!U . r alui Kocoidcr,w|>'^«4 tc, t ea thß Succat “ h jucracy qiay circuUtal^^^* of the ' bun- l„lm-crr.i, between the redird of marriages Joa’tbs. Lea"* H f J w “s U ° BS 1 ... ,{_Rebecea Mblacbor, j( f DanyiUe, and Itolum, of Mississippi. || ’-rr, of DanY|lle, and Ottinger, of !sr, ior.Pi :g Utuem li.tiMi [,aml i Co.’s Saleratus giving the most .-faction to as it cannot fail Lnufacturersjare determined that it'shall r.ro sparing qb oxpensefito make this the braodjof Saleratus evsr oSfctod to tbo ; for sjfl at Retail bjfcost grocers .and. The principal grocep throughout \tbo icsale it. -Manjufactureji -at the F airport )fks, Fairport, iMonroojCo., N. Y. i.-B. Da I sat i.'. Iu- II -■lira, and t reliu-blo lie. k‘f ekccpers ntry whoa 3i cal Wp mu,—Out yoimg fri|pd Mr. L. nh who Sas been studying wijn H. IV. 'WilUamU l..fur the fast two yfiars was admitted to practice lie several Courts in this Count|f on Monday last, learn tbit Mr. E. peeked a'yorl;; creditable exami ian, wbiih speaks welt for his industry and Jalent. ,lo not know whore bo itftonds to bang oiit his ingle,” but wherever St may b% success to him. :C- We okH attention to the following . r OIICB--r-Tfa'e public genetalls, and paiticnlatly i tanners and Memhers of thdi>E''i 0U 'tnral Socie iaTc licrei’y noticed that the tiny) for bolding the t-nil tniuty EairLasfbeon changed from Oct. 3d, I sli, to Sept. Zdtlu.aTth. ihd 28th. inn, E 0. Culver, ofj BrobkTyi&Nj T„ will deliver Addresfe on the 3d day of at 2 P. M. . EGBERT CAMPBELL, Pres’t. I. B. Isips, Sec’y. / ■ Club Meetings. "no Wellshoro Republican Clni[‘ meets every alter [o Tuoalty;-evening, i|t tho Coi|i‘t House. James I. ;tson, ffresfdent. I if I 4 f v Deerfield and Knoxville Union Republican Club its every Friday evening alternately, at Knoxville rough aujd Union Academy. •< '.esifield Republican Club every Saturday ; ' f', \ ' ; /9 ■ .iberty Club Saturday eve lS - i - I )‘ tj lyraet Sopabtioan Cflnb maetatoyery Friday evo -1 -i d f J ‘S* j jf| Um-bafg Club njfflts every Saturday ijga Republican Qlub meots| (very Saturday eve ■ - ; * J I , i ! last Farmington Republican meets at tbe Hall bool HoUse every Ip day evening. * —Cltilii here please notify ns of iy time I andplacoof * lilt Editor bf-tht Agitator : Di-a-h As the present Hungers of tho "Demo at, ’* not contend wfth misrep sentntion, decline to rjrect tbeirmisstateimenta, give the Dquio_ ats of this Boro on opportunity to place themselves ;bt before tbo people. - The statement in t)sc that tho friends Breckinridge in this Bofo a; ticket at the pri nry meeting, which received' btdy seven voles, is thnut foundation. The ( incn had no ket exclusively their own, and 1 only a few of them fenced the caucus. An arrangement was made for e election of unjbn delegates, who should oppose solutions favoring eilhcrj Douglas s or Breckinridge, .d the friends of the latter co|Tied ' out the plan in od faith) whße the friends |jof the former, acting kder the lead of gentlemen W'bo wormed themselves to tbo Convention as substitutes, forced through a dilution declaring the regular nominee, ereby alienating ino portion of the uty, I may add,’ further, fibat instead of seven, icrs are more thkn seventeeii Breckinridge men in da Boro, no one of whom evj r nided in disorgani ng the Democratic parfy ly supporting ■John'yV. orney or any other Black Republican I ‘llnping you will b° more than, your dented cotemporary, I am, your humble servant, * * - J i! ; 3JnECKiNXiiOQE Mas. ining. cruiij,. Cocrt -op QuAitTiiii Sessions. —Comtnon- ealth vi. John C. Olarand. s'3 ail forfeited until Do craber term. [ ij; > Commonwealth