front the PhHadcj fhia Daily News. I CANNA WN| JME WITHER. , i Aie — u Charging Silly.” Hava you pewd the nips from Maine? ' I Dougina Boy, Douglas Boy j _ j Have yon heard the news from Maine, . j Charming Stephen ? *• i I Yes, I r va kmd from ‘ •do:rm in Maine,” V,; ‘ And I’U aoyer go Mere again, •; For- I’m a wee thing, and canna Jin'd me mither . \ Vi ns tho Tariff in you* eye, | Dougin* Boy. Dougins Boy ? [ Was tho Tfcriff”in yodreyo. Charming Stoptwn 1 ? , - . j Tos, in Maine 'twits, it) “my eye," j And it knocked nigiali sky high. For I’m a wee thingj onji canna find me mither. j ■; fi • ; . Was it Sjpart to Maine, I - Dongtgs Boy, lioness Boy? Wife it smart to gtf, tc Maine, Charming StojibeUJ _ J . No, it’s only smartViiMjpaih, That twas aojdifi) green, ; But I'm «i wee thing, and eonna findme mither. Don't tt>4 “ Poplar Sov’reigns” rule f . Douglas Boy, Dowlas Boy; JDun’l Fop'laV.Sov’reigns” rti!e f Charming Stephen ? | Yea, they role’way d?wn in Maine, | And hare “ ruVd ini but," 'tis plain, ’Cause I'm a wee USogiandcannafind memitlur. goto IHwSpig? Douglas Boy, Do.tglas Boy; Won’t ypn go to Illinois, Charming Stephcii? No, I'm! ili o'hopgh, ' . • i . And must tahe.itin lie rough, _. j Fur I'm a wee thing, and canna hud me mother too Wash (voub) burn in Maine? ;las Boy, Douglas Boy • I Won't Dr Won't fou Wash (year) burn 1a Maine, Cblrming Stopbien ? ~ No, jast|“ up. the spout” , | And a fyaih would me out, ' I’yr I’m' v| wee thitig, and canna find me mither. 1 . DUTY. j ; are we tp know the right from thq wrong in'[politics V’\ is often'asked ; “wo are absorbed iin our studies, in our labors,' in our private duties; we! hear but a vague, 1 wild clamor on crimination and recrimination—each par,ty changing the other’with alt the sins con demned ill the Decalogue, and (focusing it «f cherishing every ipyit purpose.' The journals we habitually read may,be wrong, or tljeir ad versaries may': jhow can we tell? We have nut time nor tasla for reading everything thdt is said on each, sldei much of it coarse and re pulsive; we hesitate, fearing tb go wrong, which’would be w-orse than not going at afl. r : flow sliall we, withjput arid; investigation, A-notojthe right’from the "wrong in Politics? . How |be sure that we cast our in ' fiuence,and votes ipto the scale of Iligbteoas -ness and Humanity!?’' Without admitting that anyeitizen has a irioral right to be ignorant lof the vital facts whiojj distinguish the Right froin tbef Wrong in oujh Politics, I suggest a few loUehrifones that errery man can readily, apply for.himself. •;!!'' -J, I, Cast your pye over the circle ofyoqr ancfltov'.nsmen, and mentally divide theta -into two Claoes —those who live virtuous, exemplary, useful lives, and those who are neithop desirable (nor-creditable members;of the community. iSee what proportion of the ’ former class side |with each party, and what proportion of the latter. ’lf a majority of those whopj, entirely apart from"' politics, you would recokiiize as goad citizens; are found on one side,"and a majority of the opposite class! on the pther yon may judge therefrom with which party'you, oughtMirobably to act.' -11. • Make a lie iof all those you know- who ■ are distinguishedljor benevolence, philanthropy, and an earnest,jereo if mistaken, anxiety and effortlto make lift less burdensome to thejun • fortunate; then make a counter list of , all those who seek to lijVe ktj the expense of their fellow men-Lgambiei's, jfumsellers, panders to lewd nessand fosterers 1 of vicious appetitites gene rally 4-and see how each class is divided po litically. If a majority of the former is found on one hide, of thf) latter on the other, the pre sumption woulJl’sbem strong that your proper place rs with, the former unless you are assimi lated ih purposes to the latter. Hl.jfNotein jbe popular discussions of the time/whelhe? oxjalor printed, which party most ' frequently l atid naiurally appeals to Conscience, to al)rt rac t.Justioe T tothe sentiment of Human ity, apd which is .most averse to and impatient of the’hlendmg|): Religion with Politick —as if any mah febug cherish a Religion,that did not cplpr his ties, or, as if such a Religion’ wouldvba worthf-cheriebing if such there .were. If thefe be any ( party that revolts at the blend ing of Rdligionfc.'with polities,-it is not likely . that one Whose Religion is at alt vital and per vading will find |iimself at home in that party. '—These mere bints as to party affinities can be acted on by any rational being without aid from any,extraneous source, and without undue absorptioh, of time. A few hoars’ intense re flection -and comparison in the silent I night watcbps must supply almost any one with data tb determine with reasonable approach to Certainty with whom and on which side be .Slight. to array himself-.,. And, having thus made his decision, he sbonld act upon it, not haltingly, grudgingly, partially, but with 1 gene rous alacrity apd unshrinking fidelity.