The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, February 27, 1861, Image 3

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‘ ■ - T I * ■ {
H. 3. KAMSDELIi, Editor.
Wallah ord, Wednesday, Feb, 27.186'.
3. a. Pinesoiu t Co, IIS-Nassau St, New York, and 10
State St-i Beaton, are the Agent* for tbs AgtxoXor, andithe
most Influential and largest circulating Newspapers in;tie
Poited Stales and the Canadas. They are autborited to Con
tnct for ns at our lowest rates. - I
.. . New Adpertiaatnenta. i
WefWoro-dendony-i-M. N. Ailon, A. M. ,
4’emiAdiy—B.'Wiidman, A. M. ■ |
Orphan.' Court Sale —JSstaeo of Geo. Mattiaon. i
jkw Tn CoBRBSposDESTi!.—“ Jake.”—When the
look'of ’GibrAltar crumbles to dust and moss covers
'lts rnmaina, then will we publish your poem. It is Al
together too Sentimental for these rebellious times..'
“If. W.”—Be pAtiknt. We will try to find room
for your article neit (rack. ; I
“Ivy” must send up her real name. We donotwaht
|t for publication, an evidence of her sincerity.
The Bev. Mjr.jMitchell, formerly of Bingham
ton, tf. Y.,«tiU preioh in the Presbyterian Cbuiah
this (Wednesday) .evening. |
Smith, at the bookstore, has just received I
large stuck of wall’ paper, paper-hangings,-fixture!
Ac., as also a quantity of alt kinds of school books, .
Mr. G. W. Waters offers at his studio a variet|-! MASONIC. / I
of landscape figure pieces, Ac., painted in oil . A. regular Communication of Ossea Loooe,
o. ..a
them. )j 'i ii brethren in good standing are fraternftllyan-
ll vited to attend. WM.; ROBERTS, W. fix,
M. Bullard, Sec’y. j j
Oar village and county'are flooded with hot-.'
tery circulars, offering extravagant inducements to the
-credulous. Wo hop£ npril of ear subscribers will geo
their eye-tedth cat by 1 here swindling concerns. 1
■ The Bradford oflast week contains the!
annonncemont that for (be present the publication of
that paper is to suspended. This does not speak very I
well for the Democracy (of'Bradford. We shall miss
the Herald.
Tfae the WeUsboro Academy,
« may be seen by the admrtiafcoißnt, will open on Mon
day, March 25th* Spr* Allen has come to be known
throughout tbo ai a thorough and efficient
■teacher, ar ' ‘ lontiniied
M&’tpz tramps; in
manhood, s.. life, nodes
are sure to win. ‘
I would like to knot* whkj. kind of a hand you hold,
Mr. “ Local” of tbe Atftinicfr. Does hearts triumph,or
ett diamonds trumps ? Lei me bear from you. j. h.‘
N. B. I turn down (ifttfil/ you make it.— Democrat,
—diamonds are tnimpi jwith oa, Joseph, but wo
hold nary ” trump, fiiocb yon ask ua to make it,
>we qbafibave to say you jp!ay first '
Md#ic. —Walhave 'received. from the
publisher?, Messrs. OUreritpitson <t Co., 277 Wash
ington St,, Boston, the follp&ing pieces of now music:
" Douce Reverie,” by T.j Bardarxewska, 25 cents ;
**Greatest Plague on'earthjte Love,” from -the Opera
of Robin Hood, by G- A* Maciarren, 25c; “ Petit In
fant " (French and English') from Lyre franeaxae, a
collection of French soffgv, rupances, Ac., 25c; Valse
d« Bean Monde,” by A/Pi' Ligfcthill, M. D., 25c;
•“Oujos Animam,"by Rosainh 15c; a Vesper Hymn,’
‘Sv Brinlej KichflrJs, 500 ; Willie,” words
by W. T. T. Wright, music byUnthony Nish, 25c; ” I
•cannot lose the dream bf-ikhe©,” ballad, by J. W.
Cherry, 25c. -Any of pjeces mU be-aent by the
publishers, post-paid, on receipt of the price. Messrs.
Dilson & Co., are extensive publishers of, and dealers
in,, music book&r Ac., and anything .in
'their line will be supplied od (application. Give them i
jour orders. v. ji[. ' .
$Sr The Festival. —Tm> Firemen's Festival at!
tbeCcmrt House, lost WodnofM^jrevening, was a grand
itteceH, and our firemen, reaped I golden harvest.— j
A very large company was in {Attendance, and for the |
most part everythingpassed offhgrsea,bly. The rooms !
and tables were nicely trimmed and decorated, and !
the latter looked really invitinjg. ‘ The ladies of Wells- .
boro against the world ! Puridg the latter part of the i
tTtmcg, Henry Sherwood, Eaql, in behalf of. Mrs. H.
A. Guernsey, presented (be Hose Company 1 with a
beautiful wreath. Julius Esq., responded
for the Company is bis usual Ibumoruus style. Both
speeches were apt and timely, jAjid were well received.
The national colors which bnng|So gracefully over the
hail received a passing notice from each speaker, and
he hope expressed that never be dimmed by
the loaa of a single star, was greeted with immense
applause, it wos a grand time, and the firemen,have
<rerj reagen to be grateful ($s Indeed they are) to the
the citizens, and particularly'to( the ladies who inter
ned themselves so,much in &{•! entertainment, and
Abated bo materially to enjoyment of the
«ts. We have been haodetd ae< following as ex
fnsive of the sense of a regularlmeeting of ths Fire
•mpanj, held on tha 20th : i 'jjj
EEEEis, The Festival for thqlfetief of the Wells
h<ru Fire Company, held at &he( Court House on the
m?t. r having resulted in A touch greater bene
to the Company than we badj expected ;-and
r uebca-s, to the real and! .interest manifested
hy the committee of i&die? {appointed to assist in
arrangements for thi tables w© consider
Recess ofithe Ffistjval to a grfept extent ifciegite-
due. Therefore, [
‘Molccd, That we return for tbfe’lr services so gene
rendered, we return to eacSuf said Committee
warmest thanks. K
More, or the CHnitdHiLCTrpArn, aitd More
’ BLe Poa U K Troubled F^tljEiL”—Jt is now
led beyond the possibility of cojitradic-
Clark £b||JohiU, than whom
re does nut live a more dbsi£/rSj|g seoundreKds in
’ ,oDlr '** fl * Oregon, alive and that his
father has facts for the last
The story of hi} jiigposed robbery and
f er ** too well known in thi? jcpnnty to need repe
-100 here. Our readers doubtless remember how
■hnga were gotten up by tl elp* troubled father ”
eß gineej e a by him; how after me-
Wa * passed;drawn up by |da own hand, tes
' t 0 *he good chancier 1 of said Clark
j I 1 and gympatbising wjth 1 , the bereaved (1!)
