THK AfiXTATOa. 1,0 OAL AWD MISOEL LABEOTJS. H. J. RAMSPBI.Ii, EnrrOß. ■yfellstioroj Wedneßday|'March 6,1801. a 'll fetthsill A Co., 119 Nassau St,, New York, and 10 tiati St-f Boiton, are the Agents. ter -the Agitator, and the lergest circulating Newspapers In the Boiled states end the Canadas. Xh»j areas tharlzed to con sist for met onr lowest rates. ; i For the Agitator. the'rainy Jday. Into ench life soraeraluimut fill,- Some days meet be dark and dreary. - j I l ,Xorramiow. ■Rfha t though tha rlouda o’orcaat the sky, And hide the sun's brighliay t . yfe know the Sun remainetfc there, Ij shining still as,dear ftnd fair. Though not for ns to-day I Though winter winds are tilling loud, . And sqrow-wreatha deck the mountain’s brow, goon, soon will come the breath of spring. And flowers fair the goddess bring- ' ■ Then oh,-bo patient now! Thus when drear eonW brings the tear, When all of joy seems gone forever, Remember clouds conceal the light, Behind the sun'is shining bright- Then oh, despair, ho, never 1 J?bme, Feb, 23, 1861, 'New Advertisements. Hooks, Stationary, &c. —E. Bl'Robinson, Corning. Xcw Store at Troy, —Perina & (Jo, Dissolution Notice. —Bean 4 -Ensworth. ;. ——— — pB~ We invite special attention to the new adver tisement of-E., E. Robinson, C owning, Everything in the line of books, slationary,gaper bangings, blank books, newspapers and jifiriotJi6jal*jWill be mpplied by him on reasonable terms. k New Store- at Trot?-— We, are pleased to state that Messrs., ferine It Co,, formerly pf New York, are about to opjen a new dry goods store at Troy, is an evidence of their energjfand foresight, we in yite attention to their column pdvertiaement on' this psgo. That speaks more for them than anything we could say. ■ ' !•' ! Among the list of graduates of the Buffalo Mtdical College, published in Exprttt, we notice the name of our yeung friendfB 1 . D. Ritter, of this Tillage. The-Coinmoncemeat Exercises Were held on the 26th alt. About thirty students were graduated at the seme time, end their d lg|eas were conferred by jsr The leading political wgcle in this week’s pa per was written by Sfr. Ydcirfi In Washington before -.hi final notion of the PejcS Convention became known, snd before the’ Report of the* Committee of Thirty-Three was considered in'either branch of Con greas. This' ezp'lanatioa seem! necessary, as our Summary of Nows contains lh«fresult of the action of the Pea py* , hotbeds. Maks's pile of horse, manure a] few feet square and two er I wards to gether bottom, ist it D] depth of four or fire inchei. Co|or tbe bed with glue, »nd in two days it will be wanmenoogb toreceire the food. Tomatoes, cabbages *nc| lettuce are tbe most fuitableplants to force. i EiniDiTjos.“Tfae sted&Dts of (he Wellsboro Academy, Under tbe direction ■o§Pro£ Allen, will bold an exhibition at the'Court Hjjuqp on Friday erening, ilarcb 15tb. Tbe exercises f'jirp to consist of Dccla> nations, Colloquies* Recitations, "Essays, Ac, Air. Allen informs us that the stiidiccpts are wide-awake and preparing, and that will be a credi table one. We trust it will. xEwell attended. Tbe Wellsboro Sax Horn Bapd wjjl fce in attendance, aird famish music for (be occasion, t \ 350- The -Fitrmer and Gariifyr, nnd the American 'J}te Journal-, fur March, b|en received. These standard publications are isdtthd|by A, M. Spangler A Co., 2i North Sticth Streep 'BSllfidelphla, at prices which place them witbid reach If every Farmer and Apiarian. Both of them, together with a handsome premium book, are farnished-.a^1.60 per annum.— This we believe to be cheape* th£ii any similar pnbli citioDß in the country, %nd opgl|i io secure for them -an immense circulation. | Thdiowho desire to see them cut obtain -specimen- copies charge, by ad draasing the publishers as ab^viS Williamsport.