The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 28, 1860, Image 4

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V~'.r i . "
TV?Sirthejif lUn'dry Writi ofFLFa.; Lev."?*.', M®
r»"V«dd. fix., iisaeJ ‘-out of the Common Plea*, of,
Tioga county. Pa., and to me directed; I will expose to
public mlo.ia the CodrtHause hrWellsbpro, on MON -
SAT, the' 3d .day of December, A. C. 1860, at one
o'dooli i« the aflernoo., the following described prop.
•rtyytbwU; V'
A lotof land boundedtiorth by the K.T. State line,
cut by I«hd of Charles Barton, south by land of/Jo>
sspb Midi&ngh, ; J.' IT. Cary and Ann H; Tilford, and
Wilt byWhd of 'Saml.' Eookwo(l, containing one huh
d»d mid sixty acres more or. leeiyboing lot No. 6i on
the nlap bf B/H. Sent's landin Lawrence township,
and pari of Warrant ifo. 3339, with about twenty five
■oruioprored, one log bouse, cine log and fra die boose,
log barn and other out buildings And some'lruit trees :
Ihereoaj . To be (old as the property of James H. La
turop;,• . - -
ALSO—A lot of lend in Union township, bounded
north by Jos. Grtver,es»tby Woodfaall.and Grantior,.
sodtb by Lycoming crock and west by'Green and
Castlci oontainining about one hundred acres, about
sarenty -five acres improved, two frame bouses frame
hern, out bnildidgS, apple orchard andotHorfruit trees
thereon. To he -sold as the property of L. L; Wash
burn. j . "
-ALSb—A lot of land In Eichmond township, bonn
ded.norlb'by John Job, east by Wjn, Aylsworth, south
by bighway ind wesf by Eri Hoyt, containing about
85 acres, aboutpwo.aoresjimproYedi With frarnif Bouse
thereon. To be sold'os (he property of W. P. Parker.
■ALSO—A lot of iand fa lltfllaar 1 ownsh jp, bot:ndod
north by,Geo; Hastings; test by David Simmons,south
by Abrapi Green and H®ace Butler and west by laiid
formerly of David Grejpleaf, containing about 75
acres, about 15 acres improved, log boose, frame house
and frnit tries therton. >To be' sold as the property of
Moses'L'. Snbioiind'Aniline Babin. • ;
ALSO—A lot of landgituated in Clymer township,
Tioga ojiunty, Pa., bonified and described as follows: <
Beginning at the north Sit corner thereof, thouoe easti
40 rodsithence north l&soii, thefac? east-161 rods toj
a cornel, thence south wdegree east-89 rods, thence|
west 73mnd 2-M) rods, ttonoo south 29 rods,- thence
west 130 rods, thenoo nerth 1 degree cast 106 rode to
tlio_p!ncß of beginning, Containing 126 and 2-10 acres
being jot No, ISO in Bingham lands of Clymcrj
township, with fratae ho»e, frame barn, orchard there-;
on, and about eeventiMve acres improved. To be!
uld ai fhe property of Henry T. Reynolds, ■• ■ j
ALSO—A lot of land in Nelson township, bounded!
north by Jos. Pant and J- M. Hammond, east by M,!
Seeley,! south by Cowinesqne road and west by P.J
Crandall & Bros, and lled’k Thorp, containing about!
!l sores, 10 acrejiinprored. To bo’lold as-the
property, oT Hamilton llrliiig. j
Al(Si}~A lot of lan#) Osceola township, bounded;
north toy MaSeoley on? HI & J. Tubbs, east by, Wm.j
Barkerlftad Robt. Tubtjs, south by Cowanesque rivor,J
M. Seeley and lot formerly of L. P. Hoyt, and
J!. Seefey and highway, running fromjisoeoliriiotelj
to river, containing about two acres; with;
* large] fleam frame tannery, with necessary Jeecbf J
sheds, Jengine bouse, Sc. thereon, with machinery!
therein*,being the i inSrest therein. To be sold as'
the property of L. p.lfoyt and Sarah T. Hftyt. ; jl
ALSU—-A lotoClimd J,Q Elkjaud. bounded north byi|
tho, Netr York Stale line, cast by GcorHorrenoe apd,
south tgJ.W. Bennett, Jas, Hancock.!
W;VVright* Main street, House, lot und.shopTor-j 1
morlyowned by J. Chfge and L. Culver, and west byj
the Chase lot, Buffalo sSeetand lots of Joel Parkburat,;
j. pjirkburat.aSbool boose and’meeting, hoosei
lot, A|J Yuurig and Qeoirge Robbins—containing ouel
hundred acres, about ocres improved, more
with. apple orchard! frame House, frame barn and;
out buildings thcreoqj f'
lot&f land in Elkinnd Boro,boun-|
.dbd nrirth by Joel Pa»Smrat-ond L. Culver, east by
Milton Jiawis, south street, and-west iby Li
Oalvo?, 1 with a two story frame store, frame housed
frameharn 2 and eomofruit trees thereon, containing'
about 'lf more ot landfall improved. To be sold atf,
Ibe property of Timofls’ Coats and Lintsfurd C<|ats. f
"■ALSO-—A lot of l&tg in Richmond township, botin-i
dod-north-by lands Oug. W, Wilson, east bytheWili
liamson road, southana west by Edwin Dyer-—con?
jAg about 33 acres, shout 15 acres improved, frame
house, frame barn, arid fruit-trees thereon. To tjesold
a# the property, of Dariel Wilson. < |
ALSO—A lo tof long in Delmar township, bounded
north by John"P. D<Jn|ld3on, east by H.- P. Shamwajj 1
and Iri Johnson, sputs C. D. Emery and Wim. R|
Vanderbilt, and" wesfc iSy §rlffin and Morris—contain?
iog about 116 eight or ten acres irai
proved.To be solcDifithu property of W'm. J. Ruckf
mVri.TT' - *i « • I • |.
ALSO—A lot of Itajd in Richmond towpship/borin
fied north by Josep) •' W alker, .east by, D.'C/
|i. V, Swan and ]Lißytts, south by Joseph
and wbst byGeorje'SHngerlaud —containing about |
fifty wites, about fouyiacres improved. To bo sold ai I
theprdperlyof , , j!
AL&O—A lpt of |asp in Deerfield township, boon? j
byTJavid % Billings, east by Laura EtU
Johnson and Job M&Sson, south by Juhn Goochpced
and Ms;ttlsuu Oamn*‘i]|lfi and A- Drum', and west by
heirs of Nancy Tec pW—Containing one hundred'and
tWitflJTftb'resj two frame hdtfse&
and fr.l'me barn and o«ne fruit trees tbereon. To bo
\ epldasjtho propertyM M. S, Insoho. - i f
' ..ytLSO—A lot of Uni in Deerfield township,-hono
red north by Jonatha|» Jordan, east by lUilings estate,
aouth by Win.' JordaoTand west by Jonathan Jordan,
epotaiping about tbir& five acre*, all improved, from )
house, frame shed, abS three apple orchards thereon.
To bo sold as the projjelty of-MUo Cbilson and.MaJ
rinda ChlUon. ; ?
ALSO—A lot of laqd pin Bloss township, bounded
north by Jand formerly of John Williams and land- elf
Joseph Tonkin, east-Ey land of Allen, south bjr
wild jand, and wedt gyihe west half of the Grabbp
warrant, containing five .hundred and! seventy
aoros, about twenty a£yes improved, with a Jog house
thereof. To be aold fcs Ibie property of Eben J. Bos
worthy ?!
ALSO—A lot of latp in Jackson boamiea
north by bighiray, elgt by H. L. Miller, south by 11.