vs. Alonzo) Defendant dis barred. . ; ) f ' * Commonwealth vs. John ssault and battery, discharged. ■Commonwealth vs. Selah* Williams, ■Esault and battery* wlfb -anient to kill. True bill. Commonwealth ys, jVTm. Jlioso. Indictment, mal metiee. Defendant discharged. Commonwealth vs. Jjjfmnji Truman. Indictment, anti battery. True 14U, ■Commonwealth vs. Austin:HoTtuun andWin.Piper. Indictment, larceny. Tri|o feill. Commonwealth ys. Cordtlla 'Jessing. Indictment. I'lclteiy. Traebill,. | [ Commonwealth .vs, Jliratn iSwinclair. Indictment, idultery. True bill. - Commonwealth vs, Thomas Stone; Indictment, trench of peace. The defendant was put under bond, )f £2OO to keep the peace, ; Commonwealth vs. Stephen Robiyer. Indictment, issault and battery. Tyne bill. i Commonwealth vs. Jam eg Wilson, John Wilson and Jhas. Pearce. Indictment, selling diseased meat. — lefendants discharged. 1 1 j • Commonwealth vs. Geo, Jordan. Indictment, koep a tippling house. True bill. Commonwealth tb. Geo. M, Carman* Indictment, areony. Xrno Bi|L j JED-At a meeting, pfl the Ossea Lodge Ho. SIT of J rce and Accepted MasooS, held at the Lodge Boom, b 'Ajishoro, on the 10 th day of September,, A* L. 800, thafollowing resalittions were ofi'eredand unan nougly 'adopted: i ' Resolved, That while 1 we deeply doplore the loss of Sttr dcarly-heloyed and venerated Brother, Jakes Rikbaxo, who has been taken from onr midst by death, efter a severe and protracted illness, we feel strong consolation in the assnmtjee which exemplary Mason ie life has given ns, that feed, in whom he placed bis trnst, bns translated hild from this imperfect to the perfect Grand Lodge above, to enjoy tho Immortality of bis hope, 1 . ‘ \ jS*. Ecsolvcd f That in the death of our deceased Broth erf this Lodge deplore tho loss of one of Its most zeal ous and valuetL members—of one whom, during the time of close Masonic'intercmrrssc, they have rightly esteemed as adjust and upright Mason, a sincere Christian, an indulgent father, and a trno friend. Jleaolvcct t That we deeply sympathise with the be reaved family, and tender to them,'our heart-felt con dolence in this their great affliction, while we partici pate in their' consolation, from tho assurance that His faith is lost inf sight. His t l3epo in fruition while Hia charity is everlasting. Resolved, That a-copy of the above resolutions bo given to tho'family of our deceased Brother, and that a copy ot the same bo published in each of the county ■papers. ‘ a Attests A. Folet, Seely, DIED, In this borough, on’Saturday morning, Sept. 8, 1860, Col. JAMES KIMBALL, aged 69 years. In’Wynona, Minnesota, 1 on tho 16th Aug., 1860, LIZZIE BELL, daughter of Mucaja and B-owena La Bar, aged nearly two years. LITTLE LIZZIE BEIL. Fi om the far-off westernprafrio, “Where Nature's ‘flowers bloom From .Spring-time through tho Summer, TO-die in Fall, too soon I There come? (ho mournful message From patents doubly lone, That ere the flowers vanished, Oodbas claimed his own! ‘Two seasons had those flowers Ikcknd tho western plain, l And pleased thotd parents, roaming, So oft o hanpy twain; 1 But little thought they, strolling O'er those meadows Nature gave, ' The flowers they were calling, CTe h zzis's wu\e! Still, now tbo-gentlo zepnyr, Which wavea the golden grain, And sweeps along the mountain, To tho far Pacific main, Bends those gent o'flowerg Which Lizzie loved so wall,* And wafts their voice of taigttmco O’er tho grave ot Lizzie Bleu . Trom Ibo realms of ■PartulißO, Whcib Joaocbnco and Lovo Are joined in holy union, ■ In that Haven, prepared obovo, Little Lizzie beckons to ns,” To come up there and dwell, Where joy