The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, May 03, 1860, Image 3
i s^: rp k b- fgE AGITATOR. WELLSBOROUQH, PA., Klornlns, Stity 3, 1860. * Co., 119 Nassau St, New Tort, and 10 I*'. Boston; are the Agents for the Agitator, and the P““ j’-jntlsl and largest circulating Newspapers In the r* 1 I?stsles Slid the Canadas. The/ are authorised to con- at 01* lowest rates. Office.—At Robiksos’s Book Store Jyb«found All the latest publications—dally and monthly magailnes, illustrated fceH *c'' Ao; ®-’ a establishment is a gteat don* Liileaee, and deserves a liberal support. . I rf-Pdntri'cAi. Ball Match We art gratified to young men of this village taking so ifinch in* I ktit in out-door > sports. Politics runsto ward ev- however, and it has oven infused) ilaolf into X, ad hall-clubs. Wo have Democratic Ball Clubs jßepnbUinn Ball Clubs, and'from these we are to lurtsMatch. The Democratic ball-players among ilnjoung men, we learn, have sent a challenge to the t(publican players, which has been accepted, Bnd the gitch iJ to com® off n^xt SdthWay. Considerable in tmanifested on both sides,j and the ilatoh ■ looked forward to with much anxiety by outsiders, ‘ihe result will be announced next wedk. J-And while on the subject of ball, can we nothave ,Cricket Club formed in. this village? We have in par midst enough of material for a'first class associa tion and out public square is a beautiful spot for the sport. Who among Iho young men will movo first In the mailer? f f&f o.v Friday afternoon of last week wo, in com l jury kith others, visited tho Academy to listen to the [ compos and declamations. Wo have climbed there > ’ ijjfjjj for a similar purpose, and when other adminis tutioDS exercised authority, and instructed the youth t upward striving after furniture for the head. ■ These I fjils hare to bo repeated often to make our obeisance I? p the often changing Principal, (and assistant) who E J ictale on tho hill of science. Like the sleight o’hand § j mo with his little “joker,” now yon see ’em, now you pj j Oho is no sooner seated in command than in hot haste be is unseated to make room for his suocos jpur. The trustees evidentaly think (?) that students, like men, aro , i "Studious of chaage, and fond of variety." ; H may ho all very well, —we like to see new faces, we strongly suspect such brief acquaintances duo. Sl' f tirdly bo for the'good of the scholar and tho repute* h>| ten of tho institution for steady habils. Wo have bird it said that men change, principles never. Now jut hero is tho principal difficulty that Principals do isJtiwje. But enough. Wo visited the Academy for the first time under the Hthugo of Prof. Allen. Found a good number of slu |;[;j huts in attendance, and was well entertained. Good ttdtr and good understanding seemed to prevail be tween teachers and scholars. We noticed one thing, B;|«»lso under Mr. Allen’s predecessor, with which we \o\ittt well pleased. Whenever a name.was called for giiaounting tho rostrum, or reading compositions, no K-i Htiuc j were offered, but a prompt response to the |.'•!call. Our citizens should countenance these afternoon K-.‘ mrcises more with their "presence, and encourage a £ : »nlinuanoa of the'present rule. J 1 ' jSf Tub Ant Pugilistic. —As we pen this (Mon . lij), two feats of grand and lofty tumbling about quslly divide public attention, One, tho Charleston Convention, a lottery to ascertain what cotton candi ■Me shall be led on to the course for the honor of be* jkj distanced next November by the Woolly horso— (ill other, the “international championship” for the "Wt,” knocked tut across the big water. It takes sural to name a Presidential candidate, while two ilice individuals who are anxious to get.their fists into jiseh other's faces, can treat themselves to a trial of mus hli u they have inclination. To this latter considera ; lion is doubtless owing the growing'popularity of tho '"Hog." There seems, from the frequent accounts we ■hreof fistic exercise, to bo a good list of sporting Hudi, ready to dispute tho question as to who of a pirrau stand a “ flourish of arms” the longest. . A liftrent but numerous class also abound, of less high imper and towering anticipations, who are content to ■ huff the battle from afar and copy after their great 'triginals, in mimic combat and a bogus running of '.Muutcnances against tho clenched digits. Tho conn ■ I krfeit is a far more harmless and pleasing recreation jiiio tho real article, it creates, to be sure, a smaller lurricane of sensation among the “ ontside dogs in f, jit fight," and a less confusion in the nervous system those “ iusidj,” when the collision Conies—a diffe |fej»es very similar to brushing one's head- against a fei hip-post or n pillow, i ] j All of which above remarks are occasioned by see |j |i!