the AGI'.'ATOK. joOAI* ASD MIBii!EI.LANEOT7S. H. j. RAMSDELt, Editor. Wednesday, April 10,1881. 4 Co., 119 NaawaSt, Sew York, »nd 10 ,BcKcn,»reth* Ag»nt» for the Affiiaiar. end the I****. end lergeet circulating Sewnpapere fa the. M* 1 , (I , n d the Can edits. 'They am anthoriaed to con ffiffar b* ftt opr lowest crtCT* - Hear Advertlaonienta. . t F. Donaldson, Proft’y.. , . jlfijf'i Sait.—H. A. Spalding, Sh’ff Bradford Co. (Wifci fountain SoUl.—D. . hg-ffie itcre going to aoflHunce the arrival of hat on looking.a:, 1 the clouds, and on' "fl assured by a poetic friehf that “Winter stiH jn her lap," we have conJjoded to-Trait a week ell rf-Ott at Kexzca.—Wo Wderstand that the engag'd in boring for aiilat .Keneua, in. this IfKean) County, stiuck a veinjpn Saturday, the 23d jL wbiefi, wo learn, bids fair t^ 1 yield abundantly.— Qui reriDts onr statement that tbere is oil in M’Keao. ,i»£enn' Miner. 1 rtf Appoistvests.— Jjeirii P. Smith has been ap i«nted Postmaster at Covington; iLj B. Reynolds at [jonille; Dr. Ellikt at Mansfield; iC. H. Thompson I Corning, nnd X,c*>a Mann- at'.Coudersport. Mr. ; tn »n. Senator from this District, hay been appointed iTjmtsr in the Havy. AU 'sdU’-y ,Aen. By reference to bis advertisement it' iTtiat David Hart has againirtaken possession of. Crystal Fountain 1 Hotel, and invites the public to „Mm a share of their patrons, ,U That part of the treiiog public who prefer tv sto ) at a- Temperance «je will be glad ito Jearn thatf hls hotel is to be nifler conducted on. lemporanc» principles. Give z i call. : ‘i . ■ jg- The past few days of pleasant weather has in pt»t measure dried np the ground, and the farmers 6U locality are bnsily engaged jin preparing their il for the reception of seed. Ad farmer IV, ~ or !ovnsi:ip informs ns thal|“ notwithstanding iominous rumors of war, everything indicates that poster amount of grain will bet sown the present nog than at any previous one for several years, Buildings. —We af’i glad to see that r.Landis has commenced work an tbe new ; n !E _the contract having been; to Mm and rl.Harrison. The location is account, and will remany advantages over the fe learn with pleasure that Jj(*ss|s.' Young and illiu&i araiboutto lay the fouruktio|l of their new ndryancf Machine Shop. • [jt ‘J 1 beside* these evidences of prosperity, five new Tiling honies are aboat to be State-St. Ho lays IjVellsboro is standing still. 9* Right. —Wo notice that Bowen •« lo all the property owners ap ■ ! Djo’t slop because your neighbor! docs. Pash tilrcg, Keep your business before ibe ifcK thousand band-bills printed, kid put them itrj place n|ere they will catch&hJiposser'* ey&* ht ‘he wWnins may read/ rbco' invest a few win *omeltling’lcse than a cards, and oojL freely, and you will Qtxd |ponr business so t that yon can baldly keep pace :__ \ I ‘ sCPu.n as Tree.—T.», plah^ : .t«io, three, or iftdoten ofjthem. If they allmw 1 and thrive, 3 W an casjj-maitcr to deplete by those t]hat are not needed. ;-!We hare many ?<« in Wcl&boro, and in the Sdrotner tine we of (he town dense .sliade and lux •a foliage, But we hare not enongbV There arc n:ajbare peaces on Main streetf And trees on are ijko angels’ visit*—a apart, -ii is too n&ch tbo case with ot^er,-villages in *antj. plajjU trees along tha .to catch , frciii thdhot streets, and to dpaw the barbs, **7 6 hjafts of the summer^st(», ere they 1 f osr chowbcr window. J*huft*ts(sm nr'yonr, l a rd t or back yard, can sit r*bcjjj and the tbsiijwaving spray, and f |g| the night iEuncar tafir requiem to the branches, ‘tten you can