I : gf:j \Ti . A PORCEIAIIjI. ■?-■ C: pafent in the ’United States, •; N «tfgUudi and Belgium. . , The ameJeuoUn photographic PORCELAIN No. TBl Be oat* way New York, having socnred' thHr novel and inpenioiKriuventtnii JJJ r \merican and Surope&usatcnts, are folly pi enured loex* ecuteall ordersJor * 1 ilunATt’EE lUKW§BSES OP PEESOSS 02f CHINA, ■ prepenting, all the and advantageous features of rr dipaty photographs, tho |3dUiancy and finish of a water-cnl* or drawing, and a hithertirnnattaineJ quality of durability, ' by being rendered as imperishable as the natural prope'rtjt-s J of the articles upon whien'thby are. transferred, r '< As the patented processpf, the Company enables the repfo dUetton of photographs, pot only on plain surfaces, tmtjii'bu such its are round or ; of a ay.degree of irregularity—pdrtraata caq v be reproduced With Wattless accuracy, and delicacy jOf * delineation, upon porcelain wares of any description ana jii laeaflian used as articles jt>f. luxury or of household utility • sucß'as . ’ ’ j” T r ' '; ', ♦ Vases* BreakfaetCupa,- Toilet Articles, £jc» ,'-Ihgreby securing faithful portraits' and furnishing an Onlqbo and exquisite style of oriwUientation of articles in domestic 1130. - • .» - . •< J, 1 n order to furnish faculties for tho gratification of the pdmilartasfe, arid to wants of those patrons of the Tine Arts desirous of haTOigportraits on porcelain. tneCoti - f> pAuy have imported fronts ;J/urope a collection of superior porcelain goods, manufactured to their own order, which tyey -soli at cost prices' } J-j ; | % As the American Cqmpfpj arc owners of the patent right, ■ 'and consequently the’ou&pcrsons authorized to wso the pro* cesc, they have dotewninetkln order to afford j>eoplb iu eke ry section of the Uhlon to possess ] 1 o.v CiJLVi 3 i 1 to niuko tho 1 s | Residents in: the Cpujitry, who are unable Ito visit personal® the Atelier and Gal- j ■- . leriplh.New'York. Persons sending a ambrotype or dagueneo tyj«tto thy office of tho in New York, accompan cd I by 3 '' , [ Ffe Doelaes. : will Receive in return py Btpreas, free of cliargo, yichly Cup and Sau~ -cer, withl the porliait transferred thereon. By transmitting a dagaargeotype and - - {jfijc;Dollars, secuM in likeiispijncr, Abandsome French.’Vase, or Toilet Article, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. |Uy Sending a pair of daguerreotypes and \ * i Dollars, j * fhjywriU receiyßln iitui|£'4 , ; , ] Apairof,||cb Sevres Vases, j .With the portraits executed equal to miniature pninthjgs: in like manner, porlSj||tB can be repr-'diu-ud on pulcc lulu wares or "Vases of |Siry quality of finish, iu pricdfrnm dollars the pair. j . :N. B.—Be particolir the address, town, coupty and nt»to distinctly; # a ’ i All letters to be adres&(?,to * .1 „ 4i Mammy er, photographic P»rc( lain Co.,’ ■ ‘ g;! f . 781 Broadway. , I gj|:j New York* j • jiov7m3 P4LME#: PORTABLE | - - ■ j CLOTH|s dryer : " * EQUALLED BY Ns#E-EXCELI.ED NEVER.; L Tk EAD the enumeration of adcaut'vjes ,over apy before offered to the public/ truthfulness of to these h outages fcan be attested by hundreds Who have used them : } . Ist..The facility for|rireadingat any point of cleyn-* tion most convenient f|f hanging on the sa{sing;by a .yet powerful hoisting j^cfcT'' well np and oat of tbttjay. All will readily see Jthe • great importance Of tbrajarrangoment. Many station ary machines are fitteeiup with a rack and pinion,! or otb.ee expensive and ckfobrous devices, for raiding the frames, costing frrfm SlOito $2O. But here wo get fins • very desirable facility,|n.a manner more effective and »'Blmpld.thaireVer befortldcvised, and that'in connec tion with the Poijtal)lo|jpryer, and all at, an expeinse* but nominal. ;Dryefs|gjthout this, necessarily bring • Ih'e clothes sp low as in the way of everything “fcwslnghcneath, and « so high as to make tfie bnWg , jng on and taking off gi4 clothes, a work of llibor And • inconvenience. Forlatence, to-take off frozen elotihes . in winter, from a comQm line, in easy reach, is jbad enough, bdt jt reS got to *be done standing; on .tip-tee,-and reachinggb, it is todious in the extic(ne. ■‘Thu Challenge iJryorMn be lowered os casilyjas itimn i be raised, by tbe samjgack, so os to come within ftho easy reaob of a ch,ild.mThe operation of hoisting And • -lowering is as simple A that of working a pump han- : 2d, The Ipwer end .the center shaft or post, has fitted-to it a‘taper thimble, fitting imo an iron ‘ Bucket, let into the ggwtid post, so that when the '|mi ' chine ifrset ip, it has anoint as solid as iron can m|ike 'and which iq only i^o®qvetTby wear. The- socket is so made.as to aci as ajptp to.preserve anji a ‘ring to prevent its 5 slitting, and is provided wicn a cover, to ketip out w«gV snow and dirt. A flanges on the thimhle-shods so as to prevent the water •fjwiS the'Sijket when the Dryer is setjef *f4cfattlly precladidg jtp^possibility of its getting iro tken in. ; r * '{ J - Sd. ,It is the best made and most durable machine 'ever offered 1 to the Tbe hubs are " splitting—no by the weather—so as to ijind “on to the post. The work is covered with a Uca 'vy eoafof' varnishl, th&oughly baked on. The nnqs and braeps are the hubs in a manner defying I for strength and durability.— ■The cord and timber «e of the best quality, aadlput together In the nlosjf alibstantial manner. . 4th. In revolving^iraruns iron on iron, heucejre- Volves very easily, of air being sufficient to sot it in mot|on, afid Air portions of the (lolhesfaic constantly being to the wind and sun, |iad the process of a dtyivjft P>hs on very rapidly, and clo|hej> onc-tbird vjUi&er than on the struight linn. 6th* Inoase of t|r4|tened rains, or in cold weather, itfae Dryer can be fd|4 wants of ev 4 ery familyKh city And country can exceed the wtych they «ro received, and we refer 1 to thiajaigtheir rapidly increasing eajlesi, "anddo the testimhrtialSif those who have used thpui, oa proof of: theif value. One of the sest .proofs,of their. is found in tbe fact that - numbers of personal tf&b had bought other Dryers, -have thrown them flki|| and are using the Challenge J>ryer. In everjf economy* convenience And .durability, it the world. > j . .Township ngnja ln Tioga, Bradford and coming Courifies/bj' or his agent, fijom also, be procured. Address \ ; J i TOSTqWELL, Jr.. WelUborq. ■. Or J, J. wgllamsport, Agent for liVcomjng County. ; '■ f g 13w12|. . fiSsS* 1 MachineftnaO {fe procured at Wellshoro. j ■ ~ '■'Si. • L_ 1 W 'A $ T ]|A C TI 0 X &■ ; ' ’ si.!: sag "w oox3, j , photographic ARTIST.; | Ambrotypc?, Weloijaotypes & Photographs, i 1 .AT GALLERY. ! ' ‘Dagnerreotypej, Anrarotypes or Melainotypcs En larged to Life Sißfyan«?3mslicd plain or culprod. j ’ Pictures in cents—other sizes in pro portion, atyT aU ‘ equal to city work. j fiTprk done in Hll lu&ls woftt^er except for chil dren. --.fe ' Rooms over^^rts'. Tin Shop, first door fce low'fidipire Store£'* : j WeU3boro,'Octr ; 3l,|;jg6o. >' Preparatory gc|iool for ToacEn-ijs. Wellsborp, County, Pcnna. | R. A - 8., - - Principal. ’ The Wintcf lari logins Tuesday, -.Dec, 4, isjcr, andqloses Friday, 1’^p!5,1861. I ■ . J .TmgJON. “ .( Jayenflo X>epartmesji|j - $2,50 j Common English Byafiches, - - 3,50; 1 ‘ Higher English Brioches, • - - 4,50 > ' languages, I - - * " ' s '®°: ‘ Pupils of ,aOy degrqcjof advancement received, apd oarefully instructed. |peoinl efforts will be made [to propo/ly qualify thoscf designing to teach, for th|ir profession. ■ S I j' Wollsboro, Oct. ; PERRY DAVIE’S KILLER in largo bdi tloj. ' at Roy's Drug Si we.' COMEBCIAL COIIEGE. LOCATED OVER THE SUSQUEHASSA VALLEY BAISK, BINGHAMTON. N. Y. ! ’ - < PACULTL . ' I D. TC* theScfcjjcepf Accojbntg, Practical Accoanlpat, authpr of Loweil’s Treatise iipon ■ j Jpas Kaski.v, Commercial Accountant, Professor of Keeping and Practical Mathematics. 