain Overton th* ft t and said , that #hen
Ist? !! te toTtarUtta field, fch*t 0. Hw
. ». mustet, ritara id to the front, siting
** of service, aid {hat he wished to she
■-.]}' 1 ■
n * asein Ploy®* nisJit confusidh
fol l"H th, ahov, wfkiUo Sr S.
Tips,-—' VVjhcij the whole history df this great straggle
for of the noblest government on
earthi ahitll written, ano when all have been
weighed |n the balance, 'Pennsylvania, in -her memo
rable record of patriotism and viflor, will not be found
to have been ‘'wanting/' Her people have entered
into the with* whole hearts, and are yet iready
—with tlfeir neighbors of the other loyal States—to
make every needful sacrifice. Every regimenal that
has left Elmira for Washington, have found the trip
—* soldiers have so described it in tbeirj letters
hame—-through the entire State,'"one complete] ova
tion." 4* present, Union meetings, (and Sunday
School celebrations, at which Union and
demonstrations constitute the prominent are
the ordetjof the day all over the State. We a
letter before me from a friend in that State, mentioning
the incidents of a grand Sunday School celebration
held at near Wellsboro, Pa., on the 17th
inst., at which, over 3,006 children were present! Very
many patriotic speeches were made by clergyman and
others; the spiritual eongsl usually so devoutly
sung by ihe children on such occasions, were thfs time
mostly superceded by pieces of adecided warlike cast.
The enthhaiasca was intense. Afyer the usual toasting
and cheofing pf the different speakers, etc., one'of the
speakersJaiesdiDgcJergyman of that vicinity, stepped
upon a bjnch in the stand and “called for threejcbcers
for the UpioN," adding the hope that “the war would
soon |en£inate, and Jeff. Davis Co., be hung!** The
cheermgjcam.o with a will. “Ahj" writes our friend,
“I thougpt, as I snt on the stand, looking out upon
the scaoj faces before me, and witnessed the heaving
throes of| patriotic feeling at every allusion to opr na
tional troubles —how can traitors, succeed in thelif bhll- ,
ish attempt to'destroy our Government? Thegcanuot
do it ira Press. ' )
SARR I . . I
1 In Xejson, August IsL, by Rev. Francis Rand, Mr. i
JESSE f. ALDRICH, to Miss jANJT E. TAFt both ;
of Tuscirora, X. Y. ,
i X) I B X> ,
In Cotington, July 2Sth, FRANK E., son of-John
C. ami 01ivo W. Bennett, aged 12 years, 8 jnonths J
and 13 (jaya£ | > |
H< kind
tic wasi and obedient to his parents, n faithful and
interesting member of the Sabbath school, un attentive and
attractinglistener at church, and tor the last six mouths. as
wy humbly trust, a devoted and exemplary Christian!; His ;
last hours were peaceful and happj ; he requested mourning
friends tdwipe away their tears, tor Ike would soon be vrith !
bis Father —soon haie a crown upon his bend and
a harp in£hit» hajid. lie desired the Sabbath School children
to sing. want to be on argel and -with the nngel3 stand,”
and m singing to remember him and he himself when
his voicotnas "ell nigh gone, sang in a low whisper }
“1 wave a Father in the promised land, ,■ ,
I hfeivD a Fatlp r in the promise land, i |
>2 if Father calls me, I must po, |-
Tujjmeet llinr in the promised lland ; 1
I'Uaway, rjl away to the promised land.”
• In hi* ea*t moments, he said lie siyw Jesus with his angels
coming 11 meet him, and a smile of jov was upon his face, \
a*_he wettt down into the dark waters ot‘ the riser Qf death.
Thus pjtssed away one .whose hfo. brief, rerpaios a
lining miJuws to the Sumof he :uul a of fund
recollections tb his weeping parents, and his lonely
and Mel 1 pay it be said that, “he being dead, jet spCakt-lb.’’
I I toM.
All wljn aro afflicted, with Incipient Consumption
Lungs nlfouJcl use them.
All wliu sutler fi i>iu peak Stomachs, Indigestion,
sia, or Hl’es should usfc them.
All wrto «ufler from Jieneral or'Nervnua Debility,
ness at ijjight. want of Sleep, Ac , should use them.
$ i F. E. SMITH,
\ Ih'n. Rep. Co. Com,
All pylons aim are'convalescent after fe\er or ot
ness fihoii'd use them.
Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, athV
lie speakers should use them.
Hook peepers, and all persons leading a sedol
should use them. !
Theadfed and Infirm should use them. j
All u bo require a stimulant or tsnic should use tjbcm
All wise are addicted to the use of a-.dcut spirits And wish
to reforii, should use them. i ;l ||
They kre made of a pure SherryiWlnc. and of the 1 native
plants apd herbs of the country, aad should be recommend
ed by temperance societies, clergymen, pliysiciapa* and all
.friends ff humanity. -j ¥ j.
They ire prepared by an experiepced aind skillfull physi
cian, an# aside from their medicinal properties, nrfc Id most
delightful beverage; and yet. a» a medicine, are as||oCoCcnt
ant) harmless as tho dew s of hea\ I >’
Sold &y druggists generally. 1
, • CIIAS. WiDDIiTEI}!) A CO.. Proprietors,
{ 78'William at. New York.
Baldwin. Lowell A Co , Agents at Tiagwi Ti^yl
Uonlen, of Tioga,(is General ApeujL'ifor Tio
ga Conwy, to- whom all applications far 1 agencies j jnust be
made, | j ; | : j
ORPHAN’S COURT S|LE.f-By vi>Jue o?
ajb order of the Orphan’s [Court Ito me directed, I
will sell at public vendue on the 30th of August at
the Coprt House in Wellsboro,;at 2 ol’clock Pj !M.
- All #iat certain piece or parcel of land agnate in.
the township of Shvppen, beginningrittbe n<|rlth west
comertof lot surveyed for llenry Tomb; thence by
the safie south 100 perches to{a post}; thence Jiy land'
surveyed for John S. Hastings westl 40 perches to a
post; thence by land surveyed for S 1 Newberry north
one hundred perches to a post; thence bij Elijah
Phillips east 40 perches to thel place!-of beginning—
containing twcnty*five part |of warrfint No.
1949, dames Wilson Warrantee. i n
’ f p C 1101(1 } L !y
i ! ANDREW BARTtE, j AdnumtitfiloT,.
Anflist ’ 1? -
Application for a divorce.—to
Hordica Canada- —You hereby noticed tbkt
Ursuli Canada, your wife, has applied to thdijjourt of
Commpn Pleas of Tioga County, for a divotae from
tbje-bondsof matrimony,and (jbat dbp said Ctjtirt have
appointed Monday the 2d day or next,
atl2 o clock P, M., for hearing the said Ursula Can
ada in toe.premises, at whichTtime and placajyon can
appear if you think proper. S. I. POWER;
Wellsboro, August 7, KS6I. I ! l^henff.
| Wellsboro’, Tioga County, IPennlft. I; 1 ;
]MtARXNUS N.AX.LBN, A- M.i - - Principal'
assisted by a corps of competept tcaphers,: -j.,
ThefFall Terra will commence on the I9thjbnst.
Tuition for terni of fourteen t ceekt, from <■•32.60 to
$6 09. 1 ' !;■ 'ji
Wull bc| introduced this term inko the , Aondenijr, accor
ding tb a late act of the Legislature of tbn State,
jsre- A Teaches’ Class also bo fofnii a.
(By order of Trustees, ! ’ • j
\ J. F DONALDSON i?re»’t.
, Wellsboro, Ang. 7, 1861. i
■; A i. W. BAILEY & CO.L;
I, AT TE(E |-I
1 I i'
Are opening a fine Stock of , I
Jost bought at 11 PANIC PRICES,”i and ij iiS Sold
FOR CASH, at a little ABOyE COST, if^sible,
Call aid see the New Goods rind Prices. } |l j
I ' ■ 'i 1,1 J '3 1
P. 8; All persons having unsettled sccoUr 1 1 on otir
Booka arb requested to settlja the same b;f Cash or
Note,li»i>ticdiately, as wo intend to} sell on|: the pay
down Bvstem, until farther advices Ifrom the seat of
war. I J> W - co -
Welishoro, July 31, XB6L I
I .
Ma|lB cToS6~M follow,: The Northern (Tioga, Cor
ning, -Cleveland,Now York, Ac.,) nt 9.45 A.‘ X. The
Southern (Troy, Philadelphia, Waabingtoni Ac.,) at
7.45 i.jr; the Jersey Shore, (MonU, Cedar Bnn,
Ac.,)and the Coudersport (Pine Cnjek, Gdihes, West
Piko,|Ac.,) at 2 p- x,, every Tuesday and 1 Friday.