shall nevei perish. Like tbo flowers of .tho delL Mitchell's Creek, Pa., Sept. 7, 180(L ♦The little girl would frequently meet her father coming from hi** work with a-boquei of her own arranging, saying, ‘ ‘ Papa, pretty flowers 1” SPECIAL NOTICES. WHO SHOULD US£ , DK. S. BOVEB BODS’, VEGETABLE IMPERIAL* WINE BITTERS ? All übq are afflict ad with Incipient Consumption or Weak Luncr* “hould u»*e them. , AU uho -uffer from weak Stomachs, Indigestion, Dyspep sia.. or Piles ‘•lioulii uso.thom. AU wh<> : suffer from General or Nervous Debility, Kestless nes.H at night, want of Sleep, ic.. should use them. Jill perymn who are convalescent alter fever or other sick ness should use them. Mincer* of The Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, and all pub lic speak <-ts should me them. Book Keepers, and all persons leading a sedentary life should use them. * Tbo aged and iaflrnv fhoulil use them., AU who require a stimulant or tonic should use them. All who are addicted to the use of aident spirits and wish to riVorir, should us« them. They,arc made of u pure Sherry Wine, and of the native plants aud herbs of the coanfrt, and should be recommend ed l»y temperance societies, clergymen, physicians, and nil frieuds of humanity. They ?ro prepared by an experienced and skillfull physi* cun.’hlnd aside from their medicinal properties, are a must delightful beverage; arid yet, na a medicine, are aa innocent and harmless fts the dews of heaven, gold by druggists generally. CIIAS. WXDDIFIELD k CO., "Proprietors, 78 William Bt~ Sew York. . Baldwin, Lowell & Co., Agents at Tioga. 7:3yl HOUSEHOLD FUHWITURB, OF' ALL K.IXDS, .can be found »t the rooms of E. J>, WELLS, LAWHENCEVILLE. THE EAST fi IVVE&TEB>, BEST AND CHEAPEST E. S. Farr, Pro. Weßsboro, Sept. 12, 1860. ITETW BOOT, BKcsb, LCiTlim & FINDING STOKE, THE undersigned, having leased the store-formerly occupied by G. IV. IVost, intends carrying on ail the branches of the shoe and leather trade, Compe tent workmen are employed in the -Manufacturing De partment, and all work warranted to be our own ma nufacture. ' Also, all kinds of 1 ready-made boots and shoes. constantly on hand. All kinds of Leather and Shoo -Findings, also constantly on band and for sale at low prices for cash-or ready pay. HIDES and PELTS token in exchange for Goods at the highest market price, JOS. RIBERQLB. Weilsboro, Sept. 5, 1860. ST.. HOTEL. ■ .BROADWAY,' NEW YORK. i'TTT'HEK completed, six years ago, the St Nioho- W las was universally pronounced the most mag nificent, convenient, and thoroughly organised estab lishment of the kind on this eontinepL What it was then, it remains to-day —mithout a ri val to size, in lumptnausneee, and the general elements of comfort and enjoyment The Hotel has accommodations for 1,600 guests, including 100 complete suites of apaxtmeuts for families. _ ~ Six htumrSe persons can be comfortably seated at the tables of its three public dintog rooms, and nothing that modern'art has devised for tho Conven ience and sociad gratification of tho traveling public has been omitted in its plan, or is neglected in its prac tical details. - I The early reputation of tho honso at homo end abroad, derived - from its magnitude, its superb ap pointments, and-its Aome-ii^e-com/orM and luxuries, has been enhanced every year by the unwearied oxcr ■ lions of the Proprietors. - ssep:m3 TREADWELL, WHITCOMB & CO. SPECIAL COURT. is hereby given that a Special Court trill be held in Wg!isboro,j &r' the trial of special eauses'moved into said Cooft, commencing on MonV, day, NWembotlZth next, Hon. David Wilmot presi ding. ■ JOHN E. DONALDSON, Proth*y,' EVENING Edition of, the DAILY TRIBUNE for sixty cents a month utl dU . ROBINSON’S BOOK STORE. F*RY DAVIE-S PAIN khh.br in largo bot tles. for Sale at Roy's Drug Store. S 1 THE TIDCIA COUNTY AGITATOR. : j| , —: ) -1- —: -■' i A SUPERLATIVE .