y n .;..k I t W ■■ ■ . ;i FOR SALEP [ WICKBJOIk&It&BttDGDOD, 19 l5 .. TipdAjoilNTT, EA.,‘ • • »,* » j ri.i tUmr-or > w -1 TREES; etc. ~ tra large else. If deairecU Standard trees m bearing. • APPLES—A great supply of the shoiccat kinds. Four. diffi^Jdndtof^«tb>^7 / .. .f-. y PLUMS —A Large sa|mly of ■ k %I«ERRt^^A-ix^»ivfaSjrtl| e w-6fe6 kiada. 1 ,jael»(a»«Ps},Cancofa.. , v . | I Monstato Ad., JtwwChw -5 T nnU. Balaam of-Ffr,Scotch Fir, European Silver Ft&Korway ‘Bunich,BlbeHatr aud American Arbor Vltae,liarcSrAc. SHRUBBERY—feIIy Imwhlßerberry, ChintM^rdfdti, 5 ;Bjrfra*» pn ni folio; Ifeifeia, Hnca Tony tbla. I ~ ■ ROAEt— Baltimore Belle, Praidß Qtjeen. i - , i . .«OOBEBERRIEjS-Qf;MTeralchoice variatio*. ■ rfe«UR**NTS-fettJ7,Bed,and Whitt, i j - . . -4v>wowM invite »1 who are in want of any of tbeT. .iraevAa./to.call aollisee them ibr thetr own satlifOctioe. l ir . B, C. WJCKHAiM, ,: ®og», Ang. 22, IStkJjX JOHN I. BLOOBQOOD. : ~ ThSBXWISVB amiINERT SHOfe~ * - MAIN 6T., WELLSBORO. • j. PAOLWA SMITH lias just puNshtuei her :iVr . ’FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ? obiulsting of Straws of nil kinds, Pattern Hate, .IJloomer Hats, Flusters, Velvets, Silks of"au kinds, "anlinfact ' ;ijj ' - I - - -ALL Eli|pS OF TRIMMINGS. she solicits ft call • From' the ladies ef Wollsbbro and Vicinity, feeling confident that . | V WILD BEAR INSPECTION, and compare with those of an j establish ■jmmt in.tho cooijtylin regard to priee. i - 1 J : %St- BLEACHING AND PRESSING dtice fat a , euperiormaDner. ]. )fS~ Room iOpnpsito Empire- Store,. np-staiis. ■ Sept. 19, ISjBO. |N • - j I KTelw i BOOT, SHOE, | LEATHER FINDING HtORE. fjhHE undersign having leaded the etore firnierly ’ Jt occupied hy tfi. W, West, intends carrying oa'al 'tliahranohc* df th ? shoe and 'leather trade. iCompo » tent workmen, areemployed in the Manufacturing D«- • partment, and! all Work warranted to be oar eiwn ma nufacture.- ■ il | Alio, all kifldatjf ' ! ■ ! r. rfEADIf-MAOE BOOTS AND SHOES, : constantly on}ians. _ All kinds of Leather atd-She* »rladings, also coplitantiy on hand and for sal* at low prices for cash or iready pay. | HIDES and PBfcTS taken, in exchange for Good! , atthe highest market price. JOS. KIBEEjOLK.- Wellsbdro, SepU 5, 1860. | FAMILY LIQUOjRS. VM, & CO.j * Importers and Wholesale Dealers in | Brandies, wjlnes, Gins and Sugars, tagleare to call Uhei attention of the citizens of the '-Vailed Sutcs to, Pore Wines and Llquprs, put tip tinder their ow|4 supervision, for Pamily and Mo ♦ jdiolnal use, in cases alssur&ed to suit customer?. 1 Clubs, „ Jlilitary and qt-ier public bodies, who reqairelto par chase In largeeor &mll quantities, in casks or . wiH he liberally dealifwith. Price List aenUon ap plication. | \ . >‘ 1:1 r Old Bitters.' - tjjr the first physicians as t|ie best remedy .known fdr Dyspepsia, Indigestion, . and allXcrvobs Diseases. As a beverage, it vs pure, . ~*-bole»ooi6,.aild delieiona to the taste. I Sold; by all Druggists. IWiIJ B. MOREHOUSE i, CO., Prop’rs, ■b; ;■ |j| 3i 6 Exchange Plaph, v, | fij Jersey City, -N. J. c P. S.—The jsubstri hers wish to engage a fe4 active men, os Local aniji Traveling Agents'for theiil.faonie, ■ to whom liberal inducements will be offered. For par , tioulari, address w above. l{l-3m ’WjELLSBfd>RO FOUNDRY >KD' MACHINE SHOP; f FULL BLASjT. kljoi? N 6, late of the firm of Tabor ' fi> Tioga, takes this rnethoU to in form. (hePublic tnkt he has leased the \ ' Foundry and Machine Shop, j SH theVillage.of Wellsboro, for a term pfyedrs, and bawig pot It la g tod naming order, is prepared to do all kinds of work', usually done at such an osjabUsh v' merit* in the best t ianner and oat of the test material. TWBWTv|VeAHS EXPEEIENOE! He has bad ovp: { twenty years’experience inithe bu ffi nessand will hafte the work, entrusted to hisa, done directly undoij ■ « ' x* JVb icdrk jiyiW be sent out hat/JinUhed,\ - PLOWS. STAVES. ' Md oMtingß.otVnUkindß on band and t(i order. i May-28, J857.il ji , . ; ROBERT YOfNG. FIibuRING MILL! ■ t ON hills cheek, 1, NEAR HOLEIDAYVIIiLB. The subscriber, [having completed bis large three story Grist and Flouring Mill, is prepared toTfurnish Flour. Meal and teed in quantities to suit purchasers. CUSTOM WORE ! of kinds on short notice, and on terms which loannot fail to please, I have THREE RUN OP STONE, almost constantly employed, and I am sure that a trial of In y work will move beneficial to the 1 customer as well as myself, jU 0, P. McCLERE. December 5, 1860. . 