! * . FEEisaMLincoln leads. : | WUti Bunt” | p o Vt# n® whai splits sweep over the leap, , ■ i r, TJ-dTtingand rousing our cumbers? • And why dose .the-Northiij,fall panoply stand, : Like dgtailt arfluked from longslumbera— , iiiko a : giaut aroußßi&om loDg slumbers? < I *Twa s' a cry fcr aid tjiat o’er Us>w*pl, : : Ti ey wore murdering Kansas while wo slept. | ' But tßhSorlhrrlll hot alwaysenbmit to awrdng;- Once roused from her sleep sho' ne'er fhlters., , !Fo giDaaSndsspith tb® whole Sortj shall belong ’ Froo'eoiljOnddree speech, and freaaltors — i ' X’reo soil, andifrea speech, and free alters., 1 y Sho-ory'of ftaedtf in each free man heeds r ..'And our causa mu \lfin, for Lincoln leads. - - BX.kogßTi-B.BIEB. , - BtACKBEKBr, Coebial.—The following is said toiw hot onls ah'escellerit beverage,but acute for diarrhea, &c. ' To a half bushel of black-; bellies well mashsd, add 1-4 lb. of allspice, 2 o tflnoimon. S cz. cloves. Pulverize well, ma, boil slowly till properly done.. Then stir or squeeze the juioe {through homespun or flannel and add to each pint of the jnh» one pound .of loaf sugar,. Boil again forsoms time, take it off, 'and while Oooling'add a gallon of the best cog mao brandy. for.an -adult, half a gill to a gill;,fur a child a teasponful or more, ac cording to age, [ Bl.'.ckdeebv WiNa.— Gather when ripe, on a dry day. Put into a vessel with, the head out, and a tap fitted near the bottom ; pour on them -boiling water to covorthem.. Mash the berries with your "and let them stand covered fill the pulp rises ;> the top and forms a criist in three or four days. Then-drawoff the fluid into another vessel, and to every gallon add one pound of sugar; mis well, and put into a cask to work for-a week or ten days, and throw Off any remaining lee’s, keeping the cask well filled, particularly at the commencement. "When the \ working has ceased bung it down; after sis or ’) i\elve months it shay be bottled. 1 1 ' 'Blackderey *mi.— Gather the fruit in dry Weather, allow half a pound of good sugar |to every-pound of fruit; boil the whole • together gwuly for an hoar,- or till the‘blackberries are soft, stirring and clashing therfi well. Preserve it like any other jam, and it-will be found very ° useful in families, particularly for children — regulating their bowels and enabling you to dis pense with cathartics. It may be spread on ■ broad nr ou pudding! instead of butter; and even when the blackberries are bought, it] is cheaper than biitfer. | Sandford Ei Church, in a recent speech 'at ■ Lmskport, ’reciprocated the kind intentions j of. ' Mr. Dickenson, as follows: | L| The disapoifjted aspirant to whom ha had alluded, had qj toted in bis speech the following lines: ■. “ Twice hate 1 sought Clan-Alpine’s glen ■ In peace, put when 1 come again ; I come wilh banner, brand and bow 1 , ,Aa leader l.leeks-his mortal foe.” j _lf the gentleman intended this as a threat,;he Would reply to| him m the language of the same “For iove-16rn swain, in laic’s bower. No're panted for the appointed hoar, ’ As I, nntil before me stand > Ibis rebel chieftain and his hand." Oiij, i .i Eohst Mistake- —A well-known Divine ttnd ..Hhilinthropist was walking recently in a croyrd- L>«dgtzeet in London at. bight,, in order to dis tribute tracts to promising subjects. A'young woman was willing up and down, and be jac oosted her. He pointed out to'' her the error of her ways,'implored her to reform, and tendered —her ft.tract. With fervent entreaties to go home and read it. the girl staged at him for a mo ’ tneftt dr two in sheer bewilderment; at last it ; dawned on her what he meant and for what he "took her, and, looging np with simple amuse thent in bis face, she exclaimed; “Lord, bless ' you, eir, :I ain’t A social evil; lam waiting for the omnibus.” j i j ' ; ■ Laughabie. —The Milwaukee (Wis.) Sehli iul,'sky Bi. 1 . ■ “Tbree' weeks ‘ago, the Democrats of Ann Arbor, Michigan, prepared a handsome pole; to erect !in honor |bf their presidential candidate. But-when it was ready to_ go up, there were not democrats enough to be found to do itbe required lifting. At the end of a week it teas told to ihi republicans, who added thirty feet to it, and then rttn it up with a shout for “Lincoln fcnd Liberty I*'” « •There are Sixty-four inmates-of the Ohio State prison, tit (Rolumbus, under sentence ;for life, one of whoiq has been’ confined' twenty four years, nine Others more than ten years, &c. Of these ten are hopelessly insane, others, ate on the last verge of insanity, and the ten dency of neaply all is to Monomania, and des pair—facts-calculated to inspire the belief that life sentences Ore by no means cheerful punish ment, 1 ; The patriot John Adams, it is said, wasidb eignedfora shoemaker, like his father.' One day Deacon Adams, his parent, gave him some uppers to cut ont by a pattern that had a three cornered hole in it, by which it had hung upon a nailj and it Was found that hohad followed the pattern exactly, triangular hole and all.