• I TfNIC,DBqBETIc; paMfeeoßßilr m itizens of New Jersey and 3?efcn’a. lE3, tVESOGISTS, AKD TOT&TE TAJOUKS. Pure Cognac Prandk, Pure Mdderictf Shcrty and Port Wine, Pure Jamaica and Ss, Croix Hum, Pure Scotch and friqh Whiskey, IN BOTTLES.—liheg lears to call the pna of the United States} to the ‘Wines anti ■ported by TMoJpho Wolfe, of New York, vrfao-Mj miliar in this country Ibr the parity of Ins cole f/iclam Sc'mpps. Mr. ITVJfc, in Jim tetter to me. if the purity of his wltfis and Liquiors, says; “I any reputation as a maoi-my standing as a jner tfrty ymnCreMilem-e in the City of New York, that fi* Ura»«!lcs and wines- which 1 bottle arc pure as To the AyOTHEC) Wolfe’t Wal/c'l Wolfe'i W/e'i ALL XJL cilia Liquors It name is fa brafni3E H. AZUTOX. | . Kb. «f 3 Market St.. Philadelphia. ' J ' ' <&ilA Jfpnt/or Philadelphia. Head tao following from the nc* Vcrk Owner: f Esor.Miv* Ru>ixem» I'oiiofc*. NE\j York Mcr.riuxr.—TTo/iro ftappy to inform onr fellow citizens tha,f there H one place in our ri y where the physician} npbthcrary, and country tnereban , can go and p«ri* neffio*6aest r 'i Scjsj Fjraii ific American, [k Leslies', j j True Flag, - L Illustrated News, | Irish American, - fer’s Weekly., J Litlteirs l Living Ago, prly Magazine, ! Thompson's Reporter. iIOITTHIiIES. »cr‘s Magaritoo, • Godov's LadyV Book, k Leslies’ Magazine, j Petcrsoni's Magazine, j A r Ihu r’s Magazine, tic Monthly, Ladies’ Repository, Ladies’ jUisitor, ‘ , - pkcrbockcr, sickJea,[ jet of Eon, PbaanylAeilow, |so, -will be kept constantly on' band,! a complete SSICAt, HISTORICAL, POETICAL, ICHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ctic Magazine, he Year Hound, Kui Bad itory of ;mk Books, Paper Mngings. SHEET-MUSIC, PICTURE'S, MAPS, &e. ■ its for Binding Books, The w6rk executed to suit taste, and on the lowest possible terms. Particu .ttentiou will also bo given to SPECIAL ORDERS my thing comprehended in thei trade. } SCIiOOL BOOKS.' dcrs'Series ef Befcders, Grean|eafB Mathematics, ion's & Fitches'Geog'y, Davies ’ lf ( atcitf it Mc&ally'a " Sanders* Spollorsjp ter and Hammond’s Writing Book, It wn's and Kenyon's Grammar. »f the public is respectfully solicited XJM. H. SUITS. September 5, ISdo. y-1 C ABIWET WAKE KOOM. most respcctfuily-. announces that id at tbo old siaod, and for sale a Lot of Furniture. ton Jsurcctif>, and Booh ird nnd Pier Tables, Dining and , Marble-topped and Common Stands } tge nnd Bedsteads, Stands, So- Gilt -and Boseioood Mouldings for ids to order oi short notice. A ished if desired! m 3 Sawing done to order. B! T. VANHORN. | CEDAR RIX HOTEL. CESAR BUN, L YCOMING ; COUNTY, PA. fTUIIS has been lately reliitod and opened for I tber accommodation. of the public. Located at a cqptral points stages leaving every alternate day for Blcllsboro and Jersey Shore, concocting with cars on •tf-fc Tioga R/B, north and S. 3c Rj B. R. on the south, xiis Honse is situated on the Cddar Run Gang Mill pond—-tv safe and convenient landing for rafts.m the' rating season.