THE" AGITATOR. -- ; ; .■jVcdncsday 90 *] 6^ St* lo ®„’ ®^i a i»n4 iKgaa.ctoMWUug Se»ip*perr ta lbe '“’?, »nthpri )? e l ito Wfl fr?oru»»^”T3^ J T•.-•----■■••• -~ '■• • fpwj*; T,--I' Vfi •r" ratio’ 1 ! " ■’ ‘ ' ' fy. Matin ißrf—Chw,«»liQTi fcert., ■>V s • • r. a n girxfl—StiwatUi 1 Cornlit|i,if, ¥. ; ;- \ . Smiths o f -.■■■■ r., ; «ff- bf Coad»r»port, ai« S«liii thi) District, is expect4a to »peik atmerd Sto in this eoonty betoutbaiStata aleetioa.gen. .tor Benson is nn earneitwadjlfl spaakerbiid a;thor. s jgb RtpubUenb. “' T Dr. Butterficll—t|i) ; In£jn. Doctor from El- to boat the Pennsylvania House inthls bowogh on Wednesday, Th“rtfay and Friday. The tfflioied can visit the County Fair nnd sec him at the , oB e time- , See special notice. ... ~' There will bo ailfass Meeting of the friends (VfPWe Labor at the Csilin Hollow School House in •Charleeloa on Wednesday next week (Oc tober 3d).’ Hon. A- Esq,, M a others, will address ttejj meeting.. Let there be a good turn-out. [-_ . ! e_- - i ' Son. B. D. Orilver,’ of Brooklyn, If; Y.’; one of the most eloquent speakers in America, will address ths Republican Club onjFriday evening’next, at ihq Court House. Wo hopeto’see large delegations ..from Delmor, Charleston, andCotl jer tpwns, to hear this great' champion of Free Labor.. ) . * 0- e ' Corning' the population of the town of Corfiipg me, received from the'Censns Marshal at 6,700; thit'of the pillage at3,400,—8y the way, we learn from the source that Corning is soen to be lighted by gqs* J Jhe Contractor has let thejob for the construction jthe buildings to Mq}. Stafford, who is pushing tHh wcsk forward. • The bull ing is located on the flat, of the old site of Payne & Olcotl’a foundry % . ,|j Tbocinjul«feon of‘^he’ , AmTATOit is daily in creasing. [Wo print a larger regular edition this week than was ever printod in thid’ir shy other office in She .Cciutjt, Nejt -week the ■Japer 'will contain the awards of the Premium COmniUtees of the Agricultu ral Society, Exhibitors will Waflt copies to send' Jo 4heir friends. Our next weefc* will be J'SOO copies. Orders for extra copies— at .37 cents a dozen —mnat hc handed in “before Saturday, Adver ithcrs wiEplease tiUfrp'notice.?] ■ ' • i jS&“FinE in Biu.DFcmr| County, Pa.—On Satur day night, a house and' Wn,-|£elongiug to Hon. Thor. .Smesd, in Springfield Center, County, were-set on fire by some unknown incendiary, and! turned to the gronnd. Mr.- Sq ]ead had just purchased; the property, together with th* firm attached, for $4,- *950,- at Sheriff’s sale., The • froperty originally he-, apnged to a merchant in Bpi igfield Center, named, Hiram Spears, and was -valued by him at slo,ooo.—} -Sfr. Smead’s loss is about's2,ooo- He was uninsured! — Elmra Prfst, '' i 335* Miss Paulina Smith just got back from riic city,andjhaS'brought^ith a choice assortment of millinery goods, including Ribbons, Bonnets} Flowers, Feathers, 4c.,;orthevery best and latest' styles, and of all Of course wo haw©: only to' gvve this hint to, the Indies. ,i 1 Mr. O. BuEard hss jrfH l-et|mied from the city and is filling up his store with a choice assortment of Groj, •ceries, Provisions, Yankee Nations, Cutlery Ac., whicli he is selling low for Nbw advertisement next week. “ j j Parker Brothers—“ Whose ndyertisemenf appears in '■another'column—U a new Hardware firm, in the build ing formerly occupied by Nifbs A Elliott, directly~-opj posite the Empire Store. ‘Persons in want of Cooking,' or Parlor Stoves will no doir them a call. | Mr. M. Bullard, of the firdjhf Bowen * Co., is now Id the city, buying a stock o|%all and Winter Goods. Commentunbecoßsary, 1 | Messrs. C. ■& J. 1 1. Rdbinsenaro also filling ap tbeir jtoro with a Fall, and Winter'Stock. • I , Club Meetings. The Weillsboro Republican -Club meets- every alter nate Tuesday evening, at the Court House; James