—“ SPECttAIi /ZTCWriOESt) ; • ,■' TO CONSUMPTIVES. I | ThsAdveftisdr, hkfing restored to health in’ a I wM kt bjr a Very simple xijmedy, after bavingsuf i d several years with a severe long auction, and t dreed disease, Consumption—is anxious to make T «n t 0 his fellow-suffercril thomeans of cure.- -. 1 To stt wbo desire it, he wllfsend a copy of the pre . ,jon used (free of chargl), with the d|reetion fpr oaring and nsing the same, which they will find a « cure for Consumption,'Asthma, Bronchitis, die, 5 J . n iy object of the adVertlsor in sending the prs eribtion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread infor stion which ho conceives |o} be. invariable, and he Hi -Very sufrefdr wiU;try|lS remedy,"as it will cost and m.y>£« basing J f • n.ktiea wishing tho:prescription will please address M S Bav. EDWARD A. WILSON, I Will «m|hbrg. Kings Co.’, N; Y. THE T”' ,i MEDICAL AN3D TpILET Receipt!! Book. This book contains Direction* for ma king all the most valonbli MBBcal preparations in use; Recipes and full,and eVfßoit directions for mpi king all the most popular aqd useful Cosmetics, Per fumes’ Unguents, Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles If yoa are suffering ’ with ,any chronic dis _eMe if y OU wish a boautifpj complexion; a fine head of hair a smooth face, a clear skin,-a luxuriant beard ormbnstache-or if yon wish’to know anything arid everything in the Medical and Toilet line, you should, •by all means, peruse a copy of this hook. For full mrtienlors, and a sample af tho work for perusal, (free,) address the publisher! T. F. CHAPMAN, ' i3-3m No.'. 83®Broadway, New York. WHOSH 0,0 I, O USE [ J) R , X BOVEE UOpS’ VEGETABLE imperial bitters? j r A n who are afflictid witii incipient Consumption or Weak lungsshould use, them., ' '!| ; | . J Alt-wto suffer from weak Stdjpachs, Indigestion, Dyspep lU, or Piles fhould uie thedL ij2 J , ! All-wh'o sulfer from General iO Nervous Debility, Restless* oeii at night, want of Sleet), should use them. i All persons who are convalescent after fever or other sick ness should use them. , 1 i - , „ Ministers of tho Gospel, LawwS, Lecturer*, and all pub lic speakers should use theftt, (Si J - * i Book Keepers, and all 3»r«pa leading a sedentary life ihonld use them. *> The aged and infirm shoiflfl us Ahem. ' All who requite a stirajulaht cr} tonic should Usd them. All who are addicted to the uao Of a. d«nt spirits and wish to reform, should use them.s jj\ , * i They are made of a Pbem Wine, and of the native plants and herbs of tho cotiotra ! and should be recommend ed by temperance societies, plcfgjmien, physicians, and all friends of humanity. ?, { i • , They are prepared by an experienced and skillfull physi cian, and aside from their mfednqol properties, are a most delightful beverage; and aß.2j|medicine, are as innocent and harrale&ftaa the deirt of'hSrifn.. Sold by druggists generally. 1 1 CUAB. WlDtilfittD & CO., Proprietors, | ? William st.. New York. ' Baldwin, Lowell A Co., AgfinEs ajt Tioga.' 7:3yl Dr. H. It. Borden, of Tlogol] is General Agent for Tio ga County,-to whom-all applications for agencies must be made. ' ‘ | ■*} L fJMTE EMPIRE STplf) IN FULL BLASt! HTjitltAJl £PUKKAH 1 8 80,0 00 i DRV GOODS, I^iKOCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOESSHATS AND CAPS, - Grockeryi ; Hardware, &c. j ■‘<3 i w Enrn)|Tro.v at J. R. BOWE|n t &» CO.’S Flmpirel Store, WBLLSBORO, TIcIjA COUNTY, PA. -il| i * Doors open every day (Sundays excepted!, “from early dawn till-dewy ev6,Y.kh4 the b'hoys on| hand fo show this Immense etqck l( f»%| of charge, anji fife on tho lowest key ererheard ig county. - j ! Never was there snob anabportqnity sinccjthc days of Solomon to gratify Jhfleyo and the raipd. Ob, were we a Dow, Jr., or So|na great man with (a vocab ulary that would reach idj the Rocky Mountains, that we might be able-to tells you one half of our endless variety of Fall and Goods, As for prices, there is no use in.talking.. 'We sell so low wy are of ten*afmid folks may thijflrftat’we steal our foods.