{;afow evenings since, several gentlemen having 'a “ round” with boxing-gloves, tb'o proceed £,"l hgi looked a trifle dangerous and belligerent, but a g v l(Uiition of hostilities showed it to-ho only in our oi. The "-international” sparring will almost lift the I; .wise/ <A« JUli into one of the polite arts; and be R’; *ho doesn’t respond to a challenge by putting himself h' : • a trim for a brush, will be, with Palstbtf, hardly "bel ly, to than a heathen.” i BOOS TABLE. I the Xlfanli'c Monthly for May has been received, dilh a table of contents unusually attractive. "My an Story” is an admirable production, at once inter, sing and instructive. " The Playmate,” a little po 'aof much beauty, is universally admirct}, while the inquisition on Mary Somerville in this number does Mite to Scotland’s female mathematician in an able tinner. The Professor’s Story does not diminish ■ interest as its length increases, brut rather, like •ino, it improves with ago. The Professor " takes off” •nilocrscy of the genus "mackerel" by the conolu. j t,a > iWs month, of his side-splitting account of Colo :!!1 Sprowlo’s party, and winds lip his story by foilow '~i hr. Kittredge (whose acquaintance the reader s *Je last month,) on one of his professional visits. Super's Monthly, with its clean face and attractive .!?{«, is at hand. Harper excels in typography, and 'information on topics not nsunlly discussed in mag b.hts of like character, it is unsurpassed. In the '■Wore us we find “ Loungings in the Footprints of 'Pioneers,” "Ancient Monuments in the United- Wn,” « iho Silkworm,” Ac., all of which are full nieful hints and entertaining facts. Profusely il ltf»t«d. Price 25 cents. *rion for Ibo current month comes freighted with ■terary delicacies—and all for the ladies ! PeUr- to bo Me favorite with the fair r' 3 probably the best two dollar magazine pub- I MARRIEijD, ■ ‘‘Undileiy Town, Steuben Co., N. T.. April Ist., Her. E. D. Wells, Mr. ROYAL WHEELER, Pa., to Mrs, MARY A. COSH, of Wf “W place. 10 & boro > April 27, at the hods# of fl. \V. Rov - A - A - Marple, Mr. N. P. CLOSE •'Weld to Miss NANCY L. POTTER of Middle- rw t LOST. - (.Jr?, 1 l»t of March, 1860, a Road Order, lo i mar townehlp, No. 207, drawn Nor. 22d, *M s,?®** 6,e °l« for $40,00. lh| 18 60 « ROBERT STEELE. FRAMim JL Portraits, Pictures, Certificates T ■°B’> Needle Work, Ac., Ac., framed in P lain and ornamented Gilt. Walnut, Oak, Mahogany, Ao. Per -s*l4»* ? t^ole for framing, can receive theta V Bpe^i^ lo W J «tyl# they wish and hung for ROBINSON'S BOOK STORE. JVow Ready. 188 PRINCE OP THE HOUSE OP DAVID I THE PRINCE OP THE HOUSE OP DATIDI THE PRINCE OF. THE HOUSB.OIi DAVID 1 By the Rev, J. H. iROIuaAK, TAf. D. A daw and revised edition, with the. author’d latest correc tion*. One volume, 12mo~ cloth, 4T2 pagesi Price il,2t. Published by OEORGEQ. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut Street, t’hiledolpbia, gust®! A literal translation la German of the PRINCE OP THE HOUSE OP DAVID Oue volume, 12mo, cloth, 476 peg** Price *l,OO. Verlay von GEORGE O. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. THE PILLAR OF FIRE I , , I OR, ISRAEL IN BONDAGE. By the B«t. J. HvlaouAttA*. One Totatae,l2mo., cloth. GOO ptges. Frlce $1,25. Publiihed«bj GSORQS Q. EVANS, No. 439, Chestnut Street, Philedelphle. , RECORDS OP THE '. ( REVOUI'tIOIVABY WAR; Containing tbs Military and Financial correspondence of Dlstingnfsbed Officers: General Order* of Washington, Lee and Qreene; Names of the Officers and Privates, with the Dates of their Commissions add Enlistments,(with a list of Distinguished Prisoners of War; the time of their Capture, Exchange, etc.; to which 1* added the Half-pay Acts of {the Continental Congress: : the Revolutionary Pension Laws; and and a list of the Officers of the; Continental Army, whol ac quired the right to Half-pay, Commhtalton, land warrants, etc, etc. By W. T. B. SAPFELL, Counsellor and Agent for .Revolutionary Claims. One voldme 12 mo., 641 page*. $1,26. T. S. ARTHUR'S POPULAR BOOKS. -True Riches* Angel and the Demon. 'Home Scenes. Throe Eraa in Womans Life,- Golden Grains, Ten Nights in a Bar-Room, The Martyr wife, Angel of tho Household, Scaring to The Hand but not the Heart, Talcs of Real Life, Heart Histories and £iS Plctc Tho Old Man’s Bride, The Trials of a Housekeeper, i The Way to Prosper, Leaves from the Book of Hu; The Withered Heart, . Life, £ Tales of Married Life, Steps towards Heaven,#' What can Woman do ? Tales of Domestic-Life, Good Time Coming. In tho union of thrilling dramatic incidents, with xtu lessons of the highest importance, these works of T. Si thur stand forth pre-eminent amongst modern authors. [ They have been introduced into the District, Sabbath School, and various other Libraries throughout the coonlry. Each of the above Books contain nearly 600 pagesJ and are illustrated with finely executed Mezzotint engravings, and handsomely bound in one 12mo. volume. Price il ehch. ~ . i BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISSEBV TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH. t MEMOIRS OF ' ROBERT KOVDIIf, , PBESTJDiaiTEUR, r Magician, Sorcerer, Wizard, Necromancer, ’ Conjurer,, Enchanter, Ambassador, - Escamoteur, Professor of Sleight of Hand, etc., etc. Written by Himself, Edited by Dr. R. SHELTONSIACKKNZIE, with a Copious Index, carefully arranged. ' Boun 1 ih one volume, 12m0., cloth, 446 pages. Price SI,OC. Author, Artist, NATIONAL LIBRARY. LIVES OV HEROES, HUNTERS AND PATRIOI Lire of Col, Crockett, Life of Qen. Sat Life of Lewis Wetzel, Houston, Life of Col. Daniel Boone, Lives Of Soutl Lives of Qen'ls Lee and Sumpter, Hetdfts & Pair Public and Private Life of Bdttifel Webster. Each of lha aboVe Books are illustrated with engravings, and bound in one volume, 12m0., cli Price $l,OO. LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS WOHE. or aix ages nations, Including the Empress Josephine, Lady Jane G Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Arc, Anne Boleyn, Chari Corday, Semiramis„Reuobia, Boadicee, etc,, etc. ited by MARY E. HEWITT, Embellished with fii engraved Portraits on Steel. One volume, 12i cloth, 336 pages. Price $1,25. LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE, By tha Rev. HUGH 3TOWELL BROWN, ol Myrtle Street Baptist Chapel, Liverpool, Engl First Series. \ With a Biographical Introduction Dr. R. SHELTON MACKENKIB. Published ui a special arrangement with the author. One voli X2mo., cloth. 