Jackson, President. j 'Becr&dd and Knoxville ilfnian Republican Club -meets every Friday evening alternately, at Knoxville aud. Union AcadeinjVl - 1 Westfield Republican Clqjbr tneeta -every Saturday evening. Liberty Republican Club jpeeta every Saturday eve- ning. Clymer'Republican Clnb meets every Friday eve ning. , _ d Malaabarg KepubUceia Club meets every 'Saturday i : f evening. Tioga. Republics CtJiTar eaeOis every Saturday ava iling. •' f* - ■ East Farmington Republican dub meets at the Hall School Friday evening. | —Clubs not mentioned bore will please notify ns of their time and place of 'meeting,. An entertainment of ipleasingebaractcr la to be given in behalf of the, “C t AU' Wells Hose Co. .No, 1/’ by the Indies of Welfsboro, 01$ Thursday evening nexU Iho following la'the 1 , 1: ■ f PROGE f \j|HE 1. Mu5ic.,*,..,,,.,.,.WaUtb0r0 BamJ. 2. Tableau.*, „. k ......May Queen. 3. 1 " Bridal Scene, 4. u Bridal Scene. 5. ~.VeriatioDB on a favorite air [itt Som&ambala. % ...Ddme9tic IHU*. Comiif Thro’ the Bye, S. TiBLEAC.. S. McslC—QuartpUe..........ftcd, White, and Dine. 9. Eugenia and Ladies of Quurt. 10. Music...... Band. 11. Tableau. ..Ftotcer Girl. 12. u - .*,..i } ..Flvwer of the Family. 13. MUSIC —Duett ~„;i Captive Knight. H. Tableau..a. Secret Dtioovered. Is, Mouc—DacUj.j,.... Lacrelia Borgia. 16. Tableau?**- nW|j<# tuppote their hoys do m [a? College. 17. Tableau, wftat hoy* do at College. . Music—Qaartetto.l.. 18. 'Tableau..... !.. iff! Music .ji.. 21. Colloquy;.,., 22. Music Fither't 23- Tableau..,.., j... 24. “ Hettllefi Ckorit*. •■J Fortune Telling. Brass Woman** Right*. fjornpipe, xcith Variations , ......v.. v -Po«t Mietret*. Queen of Scot*. 25. Music—Quartette..., ....Some vkere mg Love lies i' (drfamfny. 26. Tableau .yuns toiiiiy the Veil. 37. Music ......Brass Band. 28, CoLLoqur... Village Goitip. 39. TdfSSiC...Rondo on faeorjtenir tit Lucreiia Borgia. 30. Tableau Morning. 31. ■** ~.,,,..‘,,,,.....5 Might. 32. , " Burlesque on Might and Horning. 33. Music—Baeit :..4'. Erin ie mg Home. 31. Tableau ......... before the Fire. 35. i “ » o/te ft ■ “ 33* •“ ........Seeing the Elephant. —Tril» entertainment .being entirely local in Us character and aims, will of course meet with thei on* cauragement which is due. || The Court House Will doubtless be crowded. Go jarly npd get a sent.— Tickets are for sale at Stttifi’s Bookstore. Trice 1 of admission, 25 cents, 4 *r ' by i of this are toke advnn | tageWf injure * political opponent, - whilitmany ofthem seem, to hare 'beeiTohiaen"Jje canss of their boperior-meanSMS. Our relation* with the raailsarp the most sxtotieiye’ tn.the CounVy, go'that Wo speak'/rom tke refdriC WeiayAlMnwn''ihe;4«i ; r VAXOfi. toplaave the Wellsbbro Post; Office, in ..tho same hag- withthebDaiwcrert, and hot arrive.'at ’Blossburg HU three-days'ty'tor 'the latter.' This’Ts) only one in stance'of detention. At Sdbinsvillef our friends usu ally feqt(Wo Aqipatobs eveiy alternate h-eek;-while thetmbtqrihers 'to tho iJemociat hevorfail to gel It rog hlarly. We knowof : Post-Hasters who tell 'our sub setibers that our subscription is to bd ruisod, and use ether equal)y dishonorable methods to iuduccenhacri bers to stop the. paper; l < We have written once or twice to head quarters, bat that is kll the good it has done ns—the hiads of dhe dcpartdients at Washington be* Roving, Tike their subordiuaths, that the mails are on ly fob the benefit of one political purfy—the slave oli garchy, and-their dough-face allies. The time is growing shorter .for ..tbqpi' every c(ay.The Wlittle brief authority",in-which theyare now dreesed will pass from them on tho 4th of March nest, up to which time* they will doubtless continue their “fantastic tricks”,with Republican papers. Out friends wiil uD dorstond that any. failure toi receive tbeiripaper Is not oar fault..; .v. . .1 . 