--- But do not be-afraid,, fn&pdji. , Come one and all, and you shall -sea what you?abi|Jl feee. If-your eye-sigtit is poor, don't forget yoUr ffibectnclos. Wo will show you the hearty of (piled down in tho kettle of arts and sciences, and inaimfactured into this large, stock uf goods. Recollect, will allow oor eto un dersell us. f • \ All kinds of Produeod&ken in •exchange fo * Goods. Wellsbopo, Nov, 7, IjfSG. I . 3&,000 I|V USE! The the Eitchi ORIGINAL fJp. STEWARD and Comfort-Prodnc ng LARCJG OVE W SUMMER AND JV INTER AIR-TIGHT . COOKINjG- | STOVE* For wood & anthracite or bitd- MINOUS COAL>-6*ppoved is 1859—IFifft -Vftc and Extra Large I fyci, and hy the addition of the Celebrated Patent Di\ tfbfe 3heet Bottom Fine, Attention is, invited U* following points pf supb riojitj : ; c 'l 1 Ist Durability, —Lasting, with proper caro, at least 20 rears. Stores are now fa use that were set up in 1538, , i \ * • I 2d. Manufacture, —Every* portion of the stovo is thoroughly constructed. sl|«h stove is submitted to a critical test, and uo6e hfca|'e our works unless com pletely and perfectly fin^Md. 3d. Capacity. —Baking,JKroiling, boiling, roastyig all other culinary .operations performed at thp -s&rao time, A barrel o£.£c|ir; baked into bread at a single fire. ] , ‘l 4th. Economy. —Saving* the cost of the stove in 2 ojr 3 years in the of fu£l. | Hh. Ventilation of Qptk, —In the Stewart stove slone the frontdoors opefa.directly into the oven, tected by letters patent, aTiirect draft through the top of tho oven, by jtnejins of perforated holes in thedoorsand hack fluei- 'Sit Will be’ borne in mind -that,aa tho heated air arrays rises, this method of ventilation is the only otKJ jjf any value whatever. : 6th. Entire ChntroU oflflmt. —The heat generated ?y the stove, may be and used or thrown “Jf the room at pleasurfr^ l t{] 1 j 7th. The DnyhU Skeett&tiom Flue. —By which % compressing and invertirifcaction of heat is obtained, jnd tho ovonlmote evebiysod' efficiently belted lhai *>y any other known invention. \ . Broiling. —Perforirod on the top and without the possibility of smoke easering the room. j oth. Bat Water reeertqxn and Warming Clotet. — j useful and convenient, (supplied by the waste heat ■ t n 1 ? thout ”f ra f«el. l'\ ! 10th. Wafer Back.— Aw Arrangement for supplying c for ( be bath romne equal to any range.. J . old ®y all dealers, on % Trial of 3 months, with A Jr* 0 guaranty for asked* . 1 . }„ { ew ? ro of the namerodte (worthless imitations now of th et thojnimos of P. P. Stewart and oe manufacturers are»ofi each stove. - None other w {fenuine. «T& ; ' 1 • j Boseriptiive pampblet^fr» by mail to any address, gencies m all the pnhcipS arid towns'in the Puller, fen' A. On*: Troy, N. Y. e, Manufacturers and 1 I ropnetors of the Clinton WorkC Por sale ft •= , - ' 11t . BARKER BROWSERS. ; cl lBDoro, Qct. 17,18Cj0.| ’ * Will?I Vicinity at 6 hereby notified A fi 2l. t MILL has just Wen repaired, and put in per* Serabt’tV, JF .'^“ a r ”!> U "tone and a Patent'Oram ar <.?' bkh will separate all fool. seed from the,- grain, 3uJ, n } of worktan and will be done. Metf ’^work„m m . e " are tnrltt * t° try. thlai Mill, and Urn b« warranted by J. 0. KELLY, •sj?'® e W,Anjuat 18,1859,. Miller. B.- Cash paid tor all Wads-of Grain at-fha Mill. - A largo and iAh b.S ° n:l,an v d fo ', fhe faU “bd winter, ttadel' Tory ches P b ? W. A. ROE CO. Wellshora, Oefc 31,1369.1 ■ - ■ „ . -J- 1 •. S^niPS. STOP 9. I | i. - I ' A SUPERLATIVE : >i 1 nrONIC,DIUREW INYICORATIH& CORDIAL ®o the Citizens of _New Jersey and. Penn’s. iiPOTHECAHIK3, DRUGGISTS, GBOCEES ASD PRIYaI* FAMOUS* . ; WolJVe Pure Cognac Brandy* • Wolfe'e Pure Maderia, Sherry and Pori Wine. \ Wolfe*e Pure Jamaica and St. Croix 'Rum. Wolfe** Pure Scotch and IHsK Whiekty. ALL IN BOTTLES.—I teg leav«, to call the citizens of the United States to the above Wines and Liquors imported by Udolpbo Wolfe, of New York, whose name is familiar in this country for the purity of bis cele boated Scbeidam Schapps. Jar. Wolfe, in his letter to me, speaking of the parity of his wines and Liquors, says: “ I 'will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a mer chant of thirty.years’ residence in the City of New York, that that all the Brandies and wipes which 1 bott!e : are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser.” Every bottle lias the proprietor’s nameon the Vax, and a fee simile of his sfgnnatare on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and!Oro ccrs in Philadelphia. • GEORGE! H. ASHTON. No. 832 Market St., Philadelphia, ; \ Sole Agent for Philadelphia. ‘Read tho followiog from the ncwTork Courier: iEnohmocs Bdsixess fob o.vc Nxw Yobs Mebchaxt.