'J. J. Curtis, Assistant Teacher' in the Booh-Keepin/ partmenl. ; * t - •■_ • i A. J. Warxeh, Professor of Practical and Ornamental manaliip, Commercial Calculations and Corresponds LECTURERS. Hon. D intel S. Dickinson, Lecturer on Commercial La> Political Economy. tlon. Ransom Balcom, 'Lecturer on Contracts, Eromi Notes and Dills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, iLecturer on Cemraerdal Ethics. imtsary , EXAMINING COMMITTEE. - I lIOTf. SHERMAN D. Wm. U. Osborn, Esq., Tract R. Morgan. Esq., Wm. E. T,\TLOB, of the firm ot Taylor,Weed £Co., D.D. De.nton, of the firm of Jackson, Denim & Minks. Do WittC. Striker. J The object of this College is tb afford to all anbpportp' of obtaining a thorough business education, | The books and forms are. carefully n;i4pged bfr prnfcl accountants expresslyj for this Inaitutibn and qmbraett the recent improvements. . s I The course of instruction comprises every departmli business. The learnef will to thoroughly taught the sii and practice of Doublp Entry Book-Keeping as applied |c following kinds of harness, vii;—General Mcrchantli Manufacturing, Banking, Commission, Stearobdating,|] voading.FonvardingjFrelghtingt Foreign Shipping. Yocxo Mbs enn qniliiy themselves in a short time af institution to fill important and lnr?aiire situations.| . pie references can be given whore graduates of 1860 ar| i filling desirabe situations with silariea varying from s|o( $l3OO per annum. j » | The Proprietors are'ln possession of testimonials frondt of the first'commercial houses in the State, toj whon| \ have furnished book-keepers, showing their entire sari* tion and confidence in the ability of the graduates of institution. 1 f , , | * Pp.nmij.ship, in nil Its branches, taught by the'mostsl and tliO'ough masters of the art. jNo'.college in 1 the bj enjoys a higher reputation in this department. 1 Ladies Departmentientirely separate from that of tl tlemen. ’ Students can enter College at any time—no xacri Time to complete theicourse from 8 to 10 weeks, Shj .pacing the requisite examination.art? presented wifj most elaborate'and elegantly engravcd-Dlploma issued b commercial or cljwsicn! institution in the Union!. rendered in procuring situations! | ] terms of‘Tuition, price of board, testimi from graduates filling situations, 4c*, send for circular taining full particulars. - ’ ISjj 18G0. WINTER DRY GOOD W. A. KOE & CO. HAVE now dn hnnd a large and extei STOCK OF DRY GOODS; consisting in part pf ; Black and Figured Dress Silkj, WORSTED GOODS, a lid Fignred Delalnci AISTID OASHMBEBS, MERINOES, LADIiES CLOTH. OPERA FLANNELS, LONG <& SQUARE SHAWLS and in fact the best assortment of Ladies’ Dress Oooi ever brought to this county. We have also a stock of i Domestic Goods, seen as - Brown and Bleached Sheetings ahd’Shirtings, ; Tickings, Den#tns, Striped Shirtings, [ Red and White Flannels, Brown and Bleached Cotton Flann ils, Cotton Batting,, Carpet W^rp, , Cotton Yarri, Drillings, &ii. &c. We have also a large stock of Cloths andi Cossiciercs, Satinerts, Full Cloths, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans* j We have also a large and extensive | stock ef Groceries, Ready made Clothing, Hats arid Caps, Bootl and Shoes, Hardware,' Crockery, Glass Ware, Wooden Ware. tho largest evefbro't to this county, and which will bcladld at prices irhich most give entire satisfaction. Wb would invite| pur chasers generally to call and examine our good! and prices, ami they will doubtless find that ihe place- to buy good goods at-low prices, is at the stdrb of | W. A. ROE A feO. Wcllsboro, Oct. |3I, ISfiO. QUARLES