r.iSBlS* misqss^x. gTjT H AMSDEtt/'&HTOR.': ■hnro. Wednesday. Feb.13.183i, miii * Co., IW Sunn Bt.,Ue* .York, ud 10 ,re (ho Agent* for tbs JfOator, sad tbs nd'lergest circulating Newspapers la tbs [he Canada*. They are authorised to con mrlowestrates, 1 - Hew AdTartlaomenta.; j| ' School— h. B. Bariißg»W»,X M. Imn yfockt Co.— A. P.Cene, S*o, A Bailey. . ||'r Notice- —Tbos* Allen, Anditef| «&80dge,N0.317. T - - T '| p : •' ■ ;obrebpokdestB.— "A Osceola, th»t we never depart 'from our rule in ro anblicatlon of anonymous communications, 1 the information bp aepkp fof ia anptier paper ■ ■ ;e*‘-W? have used yonr joein g) to light ,d aball servo all yowpoetry in tb« same it is better than the sample sent. That, U almost tpo green tobnra. , use Time.— Owing to an npqapal amount i, and the foot of oarhaving to run around 1 for items this w»it, onf paper to a''gay Punctuality will hareafler bafnrwatp&i- Spring Term of tha Oeeeola Bigh School jd Tuesday, March Sth, under the an per il, Wightman, A. 8., Principal. Adrer- :t week. bouse in Cbirl?jton to_wtf9fciplb«longiog to iton, iu consumed bjr fife ogFtidojr Ust, The fnrnitnra wu alio no% destroyed. No insurance. ■, y, ' sth f{. Briggs, found guilty «f Warder »tDo ' lost, has bean gran tad a Stow trilby iot. His trial will probablj|'eoma off at 7 Wani« iirjfus. ' g*. .atioh Visit — A donation? visit foe. the lev. Francis Strang will beheld sttbo rel ics Coolidge, in Delmar, onsne afternoon of Wednesday, Fob; 27th.' Spring Term of Prof. Barll|game'« Pre -1001 for Teachers, will open 'ln Tuesday, . The energy and ability of|Mr. B. 4 secured him many warm friends, and we iol will stiUcontinue to inaigiae. learifthat : buskton*toedsieli««l Salli io CoTinjjton, wbU# in the s||jot butcher m Frida; last, fell back an&Uoddenl; ex i deceased was about fortySear* of age, ) of Ireland, and of somewhat dissipated leaves a family,. i ' , jtion i» invited to the adrerttnment heed - iston Flouring Millf.” Ur. WTrlght hu ih him in the Flour, Ueal Feed buai- W. Bttileyj ihd has alto pnr&teed a abate ;r Mill. The new firm are prepared wear ing in their line of (he choicest kinpL writer in the Potter Journal, teems to \ cosmetics, get* off the following histories} jo Beautiful Queen: Either appeared before Abart&s the king, ' oo perfumery, nor hearty, but her naheti simplicity, her giibd adorned k and quiet spirit/ sbe wasjiibcepted and -luecn, and prored of tala*- than Fiood,—Thjs Ijte. lhfjr Md' nini have floods in the atnuusa in?tm« liigion. Phm ut orcount!, waa ■sboirt- ; tw'o -ftet abora a . The damage dose-mill property, dims, is supposed to be very fjremt.' So dieaalrotu i has sot been known on -Pile Cheek -for sars. We learn that Heiekiah Stovall, Esq., ism, and that Mr. B.JS. Enisrorib, ofthle lost a large amount 'I of which trill doabtleM Sdle, (aft harbor 'to Bay. _ , ]|f, - . i ii Aciis.—Wb are happy tti/taing able to ir friend J. B. Ball, Esq.jj wii again an arena of “nowepaperdom." ,Hia many 'S the gooie-qaill fraternity, will welcome itb feelings of pleasure, Wparesufe the co/der i Democrat an# Democratic Herald )nr jnwe ache !) will flourish' under, hie lf P; tod onr word for it, it W§l be an ably i, eell-printcd eheet—ufbeit,iia polities are • (Democratic) kind. But Mje’s proepe long life to you, friend ■" Jot/' and bere’e ’ll make many a good Baaly ; - jtisk.— Oar town it gettjjt/j’tp-b* quite Ks rowdyism. Nearly dran k-lie seen or beard in the Streep. JTherd is wguisinjpthe fact that liqndrli drank end Wo do not believe that any of the tero would sell liquor l>e no doubt that liquor ie sol_is|y the meaa : l^ls n'ws of men by same pen|j|) or persons ‘“d the -Borough. We. bjelidSfp it to be the 10se who have licensee, tdr tfiiMoeocn At any rate it is-the duty dfdtbe enthdri !n‘ the public peace, t]h|y sbostfdin ‘id punish the owners of t!letqiiHejSlsfoar. lyistn. ' 1 f . 3 4o iKExig’s Fistital.—We| to 18 e 'l»boro FirstJom'pwiyWi .to give a lit Court Houm, in tbi» rillagß, «a Wed "“g, Fob. 20th, BUI, 4J:; aiipper’tickets, 'ocMdo of the Festival are jlo'bo -dialed 'goishmont of debts coofra.cthd by the Com ** cle »*wn ofafaoi. Its e\jestts*eomb «», »nd *e trort the party will be seellat be numei of sotnc of oar Jieit etti«o« are tmmittees, which argaei Weil for the high > tho entertainment. JVe are oopfedont it wUI '“ 4 P«* off to the satisfaction of all con ttmora’s Fpfi Band will flgralsh (anno to °*7 with to dance. ' SuynßEßß.