—We art happy to inform our-fellow citizens that there is one plac* is our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pore wines and Liquors, as imported, and of the best quality. We do nott intend to give an elaborate description of this mere ban’s extensive busi ness, although it will well repay any stranger or citizen to ▼wit Udolpbo Wolfe’s extensive warehouse, Nob. 18, 20/and Zi Beaver streets ami Nos. 17419 and 2L, Morkotflold street. Hlsktocte of Sbhnapps on hand ready jor shipment could not hire been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy toms tep thousand casts—Vintages of 1836 to 18565; and ten thou sand bases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch’ and liflsh Whiskey, Jamaica and iSt. Ctoix Hum, some very old ai|d equal to any in this country, lie also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, wine, Ac., in Casks, under Cus tom House key,' ready for jbottling. Mr. Wolfe’s sales of tSqhoapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty jthptisand dozen, and we hope; that in less than two years he may be eqally successful with his brandies and wines. * $ jclis business merits tho patronage of every lover of his* -species. Private families who wish pure wines and Liquors fot medical use, should senn their orders direct to Mr. Wolf* uiujl every apothecary in the land makeup their midds to difenrd the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe’s pure wines and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfo, for the accommodation of small dealers In the country, puts up assorted coses of wines .and litjuors. Such a man, and sqch a merchant, should be sus tained against bis tens of thousands of oppodent* in tho Uni ted States, ighq sell nothing feut imitations, ruinous alike to luinian healtfeand happiness; - 6m6 i ? S. 1, AVERY’S PATENT Pi MPROYED; WINDLASS., A3pTTED MAY S, IB6o.—The object of this invention is to apply a brake to a windlass in; such a manner that articles attacked to! the -wind lass, and raised by it, may be lowered with facility; thse hitherto slow and tedious manual reverse move ment of the windlass being avoided, and the invention ac the same time admitting of the operator having complete control over the descending movement of the .arjticle being lowered. The invention is applicable to various purposes; its use in connection with wells may be mentioned as an instance, in whichj the bask ets, after being raised and} emptied, may be easily low ered, and their movement'retarded at the proper time, soUhat they will not violently strike the water. — Sci entific American. i i jFor the purpose pf Raising and Lowering Backets in] Wells, it is decidedly * < THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OP THE AGE, Tbe Brake acts as a cheek: upon the backward motion oft the bucket, without turning the crank, (the crank acting as a brake, by pressing inward at the handle.) AU who examine this machine, will at once acknowl edge its | PRACTICABILITY AND SUPERIORITY, Over every other machine in use. The operation of the windlass is easily controlled with, and requires,but oxe iiaxo. It combines oil the advintages of the old fashioned with the self-emptying bucket, and adds many new and useful improvements. It can bo ad apsted to wells of any and wil} easily, With ordinary turning, AVce Buckets of tqater ,pcr minyte! from wells of ordinary depjtb, and in-tho same propor tion to the depth of two hundred feet. Tho windlass and brakeiis also applicable to raising and lowering any kind of weight, anjd in respect U far superior to those heretofore iniuse. 