411 pages. Price $l,OO. Upon remittance of tbs price of the Book am cents additional for postage, copies of either of above books Accompanied with a handsome prei worth from 50 cents to 100 dollars will bo mail< any person lit the United States. Send for a Classified Catalogue of Books, ‘Containing the rhosl complete list of Books in every department of Literature over published, and which will be sent goafis to any peton, sending their addlrees. To insure promptneu and honorable dealing,[tend all yonr orders to ... GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher, and originator of the Gift Book Busi ness, No. 439 Cbesttiiit Street, Philadelphia. And you will bo satisfied trial it is the best place in the country to purchase Books. SPECIAL NOTICE TO AC ENTS. G. G. EVANS, having purchased thb stereotype plates, copyrights, etc., of the “Prince of the House of David,” “Pillar of Fire,” etc., would cttll the at tention of agents to those truly valuable works. Tho “Prince of the House of David," is one of the most popular and best selling books ever published. Over 180,000 have been sold, and it bids fair to outri val tho "Pilgrim Progress," or any other similar work. The “Pillar of Fire,” by the same author, is now meeting with a rapid sale over 90,000 copies have been sold since its publication, as a cumpanion to the “Prince of .the House of David,” every reader of tnat book shopld purchase a copy. “THIb Records of the Revolutionary War,” is a book of great interest and gives a vast amount of informa tion relative to the soldiers of the Revolution, and is an invaluable book of reference fos the descendants of of its heroes and al) who are interested in pension claims, land warrants,.etc. Tho most liberal inducements are offered to Agents, and upon addressing the publisher every information will be'giVen. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. Address - ' GEORGE G,. EVANS. Publisher, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Fa. April 19, 18d'0. (fit.) Balsam tolu, couGh remedy.—This is the most popular akd useful expectorant now in use in'this vicinity. It is prepared from the Balsam of a tree growing in hot climates, mostly in South America. For sale at Roy’s Drug Store. liaud. THE subscriber has for sale a large quantity ef farming land of excellent quality, and in good lo cations in Tioga and Potter Cobnty, Comprising sever al lots of improved land. These landswill be sold on ten ycats time at reason able rates. T&osqwho desire to secure to thetnselves a good farm, can nowjn so on better terms than will ever be offered again iriHlns County. Wellsboro, March «, 186fcC A. P. CONE. i . DISSOLUTION. I NOTICE is hereby given that the p&rthiership here tofore existing between the subscribers in the Book and Stationery business under the firm of L. A W, H. Smith, at Wellsboro, Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual cons-nt. The business of said Ann will be continued at the old stand by E. E. Robinson, and the accounts, notes Ac., of tho late firm have! been transferred to him. All persons indebted to the late firm are requested to call and settle immediately. LEWIS SMITH. Wellsboro, April sth, 1800. WM. H. SMItHJ Administrator's Notice. I if ETTEp,S of Administration having been granted I i to the undersigned npoh the estate of ANDREW OMES, late of Clymor, dec’d., all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present them to ZACCBETJS MALLOROY, Westfield, April 5, 1800. Adnuniiirdioi*, NOTICE To Collectors ml Other*. ALL Collectors of taxes previous to 1800, who have not settled their Duplicates, iiittSt do so by, or before; Summer Court. Also all persons indebted to Tioga Co. by Motes or Judgments, or costs will be ma de, By order of Commissioners. Administrator's Notice. T BITERS of Administration having been nantad I j to the undersigned, upon the estate of SALLT HARDY, late of Dalmar, deo’d., all person* indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claim* against the same will Del mar, April 12, IMti THE TIOGA CO STEWARTS STEWARTS STEWARTS STEWARTS / DRYOOOI*B DRY ROODS DRY GOODS __ DRY GOODS GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY * PROVISION I PROVISION PROVISION provision BOOT AND SHOE , BOOT AND SHOE 1 BOOT AND SHOE BOOT AND SHOE YANKEE NOTION YANKEE NOTION YANKEE NOTION YANKEE NOTION STORE STORK STORE STORE No 4 CONCERT stock NO 4 CONCERT BLOCK . I NO 4 CONCERT BLOCK MARKET STREET MARKET STREET MARKET STREET 1 CORNING N if CORNING N Y CORNING N Y 1860 1860 1860 , Corning, N. T,, March 22, 1860. (ly.) ioral Ar- STATE ; Constitutional Union Convention. DECLARATION OP PRINCIPLES. Non-interference with the fthole question of Sla very as not being a subject for Congressional Legisla tion., Tho maintenance of the Constitution, as expounded by the Supremo Court of the United