— Eorace ■ Greeley. l • f Got Cheatej). —The Aroostook; Herald says: We. heard a conversation the other day between a Breckinridge man and an.old Democrat, who avowed his intention of voting for Lincoln.— “I've always peon a Democrat, and I’Ve been reading arid' studying, and I have come to the conclusion that the Democratic party don’t stand ■ where it did in 1850, and I'm going to vote for ‘Honest Old Abe.’ ” ; .“Yes, and get cheated,” says the Hunker. “Well,” coolly replied the other, “I voted for Pierce and Buchanan, and got cheated both times, and I don’t feel like being', humbugged the third time. I had as lief be cheated once by the Republicans, as alt the time by the Demo crats.” i Cosundbchs. —Why is a man climbing np Mount Vesuvius like- an Irishman who wishes to kiss bis sweetheart 7 Because he wants to get at the mouth of the “cratur.” What trees are those which, when the fire is applied tp them, are exactly what they were be fore 7 Ashes. Why Ts ■ a tyoung lady just from hoarding school like a building committee 7 Because she is ready to receive proposals.. ; What is that which can be' right, hot never wrong 7 An angle.- What were the first words Adam said to -Eve 7 Nobody knows. , What is that which ladies lood for, bat. never i wish to find. A bade in their stocking. What relation is that child to its father who is apt Its own father’s son. A daughter. It is a misfortune for a man to have a crooked nose, for Ho hot to follow it. ... ,j FALL CA3SIPAION JTUBt ©PEKING AT j - 4. & J.l. ROBINSON'S : ONE PRICE STORE, j TTTE wish to call the attention of onr fiiends and YY customers to our assortment of : SEASON ABLE GOODS, ; »oca as j j : LADIES’ DRESS obODS, ; coaimsiso - | black and fancy silks CRALLIks AND DE LAtNES, • | IifGHAMS, Brilliants, lawns, j FRENCH AND AMERICAN FEINTS! 5 1 - i ! ALSO ■ | J ; ' 68A7X.& MANTILLAS AND jDHSTEKS. J Our stock of staple goods is large* Particular invited to our , ■ | ;BROWN* AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS £! SHEETINGs| J CLOTHS, CASSIMEEES AND VESTINGS, | ; FARMERS & MECHANICS' READY-MADE CLOTHING, | CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, J : GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, | HOSIERY AND GLOVES, • j Ac., &Ct f &c., &C' f &c> Wellsboro, Sept. 1,1860. | | CORNING FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE OFFIC! BIGELOW & THOMPSOif,i AGENTS. AETNA EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hartford, Ct—Capital ' $1,000,0C HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, '• $500,0(3 PACE NIX EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. K \ Of Hartford, Ct—Capital, • j $150,0|0. PEOPLE’S FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, J Of New York City—Capital { $150, (M0 NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE CO. I Of Hartford, Ct. - ! 1 $225,060, MANHATTAN FIKE XNSUBANCEjCO. f Of New York City,—Capital 1 $200,T00, MASSASOIT FIEB INSURANCE ,€O. I Capital, 1 $200,0 DO HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, V Capital, ■ $150,100 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Accumulated Capital, ' j $1,560,( 0( The subscribers aro.prepared to issue policies of ii surauce on the most favorable'terms in the above 1 "C known and reliable Stock Companies! Farm buildings insured for three iyears at rate i low as any good companies. j All losses will be promptly adjusted and paid at tl office. Applications by mail will receive prompt i tention - ; , 'WM. 11. BIGELOW Oct C. H. |THOMPSO4 P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor. | s FALL, 1860, T - y '' J J CHARLES G. lOiSGOojr) Is receiving large addUibns to - | HIS STOCK Of SUMMER QOOpS, TO WHICH HE WOCLD ' | INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC. THE STOCK OF SHY GOODS 13 LARGE, ADD ' I EMBRACES NEARLY EVERYTHING . THAT THE MARKET DEMANDS I • LADIES’ DRESS GOODS; FROM SILKS DOWN ASD ‘ FROM CHEAP PRINTS I CLOTHS, CASSIBIERES, VESTINGS, BILKS, DENIMS, STRIPES, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, A o.