4-:.', r 1 ’ A iM:AR,RiEr>, ; ’ In Middlebury, Sept. 23,1800,-by Esquire M’Clure, IIr.bREBBES H, GARTER nod Miss HANNAH M. LENT* , - it i . ;.i . -■ .At Troy, Bradford.Co. f on .the 18th inst, by Ren. S. J; M'Cullouih, Mr. JOHN D. BERRY,of Tiota anaiMisS'LYDIA.K; HUNTLEY of Troy. In Liberty, intheJEvatrgelical Church* op, the I6th inst.Vby-Rev.'S. Aurahd, ! Kev. J. &TORRIS ofrLiberty andpSfrs; -ANNIE MOiIBHOUSE'of Urnoh.' In Sett *23,11860, by "Reuben T. Halt, Mr.? JAMES! W, SHAFT tp Miss ELIZABETH SMITH,' all of ,lhe! above pl^ce,. i j • , r> ispjd , , • - ln A’namoßa, S«pt. lst, IS6o, ot typhoid Ifever, Mr. GEORGE PUTNAM,‘fotijieriy of Wellabdio Pa., aged 27 years. i ! ' 1 “- ■ * *.)■’ 1 * 1 In Liberty township, Tioga Co., Pa. r on Wednesday morning tfae'l9lh of Sept. ! ISBji, 'SUSANAH, SHEF FER, widow of the iate John ShcSer Esq.!, >ged ‘ 78 yeifrg and $ months. ’ *' 'i [She was the. daughter of.WiUlam and Anna Rennets.— Borfi in Bar] township. Lancaster Co., on the 18th,of Decem ber 1781, w.v3'married to John’ Slicffciy Juno Btii, 11802, and to Williamsport, Lycoming Co.fin the year 18U5; fchfi remained thore-uptil the year ISUiand tlienrunurredto Lib erty township. Tioga Co., in Which place aha baa been a resi dent up to the /lay of her d©athf*\3he and bei husband were ono of the pioneer families o$- Liberty towoabip. and thoyf were unclear the necessity (at that day) of enduring some' of die greatest.privutlona and ; hardships the mtrtd'Of man shewas an exemplary chrUtfau of thb-Ln theran faith, a kind and affectionate molher, on obliging neighbor, and wasHored by every one Inat she had gained an acquaintance with*- Her death waa a triumphant\»ne,' for she had put bfer Jiuase in order, and lioldberseLf in readt neaß’tor somo*yoars to m'tfet her dear Saviour In peace. Her last wor is were, 4 *had I wmga I would-fly away to Jesus.— At-ibodate qfher death (aa far-aa known)she was-the nioth er of 15 chlTdren} grandmother to 80 children, and groftj grabdmotbor to 30 children, making iu all IHS persons. - ; /: /■ T '.V A Cirrix> v .i Lycoming and Lancaster papers will please copy. SPECIAL NOTICES. Xlic ludlau Doctor, From Elmira, who has daily astonished his patients and their friends, by curing diseases off long standing which had been abandoned as incurable, wilibe at the Pennsylvania House, in Wellshoro, during ,thb days* offthe County -Fair* 1 Let the affUeted, in every stage of-safferin-g call on him. Why will you linger but a life of,gloom and despair J Coin©, and bo cured by remedies. WHO SHOULD USC 23£t. X tk>VEE DOBS’ VEGETABLE IMPERIAL". WINE BITTERS 1 All who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption or Weak Ltsigs-should u-e them. All who suffer from weak Stomachs, Indigestion, Dyrpep &Ut, or Fites should u«a thwfi.i AH who suffer from General or Nervous Debility, Restless ness at night, want of Sfbep, ic., should use them. All persons who are convalescent after fever or-other sick ness should use them. i f ’ . Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, aad all pub lic'speakers shonld use them., Book Keepers, and all persons leading a -sedentary life should use thani. < • The aged apd infirm shouldjuse thorn. All «ho require a stimulant or tonic shoul(| use them. , Alt who are addicted to the mse of & dent spirits and wish to Reform, should use them. 1 i •fcKey are made of a pure Sherry Wfne, and of the native plants and herbs-of the country, and should be recommend ed by twqper&acu-societies, clergymen. physicians, aad ail fr&nda of humanity. ' They nre prepared by an experienced and stimuli physi cian, and aside from their medicinal properties, are a most delightful beverage; andyetjas a medicine, arc as innocent and harmless as the dews of Ircavcn Sold by d. ggiats generally. C&AS. WIDDIFIELD A CO.,Proprietors. . , 73 WlUiazu et.. h>w York, »fell A Co., Agents at TVoga. 