States, and the enforcement of all laws enacted by Congress. - Protection to the industrial interests of the"-whole country, and prudence, economy and purity in the ad ministration of public affairs. Citiieps of Pennsylvania; who ate oppoSfed to polit ical factions and sectional issues, who are desirous of removing the causes which have endangered the Union of the States, and restoring harmony amongst the people, by farming a truly Hdtional Phrl£, based upon the above principles, ate retjiiested to send delegates to a State Convention, to assemble at Lanbaster, on the 2Sth of April, 1860; ht 12 M., fUr the pdrposo of electing delegates to tbb National Convention, to be convened at Baltimore, on tho 9th of May, iB6O, to nominate candidates fbr the Presidency and Vico Presidency of the United States. By order *f the Executive Committee. CHARLES LANCASTER, Chairman. iS. C. PECHIN, Sefcretary, April 12, 1800. Philadelphia. B. mel fine olh. WOdL, wodti. THE subscriber gives notiqe that ho has taken tlii Woolen Factory of J. 1. Jackson, near Wellsboro, where he will do all custom carding and cloth dressing that may be entrusted to him the coming season. The works have been put in thorough repair, and all work will be warranted if the wool is brought in proper condition. The terms are pay down in ail eases. The highest cash price will be paid for wool to those who wish to sell. R. W. JACKSON. Wellsboro, April 12th} 1860. 3m. rey, lotte Ed nely mo.. the (and. Olclnroy & Baileyi WOULD inform the public, that having purchased the Mill property, known as tho “CULVER MILL,’’ and baring repaired and supplied it with; new bolts and machinery, are now prepared to do • • b ? rader ium«, d 21 f the ment, id to CUSTOM WORK to the entire satisfaction of its patrons. 'With the aid of onr experienced miller, Mr. L. D. Mitchol, and the unsparing efforts of the proprietors, they Intend to keep up an establishment second to none in the county. Oash paid for wheat and corn, and the highest market price giren. , EDW. McINROY, March 15, 1860. tf. JNO. W. BAILEY. ”! TIOGA REGULATOR. George f. Humphrey has opened a new Jeweiy Store at Tioga Village, Tioga County, Pa. Where he is prepared to do all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing, in a workmanlike manner. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. We do not pretend to do work better than any other man, but we can do as good work as can be done in tne cities or elsewhere. Also Watches Fluted. GEORGE F. HUMPHREY. Tioga, Pa., March 15, 1860. (ly.) WfeLLSBORO’ ACADEMY. We'll abort)’, Tioga County, Fehna. MABINUS N. ALLEN, A. Mi; - - Principal. Miss Cynthia Farmer, Pr'eceptreu. Miss L. Lucinda Allen,, .... Assistant. Miss Josspbine M. Todd, . - Untie Teacher. The Academic year wilkbe divided into three Terms of 14 weeks each. Spring Term commenced SlOndhy, Apfii 3: fcloses Tuesday July 3. inition. Primary popartihcDt, - - - $B,OO Common Branches, .... 4,00 Higher English, ..... 5,00 Languages, - .4- .8,00 Instrumental music (’extra) term of 12 weeks 10,00 ' Board And Rooms in private families fhrnisbcd at reasonable prices; Students wishing 16 board them* selves may also obtain Rooms in private families. The success that h&s..attended the efforts.of Prof. Allen as a teacher in other institutions in which be has been ehgaged encourages the .Trustees ,t<) antici pate entire success in his connection with the 'Wells boro Academy. Bills of Tuition are to bo paid at or before the mid dle of each Term. By order of Trustees, J. P DONALDSON, /Wf. . Wellsboro, March, 8, 1860. DISSOLUTION'. NOTICE ia hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers in the book and stationery business under the firm of South and Richards at Weilsboro', is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of said firm will bo continued at the old stand by Latvia & William H. Smith, hud the accounts, notes &c, of the late firm have boon tVansfered to them. LEWIS 6MJTH. I. D. RICHARDS. March 39, 1860. THE undersigned wishes to sell in order to enlarge his Mercantile business, his farm (with personal property, stock and farming tools) situated in Ulysses, Potter Co. Pa., consisting of 100 acres 80 cleared, good buildings thereon, situated on a good rob’d and near a good market, a Warrantee Deed given| to the purchaser. Price $3OOO, one third down, four years for the balance in annual payments. Address .... . THOMAS ,E’. ORIDLET. Brookfield, Tioga Co. Pa., March 15, 1860. 1 BINDING. BOOKS, Magazines and Newspapers bound in Su perior Stylos. Universal facilities, fchable us to please all. Call ahd see at the BOOK STORE. FARRIEtIS POWDER is now extensively used for horse distemper, also for colds and coughs in horses', to increase the appetite, fegnlate the digestion and to improve the condition of the animal, nsefnl also as a preventative for born distemper in cattle. For sale at Boy’s Drag Store. SEEDS.— Fresh ahd reliable Garden and Field Seeds, the largest stock of Seeed's in the County will be found ht Roy’s Drag Store, Farmers wbe use Field Seeds will remember Drag Store and the Urge packages of Field Seeds. - SUBSCRIPTIONS received for all the Magazines . atjd posers, either in clubs, or by the single copy, at ■ BOBINiiOK’S NEWS ROOM. For Sale, UNTY AGITATOR. The Great Btigiiah Remedy. Six Jixia Ciawat’s OttriftATio Fsuj.ii Puis.