1 > Talaablcißeai Estate for Sale. THE Subacritier offers for sale the largh farm known as the dIHIGGS FARM, situated near tl*e Wells boro* and Mansfield-Road, one mile-east of Wbilfceyville, contain IngYlu aerial! good farming land, about 4o acres Improred, with a frame barn and a log house thereon, will •ell cheap for cash or upon reasonable time, or exchange for property near Stony Fork. • \ For farther prticnlars apply to U. W. Williams, Willsbore, Morgan Hart, Charleston, or the subscriber. [ , Stony Fork, Oct. 3,1860.—3 m. H. 8. HASTINGS. '. WALL PAPER i WALL PAPER | WALL PAPER | WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER I ' WALL PAPER ' Latest styles and largest assortment of vail paper* ever brought itt Wellsboro.’ In connection the above Can be found Window Shades of all kinds. Call soon at , WM. H. SMITH. Wellsboro, April sth, 1880. | MIRRORS! | MIRRORS! f MIRRORS! JUST received at SMITH’S BOOKSTORE, the largest and best, assortment of Mirrori over brought to Wellsboro. People who wish "to see themselves as others see them," will please call and fjMfitint. ‘ ' ' t ' nuu»(i«id Flom-ins nill.j TQK people o Mansfield and vicinity are hereby Notified > coat Raid MILL lias just been repaired, and pot U» per* 1 ftet order* having three rim of stone and 1 a Paltry 9ratn* Separator, which will separate all fool seed from the grata, eon«eqoeotljr tlie best of work can and wiU"bs~dons. MeK chants and larniere are invited to try this Mill, and flm rate work will be warranted by - J, 0. KELLY, Mansfield, Augn*tiB, J 1859. ' Mlllsr. MST N. 6. Cash paid for all kinds of Oraia at BINDING. | BOOKS, Magazines and Newspapers bouudiin Su perior Stylos. -Universal facilities enable us to picas all. Call and see et tbe BOOK STORE. PEDLERS will find it to their advantage to call at Roy’s Drug Store, as he has Just received a large enpply of Essential Oils and Essences ali< kinds which he is selling vary aheap for cash; t - Carpets aktd floor oil cloths— A Urgo assortment now on band and far sale erry cheap hr / W'. A. ROB S> ’CO. « . Wellsboro, Oct/Jl, 1880, .^Al?EEKftfel>^:S.'J IBpd.^Th^.oWeet of s urranlion is : &»pply' aL srsjce t Jnjsuch ft .manner thatjurticjes. altered., fo£ the wjp'd -1069, 804 raided it, may lowered? W»|h faciUly; the hitherto slow and tedious manual revjßrse_mdive raent of and thblnventidn at tbe -aame lime admitting of the, operator haring .complete control over tiie descending movement of the ■articlebeing-lowered, The Invention is applicable'to purposes j its use m connection with’ wells may be mentioned-as an whjefe the buck .eU, after-being emptied, pmy beeasily low ered; and at the proper time, 40 that. they, will ; not violently atrike the witer.—£«- tuiifie American, ,’ - - ? v r .. ~ jpor .the purpose of. Raising and LoworipgßuckeU .in WeUs> it,i# decidedly! • v l THC QHEATEST IMPROVEMENT OF "p*t AGE. The Brake acts at a check upon the bockwird motion of the bucket, without turningjbe crank. (the crank aetlngas a brake, by pressing Inward at tin handle.). All *5 ho examine this machine, will at once acknowl edge iU ■ , 1* ;' AND SUPERIORITY. lOver every other machine in "use, .The operation of the windlass is easily cun trolled wilh/and requires but o.kehahd. It combines allthp advdntages|>f the old-I .fashioned with the self-emptying bucket,land .adds many new and useful. Improvements. It dan be ad apted to veils of any depth, and will raise easily, with ordinary turning, five water jptfr minute! from wells of ordinary deptb,.and ip the same proper jtlon to the depth of twd hundred feet. . r The windlass and brake is also applicablejto raising and lowering anylcind of weight, and in evdry respect Is far superior .to those heretofore in use. T Havi*i purchased the right for the Countjea of Tio ga and j otter. Pa., tho undersigned are prepared-to offer for 1 ale townshipidghts for the manufapture and sole of © above improvement, on reas|oDßl|e terras. ’ t . a. Bixar, Oct. i,186D. ; I li. D f SRELEY. ~ CORNING j FI. E & LIFE INSURANCE OfFICE, digenow * Thompson, agents, AETNA FIRS INS_UFANCE VOMPAN B Of Hartfovd, Ct.—tjapital $|,OOO,OQO. BAItTfORB FIRE INSURANCE COMPANt— Capital, $500,1)00. PA (ENIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Hartford, Ct.—Capital, '' , $150,000. PEOPLES PIPE INSURANCE COMPANY f Of New York City—r Capital |5150,000 NEW ENGLAND FLEE INSURANCE CO. Of Hartford, CL j $225,000. FIRE INSURANCE C|o. I Of New York City,—Capital ' $200,000. MASSASOIT FIRE INSURANCE CO. ,[■ Capital, r $200.000. HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCECOMHANT, f Capital, $l5O/000. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. J Accumulated Capital, $1,500,000. The subscribers are prepared to issue poliaies : uf in saranoe on the most favorable terms in the amove Well known and. reliable Stock Companies. , | Farm buildings insured for three years low as any good companies; ‘ " | All losses-will he promptty adjnßteddndpeidftt this office. Applications by .mall will receive prompt at tention x | WM. L. BIOjSLOW, Oct 13,1859. , 0. H. THOMPSON, P. J. FARRINGTON] Surveyor. j* WILLI Am WALKER T HAi A | SPLENDID LOT 6F WHOLE BUFFALO EOBES LOWER TEAK EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS MARKET ! Whole Robe* fro in $3 to $8 hie HAT AND 1 CAP ST(|)B.E, CORNING, N. T. Jannary 2,-188T, (. I £lll E fOUKDBV ~ AND MACHINE SHOP, CORNING, N. Y. . 1 WM. E. ROGERS & CO., PROPRIETORS. of Steam Engines} Boilers, Morticeing and Tetnoning Machines, Mill Gear ing and Machinery, Plain and Ornamental Aron Win dow Caps, Sills and Casings, Door Cops, and tall kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. Also Manufacturers on a large scale of ' , j . JEFFREY’S CELEBRATED DOUBLE-ACTING FORGE PtJMP, | The, beat in t uso for all ordinary purposes send co*ii taining with the other qualities that of a superior Fire Engine. ‘ i ALSO—Manufacturers of the celebrated ‘|Hawkins Shingle Mills”-ythe best now in use* • I Orders solicited by letleror otherwise. | v< >«>•« »»»•»•.»• 0 WM. E. ROGERS* £ CO. Coming, N. Y., Sot. 10. 1859. ly. | WELLSBOBO’ ACADEKtY. Wollsboro', Tioga County, Pcnna. ; MAEINOS N. AU.EN,A. M.; ■ ■ Principal. Miss Ctnthls. FakMEB, ----- Prectptreet. Miss L. Lucinda Ali.es, .. - - - Asritimii. Miss Josephine M. Todd, - . Minis Toucher. The Academic year will bo.divided into three Terms of 14 weeks each. h . • 4 I , ■Winter Term commences Monday, Bee. p; closes Friday, Marohi 15, 1861. „ | . TuUioii.—Term of M Weeki. Primary - - - {52,00 Common Branches, l - - - - | 4,00 Higher English, - - - , .. I 5,00 Languages, *• - - - | 6.0* Instrumental music (extra) Term of 12 weeksl 0,00 Board and Blooms in private families furnished at reasonable prides. Students wishing to board them selves may also obtain Rooms in private families. The success (that has, attended- the efforts of Prof. Alien as a teacher in other institutions in which he has been engaged encourages the Trustees |o antici pate entire success in hisi connection with t|e Wells, boro Academy.! ' i I The primary department will be nnder tlfe care of Miss Allen, whose time will be given exolwiveiy to the children placed under her charge. | There will iwj formed a, TEACHER’S CL LSS, the instruction of which to be ont of the regnli ir school honrs, but no extraxbarge mado. ■ Rills of Tuition are tobo'paid at orbcfor* the mid. die of each Term. By order of Trniees, J.,F DONALDSON, £nn’t. ITellsboro, November t, 1866. ‘ * TAIVABLE FABIdISG E-ISDS POE SALE. THE nnddrsignod is now offering to settlers a large qaantity of farming ii nds, sit uated farm two] to fifteen imiles’distance froii Wells boro, in Deimar, Shippen, Morris and Elk to wnships, Tioga Co., Pa.; I , Tbo lands are generally well watered, goodsoil, and In a healthy pakt of the gauntry, and will hi sold in lots to suit purchasers and on very liberal 1 arms of payment. i ’ ! For further j particulars inquire of the i owners,- Messrs. -Phelps, Dodge A Cor, 19 and 31iff St., New York, or of tbs subscriber. j JOHN DICKINSON, Agent Welisboro, OcL 3, 1860-yl . ; \ THE: LAST INVEHTE», - BEST AND CHEAPEST BPEINQ BHD IN* TJSBI MORE olseSe than feathers, and lighter and more durable, i Price,* only $4.00. For salejhy 6 i • E. Di WELLS, Lawrene eville. Evening Ration otthe daily tribune for aitty cent! a montbat • . >i, 40 { SMITH’S BOOK S^ORE. ANEW ARTICLE OF STOVE POLISH.—For Bela at Roy’s Drug store. „ £ MITCHELL’S SYRUP OF IPECAC. rJir Holds, Pewghv, froup As., At Ety’sJJrag Store, UTMf<'lO'e Ki TiOTOTTAA)<3)tTAS:ft@. BOOR STORE 1 BOOKS ! Hy RR ! AH FO R SMITH f 1 VBE having purchased ofß. E. Boh ; -li. k iuson his inierrrL inthe Book und StlUioDenr ho 'iflioesa, would respectfully inform the public of hi s de j»iro to carry on . ]lj _ . IA. OENEHAt >TE'WS ROO» ; ANB BOOK STOEE, drherc he will furnish, ! AT- THE 01xl> STAWI>, opposite C. &. Osgood’rSlore, or bymail, the fojlo win] newspapers and Majjaiines, atthp publisher’s rails. S ' DAILIES served'BY CARRIERS. | New York Tribune, j ’ ’’ Herald, ; ' 1 ;' Times, News,'. . World, , WEEKLIES. [few York Ledger, i \ Warerly Magasinc, " ' iilercnry, Thompson's Reporter; . 4< Weekly,; Life Illustrated, Welcome finest, ! ■ Wilke's Spirit, Century, i ; . Porter’s , “ Scientific Boston Pilot, Frank Leslies’, ij ] True Flag, N. Y. Illustrated News, Irish American, Harper’s Weekly, jj . 