1 “oney was freely given and time spent
Philanthropic eitUons-of (Ms And Erie counties.
et o.iu andpuuiah the rob£*s and murderers;
Doff faow the ’'troubled came wining
long and senseless* imports of meetings
ut S hitnielf—and, all have every rea
_ i chenjie knew that -Jku *o» war alive and
v flrleS the << ttrouWed father,” os
ituself, can rest well atSdVith a clear con
ie^ now^e(^ge that bis own and bis son’s
168 are known, we do not enf y biro bit peace
H the “ troubled father " wi»bea additional
!D« 81 be CWnot loD g e f the people, we
Jed to furnish it. A gentleman, formerly of
known by of our citizens,
* living in JecksonviileJ Cregon, in, a letter
’Jth her °’ b ® baa t Clark Churchill
la as to,bis idsbtjty. The letter
‘ *** kindly pertriitled to make ibt
? J \ kacl: : i
by ' ho , n »m« o/ #hurch!ll,’whose
r ‘Sw call«,r m having turn?'
1 • W^l U .l on “• » or two ago. H.
'?• yv** -W» lather had
\tr c 4 fa fatter and aWpaftte. intcrirtrd
by u . th<! P?P« lh »t the Old
the ?081 * knowing bia 100 a whereaboata. 1
b S “? n *° »e« r «« blmaelf. no. longer.
1,1 hunt,. onros nnd beroaftor act in an
*'fr. - _-y v n< > mistake about the
r *** Nip know/ well.”
J&&T' Mr.; Auguj eh snstinb, pt this has
tn bis possession two manuscripts, one dated 1560, sad
tie other 1682.- William Ipori Bulletin, |
—lf -Mr. Augustas F. Eokenstina will comeito, the
Agitator office, we will give him about a’ buthel of
manuscripts dated 1860,' and another bushel! dated
1361. He might label them 11 Rejected Addresses”
with a good show of truth. u I.
Takb».-—However, that is neither nor -1
tber.e;.she went.-home to bteakfast r and-bad. frferpely
'cadgbt the fall flavor of her’ first! sip of tea, wjien the
servant passed in?r» plate of biscuit, the eight ofthlch, J
to say nothing of smell, immediately threw Jief into
violent “Oh I” she exclaimed; in an’ago
nising voice,-** take the horrid things froftn my
sight. 1 'Tbifr eadspecfabld wbhfd bkve’h&h prevent*
ed bad- tjie.cook wed p,.i?e £mVQhesnical
Saleratns, instead of the worthless, impure staff which
did find its way into that otherwise peabofdl
py household* |t can bepnieored of most dealers in
groceries, and at wholesale from grocers in large towns,,
and of the manufacturer ■ai Export, Moores' Co.,
ft. T. f * ' \ " ■ 4
■ S4ab'h'jb|d. |
In Caton, if. Y,, by Hbt. 6. M. "Brookman, Tli
day, Fab. 21, 1861, Mr. CHAS. B. WATROCB,
Gainss, to Mias HATTIE M. ; HIJfcD, of Caton.l
■ 1 D I E D I
Id Charleston, Feh. 20th, 1861. Mrs. CISILT, Wife
of John Ward, end daughter l of A. Bitter, ageji 28
years.' ■ ' J *
1 We, the undersigned, having in use “P. P. Stew
ards Celebrated Summer and Winter Air Tight Co< k
ing .Stove,” purchased of Parker Brothers, Welfsbo 'o,
, tuke pleasure in testifying to the complete satisfaeti on
I withwbich we have used them.’ For all the practical
I uses of a Cooking Stove, as well as for eoonoroyJjn
| fuel, they zpe uoequaled by anything with which we
r have ever been acquainted. While in winter tie
j amount of beat Is amply sufficient' for all purposes pf
heblth and comfort, Its capacity for controliny t|e
bearis so perfect that in summer all the operations pf
; the kitchen may be carried 00, without inconvenience
j from the heat, thus making it the most healthy and
convenient, and by its perfect fitting, (ensuring durL
i bility) in our estimation the cheapest and best Stove
|[innae. ‘ A; If, ' |
[ Hnsl R. 0. WRITE, i
| . Mbs. HUGH YORKG. I
See advertisement in another jjolainp. I
r Weils boro, Deo. 26, 1860. - - '
.Tbe Advertiser, having been restored to Health in |
‘eff weeks b y& very simple remedy, after having eun
T ered several years with a severe! long affection, and
bat dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to mak&
taQwn to his fellow-sufferers the means of care. 1
| To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prei
scriplioo used (free of charge), with the direction foil
preparing and bsipg tbe sapje, which they will find al
sire care for Consumption, Astbda, Bronchitis, &oi
The only object of the advertiser |in sending the pre-|
spription is to benefit Jbe spread iofor-l
cpation which he conceives Jo be 'invaluable, and be|
hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, a a U wIR cost!
tbem nothing, and may prove a blessing, |
1 Parties wishing the prescription will please address
j 13-ly Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y,
Medical and toilet
Receipt Book.