— The Deacon, upon seeing this, declared that John wasn’t flf to ba a shoemaker, and so 1 he concluded to Make a lawyer of him. An invincible wit and punster asked the captain of a schooner, loaded with boards bow "he managed to get dinner on the passage? •‘Why,” replied the skipper, “we always cpok aboard. “Cook aboard do you I" rejoined the wag; “then I see-you have been well supplied with provisions this trip, at all events." ; A subject put into some minds is like a herb put into cold wjater; in some kinds of water it petrifies, in some it pntrifies. A mind which is merely fervid and busy may make, like boil ing Water, a slight decoction of it, but it - re quires spirit and quality in the intellect to ex tract an essence, j Wealth is not acquired, as many persons nip- . pose, by fortunate speculations and splendid enterprises, but by the daily practice of indus try, frugality, Sard economy. He who relies upon these meahs will rarely be found destitute, and whosoever reWes upon any other will gen erally become bankrupt. “Clara," said Charles,- “did poor little Carlo haven pink ribbon round his neck when yon lost him ?” “Yes, yes, the little dear,” replied Clara. “HUveypu seen him?” “No, not ex , aotiy; but here's a piece of pink ribbon in the eausage." ’ Two things tp be kept, your word and your temper. ; The former when dealing with a prin ter, and foe latter when disputing with a wo men, i SOMMER BOLIETIHI most 0. S t- S. STEWART; Ho, 4 Concert Block Corning, N. .Wholesale and Eotoil Dealers la 1 DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, 5 SUMMER GOOEsj CASSIMEREiS, CLOTHS, VESTINQS, 4c LADIES’ • DRESS GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, STS4A.-W GOODS Sc . GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, VANEEB NOTIONS, | &o. &.o. &e. &o. &a. f&c ■ ■' •: “ - J • Corning, N. Y., July 25, 1860. mar 22 | CORNING 1 FIRE & LIFE IWSUaAWOEO^FIIE. BIGELOW & THOMPSON, AGENTS. f -AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY j Gf Hartford,,Ci —Capital $1,0004000'. HARTFORD FINE INSURANCE COMPANY, — Capital, ssoojooo. PAWNIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. \ .• Of Hartford, CL—Capital, slso|ooo. PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY] Of New .York City—Capital. NEW ENOLAND FIRE INSURANCE C(f. • Of Hartford, Ct, ' $225 MANHATTAN FIREINSURANCE C.O. Of New York City,—Capital s2oo] MASSASOI-T PIKE INSURANCE CO. Capital, .S2poj HOMESTEAD EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital, - . slso| NEW YORK UIPB INSURANCE CO. j Accumulated Capital, $1,508 The subscribers are prepared to issue policies d suracce on the most favorable terms in the above; known and reliable Stack Companies. | Farm buildings insured lot three years at tan Ipw as any good companies, r - I All losses will bo promptly adjusted and paid at office. Applications by mail will receive promo teat-on WM. L. BIGELOJ Oot. 13, 1859. C. H. IHOMPSOI P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor. | lB6o* CHARLES Or. OSGO< Is receiving large additions to HIS STOCK OF SUMMER 0 0,0; TO vftniCH HE WOULD .. ‘ INVITE THE ATTENTION OP THE PDB THE STOCK OP DRY GOODS IS LARGE, i and I EMBRACES NEARLY EVERYTHING THAT THE MARKET.DEMANDS; | I •. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, BROS! SILKS DOWN I FROM CHEAP PRINTS HP. CLOTHS, CASSIEIERES, VESTINGS, BILKS, DENIMS, STRIPES, SHEETING !, SHIRTINGS, 40., io. CLOTHING. HOSIERY, GROCERIES. HATS,, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, IRON, ST 3 EL, NAILS, PISH. THE STOCK WAS PURCHASED WITH CAjKE AXD ' WE EXPECT TO SELL THEM WHIIB they are seasonable, AND AT LOW FIGURES. Wellaboro, Sept. 1, 1860. TRY THE NEW STORE. “2L EL” IS AT HOBIE AGAINf! with an extensive and well-selected assortment o * NEW GOODS, His stock is as varied as it is valuable, and oo npri- BCS ■ j PRY GOODS, j of all stylos and varieties, including Fall and Winter varieties of Dress Goods, Silks, P&r&metta's DeX linos, Ac." ' J READY-MADE CtOTHINp of various styles and prices. Having had long expe rience in this branch of trade, he is confident his < lott ing will auif'his customers. GBOOBRIES, His stock of Groceries is complete} embracing ( long list of articles in common use, and which will bl sold at unusually low prices, fie has also a complo e as sortment of HARDWARE ' f purchased with 'especial reference to this market, in* eluding Saws, Axes, Ao. Also | CtIOCKERY, . I j in abundance and variety.’ The attention of tha pub lic is also called to the fact that I POR&, FLOUR, AND SALT,] trill he kept constantly on hand and for sale m the lowest market prices. In addition to the foregoing he will keep * | PAINTS AND OILS, f V I and similar*articles of mechanical use. ef BOOTS AND SHOES; ig sufficient to keep an' entire community on a, 1 footing,” and warrants that all can bo “fitted,;*' the largest: to the smallest In truth, he woold‘4 his friends and the public that , EV EBYTHING, usually kept in a store may be fonnd among his Call at the old stand of M. M. CO-XVEIi Wellshoro, Noy. 3, 1859. , : FASHIONABLE JHUiLINERY SHOP, MAES SI., WELLSBORO. | MISS PAULINA SMITH.has just her BUMMER STOCK OP MILLINERY,] consisting of Neapolitans, Straws, Crape Bonnets, Head Dresses, Young Ladies’ Riding Hats, Little Girls’ Plats, Ribbons, Flowers, and in fact ALL KINDS OP TRIMMINGS. she solicits a call from the ladies of Wellsbord and vicinity, feeling confident that HER GOODS WILL BEAR INSPECTION, and compare favorably with those of any estal dish mont in the county in regard to price. BLEACHING AND PRESSING donei in a superior manner. ZSf- Room Opposite Empire Store, np-atairs. May 24, 1860. 10,000 bbls. Poj-k Wr Sale. I WILL sell extra HEAVY MESS PORK at 5f9,76 perbbl. or retail by the pound at 10 eta., andLwar ranted the best in town. Jl. M. CONVERSE; JubO 14,18C0; -j - tffiE Tl]o6rA GOFKTY AGlf Aft)S. y ! • ‘ ' ' ■ PaysXor a fall coarse In the Hon City College,; the largest, most extensively patronized and i'est organ ized Commercial School in the United States. . 337 Students Attending Dally, Olaich. 183®. ’, Usual time ta complete a fall coarse, from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon-graduating, is guaran tced to, be competent to manage the Books of any business, and qualified to earn a salary of from . §5OO tq §lOOO. Students enter at any time—No Vocation—Review at pleasure. ;■ -• . ■ - 51: PREMIUMS FOR BEST PENMAN-. - SHIP AWARDED IN 1858.. , Minister's Sons received at haH price, nor Circulars and Specimens of Writing, inclose two letter stamps,'.and address, j F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. Got. 2T, 1869. ’ , _ . . , Mansfield Classical Scinluai'y. MANSFIELD, PA*. THIS INSTITUTION is located at Mansfield, Ti oga Co. Pa., on the line of tbe Tioga Railroad. Its location is not-surpassed by any section of the State, in beauty of scenery, bealtbfuluess of climate, and morals of society. Tbe building is of brick—lsl feet front, and four stories high. It will be completed so as to famish Boarding and Dormitories for tbe students at tbe com mencement of the winter term. Good board in private families, and rooms for.those who. board themselves can be had'at the lowest prices. The Seminary is under the care of liev. J. Lan dretbj A. M., Principal, and Hiss Julia A« Hosmer, Preceptress, aided by a competent corps of teachers. The course of study will embrace all branches taught in similar institutions. A Graduating Course for Young ladies will be formed and diplomas given. Particular attention will bo given to students in ; ing to teach. CALENDAR. ■ Winter Term commences Not. 23 ; closes March; Spring u il March 28 j closes June < -EXPENSES. . TUITION,. FEB TERM - . 200 t®. Occasional clashes will be formed in Phonography.— For further"particulars send for a circular. Blnghmptqn, Sept. 8/1859. ‘ IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS; PUBLISHED BY’D. APPLETOS 4 CO. 346 & 348 Broadway, Now York. THE following works are sent to SubscribessMn any part ofjthe country, (upon.receipt of retail price,) by moil or express, prepaid; The New American Cyclopedia. A popular Dictionary ol General Knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana, tided by a numerous select corps of wri ters in all brandies of Sdcncc, Art, and Literature. This work is being published in about 15 large octavo volumes, each containing 750 two-column pages. ' Yols I, 11, 111, IV, V, YI, VII, YU!, and IX, ore now ready,’each containing hear 2,600 original olrticlea. An additional volume will be published once in abo' it three months. Trice, in