* Good posts are firmly set on tfie left bink, and th’o beach is free from obstructions. JTar irig been practically engaged in the river business for ESiny years wc feel confident we can anticipate the wants and requirements of this trade, and will bndcav oif to pleasoi The table, bar, chambers and stables will always be attentively watched and well supplied. Call and seejns, and we will part with you .'sore to see you again, ■' X>. A, PISH, Proprietor* jCedar Bun. Peb. 16,15G0. * ' ■ IRAT FLOUR, tip top and cheap, nt . WBxaurs. R\V TYi v ■ ! NEW GOODS! WNI. A. ROE & CO., Have jusi received their IVeto Slock of FALL & WINTER GOODS • Consisting in part of. DRY GOODS Okocekies, i P/R O Y I S 1 0 N S , READY MADE CLOTHING HATS * CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY & HARDWARE, GLASS & "WOODEN "WARE, CARPETS,,.-. FLOOR & TABLE OIL CtpTHS, and ia faht everything in the line of Goods that is usually kept in a store can be found dt this establish ment. Purchasers- will please call and examine Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, and convince themselves- that tlie place to Tony- good and cheap Goods is at ' W. A. KOE & GO’S, Wellsboro, Oct. 27/1859. FOR SALE! WICKHAM & BLOOD GOOD. '. AT OCR vrp.srsT IX Tioga, Tioga Coun-ty, Pa., - A LARUE SCPPI.T -Of , PP-UIT TREES, SHBUBBBE'/. GRAPES, EVERGREENS, Ac., de„ d-e. PEARS —Trees of the most desirable kinds, and of cx tra lai tre tr/e, if dc«ired. Standard treeajn bearing. APPI-E-S —A (p-oat supply of the choicest kinds. Four different kinds of Crab apple. PLUMS —A large supply of and most approved kinds. CHERRIES —An extensive assortment of tho best kinds. GRAPES —Viz • Delaware, T)iuim. Isabella. Black Burgun dy. White Sweet Water, White Summer, Hartford Prolific, Rebecca and Concord. ORNAMENTAL—Weeping Mountain Ash; 1 Horse Che?- nut, Balsam ot Fir. Scutch Fir, .European Silver Fir, Norway Spruce. Siberian and American Arbor Vitas. Larch. Ac. SHRUBBERY—HoIIy leaved Berberry.ChiuoacWeigelia, Spiraea pru ni folio, Beutzia, Green Forsythia. ROSES—Baltimore Belle, Prairie Queen. • GOOSEBERRIES—^Of several choice varieties. C U R R A N TS—Cherry, Bed, and White. Wo would invite oil who are in want of tiny of thenbove trees, Ac., to call and see them for their own Ratnfaction. R. C. WICKHAM, Tioga, Aug. -Is iSCO-yl JOHN T. BLOODOOpi). EEGLST£K'.s XuTXCE.—Notyrejid hereby given, that the following' Administrators ami Executors, ha\ e filed their accounts in the Register's office of Ti oga County, X’a., and that the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court on MONLAY, the 10th day of September IK6O, fur confirmation ntd allowance, viz : Account of James Barber and Chester Robinson, Executors of the estate of 0. B. Goodman, dec’d. Account of .Andrew Bartles*and Ruth .Ann Buckley, .Administrators of thp estate of Peter Buckley, dec’d. .Account of Isaac F. Field find Chagall Wilcox, Ad ministrators of the estatfe of D. B. Wilcox, doe’d. Account of Calvin. Reynolds and P. P. Smith, Ad ministrators of the estate of Joshua Smith, dec’d. Account of Calvin Reynolds, Administrator of the estate of Lorain Lodge, dec’d. W. D, BAILEY, Register. Wollsboro, August 13,18G0, UILBRETH & LANDIS, CASH DEALERSm OUOCEKEES, PROVISIONS, CLOTHING, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, &c. One door below Holiday’s Hotel, Wellsboro, Pa, Cash.' paid for Hides and ail kinds of tirnin. C. HILDRETH, Welfeboro, Oct. 6th, 1859.. S. 11. LANDIS, WOOL, WOOL. THE subscriber gives notice that he has taken the Woolen Factory of J. I. Jackson, near Wellsboro, where-' ho will do all custom carding and cloth dressing that may be entrusted to him Ibe coming season. The works have been putin thorough, repair, and all work will l»e warranted if the wool Ls brought in- proper condition. Thje terras aro pay down In all cases. Thte highest cash pride will be paid for wool to those who (wish to seli, R. W. JACKSON. WAUaboro, April 12th, 3560. 