— A >b™Mightlia* at leogth nsched Williamsport. 1 Va| \ luelder, of the, West Branch Bulletin, has exMbih'3 mtironted good sense hy procuring the survlcerofj B. Goodman, re cently of the Steuben Courier\ of the Bulletin. Goodman is possessed of a ' ttJSof sound, practical commun’iense, isji ready aqjr fSleUoaa writer,.an ex-: ponenccd,editor, and his with the Bulletin cad not fail to materially enrfVfijfo, columns. Success the Bulletin, and the samel mjsgVan” and u deems.” —We clip the above item j pi®ho Daily Pren,onr wide awake friend of 1 Se had the pleasure of taking Goodman by the summer, andean tobia other good traits being a "fast-rate fellow/* We cannot wish bm Jbything better than plenty of items, * \ • • 1 / it A Double Tragedy. Williamsport of the 2d, contains a dc /iSd'account of a .most horrible murder and suicide were committed in place We glei in §pm the account that digapp earanCB 0 f w ‘ ; ti|~gn Irishman named .Bsniey Ilinley, about the 11'hsSi,.occasioned consid erable excitement, and the ) of the husband 4P Queationa as to her incrcas4l sd beta foully dealt with.*, was accordingly ® a de, and on Sunday, the Jp body if at found In |offoodabed adjoining covered with rub* i«h,-the skull broken, and cut from ear to ew - Hinley -was fljlhsted for the crime, * n d placed in prison. ■He 1®! pot been there long, awever, before he raiot from one of the Prisoners for the.avowed purtKSso “of shaving Himself V“ with it cut his awn and died on Tuesday, c 26th, before dying he afull confession of “guilt, stating that he hadiwhiled his 'wife on the t p * ace( * her body In barrel, after which bef 0 Ur * e( * li W 0 it' was found as f “prove jiests.—Affltini ;ihe many Improve *ots ® our -vUlsge, we at lc& that a Dew : district *■ 00l house p r oce«E on Pearl street. a is a building long needs R will be a subject grati6 cat i on to the pareptltßDo send'their children * e 'ii'tnct school, as inds«sd it ought to be to the 0 e community.' The misyi wble old rookery which from the infant daye of tj?» borough been uied a« a ” ricl ec hool home baa lonf.beenla nuisance, and we '* '* tobe replaced bj a building worthy of tbs T|(e now house ia to b J. 40 by 44 feet, two at o* v , igh one rooinibelow ' j'lth a ball twelve feet Ur * tbe ’’bole wii th of tho building; two n * e r °oms above, with two « bailer onea to be used as ii'b* 1 ' 011 rootU! ' “The lowar-itory us-lo be twelve feet befi f° d th ® upper one twn-lteet. "The building will I 0,1 *“ e iasiy and convenient style, with a in, * r f Mof ® a bafadaome' Suppla. It will be ready ’school early inthe fall. V 1 deuce b " En i Bine Ho ,aso. hajk idf the Sheriffs real two Koriei'high 00mpI ? U ‘ 1, It ia 24 b X 3» spirit! fetid with to rdfgfni, should use them. , j Tl tf aro made of a pure Sherry Wine, and Of the native plaqtrand herbs of the country, and should be recommend ed by-,temperance societies, clergymen, physicians, and -all friends of humanity. ;• " .i * •- ' \ • • Ttyey are prepared by an'experienced and skillfull physi cian,. and aside from their medicinal properties* are a most delightful beverage; and yet, as arti as innocent and'harmJcM a* the.dewa ofibeaven.: . r; Sdldbydrhfcflata generally; ” CHAS. WIDDIFJELD * CO., Proprietor*, . ““ !78 William st-'Kew York. Baldwin. Lowell A Co.. Agents at Tioga. _ 75yl Dr. IX. H. Borden, of Tioga, Is Oeheral Agent for Tlo gaConnty, to whom all applications for Agencies must be tnadj. * i 1 HEAD QUARTERS — fob — 1 >OKB AKS ST’A.TXOX^wAJR'V. NO. 8 MARKET STREET. til to tbe 10 labsoriber would respectfully request the atten- tion KBE INHABITANTS OB TIOGA COUNTY, • extensive addition lately made to hif stock of Books, Stationary, | FANCY ARTICLES, ic„ - nng'tbe mo«t cotnplot# awortmemt that can