— Prepartd Tom a pmereption of Sir J, ClarKe, M. D n Phytician JSrtra ordinary to (ht Queen.—This well kriown medicine Is no 1m position, but a sore and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, front any causes whatever; and although a powerful remedy they contain nothing hurttUl in their con •titution. To Mansian Lilly* It Is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity.— Them Pills have never been known to {hit when the direc tions on the 2d page of the pamphlet are well observed. For full particular* get a pamphlet, free, of the .agent. N. B.—sl and 6 postage sumps enclosed to any authorised agent, will insure a battle, containing over SO pills, by re turn mall., ■ For sate by John A. Boy, WoHsboro; H. H. Borden, Ttoga; C. W. MeSbltt, Mansfield; G. W. Miller, LawrencevlUa: 3. t 3, Q'. Patkhurst.Elkland; A. *J. Dcarman, Knoxville; and Charles Qoodspeed, Westfield. ‘ [Jon. 27,1859. Ty.] tIiftjRTANT TO FEMALRS. DRI OHOBSafcIAW’B PILLS, rupaai» it costumes t. oaxuuuu, u. o. KXW lORX CUT. The combination of Ingredients th these Pills are the re sult of il'dUg add ettehslvo practlbe. they ire mild In their operation, and certain In correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing dll obstructions, whether 1 from cold or otherwise, heddacue, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which arise from Interruption of nature ' , ~ . TO MARKIED LADIES, Dr Chees'oman’a Pills lire Invaluable, da they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who pairo been disappointed In the Use of dtlier,Pills, can plate the iitihost confidence In Dr. Cbeeseman’sPills dblfag all that they repre sent to do, NOTICE. They should ndi be Used during Fregnahey, as a mls-Cdr riage would certainly result therefrom. ; Warranted purely vegetable, add free from anythihg’lhju rlmis to life or health. Explicit directions, which should bo read, aepoinpany each box. Price $l. Sent by thail oil en closing (I -to the Oeberal Agent. Sold by one Drliggist in everV town in the United States, R. B. HUTCUINOS; Oefaernl Agent for the United Slates, i. 105 Chambers Street, KoW Fork. To Whom all wholesale orders should bo addressed. .Sold by JohP A. Roy Wellsboro, Pa., and by Pratt A Hill Owego, N. T. [April 28, 1859. 10 OXYGENATED BITTERS. . For the cure of Dyspepsia or Indigestion’, Liver Asthma,* Costlvencas, Loss of Appetite, Fever and Ague, Heart Burn, Water Brash, Acidity, Sea Sickness, Scurvy, Ndhseo, Headache, Ennui, and General Debility, or any dfl ease having its origin in imperfect digestion. These Bitters, os all clashes of our felloft citizens, includ ing Members of Congress, Lawyers, Physicians, Clergymen, 'Planters, Farmers and others testify, ate the only safe, cer tain and sovereign specific for the immediate relief add per manent cure of the many cruel complaints vVtilch id somb phase or other'of Dyspepsia!afflict oUr race. These Bitters were discovered by Dr. George B. Greek, and in their formula differ entirely from that of any other preparation of medicine. Containing no alcohol—no miner al —no poison—no noxious drug,—iu their nature tonic, not stimulating,—retaining their virtues in any clime; they are a “combination and a form indeed" of Medicine which knows no rival in exterminating disease and restoring the system to its pristine vigor and health. No matter of how long standing, or however induced or chronic In its character the disease may be—no mdttfer that it has l‘affled the skill of the pti}llcian, and resisted the efforts Of J/cdibitie. a aiUgle trlU of these Bitters will satisfy the simei*er that his disease sil ambiidhte to the propel* remedy/ In testimony of the mnily cures fcffefcted by this Remedy refererieb is had to the written certificates fro hi distlhgUlShea indivldtifils known all over the lafad. From aiiioog the many letters $0 are constantly receiving wc take ttio following:— “Gentlemen;—l have used the Oxygenated Bitters In my practice with decided success in. Debility and General Pros tration, and confidently recommend ft fn cases of General Debility or Derangement of the Digestive Organs. Signed, F. 11. WHITE, M. D. Mansfield, Tiogri Co. Pa., August 26,1868.” This medicine hi\ .been used with like success by A. Ho bard of Richmond; Miss Mary A. Snover of Covington, and Miss Catharine Beck Of Liberty. AGENTS. . John A. Rot, Wellsboroj C: Nesbitt, Mihsfleld: Df. A; Rollins, Jr., Mainsburg: A. Humprrkt, Tioga; D. S. J£a gee, Clossburg; J. G. Albeck, Liberty. S. W, FOWLE & CO., Proprietors. Boston. For sale by Agents everywhere. [Sept. 16,1868.] Hosteller's Stomach Bitters; IN VIEW of the fact that every member of tho human family is more or less sabjectcd to some complaint, be sides innumerable other conditions in life, which, by the assistance of a little knowledge or exercise of common sense, they may be able so to regulate their habits of diet, and with the assistance of a good tonic, secure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object the true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital sttetigth and life; for this end Dr, Hostetler has introduced to this cdfintry a prep aration bearing bis, fidmo, Which at this day is uot anew medicine, btit 6he that hds been tided for years, giving satis faction to all who have used it. The Bitter* operate power fully npyn the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus by tho