—Tta ippeslofMr. >lfof 50,0f10 »tarfu)|f in Sonias, ' “ied in The Tribunt and espied into T!b* ] °Uier Republican pagan, jinoata with o i ,! * lo ° !e >» several localities hb.tbis county. ■ in eircnlation in and wo erer J cltiren will coptrihus bia mite, and t 0 M money is needed aw. 1 * l D. G. Edwardj, Paper in the Welsh in that and that $24.38 Ifaa .subscribed * T8I 7: abort time. - W# hope that othar 1 etaulate the charity add ‘-benevolence of eitiicni whoso hearta abd- pnrsts art ol *a tie cry ofdistross, 'j. . «AT Tiooa.—|To regret tejlcsrn thet the .“‘f M.joriVke be Poi, K“ toUH^I pooenmefJby li 9 ' ,ock f*w bonee'liid “Pfeted, end ninooeeopi|4. The flunet ,?? I "^ 0 S fre “ s, entitled an act to] consolidate and amend the Boad Laws of the counties of Tioga, and Potter, McKian and Elk, which were repealed: by the act of 2d'of April, 1860'be, and tbejsame are hereby restored to tlieir full force and effect the same aslf they had lever bein repealed, so far as relates to the coun ty of Tiogv J _, j- J 3. That (oe'quaUfie'd voters of the said county of Tioga shall ap the next township election’elect two Supervisors in each township, who spall also be over seers of the hoop for their respective townships, I i. That dill force and effect is hdteby given to all. each acts and contracts of the persons who are elected Supervisors for the respective townships in the said county of Tihga at the last township election, and to all such service of process and proceedings in the sev eral Courts of the county of Tioga as are in accor dance with the. provisions' of the act! passed the Itth day of April! 1855, entitled iSdn act to consolidate and amend the Boad Laws of the counties of Tioga,; Potter, McKean and Elk,” as if saiid aet had nevej' hsen tspealflib ‘ '’ ” .. . I: ! } Ward Township, : Feb. 9, 1881. ■ Editor cft(k*j£gitator f • .'.''i M - ■ i Moit of yonr readers are inn that one town it new—it being only nine years tinoe it waa let off and named. Seven yean ago there were hardly inhabit tents enoughSbr town officers; but it the last Prasi dential election there were 127 rotes polled- In many puts thrift and industry are. apparent in new barns and fields well fenced, The coal beds in the north pant of the town are now'being worked, and an extensive Jbnainefes has been done in building shops, mills, honseaffor workmen, to., to., which gives ottr farmers a market near home.-’ Our citizens in the It •oath part o£ Ward are doipg a.good baiiceM {in far* Blmire and R. R. Co.' This U|a new source of labor abd profit, as the 'Company ard paying 26 cents more pet cord than for* morly. |' , 1 Sleighing has been good since Bedepjbcr Ist; Snow is over deep, and if it does 'not tbawj. before: engaring time! it will be difficult gathering nip, and aaa consequence oat crop of maple will be lift), tied. The amount of engar made ip town 1s 1 nearly equal to the grain crop when, the spijing is favorable for it r ' ‘ ' 1 ■ ’ I Thursday was the coldest of jthe season; the’ timber cracked in tho woods near our boose from the frost so at tojresemble discharges of | musketry. The mercury sioud eit 23 deg.- below aero at noon on the east side of die beuse. Many of the cattle in this neigh both d6l suffered severely from jibe latent* cold, and a steer belonging to Ur. Jobqion was frosen to d W hr ."‘~ {'’’.T. ' 7 ’■ " j*V 4-it:< Coupe Pbocezdisos.—Pesruarv Tann— Hit Honor, Judge White ,/ > restdtny.i-Comn)ooweaUh VS. Sunmbr Sice; indictment, Assaulting and resisting Constable, jlrand Jnry return trnejbill. . Com. >?. lYm.-tifiny ; - indictment, AssauU and Batlery withjintpnt to kill, prand Jury return true bill. , . f._ . ." ... .. , ; Com'. rs. Cbas. Bexford(indlctmtnt, Assault and .Battery. Grand Jury return bill igioramus, and that ' the prosecutor, Benjamin Parse, payitfae costs. Same day Bcnj, BCise was sentenced to piy the costa and stand committed, *o. 1 ' Com. vs. Thomas Beers; indictment, Assault and Battery- Gland Jnry return true bill. : Com. vs. Wm. MaUiaon; indictment, Assault and Battery. G|and Jury return true bid). Com. va._ SsraDavis/John Kojnt, Sam'l Raker, Lit son Lanesbuhr, Alex. Mott, Jacob Kiphapt, R. Butter* field, Martin Cass and. Lafayette Casa; indictment, Riot. Sraqfi Jury return true bill against Bara Da vit, John K|bn, Sam*! Baker tind David Butterfield. Sam#. d»y 1 JJzr*'Dsvis, one of .the shove defendants, and Martin King, bail, appeared in [open Const, and each reeognaed in the sum of conditioned for appearance «f said Ezra Davis and John Kobn at next Court pfQuirter Ac, ,v , . Com. vs-Conrad Gunther; indictment, and Battery, . Grand Jury return true huh Com. vs. Idicfaaei Driscol, Jaa. polUxan, Joseph Murry, Tboa. Ford, Daniel Snllivanj, Corn'elins Sulft vsn, .Shonuli Murry and Sami Ejsenbart; indict ment, Biot. I Grand Jnry return-true bill, - •> . Com. vs. Silas Allis; indictment. False Pretences, Grand Jury jre turn true bill. ' ;{ . ! Com. »s- Andrew Lovejoy ; indictment, Assanltattd Battery. Grand Jury return btll ignoramus, and that the prosecutor, A; t. Preston, day me costs. i 6. De Land A Co.’s'Sa!eratns, (brewer,” shunted Ka e, n *he ran up the i»airs, followed by Bridget yridh »■ freshly-baked 'panj of bisCnit in her bands. "Die Land'a Saleratua forever." They wore indeed templing, and no Wonder tpnt the gfHa Web* delighted with their first experiment with this favorite of housekeepers. This Saleratna is perfectly part, .healthful, reliable, and of.ttniform'quality. Manufac tured . and fior, sale. id wholesale hyjD. B. De Land A Co., Fairpoit, Monroe Co., N. Y.| Sold al?o by all dealer?.,,. , I. | MA.R B. I-v© p. In Charieaton, by. Rer. Amoa Cbkpmao, Fab. Mb, Mr. OHIN RENTON to Miii BETSY SMITH, allof Chsriaiton.i ' - j 'At the beta se bf’A.‘‘o. Preston, in] Elkland, iFeb. 1(* by E. S. (Silver, Eaq., Mr. ASA |BROWNELL, of WoodhoUi &y„ ih'MUi AMELIA JANE EHDY, of Troapaborgji. Feb. 13, Idftj-by ger.*; 7 !? StUlMl, Mi;. H. M. NICKERSON to, Miss ELLEN iCRUTTENDEN, sllof Cbarfcston. " ‘ 5 : f We'Teco|r*d with the above notice the tjjllowing •artislM of iprovisho!—l ohSckeb' 4'of a pickle ( small); 1 urt, tho filling of which hadleak e4 odton tl|e chickepleg and pieklp; Ipleceof njinCo _pio, bat badly crushed; 1; beautiful eookey, (bought by pome to be the shape of a heart; pud 4 piee«SjOf j|«4ko. drained on the chicken leg and pUfcle, ajdfthey gave us the nigh tins re. Entire wish the happy aoaple a life-time,of jqyjaod cMßeDtinenJ*] , !; 'r j .i X> I 58. p» {-• :■> In Midd4banr, Sunday ttorMngy J»n. Sfti, IVCY MAT, daa Atofof r Er»st[ii nod, Cnoy B. Mfci, »je3 nlwutJlrnioatiii. ' r> '■ F“- ■ 'OOTS and siioes—to *' b*by. it the bigger *h: J 'TI O G-A JJ; .'jjsKßcaXx* isroriOEa, >- • . I xdfeaapxrxa. ; ] 1. A, >JaregularCom muuicatidhiofo siexLoixji, , W0WN0. 1 31?,-A. T. Mi, will be held on Tuesday evening n«lt,Feb.i9. All transient broth- T x ren in gooa'suadibg arefrateroally invited' to attend, t ■ WM. EOBBBTS, W,M- M. Bollard, See’y. , . 1 1 i ... i , A CAR?,. ; Wvfbafcndefaignod, haring-in nse:“B.;P. Etow art’s Celebrated Summer and Winter Air Tight Cook ing Stove,! purchased of Parker Brothers, Wellsbaro, takojfleaipos in testifying to the complete, satisfaction with which wa havo peed them-. Fox all the practical uses of a Cooking Store, as well as forecocomy in fuel, they jaie nneqoaled by enythißg itith which we havo efed ’hOen' acquainted.- While hr iftnter the amount of: heat is amply snfficient for, alt purposes of health and comfort, its capacity for ethttroling the heat is sq perfect that in summer elt-lhe operations of Che kitebei may be carried on, without incopvenisnce from the heat, thus making i( the moat healthy and, convenient, and by its perfect fitting, (ensuring dur»-i bility} in dux estimation the cheapest and beat Stove innae. " A. P. COKE, , f Mbs. B. Q. WHITE, I Mbs, HUGH TODNS. , ! 33T- Set advertisement in another column.' Wellibo|o, Deo. 26. IBGO. ’ , ■ 1. Tp CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf fered several yeqp with a severe lung affection, pod that dreadidisoase, Cpnsppiption—is. anxious tomifce known to Ms follow-suffererp the means of cure. To all w|io desire it; he will send a copy of the pro soripdon tiled (free of charge), with the direction fox preparing using the same, which they will find a son cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. The only Object of. the advertiser in sending the pro scription it to benefit the. afflicted, and spread infor mation which ha ooneeives to be invaluable, and be| hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. 