find a patch of -p.ed on your premiaes/ldi'gj o enough hole in'. village without a naked to belsesn. Give nature a chance, r e **ll streets and a vost jf nrdure that will gladden hod dicer Mlli throughj' hot day* oij&oppro&ch •ooer. jl , ,j| —Ofie main ar- | “bin favor the nee of KeroEe|J|or Coal Oil * Latterly, di s-1 jEer s acdjdealers in this oil hsr&becn jn the ;t J fluid And orfjpp cheaper • s highly i|Bannnnble char*cfe> Imlrit in op- J-«fise lbci| profits. -The been that E attended#q|bome4tt*cs s 6 y 2Sa have recently M'cdrred. The' I bfpßEt k week containff.'stnYocconnt of t * tf this kind, the re&jlt of o par- J “tene-sjn ihe part of the ricljms, who no l '' 6t er °rroo'woß not rc in its on Friday elgping,'Moi-ch i»sn ,f? < ’4 tb * tw ° dn H»v. W. „ “ c '{'lage of Caniateo, Lffltd 9 and 12 5J oV s fc m P ted to fill a with aTu ®” e lfsred in the oj! frMrrt'dan while ad The can vtw.set down jT am P “"red towards lamp * f°"‘ within abnufa; foot of the ***“ p ' acc ,nd ,be E arls of ~ * 6W* were immedlati^enveloped a !rtio Bro °sod traa in tbs rS®|#wJ uied i) ta j° 0 toexl ‘egnish the iamcs, sudden j tbey tllst one livied obljjtifl the next ® Bond 1 bllf n ’ D ». »*d tbebibir died at , J bey EBffere f Urriajr'and were it ® rons ® B ’» bani, were badly ‘° CltiD 2 ui 'i* ‘te The ‘ »ft« a C dd t V ( Th v- flaia '“ mp “ en burn ' i» nl —Now if i, nndijdbtedly trne sod .J/!, 011 *‘ ll oot eaplude.- - Ip; order to 'Mto* . . aCCideDti ** tbe thoia lil,, ° Se . U,n * * f feHf sa PP'y frow;the (tores • lijhl!?' 01 “ P ° n * **“ cer oa l »PPlj th« ,I,il f, ma .' cb J® U- ,tf it bars like aicehol fit 4 en 'i ■» adultcritea andsbould not be h'm firo ’ r° u ma 7 Uien know ' ' ■*■ T/i.-vs*.'?. 4 w^rsrsa&i^-CirNicr-.’". Hon. David W ilnot.—6’nr readers may al-. ready know that ouy Legislature elected the. Hon. David Wilmotto'thetb S. Senate on Thursday ’of last week. : Thevote obflrst bal lot stood 75 for Wilmotto 2|L for all others.— This is as it should be. It is a handsome re-, cognition nf a long tried and true champion :'oL Freedom at a timewhenable and truemenare heeded in our councils at Tfasbingtjm, , It ia also Just to the .item. Republicanism of the North and West Which partakes largely of the’ sentiment promulgated by hinryearirago, and-, which has, Just the-election of I Lincoln and the inauguration of “a Jfepublican Administration. . It 5* peculiarly'fitted that he Who bravely stood by tbej prinoiple'ef- Free dom in the Territories in- its darkest .hour, at the sacrifice of a prominent place - nind promo tion in the Democratic party which first en dorsed and then betrayed it,- aboard now bo elected to one of the highest -places [in a, free people’s gift, wherl be can the more-(effectively labor to maintain the advantage already -won. Wcjbelieve him to be the main for the hour— true to his convictions, knowing the flight nnd possessing the honesty and the courage to de fend in any peril. We preferred him . from the first, and though he failed Once through* the timidity or treachery of professed friends, we are gratified that Justice has been doije at last, makingWilmot, aawell as Wilmot’s Proviso n recognized power in the land.— Warren Mail. 1- - - U - ! 