1 Litteil's Living Age, Wsrerly Magaiine, j Thompson’s Reporter. / MbNTHUES.' Harper’? Magaiine,| ’ Qodoy’s Lady’s Book, Frank Lollies’ Magaxine, Peterson's Magsxine, Atlantic Monthly, j 1 , Arthur’s Magaxine, Eclectic Magaxine, 1 Ladies* Repository, All the Year Round, 1 Ladies' Visitor, Knickerbocker, i ‘ J Pickles, ;Bndget of Fun, j 1 ; Pbnnny Fholldw. i Alio, will be kept constantly on hand, a com eto repository of CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL,' POETICAL, i SCHOOL AND; MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Book*, Paper Hanging*, ! SHEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, ! : , ! la every kind; of business there are some things that are called Leading Articles, and so we find is this that ■ j BLACK CLOTHS AND CASSIUERISS, aic what almost Everybody wants ahd without which no establishment can dress up its customers in truly Elegant Style. Ofjtbese be has a great abandonee aiid as deeply dyed ais any Democrat or Black Repub lican you Can find in Itfae land; while in ![ FASfO'iT; COLORD CLOTHS, h|L suoruaent lajnoj li»ss varied than the puli tic* of the numerous ranging all the way from genuine administration down to rankest opposition. In his ejection of goods for Over Coatings be is remarkably fojrtouate both as. to j , , STYLE AND DURABILITY. !He has not only. * large Stock of Quods, bat bis fa.’ ciiities for niaimractoring them were never better, having secured in Mr. Ten Eyck a must EXCELIIjiKT CUTTER. Aiid in every other |department the most competent help. 1 Confident that he can offer advantages to hU customers not excelled by any in the trade, and deter mined to make ibis establishment one of the best in , this section of country, he invites the attention of the people of Tioga j County - who are in any way in need of a good, ;comforiable. girlish nnd durable ear mbnt. j. mna robxnson. .{Corning, N. Y., Nov. 10, l-'dO. Ready made clothing.-a Stock now on hated f»»r the full and winter trade and will be sold very cheap by W. A, ROE A CO. Wetlsboro, Oet. Sli, 1860. /Ijj'fiN THOUSAND BARRELS I.cf Sir) *-i Perk at $lO per barrel, or 10 ns. per pound, a Of| ' ‘ REGULATOR ■' AL COLLEGE • LOCATED OVER TBE SOgQUEBAESA VALLET BASK, BINfiBUUHTbN, N. % faculty. o D towsiL, PrindpaKProfrsaorof theßfclencaof Accounts, 'Practical Accountant, mitltorof* Loa'eiP* Treatise open • Book-Keeping, mngi-nma illustrating the emnei Ac. Jobs U.UiKiN, Commercial AccouuW&t, frufessor of Book- Keeping and Praclicul.MiulieoiJuics., ).* j, j: Udbtis, Assistant Teacher In'tbe Book-Keeping De -■ pamnenf. ' ’ v ' 1 _ ' ' _ A. J. WAttxxß, Professor of Practical and Ornamental Pen* 1 s , nmnaliip, CbmmerdalCalctlUiiQßs.a'ul Correspondence. LECTUREBS. . ' • Hon. DasislS. Dicusfioa, Lecturer on Commercial Law ana Political Economy. i » * i . Hod. llaxsox BilcvXj Lecturer on Contracts, PrommiSßary Kb\e* and Bills of'3*ch*bg«. \ Eev. Df] JS. Axnasws. Lecturer on CmnmerdarßUiio*. ■ • S EXAMINING ■ . „ • Hoir: D. Pmiipa, Wx. .K* Esq., * T»act B. Jionqaif, Bsq., Wat. E. Tatw>b. of tbe,flrm ot Taylor, W eed A Co., D. D. Dentqb, of the ’firm of Jackson, DelrtOa A Jlarks.De WUIC. Striker ' The object of this College is tb afford to all an opportunity of obteSfifng a thorough bsuiness educotion. - The books nod forms are carefully, arranged, by practical 1 accountants expressly for this Xnsltntlon and embraces all ! the recent Improvements. . ' . i The course of instruction oomprfaea every department ot 1 business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the aciencO and practice of Double Entry Book-Keepingw applied to the following kinds ,of business.. vi*;—General Merchandising, 31annfacturfhg, inking, Commission. 8 team boating. Ball* i reading. Forwarding? Freighting: Foreign Shipping, Ac. J Y 0056 Mem can qm»lhy.then£f«elves In a short time at this ! institution to EU Important and lucratlra aitualions. Am ple references can be given where graduates of. 1860 are now , filling desirabe situations with salaries varying from $5OO to $l5OO per annum. . , - The Proprietors are In possession of testimonials from some of the first commercial liontos in the State, to whom they have furnished book-keepers, showing their entire satisfac tion and confidence in the ability of the graduates of this institution. . . PgauANSHiP. in all Its branches, tanght by the most skillful ■ and tlur ough masters of.the art. No college in the bouutry - enjoys a higher reputation in this department. ** u Ladies Departmentendrely separate from that of the gen* | tlemen. * , . Students can enter College at any time—no vacation.