1‘ Having purchased cbe right for the Counties of Tio ga; and Potter, Pa., the undersigned] are prepared to offer for sale township rights for the [manufacture and sole of the abdve improvement, on reasonable terrms. , ‘ A; BIXBY, bet. 16, 1860. ■ L* B. SEELEY. CESUSE FAMILY LI^LORS. ! WM. B- MOREHOUSE & -CO., '/ 1 ' ■ Importers and Wholesale Blealers in Brandies, Wines, ] Gins and; Segars, beg leave to call the attention .of she citizens of jthe United States to their Pure Wines and liquors, put up’under their own supervision, for 1 Family and Me dicinal use, in cases assorted to suit customers. Globs, Military and otaer public Jodies, who require to pur chase in large or small quintitids, in coslte or bottles, will be liberally dealt with* Price List sent on ap plication. . 1 ; Old Moroli ojusc Bitters. Recommended by tho first physicians os the best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bebility, anil all Nervous Biseases. j As a beverage, it is pure, wholesome, and delicious to the taste. ■Sold by; all Bruggiats. WM. B. MOREHOUSE & CO., Prop'rs, 8 A 5 Exchange Place, « ! , Jersey City, N. J. p. S.—The subscribers to engageA few active men, as Local and Traveling Agents foritheir bouse, to pvhotn liberal inducements will be offered* For par ticulars, address as above. 1 : 13-3 m I GREAT INDUCEMENTS. I now pretntred to wholesale jFLOUR, FEED, JL{ MlSAiMind GRAIN cheaper than anjj man in Uio coonty. AB''\ j ; * I BUY FOR GASH, And being connected with several jlarga flouring es tablishments, I can afford'to to supply an& Dealers generally with a good article,'and cheaper than the cheapest. 1 I-bare made arrangements in the city o|F New York so as te supply anybody aqd everybody with GROCERIES, AT TTIIGLESALB OR; RETAIL, ] VETtT CHEAP. f | COFFEE, SUGARS, :TEA, 'FISH, PORK, Anid in fact anything in the Provision line, will be solil cheap for cilsh, or exchange' for grain. •i • WANTED. : ‘ 1 . 10,000 BUSHELS fcOBN AND OATS, I In| exchange for Grocerles. Gall at FRED. K. WRIGHT’S Floar, Feed and Provision Store, No.|B Main-St., Wellsboro, Pa. 1 11 | June?, 1880. ! ! . anggAg, C ABINET I WARE BOOM;. -fTUHE Subscriber most respectfully announces that _l| ho has on hand at the old stand, and for said a ! CheapJLot of rur allure. c | comprising in. part j \ , \ Brtxting and Coxnxnon 13ureaus t Secretaries and Book ’fere#, Center, Card and. Pier' Table*, Bining and ' Breakfast Tablet, Marble-topped ah d Common Stands, Cupboard*, Cottage and other Bedsteads,, So fas and Chairs, Gilt auk Basswood Mouldings for Picture Frames . ] ‘ ‘ 1 1 'COFFINS mado to brdcr on Short: notice. A hearse will bo famished if Idosircd. | f. B. Turning and Sawing done to orider. | □gust 11, 1859. - -i B. T. VA^HORNj (j 4SH pl “ d AJf FEOUR MILES: l5, 1860. 3m. j .. ~1 SONBY Og LIVERWORT,'for Goughs and Bold? ' Pried ' ; AtrEsj’s ( THE TIOGA COUNTY \ i_ WELLSBORO FOUNDRY and! machine shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. T> OBERT 'YOUNG, lab i of the firm of Tabor Jl\> Young £ Co., Tioga, takes this method to in form the Public that be has leased the Foundry and Machine Shop, in the Village of Wells boro, for a term of years, and having put it xnigood running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done l&t such an establish i the best manner and out of the best material. | TWENTY TEAKS EXPERIENCE! I He has had over twenty years’experience in the bu siness and will have the work, entrusted to him, done i directly nndei - his supervision. > No work will be sent out half fnithed. mill-obAbisos, plows, stotxs [and coatings of all kinds on hand and made to order, i May 28, 1857. ROBERT YOUNG. i AND MACHINE SHOP, i ! I CORNING, N. Y. iWM. E. ROGERS & CO., PROPRIETORS. MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers, Morticemg and Tenoning Machines, Mil! Gear-, ing and Machinery, Plain and Ornamental Iron Win dow Caps, Sills and Casings, Door Caps, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. Also Manufacturers on * large scale of j l JEFFREY'S j CELEBRATED DOUBLE-ACTING The best in use for all-ordinary purposes and con taining with the other qualities that of a superior lire Engine. I ALSO—Manufacturers of the celebrated “Hawkins i Shingle Mills”—the best now in use. Orders solicited by letter or otherwise, i WMJ E. ROGERS i CO. I Coming, N. T., Sqr. 10, 1859. ly. 1 NEW GOODS. FALL AND WINTER t Jnst received, and having bonght inj Silk Hats at unusually ! > l> O W PRICES, a! am enabled to give my customers the benefit of it. ILook at these [figures: Best $4,39 SilkHafc, City Fall Style reduced to $3 60. : Best S4,CO Bilk Hat, City Fall Style reduced te $2 s°. 