7£yl l&Wtt-in, Potter ■• Mr| smiTH. -Tf ® pnrthatedi of, E. E. Bob -X. mson big interest in tlie Book and Stationery bn sidess, irpuld wajsßtfuUj jnforunthd public of bis de sire to tarry-on’ 1 --• -< s^’,& E Neb,all' _nh yf&\ jitopM ~ ;AND BOOK STORE,'- ' i )■'-* 1 .. ' .. - i ■ ' V": - " wl|ore ha will furnish. \ : AT THE OL» STA»P, ' J ' opposite C. G. Osgood’s Store, or by mail, the following kag»zines,,att]b« rates. V r DAILIES SERVED BY CARRIERS.' [New ; ¥ork-Tribunfe, • v :' ■■ :' :, ' :; o;Hetaa: v;iii Vr. S -o;.;r : Time!, , - f' ‘.V.V 1 ;-.-News, J :V V j-.-on.- .. ■ World,: ■: T' : ‘ -weeklies. : Ntw York Ledger, • 'We.Torly J fogasme, - L , .. Merenry, Thompaoij's Reporter, -•ii-ii't- Weekly, ; Life Ulualrated, Welcome ' ~j Wilde’s 6 nrit,- , ’, Ctntury, Porter’s ' ScientiSo Aw.ericon, - Boston Pi ot, - jfank'Leslies’i'' ‘ 'Trueflaj, ' , .IS Y. Illustrated News, ■ Irish American, ' Littell’s Living Age, V|aynriy SJagazino, •. . ~ Thtjmpsop’s fieporter. J . ‘ ■ | ‘ - *l' ~ Jirper’s Magazine, > Oodey’s Ljady's Book, auk Leslies* Magazine, Peterson’s Magazine, lantjp Monthly,, i Arthur’s jjlagaiine, Bolootio Magazine) j Ladies’ .Repository, A II the Year Round, Ladies’ Visitor, P niekorbocter, Pickles, I udgel of Pun', Phunny i heliow. Also, will bo kept constantly on hand, a .complete ripoeilory olf- CLASSICAL, HISTORICAL. POETICAL, .I'SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS,- Illonk Books I ,' Paper tifaugiugt, : r SHEET Sip SIC, PICTURES, HAPS, £6.' , ■( rders for Binding Books. Tije Trork executed to snlt tny taste* and on the lowest pbssibjd terms... Particu- I ii> attention will also he gwenlto SPECIAL ORDERS^ tr any thing comprehended in the tfade. , . iSCHOOL. BOOTES. ,'t, - Sanders’Series of,Eeader?y Greanlcaf's Mathematics,, 'Colton’s i Fitches’ Geog’y, Davies ’ “ Monteltf “' Sanders* Spellers, Potter and Hammond’s Writing Book, Brown’s and K«nyon's Grammar, j | The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited | Wijl. H. SMITH. | Pa,, September 5, I 860! yl jj • • i • > 1 ' - iaoji «*ggr, - C ABIUBT |piiS!|| WARE [ROOM. fnUE Subscriber m,ost respectfully announced that 11 ho has on band at the old- ston'd, and for sale a ? Clu-ap Lot of Fiirulture. >' Comprising 1 in part ; pressing arid Common Bureau# Secretaries and'Book Catena-Center, Card and Fier , Tablet, Joining and Breakfast Tobies, Jlfarlle-topiped at d Common Stand*, Cutthoards, Cottage and other Bed- trad*, Stands, So fas and Chairs, Gilt and Jtosaciod Moulding* for Picture Frames. corrrars order ,on! short notice. A icarse will be furnished if desired. ■ N. B. 'Turning and Sawingldone to order. August 11, 1559. B. |T, VANIiQEN* Parker Brothers, TO THE PEOPLE OF ‘TIOGA CO U N TY, GKEBrINO: TTTE have located ourselves in: the store on the f V corner cf Main and streets, VVellsboro, tor the purpose of establishing ourselves in the i(QVC t Till, A. Hardware Business mn experience of ten years iq busies?, dealing in the IBEST articles in our line, will, we jtnist, enable us to >cuter to tbp wants of our patrons, tb our mutual profit iand sau&factiom -fully recognize the principle Ithat no business is legitimate that docs not tend to tHe |advautagur host interest, to forward, bo. fop’ as in lies,' the interest afi our customers. j Our purchases shall include in ojir line-the best the custom market affords. Stock of oar manufacture tghail bp the beet material, and |>eing “Tinners by tirade aniljworking at it,” we expect to be up to the Itimcs injqbaUly and in price. j | j v&r- Our stock of Stoves is yet to arrive, but as an | earnest off its quality, we hav£ a fqw samples on band [which we shall take pleasure in.shpwing any who will (favor us wjith a call. Reaper fully, j PARKER BROTHERS. | J 3. A. Plarkeb, | .. \ . f r J. H. P IA.RKKR, / 1 N; B.