Ibis book contains Recipe* and i){reciiom for ma
king all the most valuable Medical preparations in use;
af& Recipes and fall aa4 explicit directionb for. ma*
the most popular ami useful Cosmetics, Per
fumes, Unguents, Hair and all Toilet
Articles. If you are suffering with l any chronic dis
eask—if you wish a beautiful complexion, a fine head
of pair, a smooth face, a clear skin, a luxuriant beard
or qoouetache—or if you wish to know anything and
everything in the Medical and Toiletjlino, you should,
by pH moans, peruse a-copy of this book. For fall
particulars, and a sample of the work for perusal,
(free,} address the publisher. X- F.
l|-3« Ho. 831 Broadway* New York.
All who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption or Weak
Lung* should them. \ .
Alt who suffer from weak Stomachs, Indigeatiop, Dyspep
sia. dr Pi es should me them. - j
Aliwljo suffer from General or Nervous Debility, Restless
ness it uight, want of Sleep. should them.
Alllprrsona who are convalescent after Csrey pr other sick-
use t)ivn. - , i 1
Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, LectffrWs, and all pub
lic speakers should use them.
Dock Keepers, and all, persona leading a dedentary life
should rise them. - -
ThqafeM and infirm should use them.
AJijwho require a stimulant or ton ic should use them.
addicted to the use of a dvot spirits and wish
i reform, should use them.
are made of a pure Sherry Wine, and of fhe native
plahtejand herbs of the country, and should be recommend
ed by temperance societies, clergymen physicians, and all
of humanity.
They ore prepared by an experienced and' skillfull physi
cian, apd aside from their medicinal properties, are a most
delightful beverage; and yet, as a medicine, iare as innocent
and harmless as the dews of heaven. ‘
Soldiby druggists generally.
\ CHAS. WIDDIFIELD k CO., Proprjetors.
( ‘ 78 Willfcim kt.. >'ew York.
Baldwin, Lowell k Co.. Agents at Tioga, 7;3yl
|>r. 11. H, Burden, of Tioga, Is General Agent tor Tio
ga County, to whom all applications for agencies must be
made. | 1
ah order of tbe Orphans' Court of Tioga county,
tbe undersigned nil! expose to public snip, si bis store
in Farmington, .in said county, op Saturday, the 30th
day of (March, 1861, at 10 o’clock a. m. of said day,
e)l that! certain piece or parcel of land (late the estate
of Georfee Mattison, deceased) situate in : Farmington
township, county of Tioga, Stale of Pennsylvania,
Tjnuudep on tbe North by Seneca Horton, on the East
by Seneca Soule and Rhodes Hull, on the Su(lth by
Jaipes Beehp, andon the Wes.tby Hiram Merit. Cun
taining bbo.ut, .seventy-five acres pj land,, about forty
five a eras Improved, svitb a leg house, frame barn, and
an apple orchard thereon. Terms made known bn the
day of sale. Sale positive.
T HIRAM MERIT, Administrator '
J of George Mattison. deceased.
J. W.fRrOE, Att’y. [Feb. 27, 1861.-It]
CAinfrioif !-i cEarr: reward.
FREDERICK C.‘MORRIS, jo properly-bonod ap
prentice, having left me foriparts Unknown, with
out just cause or provocation, this is to warn all per
sons not to trust him or harbor on my ; account,—
Snid boylisTS years aid, and when be left bad on a
suit of blue over-all.stuff; light Complexion and light
hair. Lift the premises On the I2tb inst I hereby
offer ONE CENT REWARD, if it be necessary for
his recovery. My residence is in Union, Tioga Co.,
February 20. 1861-w3* j :
* / | ' Oscv.qla, Pi., Fib. 'B, 186^.
The Spring Term of this Institution .on
Tuesday, March 6th, and closes Friday, flay 17th,
' 1861. 1 Hoard of InHractio*. .j
A. R.VIQHTMAN, A. B„ Principal. ,
8.-R. 'gHAYEB, A. 8., Associate. j
■'Mrs. J.iS. WioarSiS, Preceptress. ' i
Mias P.?M. DaveWport, Teacher of Mnsie. j
Tuition,ifrnm $3 to *6. Music, with Use Of instru
ment, $.194 Board and lodging per day, 24 cetats, or
$l9 per jtarm. Rooms, $1.69. .Booms will be fur
nished for {those wishing to board tbetoselye*. ■ ,
Apply far information to I ,
1 A. B. wianTMAN,
29w8 j Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa,
NOTICE.-letters testamen
tary wring been granted to tbe subscribers, on
the ®late of Leri Redfield.late oflFarmingWn town
iliip' deo'djnotice is hereby riven [to those ihtdeijlod
to srid estate to. Bake immediate payment, and tboie
having alaitas to present them properly authenticated
■'or eettlemepb 1 ' i
. j JAMES TUBES, j- Eiecotors.
: 6EQR&E a: SEEIiT,. J r ,>
Farminpt|B, Fish. 29, 1861. ,
The subscribers take pleasure inannouncingto tbn
Citizens of the United States, that they hove obtained,
the Agency for, and are now enabled to-offer to tbf
American - pubiio.'tho above justly celebrated and
world.reoowhed petiole. -
a'" .Jk, i A a." • - - - • • ■ r, f , v ‘ r . .1
Tl»c s(imnl;i|ifis Onsncttl
s prepared bf Dr. C. P. Pellisohak, an eminent phy
siaiail of Lottdonj Shll is Warranted t)> bring out t
thick set of ,
in from tbfee to six weeks: . This article |s the on);
one ofibeSitid need byih'e French) and in London
and Paris ir is in universal uses
It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimula
ting compound,-acting as if by magic upon lbs roots,
causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If ap
plied to the scalp, it Will cure sApDasss, and cause to
spring up in place of the bald spots a fine growth of
new hair. Applied according to directions, it .will
turn bed or towy hair Daub, and restore to
its original polar, leaving if soft, smooth, end flexible.
The “ Ospupiir ” is an indispensable article in every
gentleman's toilet, and after one week’s tape they would
not for any consideration be without it.