bo id in this section, and which will be fold at foani HOLES ALE Oft RETAIL, ii jcei which cannot fail to give satjisfftUion. On at pi at all times the STIaNDARB WORKS OF Tttfi MOST POPULAR AUTHORS, t * IN PROSE, POETRY, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, AR* pHtTECTUftC, RELIGION, ROMANCE, AC. PISTKICT SCHbOL LIBRARIES, supplied At New York prices* BIBLES,- HYMN BOOKS, and PRAYER BOOKS, in;_gr«kfc quantity* RLnNK BOOKS, of every description. and Fast Books, of oil kinds, and any particular kind made to ofeier oh short notice. ‘ ; . Ad kinds of writing and indellible INKS, Steel and Gold Pens, Drawing Paper, Mathematical Ins tin* men ts, Portfolios; Pocket. Knives, Ac* do, - A largo stock of PAt»EB HAimiiGS) ! of new and beautiful designs, from 6d to $2 per roll. Golc and’Velvet Borders, of extra or narrow width, to match tbo different styles. i * Window Shade*, Oil Painting*, French Lithograph* and Engraving*. PICTURE FRAMES. Gilt and Fancy Mouldings, or plain Ve neer id Mahogany, fitted to any sited Pictures, at short notice, and cheap os the cheapest. THE MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS of t!« day farniehed at Publishers’, Erioes, and all orde ra for f 5 SHEET MUSIC AND JBOOK BINDING, eaeo sted promptly) and at the lowest prices. • . , . E. E. ROBINSON. C( ruing, March C, 1861. , NOTICE.— Tbe firm of Bean & Bnswoeth is this day dissolved ,by mum at consent. The business of the firm will be-settied by C. G. Osgood. W jUsboro, March 6, 1861,-w3 , CAUTION,;—! CENT REWARD. FIED'ERICK C. MORRIS', a properly-bound ap. prentice; baring left mo for partsunknown, with out-Just causa or provocation, this ia to warn all per-1 sons not to trust him or harbor him bn my Account. — Said boy la IS years aid, and when be loftj had on, a suit of blue over-all staff j light complexion and light hair Left the premises on the 12lh Inst. 'I hereby offer'ONE CENT REWARD, if it be necessary for his seoovsry. My residence is in Union, Tioga Co., Pa. , , JAMES FURQCSON. ; February 2D. 1861-w3* j Heady Made clothing.-a Urge stock now on hand for the fall-end winter trade, and will be sold very cheap by W. A 808 A COi Wellaboro, Oct- 31, 1860. - NEW GOODS—Stacks of them—Just rec’d at the 18, REGULATOR. SONET OF LTVERWOBT,for Cpazbaund Cold* ; Prlff ?5 penfi. At BopeißrijS CORNING, K. T. THE TIO6A COCNTY AGITATOR, i PE BINE'S tSASI^ V I 5 , ! i ■ r;;». - jj «|v :* •- -'■ ' ' ~ < ’tro|t, PAi ■" '*: writ d**ir ; 0» D N BSD A T, , i HARC& 90 th, WITH >*.■ tjrmie **» i y-i' ENTIRELY '. -■*. 1 f. i . , »b|e«h i- ' ■ ■ ; - •* - *. j.-triiV ' r: • ••«* ■;■ i i 1 ■-■ i U ;: K*, * . I . Hi ! G HAND IS 8, \ ! BOUQHt F OR lo A Ss ;- ; AT. TBOft ;' : J \P R E 8 E N tj f 3 'I ' ’■t-; ’ - f j »BF&£ S & K » :"r3 C3i'.;r.".;b L -i . . ■ . J - „ FklCßli •- ■QO YOU WANT WHISKERS? . DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? SO YOU WANT A 7 MUSTACHE ? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM’S ■ 7. CELEBRATED STiDULATIRG Off OVERT, POP TBE t VBISKERS AND BAIR. " The lubscrihers take pleasure in announcing to the Citizeqn of Jhe United States, that they bare obtained the Agi ney for, and ara now enabled to offer to the American public, the above jnitly celebrated and world-renowned article. The SliuiolaUng Onsnent « prepared by Dr. C. P. BEU.itroaiti,an eminent phy. sician of London, and it warranted to bring ont a thick act of WHISKERS OB A MUSTACHE in from three to six weeks. This article is the only one of Ike kind need by the French, and in London and Polls it is in universal Use. - . ti'is a beautiful, economical, Soothing, yet stimula ting compound, acting os if by magic upon the roots, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If ap plied to the’scalp,St will cure pilpHEss, and