The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, May 15, 1861, Image 2

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    , 7.i T
ft' -r Xjy ■
' New-Advurtliiemento. |
Skeriff’t Salci. —B. t Power. j
Staring JfocJtsM.—Crcrfcr 4 Raker. |
Orphan'• Court iSaltjj-tSW&b Hi McLeod, George {*.
McLeod. ; i , I
Strayed.— AagttsUuj £roh: I |
Millinery SAop.—PO'he Pmitb. 1 {
o': "'' -I
; t&'To Correspondents. —“A Looker On.?i
-We will try and find room for your communi
cation in eurnest. | I
■W^T 1 Appointed.— -Mr. W. A. Nichols-, of
Smothport, haaibeefj appointed ton sl.i(k)clerk
*bip in the Surgeon! jGeneral’s Bureau at Wash
ington. Mr. William Trowbridge of tawrence
tllle, has been apfn jhted to a first class! clerk
ship in the Bust if viifioe Department. { LeWik
Baggett, Esq., has Jieen'AppoiDtßd Post .Masted
at Tioga, 0. Stanton, Esq., Post Mas
ter at Lawrentjlv'ille, and .Dr. MeNa!ughto|i
at Westfield. Atjv icellent appointments. , .
ggp- Wd difeot iitfcDiion to art Article ion thfe
.first page of thiii p,jper, addressed to fiirwprs and
gardeners; Its ini pnrtance itl this titrte eapnol
be fiufitigethe war,- our co|-
nmns will be of t) tocssity devoted, nearly, ei'
clusively, to war nfwa. Our letters from Camp
Curtin, will be rca'jb.kith interest, ns they bonr
tain graphic pictures of the condition of things
there, Qur letter from “Snodgrass”—our reg
ular Harrisburg ootrespondenU'did not roacji
us in time for this. l At last accounts thfe
stay law Tiad the House, as publised
elsowhero in our columns. Its,passage through
the : Senate, was considered doubtful. ’ j
I®* The report General &ddle[
gijitgja/ list of tho Sompaiiies that haVo been
sworu into the service of the- United States, and
also'the number oficompanies offering hot not
accepted, has been : published in the Tetet/rcphl
This report shows that some two hundred and
eighty three companies had offered their aervil
ces but were nof ttecepted, owing to the 'ae|
that the requisition for troops had been filled
before any of thesev oirtpanics had tendered theif
services. ■ Theseoiompnnieß, it is expected, wil|
maintain thei# orjjhni*ntion in the meantime!'
and hold themselves in readiness for any emer
gency that may arise in the future; This large
surplus force is andliustratiun of the devotiup
of the people of Pennsylvania to the Cause ’
of the Cnioti, and may tie taken as an earnest
of what they Intend to do when the conflict for
law and order is once fully organized; |
B®“We have received from M'-ssrs, OJiveb
D'ltson 4 Co., 277 W ishington Su Boston, the
following new piece* of sheet music; “The
Star Spangled Barinei;,” With an additional
verse by Oliver Wendell Holmes, as follow:')
When our land is illumined with Liberty's sratio, |
If a foe from withiary trike a blow at her glory, f
Down, down with the jfuitiir that dares to defilo \
- Thelflsg ef her starj'jand the page of her story! j
By tho millions, who our birthright harp
gained, 'A : |
Wo will keep her brigl t blason forever unstained ! J
And the Star SpnagletgUanner in triumph shal in*
IWhilc the land of the free Is tho home of the hravtS!
Price 23 cents. '•‘America, ".arranged for th’fe
L piano forte, 25 centst “.The Spirit of ' ibe
ing ft paraphrase oflAytnun’s Songs t>f the Catj
aliers, adapted to q' “fine old English” fnne|;
“So Vnu’W going to the wars, dear,” a song 1 r
Duuski, 25 cents ; and “The Music of the
Union,” a medley on all the’ American national
. airs, arranged by Grobe, -50 cents. These
" pieces .may be had by maik by enclosing thp
price to the publisher, in money or stamps. I
jPje- A t a the Burgess and Coodoil
of the Boro ofWellsbyt". called by spreia’ n a ofe
from the Burgess, Rqbert C. Simpson, Esq., irp
behalf of Mrs. Wji .B. Cltsier, presented tb
the people of Well ;l |iro. through the Bqrgesjt
and Council, a sss, which they accepted.
TVhereufKin 'it was j, j'
.■ Resolved, That file body accept the beau til
ful Flag presented; by -Mrs. Wul. B.Ctjmeij
. and have a lively Cerise of gratitude for thifc
Token of her frie(ni»h p towards the people of
Wellsboro, and hteippatriotism in this hour of
ourdiuntry’s trial, i !
Unsolved, That tpe.Burgess transmit to Mrs*,
Cltuer a copy of jhi« resolution. |
. j May 4, 1861; |
Mss'. Wn. B.| CtryEß : Dear Madam —En|
chised -please find fticfpy of -a resolution paSSei}
by Hie Burgess nnd; of this villus, on
the presentation of |y«ur beautiful flag to the
people of Wellshorfi, through the Burgess am|
CounciU’Jhy Rotrtrt.C. Simpson, E.-q. ]
Permit me to excess to you-, far this body|
our thanks for thVs beautiful token of youg
patriotic devotion I*) 1 your country. In these
rebellious times it Is a source of sincere p!eas|
ure to know that countrywomen, areeurnl
estly interested in \'»e preservation of-Liberty
and L-iw. Our healts and bands, shall uphold
this flag and the cahae it represents under ail
circumstances. With ft grateful sense of yiiuif
encouragement. Yours truly, I
Hesrt SiierwooP, Burgess. ;
/ ■"*
4- '» -4» t
Weu-sboro, May 9, 1861. |
llevet Sn*B wood, Esq.: Dfar, Sit—l hava
the pleasure to ackmtf Mge the receipt this
afternoon, of your polite note of the 4th inst.j
With a copy of a resolution passed the «aWS
idajf'hv'the Burgess and C“iineil of Wcllshoro. j
I am gratified to loam that the Flag, which
■I had pleasure in presenting to the people of
Wells horn, hits been /iceejoed by them, in tha
spirit, in which it was presented.! I trust that
rebellion wilt he eroded in the luro*—the causa
i o f and Order bo Upheld, and that the saine|
emblem of. Liberty . which flouts o»or “tbg
Oreen," and ff ■« the house tups of our beautU
ful Village, trill Spread its ample folds to the
and fit time. With np Star erased—no Stripe!
polluted*->vef tfreryieea, aod over the 6ntir«|
length and breadth of the Amwrtoan Colon. . }
! WiV]j sentiments oQ respects for the Bnrgessj
•nd Council of Wellkboro.,l am truly yours. \
Masv n. Cnuzt, j
i I
. k
i \ I-
rSoit cahp cußTiir.