L. Miller,'and' west b# Jlohn. Peters, oontaming
one nqra of land,;a fjgme store house, frame bon), and
aJruU trees thereon. £Tj) .bo Sold as the property cjf
Robert,TUlinghast, ,g i ’ i ' 1
ALSO—A lot of laid in Lawrence townshtp>!boan|-
ded north by the oluf road leading from the. Tioga
Rirenth Seeloy-Creeki east and south by Unde of u.
Colket*and west by Binds of Jacob Shackjelton apji
Smithy containing 90r$etes more or less, about £ ricrcs
Improved, with barn, saw mill, out,bud- !
dings abd fruit trees StereoD. To be sold as-the pro
perty 1 of David BacO*§ i ‘ f
ALSO—A lot of taad iu Clymer township, hounded
north by Benjamin Mittieon, cost by Charles Labae,
south by Silas FUishWwre, and west by Henry Steele,
oonteipiog about OnJ-f hundred acres, about eighty
acres improved! tw& fgame houses, one frame barn and
two apple orchardC'OSreon." To ba sold as tho propt
- erty of Willard F. potter. * i •
ALSO—A lot ofiarid in Liberty township,
Charles and Joseph LandiS, east by
Martin Cass and. f.geelamon, south Wiicos,and
west [by Henry about one* 1 hundred
and three acres,' ab?ugeighty five acres improved, onb
framb bouse, two jjagaei barns, frame corn house pjr
workshop, and an orohard tbereon.. To he sola
as thpjproperty Qf jJaihanjßoot, i. J \
ALSO—A lot Of land in Charleston township, boanj
ded olrth by Wm. L. H. Elliott, clast by
Le?i JlJJfDtt, south -b£ D. Hesse, ,D. Aforris and IX
‘Harrih, and west by Hillman Frost, containing abont
two acres,ja&ut one hundred and fifty acres
improved, *ith a Trains house, two frame barns and
sheds and other oat buildings, and au applet orchard
tbereon.' To be sold £* the property of A. E. Niles
and'A* G, Elliott. , - I
ALSO—A lot of iarid in-Richmond township, bounj
ded hortb by lands of- Faulkner and al, east by lands
formerly in possession of William'Knapp nndiClem*
Rerilrig, os'"the soatligbjr Isaac Holden and west by
Houfy Seymour, Dyerand al, containing aboqt
.ninety ubout f 5 acres Improved, a log house,
rframeharn and fruit goes thereon. To be sold ias the
‘pfoptirtjbof Wm. ’if.yohnsm,. i - L
ALSO—A Jotoflacd in Delmar township, bounded
py J. I>. Wilco|, east by SimonJind J. D.’ WiF r
eoz, south by Geo. Gneenleaf and A. N.
west by .A. N. Webst/b and John Patnam, containing
ahoht fifty acres, abo^t.twenty five acres improved, a
log house, frame bafigand fruit trees tbereon.. To he
ALSO—A lotof laud in Elkland, bounded north by
-No York--Stote 1 in e, «ast by J. Hammond, south by
rivet ana west by p. Taylor, containing
about.l9o" acres,about, iOO acres improved,,a .frame
' bouse, bara, frame wagon house and- apple or
ohard thereon. To be sold as thp property of Linta
_i&rdCoatil.. I
ALSO—A lot of land in Gaines township, bbrindefi
. north,ieost and wiest by lot formerly of Alez'r Mafti
, sop,ihy'south by Wm. Cowburn, containing about top
’ !«eriii*U improved,A framo house, frame barn, black?
smilJt sbop fiori sopie fjruit trees tbereon.
Ateo^—Anotber lot in Gaioea- townsbim bounded
iwfeastlbyA.P.Cehe, ; S. Z.-BUHngs
. and ifest by Conrad ;BeiUiMior apd A. P« Cone. cpri*
: lptd« l IfiO.aenSy about 50 aeires improved, two
framehouMS, frame sad some fruit trees thereon;
. d p, J, W^H^kins
' aetoy tfi'. l!«»f P«rt
!' I -
coufilyrdescrifced as follow*.-Ite first one beginning
at the south easl-carpe. of Jot No,-9, of thajllotmerj
I Of land belonging- to tee'Morris family, by-William H.
j Morris hr 1843, -thencO; along- lineof lot No. 9, nortfi
two degtfeei east one hundrcdi and .tifolvo: perched
thence along line of lots in said allotment Nos. 6 and
7, south 88 degrees,"eain.ST perches to a small beech'
a corner of iotaNoii 7,i8 ond 11, thence along line off
lot Ko IX south two'degrees, west HS perches' to a
•mall beech, thence along lino of lot-Noi' 8l
degrees, west 187 perobes to the i place of beginning
-containing i23i.acres, with”aUoWsnce of sii'per cent
and being lot No, 10 in tbe allotment aforesaid. I
: Also—Another, beginning atanew beech in line of
land surveyed on Warrjant No. 1593, thence by lota
marked insaidMorris survey. Nos. 9, 10 andll, south
88 degreed, east 442 perches lo an ■ oldbircb, -thence
north two degrees, east-161 perches to a new,
thence north 88 degrees, west 542 perches along tha
line of lots marked'ih Said Morris survey, Nos 4, 3, 2,
and 1 to a new beech, thence by warrants Nos
and 1593, south two degrees, west 161 perches in the
jiiace of beginning, containing 513J' ncres and allow
ance of six per cent, facing lota numbered in said
Morris survey 5,6, 7, and 8., ; . . ! f
Also—Another, being the , western part of tract
called Fairfield, surveyed in pursuance of warrant in
the name of George iMeadc and composed of lorn
marked Nos 9 and 12-ir said Morris survey, beginning
at the new beech above .mentioned, thence by lorn
Nos smi>d-6'on said Morris survey, south 88 degree!,
east 176 perches tbenci iylota Nos. Ifiand 13 S; 2 deg
IV. 242 perches to the south liheof the tract!call®
Fairfield,thence by sad line north .SS degrcef, we|t
176 perches, thence by line of warrant No 1593 north
two degrees; enst'242 p irehes more or less to the plaas
of beginning, contain! ig 249 acres aod aUowance." |
Also—Another, being the easternmost part of trait
called Fairfield and conposed of lots NoJ 11 and 14 ili
•aid Morris snrvey, beginning at a beech a corner If
lots Nos 7, B,lo,and 1 in .said Morris snrvey, :then®
by lots NoslO'and 15, south two'degrees, west 2ffl
perches to the south tine of tho tract called Fairfield,
thence by said lino,ioUh 88 degrees, east 160 perches;
thence by the east line of the tract called Fdirfiel'f,'.