cause to -spring up in place of the bald spots a fine growth of new hair. Applied . according to directions, it will turn bed or towy hair HABg, and restore gray hair to its original color, leaving it soft, smooth; and flexible. The “Okouekt" is an indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use they would not for shy consideration be without it. .The subscribers are the eniy Agents for the article ini the United States, to whom all orders mutt be ad dressed. Price One Dollar a box—for sale by all Drnggitts and,Dealers; or a box of the “ Obgaent” (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who de isire it, by mail (direct), securely packed, op receipt of price aid postage, $l.l A Apply to or address HORACE L HEOEMAN A CO., Druggists, Ac., 39-mll 24 William Street, New York. r -- / -- i ' i . , . i * ; v • (' - ’ AUDITOR’S NOTICE. —The undersigned hiving been 1 appointed Auditor by the Court of Common Plea* of Tioga County, to adjust the proceed! of Sberiff Sale of tbe real estate in Mansfield of the Da vid Caldwell steam mill property, will attend to the duties of said appointment at tbe officeof Henry Allen, in Mamifield, on Monday, March 18th, 1861, at 1 o’clock P. M. THOS. ALLEN, Auditor. . Wejlsboro, Feb. 13,1881. CHARLESTON FLOURING MILLS.— TtfBTGHT As BAILBV, Haring secured the best mills in the County, are now prepared to do Cmtfm. Work, merchant Work, and in fuetererytbing that can be done- in Country Mills, set eie to give perfect satisfaction. TLODR, HEAL AND FEED, "’.'.•AT WHOLESALE-OB RETAIL, .at our etore in -Wellsboro, or at tbe, mill. Cash or Goods exchanged for grain at the market price. All goads delivered free of charge* within tbe corpo ration, WRIGHT; A BAILEY. Wellthoro, Feb, 13, 1861. - [ Pre'piirAtory School lor Teacher*. V Wclleboro, Tioga County, Penns. L. R. OTBUNOAJBE, A.BL, - - PrincipaL Tbe Spring Term commences Tuesday, March 12, and closes. Friday, May 24, 1861. • ' i;_ y, \ ,2 Pnpiis of an; degree of advanoembntreceiyed, and careful); instructed.. Special efforts (will be made to proper); qualify those designing to | teach, for their profession. , ■ ' Wellaboro, Feb. 13, 1E61.-W1 Mansfield classical‘seminary. BKANSFXSLD, TIOGA CO., PA. The Spring Terra of this 'lnstitution will commence April 2d, 1861, and continue thirteen weeks. ' . E. WILDMAN, A. M. Principal, Mr#. H. P. E. WiLDiiAK ..........preceptrew. Mist 12. A. Chase.. .....Music Teacher. ..Assistant. Higher English and Languages..... 0 00 Musin', Piano or Melodeon 8 00 Use of Instrument L 2 00 -Room .rent* per term I 50 Fuel, per term.. '. 2 09 Incidentals, pe7 term 25 Board to private families, per week 1 63 i - : . v Every possible effort will be made, both by the Trustees and Faculty, to afford as good advantages as can be had in any School in the State. Tbe Seminary is now in process of completion. which will enable us to afford tbe very best accommodation* to 150 stu dents at the opening of tbe Spring Term. Particular attention will be given to stiob as ore preparing them selves for teaching. Those who have eons nr daugh ters to educate, will do wile to send them to Mansfield. Tuition' payable one half at tbe commencement of the tgrnji, and the remainder at tbe middle or satisfac torily winged. All kinds of produce taken in payment for tuition, ft brought at tbe commencement of the Term, at mar ket price. For further particulars address tbe principal. Vacancies is tbe Pacoity will be filled immediately. Eev. N. mEO WB, Pres’t. A. J. fcosS, Sec’y, Peb. 27, 1861. THE high and envied celebrity which these pre-eminent Medicines have acquired for their invaluable efficacy In all the Diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered -th* usual practice ol puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of