The subscribers are the only Agents for the article
in the tlnitpd States, to whom all orders mutt be ad
Price One Dollar » bo*—for, sale by all Druggists
and Dealers; or a bo* of the “Onguent ” (warranted
to bare the desired effect) will be sen; to any who de
sire it, by mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt of
price oqd postage, $l.lB. Apply to or address
PnosursTs, to,,
24 William Street. New York,
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned having
been appointed Auditor by,tjie Court of Common
Pleas of Tioga County, to adjust the proceeds of
Sheriff Sale of the. real estate in Mansfield of fhp Da
vid Caldwell steam null property, wiU fittepd 'tQ the
duties of said appointment at tbe Office <jf Henry Allen,
in Mansfield, on Monday, March 18th. IS6!, at I
o'clock P. M. ' THOS. ALLBN, Auditor.
Wellsboro, FebJ 13, 1861,
Haring secured the best mills in tbe County, are now
prepared to do |
Custom Wok, merchant Work,
and in fact everything that can bo dong la Country
AJills, so as to give perfect satisfaction.
at oor store in Wellsboro, or !at tbe mill. Cash or
Gouds exchanged for grain at the market price.
All goods delivered free of charge within tbe corpo
Wellsboro, Feb. 13, 1801. |
Preparalory-Scheoi for TcaeUvrs.
Wellsboro, Tioga County, Penca.
L. R. BtmUKOAmc, A. W., - - Principal,
The Spring Term commences Tuesday, March 12,
and closes Friday, May 24, ISol.
Juvenile Department, ... $2,50
Common English . 3,50
Higher English Branches, ’ ' ‘ - 4,50
Languages, - - - - - 5.00
Pnpils of any degree of advancemeTrtreCeivtQ, and
"carefully instructed. Special efforts will be made to
[properly qualify those design in£ ty> teach, for their
profession. '
Wellsboro, Feb. 13, 1861.-w4
r L «ANSnBM> f TIOGA CO., pa.
The Spring Term of this Institution will commence
April 2d, 1861, and continue thirteen weeks.
. E. WILDMAN, A. M PnixciPAi.
| Mrs. H. P. R. Wildvan ....Preceptress.
1 'Mias E. A. Chase « Music Teacher.
* Assistant.
I —— Teacher in Primary Department.
| Mr. Isaac Stickler Penmanship.
I Tuition (Primary) per Term
| Common English......'
Higher English and Jianguagea.,.,,.
Music, Piano or Meiodeoo,..’..
Use of 1n5trument.,...^.,.....,
Room rent, per termJ.
‘ Fuel; per term.
Incidentals, per term-.
Board in private Ikmifies, per week 1 63
“possible effort will be made, bulb by the
Trustees a&d Faculty, to afford as good advantages as
cm be had in any School in the State. The Seminary
isaiuw in process of completion, which will enable us
tofafford the very best accommodations to 150' stu
dents at the opening of the Spring Term. Particular
attention will be given to such as are preparing them
selves for teaching. ThojJ© who have sons or daugb>
tais to will do wile to send them to Mansfield,
TuUiod, payable one half at the commencement of
tbs term, and the remainder at the middle or satisfac
torily arranged.
All kinds of produce taken in payment for
if wought at the commencement of the Term, at mar
For farther particulars address the Principal.
Vacancies in the Faculty will be filled immediately.
* Kev. N. FELLOWS, Pres’t.
A' r J. Ross, Sec’y. Feb, 27, 1861. ■ -
krißGffiT.A.fixJG it-ir-B - PXI^LS,
Tltß high and envied celebrity which these pre-eminent
Medicines have acquired tor their invaluable efficacy io
all tip Diseases which they profess to cure, baa rendered (ha
usuatpractice of puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy
of them. t ' ‘ y
of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Kbematism, Affections ef the
Bladder and Kidneys. ;
In lh** south and west, where these disease# prevail, they
will b| found invaluable. Plantep, farmers and others, who
* 'se Medicines, will never afferwnyds bewrjthont
’ "
person with this.distressing disease, should
•thee* medicine# immediately,
i oftfce Skin, v Efysfpe!aß, Fialtiknty.
ua Ague. — For loia scourge of the western Country,
Jclnes will be funnel a safe, speedy and certain rom
«r medicfuesleave the system subject to a return of
e; a cure by these medicines is permanent.
bj. Be satisfied and be cured.
s of < rmrtexion-~ \
Headaches of every Kind, Inward PSver, InttaHiatory Rhems
£j9tn, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite.
Mereyrial Dueases.~~S6ver fails to eradicate entirely all
the eff&t* of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most pow
erful piupMritlon oi Sarsaparillal {
v • r ~a( alt Klo<J|» AffEGJIQNR* . \
The original nropnet* r of these medicines was
cured of Piles of 35 year#’ standingj by the use of these Life
mediciws alone.
PA INS tir theficad, side, back Joints and organ*, ;
Rh/Aiitatittn, —Those affected with this terrible disease,Wtß
be sure jpf relief by the Life Medicine*!.
Bush pf Blood to the Head, Scurvy 1 , Salt Rheum,Swellings.
Scroflhla, or King's Evil in Us worst forms, Ulcers of ev
4rf dcscfiprlna. - *
Worms of all kinds are effectnraHy expelled by these medi
cines. dareot* will do well them whenever their existence
le BMpeJted. Belief will be certain. : . .
•, LSo Pilhr amS Phosm* Bitter*
{ PDBjjnr W*-blood,
And that restore all disease frnmtbe lystdm., Prepared and
aeddby 1 1)R. WILLIAM B. MOFPif,
5338 Broadway, cor. Anthony Stmt; New YorlC.
' For slide by »H Druggists. 52yl
GROCERIES. —The Grocery department is
“Ao'ck fall," AiuLtbe fricei exceedingly low at
the ; - REGULATOR.
'S AND fit the biggest gi
or the tmallest baby. Cheapen in town
!®nfildere(l]> at the REGULATOR^
>aid for CHAIN ai
£L yLTLX,&
U act
Of lit Uteiiple jndExptndilnrtt at the Trtantry cf
Tioga Cowity for the year IS6O.
