t tended tpgire, so much of goodtothe people. Theraarei'otnafofeshadowipga. on- this subject. - Our adveraarieshave adopted some, deaera tions of Independence in which, unlike ■ the good old one .penhedby Jefferson, they fomit the words, ■‘•"All o|eo are created equals Why t They .hare adopted a tenjjiofdfy National iGon--, Btitutioo,,in| the preamble df which, unlike our goodoldone signed by Washington,.they, loihlfc “We the. people,” and sabstitute, “.Wh the Deputbs o| the Sovereign and IndSpSsdgot States,”] Why? Why this deliberate pressing' out of view the rights of men and the .aulifaori ity of good to them. |\ if- - ■ tins experiment. j Our ■ popular 'government has often teen called %n experiment. Two points iri l it jour people have softled. The successful establish ing and thejisdocessful .administering of |t, — One! still remains; its successful mainteninoa against n formidable internal attempt to Over throw it. . It jsfaotv for them to demonstrate to the world tlhst those who can fairly cirri an election can suppress a rebellion; -fThe ballots are the r |htful and peaceful successors of bullets. and i [at when ballots are fairly land there can benopuc ; eetsful appeil back to bullets. There: cap be no -successful appeal, except to ballotq them selves at sue seeding elections. Such will be a great lesson of peace, teaching men that what they cannot!’ take "by an election, neitherican they take it by w,ir; teaching all the folly of being the beginners of the war. i ] NO OMPRpiIISE. WITH TRAITORS. | . Lest there be uneasiness on the minds of oandid’.meri a/§o what 'is to be the course of the government toward the Southern States after thei rebellion shall have bean suppressed, the Executive,deems it proper to say, it teal be his purpose Men, as ever, to be guided', by f the Constitution and, the lairs. ; and that he proba bly will have no different understanding ofj the powers and iduties of the Federal government relatively toithe: rights of the States and the people poder-the Constitution, than that! ex pressed in the inaugural address. He deiires to preserve the government that it may be ad ministered-for all as it was administered hjl the men who- made it. ' i ■ Loyal oitigenei everywhere have the rigpt to tlaim this of] their government, and the jgovprn taent has,no:right to withhold or neglect ill It ‘is not perceived that in giving it, there islany -coercion, any conquest, or any subjugation,-in hiiy jost sensq of those terms. | The. const! tuition provides, that all the Spates •have-acceptsd the provision; that tbel Edited Statea sliall guarantee to every State in [this Union “ a republican form of government!’ , But if a State. iU this Union may lawfully go but of the Ulnjon,: having done so, it niayJalso discard the form of government, so that to preybpt itsjgoing out is an indispensa ble means toj the ',nd of maintaining the guar antee mentioned j-Jand when an end is!, lawful and obligatory, tO indispensable means to it are also lawful and obligatory. [/ ’ It was with the' deepest regret that |thp|Ex ecutive founjl the duty of employing the |war power in -defence of the government] fofeed fapbn him. Ha could hot perform his' duty!, or surrender the existence of the government;, No compromise by public .sentiment cooil in this case-befe cause. Not that compromises are not ofteti proper, but that no popular gov ernment cap long survive a marked precedent that those -who carry an election can only cave the government from immediate destructioi by giving up the rohin point upon which the peo ple gave tfie election. 1 's | . The people, themselves, and not their ser vants, can safelys reverse their own deliberate decisions. ! | ' . ! As a private citiien, the Executive could not have consented that these institutions stall perish. -StuoiJ less could he, in betrayal £>:; so vast and so salted a trust as these free: people had confided j|o him. 'He felt that He had no moral right jfiji shrink, npr even to copntjthe chances of biahwn life in what might fojlow. In full viowof his great responsibilityhejhas so far done what be has deemed his duty. Ton Will now, according to your own judgment, perform yours; IJe'sincerely hopes- that ypnr views and ydor action may so accord with ibis as to assure all faithful citizens who baye been disturbed in tjheir eights of a certain and epe|dy restoration to' Under the constitution qnd the laws. • { , | j And having thuj chosen one coarse without guile and witjh'piws. pdvpose, let us renew pur trust in God,;and;l;o forward without fear |nd with manly heart | i ■ July 4, 1861. * ; Abraham Lnycois. liAttocs RisPowsß.—lt was some time igo that Gen. McClellan, 'who is a religions und COnscieatious tnan ks'well as able general,- tsle graphed to the War Department for leave for his soldiers to apply some boards and other re fuse lumber lying abbot the encampment (f.nd. belonging to the government)' to. the build he of (t church for the regiments to worshi p A militia general would have taken the lurofer' for this or any other public purpose, withßiit ‘leave asked. ! Not so tho strictly-bred Soldier, McClellan, But when the Secretary wa* a4ed by the clerk in what terms be shnulf; answer the llwpatcb, h« gave » wjnfc, And ‘‘ The trbd't wilt be ■done I" —jVeio T >rk Tribune. ‘ | , «■—W—■— 1 y, f, y, hegS|,R fo be the syttonym of lut fellotv* w Veutum ! \ 7 : \ r ’t— "- >^-««-»>JWfCt'a,AV--- id ii&BSPpJA-IfMA BP FOB PURIFYING THE BLO And for tlie of Clio enjoined vflHetles ol Scrofula dud Scrofulous Affections. slicH rts Turn cere, Sores, Eruptions, Pitoples. IVMuK-a, Dlot Bolls,! Blalns, arid all Skin Di. eases. | Oakiand, Ihd., Cth Jim-1559, J.C. Ater & Co. Gents: I feci It my duty to rcR mwlcdgo wnat your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Uaviog nherlted a Scrofulous infection, 1 haVßTUflfcred from it In van ims ways for years. Somctitnca It burst out in Ulcers on ny bauds and nuns; sometimes U turned Inward nod dlstr sse«l mo .at the stomach, years ago it broke odt on niy|u-niJ ami keovered irfv scalp r|Kd curs with one sore. which yra i painful 1 andioalhsotrie beyond description. I tried many r icdlcilka i and several physicians, but without much relief Irom any tHing. In lact, thb disorder grew worse* At length I was ,'rejotced to rcwl In the Gospel Messenger that youiiad pro* pared'auXlterativc {SamjwS tTfAjrfor T Ruovf from four re* I putation tfiut'anythingyou■fimdv.MmiSt*be good.’j sent to • Cincinnati and got it, and used It till it cured tuo. $ took It, as you advise, small doses of a teaspoonfnl over i mouth, and used almost three bottles.l New and healthy skin soon’ formed under the tcab. which alter r while fell otf. My skin is now clear, and I know by rty feelings that the dl i’a.v* has gone from my system. You .can well believe that 1 'eel,wlmt I om saying when I fell vou that 1 fold'you to bo oi e of tho apostles of tho age, and remain over guilefully, yon *s, 1 [ ALFRED D. TA [iLEY. - .-St'Ahfhony’aTlro; Rose dr EiySlpelft*, Tetter ajßd Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sui: V : , , ‘ Byes,' Dropsy, | Dr, Robert M. Preble writes (from Salem, N. Y., 1: 1859. that ho has cured nn Inveterate coke of Drops; .threatened to term junto family, by thepjcrsovcringu i ; Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous attack of Malign sipelas by largo doses of tho same; says he cares the Eruptions by it constantly. Croncliocelo, Goitre or Swelled'Neck. , Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes.* “Thre of your Sarsaparilla cured me ;from a Goitre—a swelling on the neck, which I Have suffered from c 1 years.” ! 1 Leucorrhcea or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Utorin ceration, Female Discuses. ' Dr. J. B. S. Chanixing, of Ncfc York. Qity, writes: cheerfully comply with the request of your agent ii I have found your Sarsaparilla ft niostexcellent alte the numeroiis complaints for which we employ sucf dy, but especially in Female Diseases uf the Scrofi atlipsis. OL have cprgd many injvoter.ito cases of Leu by it, miftlnme whsre thtf,cpn»phuut v was causfdb, tion of tho uterus, i The ulceration It'self was soon Nothing within my knowledge equaladC for these fr rangements.” . Edward B. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala. writes, “ A ous avarian tumor bu ono of the females In my famil bad defied ftil the remedies >we c«.uld has at - been Completely cured by yourjextrait ut Sarsapanl physician thoughtnothiug but extirpation tould ai: lief, but ho ndvisedithe trial of your Sarsaparilla us reaorfc.-b«for« cutting, and it proved kfioctual. -AXta •yottt* remedy weeks noSytnptoPi bt the disease Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. j New Orleans, 251 h August Dr. J. C. Ayer: I cheerfnTlv copiply with tho of'your agent and report to yuu soipc oi the effects realized with your tSareapanlla 1 , I have cured with it in my pcacticd mostof the cor for whfcb.it is recoounendcd, and hate found its offer wonderful In the cure' of Venereal iNid| Murcnreal One of my patients jhad Syphilitic ulcers in his, thror were comsummg bis palate and,'the top of his moutl Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured bi(u iu five weel other was attacked by secondary sy n/ptoms iu his n< the ulceration had paten away a considerable part I that I believed the disorder would st&n reach his bi kill him. But it yuJded to my administration of y«| saparilla; thenlceits healed, aud be'gis: well again, course without eonie disfiguration $ JjU face. • A who had been treated for the safne by mure] suffering from thislpoKmi m her bor|es'. They had : so sensitive to the 4’cather thatlun ft|damp day she excruciating pain ib her joiuto andj bones. She, I cured entirely by yhur Sarsaparilla id a Tew weeks. gave’ me* that t partition from yonrllabrat'dry must be a great remcc sequently, these truly remarkable results with' it h Surprised me. Fraternally yours, 1 U. V. LARRIMEIV 1 I Rhematism.Gout, Liver Complaint Preston Co.. Ya., Otlf July D». J. C. A.i er: 1 have been afflicted with a chronic Rhcmatism, fur a long time, Which baffled t of physicians, and fttick to me in spite of all the ret could .find, until I lined your Bar-*npdnlla. One butt me in two weeks,jijyd restoioil my general health s that lam far bp ties - tUud 1 fras Attacked. I a wonderful medicipc. J. FR Julea Y. GetchellJ cf St. Louis, writes : “ I have flicfe/l for years u isi an a flection of the Livor, wh troyed my health.- I tried every thine:, and eve failed to lelieve met uud I hare bet*n d, broken do for ecnis years front ru other cause than deningemet Liver. My belovedjpiwlor, the UeV. Mr. try your Sarsaparilla, been use be saij' he knew you. thing you riitble tv as frorrh trying. By the blesftuc it bus cured me, anjl lids so pm tiled fiiy blood an to' Dew man of me. Ijfcel young again/ The beat t!‘tv said of you is not iiajf good enough,? Schurus, Cancer. Turnon, Enlargement, Ulcer; Caries aiid Exfoliation \>f Jtbo Bones. A great variety of cases hare been' reported to U cures of theso use of tins remedy, but our space hefe will not adni Some of iluun may be found in our American Almam the agents bel'jw named are pleased? to furnish grut who call for them. 1 s Dyspepsia. Heart Disease, Fits* Epilepsy, Mela ■ choly, Xeuralgfca. Many remarkable cures of these auctions have l)c< by the aicerattro poKvcr of this* medicine. It stsmub vital functions action, .ind thus overco orders which would be supposed beyond its reach, remedy has long bebn required by thA necessities of the people, and we are confident this Will do for then medicine can do. ; ] AYER’S lOHERRY rdit THE RAPID CI,RE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, HonrsenesA Croup, Bronrl cipient Consumption, and fur tluSßelief of Consu live Patienjlsiii.advitijced.sHjgCß.of Disease. Tills is a remedy ! so'universally |iiown to surp other fur the care of throat and luiuf complaints, t useless h**re to publish tiie otidence of its virtues. - rivalled i xfeUence ifor coughs and chid-, and-its in derful rurci- of pulmoimry diseii* so ,] have mapc-ii throughout the, civilized nations of Che earth. Few ■comnuuntir*-. <>r even l.mnli"s am<*nfi them, who h some personal experience of its eflec>js—■-some-living in their mid-t ol its vuiorj ovtr tliC, subtle and da disorders of the throat and lungs, i's all know tin: ful fatality of these!disoi<};*;*>, and they know, t effects ol this remedy, nc uei'd no! more than tt them that it has notralt tlie -\iftaos:that it did ’ making the cure < which have won soAtruugly upon fldenco of mankind) | 3 , Prepared by Dr. J. C. 4VSB & Co f ’ Lowell, Sold by C. «t J. L. Robinsoh, Wellsboro; i Borden, Tioga; lx. .Miller C. Parkhursu renceville ; A. £’J. Doorman, Kboxville ; S. ! lings, Gaines; J.' A J. li. Parllimrst, Elklan K. Mitchell, MitchelU I lie; J. Koilington, 3 bury; Bennett d» Uarulal^ Middlobary Cent \V. Nesbitt, Maiiifield ; S. S. Packard, Covi G. R. Sbeffer, Lilwirty : D. S. Magee, Blossburg - t*-f -«t/-, <. v «.s<;-j m )D, Disease H‘B, Dl- *pt» iylfich >f our t Ery* mnoa ttlea ecus two loti; ’6 rtf ■ w\\ :«nf Hull iger* Inch Jgth Our re last dug. kina. n tats ease • iicb‘ Your An and 1859. painful ic 'skill ledics I e cured i rrinch hink it EaM. ieen af ch des s’ thing fn n an t of the \ me to md any of bod make a eftb be i where romjlhc f(hotn. c. which ■s to all n made .tea the nee nils- Sudh a ho peo all Chat tisjln- Maes. 11. IH L L;iw i. till liddle e; 10. igtijn; ; Fox tlfipd igupd in tjtye hetdre nntual April, i, and Ban he did ulai|ly share licit a r sUc palejnt i ry ar i|rcbase : arid lan all !m it, K the 4 cts. to at loapi r fb e hie pop! th il fK® / r l?ld&A GOltfiOT'-Y A&IY&1OT&. COnittfißClAL COILEOE LOCATED OVED THE SBSQCEUA3WA VALLEY BAKE, binghamtouF, n. V. FACULTY. = D. w. towELL,Prldcipal,Profe«sorof thoScienccof Accounts, Practical Accountant, author of LowuU’b Treatise upon , Book Keeping, Diagrams illusttetlhg the siuue, Ac. ' John Rankin, CorfinicfCltU AccoUntaht, Professor of Book; . Keeping and Practical Mathematics. J. J. Curtis, Assistant Teacher in the Book-Keeping Dp partmoni. • A. J. Warmer, Professor of Practical and 'Ornamental Pen manship, Commercial Calculations and Correspondence. LECTURERS. Hon. Dame;. S. Dickinson, Lecturer on Commercial Law and Political Economy. Ifon. Ransom Ralcoji, Lecturer on Contracts, Prommissory Nk>tes and Bills of Exchange. Rev: Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Cotometcinl Ethics. ' EXAMINING. COMMITTEE. - Uon. Sherman D.PnEtfe, Wm. U. Osborn, Esq., Tract If. Morgan, Esq., Wm. E. TAtton, of thp Ann dt .Taylor,Weed & Co., D. D. Denton, of the firm of Jackson, Denton A Marks, Do Witt C. Striker. , - ... The object of this College is tb offbrft to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough business education. j The books and forms are carefully arranged by practical accountants expressly for this Insitution and embraces all . the recent improvements. I The course ofiustructlon comprises every department of business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the scienqe and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to following kinds of business, viz;—General Merchandising. Manufacturing, Banking. Commission. Steam boating, Rail roading, Forwarding. Freighting. Foreign Shipping, Ac. i Yquno Men can quality themselves in a short time at this institution to fill important and lucratice situations. Anf plo references cau be given where graduates oj* 1860 arc uofT tilling dcelrabu situations with salaries varying from $5OO tb $l5OO per annum. | The Proprietors are In possession of testimonials from some of first commercial house# in the State, tb whom they have furnished book-keepers, showing their entire satisfac tion apd confidence in the ability of- the graduates of thip institution. ’ . 1 Penmanship, in all Its branches, tonghtby the. most skillful and tho-ough masters of tho art. No college in the bonntry enjoys a higher reputation in this department. I - Ladies Department entirely separate from that of the genj tlomvn. ' Students can enter College at any time—no vacation.® Time to complete the course from 8 to 10 weeks. passing the requisite examination are presented with fhf most elaborate and elegantly engraved Diploma issued by any commercial or classical institution in the Union. AssUtauci rendered to graduates in procuring situations. . ■ IRON AND STEEL, NAILS, FLOUR, SALT, Sc a. Which, far variety and extent, is rarely excelled, and >o greater inducements to purchasers can be offered n this section of country, cither in VARIETY, QUANTITY, QUALITY OR PRICES, Whelhet for LADY, GENTLEMAN, BOY OR GIRL, Farmer, mechanic or Lumberman. I Wellshoro, Oct. 31, 1860. FALL CAMPAIGN JUST OPESISW AT C. & J. L. ROBINSON'S ONE PRICE STORE. WE wish to call the attention of our friends and customers to our assortment of SEASOIIABIE GOODS, * - SUCH AS LADIES' DR-ESS GOODS, , COMPRISING BLACK A$D FANCY SILKS' CHAT,LIES AND DE LAINES, INGHAMS, BRILLIANTS, LAWNS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN PRINTS ALSO SHAWLS, MANTILLAS .AND DUSTERS. , Our stock of is large. Particular notiot is invited to our BItOWX AXD BLEACHED SHIRTINGS i- CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, FARMERS & MECHANICS’ CASSIMERES ~ READY-MADE CLOTHIHG, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES, . HOSIERY AND GLOVES, &c., &c., &c.; &c., &c Wellshoro, Sept. 1, 1860. J IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES. WASHING NO WORE A DRUDGE. The undersigned wonld unrioonce to the citizeps of Tioga County, that they fyavo purchased the right of manufacturing and selling MECAI'S WASHING MACHINE, which for simplicity of construction, utility and cheap ness, exceeds any other machine in use. It needs no other recommendation than to sc6 it wotk. A boy, ten or twelve years of age, can do the washing of a family IN AN HOUR. Any person in want of a good labor-saving washing machine, can take one of these home and do their washing with it, and if not perfectly satisfied, they ean return it. Recollect, this machine is no humbug, bni an arti cle indispensable in every family. It does not wear or tear the clothes to pieces like hand washing. PRICE, FIVE DOLLARS. Machines for sale at ROE 4; CO.'S Store. . Manufactured and sold at D. STUEBCCK'S Shop, near the Academy. ► W. A. ROE, D. STURROCK. i’ennsyfeawm Boute, ) Wellsboro, Dee. 1, 1860.) Having used one of Meoay’s Washing Machine, I tin confidently recommend itj 6!id wohld hotbe.with rut cue lor any price. J. W. BIGONY. 19tf V AliU ABJUE FARMING LASDS PdR SALE; THE undersigned is now offering to settlers a large quantity of excellent farming lands, sit uated farm two to fifteen miles’ distance front Wells boro, in Delmar, Shippen, Morris nnd Elk townships, Tioga Co., Pa. - - Thelonds are generally well watered, good soil,and in a healthy part of the country, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers and on very liberal terms of payment. For further particulars inquire of tho owners, Messrs. Phelps, Dodge JSTAWB,' opposite G. G. (Jzgood’s Store, or by mail, the following newspapers and. Magazines, at the publisher’s rates. DAILIES SERVED BT CARRIERS, New York Tribune, r Herald, Times, News, World, ; WEEKLIES. New York Ledger, ’ Waverly Magazine, ; “ Mercury, Thompson’s Reporter, “ Weekly, 1 • Life Illustrated, Welcome Quest, { Wilke’s Spirit^ Century, ‘ , Porter’s “ Scientific American, Boston Pilot, Frank Leslies’, , True Flag, N. Y. Illustrated News, Irish American, Harper’s Weekly, Littell’s Living Age, Waverly Magazine, Thompson’s Reporter. t MONTHLIES. Harper's Magazine, OodeyViady’a Book, Frank Ladies’ Magazine, Peterson’s Magazine, , Atlantic Monthly, ' Arthur’s Magazine, Eclectic Magazine, Ladies’ Repository, All the Year Bound, Ladies’ Visitor, Knickerbocker, Pickles, Budget of Fob, Phunny Fhellow. Also, will bo kept constantly ~ on hand, a com .ete repository of CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL, SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Books, Paper Hangings^ SHEET iIUSIO, PICTURES, MAPS, Ac. Orders for Binding Books. Tho work executed to suit any taste, and on the lowest possible terms. Particu lar attention will also be given toSPECIAL ORDERS for any thing comprehended in the trade. &o£zc>£>l books. Sanders’ Series of Readers, Groan leafs Mathematics, Colton's A Fitches’Geog*y, Davies - “ MonteitfA McNally’s “ Sanders’ Spellers, Potter and Hammond’s Writing Book, Brown’s and Kenyon’s Grammar. J The patronage of the publie is respectfully solicited WM. H. SMITH. Wellshoro, Pa., September 8,T860. yl DRUG STORE IN WELLSBORO. Dr. O. W. GIBSON, Having just opened a first-class Drag Store opposite Roy's Block, announces to the citizens of this place and surrounding country that he will keep constantly on hand a large and choice stock of D3KGS AND BIEDI.CINES, Wines and Liquors, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils & Dye Stuffs, Lamps, Window Glass, Cigars & Tobacco, CAMPBENE, FLUID AND KERO SINE OIL , and every other article kept in a first class Drug Store. AN EXPERIENCED DRUGGIST always in attendance. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compoun ded. The public are invited to call, Wellshoro, Deq. 19, 1860. WELLSBOIJO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. T) OBERT YOUNG, late of the firm of Tabor _tV Young & Co., Tioga, takes this method to,in form the Public that he has leased the Foundry and Machine Shop, in the Village of Wellsboro/ for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepare.d to do all kinds of work usually done at such an establish ment, in the best manner and out of the best material. TWENTY YEABS EXPERIENCE! He has had over twenty years’experieticein the bu siness and will the work, entrusted to him, done directly under his supervision. iVb t cork mill hk sent out half finished. MILL-GEAIUXGS, PLOWS , STOytfS and castings of all kinds on hand and made to order. May 28, 1857. ROBERT YOUNG. E W FLOURING MILL ; - ON HILL'S CREEK, NEAR HOLIDAYVILDE. The subscriber, having completed his large three story Grist arid Flouring Mill, is prepared to furnish Flour, Meal and Feed in quantities to suit purchasers. custom ■wq-KK of kinds pn short notice, and on terms which cannot fail to please. I have THREE RUN OF STONE, almost constantly employed, and I am sure that a trial of my work will prove beneficial, to the customer as well as inyself. 0. P. McCLURE. December S, 1860. THE last INVESTED, 1 .BEST AND CHEAPEST - bed iitr xjsb i * MORE elastic than feathers, and lighter and mofe durable. Price, 0n1y,55.00. For sale by 0 E. P. WELLS, Lawrouceville. MIRRORSI MIRRORS 1 , , - . - MIRRORS! received at SMITH’S BOOKSTORE, the largest and best assortment of Mirrors ever brought to Wellsboro. People who Wish “to see themselves as others see them,’’ will please call and examine. ANEW, Large, and. JSJegant assortment of OARPETIN O, Will bo sold at the lowest prices, by T ' ’ E, D. WELLS, Lawrenoeville, Sept. 12, 1860. • - . - /A RE A T RE DU GTION.- VT Anticipating a change in our business, we are now offering our largo stock of STOVES at greatly reduced prices. PARLOR STOVES AT COST. Call and examine for yourselves at 33 PARKER HBO’S; Wellsboro’. A DMINISIRATOR’S NOTlCE;—Letters of Administration having been granted to the un. ?f T * atate of D "B| SP.DBR, late of Mansfield, deo d., oil persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them to T . HORACE* DAVIS, , J Q he 12,1661.-6 w.; - - Administrator. L.D. SEELEY. WHEAT ELOUR, tip top and^cheap^jrt BOOKS, BOOKS! S* ASIIR IMP-ROYED WIND PATENTED MAT 8, 1860.-'. this invention is to apply a in such a manner that articles attacked lass, and raiseti by it, may be lowered tho hitherto slow and tedious manual n meat of the windlass being avoided andi! at the same time admitting of the oner complete control over the-dcscendingm*,! article being lowered. The invention is various purposes; its use in connection may be mentioned as an instance, in whi t pts, after being raised and emptied,'may | oredi and their movement retarded at thi SO, that'they will not violently strike the enti/ie American. , / for the purpose-of Raising and'honei in' Wells, it is decidedly . THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF The Brahe nets as a cbechjapon the baekj i of the bnokeVwithout fuming the crank ■acting as.ft brake, by pressing inward at ’ (All who examine this machine, will at « ■ledge its 1 PRACTICABILITY AND, StTES Over every other machine in use. ihe e the windlass is easily controlled with, and ose haxd. It combines all the advantage fashioned with the self-emptying bucket many new and useful improvements. It ap'ted to wells of any depth, and will raise ordinary turning. Five Buckets nf voter from wells of ordinary depth, and in the tion to the depth of two hundred feet. The windlass and brake is also npplicabk and lowering any kind of weight, nndinevi is far superior to those heretofore in use. Haring purchased the right for the Com ga and Potter, Pa., tho undersigned are | offer for sale township rights for tho manul sale, of the above improvement, on reasons! I A. BIXI L. D. ' Oct. 13, 1860. FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE BIGELOW i THOMPSON, AGENTS AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hartford, Ct,—Capital } HARTFORD FIRE]INSURANCE CO) Capital, | PACENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN Of, Hartford, Ct.