11 $3 50 Hat warranted equal to those anally sold at : u so. i i Silk Eats from 4s to $3 50. Wool Hats “ 3s to 2 00. Far Hats ir _ 1 r 6s to 6 00. Men’s paps from 20s to 2 00, ! Boy’s paps ** Is to 150, i I And all my goods st my usually low rates, and the I | LARGEST STOCK f* f goods toi brought to Steuben Co.. omprisingl almost all styles and shapes, known in the jNew York Market. j STEAW GOODS losing out it 25 per cent less thain cost, f Corning, Sept. 1, 1860. [WM. WALKER. f mw STORE. FTMIE UNDERSIGNED takes ipleasure in annonn -11 cing to the citizens of Wellsboro and vicinity that fee has jast opened a new Drug Store in OSGOOD’S BUILDING, main St., fvhere he hhs a complete assortment of I Dsuas SC M^ICINSS, sroich he tv ill sell cheap for casbi | Our Stoat of Drugs is complete, embracing every { article ever called for. * I PATENT MEDICINES, f Jayne's, Vyre’s, Helmbold’s, McLana’s, Brant’s and ether popul it Medicines, together with Wistar’s Bal sam, Cod Liver Oil, Wolf’s Aromatic Schnaps, Ac, | CHOICE WINES AM) LIQUORS , for Medicinal arid Sacramental uses. | .PA IN T S AND OILS, |f the best ’quality. | Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Pepper, Saleratns, And an innumerable variety of articles in common jpo* Please call at the NEW DRUG STORE. P. R. WILLIAMS, A*H. Wellsboro,-March 10, 1869. mtansfield Classical Seminary. . MANSFIELD, PA. . TIHIS INSTITUTION is located at MansSeM, Ti- I oga Co. Pa.l, on the line of the Tioga Railroad. Us location is not surpassed by any' section of the , State, in beanty bf scenery, healthftilncss of climate, md morals of scciety. The building is of brick—lsl feet front, and four itories high. It will be completed so as to furnish ! hoarding and Dormitories for iho students at the com mencement of the winter -term. ; Good board iai private families* and rooms for those vho board themselves can be had at the lowest prices. The Seminary! is under the care of Rev. J. Lan- Ireth, A. M., Principal, and Msfs Julia A. Hosmcr, ; Preceptress, aideld by a competent corps of teachers. - ■, The course of study will embraceull branches taught n similar instil utions. A Graduating Course for Toting ladies wil be formed an,d diplomas given. ParticulftT'atte ation will be given to students intend ng to teach**- ' ■ : CALENDARI , !TT’inter Term ctmmcnces Xovw 23; closes March 5, ' Spring “ u March 28; closes 30. TCTTIOX pin TERM OF FfcURtEEX WEEKS. v Common Enj Higher Engl Languages a Instrumental Use of Instil Drawing' | Painting - { Tuition b tcforily arrange! > recitations. ] irincipal. W. C. REPLE' 1 CEDAR RUN HOTEL. I CEDAR BUS', LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. FTIQIS bouse has been lately refitted and opened for jJL tbo accomtnc dation of the public. Located at a dentral point; stages leaving every alternate day for wellsboro and Jersey Shore, connecting with cars on file Tioga R. R. north and S. 4 B. R. R. on the south. T'bis Honse is sit laced on the | Cedar Bun Gang Mill |ond —a safe and convenient loading for rafU in the Rafting season, f ood posts are firmly set on the left IjFank, and the heich! is free frokn {obstructions. Har &g been practically engaged ini the river business for many year*'we- feel confident we can anticipate the wants and requirements of this trade, and will endeav or to please. The liable, bar, 'chambers and stables fill always be attentively watched and well supplied. Gall and see ns, and we will part with you sure to see you again, j D. A. FISH, Proprietor, .1 Cedar Run. Feb. l6 r 1860. I ST. HOTEL, I NEW YORK. * ITTTHEN completed, six years ago, the St Nioho -It v la 3 was universally prononnoed the most mag nificent, convenient, land thoroughly organised .eetob- Sshment of the kipd on this ooptinent 1 What it was them, it remains i to-day— -mfthout a rt ial in rite, in Bumptuoneneta, and the general elements sjf comfort and enjoyment i '■ The Hotel has aCcommodotioijsfor 1,000 ibeluding 100 complete suites of apartments i jr i ; : Six hundred (persons can! be comfortably seated lit the tables of its three public fining rooms, and i otbing that modern art has devised for the conven ience and social gratification of the traveling public 1 as been omitted In its plan, or Is neglected in its prao t [cal details. i ‘I The ,early repniatieu of the house at home and Aroftd, derived from its magnitude, Its superb ap jiointmenlsland its horpe-like ; eowfori* and /vxupee, lies been'enhanced every yettf by’the nowcancdeker tons of *• • ; fiaep: mV pr ApTftl,, WBlf.tyjg $ CC. A.