them. _ , IV AtL CASES Of Asthma. Aetate and Chronic Kheniatlsm; Affections of tbe Bladder stud Kidneys. | BILLIONS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. In th* south and west, where these diseases prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planters, farmers and others, who once nse these Medicines, will never afterwards be wfthoni them. ■ BIFLIOCB COLIC. SEROS. LOOSENESS* PILES, COSTIVE NESS, cquons, CHOLIC, CORRUPT . ; HUMORS, DROPSIES, i person with this distressing disease, should ‘delay using these medicines immediately. , Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas. Flatulency. finer c\ud Ague. —For tois scourge of the western country, these medicines wil} be found a safe, speedy aud certain rem edy. Ol hcV medicines leave the system sptyect to a return of the disease; a c«re by these medicines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied .and be cured. , tf-uluca of LomfUxion^- GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS GRAVEL. Ueodachos of every kind. Inward Fever, Infinmatory Rjbema tlim, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Low of Appetite. 'Mercmiat Diseases, —Never falls to eradicate entirely all Mercury, infiolteJysooDerthha the* mo?t pow erful preparation of Sarsaparilla. I NIGHT fcWKATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, COMPLAINTS , , of alt kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. iWe*.—The original propriet* r of th£se medicines tens lured of Piles of 35 years* standing, hy the ure of these Life kafediemea alone. I pAINSI lo the head, side, hack Joints add otcan*. ‘ RJuuriatitm, —Those affected with inis terrible UiMArt,wlll b«««r© of relief by the Life Medicines, [ | fthsh, br Blbod to the Head. Scbrvy, Salt lUieum,Swellings. Scroflela, orKihg’s Evil in ita'frorst forms, Ulcers of ev ery description. \ Wonzvi of all kinds are affeetarally expelled by these medi cines. Parents will do well them whenever their existence I« Suspected. Belief will be certain. [ And tbsi remote all diMaae from the systdm. Prepared and •oldßy DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFiT, . Brmdway, cor. Anthony Street? NeW Tork. Por nueby all Druggists. Wyl . j* G'ROCEEIES.— The Grocery liepnrtlhent As ■ “ chock foil,*' and the prires exceedingly low at the r REGULATOR. BOOTS AND SHOES—To fit! the biggest gi aut or the smallest baby. Cheapest In -total [quality considered], hi the REGULATOR. CASH paid for BE4tN at TICK}A STEAM FLOUR «EUtfc. ! l . , i Jurenile Department, - - I - S2,SO Common English Branches, - < - 3,50 Higher English Branches, - . • 4, 50 Languages, - - - - : - 6,00 v ,.distal* r ■ ■■ Teacher in Hrynarj Department. Mr. Isaac StickVjet Penmanship, ' EXPENSES. Toitfon (Primary) per Terra..-. $2 50 English 4 50 |*TTEIFT THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S | f VI3QETABLE ! FH.LP, - . - AND PHCENIX BITTERS, Tbs Life Pills and Phcroix Bitten PURIFY THE BLOOD, W£LJ,SBOBO’ ACAB^EIHY. Wollsboro’, Tioga County, Penn a. MARINOS N. ALLEN, A. M.i - - Principal. Miss Ctsthia Earheb, - - - - - Preeeptreee. Miss L. Lcoikda, - - Aeeittant.- Miss JosephiSE-Mj Tonn, - - Maeie Teacher. ■ The AcSdomie year will be divided into three Terms of. 14 weeks each. Spring Term commences Monday, March ?5; closes Friday, June 3s, 1861. Tuition.