„ Ac. | CLOTHING, HOSIERY, GROCERIES, EATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, FISH. THE STOCK* WAS PUBCUASED WITH CARE . ASD I , WE EXPECT TO SELL THEM* WHILE THEY ABE SEASONABLE, AND AT LOW FIGURES. 1 Wellsboro, Sept, 1, 1860, I TBY THE NEW STORE. . “21. EL” IS AT HOME AGAIN! , £ with an extensive and welVrSelcctcd assortment of KEW GOODS, ! His stock is as varied as it is valuable, andfoompri ses ~ , ’ 1 DS¥ GOODS, of rfll styles and varieties, including Fall oik Winter varieties of Dress Goods, Silks, Paramctta’s XfeLoines, iC READY-MAI|E CLOTHING of varions stylos and prices. Having had long expe rience in this branch of trade, ho isiconfideat 4is cloth ing >fill sui* his customers. 11 • I ‘ *> C - HO O IBS, I His stock of Groceries is complete, list of articles in common use, which will be sold at unusually low prices. He has also a complete as* sortment of I HARDWARE, I purchased with especial reference to this market, in cluding Saws, Axes, Ac. Also - | CROCKERY, I in abundance and variety. The attention e| the pub lie is also called to the fact that | PORK, FLOOR, AND SAIfT, will be kept constantly on hand and for silo at the lowest market prices., "In addition to the foregoing he will keep , | , FAINTS AND 0118,1 and similar"articles of mechanical-ass. H& stock ef BOOTS AND SHOES, Is sufficient to keep an entire community on a "good footing," and warrants that all can be "fifth'd," from tho largest to the smallest In truth, he wiuld assur bis friends and the public that | i EVERYTHING ’ nsnally kept in a store may be found among bis stock. Coll at the old stand of M. M. CONWEESE. ITollsboro, Not. 3, 1869. ; 10,000 bl>ls. Pork For I WILL sellestra HEAVY MESS PORjk at $19,75 per fabl. or retailthe pound at JO cti., and war ranted the best ia town. M. M. CONVERSE. June 14, 1860. I ' ■ Anew article of stove polish.— f«i Sale at Roy’s Drag Store. v BROTHER Jonathan’s Fnrnitare Finish. Price 25 cents. For sale at Key’s »|og Store. Hougiitoii’s Liquid Pepsin, FOR Dyspepsia and Indigestion. .. j For sals at Key’s Ding Blare. CASH paid for GRAIN at ! TIOGA STEAM FLOOR MILLS, Aegnat 15, 1860. Sin. J PILES, PILES, PILES.—A new lend valuable remedy for this painful and troub atoms disease can he obtained at ROY’S DRUG STORE. .-June 21. 1860. I j THE TIOGA 00UA'IY AGITATOB. I a revolutions; j £/JT\ fP) 7y ATTHETHEB. ic Governmen tor fashions never go | Xjfj (y/ t (yJr' a \f backwards. her charge. There will be‘formed a TEACHER’S CLASS?, the instruction of which to be out of the regular school hours, but no extra charge made. Bills of Tuition are to be paid at or before the mid dle of each Term. ’ !By order of Trustees, J. P DONALDSON, Prcs't. TVbllsboro, March, S, 1860. Preparatory School for Teachers. Wdlsboro, Tioga County, Penna, I, K. BOBUNOAnSt A. 8., - - Principal. The Fall Term begins Tuesday, August 28st, and closes Friday, Nov. 2d. TVITIOX. Juvenile Department, - $2,50 Common English Branches, ' - - - 3,50 Higher English Branches, - - 4,50 „ Languages, - • - • - 5,00 pupils of any degree of advancementreceived, and carefully instructed. ,'A Teachers’ Class will he formed early in the Term, and special efforts will be made to properly qualify those designing to teach, for their profession. ' ■ Wellsboro, July 12, 1860. 1 NEW GOODS. FALL AND WINTER HATS CAPS. Just received, and having bought my Silk Hats at unusually tow PRICES, I am enabled to give my customerajtfjo benefit of it Look at these figures; • g I Best $4,50 Silk Hat, City Ball Stylcreduccd t 05350. : Best $4,00 Silk Hat, City Ball Styld reduced to $2 50. j $3 50 Hat warranted equal to those usually sold at $4 50. I Silk Hats from 4s to $3 50. Wool Hats “ i * 3s to 2 00. Fur Hats M f > 6s to € 00. Men’s Caps friwajs *c aytEDioiisTEs, woich lie will sell cheap for cash* ' - Our Stock of Drags Is complete, embracing every ~ article ever called for. ■ PATENT MEDICINES, Jayne’s, Ay re’s, Helmbold’a, McLaoe’s, Brant’s and other popalar'iledicines, together with Wistar’s Bal earn. Cod Liver Oil, Wolf’s Aromatic