north two degreos e&s; 242 perches to-said lot Noi
and thence by,said lot! So 8, north 88 .degrees, wlest I®'
perches to the place of .beginning, containing 223 2«
acres, with the usual ollowanoeof six per cent; j To oo
sold as the property o( S. Hayden,- ~ j I
ALSO-r A lot of hind in Rutland townsfiip, bounded nortp
by Artcmns Barnhafy.eqst by;Joseph Hurtling. south ail
west by Oeo brown, conti thing about 230 acres more or ten,
with about,!!!) acres im; roved; frame house, 2 frame bank
and an apple orchard the eon. . ' j I
Also—Another lot of bind in-Rutland township, bound®
,northbylaDd9:forni«rly.(wncd by Homan Soper Mil Josi
■p{i(M, east* Bradford county line, soitth bylmirt ip
possession of George Crip pen and D. E. Sherman, and on tm
west by Oraiidison Watkins mid land formerly owned by Pl
te'r Wheeler, George W’orlcn and Henry Worden and ——jr
flartln. contaihing two imndred acres or thereabouts, oifc
undred acre* improvedJfralnehouse, 2frame. baroS, franle
'"shed, milk house, apple orchard and fruit trees thereon. |
Also—Another lot in Sullivan towpshlfi, bounded north Uk
north line of warrant Koi. 1/78, east by _iood formerly of Na
thaniel -Nichols nml N. eonth-by Innd*of John, Bensop
and Arad Smith, and west by Zophcr Tears ond A.jUpdike,
containing about 110 aerta, about W-acres Improved,*a ftanse
dwelling house and a few fruit trees thereon.. To be,sold 1$
the property of John Benson. ’ t 1
ALSO —A iot of land in Westfield township, honndai
north -by Watrons ' S<ely, east .by Bingham l land!,
south by Obediah Robinson and west by Potter county Jm|,
containing eleven acres,Jabout ten acres improved.l one lek
boose and* few fruit trees thereon. To be suld-aathe prop
erty of Anthony Bennett tand Tbps. E. Benpctt.- - . r,’*
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township, bounded north
by R. Tales, west by high way leading front Starks corner p
Joseph Howland, south I y Crooked Creek road andj cast l|r
K. Tales, containing about one and a half acres improv&l
land* a frame house, frame barn and wagdn shop andrm'as*
pie orchard thereon. To bo sold as the property of T. AT.
Stark. ' 1 ' {
ALSO—A lot of land id Clymer towrlship* bounded north
by T. Schoonover and L. Shelly, eait by Andrew Clark aad
A. Schoonover, south by lob Head and tfest by J< Scboonte
ver and K. Lindaley, containing about one hundred' acre#',
about fifty acres Improved, one log house, two log barns ami
a few fruit trees thetcoa., To be sold as tlio property of Ban*
10l R. Stiles. ' j . t ’ r f 4 |
ALSO—A, lot of land ii Clymer township, 'beginning fttra
post in the northern boundary of warrant No. 2289, then &y
said boundary ICO perchefe to a post, thence by unseated lands
and lands surveye j( for Charles Mosher, south' 243 £^|o
perches Co a pofft, thence West 100 perches to a, beach treie.
thence north 242 s*lo pdr:he*Bto a pert t the place of beglnniiig
containing about 143‘acres, abont.TS/'hcrcs’imprdyodi oae
frame house, one Igg hofiso, one frame bam and sheds asd
apple orchard thereon. Co be sold os the property of . obert
IXaner. 1 , - ' - i
ALSO —A lot of laqd in Jackson township, bounded on tje
north by lands of'Wm. Hiller, on the cast by lands lately
owned by Wm. Cmitherj; on ther«onlh'-by|licqds of Joseph
Bly, on tho land i of fl. L. Miller, containing about
one hundred and thirty xcres of land, about one hundred
acres improved, one frame fraiie barn, one frame
horse burn and other oui buildings, two apple orchards aid
Other fruit trees thexeon To be sold as the property of Wii.
T. Knapp. '
. ALSU—A lot of land in Charieston-HowUship, hounded
north by John Kvans, eapt by Adura Klock and Levi Halt,
south by Levi Hart auc,, west cunfalniig '
about 120 acres, about 80 acres improvcd.'fr.'ime bouse,frame
barn, out buildings, oicbiird and fruit trees thereon. Tope
sold as the property of Morgan Uart. .. i
ALSO—A lot of land i& Sullivan township, bounded 2>oxu
by the John Maine esnut, east by Munson Bond-and blgS
way, south by R. 11. Bouii and west by Robert c<fo
taming about seventy fiju acres, abimt seventy acres im
proved, afnnne house, fjrame barn, out buildings, an apmo
orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as toe
property of A- J. Smith.[ • tj
ALSU—A lot of land iq Westfield township,bounded nonb
by Bingham lands, east by Charlton Phillips, south by Cotv
anesque ri\er and wedt VhlHfps. containing'
about two hundred acres, about 40 acres improved, two frame
houses, two one corn hpuse, cine grist mill and
i apple orchard ttu-teon. [To be sold as the property' of Riuh
| ard Phillips with notice (to Charlton Phillips terre tiennht.]
I ALSO?—A lot of hind iq Lawrence township, bounded nomh
I by State Hue, east by V.ji). Stair, south -by -T. B. Torapkms,
1 and west 6y Lyman Baion. containing about 30 acres,
< 2U acres improved, 2 log houses, 1 log darn, and sbme friit
' tre* thereon. To be so das the property qf-John’Baker.t
| ALSO—A tract of lunq situate in Shipped township, Tidga
| county, beginning at a post the S. E. corber of a lot' of Inhd
In tuo occupancy of A n-t n Holmes' formerly* owned by Bactio
& Boss, thence by said north one degree east Vl 5-10 mr
ches ta apost,tbepce by hindsformorlyoC,White A Mnysa|d,
north 44 deg. oast 60 pei ches to a postj thence by lands for
merly of same south 46 leg. east 64 perches to a post, thence
by lands formerly, of lame sooth 30 deg west I3o_porcbo3|to
a post on tho high bank if. Pine Creek, kaid bijgli
bank ol Pine Creek by i ts courses to a post in tho south lino
ofsaid Anson Holmes’ !< fafld thence easterly by said Holmes
to tho pLioo of beginning, containing sesenty oneiiijres, wfeh
about 20 acres improved srory frame house, frame bs hi/
and small orchard (herdbn. To bo sold as the property'ofv
Ryan Hard. .. ’ , - [ i
ALjK^—A lot of land n Middlebnry township, jbounoed
north Hylands ol DaviJ White; east hr Jinds of Wto.|K.
Mitchell, south by road eading from plabk'road in Middje
bn«y to Karminjiton and west by lauds of, or occupied by
Enoch Howard, contain] ng about % of, nn here of
land, with a frame honst, frame barn and fruit trvesj therein,
said,lot being sitnated opposite the school house. |Co
be sold as the property df C. L. Boyington., {
• ALSO-7A lot of laud in Tioga township, bonndel north py
Abel Sly'and C< G. Miller; east by W. W- Uallard,;aouthpy
the Ford and Seymour lot ond'west by C.C. MUler and Lewis
Kelly, containing about [fifty acres,about ten acres improved.
aloghoose r j'raine.baraafiil n ßomofruit trees thereon. To|hc
sofd es the property of S. A.-Bullock, ■ '■ - | -
ALSO—A lot of laud. In. Middlebnry township, t bonneted
north by faighway,east Iy>SU M.Fieldaud Minor Field, soi|th
byKdwanl Briggs and- west by the Quage lot, containing
about one hundred acres, about' forty -acres Improved, w«h
frame house.frnme barn land- soniefrnit trees thereon. Tope
sold as fhe property of Thomas J. Mann. > |
AhSCh“ A lot of land] io .Richmond bounded
not th by Joseph P. Morris and lot ‘formerly owned by Tt &
H. 0. Smyth, east by Di G. Holden. south Ihy D.'C. HoMln.
and west by D.C. Holdeh and Joseph P. Morris, containing
about fifteen acres, more dr less, with about ten acres un
proved, with a steam furnace or iron works with necessary
buildings for same, also ha office, four frame double* dwelling •
houses, three brick coal kilo*) one or two shanties and seribr
al sheds for coal thereonl ' } 1
Also— One other lot of land in Klchmond township, Tkjga
county, bounded, and described as followfet beginning aiTs
white ask the, north east .’corner of warrant Ho. 333 in flpe
name of Josiah Lockhart, thence by land fmraerlv of Aram
Morris, north 87)4 degrees west 646 perches and thnee-tenjH
of a porch to post and stones, thence northerly by landpf
Tine D. Patchen 156 peithes to a hemlock, tbence south
degrees east 645 3-10 perphesby Und'of K B. Underbill tf a
hemlock, the. south eosl corner of warrant I No. 4482, thence
southerly b/warrant N'4>. SSCO. 153 percbep to the place of |>e
ginning, containing six bundred.aod twenty acres and nine
ty two perches. J* I 1 - .1
Also— One other lot elf land, beginning At a white ash ate
south east comer of warrant N0.55901n the namedf Thomas •
BiJiiDgton. thence north 88 degrees. West by said Biiiinglpn
warrant porches fio a post, thence ISO perches,
thence east 89.2 perches jto a post in the feast line Of warrant .