—Term of M Weeks* Primary Department - - • $2,00 Common Branches, ■' - 4,00 Higher English, V - - •' . - 6,jj® Languages, - 1 I - - - 8,00 Instrumental mdalo (extra) Term of 13 tveeks 10,00 Board and Rooms in private families furnished at reasonable prices. Students wishing to board them selves may also obtain Rooms in private families. The success that hag attended the efforts of Prof. Alien as a teacher in other institutions in which he has been engaged encourages the Trustees to antici pate entire succfcss in his connection with the Wells-- boro Academy. ' The primary department will be 'Under the ' of Mi:s Alien, whoso lime will bo given exclusively to tbs children placed under her charge; . There will be formed a TEACHER’S CLASS, the instruction of which to bo out of the regular school hours, but nu extra charge made. Bills of Tuition are to be paid at at before the mid dle of each Term. By order of Trustees, ; J. P DONALDSON, Prce’t. , Wellaboro, Feb. 27, JB6l. , ; p UNION ! ACADEMY •j— aito—- ", j T EACH E RjS' SEMINARY: S. B. PRICE, ;.. Priucipal. ! .Mrs,' Sophia Price, Preceptress.' Mb. L G. Hott,.. ....Teacher of Music. Spring Term of 1881 commences March 6. Expentce per Term / I Tuition fr0m.,....,.. 1 -.53 to ss.oo - I Board (per week ;......18.50' I Room and lodging; 3.00 1 Room for those boarding themselves; ,1.50 Special attention given to the Teachers De partment. | i Extra instruction will also be given to those wish ing to qualify themselves for teaching music. Deerfield, Feb. 20, 1881. 29-W2 CEDAB B€N HOTEL. CEDAR RUN, LTCOMING COUNTT, PA. THIS house has been lately refitted and opened for the accommodation of the public. Cheated at a central point; stages leaving every alternate day for Welleboro and Jersey. Shore, connecting with cars on Jhe Tioga R. It. north and S. A E. R. R. on the south. This Honse is situated on the Cedar Bun Gang Mill pond—a safe and convenient lending for rafts in the .rafting season. posts are firmly set on the left bank, and the beach jis free from obstructions. Hav ing been practically epgagcd in the river business for many'years we feel Confident we oan anticipate the wants and requirements of this trade, and will endeav or to please. The table, bar, chambers and stables always be attentively watched and well supplied. Call and see us, and we will part with yon sure to see you again. j D.dA. FISH, Proprietor. Cedar Bun. Feb. 18, 1869. | CABINET WARE BOOM. THE Subscriber most respectfully announces that be has on hand kt the old stand, and for sale a Cbeap famlim-e. compriffing'in part ! . Dressing and Common Bureau*, Secretaries and Booh Cases, Center, Card and Pier Tables, Dining and Breakfast Tables,Marble-topped and Qsmmon Stands, Cupboards, Cottage and otKer Bedsteads, Stands, So fas and Chairs, Qiit and Eosevood Mouldings for Picture Frames . ! COFFINS made! to order on short notice. A. bear&e will be furnished if desired. If. B. Turning and Sawing done to order.. August 11, 1859. B. T. VANHORN. Osceola high school.— . Osceola, Pa., FeK-S, 1861. Tbe Spring Term of this Institution commences on Tuesday, March sth, and closes Friday, May[l7th, 1861. Hoard of Inttruefioh. A. E. WIGfITMAN, A 8., Principal; J S,‘ R. THAYER, A. 8., Associate. Mrs. J. S. WiOHTifAN, Preceptress.. . Mias F. M. Davenport, Teacher of Music* . Tuition, from $3 to Sss. Music, frith use of instru ment, $lO. Board and lodging per day; 25 cents, or $lO per term. Rooms, $1.59; Rooms will be fur bished for those wishing to board'tbemselres. Apply for information to , , A, R. WIQHTMAK,' 20w3 - Osceola, Tioga Go,, Pk. ORPHANS’ CODHT SALE.—By virtrna of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Tioga county, tbe undersigned will erpeeo to public sale, at his store in Farmington, in said county, on Saturday, the 39th day of March, 1861, at 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, that certain piece or parcel of land (late the estate of George Mattison, deceased) situate in Farmington township, county of Tioga, State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the Nor:h by Seneca Horton; on the East by Seneca Soule and| Rhodes' Hall, on the South by James Beebe, and on {be West by Hiram Merit. 