Callfhmitt Mails leave New York the laUlllh and
Slat tjf taoh month. . • ’ |_t - ,
AniOt-hrland Mail for California leaves®t LomS
twicei week. Letters for this Mail should W marked
** OveHandi” \ .i i>
-AlllleUcts alleged to ebfftUh va! oablle ’dtjeloittres
shoull be registerfed. 1 L
Poet Masters art ihitrncted to retain all taail mat
ter bdonging to any individual until bis jwtpatages—
If he be in arrears—for postage be pdm a
Poit Office oped ffbm Ta. to As, K-fqwy 4*y»
gnnd|y excepted. Hcoß P. M.
NdriCE;— The public sre hereby* notified
that the co-partnership hereto! >re eilfilng and
conducted in the name of Win. A. It R (#, Lane, is
rdw desolved by mutual consent ; fakin, effect the
ijlh iay of July, 1881. , WM. A. W^E,
July 31,18.51. 3t.* £. 6.
j : [
Agenda in all the principal Citiee and Totem in the
The Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company are now
manufacturing, and bare on exhibition at their different
salesrooms, machines making the Shuttle or Lock-Stitch, of
the same patterns and at the same prices as their celebrated
Grover and Baker Stitch Machines, thus affording the public
the advantage of comparing the stitches of the two leading
machines and exercising theirown Judgment as to their re
spective merits. This is the only company that manufacture
both kinds of machines, and therefore the only one that can
offer this privilege to the purchaser.
“ We speak from experience when wesay that, after having
tried all’lhe prmcipal Sewing Machines, we must accord to
that of Grower and Baker the pre eminence. Those indispen
sable features of sen ing, strength, uniformity andelastlcity,
all of which are brought out in this incomparable invention,
make it the first sewing machine in the country. Othcr s
have their goed points, but this combines all, and possesses
every characteristic necessary to make it most desirable.”—
iV. Y. Christian Advocate and Journal.
‘ Msan vs. PnrtEscn.—We perceive that the Grover and
Baker Sewing Machine is every day growing more and more
in favor, both for manufacturing and family purposes—but
especially as adapted to all the requirements of family use.
Other machines, by dint of brazen puffery and conniving with
committees at annual fairs, have been thrust forward into
the first place; but they are fasl losing this unmerited posi
tion. The real merits of the Grover and Machine are
beginning to be known in a practical way, and daily is the
demand for them increasing, while the demand for heretofore
better known, but inferior machines, Is proportionally de
creasing. So it turnsiout in this, as lu niahy other instances!
that'honesty l« the best policy,'and the right, in the end
comes uppermost.
“ A trial of over two years enables us toaay with the great
est confidence that there is no better machine foi general
family use than Grover and Baker’s Sewing Machine Co. It
makes a beautiful elastic seam that doos not rip with wear or
washing, runs almost noiselesvly. is plain, simple, easy to
work, and not liable to get outot reputi, fastens the ends of
its own thread, and uses threads and silks diu-ctlV from tho
spool- on which they are bought.”—X If. Leader.
Grover and Baker’s Machines’ work in their peculiar stitch,
and fabrics put together by it, may weai uud drop to pieces
from original weakness or hard usage, come apart or
way at the seams, they can not , they will hold together
when the doth or calico mound them hangs In raga and tat
ters.—X J'. Daily yews.
I? '
u The points we conceive most necessary and important to
meet the wide rauge of lequlremcnte in a machine for family
sewing, wu find more fully combined in the Grover and Ba
kor, viz , extent of capacity, simplicity of construction, ease
’pf management, advantage of using thread from two spools
without re-winding, strength of woik, elasticity, durability
and regularity of stitch, and quietness of movement. We
therefore mark award to the Grover and Baker.” —Report of
'Jennessee State Fair of ISOO-r-cko of St. Louis State Foir of
May 15,1861.—1 y.
Mr oak
ifaer sick
|i 1
jjjfu pub
atary life
Low Prices the order of the Day.
TMQUT HUNDRED YARDS fast color Scotch
I j Gingham, really worth ]s. for & £c.