G. OSGOOD, la now receiving his ' WINTER STOCK DF GOO Dry Gbodsb." ClotMng, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, IKON A DTD STEEL, NAILS, FLOUR, SALT, Sz, C . ■ ; ’ Which, for variety and extent, is rarely excellec, and no greater inducements to purchasers can bo effered in this section of country, either in VARIETY, QUANTITY, QUALITY OR t>RICES, ■ Whethei for / JAJ>Y, GENTLEMAN, BOY OR GIRL/ Farmer, mechanic or Lumhermim. Well-born, Oct. kl, ISCO. 1 THE EEGILATO^. C. L. WILCOX,; r WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the Ladies ( aucl Gentleman of WolUborq and surrounding country, to tho iuduoemeuta ho holdjs out out at Lis i [ I } New Store on main Street,] Called *• The Regulator,” where purchasers wiil| find the Inrgcntf chcnptvi fnd lent assortment of GOODS to select from in Pednsylvauia. Among them, such os * ‘ DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats and Caps, Boots and;Shees, GROCERIES, CROCKERY. FISH, PORK, FLOUR AND SALT, Faints and Oils, Yankee Notions, toe. 1 To.the Ladids. Ladies will find at tbo Regulator the choicest elec tion of Dry Goods,, adapted to tb4 season, and tn the wants and tastes of all. t 1 Shoemakers will find it to theiij interest to call at (ho Regulator, and, examine our |assortment o£ lad ings, at prices to suit tbo times. ; j The truth is, we huy out goods for CaqH and sell therefor Cash cheaper than can bcf bought at any oth er store in Tiogb county, Hoping to receive a siare of the patronage of.the.community, vreaik the mi. He to come and examine oifr stock and sajtisfy-tl em eelvcs of the truth B| ESS GOODS, • . ’ COMPRISING " AND FAHCY SILKS - 0 HALL! -RS AND DE LaStBS, f iNGHAHsj Brilliants, lawns,- FBBNCB AMD ! AIHERICAN ‘PBXHTS • ; also’ . | . SHAWLS, MAOTItLAS ANIKDtfSTEIIS. Our stock of staple goodsjds larged notice Is it ivitcd to dux' 4 BRC WS AND BLEACHED iSHIUm'Ca 4 SHEETINGS, ■ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, EAiRMERS A MECHANICS’ CASSIMERES, It EADY-MAD E CLOTHING, , CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, &C., &C., itc., &C., &C, Wellsboro, Sept. 1, 1860, Jtqok* ii Be Pen- T‘ jtical ;s all mt of jience [o the Gail- CORNING FIRE Et LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE. BIGELOW A THOMPSON, AGENTS. „ AETNA FIRE INSURANCE VOMPANY Of Hartford, Ct.—Capital $1,000,009, HARTFORD FIRE IRE FRANCE COMPANY.— Capital, y i '5500,000. PAIENIX FIRE- INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Hartford, Ct.—Capital, $150,000. PEOPLES FipE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Newark City—Capital $150,000 NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE CO. Of Hartford, Ct. - $225,000. MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. "Of New York City,—Capital $200,000. MAISSASOXT EIRE INSURANCE CO. i Capital, , $20q,000. HOMESTEAD,EIRE INSURANCE .COMPANY, ' 1 -(Capital, $160,000. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Accumulated Capital, $1,500,000, Tho subscribers are prepared to issue policies of in surance on the most favorable terms in tho above well known and reliable Stock (Companies.' Farm buildings insured fur three years at rates as lowJas any good companies. All losses will be promptly adjusted and paid at this offieb. Applications by mail will receive prompt at tention • WM. L. BIGELOW, Oct. 13, 1859. C. U. THOMPSON, P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor. feomo they Mac* this illfql in try lgen ;ion|s lideufr ’P tide |tauc 3 ipnia 3 * coi - ST rU I isive TRY THE NEW STORE. «BL HI.” IS AT HOME AGAIN! with an extensive _and well-selected assortment of NEW GOODS, His stock is as varied as it is valuable, and compri ses 1 * DRY GOODS, of all styles and varieties,, including Fall and Winter varieties of Dress Goods, Silks, Purametta'e DeLaines, "ready-made clothing of vkrious styles and prices. Having had long expo rienyo in this branch of trade, ho is confident his cloth ing will suit his customers. GROCPIE3, His stock of Groceries is complete, embracing a long list of articles in common iise, v and bo sold at unusually low prices. Ho has also a complete as ■sorcment of HARDWARE, purchased with 'especial reference to this market, in cluding Saws, Axes, • - Assistant. Miss Josephine M. Todd, - ,- Music Teacher. Tb© Academic yearwillbe divided into tbreo Terms of 1-4 weeks each.