1 ' . . ; ' • I 1 ■ The London Times of the 20th March, iri. the course of a leading article reviewing the acts of the Southern Congress, says ; 1 j j “ navigation of the Mississippi; has been declared free to the citizens of any ofjthe states on its borders, or upon the borders of- its navi gable tributaries. This enactment ujaa a ne cessity. It is impossible to 'imagine that the western states would teer permit their chief out let to the ocean to be'closed by 1 the turniquet of a foreign custom-house. . Even in Europe,; the Danube, which passes; through • the territories of various and hostile races has been made (ree. The people living on the head waters of,-the Mississippi, on the Ohio, the Missouri, nnd even the Arkansas, would be most indignant if any attempt were made to, interfere Iwith the traffic between the Gulf and- the, hcapt. ef ,the American continent.” Wo .believe that; D. B; Be ittmf k Co., of- the Fairpork Chemical Works, Monroe Coi, N. V-, are manufacturing as good, it pot the best Suzera ins that has been ever produced, in this country* A new discovery in refining, and notlnsed in this coun try except at this establishment, places them in & po sition to successfully compete in point of quality With any manufacturers of this article ir) the world, l-jheir Snleratus is perfectly pure, of uniform quality,-and perfectly-healihlul. It is now for sale by most grocers throughout the country. ‘ i ♦ | i { ’ la Mansfield, at the house of Mr fuller, qq Satur day, March 16th, by Rer. D. P. Maryott, Mr. A. MITCHELL to Miss HELEN* IL LEE*, botji of Mlddlebqry. * | who sHet/i.9 i»SE : I DR. 3. BOVBE SODS 4 VEOETABiJS imperial Wine bitters t | All who are aiSictod witb-lDcipiest C< osumptioh or Lungs should u*3yl * O- Dr. U. ii. Borden* of Tjogn, Agent for Tio ga County,tb whom alf* apjflKdJrtioiJS* for agencies' mast be made. SHERIFF’S SALE,—By virtue of a writ of O Vapditiona Expvnaa,-?seuad optof tbe Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me direc ted, I shall expose to publio sale, at the Court; House, in th©3° rou gh of Towanda, on Thursday, the 2d day of May/3Sdl, at I o’clock.P. M., the following Ji»t, piece or poroal of lend, situate partly in Armenia rp., Bradford county, and partly in Word tp., Tioga c6un ty, i’a., and .Lmindeif'na follows at a beech the northwest corner of lot No. Id 3 on fho sab drvifioi hinds of C L Ward, thence south |SB east 194 2-1-0 perches to an old beeub, thence isoulb‘3 deg. west 1 68 510 perches to a post and stonesjeornor, thence north S 9 I*2 deg. west 191 perches foa;c«rner, thence T-TO.perches t a t|ig pLiwof hcgjnilinfe. CnnUinfog 84 acres and fiOpercbes, being lot K0'133 contracted to he sold by C L Ward to John Bundall, by articles of flgn’ement dated Jan. ,11, iSbS, übout 15 acres improved, a small framed house in county, -and a framed bum in Bradford county.J- Scived and taken into execution at tbe suit of- Cbri4- jn, itnrdli f, tSfii.—Ss tft. ' I' ■ CAUTION —Is- hereby jjiren to‘dll to not purchase a note given by the undersigned dated on or about tbe 31« t day Qf December, 186 U, for the smh of. Seventy Dollars oo iatereit,’ payable-Ope year frorc’ dale thereof,, ps there is d set off to the nnne, ab(L the face of said noth wlil pjbt bo by as unless cWtnfeelled hy - , . ! , : WtLLUM HAgDIJT, Delronr, April 3; 4861. LEVI HEATIL. p LOCKS!—Cheaper than dog meat at £ cpnt V/ a pound, GooiVftifre.. . Copie, and see them at the . ' BESULATOftr 1 LATHS, TICKETS AND SHINGLES! for sale at Tioga, by TL B'* •March 20, 1881. ml " ; I; IERBY DAVIE'S PAIN KILLER in 1.-irgeihdt tles. per ■*!