No. 333 in the name of Josiah Lockhart, thence by the slid
warrant fine dfja'degrfdeAt ItC.S'perches to
ash the place of banning, containing one hundred-actes
and one hundred and eleven perches. To be sold as the prop
erty of Mansfield Iron Wdtks. ; ‘ |
ALSO — A lot of lajadi hounded and described |na
follows : On the north by lot number 63 of the allot
ment of the Bingham lauds in Middlebury township,
contracted to WilllamTL. Merrick andjlot number Jp,
now or late in.possession of Wcq. B, S. March, on the
east by lot number 8(j aforesaid, lot number 60 cao
traded to William Gqnson, and lot dumber 87“ convey
ed to Cyrus Sherwood, on tho lot'numbef Ipl
contracted to Jeremiolb Whitney, jr.\ and on the w|st
by lot number 171 oforee&id, and loi numberji4*.nj>w
or late in the possession of, It .bem'£iot
number 85 of the Allotments of the Bingham latdsun
Middlebury townsbipl Tioga county, Pa., and partl l of
warrant numbered 1365, containing forty four acies
acu atz tenths of an acre, with the usual allowancefof
six per cent for roads,"Ac, with übont forty" acres im
proroh, frame house, IbarOjframe cow,house or* work
shop; and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as-tbe prop
erty of J. E. liosineer, I
AJiSO—A lot of land, bounded and described <■&*
follows, vit.; On tbenorth by lot number 334-of fee'
allotment of the Bingham lands inChatham townshjipf
Tioga county, now or formeriyjn possession of Rifb,
ard.Haja,on the east by lota numbered <335, 333 ad
VrW**M\>n 371 •oftti»e»*4to k» *l4 (f
the vest by,lot Dura^et322 convey
ed'ttrArad Mdrletwnd kfd number p 6 jb ess io n.
of Daniel Angel!,it being-lot.number.34b of the al
lotment of tae-Bingham lands. mClialhahv township
aforesaid, and part of warnbl numbered-1316, don-'
taming fifty five,acres and fitte 'te'fi'lhs of an sere, with
the'usnal allowance of aii k per cent for roads, «fcc-V
thlrty'acres improved, two board bouses, log’bArcknd
fruit tree* To be Sold’ a* Ib’d' prhptfrty. of ’Richard
-■Hafel ’ • , .... ::
ALSO—Afot of laud'-bounded onddeicribed as fol
lows, tiss On the north by lot number of the>l-'
lotment of the Bingham.lands, in Clymer township.on
the east by lot number 2s4' of the'said' allotment in
'Chatham, conveyed to Ashley Guild, on the south by
lot number 131, conveyedio L jvel Short, and lotnum
ber 132, conveyed to Iskac Burnside, and on the west
by lot number 1282 contracted; to be sold to William
H. Reynolds, it being lot number 130 of the allotment
-of tbo Bingham lands in Clymer* township aforesaid,;
and partbf warrant numbered 1326, containing fifty
two acres And eight tenths, of an acre, with the usual,
allowance of six per cent for roads, Ac, about forty
acres improved, a frame house; log bouse, and two log*
barns, and some fruit trees thereon.. To be sold as
the property of Abner D; Humphrey. ,
ALSO—A lot of land bounded and described as fol
lows, viz; On the north by unsold land of the Bing
ham estate'and lot number 56 of the allotment of the
Bingham lands in Deerfield township, on tbo oast by
lot numbed 51 contracted to bo sold to Joel Chapel
and lotlnumber 15 conveyed to Eleazcr Clark,, on the
sputh by said lot number 15 lindiol bo
sold to [Victor Case, and on the west by lot-number 17
contracted to be sold to Charles HaU and.unsold land,
U being lot number 52 of the; allotment of the Bing
ham lands in Deerfield aforesaid, and part of warrants.*
-nambered : l344, and 1346, containing 68 acres and six-'
tenths,’JWltD the usual allowance for . roads, about 25’
acres improved. To be sold as the property of Joseph
H. Monroe,
ALSO—A lot of land, bounded nortlfbyldt number
74 pf the allotment of j the Diughnra lands in. Far
mington township,east By loncj conveyed to Joel Park
burst, south by lotJQUinber 30|0 aforesaid, and lot ICo.
77 aforesaid, and lot number 73 coninicled to John
H. Moerhess, it being lot nuuber 76 of the allotment
of the Bingham lands ip Fariningtoh township, and
part ofj warrant number 4274, cuntainingAisty six
acres ni.d [three tenths of an acre and allowance of six
per ce4 for roads, Ac. ■ To be sold as the properly of
John HI ilnerhess. ;
ALSO—A lot of landrbouuided north by lot num
ber 40 of the allotment of Bingham lands 1n Farming
ton township, and'lot nuflibcj:: 76, east by lot number
15S coopted to Levi B. Malison, and, lot nuratior
102 contracted to Tq.onjafi J. Maim, south by land con
voyed to William R, laud conveyed to C. P.
Williams'and H. H. Sage, Amt wesLby lot number 77,
contracted, to Jolmßryam. it [Lciny lot number 100 of
the allotment of tho Bingham Iniuls in iVirmington
township, .and part of Warrant number 421) 4, contain
ing ninety nine acres and, uUbtvunre of six' per-cent
for roads, Ac, about fifteen improved,Tog bouee>
frame barn and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the'
property of John H, MoerheKS.
ALSQ—A lot of land, bouujdcd north by lot num
ber 70 df the allotment of Bingham lands iq Farming
ton township, conveyed to Kurd A Parkhurat, and lot
number,74 contracted to Enoch Blackwell, east -by
said 161 "number 74 and 6,' eimib
by lot ‘number 77. contracted to John ' Bryant,
and west by lot number 98 conveyed to G. W,
Phelps, 10172 conveyed to John Rims,andTot number
25, now or "formerly in possesion of Jofan'jW. Gee, it
being lot number 73 of the allotment of Bingham lands
in Farmington ■ township, part-of warrants num
bered-4296 and 4294, containing eigljtacres and
two tenths of an aerej and allowance of six per cent
for roads, Ac. To be sold as !thc properly of John 11.