- , ' .Winter Terra commences Monday, Bee. 3j closes Friday, March 15, 1861. : Tuition. Primary Department, - $2,00 Common Branches, - 4,00 Higher English, ----- 6,00 Languages, - - - - - - 6,00 Instrumental music (cs trn) Term of 12 weeks 10,00 Board and Rooms in private fcvmilics furnished at reasonable prices. Students wishing to board them selves may also obtain Rooms in private families. The success that has Attended the efforts of Prof. Allen as a teacher in otljer institutions in which ho bus been engaged encourages tbo Trustees to antici pate entire success in his connection with the Wells boro Academy. The primary department will be nnder the care of Miss Allen, whose time will bo given exclusively to the children placed under her charge. There will be formed a TEACHER’S CLASS, the instrj\sftH>n of which to be out of the regular' school 5 hours, but no extra charge made. ' Bills of Tuition arc to bo paid at or before the mid dle of each Term. By order of Trustees, r . J. F DONALDSON, Preet. Wcllsboro, “November 7, 1 SCOT; NEW GOODS. FA Mi ANB WINTER HATS .A-ItfTD CAPS. " Just-received, and havifag bought my-Silk Hats at unusually XOW PRICES, I am enabled to give my customers the benefit of it. Look at these figures: Best $4,50 Silk Hat, City Full Style reduced to $3 50/ Best $l,OO Silk Hat, City Fall Style reduced to $2 50. S 3 50 Hat warranted equal to those usually sold at $4 50. ‘ Silk Hats from 4a to $3 50. • Wool Hats “ " 3s to 2 00. Fur Huts “ ) 65 to 6 00. Men’s Caps from m 20s to 2 00, Boy’s Caps u !, - la to 1 50, And all my goods at myi'usually low rates, and the LARGEST STOCK. . jurdoz. porhun'd. 50 eta. *3.00 37 bi 2.50 2.60 of goods to select from ever- brought to Steuben Co., comprising almost all styles and shapes known in the New York Market. STRAW GOODS losing out*at 25 per cent less than cost. Corning, Sept. 1, 1860. WM. WALKER. NEW MUG STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Wellsboroaud vicinity that he has just opened a new Drug Store in OSGOOO’S BUILDIKG, IKaln SI., 'vhere he has a complete assortment of DRUGS Sc MEDICINES, waich ho will sell cheap for cash. Par Stock of Drugs is complete, embracing every article ever called for. Patent medicines, Jnyne’s, Ayre’s, HelmbolcFs, McLane's, Brant's and other popular Medicines,-together Wistar's Bal sam. Cod Liver Oil, Wolf's Aromatic Schnaps, Ac. CHOICE TVIKES'AHD 'iLIQUOfiS, for Medicinal and Sacramental uses. paints and Oils, ' of tho bost.qnality. Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Pepper, Saloratns, Soda, Candles, Soap, Burning Fluid, 4 Camphone, Turpentine, - Alcohol, And an innumerable variety of articles ip common use. V JJ&- Please call at the NEW DRUG S’TORB. ’ P. R. WILLIAMS, Ag*t» Wellsboro,.March 10, 1859. HOUSEHOLD FUBKITOBE, /~\F ALL KINDS, can bo found at the rooms of IV/ JE. P, WELLS, LAWHEKgEVILLE. jinesg there ore soi EXCELLENT CUTTER. EVAWS & WAT!. SALAr3ANDER s • 'lliya-. •] 304 Chestnut Sti : PHIIABELPHJ ANOTHER TRIUMPH! To the President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society :—The subscribers,'your committee to examine the conten ts of a Salamander Safe of Evans & Watson, after beingexposed toastrong fire on the Fair Grounds for eight hours, respectfully represent — .That, after seven cords of oak' wood'and three of pine had been consumed around the Safe, it was open ed in the presence of the committee, and the contents taken out, a little warmed, but notoven scorched. ; Several Silver Medals. heretofore received by the manufacturers, and a large quantity- of .documents were intho Safe, and came out eneirely uninjured. ■ The experiment satisfied ns of tlie capacity of Safes of tfais kind to protect contents from any fire to which they may be.exposed. ! -1 _ The Committee award a Diploma and Silver Medal. 1 Gbo. W. Woodward, . j ‘ John W. Gears - , J. P.ItUTHERFORD, u Alfred S. Gil Lett. STUD ; AN OTHER. WiLiiiNGToy, Del., Sept, .17, 1559. —Messrs.. Evans and Watson, Philadelphia. ’ > Gentlemen: The Salamander Fire-Proof Safe of yourmanufactuhe,purchased by us from your Agent, Ferri? & Garrett, of out city, some nine months ago, was Severely fried byi burglars last Saturday night; and although f(iey hadjt sledge hammer, colfchisels, drill, and gunpowder, Sjd not succeed in opening the Safe. The lock being one of. Hall’s Patent Pow der-proof,” they could not got the powder into it, but drilled a hole in the lower panel and forced in a large charge, which was ignited, and although the door, in side and out, showed the explosion not to have been a small one, it was notYorced open-. We suppose they were the greater part of the night at work on it. We are much gratified at the result of the attempt to entei it, and if the above fadts are of any service, you are at liberty to use them. ' Yours, truly, BAYNAKD i JOSES. GREAT FIRE !—ANOTHER TRIUMPH. Knoxville, Tenessee, March 13tb, 1859. —Messit. Evans 3IACIIINE SHOP AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. - ROBERT YOU'NG, late of the firm of Tabor Young & Co., Tioga, takes this method to in torm the Public that he has leased the , Foundry and Machine Shop, in the Village of Wellsboro, for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done at such an establish ment, in the best manner and out of the best material. TWENTY TEARS EXPERIENCE! He has had over twenty years’expcriencein the bu siness and will have the work, entrusted to him, done directly under his supervision. No tcorh will be sent out half Jinfahed. MILL-GEARINGS, FLOWS , STORES and castings of all kinds on hand and made to order. May 28, 1857. i ROBERT YOUNG. EIUEFOUMDItI AND MACHINE SHOP, CORNING, N. Y. WM. E. ROGERS & CO,, PROPRIETORS. MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers, Morticeing and Tenoning Machines, Mill Gear ing and Machinery, Plain and Ornamental Iron Win dow Caps, Sills and Casings, Door Caps, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. Also Manufacturers on a large scale of JEFFREY’S CELEBRATED DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMP, The best in use for all ordinary purposes and con taining with the other qualities that ot a superior Fire’ Engine. - ALSO—Manufacturers of the celebrated Shingle Mills” —lhc t bcgtnow in use. Orders solicited by letter or otherwise. WM. E. ROGERS & CO.- x Corning, N. Y.. Nov. 10, 1859. ly. NEW GOOESer*, ftct order, having three nm of fttcuto nnd a Patatt Grain \ Separator , which will separate all'fotrt seed from the grain, l consequently the best of work can and will bo done. Met*- chants ami formers’are Invited to'try this Mill, nnd firsr rate work will bo warranted by J. 0. KELLY, ' Mansfield, August 18,18G9. ' Miller. . E. Cash paid for all lands of Grain at the Mill. C4SH paid for QiRJIJf nt TIOC.I STE.IM FLOUR MILLS. August 15, 1800. yai, j Philadelphia;, Sept. 21 IN* ALL' CASES j of Asthma. Acute and Chronic Cbematfsm, Affection* Bladder and Kidneys. 13ILLI0US FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAIW In th« south and west, where these diseaser preraiiVv will be found invaluable. Planters, farmers and otheix once use these Medicines, will never aftervrarth-be them. BIFLIOUS COLIC, SEROS. LOOSENESS. PILES. COstrJ NESS, COLDS AND COUGHS, CHOLIC, CORrS! ' HUMORS. DROPSIES. ' Dyspeptia. —No person with this distressing disease delay using these medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency. Feser and Agiu.—Yor toia scourgo of the western covs these medicines will be found n safe, speedy and edy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a-reic, the disease; a cure by these medicines Is permanent. 1 Try them. Be satisfied and be cured. .P uhic** nf Cnmplcxiojfy— . GENERAL DEBILITY,VGOUT, GIDDINESS, GRATE Headaches of every kind. Inward Fever, Inflarnatory fit* tism, Impure Biodd, Jaundice, Loss'of Appetite. • Mercurial Distam. —Never fails to Eradicate entirely, tjio effects ofMercntr, infinitely sooner than the mosite erful preparation of Sarsaparilla. 10 NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. COMPUr* j oluß kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. * Pilot. —Tho original proprietor of these mwiicima * enred of Piles o^3s.years’ standing, by tho use of medicines alone. PAINS in the head, side, back. Joints and organs. • J^ienmcUisvi,— I Those affected with this terrible iliaea*,; he sure of relief by the Life Medicines. ' 5 Hush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Scrdfluln, or Kings Evil in its forme, Ulcers cry description. r Worms of all kinds are effecturally expelled by cines. ParentfrWill do well them whenever their ic suspected. Relief will be certain. * The Life Fills and Phcsniz Bitten . PURIFY THE BLOOD, h And thus renj£ve all disease from the-svsfdm. sold by ’ DR- WILLIAM B. MOFFJT, f 330 Broadway, cor. Anthony Street, New ? For salcby all Druggists. 62yl 1 ) Hostetler’s StomachJßitters. f. IN VIEW of the fact that dwry member of ihe hog family Is more or less subjected to some sides innumerable other conditions in life, which, Ijj assistance of a little knowledge or exeydse of common they nmy be able so, td regulate tl&ir habits of with the assistance of a good >tonie, secure permanent In order to accomplish this desired object the truecoumi pursue is certainly that which -will produce a natural of of things.ot the least hazard-of vital strength and this end Dr,Tiosfetfcr has introduced to this connfryapj arntion bearing his which at this day is not is medicine, but one that hos been tried for years, giving u faction to all who have used it. The Bitters operate pov fully npyn the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring them a healthy and vigorous action,.and thus by the simple* cess of strengtheninig nature, enable the system to trit over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Nausea, Flafnleur Low of Appetite, or any Billlous Complaints, arising frop morbid inaction of the Sttmach or Bowels, prodncingCrar Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, ic., these Bittersjiaui an equal. Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Flux, so generally contracted new settlers, and caused principally by the cange of vi and diet, will be sbeedily regulated by a brief n*eofi preperation, Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably cj preMilent u hen taken in all its various form 8 ?, thanany oft the cause ot which- may always be attributed to deni ments of the digestive organs, can be cured without faDi uiing JIOSTJiTTKU'S tTUMAOU BrfTERS,as per direct gu the bottle. For this disease every physician will no. mend Bltters'of some kind, tlien why not use an artlchi be infallible? Every country hare their Bitters naaprerp ative of disease and strengthening of the system iu gent and among them all there is not to be fonnd a healtbierp pie than the Gormans, from whom this preparation emu ted. based upon scientific experiments which havo tended! advance the destiny of this great preparation imjhe r scale of science. i’FVEr. i.vD Ague. —Thistiyingand provoking disease, *1 i«rt«es its relentless grasp on the body of man,reducing > a mere shadow m a short space of time, and rends: im phy.