simple pro cess Of 'strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph ovferftiseaso. . For the cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Nausea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Billious Complaints, arising from a morbid Inaction of the Sttmach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbns, Ac., these Bitters have not an equal. * Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Flux, so generally contracted by new settlors, and caused principally by the cange of water and diet, will be sbecdily regulated by a brief use of this prfeperatlon; Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent when taken in all its various forms, than any other, the cads* of Milch may always bo attributed to derange niehts of the digestive organs, can be cured without fail by •using IIOST£TT£K’S STOMACH BITT£KS,as por directions gh tbe bdttle. .For this disease every physician will recom mend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article to be infallible! Every country have their Blttcts al rt prevent ative of disease and strengthening of the sjfiteth iti general, and among them all there is not to be found a Healthier peo ple than the Gentians, from .wbuni this preparation ehmna ted, based iipttn scientific experiments which have tended to advance the destiny of this great preparation in tbe medical scale of sciodce. I Fever a.vd AouE.—This tiyfng provoking disease, which faitecs its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a short space of time, add rendering him physically and mentally .useless, cdh bo defeated and driven from too body by the use of RE NOWNED BITTERS. Further* a'qv of the, above stated dis. ted diseases cannot bo contracted when exposed to any ordi nary conditions producing them, if thb Bitters are used as per directions. And as it nfcltlier creates mitisea, nor offends the palatt, ?nd rendering ullttecbsfi&ry ndy chapgo of died or interruption to usual pursuits, but promotes sound sleep and healthy digostiou, the complaint is thus removed ns speedily as is consistent witli the production of a thorough and per manent cure. For Persone in Advanced Years who aro suffering from an enfeebled constitution and inftrm body, these Bitters are in valuable, as p. restorative of strength and vigor, and needs ofcly to be tried to ,be appreciated-, And to a mother while nvrslng. these Bitters aro indispensable, especially where the mother's nourishment is inadequate tb the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it is where a good tonic, such as Hostetler's Stqmach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strerigtn and vigor to the sys tem. Ladies should by all mcAns try this remedy for all ca ses of debility, and.bfcfore so doiHg, ask your physician who, If He la abquaintcd with the virtue of the Bitters, will recom mend their use in all cases of weaknc«s. CAUTION; -=-Wb caution the public against using any of the mariy Imitations or counterfeits, but ask for llostkt tsr's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and sec that each bottle has tho words “Dr. J. llostetter's Stomach Bitters” blown on the eide of tho bpttle, and' stamped qp the m.-tallic cap covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. Propapcd apd sold. .by. 110T v ETTEU & SMITH, Pitts* burgh, Pa., and sold by all Druggists, Grocers and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada. South Amer ica and Germany. AGENTS:—John A. soy, Wellsboro. J. & J. G. Park hum, Elkland. A. $ J.Dotnari, Knoxville. M. W. Staples, Osceola. GhaVlcs Goodspced, Westfield. Seeley l r Lopg. Nel son. A. Humphrey, 11. H. Borden, John Rcdington, Tioga* Curtis Parkhurst, Wm.J. Miller; Lawronccville, G. K. Shel ter, Liberty. October 13,1859. —ly. tMIPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. PUBLISHED BY D. APPLETOK k CO. 346 & 348 Broadway, New York. THE following works aro sent to Subsoribcss In any part of the country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or express, prepaid: The New American Cyclopedia. A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge Editud by Georg. Uiplpy and Charles A. Dana, aided by a numerous select corpsof wri ten in all branches of Science, Art, and Literature, This {Work is being published in about 16 large octavo volumes, each containing 730 two-column pages. Vole 1,11,111, IV, &V, are now ready, each containing near 2,500 origipal ar ticles. A» additional volume will bo published once in about tbreo months. . , Price, in Cloth, $3; Sheep, $3,60 j Half Morrooco, $1 j Half Russia, $4,60 each. ,The New American Cyclopedia is popular without,being superficial, learned, but not pedantic, comprehensive butsiif fiolently detailed, free from personal pique and party preju. dice, fresh and yet accurate. It Is a complete statement of all .that is known upon every important topic within.the scope of human intelligence. Every important article in It hoe. Mpn specially .written fo.r.lts pages by men who are au thorities Upon tho topics of which they spealf. They tyro re* qUtired to bring thS subject up to the present moment; to suite Jbst bow it stailds. note. All the statistical information Js from the latest, reports; the geographical accounts keeji pace with the latest eipiorntions; historical matters include the just v;icws; the biographical notices no;.quit speak ot tho dead liut of the living. It is a library,of itself. . .ABRIDGMENT. OF THE DEBATES OF-COXGRESS.