—Wp v bavb tho exclusive Kklefor'Tioga 00., of the celebrated P. P. Stewards smmmw and winter 1 Cooking Stove. | 1 -WeUfcbdro, Sept. 19, 1800, | , i A«RICI}LTVRAI| FAIR ball. THE company of yourself I nndlfidy is respectfully invited to attend a Ball,'at the WELLSBORO HOTEL, ON FRIDAY EVENING, istPTEM BER 23, 1860. Floor'Hfnnngcrs —A. K. Smith, 1 of Tioga; P. .R. Williams, AVellsboro; E.Dyer, 4 Jrj Covington 5 E Cul ver, Elkland. ‘ | JJmfc—“ Wetmore's Bandl -Dili, $2,00. ; IE. S. FjLßib Pro. ■ lYellsbffro, Sept. 12,18G0J . : ANEW, Large, and Elegant jassortmedt of I * a, - Will bo sold at the lowest prices, by 1 * } E. D. WELLS. • Sept. 12, IS6O. i Religions Notice. THE North Branch Association of Untrersalists will {hold its annnal sessioi atlSylvania Boro, Bradford Co., Pa., on Wednesday arid Thursday the 26th and 27th days of Septcinberi BcUgioua services will commence Wednesday at 10$ o'clock.* A cordial invitation la extended to ail: ' j • j Hi E WHITNY, . i it ’ .Standing Cierfc, i HARVEST BAM. YOURSELF and lady are respectfully invited to attend, at Boy’s Hall, An Tljursday evening, Sep. 2i lb, and participate in thnjfestiyities. , - ,—Motion * Taylor's Band, under the direc tion of Pruf.Ajmvcit. Bill, A2.QO. t '• ,-A sin>iljae hall will be given on tho evening - of- the 28th. Bui and music tho some.')' jrOEBWEYHEM WASTED, THREE or four good Journeymen SHOEMAKERS wanted immediately ntimy Boot and Sjos Shop. I J. t IUMERQLE. - Wolisboro, Sept. 10, 1860. . ! SUBSCRIPTIONS received ' for all the Magazines and papers, either in cliibs, or by tbe single copy, at . ROBINSON'S NEWS BOOM. T» ariTdHELI/5 SYEUP OF IPECAC. For Colds, JJrJL Cpiaghy Ccoap. Ac. . i At Roy’s Drug Store. PEREY UAYIE'S .PAIN : Ktr.XiEli in largo bot tle*, ' For Eby’s l>ruj Store. 1 ■ WM. aUoe & cu, ' Bare fist received thdr~JS r eiß Stock of FALL & WINIEB GOODS. Consisting in part of ’■ ■ ' t) R Y GOO DS i r ; o 01®n s; 0 v I S I O N-Si, ~ P 31 ADR CLOTH IN G AJT.S 4. CAP si, ' • R B AD 0T .S .4 SPO E p , " ERtf & HARDWARE, CROCK & WOODENWARE, r. ' QL AS CARPETS,; ", , i' TABLE 6l L CL OTH ?, ivcrytVnng ih the line of SOodathat is 0 a store can be found at this eatahlisb isers wiU pldare’cAil'and examine Goods ore purchasing'elsewhere) afad convince iat tbo place to bny gtjnd and cheap W- A. EOE 4 CO’S. PLOOR i and in, fact? ei usudUykept il meet. Purch and prices bel themselves tl Goods Is at, WeUSboro, ( Oct 27,1859 C QE SALE! ; :AM & BLO OB GO OD, at oca susssst w , iga, Tiogra County, Fa., 7 , r; J ' A J.ATUIS* SUPtLT OP ' ‘■•' k TREES, SHTRTrfeaSEII.-'Sr, 'S', EVERGREENS, Sc\ Sc., Sc. rjees of the most desirable hinds, and of ex llf desired.- Standard trees in hearing. A. great supply of ,the choicest kinds. Four il of Crab apple. - j / - . large supply of the best ana most approved —An extensive assortment of the best-kinds. *Cz: DoUcwure.-Diann, Isabella, Black Borgun* J it Water, White Summer, Hartford Prolific, T word. - i • t ITAL—rWeeping .Mountain. Ash,, Horse Ches . Fir, Scwtcp Kir, European Silver Fir, Norway n and American Arbor Vitae/. Larch, Ac. RY —Holly leaved Berberry,Cbmo?e VfeigeTU, folio, Doutzia, Oreoh Porsythio. .Itimore Belle,‘Pralrie'Queohl' ' IRIES—Of several cbotccvarietlea. - _ ’S—-Cherry, Ked, and- White* ( vito all. v> ho are_in“want p£ any of .the above Mfulnd’see Ihetn for their own satisfaction. - B. C. WiIGKtIAM, . !