-Mr--’ E FOVKDBT ER FDjRCE PUMP, HAia -A-3ST:D : CAPE. Soda, Candles, Soap, Burning Fluid, Campbene, Turpentine, Alcohol, glifeh branches - • $-4 50 isti branches - - 600 ndhigher Mathematics 7 50 Music . 1 i - - 16 00 ament - . 200 - 1 i $3 00 to 5 Off" i- 400 to’B 00 ncldentals, 25 cents, ills are required to be paid or ratio , before the students can be admitted 'or farther particulars address tho S. Bi ELLIOTT, Pres’t [Boc. 22, 1859.] , Soc’y. agitatqb. COINING FIRE & T.TFR IWSURANOEtOFFICE. BIGELOW A THOMPSON, AGENTS. AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hartford, Ct— Capital $1,000,000. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— Capital, : «5«0,000.. PAQSNIX FIRE INSURANCE COUP AN 7. Of Hartford, Ct—Capital, $160,000. PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York City—Capital $160,000 NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE CO. Of Hartford, Ct , $225,000. MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Of New York City,—Capital $200,000. MASSASOIT FIRE INSURANCE CO. 1 Capital, $200,000. HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, ; $150,000, NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Accumulated Capital, _ $1,500,000. The subscribers are prepared to issue policies of in* snranoe on the most favorable terms in the above well known and reliable Stock Companies. Farm buildings insured for three years at rates as low as any good companies. _ . All losses Will be promptly adjusted and paid at this office. Applications by mail will receive prompt at* tention WM. L. BIGELOW, Oct IS, 1859, C. H. THOMPSON, P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor. TRY THE NEW STORE. «m. ni.” is At home u again i with an extensive and well-selected assortment of NEW GOODS, Hiiitook it as varied os it is valuable, and compri ses * DRY GOODS, of all styles and varieties, including Fall and Winter varieties of Dress Goods, Silks, Parametta’s DeLaines, *READY-MADE CLOTHING of various styles and prices. Having had long expo* rienco in this branch of trade, he is confident his cloth* ing will ruit his customers. QB O O 8138, His stock of Groceries is complete, embracing a long list of articles in common use, and which will be sold at unusually low prices. He haa also a complete as sortment of } HARDWARE, purchased with especial reference to this market, in* eluding Saws, Axes, &c, Also CROCKERY) in abundance and variety. The attention of the pub lic is also called to the fact that PORK, FLOUR, AND' SALT, ifill be kept constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest market prices. In addition to the foregoing he will keep FAINTS AND OILS, and similar articles of mechanical use 7" His stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Is sufficient to keep an entire community on a “good footing,” and warrants that all can be “fitted,” from the largest to the smallest. In truth, he would assor his friends and the public that EVERYTHING usually kept in a store may be found among bis stock. Call at the old stand of M. M. CONVERSE. Wellsboro, Nov. 3,1851). REVOLUTIONS, “TTTHETHER in Government or fashions never ge W backwards. “Old Fogyism” may frown down every exhibition of youthful fancy) yet every issue from the Press of Fashion shows that some new ad vance has been made in this branch of Science eind the Arts. Recognizing this principle of progress in his depart ment of !Trado, * J. NYE ROBINSON, has not sought to keep up with, but to go a little in advance of the ideas and wants of‘'the community in which be lives both as regards tbo style and location of his business or the whereabouts and how he does it, ? Believing