-ioally and mentally useless, can be defeated v. riven‘from the body by the nse of HOSTKTTER’S I OWXKD JJITTEUS. Further, any of the above stated! k! diseases can apt bo contracted when exposed to anyc, ary conditions | producing them, if the Bitters areim er.directions. And ns it neither creates nausea, nor ofia ie palatt, ami rendering unnecessary any change of iU rruptiou to usual pursuit l *, but promotes sound bleepr ealthy dlge*tiou.the complaint is thus removed as »p«- 5 is consistent with the production ot a thorough and mnent cure. for I’ebbAxe n? Advaxcet> Years who are,suffering frcai ifccblcd uoiistitutxon and infirm body, these Billers iln.ilde as a restorative of strength and vigor, and net ily to beltricd to bo appreciated- And ton mother vti vrsing. these Bitters are indispensable, especially ic mother’s nourishment is inadequate.to the demaß&( ie child, Consequently her strength must Jrield, and hen| i where a good tonic, such as Hostel tor’s Stomach Hittent ceded to 'impart temporary strength and vigor to the rf -m. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for ill i! js of debility, and before sq-doing, ask your physician ri-< ' he i< acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will ms? lend their use in all cases of^wenkne'fl. CAUTION- We caution the public against ndnjL ' the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for :r 4 s Celeeratei» 3t6mach Bittehs, and see tbnt-each bc£p 13 the words "Dr. J. Uostrttor’s Stpmach Bitters-” b'f? i the side of the bottle, and stamped on the m> tail? >vermg the cork, and observe that oar autograph sif on the label. t * and sold by ITOTETTEII L SMITH. I: □rgb. Pa- and sold by all Druggists, Grocers and dai* L-uerally throughout the United States,Canada,Sonlh.* a and Gerfcuny. , AGENTS.— John a: Roy, Wellsboro. J. & .T. 0. nr»t, hlUluud. A. &J. Demau, Knoxville. M. W. .'iicola. diaries Ggodspeed, Westfield. Seeley & m. A. Humphrey! H. 11. Borden, John ur f is Parkhurst, S\m. J. Miller; LaWreuceville 3 G. R. r ir. Liberty. October 13,1 £s9.—ly. I IMPORTANT NATIjI PUBLISHED BY D. APPLETON' t CO. 246 Sl 348 Broadway, Now York. pIIE following works arc sent to Snhscribess’in anyp [ of the comitrj, (opon receipt of retail price,) by nub piv-s, prepaid: The New American Cyclopedia. A pojt icn as been specially written for‘its pages by men nheart* lonties upon the topics of which they speak. They art* aired to bring tho subject up *to the present momentd :ateja«t how it stands now. All the statistical from the latest Reports; tho geographical accounts ace with the latest explorations; historical matters inc *^« to freshest jnsti"views; the biographical notices.uot^a leak ot tho dead but of the living. It is a library of \&c ABRIDGMENT OF THE DEBATES OF CONtJRK*g eing apolitical History of the United States, from £*£s mi/.ation'of tho first Federal Congress in 1789 to ISS?. *. ed and compiled by Hon. Thomas U, Benton, from P 3 ficiitj lyccorUs of Congress. The work will be completed in 15 royal octavo value*. 750 pages each, 34 of wbifh ore now ready. An ajjdic#'- voluuiu will be issued oncAin three months. A WVX OP CTCLOEUIDI V OR DEB ITU. ■. f Form a club of four, opd remit tnojjriceof and live copies will bq sent at tbo remitter’* expend riajo; or for ten PiibhcriWfs, eleven copies will bo seniatK expense for carriage. S TO AGENTS, SODA FOUNTAIN, -..SODA FOUNTAIN, _ ' , SODA FOUNT aI I FOfl §ALK at« great bargain. Inquire g Juno 21, ISCO. . ROY'S DRUG STOKS| M'UEAT FLOUR, tip top an^]s|Tj| INAL WOKES.