« it Rop’s Vng Store. NOTICES. . *. tJE TIOGA COUNTY AG IT ATOII. T Ain’S SARSAPARILLA, FOE PURIFTiNG THE BLOOD. And ir the speedy core |of the subjoined varieties of Disease; : Scrafata and Scrofulous Affections, suds as Turnon, TJI« i Mrs, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pos tales, Blotches, | Boils, filoins, and &U Skin DUeue*. | I Oakland, InA, 6th June, 1859. • J.CIATXsiCo. Gents: I feel it my duty to acknowledge what jrour Sarsaparilla has done for me. Haying inherited a Scrofulous infection, I bare suffered from it in various ways for yefcra. Sometimes Uj burst out & Ulcers on my foods and thus; sometimes itl turned inward And distressed’ ms *t thefstomach. Two years ago it broke outonnjy head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, which was painful end l&thsome beyond description.’ I triedljpany medicines and advert physician*, but without muchJreliftf from any thing] In fact, the disorder gretf worse*. At length 1 was rejoiced Ao read in tbe Qb*pe| Messenger that yon had pre pared jan alterative (Sarsbpa?U|aX for I knew from your re putation that anything you made must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. I took ft, as yoti advise, iq small doses of a teaspoonfal over a month, ana tuted almost three boities. New and healthy shin soon formeq under the tcab. which alter a while fell off. My skfo is now!clear, and I knov;by-my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel wfaat I fubaayidg when I tell Van that I hold yon to be one of the apostifs Of tbe age, and remain ever gratefully, yours, I , f ’ J : ALFRED B. TALLEY. St| Apthony** Pfre, lioseor Erysipelas, Tetter and i I Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore ' { .- -, i Dropsy. - | Dr. Robert M. PrcWe writes from Salem, N. Y M 12th Sept. 1859. that he baa cured aii inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate £it#lly- by the persevering use of bur Sarsaparilla, and also- a dangerous attack, of 'Malignant tlry sipelHslby large dose* of the same; cays be cures the common Eruption* by it . , [ Cronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebt^on-Sloan of Frospbct, Texas, writes:',“Thro© bottle* of yonf Sarsaparilla cured me from a Goitre—a hideous swelling on the neck, which I hare suffered [from over two yoars/f- ; 1.. , [ Lokcorrhoca or Whited Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ul* ■ I ' ceratioaJ Female Diseases. ; Dr Jj. B. s v Chanaing, of New, York City, writes: -“I most cheerfully comply with’thfe roquesfof your in saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a'most excellent altemtive in the numeronS complaints for which we employ such a reme dy, Lub especially in Female Diseases of the Scrofulous di athesis!; I have cured derate cases Of Ijencorrhcpa by it, and snme whe 1 taint was caused by ulcera tion of|the uterus. ' on Itself *oon curUj.— Nothing within my 1 iuals it for these female be rangeqJenta.‘*V ' 'i Edwdrd 8. Marrow *y, Ala., writes, “ A danger ous avjfrian tumor oi females in my family, winch had deljed all the ren sM employ, has at length been completely cure :tract of Sarsaparilla. Onr physician thought D( itirpatiun copUl afford re lief, bpj be advised ti our Sarsaparilla- a? the last resort Before cutting, ed effectual. After talcing your refuedy eight w itoru ol the disease remain*. I Syphil ip‘>l Disease, j ;L£\NS> 26th August, 1869. Dr, JjC v Ayer;,Sfr, / comply With the request youregent aqd report to you some of the effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it in my practice, mostoftho complaints for whish it ami bare found Us effects truly wonderful in the cure of Venereal and Murcnreal Disease One of ipy patients had Syp itlltfe ulcers In bis throat,which were consuming bis palate tad the top cd bis mouth. Your •Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured lym lii. five