* Time to complete the course from 8 to 10 wefeks. Students, passing the reqnislte’exiunfnation are presented with the most elaborate and elegantly engraved Diploma issued by any commer la! or classical institution in tiie Union. Assistance rendered to graduate* in procuring sitnatirns. . terms of Tu'tiun. price of,board, testimonials from graduates filling situations, Ac n send for circular con taining full particulars. 13yl A SUPERLATIVE TONIC,ptURETIC, DYSPS-P^q iMYICOBATiK&CORDIAL To ,the Citizens of New Jersey and Penn’a. APOTHECARIES, DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES Wolfe** Pure Coynat Brandy. Wolfe'* Pure Jifttdena, Sherry anrl Port Wine, Wolfe * Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Run l, Wolfe's Pure Scotch and frith Whiskey. ALL IN BOTTLES.—I bp£ leave to call the citizen’* of the United States to the aSove Wines and 1 Liqnura imported' by Jdolphu W»>lfe. of Now York, whose i name U fnmiliiir in this country for the purity of biscele i braled-Seheiiiaoi i*clmppa. Mr. Wolfe, iu his letter to me, i spending of the purity oChls winei and Liquors, says: •• I ' will stake my reputation as a man. my standing as k a mer -1 ctmnt'-of thirty years’ residence- J n ieC»ty of New York, that I that all the Brandies nnd wines which 1 bottle nrS-purc as ! imported ..and of the best quality, anc can be reliedsipon by j •'■ery.purcboser.” Every bottle has.the proprietor’snameon I the wax. and a foe simile of his signnAturo on the certificate. 1 The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for i themselves,— For sale at Belarl by all Apothecaries and Qro 1 cere in Philadelphia. GKOHGE 11. ASHTON. No. 833 Market St.. Philadelphia, , Sole Agent for Philadeljihia. - i Read the followiog from the new York Conrier : i ExqrmohS Rusik&h 'ucone New York Merchant.— Weare happy to inform our cllow citizen*. .Imt there Is one place incur city where .he physician, apothecary, and country merchant, ran go qpd purchase pure wines, and Liquors, as ' imported, and o Jie best quality. W»< do not Intendlo give* iau elaborate description of dlls merchant extensive bust ness, although it will wcl 1 repay any *truuger or citizen to lyialt Udolpho Wolfe’s extensive warehouse. Nos. 18,20. and !22 Beaver street. ..nd No*. »7.19 am* 21. Marketfteld street. '! HU rtbee « Schnapps or hand /eady ;or shipment could not I hare been less than thirty ;hon*uml caseat the Brandy some | ten thousand awe* —Vintages of 18C0 to ll>u6; and tcp.thou sand liR.-e» o. Madeira. Sherry «nd Port 'Vine. Scotch and j Irish Whiskey Jamaica and .Ctofx Rum, HomCveryold’ and equal to any ir‘ .his country.' Ele also had three largo (cellars, filled with Ac., Li Cashs, under Cus-- toro House key, ready for bottling. Sir. Wolfe’s sales of jSciioappH-last year to one hundred and eighty! {thousand dozen, nod we hope that in less than two years- be Imay be eqally successful with ols brandies' and wine*. ' ! «U« onsiness merits the patronage of every lover of his lapeclm. Trivntv AmilHe* who wish pnre wines and Liquors ifor medical use. should send thc*fr orders direct to 3f r. Wolfe until every apothecary n .he laud makeup their minds to . discard tke poisonous.muff from their shelves, and replace it s jwit!» Wolfe's pure wines and Liquors, j We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small 'dealers in the country, puts up assorted coses of wines ami liquors. Such a man. and such a merchant, should besus |tainetl again*! his tenso" thousands of oppodents in the Uni ted States, who sell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. 6mo JMPORTANT TO' LADIES. WASHING NO WOHB A DBDD6&. | The undersigned would announce to the citizens of | Tioga County, that they have purchased the right of manufacturing and selling - v j MECAI’S HASHING MACHINE, which for simplicity of contraction,utility and cheap- | nesfl.reHceedß any other machine in use. It needs no other recommendation than to see it work. A boy, j , ten or twelve years of age, can- do the washing of a I j family IN AN HOUR. 'Any person in want of a • good labor-saving washing machine, can take one of, these home and do their washing with it, and it not f perfectly satisfied, they can return it I Recollect, this machine is no humbug, but an arti cle indispensable in every family. It does not wear or tear the clothes to pieces like band washing. PRICE. FIVE DOLLARS* Machines for sale at ROB A CO. S Store.' Manufactured and sold at D. STUEEOCK’S Shop, near the Academy; W. A. ROE, 1 D. SXUHROCK. Pennsylvania ffoxue, ) Wallsboro, Dec. I, 1860. | 1' Having need one of Mocay’s Washing Machine. I can confidently recommend it, and would not be with out one for any price. J. W. BIGONY. 