ALSO—'A lot bf Innd, bounded and described as
follows, viz : On the north Ini Int No. 64 of the allot
ment of r tlje Bragbani lands if* Farmington' towni-Tup,
Tioga county, conveyed to Cady, on the
east by jot No. 83 contracted to he soldi to Samuel
Hazlott,: on the south by said) lot No. S 3 and unsold
land of (the Bingham estate, on the wist by un
sold larid'and lot No. 63, contracted to be sold to
Epbraidrlitter, it'betng lot ?No. 84 of the allotment
aforesaid, and part qf warrant numbered, 1371, con
taining Iforty two acres nod three tenths'jof «n acre,
with the usual allowance of tnx per cent for roadi*, «to,
about 40 acres improved, log house.two log barns, and
fruit trees thereon. To be sold as ihc property of Hen
ry Rogers. v
ALSO—‘A lot of land, boanded and described as
follows ;' 6n. the -north .i by the north line
of warrant number 1313, east .by Unsold land
of the Bingham estate, ou the south by unsold land
and north line of dot No. 2681 of the allotment of the
Bingham lands in to be sold to
John Craig, and on the west Jby unsold land, it being*
lot No. 205 of the allotment bf the Bingham lands in
Westfield township, and part of warrant numbered
1313, containing forty two acres and two tenths of an
acre, with usuel allowance of sir per cent for
roads, itc. To be sold as tf® property of Jonathan
ALSO—A lot qf land, bounded and described ns
follows, viz : On tbo north by lot No. 341 of the al
lotment of the Bingham lands in Chatham township,
Tioga county, on the east by Jot No. *332,
Ransom Guile, and lot No. 331, on the south by lot
No. 50 and lot No. 82, the, l latter conveyed to P.
Chamberlain, and on the west by lot No. 323 and loi
No. 322, conveyed to Ornol 3|lurlet, it being lot No.
273 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in Chat
ham township aforesaid, nr.d part of warrants num
bered 1315 and 1330, containing fifty onp acres and
one tenth of an acre, with the usual allowance of six
per cent for roads, Ac.’, bo the same more or less,about
thirty acres improved, frbtne J “house, frame barn, and
fruit trees thereon. To be said as the property of Wil
liam Freeman. t,
ALSO—A lot of land, bounded on the north by lot
No. 127 of the allotment of.lhe Bingham lands in
Rutland township, Tb»gacmmity.-Contracted to S. B.
RusselL on the east by lot No. 95, now or;forrocrly io
poss- stion Robert and Joseph Longwcll r on tho south
by thi luxe of tbe-Lotteiy Warrant, so called, and pa
the weaioy lot Np.|97, cunfructccl.te S.,K,,Longwell,
and lot kfo. 125, contracted t ) Joel P. Hubbell, it be
ing lot &o, 96 of th|e allotment of (be Bingbnmjau'ds
in Rutland township, and part of warrant'; numbered
1216, containing fifty four acres and two tenths of an
acre, with the usual allowance of six per cent for
roads, <fcc.,be thesame more far less, about forty acres,
improved, log house, two log barns, trees
thereon. To bo sold as thoj property of-; Philander
Gould. I ; j ’
ALSO—A lot of-land in ’iLnwrcnceville, bounded
north by the Stale line, east Philander Hurd,south
by JodAdams, , * Cowly apd meeting hofise lot, nnd
west by IMain street and Cowly, containing about
one a<?ro t more or Jess, all (improved, with a-large
frame bouse,'frame barn, frnine office, icehouse, out
buildings, and fruit-trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of Lewis Darling. M . r •
ALSO—A lot of laud, bounded and described’ as
followsj to wit: On the Jnortb by lot No. 183
of tho,allotment $f the Bilnghara lands in Chnt-.
ham township, contracted [io -be sold -to Peter
V. HoiUing, on the -earti by lot No. 306 and
.Bingham land, on tho south hy lot No. 285 contracted
to be said to John D. Peiryjand on tho west by lot
No. 196-couveyed to l9sco
ntracted to be sold to David Gpe, it being lot No. 507
of the allotment of .the Bingham., lands .in. Chatham,
aforesaid, and paxt of warrants numbered 1336 and
7351, fifty three fjeros nnd nine tenths of
an acre,|with the allowance of six-per conifer
roads, Ac., be the same more hr lees, about twenty fire
acres imjproved, log house ang fruit trees thereon. To
be sold as the property of Nathaniel‘E. Slarks.
ALBO-—A lot of land, bounded on tho north nnd east by
unsold lands of thd Bingham estate, on the south by lot No..
200 of the allotment of the Bingham, lands Id Westfield .town--
ship. Tioga county, contracted toibe sold to Nathaniel Skin
ner and let No. 109, (iqd on the west by'nnsold lands of tiro
said estate,it being loif No. 284 ofithe allotmertttiforeaaW and
part of warrant No_l2s2,containing one hundred across with
t&e usual allowance for roads 4ch more or fesa; abopt ninety
acres Improved. two frame bouses, a borne barn, frame tarn
and sheds and fruit srecs tfiercoo. To to sold as the property
of UlramjE. Tanner. 1
• ALSO —A lot of land, bounded and described as.follows,
viz: OU.the north by lot,No. 29 olf the allotment <?J ehe Bing
ham lahds in Farmington, contnictcd .to bo sold to Wan Son
IJoyt, on [the cast by land conve.t wi to Frederick Cady and
lot No. 84 contracted to be sold td Uenry-Boficnvon thesofith
by said lot No. 84. and-unsold land of tho Bingham estate,
and on the west by lot No. 20 contracted to be- sold to Wil
liam Campbell; it being lot Nobles of the allotment of the'
Bingham [lands in Farmington aforesaid, and part of war
rants numbered 1043.1044 and 1371. containing 60 acres and
3*lo, wEtli the usual; allowance Ac., with about twenty fire
acres Improved, a log house, log barn, and snipe fruit trees
thereon, j To be sold as the property of Ephraim Utter.
lot of land bounded-ifnd described as follows,
viz: On the north by lot No. 56, elf the allotment of ttje Ring*,
ham lamls in Chatham township.' contracted to be sold to
John Boom and No. 56 contracted to Moses Patrick' and KeiS
ben Taylor, on the cast by lot NO. to,A. J, Van
houten and 78 conveyed to Sinclair Smith, on the south by
lot Uo. 91 contracted to be sohLtort’hllemon Smith and on
the west by lot No. S 9 contracted! to O. J*. JJwich, and lot No.
65 aforesaid. It belnglot No.SOof the allotment of the Bing
ham lands la-Chatham aforesaid and part of warrant num
bered 1331, containing one hundred acres v^Ub'the usual, al
lowance df six per cent for roads, Ac 4 about sixty acres im
proved, frame house, log barn and fruit trees thtreon. To be
sold osithe property of - “
;• ALSCW-Alotcf land poundediand described as follows,
Viz: Oh the north by land in tbd possession of Alonzn Ste
vens and Onsoldiand of the Bingham esutfi 'on the eart by
lot No. 62 lands la Pen-field
tad Cb*tka» towashi evfttawjtci to 1m o.U to Jesrptrß,
Monroe: ton the'south toy lo\# contracted to-Tfctor Case and*
lot No. 65 ctoumefl’tot Wl|e£3|.r'lfcUwltt. »*do* the west
toy wid land fn the" peaces non oTAlonzo Stevens; it being lot
No* 17 ofn|iof|a6nt o£tb> Jifgghajn l;lanss and part'd
warrants numbered 1071 and 1344; containing one hundred
‘andfourleen acreS and four touthftofau *ci*,w9lOne usual
allowance of six per cent for roads 4a; about forty acres im;
-proved, two log houses, log barn, board isnonty apd jrrurt
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Charles Hall. -
, ALSO—A lot of land bound edon thejpogtlgby 4y£ No■ Bof
the allotmcnvof Bingham lands fn Rutland. town ship
veyed to JoeMVebster, tud lot No. 241 of the same allotment
in Jackwaapi Bwland contracted to Clark Stliwell,
east by lot Nq.'lLcimtractedto'Levl Osgood, on the south by
lot No. 20 contracted to'W. W. Weetgate fndjot 22 con*
tractcd <0 Win. Updike and west by lot No. 23, contracted to
*Wm. nosa jrr.-No. 141 contracted toJewe-H.-Sturderant and
lot No, T contracted IoTVm; W. StHweH, tt 6elßg lot No. 21
of tbo allotment of Bingham lands in Rutland township and
part of warrant jmcntoerEd 1402-and contalningtolnCtynine.
acres and eight tenths of an acre, with the usual allowance
of six per cent for roads, ,4c.; abont eighty acres' unproved,
two frame houses, log house, frame barn and two apple or
chards thereon.. To be sold as the property of Joseph A.