«,_lB_6oyl JOHN T( BLOOIMJOOD. wick: Tt ITBtJIT % QttAP'E PEARS—Trj tra largo size, I APPLES— i different kinds PLUMS—A kinds. CHERRIES GRAPES— dy. White Swc Babecca and C< ORNAMEf nut, Balsam oi Spruce,. SifSerjj SHRUBSE Spiraea pru m ROSES-E. GOOSEBE CURRANT . We wouldji trees, 'Ac., to c Tioga, Aug. WOOt, WOOL. Tiber given notice that bo’baa taken the Factory of J, I. Jackscm, near lYellsbbrb, ! do ail custom carding ‘and cldfh dressing ! entrusted to him season. The ieen pufin thorough repair, and all work anted if the wool ia brought in proper; THE subs Woolen where be wil that may bo works hare 1 will be war condition. are pay, down all bases!, it cash price will be paid for wool to those jell. ! ,E.WI JACKSON. April 12tb, iB6O. 3m. j The terras The highe who wish to WellsborO; ACADEMY, JCIiY 23, ’6O. ih. TEEM of this Institution will com* »n Tuesday, August 2Stb, 1860, under the 4.. E. \y£(xHTMAN, A.BI, Principal and >. WJGHTMAN, Preceptress, ’ aided by sistants. ; rsiosf fXIHE FAi I . mence i direction of Airs, J. A. 1 competent a: For full pa address the and n’ceivo t August 2, rtieulars as to regulations; expenses, Ac-, Principal at Knoxville, Tioga Go., Pa., circular. ' 1568.-W FOR SATE, ; I ::SBORO & TIOGA PLANK ROAD, 1 i • : s.d, under the provisions of an Act of As- ’ saving been conducted into a firat-fato | travel Road, and being in complete ( or-*! i.f, including Toll Gateg, ,Bridgc3. Ac.—'' owner offers to sell said [Hoad, with all il franchises belonging thereto, for the i i t be bus paid fur it, and. its repairs and with interest to time c>f sale. Terms 1 i rtbor particulars, address tho subscriber! . N. Y. 1 E. BAYER. 18G0.-U-8* 1 THE wel: THIS Roi sombly Turnpike or der and rapa Ihc present the rights an actual amour management cash. For h at Brooklyn. Juno 26, 1 S. BENEDICT, IS. inform ibepublictbatheia permanently d iff Elkland Boro, Tioga Co. Pu., and f thirty years'experience lo treat nil dis yes and their appendages on scientific d that he can cure without Jhat ase. called St. Vitus’ panee* {Chbrta nnJ will attend to any other business in iysic und Surgery. | "VJTOULB f f loente is prepared b coses of the ( principle?, sc dreadful -atst Saudi Viti,) the line of P Elkland B< to, August 8, 1860, CAUTION. ; lAS,my wife POLLY,has left my bed and I without just cninm or provocation, this I persons not to harbor ot| trust ber on my ! shall pay no debt of herj contracting af . RICHARD TILTON, gust 15, 1860.® ‘ | TfTTIERE >V , board is to warn all account, as I ter this date. Union, Auj «L FASH IjO NS. 1860. ! JEN'S wear of Silk Ho{ta, at the NEW •TORE in Arcade Block, opposite the ( Use. S. jP. QUICK, ’jb. 23, 1860. 1 j flatter. FA Gextle: hat a Dickinson lit Corning, F )AR nvii HOTEL. UN, LYCOMING COUNTTj PA, CE CEDAR 1 THIS horn tii6 acco central point Wetlsfroro an the Tioga R. This House i* pond—a safe rafting sensor bank, and tfa( iug been prac many years w wants rind rcc ,©r to please, will always bi Call and see i you again* Cedar Run. i has been lately refitted and opened for imudatioo of the public. Located at a stages leaving every alternate day for Jersey Shored connecting with cars on H. north and S. 4 E. R.’ K'. on the south, situated on the Cedar Run Gang Mill and convenient landing for rafts in the Good posts are firmly- set on the left beach is free from'obstructions. Hav tically engaged in the river business for e feel confident wo cap anticipate tho uirements of this trade, and will enduav- The table, bnr, chambers and stable's i attentively watched aud well supplied, is, and we will part with you sure to see D. A- FISH, Proprietor , Feb. 16, 1860. WALL pap; WALI : PAPER IVALL PAPER , , WALL PAPER ! “ WALL PAPER WALE PAPER £3 and largest assortment of wall paper :q WolUboro.* lu cuhn&ctiuQ with the bund Window Shades of all tall wil. H. SMITH. WeHdboro,' April sth, 1860. [ Latest styl< over brought above can be soon at NTAIN, SODA FOl SODA FOUNTAIN', soda!’FOUNTAIN. i at a great bargain. Inquire nt * 1860. "*■. Kors Dpuo DTURE FUAMIIG. Foe sal: June 2! PI TOILET GLASSES, Portraits,-Pictures, Certificates Engravings, Needle Work, &oi, Ac., framed in tno neaest manner, in plain aa Si:3r. p fWfcolesalej aadDetetU Dealer, ln r , ' Dii TlCK's', And ifrdicnes,' Ltldd, ''Zinc, ' ant? CoZbtsd ; Paints, Oils, .Ydhash, SjrpsKti'Qaiilphitisttnd Running i Fluid, Due Stuff, Sash and Glass, Pure Liquors for Medicine, PalsncMcdielaes, ArtisthPainU and DfuXtufs, Perfumery, Fancy) Articles, Placarding Extracts, ,:^*,, 'Hyacinthfli KaTcisSis; Jonquils, LU lies, Ac. - * varieties, | Poabody’B New Ilaut-boia Strawberry., 4 dot. plants, $5. Orders respectfully solicited, j , , for Oraftinc,' Budding or Pruning will'bo .promptly attended to. Aadrca« - Dec. 16,’68. .