3a. UNION AC A DENI Vj JULY 33, *6O, T]IE FALL TERM of this Institution will oom l menco on Tuesday, August 2Stb. 1860, nndcr the direction of A. R. WIGHTMAN, A. 8., Principal and Mrs! J. A. S. WJGBTMAN, Fiocoptress, aided by comipetcnt assistants. Ijor full particulars os to regulations, expenses, Ac., address the Principal at Kuoxvillo,, Tioga Co., Pa., anq receive a circular. August 2 f 1800,-wA FOR SAXE, THE WELLSBORO & TIOGA PLANK ROAD. riNHIS Road, undcrltho provisions of an Act of As || sctnhly having been .conducted into a first-rata Turnpike or Gravel Rond, and being in complete or der and rapair, including Toll Gates, .Bridges, Ac.— Tfie prefent owner offers to sell said- Road, with all -thi rights and franchises belonging thereto, for the -actual amount he has paid for it, and its repairs and with interest to time of sale. Terms caidi, For further particulars, address the subscriber i atl Brooklyn, N. Y. , E, BAYER*. . June 2d, ISGO.-wG* I ’ - 1 E. B. BEiNJEDICT, M. D., "ITTOULB inform the public that be is permanently \ y located in Elkland Boro, Tioga Co. Pa., and Isfprcpnred by thirty years* experience to treat all dis eases of the eyes and their appendages on* scientific principles, and that he con cure without fail, that dreadful disease, called St. Vitus’ Dance, {Chorea. ■S’uncfi Fi’ti*,) and will attend to any other business in tile line of Physic and Surgery, i Finland. Boro, August 8,1860, f Potter Go, Railroad- Company. A MEETING of the share-holders of the Potter Co. Bnhrnm! Co., will be bob! 1 At Germania, on Saturday Septj Ist, IFGO, from 1 to 6 o’clock P.M., for the purpose of electing a president and 12 directors. Those abroad are requested to bo present, or send their proxies, at least three dnys previous. The subscription list will remain open until that time. ' [By order of tho Commissioners. Germania, Pa., Aug. 10, IfcOO. CACTIOBT. "t\ riTERKAS.my Vrifo POLUT, hna left mybod and YY board without just ciiu&e or provocation, this is to warn all persons not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I shall pay no debt of, her eon trading, af ter this date. RICHARD TILTOS, ! Union, August 15, ISBO,- • FALL FASHIONS. 1860. GENTLEMEN'S wear of Silk Hat,., at the NEW HAT STORE in Arcade Bloek, opposite the Dickinson House. S. P. QUICK, , Corning, Feb. 23, 1860. . Hatter. ~VT OTICE is hereby given, that Alfred T. James has -filed his petition in the office of the,Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Tioga County, for license' to sell liquor as a merchant in tho township of Bio's, and that ho will be beard on Thursday.the IStb day of September next, at 2 o’clock P. M. J. F. DONALDSON,,Cre.-h. Mrs, Winslow's gootliins Syrup. I ,tOil Children ieethmg. ’ Price 25 cents. JP pur Sale at Iloy'e Drug Stare,. W. D TEBBELL, COBNING, N.Jt. .• ” Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in DJI ESS, And Medicines, head, Zinc, and Colored Paints, Oils, VarnieK, llnsfics Ctlmj heneand Burning Thtid, Dgc Stnjf, Sash and Glass, Ihli'c liquors for Medicine, /Well. jfcrfiVnM, Paint » and Brushes, Perfumery, Dancy Articles, I hteornog Extracts, tic., ALSO, , | . , —A general assortment of School Books — Blank Books, Staple rind Fancy ■ , ■Stationary.! Physicians, Druggists and Country iiferchants dealing in any of the above articles canbje supplied at a small advance on Diass York prices. i [Sept. S 2, 18a..] FURS! FURS!; FURS;! FBRS.o— The subscriber has a largo assortment of Furs for ladies wijaf, Consisting of PITCH CAPES & rnroPJEESj FRENCH SAULE CAPES I- VICTORINES, RIVER MINE CA PES if: M VfFS, ROCK MARTIN CSPBS & TfCTORIXES . Those comprise a small quantity of the assortment. They have been boHght at low prices nml will heboid at extremely low prices for cash, at the New Hat Store in Cornidg, N.T. i 6. P. QUICK. Tho Great Remedy. Sis'.Taxes Ciarkes 6u.Eßr.iTEn Tbuie Pni- Prepared rorn a prescription of /Vr J. Clorkf ] M. D- Vh}fsuti\n AV/ra nrdinary to the Qt!em.