1 Parties Wishing the: prescription will please address I Bev. EDWABD A. WILSON, 13-Iy | Williamsburg, Kingi Co., N. T. THE AMERICAN MEDIC Ali AND TOILET Receipt Book. . This back Contains Rtcipei and.Di'recfioae fop ma king all the most valuable Medical preparations in use; also Recipes and fall jand explicit directions for ma king all tb£ most popular and useful Cosmetics, Per fumes, Dnkuonts, Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles. If yon are-suffering with any. chronic dis eaab—if yon wish a beautiful complexion, a fine bead of hair, a smooth face, a clear akin, a luxuriant beard or moustache—or if you wish to know anything and everytbingfin the Medical and Toilet line; you should, by ail meins, peruse a copy of this book, For fpll particulars! and a sample of the work for perusal,. (free,) address the publisher. T. F. CHAPMAN, 13-jin I No. 831 Broadway, New York. .JyfHO SHOULD. USE, f DR. J. f DOVES DODS’ VEGETABLE IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? . All vlio «jfe afflicted with Incipient Consumption qr Weak Look* should use them. >, | . Ai| who suffer from weak Stomachs, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, of Pileeß([shoQld use them. [ \ All who staffer from General or Nervous Debility, Bestless ness at nfgnt, want of Sleep, Ac., should use thorn. _ All per Mis who are convalescent after fever-oxi other tick* Deaa'ihda&Mae them. | Minijtersfof Uie Gaapel, Lawyers, Lecturers,: and all pqb* lie epeskeftlshonldinetheui. ; I Book Keepers, and all persona leading a sedentary life should use fhom.' J ' !* The aged |nd infirm should Use them. [ | All who require a atimulaot or tonic should Use them. All who Me addicted to the use of aident'spftUs and wish to reform, should use them. '' They arejnade of a pare Sherry Wine, and of the n%svd plants and the-con n try, and” should tie qecomiUApd ed by temperance societies, clergymen, physicians, attd all friends of humanity. They are prepared by an experienced and -skillfull ,physi cian, and aside from their medicinal'properties, are a most delightful beverage; and yet, as a medicine, are as innocent and harmless as the dews of heaven, - ’> druggists generally*. ■’ 1 ‘ I OOAS. WiDDZFIELD A CQ^firoprietocs, £ ’ 78 William et.; New York. Baldwin, LoVell A Cei, Ag«ht* at Tioga. j 7:3yl Borden, Of ftoga, ij Oentdal Agatat fOr Tio ga Cooqty, |o wbotq all applications for agencies most be made. W*i 'IJ?LD. CLASSICAL SEMINARY. 7tOOA CO., PA. Tbs Wiiter Term of this Institution will commence Dec. 18, llfiO. snd close March 18, 1881.; B. WILDMAN, A. M , Pnijciut, •Mrs. H/iP. B. WildvaKs. Preceptress. Miss BAA. Chase..... -. Music Teacher. Mr. C. 4. Stlyestbr..* ......AssUt^jnt. • # Mr. Ibalo StiCKKEr...PenßßADahip. , h • , JBXPENjSgS« : _-J\ j - ToUSob iPrimary) per Term ~ .........$2 50 CoromoiJ English.. 4 50 Higher English and 6 00 Muaie, rmhu or Melodeozi. 8 90 - Board il private families, from $1 60 to 200 Boom rfnt, per-term,. 1 50 Fuel, partem, ........J...... 1 50 Incidental*, per term 25 If a dais of ten can be obtained, ienons in Mutie ’ sri^an will be givien at six dollore per term. iWe hope by tbie reduction of tuition to place this important branch within reach of man; who do net feel able to avail £ emselveiof it under present prices. No pains will be eparedieither by Terachop* or Trust»ej, to afford every advantage that can be had In the 'best Schools of the .coiln try. , Our Teachers are experienced and successfulfedncators. ' | Tnitinnlpayable one half fat the commencement of the term, and the ’remainder at the middle or satisfac torily arranged. For farther particulars address the PrincipaiX Rev. N. FELLOWS, Preset. A. J. r|bs, Sec 1 ;. gpc. IMOmS ATTRACTIONS. I tec. k. -w o o £>, / PPOTOfiIiAPHIC ARjTfST. . '.I SKY-LIGHT Amhrotynea, BXelxinotypei & Photo graph*, 1 AX WOOD'S GALLERY.! Daguerfootypea, Ambrotypes Wr Melsinotypes En larged to Life Size, and finished plain er! colored. Piotnnei i» onaeafor.fiO cents—other sizes in pro portion, and all warranted equal to city Work. Work done in all kinds of weather [ except foj chil dren-' 'f' 1 ■ ' 1 Rooms fever Wm. Roberta’ Tin Sh°P, first door be iowEqopib Stpre. 1.-i- - • WeHabp, get 31, 1868. - - [{ ' - ' FLOUB AND FEEIj- STORE ■ •IN VmSBDBO; : . The subscriber would respectfully inform the people of Wullsbfcro and Tiolnity that ho haa opened A. FLOftJR & FEEI> STORE, one doorkbowe Dr. Gibson's Drag StoreJ on Main St, where bolwill-keop constantly on head bp good an as sortment IfELOUR and, FEED as can: be found in themarklt,'which he will MU cheap for cash. Alee, a large assortment of , -I 1 Cltpfsfi; Wipci attd ' of a anpekior quality, and warranted! free from adnl teration.ltKibb he will seU ho Lumbermen; end other! .at wbnlMje, cheaper than.any.ether Batkbliahwent in North ernjrPtnnsylrhnia.