Rac'd from Col's of uated tax for 1857, 9 22 50
“ « “ “ “ 1858, 12 50
“ 1859, 225 74
“ j« _ iB6O, 9736 99 <
>‘ u taxes col. oB unseated lands, 1858, 2067 57
« « *• “ j“ ~, 1859,2196 63
" . " 'sale of unseated landt, 1880, 675 65
" “ sala of seated land* " 180 27
. “ redeipptiiip of seated lands, “ 181 24
ft ■ U taxes onsealedland* rat’d " ■ 389 44
“ on Judgments and notes, , 237 95
Money refoodeti. ■ - 1 - 380
Ampunt of , loan, (for building Jail), 9,530 83
Premium on exchange, ' ' -35 74
n u
Commiieioner** Wage**
Aqipunt paid B 6 Stereos, late Com... $ 15 25
. “ LB Seeleys. 192 00
" John Jame 5......... 202 60
“ Amos fiizby, by bah doe 1869 i.. 41 60
u *t ** ** ~ ** ... i9o on
f? '■ Apibroie Barker iln ,.. 68 00
$7OO 33
Comfni**i(xnvr* y VpunteL
Ainoaht paid S F Wilson 60
Commi**ioner*’ Clerk,
Amount paid A J 50fie1d.........
Am't pjjid ■J Jsmery, sud. ao't of Proth'y, Ao 24 DO
Tfaveri Juror*.
Am't paid Charles Good#peed, et al
Grand Juror*,
Am't paid Wm. J Mann, etal... -.-.740 26
ConHabU* md Ttpttvve*.
Am't paid John Lewis eta)..... 436 82
Ami paid T P Wignate
Am't paid Wm A Douglas 04 37
. Assessors,
Am't paid Alonso Howland, et al 429 50,
Printing. J
Am't paid fi. Young on con. due 1859.. 15 00
44 “ “ -- *• 1860 25 (»0
* tr 41 blabks ........24 00
" ft B. Jpnlflns on pontrftct, IOOOf. 25 00
Am't paid J H Ellis, et al
Commonwealth Cottt.
Am't paid Cbartet Ryan, et al
> Sew Bridget.
Am't paid J Howland, bridge at Knoxville,36o 00
44 44 C F Miller,' b’ge at Doaghty's mi1L..964 00
District Attorney.
Ain’t paid Henry Allen
Bounty on Wild Cats,
Aca'tpaid G Gardner, at al ; 4 50
' Bridge Bepairt.
Am't paid E Blackwell, bridge at Blackwell’s... 1 00
•• J G Holmes, * 4 Kn0xvi11e.....90 00
44 Abram Walker, 44 Lnw'ville IS 32
44 C V Bailey, 4t MingfieJd,..., ~....45 16
44 Blackwell & Waters, Blackwell's, V( ,..6s 00
44 R Bixby, bridge at Roseville, 708
44 Silas Allis 44 Spencer’s Mi 11..,,, 13 55
44 VO Spencer 44 44 OO
• 4 B C Congdon, bridge at Elllsonis 75 00
44 Martin King,bridgeatCovyCreek. .....6 60
44 PhilV Hurd, bridge at Lawrenceville..4s 00
44 Abial Sly, bridge at Tioga 40 00
44 Henry Waters, bridge at Blackweli’s..sB 00
ff Wm. Blackwell, 44 44 ..7 0 0 0
44 R Sixbee, bridge at Roseville 50 00
44 C/W Bailey, bridge-at Mansfield. S 6 00
44 Pbil’r Hurd, bridge at Lawrence*. 38 33
41 Joseph yunken, bridge at filoss 54 24
Am'l paid H S Cook, et al,
Am't paid S I Power for boad, etc 172 04
*• 44 for taking J Car! to Pen'y... 90 00
r* 44 ** Tbo* Kuck 44 ... 99 00
44 Eastern Penitentiary, for support of
convicts for tbe year 1858 ..325 42
« « J 859.. 99 04
Amt paid Andrna, McChnin A Co,
Ain't paidtJ A J h Robinson, «t al
Sheriff’s Ptes.
Am’t jpaid S I Power, summoning Jurors
** J Mathers late Sheriff, coats on suits
in favor of county
" J Mather, turnkey fees-.*.,....
..$2 50
... 4 50
0 00
... 8 00
.. 2 00
~ I 50
..■2 00
Ain't paid J James for.dis, Col. 8up...............13 39
“ LP Seeley u ,18 50
“ , Amos Bixby “ 12 76
“ , LB Seei.ey pcdafForing to effect loan, 636
“ Juba Janies S'
viewing plans of Jail it iies'b'g. &c,36 TO
a Amos Bixby do 49 £4
, a Johu James, sap. building jnil ,20 J 4
“ R CbrUtiuaC, moving wood 5 OQ
u . L Chapman, express chargee- 225
u , A Barker, dis. Assessment books 2 00
' " L D Seeley do .18 50
u Aw® B Bixby do 15 30
*f W M jtfoKeeoey, election Jaws., 14 45
•< W P Bailey, express I 75
Damage to Improremenft,
paid Alaneon C Miller
" Dunham A Sbaw..
t Money .Refunded.
Ain’t paid E J Brown, et ai.
*• Charleston fp. being hiu'i ot toed tux
pollgcted by Q. Knox, l«vte Tre*sr
and not paid over by him........... 39 20
•* Blosfi fp. do do 81 60
“ Blossscfcool do do _ „U 5 01
u BlosS school S Hibbard do 36 73
• r | Gaines school. Geo. Kfto£, late Trcs. 23 94
u Gaines school, do do 34 98
* € Union tp. road do do ' 109 41
“ Richmond do do do 48 27
*• Liberty school do do 4 19
" CJymerip. road do do ' 14 30
f* Middleburv u do do 69 87
" C Wm. Bacbe, ; 64 04
“ Lorain Butts 1 08
* Hiram Zimmer 1 1.-. SS
* 'J G Gillctt i % -34
Ain’t paid 8 B Elliott, plan and speeffloa’n, i 35 60
u “ on contract, 9,996 39
/laprocemetif# fa County Ground..