Schnaps, Ac. CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacramental uses. PAINTS AND OILS, of the best quality. Flavoring Extract*, Spices, Popper, Saleratns, Soda, Candles, Soap, Burning Fluid, Camphone, Turpentine, Alcohol, And an innumerable variety of articles in common ,ase. Please call at the NEW DREG STORE. - P. B. WILLIAMS, Ag , L Weilsboro, March 10, 1869. Mansfield Flouring mill. mHE people o MaoffUetdaud vicinity are hereby notified X tn&t BILL bu just been repaired, and put in per feet order, havfhg three run of stone and a Patent Grain Separator, which'WfU separate all font seed from the-grain, consequently the best of work can and will bo done. Mot* chaou and farmers are invited to -try this Mill, and flrw rate work will be warranted by J. 0; KELLY. Mansfield, August 18,1889. Miller. 49*K.8. Cash paid Sor all kinds of Grohi at the Milk TIOGA CABINET WAREHOUSE, WELLSBORO* ST V TIOGA. . THE undersigned would inform the citizens of Tio ga, and the county generally, that be keeps con stantly on band, for sale, at low prices, A PINE ASSORTMENT OF CABINET WARE, CHAIRS, ETC., INCLUDING SOFAS, DIVANS, OTTOMANS, CENTER, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, DRESS STANDS, DBESS AXI) CO3IMOX BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, COTTAGE, FANCY & COMMON BEDSTEADS^ . ALSO Common and Spring Seat Chairs, All Kinds cf Hoddng Chairs. All articles in the above line made to order on short notice. Those desiring to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves before purchasing else where. < J. W. PUTNAM. Tioga, August 4, 1859. WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND, MACHINE SHOP AGAIN. IN FULL BLAST. "T) OBERT YOUNG, late of the firm of Tabor t\j Young «fc 00., Tioga, takes this .methodto in form the Public that he has leased tb© . roundly and Machine Shop, in the Village of Wellsboro, for a term of years, and having put’it in good running order, is prepared to do ail kinds of work, usually done at such an establish ment, in the best manner and out of the best material. TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE ’ He has had over twenty y cars'jexpcrtenco in the bu siness and will have the work, entrusted to him, v directly under his supervision, j ’ Mo tcork trill be sent out half Jiiiished. MILL-GEARISGS, PLOWS, STOVES and castings of all kinds on hand and made to order. May 28, 1857. ROBERT YOUNG. ERIE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, CORNING, N. Y., WM. E. ROGERS '& CO., PROPRIETORS.. * . r l "f — Manufacturers of steam Engines, Boilers, Morticeing and Tenoning Machines, Mill Gear* ing and Machinery, Plain and lOrnnmental Iron Win dow Caps, Sills and Casings, Door Caps, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. Also Manufacturers on a large scale of - JEFFREY’S CELEBRATED DOUBLE-ACTEVG FORCE PUMP, The best in use for all ordinary purposes and con taining with the other qualities-that of a superior Fire Engine. . .. ; ALSO—Manufacturers of the celebrated “Hawking Shingle Mills”—the best now in use. Orders solicited by letter or otherwise. W3t,B. ROGERS A CO. Corning, N. Y., Nov. 10, 18:50. • ly. ; * NEW. GOODS AT THE EMPIRE STORE, AND A NEW SYSTEM OF SELLING THESIS 3. B. BOWEN & CO., Are now receiving a large and well selected assort ment of : DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BATS & CAPS, BOOTS k SHOES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES,/ AC,, AC.; AC., ■Which they will Bell ’ a, CHEAPER EVER BEFORE OFFERER TO THE TRADING! COMMUNITY. j They have come to tho conclusion that it is Tor their, interest as well as that of their customers/ to* 1 Sell Good* for ‘Beady Pay, ■ aain that way they can sell them at less profits than can be done on long credit 1 Thankful for past favors, wo respectfully invite one aid all to call and esamino our stock of goods and we;will try to convince yon that it is for your interest to buy at the Empire Store. - - - 3. B. BOWEN;- ; 11. BULLARD, ; A...HOWLAND.. Wellsboro, Juno 28, 1860, PLASTER. TOE FARMERS OF TIOGA CO. NEED only be told that a largo xnantity of this superior article, recommended by Horace Gree ley, is ready for them at THE MANSFIELD PLASTER MILL, It requires no puffing,to produce a “rush," and is sold at the low price of $6.00 per ton., Mansfield, Jan. 26, 1860. AMOS BXXBY. ' SODA FOUNTAIN, ; - SODA FOUNTAIN, , SODA FOUNTAIN, EOR SALE at a great bargain.' Inquire at Jane 21, 1800, ROY’S DRUG STORE. ■ Mugti EVAWS &WATSON’S SAFES. ; jfihrlj; 30fl Chestnut Street, ’: I phieadjelphia. another TRnnaPH! 7 I PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 20; 1859. To the president of the Fenueyfratmt Agricultural Society; —The. subscribers,., onr committee to examine the contents of a Safe of Evans A Watson, after being exposed to a fetrong fire en the Fair Grounds for eight hours, respectfully represent — 1 That after seven cords of oak treed and three of pine had been consumed around the Safe, it was open ed in .the presence of the committee, and the contents taken outl a little warnied, but not oven scorched. Several Silver Medals heretofore received by the manufacturers, and a [large quantity of documents were in the Safe, and came out encireiy uninsured. The experiment satisfied ns of the capacity of Safes of this kind to protect bontents from any fire to which they may be exposed. I : The Committee award a Diploma and Silver MedaL Geo. W. Wood tvaud, Joint W. Geary, J. P. Rutherford, ' Alfred S. Gillett. ■’still ANOTHER. WitinsoTos, Del., Bcpt, 17, 1859.—Messrs. Evans and Watfcon, Philadelphia. * 'Gentlemen: Thu Salamander Fire-Proof Safe ot your maDnfaeturc r pn2*cbased by us from your Agent, Ferris A-Garrett, of otircity, some nine montbs ago, was .'severely tried by burglars, last Saturday night, and although they had a sledge Bammor, cold chisels, drill, and gunpowderjtbey.did not succeed in opening the Safe. The lock bfeiog one of Hall's Patent Pow der-proof,” they cooli not get the powder into it, but drilled a bole in the I >wer panel and forced in a large charge, which waslgijited/and although the door, in? side and out, showed the explosion not to have been a smalUoDe, it was not forced open. We suppose they were the greater part of the night at work bn it. We are much gratified a tithe result of the attempt to enter it; and if the above facts are of any service, you are at liberty to use them. Yours, truly, ) BAYNABD & JONES. GREAT* FIRE I—ANOTHER TRIUMPH. Knoxville, Tenessee, March X3th, 1859.—Mesai. EVans £ Watson* PI iladelpbia: Gentlemen : It affords me great'pleaeure to say tv you thatf the Salamander Safe, which I purchased of you in February, 18. >B, proved to be .What you recom •mended it—a sure protection from; fire.- -My store house together with several others, was burned to the ground in March lai fc The Safe fell through into the cellar/ and was exposed to intense heat for six or eight hours, and wbbn it was taken from the ruins and opened, alVits contents were found to be in a perfect state, the books and papers not being injured in the least I can cheeriollysrecommend your Safes to the community, bclieving'as I do, that they are as near .fire-proof as it is possible for any Safe tb be made. ' ] THOMAS J* POWELI*. iortment of the above SAFES al« hi Chestnut street 24 South rfjia. ! Dec. 22, 185* ggp'k largfc asi ways on hand, at # 3l Fourth st. Philadel| COMM|BB LOCiTED OfBE ijl BINC p.ooms open for i ici AL. COLLEGE. |he SUSQUEHANNA YAXLEY BASK, SHAMTON, N. Y. from 9A.M. to Jf.'Sf. j faculty! ' t D, V. Lowell, iPrinc pal, Professor of the Science of Accounts, j Practical Accountant, author of Lowcil’s Treatise upon ■ Book Keeping, Di igrams illustrating the same, Ac, John Rankin, Commercial Accountant, Professor of Book- Keeping and, Practical Mathematics. J. J. Cuans, Assis ant Teacher in. the Book-Keeping Do partmeni. ' ( A. J. Warner, Professor of Practical and Ornamental Pen manship, Commeicml Calculations and Correspondebco. S LECTURERS. Son, Lecturer on Commercial Law and * lecturer on Contracts, Prommiasary xebange. , Lecturer *oo Commercial Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTEE. Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wii. R. Osborn, Esq. ‘tnACT It. 3IorgAN, Ktq. The object of thiA College is to afford all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education- '■ The Books and forms are carefully arranged by practical accountants expressly lnstitution, and embrace all the recent improvements/ ' The course of instruction comprises every department ot business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the science and practice qf Doiiblo Entry Book-Keeping as applied totbe following kinds © ’business, viz;—Genera! Merchandising, ilanufacturing, Bi inking. Commission, Steam boating. Rail roading, Foreign Shlpping.Ae. Ladies Department entirely separate from xbat of the gen tlemen; Students con enter College at any time and receive indi vidual Instruction By this arrangement every student is permitted to progress oa rapidly as his enterprise and ability will permit, and vhen thoroughly perfect, and competent, will receive a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure. Time to complel e the conrsC from 6 to 12 weeks, ~No vaca tions. Board $2 and S2JjQ per week. Assistance rendered to grodnatealn procuring situations. TERMS. For Book-Keeping, full accountant’s course, Including ‘ Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computations and Diplo ma (Time unlimited,) - $35 00 Same course for Ladies, (separate apartment - 20 00 Penmanship and Arithmetic, • -- • 1000 Teacher’s courao in Penmanship, practical and orna mental, - - - - 30 00 Twelve lessons in practical Penmanship - ' • 200 , tjifi.Occasional classes will be farmed in Phonography.— For further parti lulara send for a circular. > Bingbmpton, Sept. 8,1859. IMPORTANT national works. . by ri. atpLetos t co. ■ 346 & 348 Broadway, New York. Til'S following works are sent to Subgcribcss'ln any part of the country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or express, prepaid: - The New-American Cyclopedia. A popular Dictionary of Udueriii Knowledge. ivtucU by George Ripley and Charles A. t&na, aided by a numerous select corps of wri ters in all branches of Science, Art, and-Literatuco. This work being published in about 15 largo octavo volumes, each containing! 750 two-column pages. Vols 1,11, 111,.1V, V, VI, VI I, Vi If, and IX, are'now ready, each containing near 2,500 original articles. An-additional volume published once In about thtec months. ~, Price, in Cloth, $3; Sheep, $3,00; Half MorroccoVs4; Halt, Russia, $4,50 cath The New American Cyclopedia is popular without being superficial, learned, but not pedantic, flcleutly detailed, free from personal pique and party preju dice, freeh and irot accurate. 'lt is a complete statement of all that is known upon every important topic within the scope of humaii intelligence. Every important article in it has been specially written for Its pages by men who are au thorities'Upon topics of which they speak. They are re quired to bring tho subject up to the present moment; to state just how Rotunda novi i. All tho statistical information is from the (latest reports; jthe geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matters include tho freshest ji|st views? the biographical notices not only speak ol the dead but of the living. It is a library of itself. ABRIDGMENT ok tub debates of CONGRESS.— Being a Politick! History of tho United States, from the or ganization of tho first Federal Congress in 1759 to IS56* Ed ited and compiled by Uou. Thomas 11, Benton, from tpo of ficial Records of Congress. The work will be complotedin 16 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages eacbl 14 of which are now ready. An additional volume will bq issued once in three mouths. ■ A WAY OE^-PROCURING tUE CYCLOPAEDIA OR DEBATES. Form a of four, and remit the price of four books, and ftvo coplesj will be sent at-tho remitter’s expelym for car. riaga; or for tea subscribers, eleven copies w ill be sentat our expense for catriago. I Tfl) AGENTS. . No other tforks will so Überally reward the exertions of Agents, an Agent Wanted in this County. Terms made known on application to the Publishers. [Aug. 11, ’5O. | DENTISTRY. FRANK Me GEO RGB, Permanently located in Concert Ball, Corni-iy, X, Y. YARXODS Styles of Dental work. The continuous gum ,or Porcelain, the most natural, beautiful, and superior to any other system, Also a new style very beautiful and cheap, just introduced. Particular attention is (requested to the artificial Bone for filling teeth, it being the color and pearly as bard as the teeth and in many cases superior to any metallic substance. Also, by a new process oft electro-metalurgy, those having silver plates can hay, them heavily.plated with gold on very reasonable terms. No cheap humbugs introduced.) His system of practice is the result of the experience of the best members of thiprofession. • Coming,(Nov. 10, 1859. , Refers to Dr. W. D. Terbqll, Dr. May, Dr. Munford, Corning. jDr. Dolson, Bath; Dr. Brown, Addison. HONEY OF LITER WORT, for Coughs and Colds, Price 26 ccnli. At Roy’s Drug Blow. PUUIPV THE BtOOD. j- ' • MOWAT’S • . VEQETABLE -ZJDPB -jprr.T.q I jAND ~PH(EKIX BIXTEBS, nHßhtgh anti to Tied wlebrity whteh these L Medicines have acquired ;for their UiTiJnsWe efflcse, i. J the Diseases which they profess to cure, has tondctalth rani practice of pnfflog not only tinnecessaijy, but ttnwonil ■ them. I ' Vr :. ji ’ I UTAH CASES I 1 r Asthma, Acnte and Chronic Bhematism. Affections of it. ladder andjEidnqya. ’ . | ' .