weeks. An other wto attacked by secondary symptoms In his nose, and the ulcnnttiQnJiad.eatcD awiy a considerable .part of It. so that I believed the disorder irbald soon roach his brain and kill hini But it yielded to my adnuqpdfHliofa of your Bar sapanibj; ifo plcgfs foaled, tp well, again, not of course wjtlionr some d|>figcrac;on'tp face, A woman who haq been treated for tbt same disorder by niurcury was suffering from this poison It her bones. They bad become so sensitive to the weather dqy ifo suffered excrucufiing pam jn her jo n't# hrid bones. She, too, .was Cured etitirely by your SorsapHiriila in a few weeks. I know from iulformalo. which your agent cave me, tlpit thi* p*-e -puratiomfrom your labraturV mutt be a great remedy; Con naqHeptiff, these truly remurkal|lo results with U footo not surprised mo. '' Fraternally yours, , j -G. V, LARIUMER, M‘. D ‘ Rhematism, Gout, Liver Co*- !ai I ft Qou [rer Complaint J Independence, Pr iston Co.. Va., 6th July, 1859. rAyori Mr, J Jt4ve been afflicted with a.painful bertmtism'fbr a lop,f time, which ImfiW the skill ans. and stock to mo ii\ spite of all the remedies I , until I tried yoijj* One bottle cured weeks, apd restored p»y general health so milch that I atfe far better than bef »rc I was attacked. I think It a wondelfclnjcdjciqe, J. f REAM. Jules V. Getcbell, of St. Louis, writes: “I havs been af flieted-fgpy.ear* with an nlfcrtibß.t)f IbflUrer, which - ' des troyed fl y health. I tried ivory' thing,* and/every thing Tailed to •eliove me; and I hate .been a brokeb down nan for some fears .from no other tease than.derangement of-the Liver. 3 y beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy.u&vfeed me to try yopr ifnrwmriihi. because jbesoid he knew you. and any thing you piau® was worth trying. By the blessing of God it tias cut k! m«, and has so ponfird my blood as to make a new man of mo. I feel yanngjagaiu.- The best’that can be said of yi u is not half good enough,” 35, Cancer Tumors, jEolargement, Ulceration, Carles and Exfoliation of the Bones. k great variety of cases bans been reported to us where cares of these formidable complaints have resulted from the use of 1 remedy, but our *picehi*re will not admit them. Some oft ifem may be found in bur American Alnianac,whlch the agent -below named* are pleased to furnish gratis to nil who call 1 >r them. I , Dy pepsin, GeartDisensc, Fits, Epilepsy, Melan choly, Nejnntlgia. Many n markable cares of these auctions have been made by the alt rratire power of this biedicine. It stsznulates the vital fnne ions into vigerous action. and thtjs overcomes dis orders wh Ch would be supposed .beyond its reach. Such a remedy hr s long been required by the necessities of the peo tho people, and we are confident this will do-for them all that medicine ten do. ’ AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, C FOR CVKE OF - - - Coughs, C Ids. Influenza, Uoaneoess, Croup, Bronchitis, In cij&ep;Consumption, and Sir the Relief of Consumin' ti *o Patients in ndvaacbd stages of Disease. Tills }s { remedy sp Qnirerwiny Jtnpwu to siirpasa any other for he cure of throat «p|l long complqjpts, that jt is useless bei eto publish the evidence ol its virtues. Its tut rivalled ei silence lor conghs and oohL, and its; truly won derful cuies of pulmonary disease, have mppe. it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth, flew are the commnalti», or even families 'abmpg them, who have not some perse onl experience of Iti effects—some living trophy Id their midst of its victory oveb tho subtle and |dangerous disorders 0 r the throat aqd Ippgs. As till know jthe .dread ful fatality of these disorders, and as (hey know, too, the effects 01 t ils remedy, tvb nced.riot do more than to assure (hem that t has now.ali the virtues that it did hare when 'making thd cures which haye won so strongly upon the con fidepce of fiqnkmd. ' ( ** Prepared by Dr. J. ? C. AVER & Go,, I I Lowell, Mass. 0. &J. L, Kobjhsotj, Weilbborw; IJ. H. mga; W. G. Millcrjand C. Piirkbuirst, Lnw ; A. & J. DearqihtL Knoxville ; S. ies; J. Feb. 27, 1661. . WeHaborOj \DM In|[ST BATOR'S -NOTlCE.—Letters of XI. administration having beon-grantcd to the sub scriber, on tie estate of Isoac.W. Smith, lute of -liren Township, dco'd, notice is hereby given. to ttioee indebted to said estate to make immediate pay mpn'i, and those having claims to present them prop eriv authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. * I.'. • ,B. C. SMXXH.AdniV. Snlllt'sh; ®asct> • ! AUDITOR'S - NOTICE.—The, ondcraigned,’.ap pointed an auditor to Settle the nccouot of-C. !Ho Din ton anp Jpe. Par her, executor* of:0. B,Sood imani deceased, and make distribution of the proceeds rof «atd Will attend lothe duties of-hi*.appoint. ,rafcnt (Mi TMrrsd-ty, ,April :Z5., nl on?, o'clock n. JO., (It tlie-fiffioa of A- V. Cope, in WdUboro, 1 1 Jlsreli 2P) fedl. PIEECEj Andltai; WATCH, CLOCK, —AND— JEVriWRY STORE!. .npHE undersigned, having purchased of An bib Poles his interest ifl the Clock, Watch and Jewelry business, respectfully invites the attention of the pnblio to bis assortment of goods, in connection wi|h the • b66k ani* stationery business. WATCH. ES of ail discriptions for rale, and afprl ces ranging from, 810, to 8150. Can' sell the new AMERICAN WATCHES, with heavy hunting oases, and warranted, for the low sum of $35. Also wiU be kept on band, GOLD WATCHES, especially for the Ladies. CLOCKS, from $1.25 to $75, will always be found on ejthibitioo. IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE.* . can be had ail kinds of SILVER AND PLAITED WARE, to suit the purchaser, and marked with sny inscription or name. The above is always warranted. A large assortment of watch guards, keys, Ac., and best AMERICAN. KNIVES, silv’er batter knives,.Ac. Ac. All kinds of REPAIRING d6ne by AndjpTpley at the old stand. , W. H. SMITH. . Well short, March 13, 1861. IMPORTANT NATIONAL “ pcbi.isued nr n. fc co. 346 & 348 Rroadtvnjr, Now Tfbtk, TBS following works are sent to Subscribes! in any part of the country, (upon receipt pf'retail pfipe,; by mail or expfeaa, prepaid: and Charles JUBapti, aided bjr a qpmerous select corja of wri ters in all branches uf Sciupc*, Art, and Literature. This Workls beipg published lb aboqt 15 large octavo volumes, coph cftntaitung'7so two-cOltimn pages. Vols I, 11, 111, IV. Y, yT, yi I, V.lll, IX. X add XT* are now ready, each con tain* ingnear ££oo original, An additional volume will ha published onto iq ahotii t|iree months. > i . Price, iq Chjth, $3; Sheet), s3,so; Ifalf Morrocco, $4; Ball Russia, $4,50 each. f the New Apiericaq Cyclopedia Is popular vlfhout being superficial, learned, but hot pedantic, comprehensive butsuf' ficientiy detailed, free from personal pique and party preju dice, fresh ami yet accurate, |t Is a complete statement of all that is known upon eVcty Important topic within the scope pf humnn intelligence. Every important ‘article In it bos been specially written for its pages by men 1 who are au thorities upon the topics of which they apeak, .