19tf I GREAT INDUCEMENTS. I AM now prepared to wholesale FLOUR, FEED, MEAL and GRAIN cheaper than any man in tye county. As | j i I BUY FQR CASH, ! And being connected..with several large flooring es tablishments, I can afford to to supply Lumbermen and Dealers generally with a good article, and cheaper than the cheapest. ; ' *' t I have made arrangements in the city of New York so as in supply anybody and everybody with GROCERIES, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, VBRT CHEAP. COFFEE. SUGARS, TEA. FISH, PORK, And in fact anything, in-the Provision line, will be sold cheap for cash,.or exchange for grain. WANTED. . Ip,ooo. BUSHELS CORN AND OATS, . In exchange for Groceries. Call at FRED.-. R. WRLQHT-’S Floor, Peed and Provision. Stare, No, 8. Maln r St., Wellsburo, Pa. ;Johe 7, 1860. ANEW/ Large, and Elegant assortmentof OARPETINQ, Will be sold at the lowest prices, by E. D. WELLS. LMesenillr, Stpi 1?, 18W. , . A-MOTPjty.Jn-th* Art yofld). ~ •-, | PHtinskAPHS UPON IiIRCUAUI. . , ,Secoresby letter* potent lath* States, ji |ij, t. ! ' * * * England, France, and wfgium. i- r J h : rp&E ’ PHOXObBAPBIC ‘jE * VORCBtAIN COMPANY, ' No. ’7Bl ‘ BEOAftWAT ' Ntw : York. haring shewed - their, nbvet ahd-iogeptoui Innmtloo. by American arid European patents, are folly prepared toex> ecuteall, orderefor „ , j r , r -- h^ 1 • ; - ’ JJnnAiTBE' lixsNxsns hr Reasons on Cjsjka, • f •*- presenting all Uie attractivaaad advantageous OinaVy photographs/tho brilliancy and finish of a water-coir •ordrawing, apds.ldthertonnattaiuQd'quaiity of.durabilityv by being rendered as imperishable as the natorßl properties -o£ tire articlesupob which they are transferred.* -r, .:[■[ As the patented.process of the tbe repro-, Unction-of only orf plafni*rfcce«, P««ofn such a* are round or of any degree of can be reproduced wltfi faultless uceoraey/afid'WtwacyfOr delloeptiou, upon porcelain dWFiption; ; mention us£d as ’articles of iorory or of househbld utility, such as ( ’ i | •( . UrnB,VaseB,.Breiikfast Cops, Toilct thereby securing faithful portraits and fafbftfilng an unique and exquisite style of ornamentation'of articles in doaieslic , ’fot’the gntilicaUolo of tin popular taste; and to meet the wants of .those patrons of thf ?W AHrfleMrous of having portrait* oh porcelain. tSeCom pauy have Imported from Europe a oollectiou of; superior porcelain goods, manufactnmHo their owirorder, wblcbtbey tell at cost prices*..,. . , U . ■ Astfie American Company are owriers of the.patcntTight, and thfr opiy persons batfiptised to.naMtyeproJ cesc. they have ik*te'rmisgw. in order to afford people in eve ry section of the Unfon-an opportunity topriwesa ; - OS CflUfA, J . ' to make the foHowing proposition to , ' I Residents in the 'Country, who are' nnabla to visit personally the'Atelier and Gal ' leries in New York, i ' ■ Persona sendihg-a photograph, arabrotypri of daguerreo type to the office of the Company In'Xew York, accompanied Iby Five Dollars, j .j . will receive Ip return by-express, free of charge, A richly ornamented-Breakfast Cop arid* San f. '■ car, with the portrait transferred tfiereua. : By transmltticga dagnerreotypeand 1 I . ¥ . Tex Dollars, they wjl secure In like manner, A baiideome French, Vase, or Toilet Article, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. -Bj scmliog a pair of daguerrpotypeeand . | Fifteen Dollars, they will receive in return I A pair of rich ; Serrea Vases, ! with th< portraits executed equal-to miniajture paintings; arid, in like mariner, portraits can be reproduced on porce lain wares or: Vases of every quality of finish, ranging in price from twenty to one hundred dollars thri pair, ! N.B.—Cepcriicnlario writing theoddreui, town,aunty and state dlstnifctly. . ' I All letters to be adressed to I 45 s Mana-jer, American Photographic Pareelain yo., u *■ iBl Broadway, ’ : nov7m3’; New Tori 1 PURIFY THE^BLOOD. MOFFAT’S !=.-■- . VEGETABLE LIES FTX.I.B AND FHCENIX BITTJEBS. I -J TUB high and envied celebrity which there pre-eminent •Medicines haw acquired for their fhvalnible efficacy in all the Disnieta which they profess to cqre, Lai rjgudfcrei the ueunl practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of them. - - * H IN ALL CASES of Asthma. Acnte and Chronic Kbcmatfsm, Affections ef the Bladder and Kidneys. - \ . and liter complaints. In tli» south and west, where these diseases prevail, they will be fuundjinvaltf&ble. Planters, farmers aifd others, (who once use these Medicines, Will never afterwatffs be without them. i v " ' . '.; * j BIFLIOUS COLIC. SEEDS. LOOSENESS/PILES, COSTIVE NESS, COLDS AND COUGHS, CHOLIC, CORRUPT . HUMORS, DROPSIES. - j ' Zh/gpepsia.