1 Con taining about seventy-five acres of land, about forty five acres improved, with a log bouse, frame barn, and an apple orchard thereon. Terms mode known on tho { day of sale; Sale positive. ; HIRAM MERIT, Administrator >pf George Mattleon, deceased. J. W. Ryok, [Feb. 27, XBBh-4t] EXECUTORS’ l^OTlCE.— Letters testamen tary haring been granted to the subscribers, on the estate of Levi late of Farmington town ship, dec’d, notice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claim* to present them properly authenticated for settlement. CHARLES H. STARR,) JAMES TUBBS, [• Executor*. GEORGE G. SEELY, J Farmington, Feb. 20,1861. w6* Land. THE subscriber has for sole a large* quantity ef farming land of Excellent quality, and in good lo cations in Tioga and Potter County, comprising sever al lots of improved laid. These lands will bo pold on ten yean time at reason able rates. Those who desire to secure to themselves a good farm, can now do so on better terms than will over be offered again in this'County. Wellsboro, March 8,|1869. A. P. CONE. Brown’s Bi*|Onchlal Trochee. OH COUGH LO2EKGES. For the euro of hoarse ncss, gore Throationd Pulmonary Irritation, and to clear thfvoice for public speakers and singers. . For sale at Roy’s Drag Store. ARRIERS POWDER is now extensively usedfor horse distemper, also for colds and coughs in horses, to, increase the appetite, regulate the digestion and to improve the condition of the animal, useful also as. a preventative fjir born distemper in cattle, Fjor sale at Roy’s Drug Store. Blis. Winslow's Southing Syrup. FOR Children teething. Price 25 cents. For Sale at Roy’s Drag Store. PERRY DAVIE'S FAIN KILLER in large bot tles. For sale at Roy’s Drug Store. BROTHER Jonathan’s Furniture Polish. Pries 25 cents. For tale at Roy’s Drag Store. CLOCKS! —Cheaper than dog meat at a cent ' a bound. Good timers. Come and see them at the -REGULATOR. PILES, PILES, PILES.—A now lend valuable, remedy for this painful and tronb osome disease, can be obtained at ROY’S DRUG STORE. Jane 21, IS6O, J , Honghton’A Liquid Pepaio. FOR Dyspepsia andLlndigestion. For sale at Roy’s Drag Store. E‘ TESING' Edition of. the DAILY TRIBUKE for riaty Wats* month at . m ft? v pXOSB. FQR SALE! WICKHAM OLOODGOOtf |* r on irruar it > TIOGA, TIOGAj COUHTT, AL. _ iußGtmntn jratTJXT TREES, OSaSBAV> OP.APES, EfERaL BENS, *•., PE ARS —Treca of the me it deilrailt kind*, and t, price. ; 1860. IMPORT. NAT 3 BY D. A Iroadv PUBLISHED I 346 & 348 THE following Works |Of the country, (up< express, prepaid: The New American _ Dictionary of General Knowledge and Charles A, Dana, ftidted by an tersiin all branches of Science, work is being published in about each containing 750 twolcolomn V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, knd Xl,a lngnear2,siKioriginal articles. A published once in about three mot Price, in Cloth, $3; Sheep, $3,50 Russia, f ijSOeachl The New American Cyclopedia! is popular,without bring superficial, learned, bat not pedantic, comprehensive but *uf* ficiently detailed, free frob personal part; pr*ju dice, fresh cod yet accurate. It is a complete statement of 41b'that is known upon] every Important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Every important article in it h(ia bepn specially written for its pages by men who are au thorities upon the topics of which Ithfcy speak. They are re quired to being the subject np tp the present moment; to state just how-it stands wno. All jthfe statistical information Is from the latest repertk; tho geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations ; historical matters include the freshest just views? the biographical notices not only speak ot the dead bat off the living. It is a library of itself. ABRIDGMENT OF TUB DEBATES OF CONGRESS.