Cloth, $3; Sheep, $3,60; HaHMorrocco, $4; Half Russia, $4,60 each. The New American Cyclopedia is popular without being superficial, learned, but not pedantic, comprehejkaive but suf ficiently dctaUed,frce frdm personal pique and party pnyuT dice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is known * upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Every Important article in it has been specially written for its pages by men who are au thorities upon the topics of which they speak. They are re quired to bring the inbjecfc up to the present moment; to state jUst hovrit stand's now. All the statistical information is firom’the latest repjorts; (he geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matters include the freshest just views; tha biographical notices not only speak ot tho dead butiof the living. It Is a library of itself. ABRIDGMENT OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS.— Being a Political History of tho United States, from the or ganization of the firstjFederal Congress in 1789 to 1856* Ed ited and complied by Hon. Thomas H, Benton, from the of ficial Records of Congress. The work will be completed in 15 royal octavo volumes of 760 pages each, 14 of ivhich are now ready. An additional volume'will be issued once in three months. A WAT OF THE CYCLOPAEDIA OR DERATES. Form a club of fotir, and remit the price of four books, and five copies will bo [sent at the remittor’s expense for car. rlsge; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will be sent at our expense for carriage. 1 TO AGENTS. • No other works will so liberally reVnrd the exertions of Agents. Ah Agent Wanted In this County. Terras made khown on application ito the Publishers, [Aug. 11, ’59. DENTISTRY. FRANK - McGEORGE, Permanently located in Concert Sail, Corning? JV,, y. YARIOTJS Styles of Dental work. Tho continuous gum or Porcelain, tho most natural, beautiful, and superior to any] other System. Also a’ now style very beautiful and cheap, just introduced.' ~ Particular attention is requested to the artificial Bone for filling teeth, it being the color and nearly as hardens the teeth and in many cases superior to any-metallic substapeo. Also, by a new process of oleotro-metalnrgy, those having silver plated can have them heavily plated with gold on very reasonable terms. No cheap humbugs introduced. His system of practice is the result of tho'experience of the best members of the profession. Corning, Nov. 101 1859. Refers to Dr. TV. jD. Terbell, Dr. Moy, Dr. Munford, Corning. Dr. Dolspa, Bath. Dr. Brown, Addison. HONEY OF LIVER WCRT, for Coughs and Colds, Price 25 cents. At Roy’s Drug Store. ‘I ' ' ‘ .tl! ~ |!|:| |!| PUEIPV THE fetOOft i ■ MOBFiTS ' 7EBETABTrn £.1^33 AND rs cines. Parents will do well them whenever their v ie suspected. Belief will bo certain. The Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters 1 PURIFY THB BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the fijstdm. sold by; DR. WILLIAM B. HOI. ; 33d Broadway, cor. Anthony Street, New Tot Por sale by all Druggists,; : | l , b2yi Hostetler’s Stomach Bitten. IN View of tho fMt ttajt'-iTJtirj member of tt family ia more or leas BabjeOted to.ome con® sides innumerable other dohdJtiohs in life, which assistance of a little knowlptWor exercise of comito they may be able so to regulate their habits of« with the assistance of a good tonic, secure permarier Imrater to accomplish this desired' object the true pn»« is certainly that which will produce a nati of things at the least hazard of vital strength and this end Dr, Hostetter has introduced to this coantrj oration i bearing his name, which at this day is not medicine, but one that hos been tried for year?, givir faction to all who have used it. She Bitters opmt* fully upyu the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring a healthy and vigorous action,land thus by the simi cess of strengthening nature, the system to over disease. > { 1 1 • f • For the cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Kan Loss of.iAppetito, or any t morbid inaction of the Sttmacfi prodm Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Mdrbns ; &c- these Ditto an equal. iff jp, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Flux, so generally v new settlers, and caused principally bj the cam and diet, will be sbeedily regulated by a brief preparation, Dyspepsia, a disease’ which is probi prevalent when taken in all its, various fonga, then t the cause of which may always bo attributed to | ments of the digestive organs, can be cured withe using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, as per 1 gn the bottle. , For every physician wil 1 mend Bitters oLaome knfd, then why not use an be infallible! Every country hare their Bitters as ative of disea.se and strengthening!of the system 1 ; and among them all there is nc(t *p be found a heal j>le than the Germans, from this -preposition ■ ted; based upon scientific which have t( advancethe destiny of this gtffat?p!repaniti6n4n the . scale of;Bcienca. - cj jj ijj~ 'Fetes and Ague.