— No person with ttiis distressing disease, sb 3uld delay using these iuedlcinet»dmmediately r j Eruptions ofthe Skin. Eryslpfclas/Flatulendy.* j ftrer uwf For toi« scourge of the western country, these medicines will be found a safe, speedy arid certain Rem edy. Other medicines leave the system snbject to a return of the disease; 4 cure by tliese medicines is permanent. < Try them. Bowatiafiod and be cured. I ( F- nlnttt nf < omplexvm — [ 1‘ GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, Headaches of every kind. Inward Fever, luflamatory Kh :ma Ham. Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. Mercurial Diseases. —Never fails to eradicate*, entirely ull the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the mclat pow erful preparation of Sarsaparilla. I J NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, COMPLAINTS of all klodK. ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. Piles. —The original propriet« r of these medicines was cured of Plies of ;15 years’ standing, by the use qf these life medicines alone. j ' ' I ■ - PAINS in the head, side, back Joints and organ*.[ Pfieumaiisvtr^ Those affected with this cerri >ledisease ,wHP be sure qf relief by the Life Medicines. j I Kush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt ngs. Scroflula, or King’s Evil in Its worst forms Ulcere of ev ery description. •> , 1 j 1 Worms of all kinds are effectorally expelled by these:medi cincs. Parents will do well them whenever-iheir ejxisience ie suspected. Relief will be certain. < The Life Pills and Phaniz Bitten PURIFY THE BLOOD, I I And thus remove nil disease from the systdm. Prepared and* sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOt’FAT,-' 336 Broadway, cor. Anthony Street, New York For sale'by all Druggists. 52y1l they wjl secure in like manner, IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORSE. Published bt d. appbeton k to. 346 fit 343 Broadway, Now York, TUE following works are aont to Subscribes in Any part of the country, (upon receipt of retail price,) byimuil or express, prepaid: • j j t Tht Now American Cyclopedia, a pokier Dictionary of General Kuowiedge. &uu<*l by George Rijpiey and Charles [A. Dana, aided by a numerous select corps of |wri .ters in all branches of Science, Art, and Literature. This work is being published in about 15 large octavo rblnines, each containing 750 two-column pages. Volaf 1,11,111, IV/ V, VL Vll, VIII, and IX, are now ready, each contouring near i5OO original articles. An additional volnme will be published ouce in about three months. f . Price, in Cloth, $0; Sheep, $3,50; Half Morrbcco, $4; &alf Russia, st» each ' j 1 f t The New) American Cyclopedia is popnlar without Ming superficial, teamed, but not pedantic, comprehensive butsnf* ficlently detailed, free from personal pique and party preju dice, fresh ahd yet accurate. It is & complete statement of all that is jknown upon every Important topic witfrid tho, scope of UutiiHii intelligence. Every important article in'it has been specially written for its pages by mein wbojure au thorities up the topics of which they speak. They srfe re quired to bbng the subject up to the present moment; to state just hi wit Blandr-nme. All the statistical infotjm&lHon is from the latest reports; the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matters Include the fresbedfc just views; the biographical notices uptionly speak ol tlte dead but of the 'living. It is a library of itself. ABRIDGMENT OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS.— BClng a Political Ufstory of the United States, from]the or ganization dr the first Federal Congress in 178 b to 1856* Ed ited and compiled by Hon.Thoiims U, Benton!, from tp* of ficial Records of Congress, 1 Tho world will bo completed in 15 royal octaVo volumes of 750 pages eacn, 14 of which are now ready. An additional volume will to issued once in three months. A WAtJ OF PEOCUBIWJ TUE CVCtoPAEDIAiOI irBATIJ. Form a club of four, and remit the price of four books, and five copies will be sent at the remittee's expense for tar. rlage * or fot ten subscribers, eleven cbpies-wflt be sent at bar expense fur carriage. f TO AGENTS. No other works will so liberally reward the exertions of Agents. aW Aoext Wanted in this County. Terras made known on application to the Publishers. [Aug. 11, 59. ATTRACTIONS. H.