- ■ - J.- J. MATCH. Wellabfrm, Dec. 19,1850. . Vj ; ! MBftßOfesU I MIRRORS! I : f MIRRORSI »t sMitirg BoOKSTtf&B; ths larjjsst and but assortment of Mirrors tret brought Jto WellsfcoVj. jpebsl6>hD wish "to ih theqjjelTMSs (jtbers see them,” will pleats call >pd egsmiseJ '' ’ " ' / C '', '. . ' [. pOfffALO ROBES.—A few tyies.of No. ,i 2 Buffalo Bobu, and; also S few Wolf Robes jnjtfjeejyoij );y... _ W. A. ROB .A CO. ' - - ■ - - - - -■ - —- Liquid < Pjeiwin. '■ L >|y«p«p«U and Indigeitlon. ' Jb 5 . 7 9«r W& »i R«y» Bra* Sin*; ND BARBELS'of bert Win •sK«r HO 1 'COUNTY AGITATOR ■ ■■■•; - STATEMENT-:' :!:! >• Of lit StetipU fluid Ezpndiiuru at Iht ■ "Tioga Comfgforik* year 1860. I^CCBIPT^. Eeo’d from Col's of seated tag for 1857, $ 22 60 •i >t a u u r 1858, 12 60 «. •('- ’ « « « 185% 2£| 7* « " " « ’« 1860. '9730 SO “ “ luu . tlj Seeley 192 00 .I* Jobs James,,.,,, .-... 203 50 “ Amos Bixby, by bat due 1859... ■4l 60 « t< “ '■ ", ' _<• l9O 00 Ambroip Bafker... 58.00 Amount paid S F .Wilson ~. ~.,,*437 50 Commiuiunen* Clerk . Amount paid A J Sofield.. -4500 00 Auditor*. ~ . Am’t p|id J Emei-y, and. ao’t of Proth’y, £«,;.-24 60. Travert Jurort. Am't paid Cbarlei Goodspood, etal ~......2,900 60 Grand Jurort. -J Am’t paid Wm. J Mann, et al -......,,,,..749 26 ' fianttakUe and Tiptlaott. Am’t paid John" Lewis et a1........,_ ~,,,,,.438 62 - 1 - - Oriir. Ain’t paifl T P Wignate. Ain't paid Wp A Doaglaj Assessors. ", Am’tpsid Alonso Howland, et ~.,.,,.,439 50 Printing, Am't paid H. Toting tin coo. doe 1859 —l6 00 « “ « 1860 ~,...—...25 00 “ " “ - blanks... ......24-00 “ " B,Jihtini od contract, 1860,... - .,—„.25 00 $B9OO Eleetio im, AmH paid J B Ellis, at al ,1563, 68 Gommanvcealtk Cotfe. Am’t paid Charf* l ! Ryan, et al 938 40 ‘ i .Yctr Bridget, Am’t paid J Howland, tedge at Knoxville 300 00 ‘i "OF Miller, b'gs at Doughty's mi11...954 00 Dietriet Attorney. Am't paid Henry Allen ..—...,.....,.,...214 00 Bounty on Wild Cate, Am't paid Q (Jarclner; at al ~,,,.4 50 fridge Repair!. Am’t paid B Blackwell, bridge at Blackwell’s,.. 100 } G Holmes, “ Kn0xvi11e,....90 00 " Abram Walker, ” Lew’ville...—lB 32 “ C T Bailey, “ Mansfield,, ~..45 16 ** Blackwell t Waters, Blackwell’s 65' 00 " K Bixby, bridge at Roseville 7 1 08 ' a Silas Allis “ Spencer’s Mi11.,,.13 55 " VOSponcar" “ 80 00 B C Coiagdon, bridge at Ellison's 75 00 •' Martin King, bridge at Covy Creek 660 “ Phil’r Hard, bridge at Lawrenee»ill«..4s 00 “ Abial Sly, bridge at Tioga 1..40 00 •* Henry Waters, bridge at Blaekwell’s-58, 00 !' Vml Blackwell, « “ ..70 00 >' R Sixbce, bridge al Roseville „.—5O 60 M C W Bniley, bridge at Mansfield 86 00 " Pbil’r Hard, bridge at Lawrence 38|.33 Joseph Timken, bridge at Bless, ..64 24 Court Haute Bepaire. Am’t paid H S Cook, et al Pri*onere, Am’t paid 8 I Po wer for bosd, ate 172 04 •• “ f for taking J Carl to Pob’y... 90 00 « « « Thoe Knek " ... *0 00 “ Saatern Penitentiary, for sopport of i consists for the-year 1858...- 325 42 «« «> ■* 1859....;.... 99 04 Am'tpaid Andrai, McCbain A C 0...., Merchanditt. Am’t paid GUI. Robinson, at a) Sherijf'» /'«i. . Am’lpaiiLS I Pager, aummoning Jurors IXI 00 “ - } Matboralala Sheriff, costa on suit# in favorof county 131 42 “ 3 SJalbiir, turnkey f0a5,............ 21 00 Am’t paid S Jacket for dls. Cal. Cap..-. ......13 39 “ I D Seeley « i'.'. 18 5* " Amos llixby “ 12 76 “ L D Seoleyendeavoring t* effect loan, 6 36 “ John James ‘f . “ Tiewing plans of jailalHarlb’g, itc, 3(! 70 “ Amos Eixby ido 48 84 " John James, sap. building j*i1....v,,,-.20 l.| “ E ChriiUaat, moving wood-. 6 00 “ L Chapman, express charges 2 25 “■ A Barker, dis. Assessment b00k5...90 “ LD Seeley “do ......18 50 " Amos Eixby - . do 15 30 « MOf McKoeney, election laws 14 45 “ WO Eniley, express charge 5.,..,...- 175 Pamage tp Tmprovemtutt, Am’t pud C Miller... 'l* Dantiaci ASh»*r.. J/oiwy Rtfnrvded^ Am't paid E J BtuWd, et al.. 6 80 " Cbarledoo tp. beingam’lot road tax - loilectod b j G. Knox, Into Tre’sr , and not paid oyer by him.3o 20 u Bios* tp. do do BJ. 60 “ Bless whooldo do .........~115 01 u Bios* school's L Hibbard do ...» 3o 73 •' Gaines Behoof Gao. Knox, late Trcs. 23 94 41 Gjaioes school, do do 34 98 *t - Union Ip. road do do _ IJM> 41 " Richmond do do do 48 27 '• LiWty school do do il9 ' « ClytneHf. rood do do 14 30 44 Middlel»ry f* 4q SD 87 ** Wm. Buohe,, Si Oi 44 Loraio Butts ,1 .08 44 Hiram Zlmmst ;1 53 44 JG (including Com’* artgeo p for slewing,l eitsi.Ao. 98 68 Paid Davijl Hsian, at a)., for township Hon* 77 00 County Treaturrr, ' ' ■ Am'l paid 3 S Wjtrcmsjoost* on seated lands j sold th» ctfcnty, 389 18 " com. $,'(8,801 44, at 3 per feat, •' 8(104 “ 0, P Tsylor.Uts treasxjror, b»l, due , , on saUlojnent for rear 1838, ‘ 401 10 do ds' 1839, S,S7S-*7 \ #» Cotnrai«tan*tV CounteL JniUctt. - ...vw-W « ~„,...._lo 75 Stationary. incidental*. 