—lhiS veil known nieiUouu is no mi position, but a sure and Pafe for T’Ptna’le Dittb'uUh’S and Obstruction*, fn»:n any arul although; & powerful remedy they contain nothing kurtiul in tlmii ton stltntion. : ’/ i To McbmeT) liiprrs It l« pe<-nliar]y suited. It will In n, short tlrm*. on {he monthly pvrlod with reg% The-e Pill* huye uou-r been knowif to fail where tho direc tions on tho 2* pace of the pamphUt are well observed. For full particulars get a of the agent. N. U.—sl amt 0 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will Insure a bottle, , ' n , er K*ae?. Mew, 'Bourbon, Noisette, Tea, Bengal or China, an J Climbing Iloics. rjTjrn ttt>Rl?T> V InchJuHngMl th® finest nowvn OXIIV U XJ.OX4IV X riHicb of Althea, Culycanthus Dentzia. Lilacs, Spiraea, Syfiugias.lViburmim I *, Wigilms \c. rr»r Puennie*. Dahlia*. Phloxes. -Tulips fLv n L>IXC7 Hyacinths] Narcihbis; Jonquils, U 1 Tics. Ac. GUAPES —All varieties. Teahody’s New ILuU-hois Strawberry. 4 doz.plnnte, $5. Order* respectfully solicited. . j for Grafting. Budding or Pruning ulll b« promptly attended to. Addles? Hoc. 10, '6B. H. D. IfEMIXQ, W , hard, V£ Farm and Milii for Sale. THE subscriber offers his and Mills'in Rut land for sale. The Parra ’contains2Boacrcs, with 200 acres improved, three good houses, three good framed barns, one new horse jbarn 30x40. Also one new Steam and Water Grist pHH, with three run of Burr Ston£, all in good order, and a good run of custom. All of the above property, will 'he sold pn time to suit the purchaser, together or separate. U.W.VaS ALLEN. ip.3l, 1300/ Rutland, Tioga Co. Pa., Mp? JTot sdlf. * undersigned wishes toj sell.order to enlarge hU Mercantile business, hU fang (with personal 'property,, stock and farming tdols) slanted in (Tysses. Potter Co. Pa., consisting ofj 100 acres 80 cleared, good buildings thoreun, >ituaied ‘on a good road and near a good market, a Warrantee Deed given to the purchaser. Price $3OOO, one j third down, four years for the balance in annual payments. Address THOMAS E. URIDLEY. ErookSeld, Tioga Co. Pet., March 16, 1860. &nn^. THE subscriber has for sb-le n largo quantity of farming land of excellent quality, and lo cations in Tiogis and Potter County, comprising seri al lots of Improved land. ; These lands will bo sold onlten years time treason able rates. Those who desire! to secure to themselres a good farm, can now do bo oh better terms' than will ever he offered again in this MTellsWo, March 8, 1860. . A. P. CONE. Majoti G smsrai/b Office, 1 Liberty, August 27,-3860. j NOTICE is hereby given fb tfao volunteers of the 2d Brigade, I3th Division, that X will review the same at Tioga, on Saturday the 22d day of September next, aud the Revision Staff are hereby noti fied to attend, armed and equipped as the law and regulations direct. ! ' * .. JOSTAH HARDING, • Mry. Gen. of Division, Pa. Militia. ATTESTIOW ! THE uniformed militia’ofj Tioga County Pa, You are hereby commanded! to be, and appear, on Saturday, the 22d Jay of September next, at 0 o’clock A. AL. in the Boro of Tioga, Ifor the purpose of parade and drill, armed and equipped as the law dircts. By order of , [COL, L. D. LANDOK. FOB SAFE. THE Store Building nu Main Street, nearly oppo site C. sold cheap for ca&b, or e-xcbanofl for; grain. 