-. . H. D|. DEWING, W bSro, Pa.. NEW . BOOjT, SHOB, & FISDISG STORE. THE having Jepseithß store formerly . occupied by G.~W* West, interfda carrying bn all the branches of the shoe and leather trade. Compe tent workmen are employed |ih the Manufacturing De partment, and all work warranted to be our own- ma nufacture. ‘ • Also; all kinds of READY-MADE BOO|TS AND SHOES, constantly owhand* . All ’kinds ;of Leather and Shoe findings, also constantly o 4 hand and for sale at low prices for cash'br ready payi .■ HIDES and PELTS taken, in exchange for Goods at the highest market priceJ J:OS. UXBEEOLE. Welleboro,- Sept, a, I 860.) ' "■ : FASHIONABLE MILLINEET SHOP, MAIN ST., WpILSBOEO.' TViTISS PAULINA, SMITH 1 has Just purchased her i I>X! ;• • £ ALL A.SI). TYINTETt 0 001>S, | consisting of Straws of kiiids, Pattern Hats, Bloomer Hatsj Flowers, .Velvets, Silks of- all-kinds, and In fact ' * * i * . O SI TRIMMING $. she solicit/Vcall from the ladles of AVeUsbjoro. and ■ vicinity, feeling confident that MHBR GOODS WILL: BBAB..INSPS: f -residence in. the City of-New-York, th?rt that all the brandies and wines wlii?h 1 bottle'are pure as Imported; and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser?’ ; livery bottle has the'prbprietor's name on the wax;and a facsimile of bia siguonturo on the certificate. The public.tuerepip'-'Ctfully invited to callaod examine for themselves, ForsMo at Ktlailbyall Apothecaries aud Qro cers in Philadelphia- OEOK&BH. ASHTON. - No, 83-2-Market St£ Philadelphia. .*> -^r..' . Scle'Jgtst for.Philaddphia. ' Bead-thofbltowfogfrom - ; 'EsorsioCs Bcsinssh for osc New Yoee Mkrcil^kt.’—Weara t lwtppy tCkinfotm'obrtfellow citizens : (bat there is' one plfttn la.our cits.\ylu.*ro : tbo physician,. fpothecarjj and country 'merchant; ran go hnd purchase pure wines and Liquors, as imported, and or the-best quality, ix Rtiro, some very old and j>qual to any in-this country. Ho also had three large qeTTairvfilled with! Brandy, wine, 4c., in Cask*, under Cus tom House hi-y, (ready "for. hpUUng.. Mr.- Wolfu’s antes of Schnapps .last year amounted to one. hundred and eighty ihbuwnd d«*zen. and we hope that in Ices than two.years bo .may UjvqalJy eucccwful with Ms byandtes and wises. ■ His'Lußlne.-s merits the patronage of every lover of fats Private tamlUee who wish pnre' wines and lAquots foc-medical tu'vshould send theirordere direct to Sir. Wtdfo •until eiory apothecary in the loud make up, their minds to di'Qard tht-poisonous stuff from tlieir ehelvcs, and replace it with-Wolfe’s puro wines and Liqbore. - - We understand Mr. Wblfo. for the accommodation of amali -deuleisin tho-coubtry, puis -upussorfed cases of wises aud liquors. Such a wnd«ueh a merchant, should l»e sus tained agalnat hwlensof ihi-usaudß of oppodenu in tbo Cm* ■Mid! Stales, who sell ruinous alike fa human health and happiness.. > 6m6 GliKAt I.NDITKMOTS. I* A;M now; ptepared to wholesale-FLOUR, FfiKU, MEAL aud cheaper than any maa-AU Lho county. . As ; i BUY FOR GASH, - ■, And being connected with several large flfmriog es tablishments, I can afford to to-supply Lumbermen ibd'Peelers generally with u goud article, and cheaper than iHe-ehcttpairt. - ' ' :il havcumde jurnngemenrt in the city of Kew York ,80,as tVsupply jiuybody and lasOCElilfiS, AT- WHOLESALE;! OE, RETAIL, .. . - * v#iiv C3HAP* ( } 1 ~ CQFFEE. -SUGARS.: TEA, - FISH,; PORKL* And in fact jinvihiag in the Provision line, will bo sold cheap for (josh, or exchange for grain, i •?. | . WANTED. ’ ___ 10,000 BpSIIELS CORN .AND OATS, • 1 In exchange Groceries." Call at FRED. E. -WEIGHT’S pßojor. Eeed nud Provision Store, Ko. A "giur-StV, Wollahoro, Pa, ~ ' ** June t, ISffu] •iossoiXas'V hotel, ; ' BROADWAY, :;ew YOKK.; i ''' : WHE% T cojnplctecl, tix years ago, (boSt. laa-was! universally prdndanCed tbd mostmtg- Scanty eunTefiienf, andt&artmgbly organised j4i&ment of the kind; ou t-bia continent,.