4O DO :.„35 00 Ktw JhA Clerk of Sationn JOHN JAMES, Com’r, in Tioga Co/ DR. To County Orders a................*203 op Balsue. dnoa^countants ' '■/ ■"'! $228 74 ~ < . *" ByB9. s days’ serrieeai $2.-..—.. its 90 Bj 425 miles trarel (direct) at 8e;. ,25-'6O By balance duo from year 1859 “5 *5 ' : "' 1 l $228 74 L. P. SEELEY, Com’r, in aeo’t with Tioga Ce. DB. To CbuntyPruer5...'...............-—... -....5192 06 Balaneodue icetustant, ...i..... 121 <0 T CR. By 116 days’ terries at $2. ..232 00 By 900 miles trarel at 6c....;.,„ - 64 00 B| balance due foryear 1869 27 40 $313 40 ASIOS BIXBY, Corn’s, in aeo’t with Tioga Co. BE. To County Orders, - -..4231 62 Bftlanct dpe ascoupUnt, 9 84 OR. By fit d*pf wrrioe lit $2..., 00 By 2M Bile* travel at 6e.„, IS *4 Balaoaa do* for year 186# 41 00 $7OO 36 1241 44 A. BARKER, Com'r, in icc't with Tlogn Co. PR. To Countjr Order! '. U* BsUneo duo accountant. IT 7B qr. By,JJ d»j»' Hrrtea at $3 84 0# By ISfimilM tranl at 6« ..11 78 liosa Conjirr, aa.rWs the Commits oners ef said county do hereby certify that the forego ng is a eor, root statement of the matter therein set forth. In tes timony whereof, wo haVo hereunto set our hands this 4th day of February, 18011 L. D. SEELEY, V AMOS BIXBT. }■ Corn’s. AMAUO6E BARKER, J A. J. Somtn, Clerk. ’ JAMES S. WATROUS, Trsatnrsr of Tioga County, in account with County fjrotp Jan. 10, 1800, to .112 00 , Jan. 17, 1861. ToouUtand’g spa’d tales for year 1861, $ 1144 do ; do do 1852, , 126 81 do -do do 1854, ■ 9 -53 " do do - do 1357, 620 02 do do do 1858, 49 97 do do do 18p9J 814 66 Amount of seated tax as seised, 1860, 1 12,289 79 Am't ree. on unseated I'ds as p bill, 1868 J 2,067 57- do do do . 1859 J 2,196 63 do from salo of unseated land 1860, , 675 65 do from sale of sealed land, 1860, 180 -27 .. do from seated land returned !. 389 44 do [ from redemption el seated land 181 24 de ; l on judgments, etc. 33* 90 dp . Crum money refunded . j , 2 6(1 do Of I6sn (for building of jail) 'i 9,530 83 do roe’d os-premium onexoSaogtß '35 74 Bslanse'daaaaeeojotaat by county - j 2,060 90 ' - ! $31,530 00 *1,264 00 1 CR. By outitandlng silted taxes for year 1851, $ 11 47 'fa' do -•’ 1852, 126 81 do do 1 ;854 r ‘ .9 63 By eomznhilon allowed collector* 1857, 18 03 By outstanding seated taxes 1857, 579 49 By abatements made _ 1358, 3 66 By amounts outstanding . 1858, 33 81 By abatement* made , 1859, 208 13 By commission allowed collector* 1659, 227 51 By amounts outstanding 1859, 163 28 By abatements made. iB6O, 266 79 By commission allowed collectors 1860, 88 55 By amount* outstanding iB6O, 2,197 46 By amount of CommißsioDers receipts I for orders cancelled June 13, 1860, 6,863 51 do . do January 10, 1861, 17,757 06 By a*t pM O V Taylor, in full ofjudg4 meat on settlement of 1859 I $823 28 do do 1359 j do com. on $26,801 at 3 par sen* | ' $31,530 00 W«, the undersigned, Anditers of Tipg. county, having audited, settled and adjnatad the afaoyw “■ counts of JamesS. Wstroos, Treasurer of .aid coun ty, do hereby certify that wo found aa| above stated, a balance duethe accountant of two thousand and fifty dollars and ninety cents. Witness onit hands this 17th day of January, A. D. 18? 1. i ' J. I. JACKSOIT, ) C. F. VEIL, i > Auditors. D, T. GARDNER,) Weiliboro, February 4, 1861. [ < $776,50 ..78 51 ..63 S» A Novelty in the Alt World! PHOTOGRAPHS UPON PORCELAIN. $253 42 Secured by letters patent is the United States, Kogfond, France, and Belgium. THE , AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHIC FORCE LAIS COMPANY, Ko. 78l Broadway New YORK, their novel and iiigrnions Invention by American aqd Eprope+n jjato&U, are fatty P* *pof®d to «X -acate all orders for ** ’ f MißtATui* Lftttiato or Pzsson p 5 Cmiu, ptOTOttting MI the attractive and advantageous features of or dinary photographs, tho brilliancy and finish oYa water-col or drawing, and a hitherto unattained quality of durability, by being rendered a* Imperishable as the| qataral properties of the articles npon which they afe transferred. As the patented process of tno Company enahtes tho repro dnetion of phologfaphs, not only on plain surfaces, but npon such as are round'or of any degree of irregularity—portraits can be reproduced wifh faultless accuracy, and delicacy of delineation, upon porcelain wares of ahyi description and di me4«h»n used as articles of luxury or of household utility, such aa j Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups, Toilet Article*, 4c. thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing ah unique nod exquisite style of ornamentation ofjarlicles ia domestic use. $217 83 SJ6 00 In order to farm **»adi Tor fctJrtiuv -- - popular taste, and to meet the wants of jtnose patrons of the tfiijef Atta desirtf&s oT having portraits oii pdrcel*ifc t the Com pany have imported from Europe a collection of superior porcelaTu to their own order, trhicb they sell at cast prices' J As the American Company afeow*ora of thj patent light* aud consequently U»e oqly-persons authprited to use the pro c«sfe,'tftey n&va detirmfowi,isrordcf to afford people lq ere* ry scctiup of the XJhkm an opportunity jtq possess Ports arts oy cam a, to rv&9 the following proposition to ! Residents in the Country, who an anab}e to tisit personally the Atelier and Gal* leriea in New York. Persons sending a p&otogragh, smbrotypo or d*g«*rr*o* tym to Jfio o#ic© of the Company in Netr York, accompanied by Fits Dollaxs. I wfH reeelre In return by express, free ofchfcrgs, A richly ornamented Qre&'hfast Cup and Sau cer, with the portrait transferred thereon. By transmittipf t dagnemwlypo «nd * | ’ Tx* Doiixxa, • $033 19 they Wjll stem* !h liVo njanner, A handsome French Vase, or Toilet Article, with the portrait reproduced by the patented proeeee. By sending a pair of and rirrssa BouJUtS, they will reeelre in return | A pair of rich Serrea Vase», with the portrait* executed equal tbjminiatnre p»tn>lß|[»; Bnd, ifa like manner, portrftitvcan he reproduced on porce lain wore* or Vasot of erery quality jof Aufah, ranging to price from twenty to one hundred dultara the pair. N. B.—Be particular in writing the addreaa, town, county and atate diitlnctly. | All letter* to be ad rowed fa t > ; “Manager, American f'So tpjrirpnie Pnrtelafn C 0.," • - ,81 Broadway, nor!m3 300 *1 ; 7 88 I : 106 00 ADM INISTRATOH’S NOTlCE.— Letters of ’ Administration having hewgtanted to the sub scriber,on tbs estate of Fanny Gfeonleef.late of Detmar township; dso’d. notice is hereby given to those in debted to said,estate to make i)nine‘l' ntl! payment, and those having claim*. to present them properly authen ticated for settlement to the subscriber, in Deimar. Jsn. W. 18#l. JACOB HILTBOLD, Adm’r. — ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-letters of administration having been granted to the sub scriber, on the estate of George Mattison, late of Far mington township, dep’d, notice is hereby given te those indebted to said estate to make immediate pay. meat, and those having claims' to present them prop erty authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. ' , B. MERIT, .AdmV, Farmington, Pea. 9,‘1880.* ■ • Groceries,-- Owcrj ns J ftnij*Ww «xjt«Wonntala Atb, H«uCtate nnt, Balsam of Hr, Scotch HcJSnropoan Sileer Fir, Koras/ Spruce, Siberian and American Arbor Vitas, Barth, *9. ■ SHRUBBERY—HoIIy leaTedßerttorry, Chinese Walgalla, Spiraea pro nl folio, Dentils, Green Forsythi*.. ROSES- Baltimore Belle, Pralrio'jQfueen. GOOSEBERRIES—Of sercral cboico rarietle*. CURRANTS-icßerry, Bed, and White. We would In rite all who are in want of any of tlia troee, tc., to call ami too them for their own aatlafaetlut. ' ■ ■ ’ B. <3. WICKHAM. - JOHN T. BUWDOOOB. Tlopt* Aug. 23, ISCOjrl FASHIONABLE MAIN WELLSBORO. MISS PAULINA SMITH has jast purchased ktr PALI, AND WINTER GOODS, ■ting ' of Strdwi of all Binds, Pattern Bloomer Hats, Plow'ers,; Telrets, Silks el all kiadife and infect ' ALL KINDS ;0P TRIMMINGS, she solicits a call from tbo ladies of Weilsbore sal ▼ieinity, fooling confident that ; HER GOODS WILD BEAR INSPECTION, and compare favorably with;those of any establish ment in the county in regard to price. par BLKACRLSG AND PRESSING dene hi superior manner. ' ' S3t~ Boom Opposite iEtspiro S|?re, up-stairt. Sept, in', 186!)’;"''' 'j ' , - i - p ' ' NEW' BOOT. SHOE, LEATHER A FINDING STOBB rjTIHE undersigned, baring leased the store formally I. occupied by G, Wt West, intends carrying ea il the branches of the shoe and leather trade.' Compe tent rrprktnep are Employed in the Manufacturing De partmentj and aliarork warranted to be enr own maa ppfacturt. ’ ' j ' Also, all kinds of READY-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, constantly on band. AU kinds of Leather aid lUI - Findings, also constantly on band and fi»r sal* al I*9 prices for cdeb or ready pay. HIDES apd PELTS taken etthe Highest market price,' Welliboco, Sept. S,. 