— Being a Political History of tho United Stales, frorji tho or ganization ot the first Federal Congress in .1789 to 1836* Ed ited and compiled by Hqu. Thomas H, Benton, from the of ficial Records of Congress. .... The work will bo completed In 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 11 of which are nowroSdy. An additional volume will be issued once in three molUhi. A WAT OT PBOCOBIXO IBS CTCLOPSIHU OB PZBATIB. ..Form a club of four, and remit tjia piles of four books, •ft I five copies wll( be sent at the remitter's expense for ear. rl*ie; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will be sent at our expense taifcirriage. . TO AGENTS. ■No other works will-so liberally reward the exertions of Agents. Ay Aom Wastsp In this County. Term, made known on application to the Publishers. [Ang.ll,’6o, , I RnfYUlb Robes. AFCHf No. 1. Bobos for ivila vorv chosp M [Her. 17] A; X-OB & COS. IMPORTANT m THE subscriber having pur the late firm of Smith i B fully inform -the Public of this to increase the attractions of ti POPTJI BOOK S AN NETtfS by making extensive addition STANDARD together ttith a varied assortn gENNraI lit STATIONERY & P where can he found at ell time: of Classical, HUtorkal.Ppliti; lanaous Books. - 1 BLANK B PAPER HA THE CU,r| MAGAZINES A OF THE OItB A P PUB L IN E V B R SHEET-MU SIO, PICTURES, ORDER Binding; Executed to sv: AND ON TH POSSIBLE Particular attention will al , SPECIAL for dijy article comprehended tHe attcntibfa and Patrona TIdQA C ii loliaited both for hia itore WELLSBORO* A E. E. E Wellaboro, April sth, 1850. NEW FIRM!JEW NEW <s{o( Em having boon closed for a shoi tieing Enlarged & is now completed and the Ne' J. B. BOWE bare taken possession andt’rS' LARGEST; BEST, AND Cflfc of DRT GOO^DS, cLothiWg, i BOOTS Al SHOES, | CROCKERY; HARDWARE, Groceries; IIOLtOW WAIIB, Pork & flour, &c., &c,, &o.', crer offered to Ae people of thankful for pastfarors, rei] to call and see our .New Goo cheap as can be bought at a oinity. VTe will take in e Corn, Buckwheat, Reaps, Butter, Pork, Lard; and CASH, for all tvhioh wi ket prices, particular atlci chasers. Ton will find ii and she Us before you btty e G&ida atioftn jVety ani ei STORK of . , v • . vJt B J, H.. BOWEN. M. MIVDARD, A. HOWLAND, cedar h 'CEDAR RON, LYOO rpHIS bouse bagjjeen lat I the accommoaaft'm of central point; stages Itavii Weilsboro and Jersey eho the Tioga, R. &. north and This Honse is situated on pond—a-sofe and eonvenii rafting season. Good post bank, and the beech is fro ing been practically engagi many years ire feel confld wants and requirements of er to please. The tnbltf, will always be attentively Call and sea ns, and ,f‘e wi yon again.' Cedar Bun; Fair. 18; 188 HONBY OJP li|VEBTI Afi .»»*» Png (IICBMENT ;hased the interest of [chords, would reipect vloinlty, of hi* design It establishment m a u AH 1 TORE, oou of tbo but WORKS, out of ER ATURE, A.NCY QOOPS; s, a couplet* repository ial, School and Misoel* 00 INGSi RE NT SP APEjRS T, ' KW Da TIONS, c a lETY. AR GO LD-PEN S, S, &o. FO BO KS, TASTE, T A. WEST LO ER MS. o be gi iron to £BS, RD i trad's. the Inhabitants of in the ge of tl T Y UN edit ND INSON. OB STM”! DS! Store , re for tbs purpose 01 't tim* paired. lor"' Re Firm Jr s j c 5. r I, With the filled ii .pas' ASSORTMENT, RT GOODS, THING, CL ITS & SHOES, ik> roGßery, hardware, ROCERIES, iLLOW WARE, & FLOUR, PORI &o'., Tioga county, end being tactful invito,the public ilch we will «U 1 ai Is, wbi jar {tlocft it this vi- >7 6th' I ... ~ ;e fa» Qdode, OaU, ;o|i'anf< 1 V W Barley, Graaft Seed, ■i*. |i , Bee) ijiral, Paper Bags, if the bigbMt mar ton It called to cash pnr > your idrantago to call Wu'iw lewhere. Id cheap at the EMPIRE WEN & CO. [b«c, 1, IM«.] IV HOTEL IttA’fijj COUNTY, PA. sly refitted and opened for the public. Located at a g every alternate day for e, connecting with care on >. & E. R. R. on the south. tho Cedar Run Gaos Mill int landing for rSftiin the 1 1 are firmly set oh the left ! > from] obstructions. Ilav ii in tot river business for >nt we £an ahtioipath the his ifJidb, knd will endeav- Sht, chambers knd stithies vatebed and Welt bnpplied. J part with you ahr# IS see 3. A.FISH, Proprietor. »• . f |ORT, f»r Cough* and Colds, At| Roy’s Cfitig Store. •VJB P Sf( itoie, j TRY THE NEW STORE. m. m is At hone again;! with an extensive and well-selected assortment of KBV OOOSS. His stock is as varied as it is valuable, and compel* Mlf odossl of all styles and varieties, including foil and Witter varieties of Dress Goods, Silks, Paramatta's Detain** do. READY-MADE CLOTHING of various styles and prices. Having had long exp*, rience in this branch of trade, he ie confident his elette lug will »uit his customer*. GROCERIES, Sis stock of Groceries 1* complete, embracing* loag list of articles in common use, and which will be sell at unusually low prices. He has also a complete a*, •ortment of , HABDWABB purchased with especial reference to this market U* eluding Saws, Axes, do. Also ! CROCKERY In abundance and variety. The attention of, thepab lio is also called to the fact that PORK,*FLOUR & SALT will bo kcpt'constantly on hand' and for sale at the lowest market prices. In addition to the foregoing he will keep i ■ S&SBDi>S & esstp and similar articles of mechanical