-: ‘ ’ . : ‘What it was{tfaen,-it remain* to;day-—m»**4ou< a r& I'rrii'in size,'in I lhe general elements [ of comfort until enjoyment.' . | She Hotel has accommodationsTior 1,000 guest*; i iaoluding 100 complete saliva, of apartments 1 for families. I ■ j . ’ , . ( Sis. hundred persons can ho comfortably seated •atthe tiiblca of Us thiee pnMic dining- jtoomsj and ;aothiug that.wodernart has devised for.lhe booven hauceand &ocvil gratification oflhe traveling puMio "has beep oaiiUCd iu Us planjor is ueglected'in iteprac tical details. ;).*■- y“ ~ The early- rjopotation of* the bouse at [borne and abroad, dciivdd from its' 'magnitude; its superb aj>- pointnujats, anjd its- ki|OXHJBBS. THE Bubscfiher begs dcajre 'toWpfdm J the puhJro tbathis Flouriug is now in complete operation, and that! be bwj ;beeii] putting lii new machinery, and among ibprbat, j BOn'TOX'S \vLEBRA f$D WJ3EAT SHUTTER, the hfjstMills of Rochester, .IT. Y. He baa nlsb ti Corn Shelter and* Corn, Ccackerj a x new Com Meal Sifter, "and ia thertffpre prepared' tojgririd com from the earl . Also bolts /or Wbeatr-oue ,for good |itid one for poor wlipat, so as not tp mix good and poor flouil. c K. B/ A fifjst-fMc wilier, freto the celebfatedYlour ipg Mills of 'SjVagdell Jc Co., N. ¥.* ia ,iiow employe#. HeseivedS years in,their employ# and comra well recommended, i,j) • , \ ■ X&- CnsUfcft'il for prainT HAILEY. * Mansfield, pept. 5, ISGO.j^ r wE |t : To Perseus Out of i GENTS [WASTED tUellaheEßlE SEWING —We or wa at; from s2o to $6O per month..and'expenses paid".' This is a uewj machine, and so simple in its onnstruc- Uua that u of 10 years caa loam to .operate ifchy half an hourjs ins-truj-tidn. It is equal to any Family Sewing Mmftune in use, andAho price is but Fifcecu DaHurs. j ? - , Versons wishing 9a Agency will address J ROYLAN, Secretary Eric Sewing Machine Company, -4-WO r, , , MILAN, OHIO. i ' ! '■ r ’ _ STRAWBERRIES. AS vrp havelrecelred matvyjletU’tß Trow correspondents in various 1 art* of the County at diflfcrcnt'tmius. inquiring where they cm procure the Domestic Straw bci rlo»*. v« Imrtr made air ihgemcuta to supply those who may want them at llie ratci delivered in VVellbboro. 1 - ; per doz; per honM. , Pealmilys'Nvw Hautboie, 50 cts, . tVdsous Albany 37 J />, 2.‘*o - H.iukeiV, j. 3"V$ ,2.50 Superior, , , 25 3J/0 Lcrvworth'il Profile. 1 -37J4' UW ~ Ttarou {jiew £ft ueb Variety) •75 1 . 4,N) * Scarlet Magnate, 1•’ ,50 , 3.1 of Nathaniel Ames, in Mid dlebi.ry. on morning of tho 26th,. a smdl .black MAKE,. bnild-'omoly built and in .good.ord- y s witfrboth hjinxl lect white, and a small tCd spot ab<» 6 Iho siio of -i dollar bn ibe lelt side, which looks ns If it bad boon jwurn by .tho buck pod—said marc looß*d air if shot hold been rode or drove hard through .U night. .TU4 owner x» requeued to come forward, pro\ 3 property, pay charges ami ta'.ib bar away;- ; -* SPECrAJL ..COURT* . ’ NOXICIS is hereby ijfivcn that* Special Court will be bold in IVdNbexo, for t,hc trial of specbil causes'moved into said’Court, commencing on M* u« day, November l*2ih next, Hon.- David WUmut prts&U ding, J i. • , JOHN & DONAIiDSON,'PrWh'y. will find. U tp.thur advantage to call rt Ib’V'sjDrug Stuici !»jilK:'baF just received a,lon£*» supply of frfontial 0 : h» yiml- T scnroa * kfafds .WHiili \\c if very fi* CasW' - t: