■nil- AGITATOR. ffELLSBOROTJOfI *: PA., Wednesday Morulafe Oct. 9, ’6O. —i Co., 110 Nae»a« 6L, Now York, and 10 s .M.Ps”®; o are ti l o Agent* for the Agitator, and the IU1» St., uo ” ,’ ( I largest circulating Newspapers in the -.st-infincnUa 'Uboriaed* -jg-Wo asked Bowen of the.; Empire-Store the therdav, akat they were going to do with ell the oods they tad piled op in there. “ Going to sell , enl before snow flies, and |ot a new'stock,” was hia eply. Like enotgh| toy always do what they say hey will at the Empire. . f p ■ - By reference,}® the Brejf li.nm List, it will "be sen-that at the late County' FaU,- we were awarded premiom on oar “ Mountain Jj other Press,” and the lest specimens of Printing;, i Thjj press was in opeta io'a in Floral Hall, so that desired might eB it. Those who did not see it worked, are respect ully iavited at the office. We are ow doing the neatest kind of £Bu-riness Cards, leads Envelopes, Circulars, l£>te*ihnd.Letter Hjeads, t New York City prices—the i Went of our in JobherTkaving caused “ a.'praplete revolution in ,3 printing business: 1 ’ We kind?*of cards, pa ir, Ao., at wholesale prices, wllfbh is one reason why L > print things for nest to nottuug. pg* Accident.— On the second day of the Fair, ; r3l Putnam, of Covington,-*-wbo; is said to be *he B st female equestrian in the county—while riding on le Fair Ground with her husband, met with an acei : mt by which she cajmp'near losiq'J her life. She had ieonce around, and had running her rse, when a largo dog ran Upon tlje track over which orse stumbled fell, IhrtfcwiOg her with great upon the grountj. She iwalf.pf eked up insensible for a short time rumors weji i ojloat she was I. '"She was taken to of Mtf. D. P. »rts, her brother-in-law,.wb'erel'With the assistance family physician, sho-was s|tan restored.to con mesa. Itwaafjmnd that her'injuries were not •crious character. * ■ g^ ct day, she appeared upon the? ground, looking a paler, hut riding as gracefully and as fearlessly ■er. She took the prize forth?* best riding, and to havd taken the prize for '5 good grit/' The Fair.-—The Seventh knnual Fair of the County Agricultural Socie|6y;was a decided suc- In all its deportments display was fully , to, and -in same much smjeHor to that of any ious year. The weather Very favorable—that say, it 'did not fain;.'bat tie wind blew consider and sometimes uncomfortably. Our streets alive with people, and ourßj-nss Band, assisted lose of Tioga and Lawrencev-iUe, Added no little 2 entertainment, ' . the third day, Hon. E. D. ; Culver, of Brooklyn, cred the Address in bis best style.- It was an lent The, SepraWy, J.-B. NHes, of Middleburyt closed the exhibition by reading sports of tbo Premium CoOmltteoa as published thcrpartof thjs paper. - >;j 1 ; £ have deferred ‘<*,ur Special Report of tbo Fair next week, as opr space taken |Qp important-political matter?; ' ‘ Daring tho'Fair, Mr, of Rich presented us with a variety of"the finest apples jr saw. There, jvero the D>ll(var, Pound Sweof, .Soar, Mx sen*s Blush, Detroit and some others, exceedingly fine. We would Bloodgoog bpve nil these varie- Apples in. their dt which they lling low for | | iking of reminds us that Mr. Frank A. scently returnejiTrom Kapsajs, and on his way some very nidp apples! in Missouri. He was I by his frient|s, to take three of them to the round, where they attracted the notice of all of fruit. Mr. Reuben Close, of Chatham, had a fine variety of and among them two :r Pound Sweep, called “poncat Old Abe” and ilbal Hamlin.” “ Old Abe” weighed 20 ounces, ) largest of tho Missohri apples only 19$ oun-' restate this opjy to show,that oar own county ichind hand inTruit raising* anjl particularly using apples. Avtsemkst^.i —*fho pupils of-Prof. Jewett’s i Music Sohtrtd," on Tuesday evening of last >erformeddhe rantata of f‘ Esther, the Beauti to a crowded house,| Helen Clark, ;a, as “ Queeql” acted her part admirably.— also deserve credit fop their pleasing stylo, u among whom is Miss fc. M. Garretson, the Hshed Pianists; The concert was .repeated on sdtfy evening fdr the benefit of the Church in it wasiold, but, wb are;s?rry to say, was poorly id. _ . i entertainment given by Wellsboro ladies } benefit of tb« Hose Company, gave general lndeod| we seldotp attended a leasing performance than was this. I 7 objection wo could nidation is, that the quaf fing, as a lacked energy. The yum, howevert is said To be a poor place iqj tu sing. The tableaux well selected, and kions assumed ny the characters were'easy and/ I. The beautiful -representation of. the “Flow followed by tho u Fitter of,the family,” town the house. The Tatter consisted' sim 50'lb. sack of ,( Extra‘Family Flour,” un dy facing the - whole audience. We cannot is notice without alluding to the happy man which *• Erin - my was sung. It was Miss Anna Njchols, and, all unite in saying was a good wOU^performed. The con ned with “Seeing the 3slephant/’ a most hmgh- 1 lean. n i ■ | Startling Devdjopmente. CIILT.CHILL AIITE S—Eb TL’TISS tip is 0B- l r e give below a from a' gentlo- Hvbg in Jamestown*’ jST. Y., in relation to triihiU, of Middkbury, ’-in this comity, who >sod to have jbeen robbed and murdered in it ,a year-igpl We do not endorse the truth itents, as wo lore un.ncqaaintSdwllh the wri- U until farther proof is received, the public tijo statement for what it is worth: Jaumtows, N>J., Sept. 25,1500. • fitalor;' , , ;f'f bi-—Permit rue a.s on#'interested, to say a i through your paper {mtho-people of lioga About a yeijr ago, a very miraculous disap of a young! man byljthe came of Clark. P Q 99 r rod in the city of Brio, Pa. Young was formerly a resident of Middlebury, in ty, where bis friends now reside. -The aud-. pearpuce of (the young man created not a wment in Erie and vicinity; and as time ivmg no clue nor discovering any traces of ig man, although a vigorous search bad been >y the police;' the sympathies of the public roughly aroused, and money was liberally Y'*' contributed in Brie and vicinity, as X learn it also was in your county, ta aid in 'prosecuting the search for the fcnfjpbsed dead of "the missing manjAbut he could kiot'be found, or afty gatiifoctory knowledge gained as to This fate. "X beUeve* there waa.’a memo rauda.book and soine othersmall--articles] found upon the platform of the depot in Erie, whieb to hove been Ms,'end which was regarded by his friends as al most conclusive evidence that be bad been murdered. But as t the old sayihgis “Murder will ont?’ bo the truth has como out in this case, although there is no murder about it.. The young man has within $ few weeks turned up at Jacksonville, Oregon, he • thinks Ibut for one thing he would be perfectly hhppy j but that one thing; t am sorry to say, is not regret at the course he has‘taken. ’?; • I moist heartily sympathise with his but while t extend to them the deepest I at the same time deem it no more than jnst to theipublio who so outrageously imposed updf\ that they should be made acquainted with the facts of the case; snd os the public nro generally acquainted with the circumstances‘surrounding the disappearance of Mr. ChnrcblU, I will cot short my communication, that ho justifies the course he has ta ken, by-telling that he was robbed of nearly all the money; he had with him, a considerable amount of which belonged to other parties. Of the story ot roM bery I will say nothing, but leave it to the intelligent minds of the public to judge whether he has taken .the course a man would be most likely to pursue.— And evjen if ho was rophed, I think it ho excuse for him toiteol out of the country,leaving the impression with hip fronds that he had been murdered, and aub jecting'them to the awful suspense which must of ne cessity . , - As to the truth of the above statement t can safely vouch, and, if necessary, can produce the proof in let ters written by Churchill hjmseif within a few week* past. : '• - 1 I sign my name to'tbis letter in full, but would rath er you would not publish it at present Very Respectfully Yours, * ....u... —W* also clip the following article from the Erie City Dispatch : ct Ouf readers are well aware of the fact that nearly a year Since a drover named Clark Churchill turned up missing, and the general supposition prevailed that be hadsbeen murdered iij this city* be having at that time a large sitra of money in bis belong ing to cjtber parties for whom lie, was purchasing cat tle. The only clue to the. mystery was the finding of sundry'papers : belonging to him on the platform/at the dcpfit in this city, and the general opinion pre vailed that ho had been foully dealt with. We have reliably information that Clark Churchill is not dead, and thht be now resides in Jacksonville, Jackson-Co, Orogonji He excuses bis conduct on the plea of being robbed'fcf all the money ho bad in his possession, ex cept enough to take him to Oregon, and in tba£ coun try goe| by the name of St. Clair or Sinclair, These are facts to be relied upon, and the father of Churchill has known the fact and has beep in communication with him lately. A man named Bowen from Bradford county/a neighbor and school mate of Clark,* resides in Oregbn and knows Clark.too well to be mistaken, aside from % hich other evidence' exists to establish the faetj of bis being sdll alive. / Wei cannot excuse his conduct, as be has evidently played sharp game to defraud his employers out of the mone'y they entrusted to him, by running off and . leaving suspicious circumstances behind him to con j vey the idea that fie was murdered. The thief who j robbed him'•must have been a very generous one to leave,ham enough money to go to Oregon, where he | could expect to'gain no sympathy in his misfortune, i thousands of miles from his home, without even ma king that he. was robbed. If he supposes that his story will now be credited, he is mistaken.— AY© look upon the affair as one of the pieces of sharp • rascality of the day, and that Clojrk Churchill has been playing the rascal. 0 On tfie 26th uit, at the Hotel of J. W, Bigony, in Welhboro, by A. J. Sofield, Esq., Mr. JNO. E. WESX, of to MARTHA WORMER, of Chat ham. : . , At the Parsonage of the Presbyterian Church, in I Wellsfeoro.Scpt. 27th, 1860, byliev, J. F. [ WILLIAM ROBERTSON to Miss LYDIA ANN ! SMEDLEY, both of Delmar. [ In Welisboro, Oct Ist 1860, bv Rev. J. F. Calkins, I Mr. ANDREW G. STURKOCK to Miss CHAR i.LOTTjf C 7 AUSTIN. va the 26th 1 uU., at the Hotel of R. Farr, in boroi : i)y A. J. SofieM, Esq., WAI. DIBBLE to NAOMI PUTNAM, all of Delmar. SepU26(h, 1860, by Her. R. L. Stillwell, Mf.)JA& McINEjOIT to Miss JULIA ts CATLIN, both of Charleston. ■ . '| 1 From Ijlmira, who has daily astonished his patients and thejr, friends, by curing diseases of long standing which liad been romndoncd as incurable, will be at the Pennsylvania House, in l Wellsboro, oh the 25tt and 26th of October. Let the afflicted, in every stage of suffering call on him. Why will you linger out a life of gldom and despair! Come, and' be-cured by nature’s remedies, which are mild and safe. Residence, Mansfiddd, Tioga Co., Pa t i WHO SHOULD USE DR. 3. EOVEE BODS* VEGETABLE IMPERIAL MVISJ?* BITTERS ? 1 All who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption or Weak Lungs sltjould u-e thorn. 'All v\lsb Miller from weak Stomachs. Indigestion, Dyspep sia. or I'j* os should us*e them. - 1 All who •sutler from General or Nervous Debility, Restless ness at raght. want of Sleep, ic., ►huiild use-them. i AH pecans who are comalescent alter fever or other sick ness shonM use them. Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, and nil pub • Jlc «pp.iki*rs should use them. Book keepers, and nil persons leading a sedentary life should nfce them. , , The ugfed and Infirm should them. [ J ' All wtib require a stimulant or tonic should use tbfcia, AH whb are addicted to the use of a deut spirits itud wish to reform, should usu them. i 4 They lAe’tnade of a pure Sherry Wine, and of the retire plants aiid herbs of the country, and should he recommend* ed by temperance societies,- clergymen, physicians, ar d all friends of humanity. • ''' They afu prepared by an experienced and skillfull-physi cian; from tholf medicinal properties, are-a most delighlfuj beverage; and yet, as a medicine, arc as innocent nud harmless as the dews of heaven. i Soidi'by druggists generally.? 1 CUA& WIBBIFIELD k CO., Proprietor*; '3 78 William et., New [York. Baldwin, Lowell & Co.. Agcnts ’ • BanJy VVm ’ 1 Covingfbb J M Bust Harrieite M Chuce M3as Mi? Byqn Alvin ‘ Downing A ' Snyder Alisa finean Ellis Sampson ‘ Stevens Chas ■ i Foote CKarlea Simpson Rev C . i French John 0 ' Strong A B } \ Groom George ' Tretoain Samuel . Highee F S Wclty Blood ACo ; • Harmon ;o.* Williams Lawrence 1 .t Johnson iNelson • I Persons calling for the above-letters will plcjsc, say that tfaejl are W. T. URELL, jy M. < The undersigned teg leave to inform the public that they are now ‘receiving tbeiargest.and best stock of gootUiadapted tothe-wants of -the people of this section, that etfer was brought into the county. We desire every body, to come in and examine the stock, until time wo desire a'suspension of public opinion. ' J, B. BOWEN A CO. Empire Store, Oet, 3,1560.. , \ ' . THE 'Undersigned wishes to sell in order to enlarge bis Mercantile business, bis farm (with persona! property k ? stocU and farming tools) situated in Ulysses, Potter .Gb..Pa., consisting of 100 acres’Bo cleared, good buildings thereon/situated oh a good rood and near a good market, a Warrantee Deed given rfo the purchase?. Price $3OOO, one third down, fonr*years for the balance in annual payments. ' Address » * ; , * THOMAS E.URIBI/fiY. ' - ; • 3WI spbcial notices. ; 1 Xlie Indian Doctor, Kilbourncr II M Kimball Mrs Lorinda Moio Miss Sarah CARD. For Sale. TjHE ITTOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. W[ELLSB|)RO BOOK STORE I BO Ladies’ Visitor, Hafi Fran Atlai £do< Ain: Knie Pickles, ; it of Fun,, j Phunny Fbcllow. o, will kept constantly on hand, a com etc itory of J | j • SSICAL, KISTORIC&i, POE'TICAL, ;HOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ink- Books, Paper Bangings, •SHEET 31 US IC, PICTURES, MAPS, if. SItE'W’ABTS iVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR l and Winter d GROCERIES, PROVIS Bo&ts and Shoes, Hats TAKBIE ftOTIONI ND ‘ARE SELLING AT tX LOW PRICES, ling, Sept.'26, 1860. ’otter 00. Railroad 0 'PLICATION will be made to tl |tnre of Pennsylvania tor a sop Charter of the ‘“Potter County. Railr for ai Act to bu'jd and construct their point qn the line; of the Suubury and li Cliutm county to any point on the ' Pine Oreek. i CiIAS. BUSJ Goi mania, Sept. 21, 1860,-4t MIUPOKSI : . -MIRRORS 1 * |, MIRRORS! r received nt SMITH’S BOOKSTORE, the irgosfc and best asfiortmpnt oft Mirrors over t to .WcUsboro. People tohojwish "to see themsfclvcs as others see them,V will pleaso call and examine. > ■ , | IT JCUTOR-S NOTlCE.—Letters' testamentary laving been granted to the subscriber, executor estate of John I. dcc'd, late of iton township, notice is hereby given to those, fed to said |estate to make immediate payment, lose having claims to present thebi properly nu tated for settlement to the subscribe! 4 , at his re e in Charleston. IRA JOHNSTON, »ber 3, 1860.—w0 L Executor. u thfa 1 al i ( U i ?{ K 3 1 'I AtDtXOR'Sj IfOTfCE.—The undersigned, op »pintcd an 'auditor to settle the! account of C. Robin ion and Jas, "Barber,‘ executors F. Good man, i ec’d, and make distribution of tfao proceeds of said o late, will attend to the duties of his appointment on the 2Ctb day of October instant 1 [o'clock p. m., at the office Of A. P. Cone, in Wellsborp. Oct< bor3,TS6Q, S. PIERCE, Auditor. THE LAST IXVESTED, BEST AND CHEAPEST £ IPHINQ BED I3ST TJSB 1 M( HE elastic than feather*, and lighter and more lurablo. Price, only $5.00. For Bale by 6 E. D. WELLS, Lawroneoville. ANEW, Lar£e, and Elegant assortment of . ; Will b i sold at the lowest prices, by „ E. D. WELLS. Law renbevillej jSept. 12, 1860. r HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, OF ALL KINDS, can bo found at the rooms of E. D. WELLS, LAWHBNCBjYXLLE. joUBKEVUES WASTED, Tni. IsE or four good Journeymen SHOEMAKERS wanted immediately at my Boot and Sjoe Shop. ■ t J. IOBEttOLE. Wellsboro, Sopt. 10, ISCO. , of tL Charli iodeb) and t) thenti sidunr Oct SUB SCRIPTIONS received for all tie Magazine? anil papers, cither in clubs, or by the single copy, at | ’ ROBINSON'S NEWS ROOM. ■ TjWfINDfG Edition of the DAILY TRIBUNE for Ti sixty cents a month at 1 IT .'{■ - SMITH’S BOOK STORE. SHELL’S StRUP OP IPECAC. Por Colds, loughs, Croup, Ac. At Roy’s Drug Store. * M r 1 T)Ei;RY DAVIE’S PAIN KILLER in largo bob I Jff ' t't’E. ■ ' Tor dale at Roy’s J)ruj Store. : 1■ : . ■ ■ r/.,.- NEW GOODS! WM. A. ROE & CO., h Save just received their Seta Sibel: of FALL & WINTER Consisting in part of • DJRY GOODS RE ADZ MADE CLOTHING CROCKERY & HARDWARE 1 , GLASS.* WOODENWARE, FLOOR & TABLE OIL CXOTHS, and in fact everything in the line of Goods that is usually kept in a stpre can be found at this establish ment. Purchasers will please call ansl examine Goods and prices before purchasing and convince themselves that .the place to and cheap' Goodsisat ‘ W. A.YIOE & CO'S. . Wellsboro, Oct. 27, 1859. WICKHAM & BLOOD GO OH* PfetTtT TREES, SHBUBBEEY. GRAPES, E7E&GIIEESS, &c., d-c., d-c. PEARS-fTreos of the most desirable kinds. aadof.es trn large riie. if desired. Standard trc©* m bearing.' A PPLES —A great supply of the choicest kinds. Four different kinds of Crnb apple. PLUMS —A large supply of the best and most' approved kinds. CHERRIES —Ad extensive assortment of the best kinds. GRAPES —Viz: Delaware, Diana, Isabella, Black Btxrmm* dy. White Sweet Water, White Summer,. Hartford Prolific, Rebepca and Concord. 'ORNAMENTAL—Weeping Mountain Ash, Horse Cbes not, Balaam of Hr, Smutch Fir, European Silver .Fir, Norway Sprlice, Siberian and American Arbor Vitae, Larch. Ac.' SHRUBBERY—HoIIy leaved Berbery, ChlncseWcigella, Splraea pru nl folio-, Dentzia, Green Forsythia. ROSES—Baltimore Belle, Prairie Qaecn. ~ GOOSE9ERRI£S-rOf several choice varieties. CURRANTS—Cheery, Red, and White. We would tuvit© all-who are in want of any of the above trees, Ac., to call and see them for their-own tuttsf^ctiou. 11. C. WICKHAM. Tioga, Ang. 22,1660.yl JOHN T. BLOUDUOOD. Parker Brothers, TO THE PEOPLE OF TIOGA COUNTV, GREETING = ■ WE have located ourselves in the store on tbo r cornof of Alain and Grafton streets, Wcllsbora, for the purpose of establishing eurselvcs ih the & Hardware Business Jtfully solicited, H. SMITH. An experience of ten years in business, dealing in tho BEST articles in our hne, will, we trust, “enable us to cater to the wants of. our patrons, to our mutual profit and satisfaction* We fully recognize tb© principle that no business is legitimate that docs nut tend to the advantage of all parlies interested ; that no bargain is a good one, that is not a good one for the buyer, as well as the seller ; and in our dealing shall deem it our best interest, to forward, so fat as la us lies,'the interest of our customers. Our purchases shall incl'iide m our Hoc the best the custom 1 market affords/ Stock of our manufacture shall barox the lest material, aud being “Tinners by trade aad working at it," we expect to bo up to the times ia quality and in price* stuck of Stoves is yet to arrive, but as an earnest .of its quality, we have a few samples on hand which wo shall like pleasure in showing any who will favor us with a call. Bcspoctfully, E. A. PAr.Kcn/) J. 11. Parker, j ORE, :et street. STOCK OF Y GOODS, ons, N. B.—Wo have the tseluslvc sale for Tioga Co., of the Celebrated P. P. Stewart’s summer'and wjotef Conking Stove. .nd Cap|, WolUboro; Scp’t. 19, 1860. i, &C. - CABINET WARE ROOM. THE Subscriber most respectfully-announces that he has on hand at the old stand, and for sole a REMELY Clu'ai> Lot of FnruitUre. comprising in part Dn sting and Common Bureau*, Secretaries and Book Cane*, Center, (fard and Pur Tables, Dining and- Brenk/nst TuhU-*, Marble-tapped and Campion Stand*, Cupboards, Cottage and other Bedsteads, Stands,, So fa* ami Chairs, Gilt and Boscicood Jluuldinris. for ( _ j Picture Frames, . \ ■ \ , COFFINS made to order on short notice. A subscriber has fyr su hearse will be furnished if desired. 1 j -I- terming land of excellent N. B. Turning and Sawing done to order. * r cations in Tioga and Totter C ; August U, 1859. E. T. VANiIOHJf. ! al lotJs ol ' improved land. . ' These Vands-nillbe sold on impany. e next LogJsla plemcnt to the •>ftd Company/’ ' Road from any 3rie Railroad in JWest branch of >|IOR, Pres’t. , ir/\/wT IVA/iI able cates. Those who desire] « UWli, « UWIj. ! n g., o (i f„ rm , can now do so oil THE subscriber gives notice that he Jilts’ taken 1 the : over be offered again in this C Woolen Factory of J. I. Jackson, bear Wellshoro, i ,.. Wellshoro, March S, ISGfc wucro he will do all custom carding and cloth dressing that may bo entrusted to him the coming season. The works have been put in thorough repair, and all work will be warranted if the wool ia brought' in proper condition. The terms are pay down in all cases. The highest cash price will be paid for wool to those who wish to selh 11. W. JACKSO.N Wcllsboro, ApHl 12th, ISfiO. 3m CEDAR RO HOTEL. CEDAR RUX, LYCOMISG CODE TV, PA. THIS house has been lateWrefitlcd and opened for the'accommodation of tiro public. ‘ Located at a central point; stages icaving'every alternate day for Wellsboro and Jersey Shore, connecting with cars on. the Tioga R. R. north and S. k E- R..R. on the south. This House la situated on the Cedar Jinn Gang Mill pond—a sofa’and convenient landing for rdils'in.the ‘rafting season. Good posts art firmly set on the left bonk, ancTthe beach is free from obstructions.. Har ing been practically engaged in the river business for many years we feel confident we can anticipate ;the wants and-reqnlrements’of this trade, and trill endeav or to please. The table, bar, chambers ond stables will always be attentively watched, and well supplied. Call and see ns, and we will part with you sure to see you again, „ A. FlSjl) Proprietor* Cedar Run, Feb. 10, 1860. ■ • • J t WALL PAPER .- - , , WALL PAPER ' . WALL PAPER . WALL PAPER WALL PAPER ■ ■ ; i WALL PAPER , Latest stylds arid largest assortment of wall paper ever brought in- Wellsboro.’ In connection with the above can be found Window Shades of nil kinds. CaH soon at WM; H. SMITH. Wellsboro, April stb, 1860. , PlCTlil E FRAM.IG. TOILET {}LASSES ( 'PDrtr;uTs, Pictures, CcrtiCof>te3 Engravings, Needle Work, Ac.,‘Ao., framed in tbo neaest manner, in phirn finds ornamented Giltr Eoso Wood, Black Walnut, Oak, Mahogany,,Ac. ‘Per sons leaving any article for framing, can receive thorn next day framed in any stylo they wish and hung fei! them. Specimens at i'ALL FASHIONS. 1860. GENTLEMEN'S wear of Silk Hots, af- the NEW HAT STOILE lit Arcade Block, 'Opposite the Dickinson House. S. P. QUICK, Corning, Pet. ISfiO. • flutter. ooob^. GEOCMIES, P R O_V I SIGNS; HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CARPETS, FOB SALE I BY AT OUIL SUEBERE IT Tioga, Tioga County, Pa., A LARGE SUPPL-icr PARKER BROTHERS, j SMITH’S BOOK STORE! W. 1> TE;IiK £LI, , - -CORNING, N. T. - ■ ,'■ , ' Wholesale and'Retail Dealer, in DRUGS, And Medicines,:tend, Zinc, and Colored Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes Camphenc and Burning Fluid, Dye Stuff. Sash and'Glass, Pure Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medicines, Artists Palais and Brushes, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, fflavormy Extracts, Ac., ... ' ins?, —A general assortment of School Books— Black Books, S triple and Fancy. , , • ■ -“Stationary.- - ■ Physicians, Druggists and Country Merchants dealing in any of the above articles can bo supplied at advance oirNcw York price;:-. [Sept. 22, 1807-3 FIIKSS FtJStS! FIJBS;! FOES. —The subscriber (ms just received a large assortment of Fora for Radies wear, consisting of FITCH CAPES & VICTORIES. FRENCH SABLE CAPES A VICTORINES, RIVER AfIXKCAPES & SUFFS, ROCK MARTIX CjPES & YICTORIXES. These comprise a small quantity of tho assortment. They have been bought at l«Jw prices nnd wifi he sold at extremely low prices for cjisb, at tho 2Cew Hat Store in Cornidg,.N. Y. j S. P. QCICK. H. D. REMING,. Would r f-pcctfully unnonnee tci the people of Tioga County that he is now prepared to lillj all orders fur Apple, Pear Peach. Cherry. Nect/inm*. Anrico't, Evorgrum and Deculuons Oruaniijntnl trees. Also Carranis Raspberries, Gooseberries, Bhv lUtenics and Strawberries of all-now and approved" vari* tries. 1 Consisting of Hybrid. Porpctnal and Snm- mer Host's, -Moss, Bourbon, Noisette, Ten. Bengal or China, ami Climbing Uosea. • ' Cl IT> IIT) DPO V -^ n< ludingflU the finest new va o 11 IV «J lJX>t-V XjIVO Hyacinths, Karcissls; Joiiqiittß, Lii lies, &c. GHAPES—AII varieties. • > Peabody's New' H.mt-bois Strawberry. 4 do?, plants, $5. Orders respectfully solicited. I ' tA-Ordors for Graftiu;:, Budding, or Pruning ttill, bo promptly-attended to. Address • 1 - Dec. 10, ’OB. 11. D.jDEMING, W , boro, Pa, NEW BOOT, SHOE, EEATH£»*'>& riABIAG STORE. TllEundersigned, having leased the store formerly occupied by G. W. West, intends carrying on all the branches of the shoo and leather trade. Coropo tent workmen are employed in the Manufacturing l)e -partment, and all work warranted to honour own ma nufacture. Also, all kinds of ' ."READY-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, constantly on hand. All kit ds of Leather and Shoe Findings, also sand and for sale at low prices for cash or ready pay. HIDES and TELUS taken at the highest market price, Wellsboro, Sept. 5, li?C0 FASHIONABLE IC1! MAIN ST 0 WI MISS PAfcT.INA SMITI I'ALL AMD IVIX consisting of Straws of ul Bloomer Hats, Flowers, VoB and !n fact • ALL KINDS OF she solicits a call from the 1 vicinity, feeling confident tb: HER GOODS' WILL E 3 and compare favorably with ment in the county in reganf BLEACHING- AXD superior manner. • ' Room Opposite Eaipl Sept. 10, IS6O. tOR si THE Vi'ELLSBORO k Til THIS Road, under thoproi scmbly ‘having ike a col 'mrnpike or Graved Road, am der and rapalr, including Tu’ The presedt owner offer:) to e th*e right* and franchises bed actual amount be has paid foi management, with interest t cash. Vnr funfair particular? at Brooklyn. X. Y. Juno 2G, ISoO.-wG* E. E. BE3fE»! "TTrOjULD inform ihe pablii fV locytcd ( in K’.klund I is prepared by'thirty years'*©; eases of the §ycs and. tboir n principles, and that he can dreadful disease, called St, Snnctl Viti.) and will attend t( the line of Physic and Surger Elkland Boro, August 8, ISI Faria aud mil THE subscriber offers fciS I hmd for sale-. The Farm 2UU acres improved, three g framed barns, one new horse now Steam and Water Graft Burr Stone, all iu .good ord enjoin. All of the above | time to suit the’pnrcbnser, tog Rutland, Tioga Co. Pa., Ma FOR SA THE Store Building on Ma site 0. A J. L. Robinson'} feet front, and extends back Gl was built fora Store ][->use, tcims Ac, apply to SAM UP August 20, ISCO. ; be.-uov j Dr. SHEARER, Homcopat moved liis office and residence ijotel (jDT3. luss>o«; BOOKS, and Newspapers honnd in Su perior Styles. Universal facilities enable it& to pleas all Call and see at tho LOOK STORE. Mrs. Winslow’s Syisip, FOR Children Price j cents. For S«iU a; Ruy’s Stow. To the Citizens of New Jersey and Perni'a- DRUGGISTS, grocers ato PRIVATE FAJQUKt. Wolfe’s Pure Brandy, Wolfe’s Pare Jladeria } Sherry and Port tWiw. Wolfes Pure Jamaica and St, -Croix Rum, 4 .Wolfe’s P>nre Scotch and Irinfi Whiskey, [ ALL IN be£ leave tf> ofilt tbe citizens of Hie United States to the above Wines and Liquors-imported- by Udolpho Wolfe, of New Vdrk, wh > «• name is familiar m this ebuntrv for the parity, of hU ei le biufed Schridani Sclmpps. .Mr. Wolfe, in his.letter to ire-, epcakinq of tire purity of hit* witreaaud Liquors,, *ays; •• I will sink 1 * my reputation n. The public ure respectfully invited to call .And eiamlm- or themselves, For dale at Ketuifby till Apothecaries and Gro* cer» :u rhlladelpLju. G FORGE U. ASHTON. » j No. 532 Market Bt., Philadelphia, SoU Agent for F.\ildtldphia. Read the fellow-log from the new York CotmVr^j IIXORM'Wi BUsJ.VEjS FOR ON'S New YoßKsfcßC»lAXl>j4frerir6 happy to inform our fellow citizens that there Is lodc jdac** iti our _clty where the phy-id:m. apothecary, unjl count) y merchant. cun ptf ami purchase pure wines ami Liquors, .d imported, and nfthe U-»t finality. We do not intend to glvo an elaborate description of this merchan’* extensive Im-d -noss. although it will well vepay any stranger or citizen to vn-it Udolphu Wolfed extensive warehouse, Nos. 18. 20. and 22 Renter street, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Msrketfhjld street, liis stoce of Schnapps op baud ready jor shipment Icodld om have iicen less than thlity thousand cases; the Brandy -ten thousand c-imm— Vintages of TSSSto 1866; andjteu thou sand tas.-s of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch .'id Irbh Whiskey, Jamaica and St. Ctoix Rum, somej wr.) nbl and equal to an}’ iu this country. Ho'also had tfyrec largo cellars, filled with Brandy, Witte, &c., In Casks, under Cus tom House key, feady for bottling. Mr. Wolfe.s sale* of Schnapps last ycaf n£m/nnted td one hundred aiid eighty thousand dozen, and we hope Ui.it Jn Jess than twoiyears ha tnav bo cqally successful with his brandies and wipe*. His business merits the patronage 6f evefy Inter of hu species. Private Umilies who wi*h pnre wines olid Lionm-s foymedirnl use, should send their orders direct to Wu ,; every apothecary In the hind make tip their jn.iftds to dwcuni-tko poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure wines and Liquors. I We understand >jr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of stuitl deuleis in th»» country, puts up assorted cases of wines an i liquors. Such a and such a merchant-, should be rti talmid against his tens of thousands of oppodent* ih the Uni ted Mates, who will nothing butiimtationa, ruiuout. alike tu human health and Impplness. J 6mo - in exchange for Goods JOS. KIBEKOLE. SHOP, LLSI3OHO, I lias just purchased her TEH GOODS, I kinds, Pattern Ila-s, cU,,SiIk3 of all kinds. TRIMMIKGS. idics of Wellsboro and :AR IN’SPECTI(Sf, those, of‘any csUDlUh to prico. PRESSING done in a •c Store, up-sUil's. EE, OGA PLANK ROAB. ► visions of an Act nf As .ducted into :v first-rate l being in complete or 'l Gates. Bridges, Ac.— ; ill said Rond, with all , jnglpg thereto, the ir it,land its repairs and HOTEj, BROADWAY, NJSW TOfiK, ■ v \VTITEX completed, six years ago, the St, Xicho- VV h»a Fas Jl uveraally pronounced .the in >st mag nificent, convenient", and tburou''hly-drganizeil estab lishment of the k hd on tins continent. What it wan thin, it remains to-day —mfthtni a K nnl in nizc, in MwotKoatJicw;’ aad the general elements Of comfort and eijoynicnt, , . The llofid has accommodations for 1,000 |ftiestBp including 100 complete suited of apart meats fur families. «' ' .‘ ( , ' Six hundred persons cm he comfortably seated, at.the tables of its three public dining, roo ns, and nothing that modern art has devised for the ienco and social -gratification of the trareiini; public -has been oVaiUcd in its plan, or langglectcd in its prac tical details. ! The cfjrly rcpiltntioS of .tie bouse- at bane- and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its suyerb ap pointment?. And ijts home like comfort* and tuxuritt, hny been enhanced every.year by the unwearie d exer titis-of the ssepim3 \ ' TRKADWELL, WHITCOMB 4 CC. . lirtie of s.ilo. Terms address the .su|)-cKbcr I E. BA|'El{. CT, M. I>., ' c that he is perm mentor oro, Tioga L'o. l .i.', and pcriencc to treat all dis ippeiidagcs on scientific cure without fail, llntt Vitus\ Dance, {Chorea o any other bhsineSs in lls for SalCi [ aria and Mills n Rut i contain# 280 here®, with ' »od houses, threjo good ; harn 3Ux4O. All so one Mill, with tbrccj run of Ifcr, and a good [run of property uill bo sold on ; )ther or separate. TO FABLES AxTD OTfJERS, THE subscribe ■ begs leave lo inform tbe public that his Flouring 31 ill in Marisfield is now la complete operation, and that he has been pulting in rieW machinery, and among the rest, BOR TON'S CEL EBRA TED\ WBEA T SW7TER, used in the best Stills of Rochester, N. T. fib .hlis' also a Corn Sbellejr and Coni Cracker; a n.e* Com Meal Sifter, and i; therefore prepared to grind eora from .the ear. Also two .bolls for Wheat— me fpr gn'id ami one for poor wheat, so aa not to mix. good ami poor Hour. i' K. 13. Ahrst-mte miller, from Ihecelebrate!Floor ing Mills of Wogitdl A Cu.» of Rochester, 2i. now employed. He served 'S years in their rmploy* and comes well recommended. paid fSr grain, > r C. tfr. BAX-fiT. ' Mansfield,* Sept. 5,J860. -w8 * li. W. VAN ALLEN* ]{y 31, 1860. tie a largo qnaijtity of quality, nml in good lo muty, Comprising sever- ;eu years lime a I rcason to .»eeiirc to themselves i better terms than will ' mnty. A., P. CO^'E. LB. , - j in Street, nearly *oppo- Store. The lot is Hti h feet,, Tho Building ivitb open front, i’ur L DICKENSON. To Person Agents wa machine. gea at from,s2s to This is a new jnaei tion that a chikl oJ half au hour’s insl Sewing Machine i: Dollars. Wellsboro Pa, \lu. lie Physician, has ro from tho United States lirt'slilotel. . ' Persons wishing :lal Tioclk;». For tho enre of hoarso monary Irritation, and And fingers, it Drug Store. STT'n AS wo have roccivi varibus parts of where they can jittH have nmdonfnuigom nt tho following wtej ■w extensively used Cojds and' coughs in regulate the digestion i of the animal, useful iistemper in cattle. rojOkxlys Kcw Ilau "Wilson’s Albany, Hookei’e, McAvoj'a Superior, Lorywovtlrn I’rMiS < Jrt: Baron (New Frt Scarlol MHghiito; >uU«tKd. L, ' pi-ming‘rt New Peed As ihe.-e Trtriclivs ii them thamsdv it Roy's Drug Store. EMEDY.—This is tho xpectomnt now in use . from the Balsam of a ally in South America. * Rby’g Drug Sibre.’ iRSE RAY FORKS.— leys,, complete, $12.00. jaud J. M. LDSALL, ' ESTRAY. CAMIi to the pnmiscs of Nathaniel ix MW. dk-bury. on tic merniny of the tffTttr, n small bniok I.lAl'. M, built and in good nfdor, with loth Lii.il fcc{ white, end a small red sporaboai' the site of a dollar 1 nn Use loft side, which Iool(s as if it had been wont by tho h.ioi; pad—said fnnre looked ns if him had, been _rotlo nr tinier) bard through tho night. The owux r a* to cotno forward, ■ prove propu-ly, buy charges and take her away. Septcm! er 5, ISdO. \vd t " sa*E€l..4ii COURT., 1 i ■[Vj r OTICB is Hornby given that a Special Conjrt will _LI bt) bekf-in IVciKboro, for tho trial of tpccial tallies moved, into Atid .Court, commencing on Alt-U -dny, November 12th next. Itnri. David WiltiiotypreA. ding. JOHN F. DONALDSON,-Pyolh’y.f - PEOLI’iv? will fixid U to their advantage to >’i>rii'r -£torc, ii» ho bos Just received t j-uj):>ly ui‘ OHK-^md . aU v ii.tL bo i* eryr cask* ■ A SUPERLATIVE I ' TONIC, DIURETIC, mmfMtmm ST. i Gutj ofEmployment 'TED to sell tha -IVc will given Commission!, or *r«- sc>o per mouth, and^xpous^spaid, line, and sq..airaple ,in itajgojnstnio ’ 10 yeufs can operate It hy ruction. It iaeqnokto t UiO, and the price is but^JtTifcb^u an Agency will address 3. N. BOytAJT, :ie Sewing -Machine.-Compariv, MIDAS, ofiio. Secretary 4w5 , !AW£SEE£rIES,’ i Itl ninny letters from correspondents in the Ootioty at different time*, rc ihe best Itomestic Strawlw;i|ric®. nU roMiHdy.tliose whonjiiy waintthebi delivered m j • i ' perdbz. perJjunM* - tois, 50 qts. $3 00 21%' 2.50' 37% £.so' 25 1,50 250 *.OO $.OO . $.OO 4 00 ..••q .ill enn'd, purchasers can select from vvia. All union* to bo addressed .j Agitator Office, Wollxbuio*s ' S7l< uch Vatlcty) 75 A "] rv- call !>; ■» a ini