Ain’t paid T P Wingate, building .tone wuH, 145 07
“ 11 S Cook, moving barn, ,52 50
W.Utboro Fire Company.
Am’t paid K Simpeon Tor purcboeo of boie,
. Clerk qf Sntwnr,
Am’t paid Join E Donaldson,
Am't paid 11) Richards, -
Agricultural Society,
Ain't paid Tioga Vo. Ag. Society, 100 06
Inquett on Bodie., \
Am’t paid C H Place et at. on body W Ramsey 12 15
“ John James do T Keenan .12 58
W A Douglas do A Shelly 11 87
“ . J Emery do Wm Yobn IS 86
" Levi lligeloir do Jlatriett Mann U<B
’ ' ■ sBiV*i
Paid H S Coi>k for Mpaira to Com'a Office 75 '
Paid Vf» T Waliwfra bat Onal . SO 00
Paid J Morgan et a]., for Read Views* 280 00 i
i Bridge Vine*. v
Paid F B Smith at al* (including Cam's wages " j
. Cor3ie(nogi .silos, do. 1 . 198 881
Paid Bayid Elaisa, at at., for township Unas 77 00'
Cowity TVtaauper, , j
Ain't psid'J fil Watrous, cotta on aeated land* ~ >
wtd lh<s wmnty, SB(j 18
" . com. $28,801 44, at 3 per rent, 804 04
w Of Tajlor, late treasurer, bal. ' \
on teltloroent for year 1858, ' 404 10
do do 15t>3, 2,-27* 77
ssoo DO
,i 1558 68
Court ffoute Bepairt.
luc> deuta I*,
~40 'OO
...........35 00
A’eie Jail.
$10,021 39
JOHN JAMES, Com’r, in aco’t with Tioga Co. DR.
To County Orders 5203 50
Balance due accountants 25 24
> , $228 74
CR. r
By 80 days’sprvioe ats2 -J .........08 00
By 425 miles travel (direct) at 6c.. 2o 50
By balance due from year 1859..... 25 25
$228 74
J,. D. SfiELEY, Com'r, in ace’t with Tioga Ce. DR.
To County Orders ...1.;.... ,$192 00
Balance dne acc0untant..,.i........ 121 40
By 118 da,i* eerriee at $2- 232 00
By 900 miles travel at 6c...„,......i.. r 54 00
{iy balance due fur year 1859 27:4<)
$25,495 65
{ $313 40
AMOS BIXBT, Corn’s, In aee’t with Tioga Co. DR.
To County Orders.,,,,, ... J....;. $231 62
Balance due accountant, 9 84
1 $241,44
• '' CR.
By 92 daye’ eerriee at $2 ~slB4’ 00
By 264 miles travel at 6c.,.,..,..,....; 15 84
Balance due for year 1859 ........ 41 60
1 $241 44
A. BARKER. Com’r, in aco’t with Tioga Co. DR.
To County 0rder5,...,,....... ........,$5B 00
Balance dtje accountant.... If 16
• ' - i , «« 76
By 32 days’service at $2,. ...64 00
By 198 miles travel at 6c....„ —.....11 76
.2,900 50
Tiooa Cauifrt, Bs : We the Commissioners of said
county do hefreby certify that tbe foregoing is a cor
rect statement of therein set forth. In tes
timony whereof, we have hereunto set lour hands Ibis
4th day of February, 1861.
L. D. SEELEY, - 1 )
AMOS BIXBV, : . J- Corn's.
.112 09
I : A J . J. SofIELD, Clerk.
JAMES S. WATROTJS, Treasurer of Tioga County,
in account with Coup ly from Jan. 10, 1860/
Jan. 17, 1861. ;
TsQi}tBtan&g sea’d, taxes foy year 1851* $ 1144
do do do 1852, 126 81
do do do 1854, 953
do do do 620 02
do do do 1858,; 49 97-
189 00
.938 40
do do . do 1859,1 814 66
Amount of seated tax assessed, 1860, 12,289 79
Ain't rec. on Hnsoated I’ds as p bill, 1858, '■ 2,067 57
do do do 1859, I 2,196 6$
do fron? sale of dnspated land 1860, 1 675 66
do from sale of seated land, iB6O, . 180 57
do from seated latrd returned. . 389 44
do from redemption ot seated land I 181 24
do on judgments, etc. ' 2&7 95
do from money refunded H \ 2 60
do - of loan (for building of jail) 9,530 83
$1,254 00
.214 00
do rec'd os premium on exchange : 35 74
Balance doe accountant by county I 2,050 90
By onftltfndft*g sdfcitfd taxes for year 1-85! | $ \1 47
do do 18-52} 126 SI
, do do \Bs4i ,2 53
By commission allowed collectors 1637-, . 18 03
By outstanding seated taxes 1857,1 579 49
By abatements made 1858,| 3 66
By amounts outstanding 1838, 33 81
By abatements made 1852, 208 13
By commission cllowed collectors 1852,' 227 51
By amounts outstanding 1852, 153 28
By l abatements made 18150, 26# 79
By commission -allowed collector* 1860, 88 55
By amounts outstanding „ 1860, 2,197 46
By amount of Commissioners receipts
for orders cancelled Jane 13, 1860, 6.363 -51
do do January 12, 18Cl> 17,757 06
By a't p'd 0 ¥ Taylor, In full of judg
ment on settlement of 1858
do do 1859
4o com. on $20,801 at 3 per cent
$823 28
,;,.,19 75
We, the undersigned, Auditor's of Tioga county,
haring audited, fettled and adjusted the above ac
counts of Janies S. Watrous, Treasurer of said coun
ty, do hereby certify that we found as above stated,, a
balance due the accountant of two thousand nnd fifty
dollars and ninety cents. Witnessour hands this 17th
day of January, A. D. 1861. I
C. F. VEIIj, V Auditors.
Xi’eUsboro, February 4, IS6I.