— Being a Political History of the/ United States, from the or ganization of the first Federal Congress in 1789 to 1856*] Ed ited and compiled by lion. Thomas U, Benton, from toe of ficial Records of Congress. / i The work will be completed fn 15 royal octavo volume* of 7£o pqgcs each, Uofjwhich arc now ready. An additional Volume will be issued once in three months. I 1 ytr 09 PROodnixa trz ctc&opazdia. on uxbatzs. j Form a club qf fLot, and (remit (be price of four books, and five copies will be sent ati the remitter 1 * expense for car. ridge; or for ten subscribers, ielfeven copies will be sent a( our expense for carriage/. 1 1 TO AGENTS. are sent m receip / ijlberaiij - rn> in this Cornu, '[Publishers. [Aug. „ FLduR AND FEED STORfI In|wellsbo&o. I The lubacriber vootd fispectftniy inform the people of Wellpboro and yicinity that be has opened a ■ FLOUR & FEED STORE. one door above Dr. Gibsba’a Drag Store, on Main St, where he will keep constantly on hand a. good an ai- Eortment of FLOUR and FEED ns can bo found in the market, whibb be will aell cheap for cash. Als*, a large assortment of i Choice! Wines and U^ors,! of a superior quality, and warranted free from adal teration, rWhich ho will sell to Lumbermen and other* at wholesale, cheaper than any ether establishment in Northern Pennsylvania! J. J. EATON. Wellsboto, Dec. 19, 1800. - i yyESTE' No other works,trill so Agents. As Aqsst 'Waste known on application to thej ;ld select school. tl BTEBBINS, Teacher. I fgUM will commence February TUITION. ! The Spshko 1861. Primary 8ranche5.1,...,..„...,n.,.„ .$2 *0 t Common English.l-.... 3 U#j Higher Branches..;. „ 3 i#j Board and rooms, in private families furnished jt very low pricesj No pains will he spared to make this school equal to any in the county. Curas Is Westfield, all yoUjWho spend your time and gold is the gay and thoughtless throng, and prepare /war. selves for the responsible duties of life. Is 0. M. STEBEIXg, Co., Pa., Jan. 23, 1861. Westfield, Tio( PEDLARS mil find it to their advantage to call at EoyVDrug Store, ns he has just received a targe supply of Essential Oils and Essences aU which he is Belling very cheap for cash. FMPROVEDjFARM.—The subscriber offers •1-fur sale a fartd on Middle Ridge, in Pplmar town ship, known as the Politus Wilson place, containing 62 acres, 45 acres improved, frpjpp hottso, frame bara and apple orchard. . . This farni'is pleasantly located, and will be sold »a easy terms. WM. BACHB. Wellsboro, ffaoi 18,186 Itf. ißinnifJcld Flouring Mill. rTUtF people o Manarleld aka nctnlry arc herobr notified JL loat said MILL Uaa justibeen repaired, and pul in p*>r* feet order, having three run of stone and a Jhitmi Grnfn ‘Separator , which will separata all fonl seed from the graia, consequently the best of work can and will be done. 'M«»> chants and farmers ar« invited to try this Mill, and iiw rate work will be warranted iby J. <). KELLY,. Mansfield, Aoguat ; lB,lBS9.l Miller. N, B. Cosh paid for *ll kinds of Grain at tha MHV MIURORSI MIRRORSI ■ _ ' j ; mirrors: JUST reeetyed at SMITH’S BOOKSTORE, the largest anil best assortment of Mirrors, er»r brongbt to Welisboro. People who wish “to see themselves as othen'ase them,” will please eail atd examine. 'j DUiTALO ROBES.-t-A few Itales of No. 1 11 nnd itfb. S Buffalo Robes, and ajso a few Woif Robes Jnst received by W, A. ROE i CO. i WellBboro, Oct. 31, IdCO.: ‘ ■ mswsc. T>OOKS,iM*pA*'na« and (Newspapers boand.tft So* U/tJ fo °E§Kll^ ty . - . ■ - -.. i:: * .1--' i--?* I TRIMMINGS, i ladies of Wolliborh tqift IEAR INSPECTION, i’ those of an'/ MUblidU 1 to price: | ) PRESSING dfM Uta ilro Store, ep-tUizt, | r, BKCOB; ST&BB I; leasjd tbs store Consul? it, intends carrying oa 14 (I leather trade; Comp*, in the Manufacturing Be. i anted to bo nar «