— This trymb provoking disease, fastees its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducx; to a mere shadow in a short space of time, and rci him physically and mentally useless, can be defeat driven from the body by the use of HOSTETTEf NOWXED BITTERS. Further, any of the above st ted diseases cannot be contracted when Exposed to 1 nary conditions producing them, if the Bitters are per directions. And os it neither creates nausea, nor the palatt, and rendering unnecessary any change of interruption to usual pursuits,.but promotes sound si healthy'digestion, the complaint i?, as as is consistent with-the proatlctiin of a thorough ■ manentjeune.' | 11, • Foa : PiEBBONE in Advanced jNW who are suffering fr enfeebldd constitution and ariapri body; these Bitters t valuable as a restorative and vigor, and only,to be tried to be app/emhtefl- - And to a mother nvrsingi these Bitters ai£ ipfliSpe usable, especially tho mother’s nourishment is inadequate to the der the childl consequently her strength must yield, ar is where d good tonic, such as Hostetler's Stomach,': needed to 'impart temporary strength and vigor U tem. Ladies should by all means try this remedy fc see of debility, and, before|so doing, ask your physici if he is acquainted trith the virtue of the vn mend thefeuse in alf cases of weakness. CAUTION We caution public against . -ofthff-many imitations or counterfeits,but ask for tea’s Celebrated Stomach Biuem, and see that eacl has tW words “Dr. J. Hostetter’a Stomach Bitters” on the side of the botile, and stamped on the metall covering the cork, and observe,ihit 6ur autogranh sir is on the label. . . Prepared and sotd by ’SIQTETTER burgh, £a., and sold by all pjmdkista, Grocers ai generally throughout’the Unltad States, Canada, Soi ica and Germany. • ' i STAMPS for postage. Reports 'and Tracts on tho|mtdrp and treatment of ! dlseases;|diet, &c., are Constanta jj being published lor tons distribution, and will ue/soci to the afflicted. S. the new remedies and methods of treatment discovert ing the lost year are of great Value, { Address, for Report or treatment, Dr.J. SKULIN H( TON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association.No.SSont? Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of “the Directors, ‘ L™™,. D - HBARTWEIXjPrcsidci GEO. rAIRCHILD, Secretary. 1 . 1 Angnst 4,1859, ly. 1 || | V MARRIAQiIb GUIDE. A A'BW BOOK BT WIILIAM YOUNG, Jli • li'.r j>iL The sealift jiiue to Courtship, I ■ and Marriago; with‘the diseases t dent to Youth, Maturity and Old it being lights and shades of Marrief its Joys and Sorrows, Hopes, Fea; Disappointments. Let all marriei pie, or those;contemplating mar and having the least impediment to married life, this boojk. Let every young man and .woman i land read this book. Itfifj PtLL op Plates, am closes Secrets that overyjione should know;-a knowledge at first may sUtfe a world, of trouble in lifet-, Send for a copy (en (fleeing 25 cents) to ; dr. wm. 4!io spruce stele: I PHILADELPHIA. May 5,1559. g. ~ j!: NEjtV HAT ASD CAP STORE. THE has just Opened in this place r Hat and Cap Store, whbro he intends to mar turo and keep on hand a "large and general assort of 1 ■ : 111I11 1 Fashionable Silk and Casaimcre Hati of my own manufacture,''tv Inch will Be sold at times prices. |(■ j: ‘ SILK! HATS. made to order on short nptiie. The Hats sold at this Store aro fitted with a. Conformature, which u'-!ikea them soft and easy head without the trouble ()f breaking your hoi break the hat Store in too New Block oppositi Dickinson House. , ! j g. _p. QDH Corning, Aug. 15, 1859 j j ADMINISTRATOR’S) NOTICE Letters of ministration having been granted to th( soribor, on the estate of James Gray, late of So township, dco’d., notice ii| hereby given to, the dobtod to said estate to make immediate payl and those having claims to present them proper! thenticated for settlement to the subscriber, at hi donee in Sullivan. - LAFAYETTE GRAY August 15, 1860 2w6®. Adminislrati NEW WHEAT FLOES, tip top and cheap, at ' i ' WEIGHT*