$776 50
.63 89
111 00
121 42
21 00
Wejlsboro’, Tioga Coy my, Pcnna.
MAftlrrtrS IV. AtLE», A, VL% f > Principal.
Miss CvNrnrA Farmer, ----- Preeeptrcee*
Miss L. Lucinda Allen, - - « • Ae*i*tant.
Miss Josephine M. Todd, - - J/u*ic Teacher.
The Aea&fole ycaryjJlfcs‘divided into throe Tornu
of 14 weeks eircb.
Spring Term commences Sf today, itafcli 25;) clones
Jane 28, U*6l. >
of 11 Wteefcib
Primary Department, - $2,«0 •
Common Branches, ----- 4,00
fligfcer fSngf&b, ----- 6.00
Lauguagus, ----- 6,00
Instrument*} music (extra) Term of 12 weeks 10,00
Board and Rooms in private families furnished at
reasonable prices. Students wishing to board them
selves may also obtain lloutns in private families.
Tfae-'snccess that has attended the efforts of Prof,
Allen uVa teacher in other institutions in which he
has been engaged encourages the Trustees to antici
pate entire success'in bis connection with the Wells*
boro Academy-
The primary department will be under the care of
Miss Allen, whose lime will be‘- given exclusively to
the children placed under her charge.
I)he'reWillta formed a TEACHER'S CtASS,,the
fnstyaetio'D of which to be out of the regular setool
hours, but no extra charge made. '
Bills of Tuition are to bo paid at or before the trsd
die of each Term, By order of Trustees,
J. F DONAU>S9£, ftr&t.
Wellsboro, Novomber 7, 1860. j
$253 42
s2l7' 83
$75 00
6 80
S. B. PRICE Piuxctpal.
Mns. Sophia Piiice, Preceptress.
Mu. jL G. Hott, .Teacher of Music.
Spring Term of 1861 commences March 5.
i'j pena per Term :
$632 19
. Tuition from— $3 to 55.00.
Board (per week ,16.50 :
Room end lodging..-.-.. ....3,00
Room for those boarding themselves I.JO
pgr- Special attention given to the Teachers Pe
Extra instrftiHfion will also be given to those wish
ing t» qualify themseiv a. for'teaching music.
Deorßeld, Ecb. 49, 1861. 29-w2
si97 57
-59 09
' Administration having been granted to the sub-l
scriber.on rt» restate of Fanny Greenleaf.iateof'Delmac
township, dec’d notice Is hereby given to tho>e in
ddbted to said esrate to make immediate payment and'
those’ bnVitig dliiiihs, fb present them properly Huthen
ticated For fettlousctit to ihe subsoriber. in Delmar.
san. 16. 1861. JACOB HILT BOLD, Adm’r.
400 94
7 88
i V stock now on .band fur the fpU and winter trade,
and win be sold very cheap by W. A. ROE A CO.
Wellsboro, OrU JJI» 1860.
i ter Wheat Flour, at $6.00 per barrel or $1.75 per
«»ck, at the , REGULATOR.
Liquid Pcp.iihi -
FOB dyspepsia and Indigestion,
Fer saU at Roy's Drug Store.
'VTOTfCE is hereby given, that there will be
1A atneeting of the stockholders of the Mansfield
Itfcft Works at the office of said Company la Mansfield,
Tioga Co., pa., on the 4th day of March nexr, at 4
o'clock X\ M\ of said day, for. the pnrpose of electing
Directors fbr the easul&r
- - BT
raorr TStSS», SHSJ.'OBBSTA'Vr,
GRAMS, EVERGREENS, &*., ie., dm.
PEARS —Tree! of the* most desirable kinds, and of <B
era large site. if desired. Standard trees tn bearing.
APPLES—A great supply of thesholcast kinds. H*ap
different kinds of Crab apple.
I PLUMS—A large supply of tbe beat and most appeared
kinds. I , /
: CHERRIES—An extensive assortment of the bast kinds.
! GRAPHS—Vis; Delaware, Blatps, Isabella, Black Bursa**
dy. WhlteSacet Water, W4Ue Spipßisr,
Rebecca and Concord.*
$Bl3 48
ORNAMENTAL— Weeping Mopntaio Horse Cbs**
lint. Balsam of fir, Scotch Kir, European Sllvef fir, Korsso/
Spruce, Siberian and American Arbor Vitae, Latch, it. -
1 SHRUBBERY— Holly leaved Berberry.Chinese WolgaiSa,
Spiraea pru ni folio, Dentzla, Green Forsytbia.
ROSES- Bjillimore Belle, Prairie Qurch.
IgOOcEBERRIES— Of several choice varieties.
- [CURRANTS— Cherry, Red, and While.
[We wonlil invito all who ora in want of any of the above
trees, Ac., to call and see them for tbeir atrA, .
Tioga, Aug, 22, JOHN T. BLOOCOOOD. -
TliriSS PAULINA SMITH baa just pnrehuad ktr
consisting of Straws of 'nil kinds, Pattern Hits,
Bloomer Hats, flower*, Velvets, Bilks of all lua is,
and in fact
she solicits h call from tbs ladies if Wellshoro and
vicinity, feeling confident that
$75 76
and (compare favorably with thoeaof any eiuhllih*
meat in the county in regard to prise.
•opeHor manner.
£ST- Rooip Opposite Snip ice glare, np-iUin.
'Sept, 19, 1)860. . ■
asriw soot, shoe,
fctSAt'diCß & FipDlSe STORK
reigned, having leased the rtore fynniily
by G. W. West, intends-wrying- oa Si
[f the shoe and leather trade. Compa
are employed in the Manofaciuping D*»
all work KMtMted tp be owrssra «•»
THE anden
the brnDcbes i
tent workman
partment, aati
i Alai, nil feu
oqljstantlj' op
Fiodjrigß,' also
prices for cdfth
at the iigtiest 4, S|
Z4G At 249 New ‘Pork.