1860, VTQTIGE I§ HEREBY GIVEN tfcnt a Spa cial Court will be held alt the, Court Homo, ia Wellsboro, by the Hod. David Wilmot, commencing on the fourth Mondayof March next,' to continue one week, for the trial of the following eaoaei, under the provisions of the aot of Assembly of the 14th April, 1834. J. F. DdNALDSON, Freth>. , January 18,1861::w»* , *_ ‘ 1 Samuel M Fox vi, J Thpmpion . Qeo Wallace «t al v«. tlnsche' ’ - - 8 Pierce vs. J Duffey et at Sobeiski 801 l n Stephen Babeeek Tioga County 7 s Bryden’e Adm’r Bingham Truiteei J N. Babho Sarah L Keene Amos Bixby Bingham Tnuteei Bingham Trustees A S. Turner 404 10 804 04 Bingham Truiteoa M M Converse Bank of N. A. for Bi Bingham Trn«U«s SELECT SCHOOL. O; 88. STBBBINdj Teacher. The SfEisa Tibsc will oammeno* Pshroaty Jlli» 1861. I TUITIi PflnHuy Branches........ Common English,., Higher Branches, Board and rooms in privs Tory low prices. No pains this' school equal to any ii WostfisM, all you who spend the gay and thoughtless thi sclres for (he responsible do Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa, Ji FLOjURI ON HIX.V HEAR HOLL The subscriber* having c< story Grist and Flouring Mi Floaty Meal and in qm cosjrok of kind; on short no :ice. »nc fnil to please. I have THE almost constantly employed, of iny wotk sill pro ro bene well as myself. December S, 18€0 ; Valuable Beal 1 THE Subscribe! offers known as the ORIGOS FA] boro* ottd Mansfield Road, onfi containtag.2lo acres, all pood ft improved, with a frame! barn an sell cheap for ca*£ or upon reaa ■property near Stony Fork. ‘ For funhef prticnlari apply t< Morgan Dart, Charleston, or the Stony Fork, Oct, Z, 1860.—-3 to. WALD PAPER i WALL PAPER i wallipape: WALL k* Latest styles wad largest t ever brought m Wellsboro.* above nop be found Window i soon at , - i I Wellsboro, April Sth, 1560 CARPETS AKD Oil yon good to see the pall attha ‘ Wellsboro, Pa, I ' Bim>m BOOKS, Jlagarines and im Su perior Styles. Universal facilities enable as to ptebs ail. .Call and see at the BOOKSTORE. PEDLSRS will find it to their advantage te eail »t Hoy’s Drag Store, as he has Just received a large supply of Essential Oils and Essences, aD blade which he is soiling very cheap for cash. ■ IMPROVED FARM; —The subscriber offara for-sale a farm on Middle Ridge, in Delmar town, ship, known as the Polilus Wilson* place, containing (12 acres, 45 acres improved, frame house, frame bars and apple orchard. i . This farm is pleasantly located, and will bo sold on easy terms., Wif. BACIIH. Wellsboro, Jan. 16, !1861tf. Mansfield Flooring Mill. : THE people o Msnsilald ana TicUlilT are hereby aettied mat said MILL haridst'been repaired, and pat la per feet order, baying. thrcs ryn of iton© and a- A/*** Qrain Septtridor, wbftTi.wtn appamtViiH fonl seed fto» consequently U» beat of tfork cad and. will J* <*©*•. ! chants and farmer* are invited to try thi* Mill, and #tet rate work will be warranted by * _ 0. KRLI.T, fcfaH kink, efßnWetttfolv'. TjEAJPT MADE CLOTHING.-tA Wrg<» itjtnok'OD'v (in fenjift f"r tl\ti fn'l nnd *im»r tr*de. IT SBOft exchange for Ceade JOS. BIBBKOLB. Jobs Hiramlmche Stephen Potter AC Ely Tl. VI. VI. ▼a. Amo* liijby Sarah L Xmii , Anion Back at at Timothy Brae* at at John Drew at 'al . ▼a. TS. ▼a. ▼a. ya. pbadiah Bobinaea ri, Henry Colton OnUXRTj LIST. videoo ri. J Dufley at at I ri. Alex Matthon. , 4* 40 s oo ,..._ 3 30 ito families furtiilhed it will be spared to snake i the scoot/. Come ta your time and (old in ong, and prepare /aer ies of life. 0. M. STEBBINB. Pen. 33, 1881, ; *G MIL-L CREEK, DAYVILLE. ip pitted hi» Urge time j, is prepared' to famish otitles to snitporokuer*. WORK on terms which esnnet BE RUN OF STORE, and t am sure that a trial ioial to tpe enttoaer »■ 0- ?■ MoCLURB. . Estate for tale. 'or sale the large farm IIM. Sitnatod near the Wells* mile east of WblUterriUe, i rming land, abopf 10 acres 11 a log boose thereon, will i iuable time, or exchange ter H. W. Williams, Weilahere, subscriber. H.B.HASTISOa. ■APEK : ALL PAPER "WALL PAPRR raortmsnt'bf'trail papar la oonnection with tit* ibadea of kit kindit Cali ’ WM. H. SMITH. CtOTHS.i—h'll d(* r crni and learn tha privM REGULATOR.