Mubtoell and James K. BufgW.' ' ‘
■ ALSO—A lot of land* bounded on the north by 10tN0.228
oftho allotment of Bingham lands in Chatham township
conveyed to Aurora'Spcpccr lot No. 108 conveyed to. Calving
JJ. Wheeler and lot No. 211 contracted to Sidney L. Falter,
east by lot No. tb s Jesse Fpcpcef, Sdhth by south
line of warrant nnriibcr 1385 and westbyJot No. 350 contrac
ted to .Robert Cornell; it being lot No. 210 of the allotment
aforesaid and part of warrant No. 1336, containing one hnn T
arotfneres wHh the usual allowance of six percent for roads,
about sixty acres improved, log house r log barn, frame
corn house and fruit trees thereon.- To be sold as the prop
erty of Jaooto Wilhelm. -
- ALSO—A lot of land bounded and described as follows: on
the north by lot No. 69 of the allotment of the Bingham
lands lo’ Leverett Blair and
lot No. 50 conveyed to Jamos Bryant,on the the east by land
now or formerly in possession of Cbas. Churchill, south
by Mid land jo possession of ChnrcbiU and lot No. 37 con
veyed tc Cyrus Sherwood, and on the wess by lot No. 85 con
tracted to ,to Judah E. LoslDgpr, lot No. 86 now or
-former! vln W. R*. 8. March ansl lot No. *9 afore
: said, it being lot'N.o. 60 of toe allotment aforesaid and part of
warrants numbered 1866 and 1367, ■containing one hundred
and.’twenty-seven acres and.five tenths of an acre, .with the
nsual |Ulowanc6 : of six percent, for roads 4c; about twenty
acres improved, with a log house thereon. To be sold as the
propcojyof Wm, Geared. . . ' 1
ALSO— A lot of land hounded north by lot No. 40 of the al
lotment of Bingham lands in Rutland township contracted
to Wm. Updike und land conveyed to Harlem Baker, east by
lot N0.'64 conveyed to K. W. Adams No. 65 conveyed toL. A-
Wildor ! and lot No; 71 contracted to Calvin Oott arid sonth
west ky land conveyed to Harlem Baker and the lottery
rant so called, it being lot No. 60 of the allotment of Bingham
lands in Rutland township and part of warrant No. 1372, con
taining ninety acres,and nine tenths of an acre and allow
ance of sfx per cent for roads, 4c; about eighty acres im
proved, frame house, two log barns, corn h use. and two ap?
plo orchards thereon. To bo sold as the propovty of Gardner
A. Longwell. !
ALSU—A lot of land In Farmington township, bounded
and described as follows : on the north by lot No. 172 of the
liingliiim land# in Farmington townbhlp contracted to James
M. Stewart, oil the east by lot No. 12 contracted ip Nicliolis
Sliter lut No. 161 contracted to Daniel O.Dibcockand lot No.
115, on the south by Jot No, lU.and on yho went by lot No.
11 contracted to'Jraeph Cjamphell, It being lot No, 170 of the
allotment of the Uinnhim lands in Farmington township,
Tioga ebunfy, itonntyivanyi, and part of warrant numbered
1069, containing eighty sotwj acres and pine tenths of an
: sere, with the usual Allowance of six per cent for roads, 4c.;
fifty acres Improved, frame house and bam and fruit "trees
’ thereon. To be sold as, of Stephen Beeho.
ALSO —A lot of land to wit: Bounded on the north by lot
No. 3 of the allotment of Bingham lands in- Sullivan town
ship,-conveyed to John £. Cochran and lot Nb.’24 contracted
to £. G. McCornell, easily lot No. 188 contracted to Jabez
Wightman and lo{ No. 5 contracted to David Kublyer, south
by lot No. 186 contracted to Orris P. Brewster and on the
west by Jot No. 178 contracted to Justus McCornell, it being
'lot No. 4 of the allotment aforesaid and part of warrant No.
J 519. containing fifty one acres, with allowance of six per
cent for roads Ac.; about forty five ocrcsioiproved,two frame
bams and apple orchard thereon.' To bo sold as tbe property
of Hiram RoblyerJ
ALSO—A lot of ofland, bounded and described as follows:
On the north by lot No lb 3 of tbo allotment of tbe Bingham
lands in Middlshury township, now or late la the possession
of DnvM W. Chamberlin and Jot No. 42 contracted to John
Day. on the east by Jot No. 09 contracted to J. D. Abbott, lot
No. 45 contracted to Henry B. Colprovc and lot No. 71 con
veyed to Noah Locey.on.the south by lot N 0.45 aforesaid and
lot No. 72 contracted to Jns. K. and D. Andrews, and on tbe
west by lut No. 72 aforesaid and lot No. 43 contracted to Aa
ron Mother. U'tonig lot No. 9 of the allotment of the Bing
ham lands in Midtfielmry township, Tioga county. Pennsyl
vania, and part of warrant No. 1353. containing ninety nine
and one tenth acres, with the usual allow ance of six per cent.
for roads, Ac.; with about thirty acres improved,frame house,
two log bouses, saw mill, frame corn house/and fruit treks
thereon. To be sold as tbo property of Sylvester Conklin.
ALSO—A lot of Innd bounded sad described as fallows;
Oa the north by lot N«. 15C of the allotment of the Bingham
lands in Middh-bury township, contracted to James Croft and
lot No. 43 contracted to Aaron Mosher, on tho cast by lot
No. 7*2 contracted to Janus E.and Dennis* Andrews, on the
south by lot No 72 aforesaid and lot No. 74 conveyed to Sny
dt?r Chamberlin and on tho west byiot N 0.178 Chatham con
rejotf to Wm. Spalding and lot No. 160 aforesaid, it being tot
No. 78 of tlie allotment of the Bingham glands in Mfddlebury
■ml Chatham townships, Tioga county, Pennsylvania, and
part of warrants numbered 1360 and 1353, containing one
hundred and*twenty one acres and eight tenths 6f an acre,
yrtth tho usual allowance of six per cent for roads Ac.: about
thirty acres improved. To be sold as the property of Willlain
ALSO—A lot of land in Elkliind Boro, boun
ded north by cowanesque” River, east by Sam
uel Rathbone, south by Bingham lands, and
west by the Lemuel Davenport lands, contain
ing abeftit one hundred acres, about eeVentyfive
acres improved, frame barn, orchard, and other
fruit trees -thereon.
AlSSO—Another lot of land in Elkland Boro,
bounded north by by Tim
othy Coats, sobtb by Main street and T. Goats,
and-west by Buffalo street, containing about
one acre, all improved, frame tavern house,
frame* tavern barn and sheds, outbuildings and
a few. fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—Anoth'cr lot in Elkland Boro, boun
ded north by Geo: Robbins,; east by L Geo. Dor
runce and 1 K. T, Wood, and south by R-. T:
Wood and Main street, and west by T. Goats,
JoelParkhUret and George Robbins,*containing
about one acre, nil improved, a frame house,
frame' barn, out buildings abd fruit trees
thereon, .. '. .