*, JJILUOUS FEVERS AND LITER COMPLAINTS. * ? In th« south and west, where these fiseaiiea prevail ti** *3 fll be fount! invaluable. Planters, farm era and others, »2 S? nco use these Medicines, will never ofterwarda be without a iflious come, seros. looseness, titles, cosnn. $ NESSyiCOLDS AND COUGHS, CHOUC, CORRUPT * b j( HUMORS, DROPSIES. I ' £ tytpepsict—y o person with this distressing disease, ihoiW elay using these medicines immediately* f i of the Skin, Erysipelas, Flatul«wy. i Fextr aua Jgv&~*¥or tois scourge of the] westers cvnctrr lese medlqines will be found a safe, speedy.and certain re** ly. a. Other medicines leave the system subject to a mtra «; le disease | a cure by these medicines'is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied and be cored, j ft trims* of Complexion— - ' J 3ENERA}? DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL cadacbes of every kind, Inward'Fever, Inflamatory Khenj tismjlmpure Blood. Jaundice, Loss qf Appetite. Hercuriai Disease —Never foils to eradicate entirely in io effects qf Mercury, infinitely sooner thin the most pow •ful preparation of Sarsaparilla- j , ... IGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, COMPLAINTS . Jof all kiods, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, Pte—Tjhe original proprieh r of medicines vji ired of Piles of 35 years* standing, by the nse of these 111, etUcincs .alone. } PAINS i)o the head, side, back Joints and organs. 1 ' JRheumaiism,—Those affected with this terrible disease,vij i sure of relief by the Ufe Medicines. * J Rush of [Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Saltjßheuia,Swelling*. Scroflufa, or King's Evil In its worst forms, Ulcers of Jr y description. ; Worms of all kinds are eftectnrally expelled by these Dtd> acs. Parents will do well them whenever their cxiaUna suspected. Relief will be certain. I Tb|e Life Pills and Phoaix Bitters I PVRLPY THE ELOOD, id thus remove all disease from the system. Prepare cl Id by ! .DR. WILLIAM B.| MOFFAT, Z3O Brpadtray, cor. Anthony Street, Now Vork. • . For sale by all Druggists. ‘ 62yl Hostetler's Stomach Bitters. ,i "N VIEW of the fact that every member of the hues family ia more or less subjected to some complaint, I* dca innumerable other conditions In j Hfc, which, by isistanco of a little knowledge or exerciseof common wca, iey may be able so to regulate their, habits of diet, ith the assistance of a good tonic, secure permanent healti.j j order |to accomplish this desired object the true course fol arsue it} Certainly -that which will produce a nature} su*|i i things'at the least hazard of vital strength and life; foH iis end {Dr, llostcttcr hos introduced toj this country apnj>J ration bearing his name, which at tliia-day is not oner edicimi, but one that hos been tried fo? years, giving-gaUs- ] ctlun to all who have used it. The Bitters operate ptnrfjl ily upya the stomach, bowels and liver/rCatoring them, t healthy and vigorous action, and tbus[ by the simple pt rss-of strengthening nature, enable tho system to trium; rer disease. tor the euro of Dyspepsia Indigestion! JTaosea, Flatulent, tsa of Appetite, or any Billions Complaints, arising >rbid inaction of the SUmach orßowca,produciugCraiDps' •sentery. Colic, Cholera Bitters haver: i eqtti&. \ j Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Flux, bo generally contracted b*. jw settlerarand caused principally by the cange of waufl id Uiet, will be sbocdily regulated by a brief use of Ihf? Dyspepsia, a disease vrhitb is probably mcn :evolent when taken in all its various forms, than any is caofce ot which may always be'a|tnbnted to tents (if the digestive organs, can be cured without fail P sing HOSTEITEU’S STOMACH BITTERS,os per directk i the bottle. - For this disease every physician will tccoi icnd Hitters of tome kind, then why {not use an articln i infallible! Every country have their Bitters as aprere::- ive of disease and strengthening of tto system in id among them all there is not to be found a healthier j» le than the Germans, from whom thlk preparation enuu :d. baied upon scientific experiments Which hava tended’ Ivance the destiny of thia’great preparation in the r »le of science. 