that honesty of purpose and a strict Attention to Business will under ordinary circumstances insure success he undertook to manufacture for this community a per tion of S THEIR CLOTHING, and it affords him much pleasure to know that he hat so far succeeded as to have received a good SHARE OF THE TRADE. - A continuance of which—while ho gratefully acknowl edges past-favors—he earnestly and respectfully so licits. C In every kind of business there are some things that are called Leading Articles; and so we find in this that'’ BLACK CLOTHS AND CASSIWERES, are what almost everybody wants and without which no establishmentoan dress up its customers in truly Elegant Style. • Of these be has a great abundance and as deeply dyed as any Democrat or Black Repub lican you oan find in the land; while in FANCV ‘COLORD CLOTHS, his assortment is no less varied than the politics of the numerous parties, ranging all the way from genuine administration down to rankest opposition. In his selection of goods for Over Coatings he is remarkably fortunate both as to STYLE AND DURABILITY. He has not only a large Stock of GoodS, but his fa cilities for manufacturing them were never better, having secured lin Mr. Ten Eyck a most EXCELLENT GUTTER. And m every other department the most competent help,. Confident that he can offer advantages to his customers not excelled bv any in the trade, and deter mined to makej bis establishment one of the best in this section of ;country, h© invites the attention of the people of Tioga County who are in any way in need of a irood, comfortable, stvliah and durable gar ment. J. NYB ROBINSON, Corning, N. T., Nov. 10, 1859. WELLSBORO’ ACADEMY. Wellsboro’, Tioga County, Penna. MAHINUS N. ALLEN, A. m.\ - - Principal. Miss CrsniiA Farmer, Preceplreit. Miss L. Lucinda Allen, ... - A»iiiant. Miss Josephine M. Todd, - - Matte Teacher. The Academic year will be divided into three Terms of 14 weeks eacb. ' Winter Term commences Monday, Dee. 3j closes Friday, March 15, 186 L. Tnition. Primary Deportment, • . . " $2,00 , Common Branches, .... 4,00 Higher English, * • • ... 5,09 Languages, | - . - 8,00 rnstramentatmUsle (extra) Term 6(12 weeks 10,00 . Board and Rooms in private families furnished at reasonable prices. Students wishing to board' them selves may also obtain Rooms in private families. The success that has attended the efforts ot Prof. Allen as a teacher in other institutions in which he has been engaged encourages the Trustees to antici pate entire snecess in his connection with' the Wells boro Academy. , , t ' The primary department will he under the care of Miss Allen, whose time will be given exclusively tp the children placed under her charge. There will bo formed a TEACHER’S CLASS, the instruction of which to he out of the regular school hours, but no extra charge made. Bills of Tuition ore to b« paid at or before the mid dle of each Term. By order of Trustees, J. F DONALDSON, Pree’u ■ Wellsboro, November T, 1880. SODA FOUNTAIN. SODA ‘FOUNTAIN, i SODA FOUNTAIN EOR SALE ot a great bargain. Inquire at 1 Juno 21, 1880,; , BOX’S DRUG STORE. Mr*. Winslow's Sootliin;; Syrup. Children tifcthing. Price 25 cent?. ' ■ j rfcjj'ale at Roy’s Ctcre. WELLSBORO BOOK STORE. BOOKS, BOOKS! HURRAH FO R SMIT H THE anheeriber, baviag purchased of E. E. Rob. inzen hi. interest in the Book and Stationery bu siness, would reipeetfnUy inform the public of bis da tire to carry on A aSNSSAib NfiTWS BOOM AND BOOK STORE, j , where he will famish, AT THE OI.D STAND, opposite C. G. Osgood's Store, orby mail, the following Mwspspers and Magazines, at the publisher's rates. DAILIES SERVED BY CARRIERS. New York Tribune, j Herald, j Times, | News, i World, WEEKLIES., Nsw York Ledger, £ Waverly Magaiine, « Mercury,. Thompson’s Reporter,, " Weekly, Life Illustrated, Welcome Guest, Wilks’s Spirit, 1 Century, ■ Porter’s . ° Scientific American, Boston Pilot, Frank Leslies’, < True Flag, N. Y. Illustrated News, Dish American, Harper’s Weekly, Littell’i Living Age, Waverly Magazine, Thompson’s Reporter. SJiOKTt'Sii.rES. Harper’s Magazine, Godey’s Lady’s Book, Frank Leslies’ Magazine, Peterson’s, Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Arthur’s Magmino, Eclectic Magazine, Ladies' Repository, All the Year Round, Ladies’ Visitor, Knickerbocker, Pickles, i Budget of Fun, Phunny Fhellow. ; Also, will b. kept sonstantly on hand, » o.m .etc repository of CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL, SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Books, Paper Hangings, SHEET MUSIC, PICTURES, MAPS, for the winter term. No pains will be spared to mute this school equal to any in the county. 