FIVE HUNDRED YARDS White Brillaint at
SIX HUNDRED .YARDS Barege d’Anglais for 6
FOUR THOUSAND YARDS magnificent Dress
' Goods, latest and richest designs, at Is, Is sd, 3s
—well worth double the money.
ONE THOUSAND YARDS Bltick Dress Silks,
warranted all boiled, from 60c to $3.
COLORED Dress Silks, some of the most recherche
styles, very Fbw.
SHAWLS, Cloth, Silk and Lace Mantillas, very el
egant and wonderful cheap.
2500 Pair more of those splendid Shilling Hose.
20 DOZEN Gents' Neck Tiesat (2) cents a piece.
LL other Goods equally cheap !! 1
LET nobody spend a dollar for Dry Goods until
they have examined my stack. Goods shown
freely. ,
REAL Valeccicnno and Guipure Laces, & mngnifi.
cent variety, now opening.
EIOH Lace Draperies and embroidered Curtain
Muslins, very cheap. '
HOSIERY, for all creation ! Cotijon, Lisle Thready
and Silk; everybody can be suited in Hosiery.
and Trimming Ribbons, for 10 cts. per yard and
upwards, at the ’ BEE HIVE.
Elmira, July 10, 1361. apr. 17-m6.
Has and is now receiving a large and various stock of
Composed of
and in fact all Merchandise called for in the market,
rtll of which will be sold at the PANIC PRICES for
All persons desiring to buy Goods for CASH, will
do well to call and, examine my stock of
before making purchase* elsewhere, as the stock will
bo disposed of at unusually low prices for Cash.
Tiogtti.May 8,1861. T. £. BALDWIN.
TS SELLING GROCERIES at priced to suit
L the times. Bead them:
Good Brotfh Sugar, At oetitsperlb.
Best Crushed “
Best Granulated 44 tx .
Best Powdered *
Best-Coffee Sugar “ 9 41 44
Kerosene (Carbon) Oil* 4 1.00 44 44 gal.
Extra Syrup * 4 .-.50 14 44
June 19,1861. -
NEW COOPER SHOP.—The undesigned
respectfully informs the citisens of Welisboro
and vicinity, .that ho has opened a COOPER-SHOP
opposite . ;
cnowi’s waCon snfip,
aid is ready to do all manner of work prompt and to
older, from a gallon keg to a fifty . barrel tab. Re.
pairing also done on short notice. ' 0. F. ELLIS.
Welisboro, May 8,1861. _ ~
ADDIfOR’S NOTICE.—Thh undersigned,
appointed an auditor to settle the account of
C. B. L Ford, executor of the estate of James Ford,
deo’d and make distribution of the proceeds of said
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
the office of A. P. Cone, in Welisboro, on the 28lh
day of August, at 1 P. M; THOB. ALXEN,
July 81,1861. Auditor.
BOOTS. AN!* SHOES—To fit the biggest gi
ant or the .smallest baby. Cheapest in town
[quality considered}, at fhd REGCLAIOR
United States.
.10 “ “
,10 •> "
,10 " "
Hu joit returned from theolties with a complete as-
sortment of
and other staple Groceries, wtilch cannot to excelled
in quality or cheapness in this or any other country
HU new stpek of Groceries tm&aees
and nearly all the luxuries used in the tables of
Civilization generally and the people of Tioga County
in particular. Among these are such articles as
- Sugar-Cured or Smoked,
DRIED BEEF, an excellent article,
CODFISH, Pickled or ftrlid;
A good article of FAMILY FLOUR.
Always on hand. Also,
wash-tubes, RAils, churns,
BABY WAGONS, two or three kinds,
CLOTHES PINS, lots of them,
WHEELBARROWS, for small hoys.
and other things too numerous to mention.
Also, all kinds of NUTS anJ FANCY CANDIES.
LAMP CHIMNRYS, oil alios,
Adamantine Candies,
SduK, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, a
dozen varies, and a goo 4 assortment of Yankee No*
tions and Toys.
Wollsboro, April 17, ISCI
Mansfield classical seminary.
The F«U Term of this Institution will commence
September 3d, 1861, and'continue thirteen weeks.
E. VTILDMAX, A. M Principal,
Prof. X, M.'Price', A. B Assistant.
Mrs. H. P. R. Wildman Preceptress.