TUB porting [works Are 9€>ct_fd Subscribess'ip any pttl
of the cuuntra*» (upon receipt of retail price,; by mail or
express, prepaid: F *
The New American Cyclopedia, A popular
i Diction.itw of Central Knowledge. by Ceorge Ripley
aud Charles A. Dana, aided by an'attierousaelect Corpeof wri
ters in ail I brandies vf Science, Art, aud Literature. This
win-kTi Wing 1 published in about 10 largo potayo volumes,
e&fh containing 7so two-column pages. Vols I, It, 111, IT,
V,'VI, VIH, VIII, EX, X, and XI, ore now ready, oacjb contain
ing near 'XsOOnrigibal articles. An additional volume will be
published] otjee in flout three months.
Price, in.Cliitfe,»; Sheep, $3,50; Half Bdorrpcco, $4 ; Half
Russia, $4.50 cicch.j 7 v
The K«r Apiericah Cyclopedia U poptlar without being
raperfiewt learned], bat not pedant(c,.cqmpreb > eDaire Initial
ficiehtty defatted, ffee from attd party preju
dice, fresu and yet accurate. It is a comyints statement of
•all-that » knoWEPiipdn every important topic within the
$31,530 00
'liman Ini
ipon the
huwjit sci
scope of h
Has been*
’thorities t
furred fo
State just
404 10
•J,276 77
804 04
p latest 1
the fates)
[at jQst J
ho dead tJ
LUtical H
is from thi
pace wHb J
the fresh*
SjM'flk of tj
Being a i’«
$31,530 00
of the fiii
rdflof Co
S Will be
nob; 14 (
I tHV iB6O
iteil andc<
flcjai Keco
The wor
750 pages/
rohime wi
r oy Tuo
cfnb of
>r ten sti
A vrx
Form a
{Aid five co
riage l ; or f
r W^rk*
fto othe
Agents. /
Vnown on
tfhe tu\ stfriber
'<K Wellsbi to and
one door aibove bil Gibson’s Main St.,
where he Will keep constantl.v on band as good an as
sortment (if FLOUR and-FLED ns can be found hi
tbe market, which be will sell cheap for cash. Ali«£
a large assjortmcntlof
Jot qnalU
bich be s
n, Deo. I
of a superic
teration, wfc
at wholefinljji
Northern If
W ellsfcor
\yß.s *
ml s
«3 ■ Xeb:
Tbo Spiu:
i iJuglii)
Board nndj
very loir prid
■this school «
Westfield, alii
the gay uad I
selves far the 1 ,
1 rooms \\
es.' Nd
echini t<
llydti wh
' i
’'Jogs Cf
Hoy’s DrngStor
supply of Easbntial <
which be ia selling vei
IMPROVED FASM*—The subscriber offers
for sale a farm on N iddle Ridge, in Bel map totrn
ship, feno»u aa*'tbe Po itos.Wilson place, containing
62 acres, ,45 acre* improved, frame house, ftuae barn
and apple orchard. i *
This farm is pleasantly located, and wil} be. #oW em
easy tejmi. * 1 VM, BACKS. •
WeUaboro, Jan. 18, IS6Uf. . ,
lUaiiMCiold Flo«rlns Mill.
Tlf R people u Mannaeldlnna vicinity are hereby'notiftwl
<nat «H<l MIM> J»iw just been repaired. nn<l put iu per*
feel order-rbaVing; throe n»n of stone and a JKiient Green
Stparalor x wbjcli will separate all fonl seed from the
conaequcntty the best of work can and will be don*, yi, *.
chants and farmers are invited to try this Mill, and sr.-r
pate jyopk will be warranted by J. 0;
Mansfield, August 18,155 d.
N. B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain at thK -MfH.
JUST received at SMITH'S BOOKSTORS, the
largest and 1 best assortment of Mirrors «v< r
[brought to WellsWo. People who wish "to m*
themselves as others see them,” will please call ac 4
examine, , '
ODFFALQ ROBES. —A few bales of Jfn, 1
I / and No. 2 Buffalo Robes, and also « few Wo Xt
Robes just received by VT. d* 808 *i CO,
WelJeboro, Oct, 31,‘MAO. 1
ds of
land. All kinds of Leather and #ke>
oonstnntiy on band and for talc at lav
or ready'pay,
PELTS taken in exchange 'for Seed*
tnarket price. dOS. RIBEIi OLE.
ipt. 5. L 360.
beltlgence. Every Important article in It
kriilew- for tfcg-pa-ges. by. men who are an
topics of which they speak. , They are rs*
e subject trp to tho present moment; to
knds now. All the statistical information
reports; the geographieal’accounts Keep
L explorations; historical matters Include
news; the biographical notices not only
ut of the living, ft If a library oneself.
jtetory of the United States, from the or-
pf Federal Congress In 1789 to ISSG* Ed
? Uou. Thomas ttabf
igress. L .
completed royal octavo volumes of
f which are -now ready. An additional
d onco in three-months.
tour, and remit the price of four book#,
w sent at the remitter's expense for car.
ncribers, eleven copies will beseatatour
will so liberally reward the’exertions of
Wanted in this County. Terms made
nto the Publishers. • [Aug. 11, *59.
rould respeotfanyinfornrthepoaple
dcinity that tie has opened a
| and Liquor*, .
ty. and warranted free
nill 'sell to Lumbermen and other,
wr than any ether establishment ia
fcnia. J. J. EATOS. •
19, 1860.
'EBBINS, Te«c&«iv
will commence. February 35t^
C 5
— >9
a oo
......... 3 i»
in private families furnished at
! pains, will bo spared to, mala*
any ia the' county, toaw t»
j spend your time and goM ia
ess throng, and prepare • year,
s ble dutiet of life. ■
0. K. STEBEirS.
q., Pa., Jan. 23. ISCfti
1 it to their advantage to esll at
1, ns be has just received s larjra
ills and Essences * *B Wads
f cheap for cash.