10,000 RCSIIBLS COM, AND OATS, In exchange for) Groceries, Call at K, \VIIIOJITS> Flout, Peed and Provision Stored No, 8 Mjun-?t. f Woil&Wcy Pa. j June 7, IS6O. j ,j, j 1 j • NEW-GCabbs. i Pali. \mi ivknter HATS AJ&X> , C-AJPS. j Justreccived, and having bought my SUfcppls a| unusually R ' ' \ Jj OfW PRICES. j I am ornihfrd to; giro my customers the benefit of it, Look at these figures: IlL' £ ' *—. Best sU,SO Silkjla-t, CityFa'lgjjylcreduced ft)s3 60 f Best $4,00 Stilt Hat, Citjt rail Stylo-teducod to $2 50. ■ j J i; 1 ; 4 ??. 50 Hat warranted orfual A .(hopa usually soli at | • 1. ■ v , Silk ITnts frotu ' ‘ 4ato:s3iso. Wool Hats rt j - t Bsto 2 iOO, Fur Hats 111 . * 6s to 6 00, r Men's Caps from 20s to 2 00, Tivy’s Cap* 3stoJ|so t f And all my goojds at my usually low rates* and th* ■ LARGEST { STOCK? j| of goods to selcctjfroin ever brought to Steuben Go.* comprising almost ail stylcs sna Shapes known in tbn New York Marke\, |j|j jn [ •- STRAW QOODS | losing out at 25 pjer cent less than -cost. |. Corning, Sept, ij, 1860. WM. WALKER, TO I'.ill fIEaS ASD OTHERS. TIIE subscriber bogs leave lo inform pnhlifl that Mb Flouring Mill in Mansfield is:DOW 14 complete operation, and that lc has been patting., in new machinery, and'among tli >j I irdli CEtEBRA TE§ | V&EAT SSr^TTSB, used in the best jwills of Bocfjester, N*. Y. j He boa also a Corn SheH|er and Corn (Irackerj a n»W Corn Meiff Sifter, and is therefore prepared to grind corn from the ear. two bolts for WhMt*pooe fop one for poor wheat, so as Dot fo pel? good and poor flour. j -}? B.* A first-rate miller; from the celebrated Klonr of Wngdell J. It. BOYD AN; Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Company, ■ 4w5 ! ; MILAN, jOBIO. STRA j AS we lifivo received many Mtia»[fr|sJi in varioiiv |»arN of the County ciifUff rent tit n***/. fnqniribtf where can. best] p&nfeMic Stmwbwrriv*. imi have madeiurrangemeots to *upijli|lpoebjwho taayjwaul tfcem ut the fuikfvdng rates delivered iai Weijbbhro. lij .perdoz. j»crlinn‘ll. { 60 cts. I 87 tk J -3.. W; <1 i tLia. 25 i ino StU } 250 T 6 I 4.00 • bo 1 s,«r l] fib * ( a.M) !is 1 I 4W» inkers oin “H 'cc fronj addrr.ikwl tm, Wellnboro ? I*oah■ w! ,| An the-*e varieties are troocJj pm thorn to amt themselves. AU ordfrra , . k ESTRAI. CAMB-do4he promises of Nathaniel in MM* dlebury, o.a the; morning, of the 28th, a wj>iU black MAUE, handsomely built and in good oNcr, with both bind feet white, nnc\ a small red spot nhnufe (he size of a dollar on the left £ide ? which looks »s if it had b£en worn by the bock: >4dVfBaid marc Mokrd as if sbq had been rode or 9 ’it®) -hard through {be night. The owner is request to Wine forward, pfuvq property, pay charges and takcj|hejr|away. 1 , . Seplem'-er 5, 1860. • w2* f !j ' J PEDLEKS will find it to their advantage to call ftt ' Roy’s Drugstore, as hs has just received ft large supply of Essential Oils and Essences .bR kinds which ho 5s selling very cheap for cash. | 'Konshton’s Pep*iu f I7IOR Dyspepsia and miigcHioh. ' For sale Bt Roy’s Drug Store. t— — : —— I ——^ SUBSCRIPTIONS received pfbr Ml the; Magazine* ‘and papers, either* in clnlikol' by the single copy, Bt - ROBINSON'S NEWS ROOM. Ptr.ES,' PILES, PILES.—A how land valuable remedy for this ‘painful and ttoub asp mi di-eane cutflio obtained at liOi ’S pii L b STOil ip 1 , _ June 21, ISGQ.- ; j __ _ , NETT ARTICLE OF STOVE POLISH.—Put Sale at Roy’s Drug Stork! ll'; .-, J BROTHER Jonathan's. IlW'nitpro Polish.' Price 2o cents. ' For srilejtjt jßay’s Drug Store. MITCHELL’S SYlii’P Of! IPECAC. For Colds, -Coughs, Croup-, Ac. •" At Roy’s DrugStotp. CASH paid Tor GRAIN at , 't . •,. , - ~ TIOGA STEAM FLOUR MILLS,, .logpit 15, IdfiO. Sin. • , - ’ , VELVET £^*4 ill' a*. rill be \* : v i