Corrwpoßdenceof The igltMor.
, - Camp. Curtin,
Harrisburg, May 11,1861.,
We are atil! “bangeru-oni” We are 'till
staying at the-place made famous by b ack
mail and swindles—the rest of antiquated pol
iticians and superanuated office-seekers. C ivil
office-seekers hare taken a back seat, and ap pli
canta for military promotion lead the ran. I
fiare lately found that there are other kinds
than political wire-pulling, gud that military
.promotions do nob always go where iheyfi e
Jong,'Any more than county offices are always
given to worthy and competent men. He 'vho
■bos remarkable social' qualities, seasoned
with a deep pocket Well filled with the filthy
lucre, and washed down with an experienced
taste fob the juice ofeOrn and ? rye, is admirably
qualified for a commanding officer, in the eyes
of the “powers that be 1 /’ but your correspond
ent thinks ibat these qualities. Are not essenial
to a military officer—“in a pig's CyS-. 1 ’ Almost
ar.y body can afford to serve his country at aial-
AVy of frott $75 to $3OO per month, and rati ms
in proportion. But tbesaoi/ffcesfre hear somich
About, are made by the privates'.
We are as much in the dark As When I wiote
you last. We have not yefbeSA sworn in, ihd
have not yet been formed into'a regiment.—
Nobody knoWs how long we are likely to s :ay
here, and nobody We are likel; to
go when we leave. We are certain of gett; ng
Our provision while On Camp Curtin, and ire
sore of getting wet itnd muddy When it raids.
These are all we are sure of. ' Many of >ur
men have already left for their homes, i.nd
many tnol-o are likely to learn. I hear that an
will be made to get os into the U. S. i er
rice. And that all who remain, will be swoTt in
for three years-. This gKites harshly on ala - ge
number of the volunteers from Tioga; an I I
should not be surprised if half niir hubi ler
went home. Col; Kane is now in Washing! m,
I beliete. Yon will see by the papers wml
the legislature is doing in the military line.
Companies are constantly leaving Camp Cur
tin, bln with all my inquiries,' I am unable to
learn the destination of any. 'There are row
only about three regiments in fiamp here; and
these are unformed: ' ■ . - ■
Five thousand men ale to arrive hetb
Monday from Elmira, N. Y., blit I do not th
they will Stay hero longer than a’ day or t'Po.
Rumor says they are on their way south.'
A resolUtioh passed both branches of he
l-;gislatue on the fl:h inst., authorising the, iM
thnritie* at Camp Wilkins, id Pittsburg, to
Ceive into camp a coMpany froth the tan II in
die, Virginia. I learn that the Captain of tais
company had received encouragement fr >m
Gen. Scott.-that his men should te subs : Bted at
voluntee s from tds State. It iwas stited on
the floor of the Senate that this company 1.-d
been travelling for several days on the evpe vse
of the Captain. They had been driv.-n frem
their homes' by the «ecessionists.
It is hard enough under almost any circi m-
BtanCe, to write en interesting letter ti a
newspaper, but particularly hard is it to whe
wheit there is nothing to White about. Your
readers know the old story of a soldier’s life
his privations, his and hiß.longil
for homS and hotise Comforts; They have n
of his devotion to bis flag, his of 'count
and of his thousand and one . pleasures i
pains. But they tuny nttl that neit
Liberty, the dearest word in the language
Hoj!e ; and they may not know with what t
gratitude nefrs is received from those left
himl. “Any news from home ?” Nut ah
ih'our camp, do I hettr this question. Oro 1
are seen h»re, and there, all 6ver the ca
grout! 1. Two or three here-are;listening to
reading of a letter from homes others, th
are, talking of a mother, filihir, sisters i
friends; and hut yesterday, I hoard a yot
man telling his Comrades, while' the tears cu
down his cheeks, that his mothejr had died
day before, and bis onrrofr seethed the greal
because he had not been at homs tt> receive
blessing. Such scenes as this affect' a Sole
mure than the fear of bullets,* or of sud-
, We miss many of the convenlpncies andl ix
urlcs of home, hut wherever we go, we alwny-i
tneet our eccentric friend, the freather. And
although it is true thWdthad feather is better
than node at all'/'-still, we sometimes think
that the old ft'dag'e, “a place for everything,
add everything in its place,” has been wilfully
disregarded Si'iice fre left the shelter around l,ur,
firesides, weather for the last ten days 1 as
been alternately gmd and bad, for the space of
a dav at a tinie. This arrangement dues aw ty
frith lhv> necessity of sprinkling the StrWla a ad
camp gnUnd. t)-ie mornihg. on being avRl
- by the reveille (which is the soldier’ll
alarm-watch) I perceived thrmigh the crevioeS
of outboard cabin, a Shefet of show coverinf a
distant* late of tents, and reflecting the rays of.
early morn in dazzling effulgence. Anoth:r,
the continued pattering upod iHe low roof of
our Shanty, aroused the recollection of ninny
hours’ play In tile nld garret, frhen I little
thodght that those scenes woUl'd be revived in
such ja [dace, and under such circumstances as
-these. Several days haVS been the most bei.n
tifulT ever knew; a frarm, bright sun,shining
from a clear bide’sky, down upon us in the
valley of the Susquehanna, ahiut
whiiih cluster so many bits of history. Otl er
days have befin lohjj; rainy and dreary, and
Withal-, in thmselVes very disagreeable; tut
frith a jolly, clever set of comrades, such, as
often meet in the idle .hours of camp life, me
may ever.pass off the otherwise lonely hours of
such a day, frith the entile taerty contentful nt
that we have nil experienced around a hlatiig
fire in winter, When story-telling and song-Sit g
ing have teen the order of exercises. H. J. R,
From another Correspondent. . \\
r bin? Cuktin, May 5 t 186lJ
On Tuesday Inst we arrived in Harrisbui
(about midnight) and’ early in the mornij
were marched up to camp, and assigned qnt
ters. There were seven regiments in camp, a|
as the shades of evening dropped like a dank,
gray veil, over the lively scene, we began to te
aliiie fur the first time that this was camp life;
meaning if it meant anytKlHg—war; The weath
er tvas fine, and after the night had fairly set
in, the c»mp became light with watch finds, and
not a little itteresting. There wort companies
•from heitfty brthy section of the Stafe; Dutch
companies, Irish companies, Welsh, and last;
llxt not least, the companies from the
northern tier." . The Dutch computies Wert BJ
I<r the most numerous. Short, sturdy fellows,
fu{ the must j a t, w't'i the Teuton strongly
written in their feces, and some of them] I
thought; a little homesick. At night they gath
er ahoUr the' fires, and sing the of Fadep
land, and right well they can sing. A compa
ny of them are, or were encamped within {a
few rode of tbe'Tioga Bifies, and! stepped ov^r
to their fires to hear them sing, and scrape ac
quaintance ; not a hard thing to do, that last,
for they were about to be sent off, and their
hearts were full. One of them cottoned to me
kindly, and mode a clean breast of it. He had
“a rife to bis home; such- a gool- vomnn—and
two littld babies, nice rat leeile Tellers ; one of
dem wasia gal, unt two sister, so handsome, not
■like de yonkee gals. ,Oh yes, be hoped to see
himself come home again, when de war was
done! Had I got a rife and some baby, and a
mode/?”! Home qu.Rtion's, these, at this time,
and if my mog quivered a little, I trust it is no
shame. As for the communicative Dutchman,
he blubbered outright, and then snng harder
than before. lie went away with his regiment
the-next 1 day to Westchester, I think, and I
w-ent down to see tb muff— saw them {.station id
the cattle care, pm ed like Cattle —heard the
order not to bate the Cars with, ut permission,
and away they' went. They will most likely
see no fighting. And as for us, shall we? I
think candidly, yes—that is if, there he fighting,
in store; ; 1 think so for several reasons. First,
because Col. Kane (brother of the Arctic Doc
tor) is a fighting'man, who wants his “wildcat
regiment” to jighl, just that, no more, no less.
Second, his position and influence will be like
ly to place his regiment where he wants it, in
■the van; and lastly, the regiment will be com
posed of iWerial-, and go into service with a
prestige well calculated to gird it an advanced
■ 1 The entnpanies from Tioga County are well,
with somd slight exceptions;' attributable to
change of]diet, and general mode of life; altbo
the weather has been most bitter. What do
you Ifaihk 'of a heavy fall df snow at Harrisburg
on the 2d, land 3d of May, Anno Domini,-1861 ?
Can you beat it at home ? NesSJjUck.
The .'following bill was reported from the
Select Coirltnittee oti the subject by Mr. Dnf
field, in thL> lb inse of RrpresentaHves at IlAr
risbug, hist week; and made the special Order
for MbndaJ - :
An Act relating (o judgvicnts and execution*.
Section 1. Be it enacted, &c„ That upon all
judgments now remaining unsatisfied, or which
may bo obtained within six piohths from the
passage of Ithis act, there shall fce a stay of pxe
cutinn fob one year from the passage hereof, as
regards judgments now existing, and from
their date ns Regards judgements obtained after
the .date hereo/: Provided, That the defendant
is possessed of;real estate within the respective
county or icountiea in which such judgment
shall have been obtained,'or in any other county
within this!Commonwealth to which ibo said
judgment snail have been transferred subject
(o be sold for payment of such judgment and
worth in the opinion of any court or any judge
in vacation, justice or aldormann havirig juris
diction of such judgments over and above other
incumberauces, and the amount exempted frorp
levy and sale on execution,'nr if said defendant
shall give security for the payment of the same,
to be approved by the court or a judge there« f
in vacation; or a justice or alderman, within
sixty days from the date of the judgment or
from the passage of this act, and no person or
firm, bank or broker holding collaterals as sc-
CurityfoT dfebts due or to become due shall-,
within Onely'Car from the taking effect of thU-
Act-, Sell at 1 public or private sale Ahy such col
laterals. whether the same consists of mortgage,
bond, rtote,;or other security, a’ nr ntl -
erwUe, and any patty ing *’uch eolla'erul se
curity within subh lime khall become responsi
ble fdr the ifiar Value or nominal anvomt there
of to theovrher of such colldteiM. r Arid provi
ded farther, it hat (he provisions of this Act
shall extend to judgments entered or to be en
te ed, as well upon bond and warrahtof nttor
nev, as upon mortgages to secure the same, and
tb any subteqaent grantee or owner of the
premises so bound, as well as the original obli
gor op mortgagor, and also to all judgments nr
debts upon which execution bus or may be
w tired by the debtor in any original ohllgsition
or contract, upon which Such judgment- haß
been nr may hereafter he obtained. -And pro
dded further, That said stay of execute shall
not apply to mortgages, or bonds secured by
mortgage, or to ground rent deeds, unless the
interest, if due at or before the' passage of this
Act, shall be paid within sixty days thereaf
ter, or if accruing thereafter,, shAll be paid
within sixty l days after it shall become due.—
And provided further That this act! all not ap
ply to ,any judgment obtaibbd for the wftges
of labor.
i ;re
i nd
Sec. 2. That in all cases in wliictt a defen
dant shall bo entitled to a stay of execution un
der the provisions of this ret, aH'd shall neglect
or Refuse to claim the benefit thereof, anv lessee
or mortgagee of the premises levied upon, whose
estate or interest therein would be affected by
sale of said premises, shall have the like right
with the defendant to claim such stay of exe
cution. ’ ,
the people of our patriotic old Common
wealth will be gratified to know that the State
Government is dwake to the impGrtande of sys
tematic arraVigeln'ehts for the military educa
tion of the young men of the State. The pro
position before the legislature is for the ap
pointment by the Governor of a commission, to
digest o plan fur ths estabiishiiicpt of a State
Military School.' Every intelligent person now
perceives the necessity for instruction id those
departments of art and science frhioh’tend Id
render the physio 1 power.of the people eff d ive
for war purposes. The unprepared condition
in which Pennsylvania was found when the
President called the troops to defend the Na
tional Capital fmm an expected attack is an un
answerable argument in favor of military educa
tion. No .amount of courage and physical pow
er dan. make up fur a lack of skill in the man
agement of arms* and of discipline and address
oh the part of troops; and the events of the last
few months, have shown tiiai our country is
ncTer.eafe, without a well prepared body of
citizen soldiers ready to take the field at short
notice. 'As (He arts if chilizi ion advance, and
mechanical ibventibns increase, the character
of military operations is . d itinuatly changing.
War, ill fiict, becomes more and diure a ntatter
of science and skill; and less dependent upon
more iflusciilar power. Intelligence and skill
increase the physical power of those who fight,
as rhuhh as tbej do the efforts of then to accom
plish thdse great industrial enterprises which
make the most remarkable feature of the age
in which, wfi live; and the State or nation which
neglects this department of education, fails to
develop'd its powers to protect itself from the
dangers id which communities are ever ex
posed. '. _
Mar 9th. 1861, by Rev. R. L. Stilwell, Mr. W. S.
JACOBS to Miss E, E. PARK, both of Charleston,
Ting* Co., Pa.
BY virtue oiTsundry writs of Fl* Fa.,.Lev. Fa., and
Vend. Ei„ issued iout of the Common Pleas of
county,, and to me directed, I will, expose to
public tale in the fcourt House in Wellsboro, on
MONDAY, itie 3d day of June, A, B. 1861, at one
o'clock In the afternoon, tbefoUowing described prop
erty, to wit: -
A lot of land in Knoxville, bounded north' by A. D.
, &nox. eastiby Augustus Abbey, south by Cowanesqu©
river and *esfc by Troop* creek—containing abont
one acre of limproved lund, with a frame building nsed
far carding wool and cloth dressing. To be sold as
the property of Joseph Wilkins. * , ■
•ALSO—A lot of' land in Middlebury. township,
bounded north by Wm. Button and Brady, east
by Samuel Cady and George Champlain, south by
: Miles Goodwin and Bmgbam lands, and west by S.
Chamberlain an 1 Wm. Button—containing about one
hundred and tuny-six acres, about one hundred and
icn acres improved, two log houses, one frame barn,
frame shed, frame corn house, frame ‘milk house, and
largo apple orchard thereon. To be sold as prop
erty ul Frederick Losinger and JohnLosinger and J*
E. Andrus and £>. Andrus,’ te?re tenants,
ALSO—A lot,of InnAip Westfield township, bound
ed north by Bingham lands, east by highway, south
by Stephen Sperry, and west by Stephen Sperry and
Kicbarp Phillips ■-con taining about 4 acres - mostly
improved,'with frame bouse, frame barh, saw roiif and
fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of
George Labar. 1 , ■ , -
ALSO—A lot of laud in Brookfield township, bound
ed north by highway, east by Q. W. Bacon, south by
Jesse W. Dunbar, and west by D. T. Gardner—con
taining about one half acre of improved land, frame
tavern house, frame barnlanft fruit; trees thereon. * To
be sold as the property of L 7 G. Bimmick.
ALSO —A lot of land to Jackson township, bound
ed north by lands of Bennett A Randall,’(formerly
Baggett A Sixby) east and south by Joseph Sellingor,
and west by William Smi^h— containing about fifty
acres, about thirty-five nerjes improved, frame house,
frame barn and apple orchard thereon. To he sold
as the property of Hufus Baggett and Cornelius Bag
■ gett. ’ ! i
ALSO—A lot of land in jPTestfield township, bound
ed north by John Gardner.east by John Pierce, south
by Bingham lands, and wept by lot in possession of
John Treuiain—containing ! acres IbO acres, about 80
acres improved, frame boupe, frame barn and sheds,
corn house, hi>g house, out'buildings and fruit trees
thereon. ,T° be sold ns t-he property of Samuel Pierce.
1 ALSO—A lor of ]and,in Chatham township, bound
ed north by Alonzo G,uil*f east by Seeley A Cluos,
sbulh by the Markram lot, and west by J F. Boom—
cbnrainit’g ab »qt forty-five jicres, about five acres im
proved,-'fauie house and fruit trees thorcon. To be
sold a* the property of C. F. Culver and Enos Sins
son, with notice to Luke Strait George: Bucher Wil
liam Weeks tfud Wm. F. Leroy, terfe tenants.
ALSO—A lot ut laud in .Jackson towpahip. bound
ed by lands of Joshua MiPcr acid John P«r
merre*, eisi by lands of Lyman Brown l and Thomas
Tabor, south by lands of David Everett. Tyleo White
and Artemas Barnhart, and wcbt-by lands of Tylee
White, Arlcmus Barnhart and Addison Becker, (ex
cepting and reserving there out 28 acres belonging t»
Lyman Brown); Ihe whole'containing three hundred
acres, with one hundred anij fifty acres improved, two
frame dwelling houses, two frajne barns, one ppriT
bouse, one old log btifu and |One horse barn, three ap- ,
pic orchards and a few other fruit trees thereon. To
bb sold as the property of Sj L. Purraertcr. /.
(ALSO—A tract of timber land situate fn .Morris
township Tioga County Pa,;bounded and described os
follows: beginning at a white oak, thence by other
lands of said -Seth T. McCormick, south two hundred
and twenty perches to a poet, thence by land of John
and Enoch Blackwell, west eighty percbei to a r.ot-k
oak,.thence by lands of same south one hundred
perches to a stone, thcnco by land of Ivans, west four
hundred and forty-four perches and seven tenths to a
post,: thence north three hundred and twenty perches*
to a maple, thonce east five hundred and twepty-fpur
perches and seven tenths to^he,. place of bpgjrining—
containing nine hundred acres and allowance. !'*•
be sold as the property of Sctk T. McCormick.
1 ALSO—rA lot of land in Tioga Borough, bounded Dr. George Hathaway,oast by oak street, and
j lot owned by A. J. McCullough, south by church street,
west by lot in possession of C. 0, Eu,- containing
[about ono half acre improved, frame house, frame
1 barn, some other out building* and fruit trees thereon.
[ AL>o—another lot of land in Tioga, bounded nopth
’by Thomas Berry and B. C. Wickham, east by C
j Wickham, south hy lands in ; possession of Vine De
j Pui, and west by Tioga Rail,Road and Tioga river,
1 containing about one hundred and ten acres and allow :
. afleos, forty acres improved, an apple orchard and
about, oco thousand gr.ipe vinos thereon. To bo sold
as the properly ol Si la? |l: Hathaway.
• 'ALSO—A lot of land in Delmnr township, begin
ning at a sugar and beech corner, raid beech supposed, 1
k to ho the north west corner of warrant No. 1579 .'i» (
the name of'llcws <t Fisher, thence by the south line
of warrant No. 1578, Jicwes &, Fisher warranted*.
jrnUh degrees, east one hundred twenty
<iix and a half rods to a post and stones the north
east corner hereof, thonce hy other subdivisions of
warrant 1579. south two ldegrees, west one bun
‘ drod tweniy-eight and four tenths .rods to a post near
a large white pine tree, and north 89 degrees, west
one hundred and tweoty-elgfat'rpda to a post in the
■ west lind'of said warrant K thence along said
'warrant Jibe north threb en’st one hundred
and twbnty-oi hfc and four tenths rods to place of be
ginning—containing about use hundred,.and three
. acres and,being a part of warrant No. 1579 aforesaid,
1 about 40 acres improved, log; bouse and fruit trees
! Ilioredh. To bo sold as "the property of William
I Braughton.
[ALSO —A lot of land lb Gaines township, bounded
north and. west by Billings lapds, east by Long Run
road and south by iu;iin highway-—containing about
one acre improved land,-frame tavern house, frame
bam. out buildings and fruit trees therbou. To be
sold as the property of Benjamin Barso.
, ALSO—A lot of lnnd in Elklaud Borobgb, bounded
north by New York State line, east by John Ham
mond. south bv Cowanesqlie rive, and west by David
Taylor*, containing hbnufc one ' hundred and- ninety
seres, about one hundred acres improved, with a frame
house, old log boose, frame bam, frame wagon bouse,
frame corn house, and two apple orchards thereon.
To be sold as tho property' of Timothy Coales and
Lintaford Coats.
‘ ALSO—lt»t of l&nd in Rutland township, bounded
north by lands of Roynl Ruse, cast by lands in pos
session qf Nelson Gould, south by Horace Brace, and
west by Timothy Brace, containing one hundred acres.
ofr 1 thereabouts, and allowance, about ten acres im
proved, orte frabve bduee rtnd small shanty used for a
barn, thereon. To bo sold as the propel ty of Oscar
ALSO—A lot of ‘.aid in Tioga townsbipi bounded
north by lands now or formerly of E. Boyer, east by
lands formerly of George Daggett, south by lan«ls of
Sylvia Parrnenticr and E Bayer, and west by Dean
Dutton and Mrs. StilweU—containing about opb hun
dred arid forty five acres, about sixty tftres improved,
fiTlihe house, two frame barns, log barb, corn bouse,
outbuildings and two orchards therein. To he sold
a;* ,the property of Allen Daggett and Edwin Resell.
AljSO— A lot,of land bounded and described as
foUowff-j-on the north by a lot now or late in possess
ion of Charles Charcbill ifa MiJdlebury township, on
tile east by said Churchill lot and lot No. 141 conveyed
to John West, On the south by lot No. 139 conveyed
to Richard Goodwin, and pnrtof'lot No. 137 conveyed
to Samyel Carpen-er, and on the west by’ part of lot
N«*> 137 contracted to J unes Carpenter aforesaid, 10,6
No. 135 conveyed to J .hn West, Church
ill lot, tt being lot No. 20-} of the allotment of .tile
Bingham lands in Middlebury township Tioga, county
Pal, and phrt of warrant numbered 1175—containing
sixty two acres and three tenths qf np acre, with the
nodal allowance of six percent for roads jAb . To ba
snid as the property of Stephen 0. lieoman and James
Carpenter. , 1 J
ALSO—A lot of land boqnJed opd described as
follows: on.the north by lot No.j 172 of the allotment
of the Bingham lands in Chatham township, contracts
ed to Seth B. Racket, lot No. 196 contraced to Love!
Short, 2d. and lot No. 185, now or late in the posses
sion of John •short, on the erist by lot N<. 185 nfore lofNo 183 contracted to f’o er V. Hotel ing,
on the south by lot No. 196, contVaeled to David Gee,
and on the west bjr lot No, 172, it; being lot No. 197 of
the a’lotmcntof in‘Bingham lands in Cbqtbnm town
ship, Tioga county. Pa., and* part of warrant num-1
bered l.s3S—couUuning sixty-two aorei aud seven
tenths of «n aefe, wjth the nsualallowance of six per
coot for roads Aq.. with about forty oeres improved,
tv o log houses, two log barns and some 1 fruit .trees
tliereon; To be sold ns the properly of Stephen Puller.
ALSO'—A lot Of land bounded, and described as
follows: on the norlh by lot No. 20) of the allotment
of the Bingham lands in Middle! ary. township,’con
tracted to Berj limp Close, on the east by lot No. 59
conveyed to Levereft Blair, ana lot No. 86, now or
late in tba posseuion irf Wm. R. S. March, on the
south J>y lot No. 85 contracted, to Judo E. Losinger,
and lot No. 84 now or late In the possession of Lather
Wilson, and-.oD the west by lot No. 84 aforesaid, and.
lot No. 6i. conveyed to Isaac Lhcey-jr.. it being lot ;
No. 63 of the illotmentof t|ie Bingham land* in Mid
dlobury township. Tioga county, part of war
rant numbered 1365—containing seventy- five acres
atid iti* tenths of an acre, with' the qiaal allowance
■ of six per cent Ac., with a frame bouse, frame barn,
and some fruit trees thereon. To behold as the prop
erty wf William L. Merrick. -
ALSO—A lot of land, bounded find described as
follows; on the, north by lot. No. 205 of the allotment
of the Bingham lands, in Jfermington .township, now
pr late GeorgeT. polgrcve, on the
cast by lot No. 22.'Middlebury. contracted to Elijah
Knapp,, on the south by-lot No. 20 Middlebury, con Minor S. Field, lot No. 19, Middlebury con
tracted ip Thomas J. Mann, and,lvt No. 18, Middle
bury, contracted to Kbenezer H.. Briggs, and on the
west by lot No. 181, Middlebury and Farmington, now
or late in possession of Martha J» L. Cldrk H being
lot No..£l # o£ the allotment o£ the Bingham lands in
Middlebury township, Tioga County Pennsylvania, nnd
part of warrants, number.lo37, and
one hundred, and twenty-five acres, the usual al
lowance of £ix per cent for roads so. t with about one
hundred acres improved, three log bouses, ono frame
bouse, two frame bards, ono milk bouse, and some
fruit trees thereon. To bo aold" as the property of
Cbauncey Bam. . „ ~
ALSO—A lot of land bounded and described as fol
lows ; on the north by north part of lot No. 16 of the
allotment of the Bingham lands in Middlebury town
ship, Tioga county, Pennsylvania, conveyed to Oliver
Briggs, on the east by f lot No. *f6 conveyed to Tbos,
L. Baldwin, on the south by lot No. 36„cbnveyed to
Erastus Niles, and lot N0.'37 conveyed to Botsford
Lake, and on tbe west by lot No, 37 aforesaid, and lot
No. 194 contracted to John B. Everett, it being the
south part of lot No. 15 of the allotment of the Bing
ham lands in Middlebury township, Tioga county,
Pennsylvania, and part of warrant'numbered 1368
containing fifty acres and two tenths of an acre, with
the usnal allowanace of six per cent for roads Ac.,
with a dwelling bouse, frame barn and about forty
acres improved, and some fruit’ trees thereon. To be
sold ns-the property o» Erasmus W. Niles:
ALSO—A certain lot of land in Rutland township,
bounded north by Artemas Barnhart, east by Joseph
Harding.'-south and west by George Brown, containing
about two hundred and thirty qfcres, about one hun
dred and twenty acres improved, a frame house, two
frame barns, an apple orcbptd and other fruit .trees
thereon. ' * .. j
ALSO —Another lot in Sullivan township, bounded;
north by north line of warrant No. 978, east by land
formerly of Nathaniel Nichols, and N. Smith, south
by lands of John Benson and Arad Smith, and west
by land of fcopher Tenrsand A. Updike—containing
about one hundred and ten acres, about
improved, a frame bouse nnd fruit trees thereon. To
be sold ns th.e property of Harrison Robbins and John
Benson. . .
ALSO —A lot of land, bounded pn the north by
unsold land of the Bingham Estate, on the east by
land conveyed to John Howland, and land contracted
to Wilbur Harris, on the south by said lot contracted
to Wilbur Harris, and on Jbe west by land contracted
to Robt. C. Bryden and James S. B/yden, containing
72 stores and three tenths ol an acre, with allowance
of six"per cent for roads, Ac , being-lot No. Uof ihr
allotment of the Bingham lands in Westfield, and'
part of warrant numbered 1324. About 50 acres Im
proved, frame house, frame barn, frame corn bouse,
blacksmith shop, fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the property of A. C. Bancroft.
ALSO—A lot of land iu Delmar, bounded north by
H W. Stewart and Kilhurn Coolidge, east by Amos
Coolidge, south by R. Roland ond Daniel Dounc, and
‘west by Danl. Fucbt and Peter Green—containing
about 276 acres, about 150. acres improved, a frame
house, two frame barns, two apple orchards thereon.
AIjSO—A certain lot in Weflsbnro, situated on N.
E side of tbo A venue, bounded by the estate of S.
W. Morris, on the sputb by lane running trom the,
Avenue to the residence of the lute S. W Morris, on-'
the. S. W, hy the Avenue, and on the west' by J. F.
Donaldson—containing about two acres of improved
land, with a two story frame bouse, frame barn and
ebeds.and other but buildings and some fruit trees
thereon. ]
ALS.O-'—Another lot of land in Wellsboro, hounded
S. E. by Water Street, N. W. by* lot of L. I. Nichols,
S. W. by lot of L. I. Nichols in possession of Ruben
Young. N. E. by G. D. Smith—containing about une
acre improved land, with a frame bouse and some
fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—Another lot in Wellsboro, bounded S-W,
by tbe„.Ayom»e, K. W. by lot in possession of A. J-
SofieTd, N. E. by estate of £. W. Morris dec’d, S, E.
by Jnmed Lowrey—containing about one acre, with
gjffra mo bouse, barn and fruit trees thereon.
" AX SO*—other lots or tracts in Gaines township, de
scribed os follows; - , . .
Warrant No. 2379 W. Willink Warrantee, 1002 arres.
“ 23:?4 « 990 “
« 2437 “ 990
To bo sold ns the property of John F. Donaldson and
James Lowrey. . „ .. .. .
ALSO—A lot of .land in Westfield township, houn
ded north by Brookfield township line, Enst-by Rich
ard Phillips, South by, Pavid Rexford, and West by
David Rexford arid B. F. Dimiok—containing about
100 acres, about 46 acres improved, frame bml>e, frame
barn, and fruit trees, and »buut'( six hundred
thousand feet of pine timber, standing thereon To
be s*ld as tbc property of* Samuel Phillips, with no
tice to Charlton Phillips.
ALSO—the following described building and lot of
ground of Lemuel Davenport, to wit: all that two
>tory mill situate 4n the Boro of Elklnnd in the cnnnty
of Tioga, on ond north side T>f the street as
it now runs to in front
fifty feet mure or less, and one hundred feet in depth,
and the lot or pieice'of ground appnrfe
nant thereto. To| be sold as the property of Lemuel
Davenport, 1
ALSO—A lot of land, bounded a described as fol
lows : On the north by lot No. 133-uf the allotment of
the Bingham lands ih Brookfield township, on (be
east by lot No. 115', conveyed to James S. Bryden, on
the south hy lot No, 131, and lot No. 116, conveyed to
James S. Bryden,’and on 1 the west by lot No. 135, it
being lot No. 132 of the allotment of the Bingham
lands, in Brookfield township, Tioga County Pcnusyl
vnnia. and part of warrants numbered 1860, 1861,
|862 and 1864—containing sixty-four acres, with the
usual allowance of six per cent for roads Ac,, about
25 acre? a log bouse, log barn thereon. To
b<s sold as the property of Arthur W. Seely;
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded
north "by Bcnj. Fralick, east by John V. Swan, south
by H. Horton, and west by Elisha Smith—containing
ab«ut sixty-five acre?, about 30 acres improved,iTrame
bouse, frame barn and small apple orchard tbcrqon.—
To be sold as the property of John Fralick.
ALSO—A lot of land, bounded and described ns
follows: ,0n the north by the north , line of warrant
numbered 1820, in Rutland township; on tho east by
lot No. 104, conveyed to William Allen; on the sooth
by lot No. 108 conveyed to James Argetsingcr, and on
the lot No, 102, conveyed to William Allen,
it being lot No, 103, of the allotment of the Bingham
Lands, in Rutland Town hip, T oga County Pennsyl
vania, and part of ,wnrrant min bered 1820 —contain-
ing eighty-six acres and three tombs of an acre, with
the usual allowance of six per <Vnt for roads. £c.,
with ahnuf seventy, acres improved, a frame dwelling
house, frame barnj framed 1 cowshed, wagon shed at
tached/a frame woodhouse, log house and apple or
chard thereon. To bo sold as the property of Will
lain ,Al}cd.
ALSO—A lot of |lnnd in Nelson township, bounded
north by the Gdre.ierist by lands* formerly of James
Ellison, south by the Covaiesque River, west by
Stewart Dailey—containing about 80 acres, about 40
acres irqproved, one frame bouse, one frame harp
fnuijo corn bouse, an apple orchard, and other fruit
trees thereof Eo bo sold aa the property of John-
Eaihbone. - '
ALSO-'v—A lot of! land bounded and* described as
follows: on thc uurth by lot No. 13 of the allotment
of the Bingham lands iu Charleston tpwnship, now or
late ill the possci-ion of Ebenerer Burleigh, rind lot
No. 1.1 contracted to Hubert G. White, on the east bv
lot No, F 3 aforesaid, on tho south by lot No. 48 con
tracted to Frederick fl Dockstader and lot No. 47
contracted to Geqrge Parker. and on the west hy lot
No. 28 ootiiracted Jo John W» Bailey, it being lot No.
27 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Charleston
township, .Tioga counjy Pennsylvania, and, part of
warrant alimbored jl79s —’Containing .fifty acres and
two tenths of an acre with the usual allowance of ?ix
per cent for rbrids A<s, abobt 25 acres improved, s
frame born and fruit • treat thereon. To be sold os
the property of W. R. Knapp.
ALSO—A lot of land in Deerfield township, bound
ed end described ns follows: on the north by lot No.
43 of the al!otmeni,ot the Bingham lands in Deerfield
township, chntracliid to Benjamin Bowen and lot No;
57 how or late jn the possession of Perry Death, on
the' past by lot No. 42 contracted to Charles Toles lot
N 0.46 conveyed to Charles Toles and lot No. 46 con
veyed to Solomon D.Grover, on the south by lot No.
45 aforesaid, lot No. 301 oontrnoted to Deriqs Palmer
and lot No. 288 contracted to Ehenezer Seelev, and on
the west by Jot No. 51 contracted to Loel Chappell
and lot No. 340 contracted to Larnna Preeland, it be
ing lot No 44 of the allotmentof the Bingham lands
m Deerfield township, Tioga county. Pennsylvania,
and part of warrants numbered 1965 and 1345—con
taining ninety five acres with the usual allowance -of
six per cent for roads Ac., with the improvements
nan 601 **' Tff ** tho P ro P ert y of Joseph Yar-
ALSO The undivided half of the following lots of
Jana the township of'Gaines, and described na
follows: beginniDglat a post on the eoq»b bin* of
Pine Creek, the south eitst corner of ft
north fifty perches to a post in ih e J° ! ;
crock ; thonco by the creek north fifi, /**'
thirly-fohr perches to a post; th eD .,
Soutbj seventy-five degrees, east tn 6 |„ J '
beecHjtiwc, a corner of land owned hi I-?'
standing! ,on or near tfio bank of id tl !
noitfajbj said Silas Billings land nX”** 1
degrees, west forty porches to ano.f"tk
north thirty,four perches to a post- ’L|“ eDI
hundred and tfairty-eigbt perches 4 L ■
southi one hundred and. fifty-eieht hJ MI;
perohhs to a hemlock; thence cast reX o2 '
ten peaches to a line; thence north C.’? 1 '
es totjbi.te oak. and thence east i
twent£-jight porches to the beginnioe ““
three hundred acre. .
reserving therefcoiii two acres sold to i t l *
acres sold to James -Corsaw, about four"., ?
Bavi:,°MuXX rnhar£ ' andf “ rt^ffi^4
i ! < fe- AMt ’ lertraot of land in said toi
mediated .'south of above mentioned
north jWliaid tract, east by Silas Billing 1 23J9 and west by tand (orS’-
session of James Cartmw'_cuulainin»XXX
six tenths acres.' tJpnn the above 4o tV/.?? 1
is about one bundretiacres improved
hopse.jtwo framedwelljog bous.s, ohs L°”'
\ ot “firfe fra “ e bouse > on<! b “to, one
shantjdnhd some fruit trees thereon. I
•, AL ,f?tl A P. an<iividcd fuunb Part of tract
Tin. lying immediately i
the f, 4 denied tract of l an d begLinX
north ftakt corner of said tract; tfence ™
bundrjdlmtcteenand six tenths perchoa to
bv aP ß r, n K-M- WfiBt C " rEer oCa ‘™<* of lani
. S "f.^ llb T’ tbence Ws «t four hand,
thirty-eight perches toapost; thence remit a*
« d aD C- fi 116611 n,ld 6l * tenths perches to
XXIFi UU n hUDdred and ‘height wi
ihO j°u b pg' DniD g—containing thresh
a d tb E d J, d nme tenths acres, To be sol
properly of Alex Mattison. • . ,
, i7 A lu ,t of * and *° Jackson townshio
dedanUescnbed os follows: beginning
Ihe N. t.'Crjrner of lot No. 7: tbence Pii Rof £ TO
rods, if frt-fi rods, N. s 5.
,Y eSt ' 'l-fef V 8 ' r S a rud!, ’ Wtal 2«-2]ts3T. re a
thence|Vj|ed-l, S. 80*, east on the Kew Yort
Line, 7® 3R rods, S. 84-8 rods, TV. 12-6 rods *
to a.bcjcpj tbence North 89i, TV. 1071-2 rod» s'
rods, Nj. 88J, TV. 121-3 rods, S. 20 rods, N.' 831
68-9 rods to a hemlock. N. J, east 4(j-8 rodj t'
place «5 beginning—containing six hundred and.
leen being lot No. 2, of the-Alljumcnton,
in Jackin i j township, warrants Nos. 3304,3355.
3358, a|oiil3oo acres improved, three fraoj
four IoJ 1 Wises, six barns, shoe shop! and oii tr
buildings, Ncveml orchard* and other fruit trees ■
on. Ttfjjplsnld as .the property of Levi J,
aod Wiiliam ... 1
ALSCj—A lot ut land bounded and tjetcriieti n
lows : on the north by lot No. 175 of the allutatt',
the Bitjihefii lands in Farmington towjisbip. contn
ed to MosM|Lee, on the east by lots Xpa. 135, t J,
eonveyel.jh) Joseph B. Redfield, on the sooth h,
No. 129jli|jfesaid and lot No. 130, conl-ejed to Ji
Modrrevf any on the west by lot No. '[l74" contra
to Orriljllijiiselhand lot No. 175 aforesaid, itUi c .
No. 173jof|Jthc allotment of the Bingham I H |,
Fnrmingtod township,- Tioga county,lPetmwWu
and pnr« o( warrant numbered 1356—cojumaiagfa
nine aerps and nine tenths of no acre, with the ti
allowancejpf six per cent for Toads Acjabimltiei
five acres jn proved, a log hopse and so(ae fruit 0
tbereoni Ttj be sold as. the property of Jjobn Bailer
ALSuj-| S dot of land in Chatham township,foj
ed nortl|lc K, Toles, west by highway] leadingii
titnrkstjjin era to Jpseph Howlands r sunth by Cm
Creek rtlua. and east by R. Toles—containing 1!
one and!a[nalf acres improved land, a Iframe kc
frame birn land wagon shop and an apple ml
thereomj To he fold as the properly of IT IV. tu
dot of lanc(in Gaines township, boar
north, ei4|hnd west by lot formerly of Alei Mas
jr., Suo|h|ly TVm. Cowburn—containing akin
acres, au |h proved, a fmme bouse, frame bam,'
smith sjpof pnd some frnit trees thereon.!