Miss E. A. Chase Music Teacher.
Teacher in Primary Department,
Mr. Isaac Stick.vev Penmanship,
Tuition (Primary) per Term $2 50
Common English 4 75
Higher English Math, and Languages 6 00
Music, Piano or Melodcon 8 00
Use of Instrument 2 00 -
Room rent, per term 1 50
Fuel, Fuß term 2 00
Incidental*, per term 25
Board in the Hall, per week : -1 50
We arc most happy to bo able to say to the friends
and patrons of this Institution, end also to All within
uf its patronage, that the building will be
finished and furnished for the accommodation of all
who may apply for admission as students. The peo
ple of Mansfield, who have so long and sacritizingly
labored for this educational cnteiprize, Tioga and
Bradford counties. Northern Pa., may now begip to
reap the fruits of having in their miost, a First-Class
Seminary of learning.
It is the design of the Faculty, which is composed
of teachers of much experience and acknowledged
ability, to make every possible effort to render this
School one of the most desirable in the State, for
those who desire a thorough, practical education. The
building ha? a very desirable location on an eminence,
about eighty rods east of tho Ti°ga Railroad. It is
.a brick structure, 150 feet long, four sjprjea high,
built in the most modern style of archueiture., There
are two Literary Societies connected with the Sfeboot,
each having a roam exclusively for its use. There is
also a Library in the Institution for the uso of stti
dqnts. . j
No student will be taken for less than a term, ana
any who outer will, therefore, be obliged to pay tui
tion fbr a full term. Tuition payable, one half at the
commencement, and the remainder at the middle of
the term, .
The building having been erected at a great ex
pense, tho' Trustees being anxious to keep it in the
best possible state of preservation, think it not best
to bavo any self-boarding in the building. Those who
desire to board themselves, can procure rooms at a
very reasonable rate in the village.
For farther particulars address tho Principal.
Rev. N. FELLOWS, Pres’t.
July 17, 1861.
A. J. Ross., Soc’y.
Important anroiiscemeti
THE copartnership heretofore existing under the
firm W. A. ROE A Co., birring been dissolved,
the aohscr|bbf, fot tbb purpose of immediately closing
up tho businfess bf the coiiccm, nofr offers their Urgl
stock of Goods at
new bos! 1 .
Personal desirous of ma king purchases, will
to their advantage to call at-anco and niakb tixblr se
lection?, as 1
This stock consists of the usual variety and general
assortment of
and milst 1» immediately disposed of.
Jerome smith.
Welisboro, July 10,1861. ■
"NJOTljlyE.—Persons indebted to .me, either
’ by note, or book aeeonnt, must settle
si once, or the claims will be pnt in process of. eon
lection. Call upon either H. Sherwood, Attorney, or
Mrt Julius Sherwood, at Wells boro.
Hay 2a,1861. . JULIOS SHERWOOD.
OOL! **"*'
JL! WOOL!—the highest Market
fko fcaiif fof TVoal at tbs ffuion Slow of
| Jf. W. CAILiT, t CO.
LAit q e Arrivals
i —or—-
rirJjs, suGdhs, and coffees.
bought ib IMk iiii advance
, NOW SEfcfclKG It fc$SS THAN
f SRZNE & Ooi,
We won,®
— to —
s k i: k t i k g s; .
s 'd i's TIN G S,
fob OASii;
T &6 ; s; PA:
, 34<5 & 348 Rroadway, New York.
THE following works ardsent to Subscribers*ln any part
of the .country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or
express, prepaid; .
The New American Cyclopedia. A P°?° lar
dictionary of general Knowledge. Edited by George KJpley
and Charles A. Dana, aided by a numerous select corps of wri
ters in 'ail branches of Science, Art, and Literature.. This'
work is being published In about 16 large octavo volumes,
each containing 760 two-column pages* Vola I, 11, 111, IY*
V, VI, YU, Till, IX, X, and Xl,are now ready, each contain*
ing near 2,600 original articles. An additional volume will be .
published once in about three months. . '/
Price, in Cloth, $3; Sheep, $3,60; Half Morrocco, $4; Half
Russia, $4,60 each.
The New American Cyclopedia is popular without being
superficial, learned, but not pedantic, comprehensive butsnl.v
ficlently detailed, free from personal pique and party prrju- ;
dice, fresh and yet accurate. It Is a complete statement of,
all that 4a, Known upon every important topic within the
scope of human intelligence. Every important article $n IV
baq.basa specially written for iu pages‘by men who are au
thorities upon the topics of which they speak. They are re*
quired to -bring the subject up to the present moment; t<v
state Just Hew-it stands now.. All.thq statistical loformation
|s from the latest reports; the geographical accounts keep
pace with the latest explorations; historical matters include
the freshest Just views; the biographical notices not only
speak ot the dead but of the living. It is a library of itself. *
abridgment of the debates of coxorbss.—. •
Being a Political History of the United Stages, from, the or*
ganlzation of the first Federal Congress in 1789 to 186C1 .Ed
ited and compiled by Hon. Thomas H, Benton, from tue of
ficial Records of Congress. «
The work will be completed In 15 royal octavo volumes of
750 pages each, 14 of which are now.ieady. An additional
volume will be issued once In three mouths.
Form a club of four, and remit the price of four books,
and five copies vyill. bo aeot at the remitter’s expense for car#
riago; or fot tap subscribers, eleven copies wlilbosentatour
expense for carriage. , .
, , xd agents/ ' .
No othef works will so liberally rownrd.thejßsertion* of
Agents. A.v Agent Wanted in this County. .J’srms made
known on application to the Publishers. [Ai:g. 11, ’59.
of an order of the Orphan’s Court' for Tioga
County the following described property w\U be sold
at public sale at the Court House in Wellsboro, on
Tuesday, the 20thday of August next, at 2 o'clock P,
M., of aaid day, tekwit:
. The undivided equal moiety or half part of the fol
lowing described two contiguous tracts or parcels of
land, -situated in the township of Dclmar, county afore/
said. The first thereof begimng at a post the soufa
west corner and the north west corner of Ellis At-.
Bodine ; thence along lino oWand now or formerly
Alexanders. Brewster, northlwenfy-nine perches and
six tenths of a perch, to a post, the north w-cst corner
tbereofj/thencq along line of lard of said Ellia &L
Bodine and line of land of John Dickinson, norm
eighty-nine degrees and a half, east one hundred and
seventy-seven perches.and five tenths of a perch;
thence by land of John Dickinson south llurly-ibur
perches and one tenth of a perch to a post; thence
east fifty-one-percbes and six tenths of a perch to.£
post, the north west comer of admail lot conveyed
by John Dlvkensop tq George McLeod-and
Donaldson;* thence along the said lot south.thirty-gix
perches to a post; thence by land of tho said Ellis 51,
Bodine, and land of Levi I. Nichols, south eighly
aine degrees and three fourths of a degree, west onq
hundred and twenty-seven perches and eight tenths
of a perch to a post, the south east corner of other
land of the said Ellis M. Bodine-f thence north thirty
two perches and five tenths of aperch-to a sugar tree,’
and thence along line of said Ellis M. BorUne sooth
eighty**ne degrees and three fourths ot a ‘degree,
west one hundred and one pcrchesmnd three tenths of
a perch to.tho place of begining—containing sixty
three acres and one hundred and thirty perches, strict
measure, be the same more er less, and being the sawn
piece or parcel of land which Elila and
wife by deed dated the twenty-fourth day of Sr£teoU
jjer, A. D.,1-1853, conveyed to the said George McLeod
and John F. Donaldson.
The other lot; begining at a poit the extreme
south east corner, thereof; thence by line of the lot
above described, north thirty.six rods to a post, ths
north, vrest corner thereof; thence east twelve ; perobejf
and two tenths, of a perch to the plank rpad thence,
along the said road south eighteen degrees,
perches; thence south thirty-three degreed, west
twenty-seven perches and nine tenths of a perch ter
the place of begining—containing two' acres and
fifty-seven perches, strict measure, be the- same more
or less, being the same IptAlnch John Dickinson
Mary J. his wife by deeply dated the twciuy r fourt(i
day of September, A. D Vi l&s3, conveyed to the said
John D, Donaldson and George McLeod; , .
Also—The equitable interest in a certain piece,
paccejof land ( jg’ifuated in Charleston township,
county aforesaid—containing eighteen acres underdo
tenths of; an acre, being Xo. 97 of the allotment of
the ijingbupa lands in Charleston aforesaid. subjecfctQ
thc.claim of the said estate for tho pnrehnse money
ihereof. *
Terms made knowh nt tbe time of the sole.