-r-Capital, • PEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE COMP i Of New York City—Capitol, NEW ENGLAND. FIRE INSURANCE' Of Hartford, Ct. MANHATTAN FXBEINSIIEANCE CO. Of New York City,—Capital UASSASOIT FIRE/INSURANCE CO. Capital, . . HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE COifP. " Capital) - « NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Accumulated Capital, $1 The subscribers are prepared to issue poliek surance on the most favorable terms in the sboi known and reliable Stock Companies. Farm buildings insured for three yean low as any good companies. All lessee will be promptly adjusted and pj office. Applications by mail will receive* tention Oct. 13,4859. C. H. THOMK P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor. TVTiKSFJELD CLASSICAL SEM: iTJ - M&NSFIEUD, TIOGA CO M The Spring-Term of this Institution •April 2d, 1861, and continue thirteen week*. E. WTLEMA3?", A. M.,,,. Pmsfipi ■Mrs. H. P/E. WiLDSfAK....,..’ Precepfn Miss E. A. Chase Music If — ‘Teacher in Primary P< , Mr. Isaac Stickxev Pern EXPENSES. Tuition (Primaiy) per Term. Common English Higher English and Languages Mosic,-Piano or Melodeon T Use of Instrument., Room* rent, per.term Fuel, per-term Incidentals, per term,.!". Board in private per week Every* possible effort will be made, both Trustees and Faculty, to afford as good adur can be had in any School in the State. The is now in process of completion, which will to afford the very best accommodations to dcnts%t the opening of the Spring Term, attention will be given to such as ate prej solves for teaching. Those who have son; ters to educate, wUI do wile to send them to Tuition payable on© half at the the term, and the rezn&lnde'r at the micftle l torily arranged. AU kinds of produce taken in payment fo. if brought at the commencement of the Tern, ket price. For farther particulars address the Prwcipj Vacancies in the Faculty will be filled imn - Rev. N. FELLOWS, Feb. 27, 1861. A- J. Boss, Sec r y% FOR SALE! By WICKHAM & BLOOM AT OCR XURSERT IS ■ TIOGA, TIOGA COUNTY, Pi, A LA P. 3 K SUPPLY OP ratTIT tbebs, shhubb: GRAPES, EVERGREENS, &e., to- PEARS—Trees .of the most desirable WoiK tra large size, if desired , Standard trcM’iiPbeana* APPLES —A- great supply of the choicest kii& different kinds of Chub tipple. .PLUMS —A large supply of th« best and m< kinds. eifftusfrc assortment of th? GRAPES*— Viz: Delaware, Diana, lsabella-Blat dy. White Sweet 'Water, White Summer, il&rtfoi Rebecca and Concprd. ORNAMENTAL —Weeping Mountain -Ash* - mil. Balsam of fir, Scotch Fir, European Silver Fir Spruce, Siberian and American Arbor Time, Urd- SHRUBBERY —Holly leaved Berberry,Chini Bpimea pro ni folio, Dearzia, Green Forvfhia. ROSES— Baltimore Belle, Prairie Qaecn. GOOSEBERRIES—Of several choice varieties- CURRANTS—Cherry, Bed, and White. We would invito all who are in want of any of trees, &c,, to call and see them for their own B. C. WICKU. JOHN T. Tiogn, Ang. 22, ISOOjI CABISSf THE Subscriber most respectfully annonat he has on hand at the old stand, and w* Cheap tot of Furulinre. comprising in part Bressiiig and Common Cases, Center, Card and Bier Table*, ,s! breakfast Tables, Marble-topped and Coffl a ° n Clipboards, Cottage and other Bedsteads, Stsf fas and Chairs', QHt andlßoseicood 'MnW Picture Fra\nes, COFFINS made to order on short jarse will bc-funi£shed if desired. N* B. Turning and Sawiftg done to order*-* August U, mL) B. T. VA>fl^ WILLIAM WALKER HAS X SPLENDID LOT OF WHOLE BUFFALO «#' LOWER THAN EVER COFFERED' IN THIS MABKE t! Whole Robes from $3 to $8 a* *“* HAT AND GAP ,STO CORNING, N. 7. January 2, 1861. Laths, pickets and shing^ 1 sale at Tioga, by H. S. W*** ‘ March 20y l'8«. ail • WJI. L. BIG! Assisu