-They are re quired tp bating the subject iip. to the presentjnonjeuU to statd just how it stands now. All the •tatistlcaUnforrofttloß is Cram the latest reports; the accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matters Include the freshest Jqst views; t|ie biographical notice* not,pfily speak ot the dead but of the living, IHa a library of Itself. ABKIDUMENT OF'THE REBATES OF CONGRESS.— Being a Political History of the United Staley, from' the or ganization of Che first Federal Congress in 1789 to 1856' Ed ited and compiled by Hon. Thomas U, Benton, from tpf of ficial Records of Congress. The work will be completed In 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages often, 14 of which are now ready. Ac additional Volume will be issued once in three months. A WAT or PEOCUBINO THE CYCLOPAEDIA OX DEBATES. Form a clqh of forty, tiqd remit the price of four booki, and fire copies will tie jpdt tit tile remitter’s expense for car. riagej or eleven copies Will L%ficptStoor expense !br carriage. TO AGENTS No ‘Oljitr works will,so hWr»Uy reward tiieexcHiont of Amenta. AN Aoejct Waited in this Cqnaty. Terms, made known gn application to the Publishers. [Aog. 'yyESTFIELD SELECT SCHOOL. - O. 10. STEBBIKS, Tcachar. Tbo Term will commence Etbruary 2ift, ISC 1. ■ TUITION. . Primpry BrHhSjie*:,: ;; ;.|2 St c’ptnmoD English t 09 Higher 8ranche5...,...........'.. 3 it Board and rooms in private families furnished .at very low prices. No pains will be spared to in»k - e this school equal to'anyin the copnty. Coihete Westfield, all yep who spepd yoiqr time and gojd : ia the gay nod thoughtless throng, end prepare your selves for the responsible duties of life. 0. M. STEB6INA. Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa., Jap. 23, ISCI, CHARLESTON FLOURING MILLS.— i WBIOHT An BAILEY, Having secured the best mills in the County, tre now prepared to do Custom Work, merchant Work, and in fact everything that can be done in Country Mills, so as to give perfect satisfaction. FLOUR, HEAL AND PEED, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at oar stare in WelUboro, or at the mill. Cash er Gondd exchanged for grain at the market price. AU goods delivered free of- charge within the corpo ration. WRIGHT SHOES—To fit the biggest gi ant or the Smallest baby. Cheapest in town [quality considered], at the “REGULATOR. : [I AIR ol >GA STEAM FLOUR MILLS; £USffpaid Augqst 16,1860, 3m, ;M'EN THOUSAND BARRELS best Bide A Pork atslB per barrel, or 10 cta.'nrr pound, at the REGULATOR. Ready made, clothlng.—A kr fi e stock nowon band fur tho tall and winter trade, and will be sold very cheap by t 7. A. ROE A CO. Wellsboro, Oct. .31, JBOO. Mi*. Win«|uw'« Sobliiinis Syrup. FOR Children tithing. Prici 25 ccfatß,. - PorSafe at Roy*g Ding 8(nm» Great he ductioj? Anticipating a change in unr Vmsinear,»reire now offering our Urgo itotjft nf. STOVES at greatly reduced prioaa. PARLOR STOVES AT COST. ' Call and eXafclonfor ybUrsaltaa at * V, 33_ • PARKER PRO’S, Wellabore. - HongU(oik , » Liquid Pcpiibi FOR Dyspepsia nnd Indigestion. . m . For calc nt Roy Vlftng Store. /I Xtp i tob# bib piA»TH^4-‘ >/ A .iargo osioHincht hdw. on, hajid andAqr-j*l> evry TO Ills TBEli FGBCHASP '■ + .i. Ferioe’i jn 'Ta tms ooVfento II LaBGE ABBIVAL NOW and inti it foun: the attention or Atfe Soon Wtios, ■ ' —it— b 1 v ■ prices: 'TI :• £ t; - * ih StorS, !oV, •fciA.teoW'. OPtSWOBS BN, w6ftrfiy W'«|oEtirt HEAD QyABTEES -*«»— BQosa.tAxrD. »Tj».Tzo»rA«.Tr, NO. 8 MARKET STREET,; impre>eih#"rohdUion6f the' anlmitf,*es.fiEil | .1.0 » .ptoTfjjtßtifffe'r ’■'-jyßSy oonmnQ, tt. t. ordo I, fttee loqtfo ***, I !(k tc >