ALSO—Another lot of land in Nelson town
ship; bounded north by the Cowtinesque River,
east by Jesse Howd, south by I )Bingham lands,
and west by Ratbbone, containing about
100 acres, about 75 acres improved, frame house,
house!frame, 2 frame barns, log barn, corn
Louse, out build’s,' orchard and other fruit trees
thereon. To bo Sold as the property of Samuel
Ellison, Leander Culver and Perry Dailey.
; ; S. I. POWER, Sheriff.
Wellshoro, Nov. 14, 1860.
ta? tbp undersigned, hereby extend a call to the
friends of Sunday Schools in Tioga county and vicin
ity,. to meet in Convention - at Mansfield, on Wednes
day and Thursday, the stb and 6lh of December next,,
at 10 o’clock A.M., ta take into consideration the best
means of promoting the Sunday School cnu?o, it is
proposed to-discuss the following among Other topics
that may be introduced.
Lt. [What can be done to create a deeper and more
general interest in the moral and religious training of
the young; and to secure the active service of more of
the people of God, both old and young.
'2d. Tfie best method order and government
of a Sunday School.
3d. The best plan of stody and instruction.
The Convention will meet In theM. £. Church, at
10 o’clock A. M. 4
’ Dated Nov. 16, 1860. , , 15w3
REGISTER’S NOTICE.— N6tice"is hereby
given, that the following Administrators and
Executors, have filed .their accounts in The Register’s
Tioga county, Pa., and.that the same wjlbbe
presented to the; Orphans’Court on Monday, the 3d
day of December, for Confirmation and allowance; f ia:
! * Account of Robert Lanrppon and Ellen GoodaU, ad
iciniatraton of the estate of Samuel Goodallj-dec’d.
. i ' : ‘ W. D. BAILEY, Register.
Willsboro, Nov. 14,,1860.. *
OTRAY to'the encloearft'
ofthe snhscriber, on the 17th day of September
liwfcy FOUR HEAD of 2
deVp itd/cne light rod/ and one-of ih grizsly color.-
The owner.or owners will please come forward, prove
property , charges and tnkejhcm away, otherwise
they will be sold as the law directs.
' * H, 1860W3*
AUDITOR’S NOTICE;—The undersigned, up.
pointed nn nudifor to fettle the account J. F.
Field and Abigail Willoox, ndmluistfotorsof thoes
t&te of D. B. Wlllcoi, dec’d, trill attend to the duties
ofiaid appointment, it the office of ,A. P. Cone, in
WellsDoru, on Saturday, the Bth .day- of December
next, at 2 o’clook-P. M--- - -XHOS.ALI.EN,
t; Nbv.l4, 1860. • - ' . p; Auditor.
. .IluHiititouViaqnidJPepiiD. ’
FOB My»p»jdi»'»nfl Indigejtion; •
* F«r;«U et Roy'i Dra jStere.
th6 Art World I -; 1
Becnrtd by. Jotters patent in t*£ United Stotea,
;■ England, franco, and Belgium.,
PORCELAIN COMPANY, .Vo, m Broauwat. Saw
York, having' sectfrod their novel add ingenious invention
by American and European* patent*, aro fully prepared to ex*
ecate all order* for . ‘ r a
Pxuoss.o%Csv4». - -
presenting *1) the attractive and advantageous feature* ofor*
dinary photographs; tJuU>rillUncy and finish-ofa watefrtool
or drawing, end atoftherto unstrained quality oldbrabiilty,
by being rendered as im perishable as tns..nataraT properties
of the articlds-upoto-which they jire transferred*-' . -
’ —Ab the patented'prososa pf the Company enahlaathe yapzo*
ductlon of photegraphßrnot only on plain surfaces, but upon
’such as are round or of **ny degree of irregularity—-portraits
can be reproducedfuittf fatUHess accuracy, and delicacy; of
delineation, upon porcelain wares of- any 'descriptibiT aha di
mension used as articles of luxury or of household utility,
such as
DVns f VaBea, Breakfast Cups, Toilet Articles, &o-;
thereby securing faithfo] portraits and fnniishjng au unlque
and exquisite style pf ornamentation of articles In domestic
■{ In order to furnish facilities for tbe xxatificatiou. of tbo,
popular taste, and'to meet the wants of those patrons of the
Fine Arts dosiroustof having portraits an porcelain, thoCom*
pany have imported, from Eurojie a collection of superior
porcelain goods, manufactured to thdr'own order, which they
sell at cost prices’.
As the American Company ere owner* of the patent right,
and consequently tbe only persons authorized to use tbe pro*
case, they boye detercnlned, in order to afford people in eve*
. xy section of the Union an opportunity to possess *
1 Portraits on Chdu,
to make tbe followjng'proposltlon to,
Residents in tbe Country, who; are unable to
visit personally the Atelier and Gal
leries in New York.
Persons Bonding 1 a photograph, ambrotype or daguerreo
type to tbe office of the Company in New York,' accompanied
by | Fite Dollars,
will receive In return by express, free of charge,
A richly ornamented Breakfast, Cup and Sau
cer, with the portrait transferred thereon.
By traoimittißg a daguerreotype and
Tty Dolues,
they wjl eecure Injllke manner, _ i
A handsome French Vase, or Toilet Article,.
with the portrait ,feproduccd by the patented proceu. By
•ending a pair of daguerreotype! and i
| Firms Dolum,
they trill receive lit retnrn j
A pailr of rich Sevrt^
with the portraits 'executed equal to|mlnlatnte paintlngi;
and, in liko mannei', portraits c&n be on porce
lain wares or Vases of every quality of finish, ranging In
price from twenty to one hundred dtdlars tlie pair.
N. B.—Be particular in writing the address, town, county
and state distinctly.
AM letters to be adressed to
tl Maunayer, American Photographic '’Porcelain Co.,*'
731 Broadway,
nov7ni3 ' • Nkw York*
READ the following! enumeration of advantnget
over any Dryer ever before ofiered tD* the public.
The truthfulness Jf its-elaims to these advantages can
be attested by bubdreds who have used them :
laL The facility for spreading at any pofbt of eleva
tion most convcn|ent for hanging on tbo clothes, and
Ibon s&ising by a, simple, yet powerful jack,
well up and out of the way. All will readily see the
great importancetof this arrangement Many station
ary machines are;fitted up with a rack and pinion, or
other expensive and cumbrous devices, for r&i&lnglbe
frames, costing from $lO to $2O. ■ But here ire get this
very desirable facility In a manner more effective anfl
simple than everbefore devised, and ,tbat in connec
tion with the Portable Dryer, and all at an expense
but nominal. Dryers without this, 1 necessarily bring
the clothes so low as to be in the way of everything
passing beneath, and yot so high as td make the hang
ing-on and taking off the clothes, a work of labor and
inconvenience. For instance, to take off frozen clothes
in winter, from a.common line, in easy reach, is had'
enough, bnt when it has got Jo be done standing on
roaming up, it is tediousj in the extreme.
The Challenge Dryer can be lowered as easily as it can
,be raised, by tbo jsame jack, so os. to come within the
easy reach of a child. ‘ The operation of hoisting and
lowering is as simple as that of working a pump han
dle. |
2d. The lowcrjsnd of the center shaft or post, has
fitted to it a taper iron thimble, fitting into an iron
socket, let into the ground post, so that when the ma
chine is set up, it; has a joint as solid as iron can make
and which is only improved by wearJ The socket is
: so made as to act 1 as a cap to preserve the post, and a
'ring to prevent its splitting, and is provided with a
qorer, to keep out water, snow and dirt A flange on
the thimble sheds tbo rain, so as to prevent the water
from getting into-the socket when the Dryer is set. ef
fectually precluding the possibility of its getting fro
zen in. ; -
Sd. It is the best made and most durable machine
ever offered to the public* _ The‘hub's are iron—no
splitting—no shrinking by the weather—so as to bind
on to the post. Tho iron work is covered with a hea
vy coat of varnish, thoroughly baked! on, * The arms
and braces are joined to the bubs in a manner defying
comparison, for simplicity, strength and durability.—
The cord and timber are of the' best quality, and put
together in the most substantial manner.