SARAH IL McLEOD, > J, ■, • /
July 2i, 1801. GEO; P. McLEOD, . J i
r PHE undersigned, having purchased of, AS-
X ,i,n: Eolev his ipterpstip the Clock, Watch and.
Jewelry business, respectfully invites the attention
tbe pubjio to bis assortment of goods* In connection
with {ha- ~ , ■
, WATCHES of all discriptionj fpr bale, and st'pri,
Cos ranging from $lO to $l5O, Can aell the new
AMERICAN WATCHES, with hoary bunting ca«b«,
and tcarrnmW, fpr.tbo low sura, 0f,5.‘33. Alep p:ill lb#
kept on band, GOLD WATCHES, etpieiatly.for iba
Ladies., CLOCKS, from 51.25 to $75, will ulwayib*
found on exhibition. 1 !
«an be tpd all binds,of SILVER AND PtAITEti
WARE, to suit the purchaser, and marked with ant'
inscription or name. The.above is always warranted";
A large, assortment sf. watch guards, keys, 40,, and
best AMERICAN KNIVES, silver butter Jtnivos.Ai.
Ac. Alt kinds of REPAIRING done by Andie Foley
at the old stand. W. H. SMITH!
Wellsboro, March 13, 1861.
MANHOOD./ Hoik Lost,, How Restored.
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope; A lecture on
ature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Spcrmniorrlioa,
or&miual Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousnessandinvok
votary emission, producing iin potency, ConsmnplioQ japd
Mental and Physical Debility. By Kobt. J.Culveewrll, Mijh,
'fhe Important fact that the awful consequences of,
abuse tnpj be effectually removed without iqterijai mMiqln«s
or she Applications of caustics, instruments,
Kated bougies, and other •■empirical,device*, clearly
demonstrated, and the -entirely new and highly successful
treatment, as adoptod L -by the celebrated-.antbor f«lJr'lcx
plained, by means of which every one is enabled tocure l)im
•elf perfectly, ajid at the least possible,, coat, therehv aVaMt
log all tbe advertised vostrumaof thoday. This lecture will
proye a poon tq thousands and thousanda. ,• • ; .
Bent under seaf, ip jv plain envelope, to ’any address, post
paid, on tbe receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing •
, Dr„CU. J. C. KLI.VK*
127 Bowery, New York. Post. Office l*ox 4,r*Sfi.
rpHE stifcscrlber will cheerfully send (free of
J- charge) to all who desire it, the copy or a Sim
ple Recipe by which he was cared of that dire dis
ease, Consumption, ' (l . ’
Sufferers with Cossr^fPi;tpß,,XwHJf ( l, Pao.vcniru,
or any lung affectiop, Jie sincerely hb(>o* will try (his
Recipe, ifelt satisfied thot if they do so they will! bo.
more than satisfied with the resale Thankful for liis
own complete restoration, be is epzious td placointhe
hafids of every sufiorcr the means of cure. Those'
wishing the teccipo with fufirdirecfiohs, Ac,, will
please call on' dr address Rpfr, WM. S. ALLEK,
No. 60 John Street, New York.
May 1,1861.-3 mo*.
June, 5,1861,
,FC>R SALE, j;
rpHE .nnaersigned is now offering to settlers
-I- a,large quantity of excellent fanning lands, sit
uated firm tijo to fifteen miles’ distance from Wells
boro, in Delmar, Sbippen, Morris snd Elk townships;
Tioga Go., Pa. r
Xbe lands are generally noil watered, good roil, and
in a healthy part of the country, and will be sold in
lot* to enit purchasers Jaud on Tory liberal terms of
For farther particulars inquire of the owner/;
Messrs. Phelps, Dodge 4 Co., 19 and 21, Cliff Si.,
Now Fork, or of the subscriber.
Wollsboro, Oct. S, 1860-yl
PXECDTOE'S NOTlCE.—Letters testntrtrfr
Ury having been grouted, to the undersigned no
the tut Bill’ and testament of JOBN BERBV, late of
Tioga, deo'd, all persons indebted to estate of said
decedent, are required to make immediate payment,
and those having claims n gainst the same Bill prasiit
them to dt’DITU BBKRS,. r
June 2_B ; 18M,-*