1 ‘ • FrvER A3TO AGUE.—This trying and provokingdisease, triu: isteeslite relentless grasp on the body (of man, reducing La >arofete a short space' of time, and rentem] im physically and mentally uselesji, can be defeated ar riven! from the body by the use of HOSTETTEii’S E OWjiED BITTEHS. Farther,any of the above stated' 5d disease? cannot be contracted wbeh exposed to any or ary conditions producing them, if the Bitters aremeiv ;r directions. And as it neither creates nausea, nor offesi 10 palatt, and rendering unnecessary any change of dirid decryption to nsnal pursmte, but promotes sound aleop e-dtljy digestlou. the complaint is thus removed- as speei.s i is consistent with the production Of a jc£ lanectture. ■ .*| * i '* }T Foni Peesoke nr Advanced Tears who are buffering front ifeehled constitution and Infirm bodfy, these Bitten wtt iluable as .a restorative of-strengtd and rigor, aud'c* ily t:o be tried to be appreciated- And to a mother ri vrsihg. these Bitters are indispensable, especially wb le mother’s nourishment is inadequate to the domaril to ctJyd, consequently hgr-strenglh (must yield, and W whfere a good as Hos tetter's Stomach Euar-' eededto impart temporary strength and rigor,to lbs ini. J Ladles should by all means try this remedy for £i a o{ debility, and before so doing, ask your physician T ’ he ;is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will • lend their nw* in all casos of weatn^a. CAUTZOK. —We caution the public against usin|. ; the many' Imiiatlona or counterfeits, but ask for Ha sn’s Stomach Betteba, and see that each h (he words “Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters” to a the side of the bottle, and stamped on the m tnJhcc jveriug tho cork, and obserrejthat our autograph ei& : on, the label. ) ! Prepared And, sold byHOTETTKS & SMITH. P; nrgh, Pa., and sold by all Druggists, Grocers aad df enerally throughout the United fetal ca,Canada, South J a and Germany. AGENTS.— John A. Roy, WeHsboro, J. 4 J.G.i. urst, fcdklund. ■A.& J. Deman, Knoxville. H. W. StoS seeolA. ChariwGoodspeed, Weatfi'ild. Seeley t Logp- Jf >n.'; A. Humphrey, U. If. Borden, John Rwlington,T>< nrtls Parkhnrst, >Ym. J. Miller; Lqwrenceville; G. A * ;r,'Liberty. October 13,1859.—1 y. HOWARD ASSOCIATIO ; PHILADELPHIA. I A Eaictokn. lOOv* • endotcmint for thdreluf of,the sick anil •t&std, ajjhded with Vtrttl'iti and Epidemic diseases ' The Directors of this well knowt Institution .in ibeci ual Report upon the treatment o 4 SextxolDkoases, es? lehighest satisfaction with the success which has &tue ho;lalior.-s of their surgeons in tin cure of Spermatortfl emlnal Weakness, Impotence, pohorrbcea, Gleet. |jp device oflQnanijtm. or Self-abuse,jAc,. and order jr%m" uce of the same plan for the ensuing year. The urgeon is authorized to give AIEDICAL ADTICBCKi* 3 ill who apply- by letter with a |l ascription of their c< ioii (age. occupation, habits of Ufsi. &c.), and in a 1 reime poverty, to FURNISH MKDICIN R FREE OF CHAJ admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Sec V'eakness, tlxe vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or nil other diseases of the Sexual! organ* by the cobsj- Urgeon, will he sent by mail (in scaled envelope!. W i? CHARGE) on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage- 0 Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of if iseasea, diet, Ac., ore constancy ifeiug published lor/ ohs distribution, and will be sect to the afflicted. a<* hje new remedies and methods of jtreatmenl discorerw Dg the last year aro of great vainic.. „ Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. J. SKIIXp JON, Acting; Surgeon, Howard As locution,No.»Soc». Philadelphia. Pa. | By order of. the Directors, EZRA D.-HEARTWELL, 'GRO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. jAugiist 4,1859, ly. : - MARRIAGE GUIDE. | KEW. BOOK Bf WILIUK YQCi% 4 ... The secret eloe to Courtship, | . and Marriage; with the