0. M. STEBBINS; Westfield, Tioga Co,, Pa. ISkmC Valuable Beal Estate for Sale. - THE Subscriber offers for sale the large farm known an the GRIGGS FARM, situated near the Wells boro’ and Mangold Road,One mile eo*tiof Whitneyrille, containing 21U acres. Ml good farming 4O acres improved, with ft frame barn and “it log house sell cheap tor cash or upon reasonable time, or exchange for property near Stony Fork. For farther prdcnUrs apply to TI. W. Williams, Wells&dra, Morgan Hart, Charleston, or the subscriber. Stony Fork, Oct. S, i860.—3m. H. 8. HASTINGS. WALL PAPER - 1 WALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL PAPER . WALL PAPER Latest styles and largest assortment of wall paper ever brought in Wellaboro.' In concoction with, the above can be. found Window Shades of all kinds.. Call soon at ; , WM. H. SMITH, Weilaboro, April sth,-1860. THE subscriber has for sale a large quantity farming land of excellent quality, and in good !o cations in Tioga and Potter County, comprising soyer al lots of improved land. These lands will be sold on ten years time at reason able rates. Those who desire to secure to tbeptselVea a good farm, can now dp so-on bettor term's than will ever be offered again in this County. Wellsboro, March 8, 1860. A, P. CONS. THE Store BuHding on Main Street, nearly oppo site C. AJ. L.. Robinson’s Store. The lot i* J 30 feet front, and extends back,6l £ feet, ,The, Building was built for a Store House, with open front For terms Ac, apply to SAMUEL DICKENSON; Wellsboro Fa. Wellsboro, August .29, 1860. AND, TEACHERS’ SEMINARY, Deerfiel-f. S. Ti. PRICE Principal. Mrs, Sophia Pric* . Preceptress. Winter Term of 1860 and 'dl commences Deo, 4th. Spring Term of 1861,'commences March sth. Tuition, from S3.T)O Room rent, $1.00,’ For particulars, eco circulars. Deerfield, Tioga Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 1860w3* AdminlslraCoVs Notice, LETTERS' of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ot JOHN BAM, late of Middlebury dec’d., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate.payment, and those having claims against the same.will present them to FAN NT M. HAM, Admr’h: Middlehnry, Oct 1.", 1860. «•. PLASTER. THE FARMERS OF TIOGA CO. NEED only he told that ft largexnantity of Ihie superior article, recommended by Horace Gre». ley, is ready for them at TIIE MANSFIELD PLASTER MltL; It requires no puffing to produce a “rush/* and it sold at the low price of $6.00 per Urn* Mansfield, Jan. 56, 1860. AMOS AKLTi'j Largo, and Elegantjissorttasntaf; ' oarpetinq, Will bo sold at tbo lowest prices, by B. D. WBLL& LawrcnceviUo, Sept.-12, 1860. Brown’s Bronchial Troche*. * OK COUGH For the care of hoarse ness, Sore Throat and Pulmonary Irritation, and to clear the force fop public speakers and singers. - . - For sale nt Roy's Drug Store, FARRIERS J*OWI)ER is now extensively used for horse distemper, also for colds coughs in horses, to increase the appetite, regulate the digestion and to improve the condition of the animal, useful also as a preventative frr horn distemper nrjcaitle. • , For sale nt Roy's Drnfe Storo, . BINDING. FOICS-, Msperries ■ r.nd JJewspnpebs honml in Bu pericr Styles. Universal facilities enable usto fleas *U. Cvliand see at the , BOOKSTORE. Balsam tolu.cough remedt—This is must phpalaf and useful expectorant now in la o id this vicinity. IHa prepared froth the DoDaiu cf ft tree growing in hot climates, mostly ip South America. For sale at Roy's Sms Store, MITCHECI/S STRUT OR IPECAC. FortWcs, Cmishs. Group ie.. - .-URay's Drug Store, 15 ItOTJIER .Tt>us; r mi,‘» Furniture Poirfb.j j’rfcs P isn't, To: sob at Biy’e Simflftttre; FOR SALE! yraaw boot, shoe, Land. FOR SALE. ACADEMY iimoN J. R. NlLE§f Adm'rt SHOP,