■ 4th. In revolving, it runs iron on; iron, hence re
volves very easily, & breath of air being sufficient ter
set it in motion, and new portions at the tlotheV arc"
constantly to tho vrinld and sun, and
the process of drying goes on very rapidly, and clothes
will dry one-third quicker than on tbestnrigbt line.
6th. In case of threatened raios, erlin cold weather,
the Dryer can be folded up with th 4 clothes on, and
taken Into the house. If desired, it can bo set up in
the house in rainy or inclement weathlfir. It retjfuires
shoveling of paths, or wading in snow or wet grass,
as tbo operator can pat the clothes without moving
from the ordinary path or stoop, asthA case may be*,
AS being it can be set up tvhere a stationary
Dryer would beiin the way. Thousands have lost
health and life, by exposures in snow and imperfect
paths or wot gross, which this Dryer renders unneces
sary. 1 „ i --
This is no humbug, but a substantial, staple ma
chine, filling one of (he most palpable and every day;
wants of every family in-city and country. Nothing
can exceed the Cover with which they arc received,
and we refer to. this and their rapidly increasing sales,
and to the testimonials of those who have , used them,
as proof ef their intrinsic value., One of the best
proofs of their superiority; is found [ in the faot that
numbers of persons who had bought other- Dryers,
have thrown therfr aside and are using, the Challenge
Dryer. In every point of economy, convenience and
durability, it challenges the world. ■
Township rights for saloin Tioga,Bradford and Ly
coming'Counties,iby the undersigned or his agent, from
whom, also, machines can be procured. Address
; IT. STOW ELL, Jr.. WollsWro.
Or J. J. Mrmra, Williamsport, Agent for Lycoming-
Ceonty. . j 13w12
JEST* Machines can be procured at Wellsboro.
- ,S. ; Kt’. -WOOD,
isity-tiOHr 1
Amhrotyvei, Melainotypc* 'A Photograph*,
Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes or Mciafnofypes En
larged to Life Sire r end finished plain or colored.
Pictures in casts for 60 cents—pother sties'lit’pro-'
portion, and all warranted equal to city work.'
Work done in aR kinds except for chil
dren, . . i , V. , .i..
• Rooms over ffm. Roberte’.Tin; Sho£, first door be
low Empire Store. ,
Wellsbpro, Oot. 31, 1860. ■ ;
Preparatory School for Teachers.
Wellsbpro, Tioga County, Penna.
R. BDfiUHOAIIISi At. 8., . • Principal,
Tbe Winter Term begins Tuesday, Deo. 4, 1860
and closes Friday, Feb,. 15,1801.
> Juvenile Depnt-tmenV r ’-•' - $2,60
Common English Branches, I . , 350 ’
Higher English Branches, - . . g’jq"
Languages, .. . . | .. 00 .
• Pupils of • any degreeof advaneecnenkreceived, and
carefully instructed. Speeiall efforts mil bettade to
properly .qofcUfy :those: .designing?*© teach; for. thea
profession. _ ' i • , *
—Wellsborq, Oct, 31* 1860. •j '
PBBEY PAYIE’S PAIN Klttßß In fan bet
"**• r»rt»!» at Bny’» Dto| Store. -
llflß BH fioofti
W. A. BOE & CO.
FT AYE now on hand a large and" extetaiH
consisting In part of . 1 t
Black and Figured Dress St&g,
Plain and Figttred Delaines
and oasedmteSiues;
and in fact the best assortment of
Ladies’ Dress Goods,
ever brought to. this cofmty.- We have abb a lirj,
stock of ’ ’
Domestic Goods,
seen aa . I
Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, I
Tickings, Denims, Striped Shirtings, |
Bed and White Flannels, - |
Brown and Bleached Cotton Flannels, I
Cotton Bating, Carpet ,Warp, I
Cotton Yarn, Drillings, 4e. 4a, |
We hare also a large stock of Cloths and Casiimerei, I
Satinetfs, Fall Cloths, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans. ff ( |
hare also a largo and extensive stock of Grooeriu, I
Beadjr made Clothing, Hats and Caps,. Bools |
Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Glass Ware, Woodaj, H
Ware, 4c. We would invite the 7 particular attenlica %
of purchasers to our assortment of Carpets and Floor i;i
Oil Cloths,, which is undoubtedly the largest everbro’t
to this county," and which will be sold at pricer si/fi y
must give entire satisfaction. Wo would inviitya. | -
chasers generally to cnll and examine our goodtuV ;:
prices, and they willAoubtleas find that the plat* It |-
buy good-goods sUdw prices, is at the store of
W. A. 808 4 COl jj
Wellsboro, Oct. 31, 1860. y
Is now tMeiring hil
Consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing:,
Hats and|Caps, Boots and Shoes,
> S--A.-X.T, <te C.
Which, for variety and extent, is rarely excelled, and
nt greater inducements to purchasers can be'offered
is this section of country, either la
JVbeAet fat
Fanner, Mechanic or Lumberman. I
,* . 8
Wellsboro, Oct." 31, IS6OV |
G; ~L. WILCOX, ’;|
the Ladles and Gentleman 'of Wellsboro aod -i
surrounding country, to the inducements he holdi ;r
out at his 1 1 ‘A
New Store on Alain Street, |
Called. " Tbo Regulator," where purchasers will find |?
the largest, ckenpeit nnd best assortment of GOODS g?
to select from in Northern Pednsylvania. Among 5
them, such as
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, J
Faints and Oils, Yankee Notions, &c. 1
To the Ladies.
Ladies will find at the' Regulator the choicest reta*
tion of Dry Goods, adapted to the season, and to tbo
wants and tastes “of all?*'Z"'
Shoemakers will find i£to their ihtfcwst to call it
the Regulator, and examine our assortment of find*
logs, at prices to suit the times.' * : ~ -
The truth is, wo buy our goods- for Cash and sell
them .fur Cash cheaper than can. be bought at any oth
ers tore in'Tioga county; Homing to receive e shat#
of the patronage of the community,' we‘ ash"the pub
lic to come and- examine our stocklind-sbfisfy them*
helves of the truth of oar statement :
JS&* AU kinds of Hides, Sheep-Pelts and Fun U
ken'in exchange for good*/au4 the highest market
price given.' , ' .
Wollsboro, 0«f. 24, 1860,
WE wish to coll the attention of our Jxiendi and |
customers ±o our assortment of .' i
seasonable goods, I
ALSO ' r
AND Dtfr
Oar stock of stopjp goods is large. Parfit
is invited to our
&c., &e, ; ate, &.C.,
. "Wellaboro, Sept. 1, 1860.
GENTLEMEN'S, irest of Silk H»t», al
HAT, STORE, ic Arcade Block, 01
Dickinsou Honse. | ’ t . t g, p, Q\
Corning;* Feb. 1860, <
MORE alaatlo than’feathera, andllgbtar
durable.’ Price) only. 15.09. -' For A
6. B. D. WEBBS, Law
/”VF ALL KINDS,_e»p b« found «tth« i,
U e. D. WELLS, IAWRI^fC'Ifm.