- O O T>i PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST. SKY-LIQHT j p j Ambrotypea, Melainotypcs & Photograph!, AT WOOD'S GALLERY; j ■ . . Daguerreotypes; Ambratypea or Melninoty pr s-‘En larged to Life Size, and finished plain or colored. I' Pictures in coses for 50 cents —other sizes in pro portion, and all warranted equal to city Work. I ■■ Work done iri all kinds of weather'ezoept for "chil dren. . j . ; -1, I • . ■ Rooms over Wm. Roberts’ Tin door be low Empire Store. Wellsbdro, Oct.' 81,' 1880. • Preparatory School for Teacher*. , Wellsboro, Tloge County, Penns. J- B. BORZINOAnEi A. 8,, . . Principal. The Winter Term begins’ Tuesday, Doe. 4: 1850, nod closes Friday, Feb. IS, 1861. TUITION, Juvenile Department, ■ . . . , $g JO Common English Branches, . . <£so Higher English Branches, ■ - .1 /jO Languages, . ... ,5,06 Pupils ,of any degreebf advorcemenlreoeived.and carefully instructed. Special efforts, wlllth* made to properly qualify those designing to teaoh, for their profession, - .-Wellsboro, Pet. 81,1869. HooghloH’K liquid Pcpaio. J . FOR Dyspepsia and Indigestion. I >I - i | ' Fer sale at RoyVDnij; State. ASD ■- ■ 1 mSfVEKifIY m -. W. A, ROE S CO. '• J CIAVE ioV;,w».haiid a larg S •n - , • STOCK OB DEI GOOSs 1 consirtfog inpartof ■ Black and Figured Drey j [ GOODS, Plain andvifinrea ■■ ■. . -JsZtrSO ■■ OASHMEaJ \ MERINOESi tIXOIgS- CtOTH, OPEr a J X.ORO fe SqtJABE SHAk and in fact the b«i|.atsprtment of ; Lafiest Dress Go ever brought to'this county. Vft h,„ j, stock of , / ■ Pomestic Ooodi BVCH..AS ' Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Sibtja Tickings, Denims, Striped Shirtion™ Bed and White Flannels, °' ■ Brown and Bleached Cotton a Cotton Batting, CnrpetV . . , ' Cottpn Tarn, Drilling We bare also a large stock of doth, anj a, Satinetts, Full .Cloths, Tweeds, Kentockjv hare also a large and extensive slock ofc Ready made Clothing, 'Hats and Cip. • Shoes, Bdrdwhre, - Crockery, Glsj, Ware, 4c. We would invite the psrlicoi,/ of -purchasers to our assortment of Cvpotia Oil Cloths^which is,nndohbtedjy tbsli*/, ■to this county,- and’which will be sold st/j . mast give entire satisfaction. We * o aliT 'chasers generally to call and eiamioe oat r pries, and they will doubtiess find ti,t t ; .btiy good gooda-at low prices, is at tin non W. i-iOEi Wellshoro, Oct 31,1860. QHABLES -G. OSGOOD, Is new receiving his ' | WINTER STOCK OF gJ Consisting of 1 Dry Cloth! , GROCERIES, HARDWARE,! Hats and Caps, Boots andl IROX AMD STEEL,! . NAjjaS, FLOUI S Ai.T, AC. • I Which, for variety and extent,' is rarsly ti% ne greater inducements te purchasori csii in this section of eountry, either’ in VARIETY. QUANTITY, QUALITY 08 8 Whether for LADT, BOY 0E 0! Farmer, mechanic or Lnmba Wellshoro, OcL 31, 1860. THE REGILATO C. L. WILCOX, WOULD CALL THE ATTEXH the Ladies and GenUwmn of Welbi earvonnding country, to the inducements tri out at Ms' ~ • New Store on main Sire Called tl The Regulator,” where purqhasen’ thetfar<7«*t, cheapest and best RMnrtment of to select from.in Northern them, each as DRV GOODS ; CLOTHING, ' Hats and Caps, Boots-and SI GROCERIES, CROCKER rxsa, pork, norm and sj Faints and Oils, Yankee Notion To the liadioo. ; Ladle* will find at the Regulator the choitts tion of Dry Goods, adapted to the season, ni wants and tastes of alii . Shoemakers will findJt to their interest U the Regulator, and examine oaf ossortzsest ings, at prices to sultAho times. The troth i9j we boy* our goods for Cad i them for Cash cheaper than can he borigbttii cr'store In Tioga county. Hoping to receiit of tbtreotmonnlty, wo adU He to come and examine our stock and selves of the truth of our statement. kinds of Hides, Sheep Pelts and I ken in [exchange for goods, and the hightJi i price given. Wellshoro, Oct. 1860/' FALL CAMPAIGN 3ZST OPENING AT C. & J. L. ROBHfSOi • ONE PRICE 3TOBE VTTE wish to call the attention of oar W - customers to our assortment of I SEASONABLE COOM BU£H AS LADIES’ DRESS OOOJ- 1 '. eoMmsixa BLACK AND FANCY 611 CHallies' and db laink INGHAMS, 'BRILLIANTS, FSENCS AND AKCBICAN ALSO - SHAWLS, MANTILLAS AND RESTS Oar stock of staple goods is large. Partied 1 is invited to our ’ BROWN AND BLEACHEDSHIRTINGS A 8®» . CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTIS' FARMERS & MECHANICS' CASSU® R EADT-MEADE CLOTfll^ I , CROCKERY rAND GLASSWARE OBdCSSIBS. BOOTS AMO - HOSIERY AND GLOVES, &e., ‘ &e., &c., &** 1 Well.boro, Sept. 1,1869. FALL FASHION I 8 6 0. '\rA ENTLKMEN’S wear of Silk Hot?. »1 "J JUT. HAY STORE ic Afoado .BIMk,«MS pivkinsoa Home. S, P • Corning, Feb. 23, 1860. BOUSBBOU9 FITKMIT®®^ DF ALL KINDS, can be found *t fl>v{jS E. D. WELLS, LAWSENCRVg^ Balsam toljt,. cough remedy---'^ inojt popular and useful expectoiwo In thia vicinity Ria prepared from tree crowing in tot ollmatw, mostly in »o j * . For sale at Roy’s P' 8 *