ALS(|-4i. neither lot in Gaines towneliip,Lna::
north nj»d(ehst by A. P. Cone, south'by Si X. Bill,:
and wesi Ty Conrad Beruuuer and A. Pi Com-ts
tniningjjihpht one hundred and sixty acres,abratf
acres improved, two frame rhouscs, frame bare ,
eonro fruit, (keen thereon. To be sold as (be prep t
of P. BjT|-2 Hopkins and Harriet A. Ilopkins,
ALS<f-4(. lot of land in Charleston, tovc;:
bounded* lit 'th by Thomas Davis,’ I>, C.
wards, it by highway and E. TVetmrre, tad
by higlmjnv—containing a’bout sixty-teven :
about tinr|3 -five acres improved, one frame hem
frame b|rri md other out buildings, an apple art',
and otbfrjrruit frees thereon. To be sold, as theft,
erty of d. rqmiah Harr.
ALS.t^-4 -,4ot ot land in Ekland Ilors, begin:
at aivosj ifj the north west corner of lore in pat
4l. .Purple and bounding on ire of
PiiTSHuikffii ucning thence |onlh 86 feel 0 a post
a JJi'e l|;t»ecn Purple end store lot formerly »f
Coates; nlfjm.ce.wefl 47 feet to a lineJf L Colt
tbenco tiotali 86 foot to the line of Joel Farther
thence said line 47 feet, to the place of beg
ning—containing about 1 of an acre nil improved,
be sold as the property,of Timothy Coates.
A 1.50, .t lotpf landin Rutland township, boune
north bykd janson Rose, eajtby Royal Rose, south
R. Rose! aid west by highway—cunlaiSqg abor
acre. imn?< jqed, frame house,opt builditjgsand f
trees there In, To be sold as the property of Eli]
Cropser i(n I[P. V,Vanness.
ALSOtf-jl! lot of Und bounded, and 'described
follows ;|1 ort fhe norih by lot No- 12 of the aliutme:
of the Bjnjrbam lands in Farmington township, Tic
enunty, Pennj'yivnnia, contmcted to 'Nichols? fii'
on the eni?t by lot No. IS contracted to Julius A. Pht
on the prjoth by lots Nos. 34 and 115, nml on the
by lot No.jlTO contracted to,Stephen Beebe, it 1
lot-No. ]|SJ of the allotment of Binpham lane
Farraingjtop township, Tioga county, Penrsjlvi
and partj|og Warrants numbered 1657 an)i 1059
fanning tljvanty tbreo acres with the usual allow:
of six |ent for roads ie" about 15 acres
frame hrJ if®, barn and fruit trees thereonl To be sc
as the pr Danl. G. Babcock. j
lot of land in Sullivan township, hoord*
ed north; by J. W. Robbins and highway, east if
Myron ijolJrns. south by Afyron Robbjns, and ret
by Ahnzi Robbins and Wnj. Ludingtnn—contninm?
about twWty-fiye acres, all improved, Ifrsme hec«
fmme bnrnj.frame gun shop and fruit trees thereof
To be sofidlas the property of Wm. E. ’Hobbies«
Ahaz Hobbinr, ;
ALSOipA Jot of land in Brookfield fowrisbip.bound
ed north »yjrJ«hn Wakleo v cast by fcLi
war, eontl) ttjr highway, and west by Hirara
4 acres, all improved, frame dwell
ing bou.-i wtimeharn, and fruit-trees iberenn/ Tobe
sold as tWe jiroiierty of p. Baxter andi
ATjSO- lot of land in Charleston t6*n?h>’
bounded rorth by Wm. Vanhorn and L H. Elliot
east<ty tifyi Elliott, south by B. Reest. B.
v and D. [lirris, and west by S. Frost— coPtainirj
tlbnftt 20(| apices, nbnnt 150 acres improved vi!h
houses, 2- frujine boms and sheds, dot
fruit i<freon. To ho spld a? tb> property cf A
G. Eilint|n4d N. A. ElliolC
of land in IJlMond.hounded north
Joel cast ond south by lands formed?
owped byj|*U'Contes, und now occupied bx.F G.
land, audjoi the west by L, Culver— containing id* 6,
20 rods dr Improved land, and being a piece of
sold by-T. pjmtes to L. Culver. Tt> l-o ?o ! <l
property |bf jtimsford Conies sind Timothy Coaled
4 ALSo4|-A lot of lend ift Mansfield, tojwir: bepc*
*ng at e|b.4 d the N. W. corner hereof, and tbei« _
>f Ift Tf J " - ■ -iff thee*ti-
«rner ov .dnila ot ,p. Morris: tl.eme along . (
side of iflaWiny street, smith 12 dec- e«i,t i)j9
a post; tl eni#s alo r *g land of J, S. "Hoard: and
north 78 f eg.jen>( 710 feet to a post; i)ietice al*®!
s-iid Morf north 21$ deg. cast Sf>4 feet; ,fierrt
along snia Jw|''rris land south 78 deg 659
the placelpnjbcginnmg—-containing between fr r? ) E ;
six ncres/jHe the same more 'or le°B. and ileecrihed n*
the plot of* the village of Mansfield ns the >ora'C* •
fot. all improved, brick Seminary building*
some Qther ont buildings.thereon. To hp gold as
propert» of'tho,M«nsfioW Clns'ical Se nin«ry.
of land in ■Delmar tow'ndnp
os the W&lsftmro Cemetery, hounded nor’h a n J
oatnte of (jeorge McLeod deed *
J. F. OoiAlffiaoo*. east hy Joseph* Kihcrcilo .J
Bhefwoodji-'JrMitb by Lovi f. Nichols, and VCst J
about Ten .acres all
(excoptine pdrefrom. the lojs already isold.)
sp*d as Ihc property of tho Wellsboro Cemetery b
p’apv. ! , '
ALSQ—r.i lot in Dolrmt* bonndpd ns fo]lo'
gining at a post in the line of Joseph Willard. tn
north one hundred perches to a post, thence
David Hail «pe hundred and sixty, pcrchc* to * P . •
thence souihjbne hundred perches to a black
thence cast one hundred nndsixty perches to the? •
of beginnuig+j-containing one hundred acres- P 1 *
warrant itftj! 1984. James Wilson wnrantoe;
about sixtjf stores improved’, frame house, fra® o ..
out buildmgirnnd fruit trees thereon. To bo *?
the proporty'of John S. Hastings.
Wdjlsboro, May 15,1?(?J.