use. His stock *f Boots & Shoes Ii snffleient to keep an entire community on a “goedj footing," and warrants that all can be “fitted," fro* the largest to the smallest. In truth, he would aseur bis friends and the public that ‘ EVERYTHING usually kept in a store may be found among bis stocks Call at the old stand of M. M. CONVJBRSB. Wellshoro, Nov. 3,1859. Ifiew HAT MV CAP STORE. THE Subscriber has just opened in this place a cewj Hat and Cap Store, wberq he intends to manula*.' ture and keep on hand a largo and general asiurtuec »•. of Fashionable Silk and Catsimefb Bata, of my own. manufacture, which will be sold at hard times prices. SILK HATS made to order on short notice. The Hats sold at this Store are fitted with a Freaott Conformature, which makes them soft and easy to if If head without the trouble of breaking your head ie ‘ break the hat. Store in the New Block opposite the Dickinson House. g, p. QUICK, Corning, Aug; 16, 1859. Pursi purs: furs: FUKS. —The subscriber has just received a large assortment of Furs for ladies wear, consisting ft FITCH CAPES <£• VICTORIES, FRENCH SABLE CAPES'& VICTORIKSL RIVER if INK CAPES tfc MUFFS, ’ ROCK MARTIN GAPES & VICTORINM. These comprise a small quantity of the assortment They have been bought at low pricey and Will bb tala at extremely low prices for cash, at the NowHatStortf in Cornldg, N. Y. g. p. QUICK. vr. HRISR, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, WELI/SBORO ST., TIOGA, PA. TAKES this method of informing the eitixene ef Tioga, and of the County generally, that he’had established himself at Tioga, where be will turo and keep on hand for sale a good stock of Saddles, Bridles, Heavy Harness, Carriage Harucstj of all kinds &o. Also Hames, Halters, Whips, TraeWf Collars Ac. All work warranted. Repairing done on short notice. , Tioga, gept. 1,1859.—1 y. [- _ HILDRETH & LANDIS, CASH DEALERS IN GROCERIES, i PROVISIONS, J cloth in<s, Hats, Caps, Boots and Stioesi &o. One door below Holiday's Hotel, Wellsboro, Pa. Cash paid for Hides and all kinds of Grain.. w ~ C. HIIDRATIL- Wellsboro, Oct. 6th, 1859. B. H. LAXDIJ. rt’» Court Sale. Orpin IN pursuance of ja decree made by the Orphan’* Court of TiogaiCounty, the undersigned Executor ot the estate of John Corzntt, late’of Jocksou, dec*3, will expose to sitle ht the Court House in IVel)., boro’, on thS first Mhhday lb June, 1860,-at 2 o’clock P. M., tho following described real estate, situate in , T to i* Jackson, county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, to wit: Boundcd'on the north by Waterman Mclntyre, dad H. A E. Everett’s, on the east by Warfeii Wells, da the south by Edward Garrison, and west by Nathlin ® Morris Seelye, containing about seventy and two tenths acres, with about forty acres lt'g house and framotbarn, apple orchard dnd sun dry out buildings thereon. ■ t - , Terms—One-fourth cash, and ijalauce In in stalments of one-fourth In 3,6, 9 Mbtitlts, with in terest. ' i Me-U- ORRIN B. WELLS, 1 *. April 26, 1860, 4t. GATES HIRD, ] Ekt *' Orphan's Court Sa le^ JN pursunned o'f an order of tho Orphan's Court «f Tioga County,' tho undersigned Administrator of the estate of John Mav, laic of Charleston, dec o. i?? se , to publio salc > °h tHo premises, ou SAT »r r. A V the ? 9th da y of Mat-, 1 SCO, at 2 o’clock, I. M., the following described rial estate, situate in tld township of Charleston; Tioga'County, Pa., io wit: Bounded on the north_ by Sathutl Morgan, uu it» ea!t tbo road loading-from tho [Covington road t<* tho Round Top School House, mi the [south hv,tni ‘< of Benjamin Glaus, and on the "west by lauds »( Samuel Morgen, containing about one and a hr’f acres of land; JOS' Termr of solo made, known on day of sals, WALDO MAY, A<fmfm.r.«f„. Charleston, April 26, 1860, 4t. 7p the School Directort of Tioga County Gentlemen; I.take this method of saying Wymf that I am a candidate for the office of; County Super intendent. Ido not suppose you \vi!L vote fur a inara m,crely because ho asks you to do so, hnd thercf,.fe £ have not thought it necessary to call on eiiMi ol y i and soliolt your suffrage. I am not, at presuu gaged in any busiooss, and if you are!pleased to give imo the office I will devote my time wholly to ilm \\ r . 'charge of its duties, S. B. PRICE Westfield, April 26. 1860.* i . ’ NOTICE. THE School Directors of Dolmtfr district will meet m Wellsboro’, on tho 9th day of May, nevt, lor the purpose of engaging teachers for the fiuru’fter schools, for said district. , .. f ' By order of the Board. ■ ■ April 26. 1860. GEORQE.HILDRETII, .S^>. NOTICE l IB hereby given that an election of Officers of ti,« Mansfield Iron Works will to held at Ibk ..800 of said Company in Mansfield, Tioga Coiihty, Pa.. > n Monday the 7th day of fifty d( 1 o'clock T. 51. of said day., . A. P. CONE, , April 26, ISfifi. .NOTICE IS hereby given that the officers and executive Cor mittee of the Tioga County Agricultural 8v» ie- r will ihect St Holiday's Hotel in Wellsbofo on Tufi-a.- f May Bth at 10 AjM. For the purpose of tfar:> H c;ii g important business, among which is the appointing of the regular Committees, and deoidiqgnpon the amount of premiums. EGBERT CAMPBELL, / jeromb.b; kilbs, okl Trelleboro’ April 26, 1860. I •* I v JCxccmor'# Nuitocv . NOTICE is heieby riven that ail 'iftoetf indelxtll to he estate of William Taylor, late uf (1. t ec »' t 6 make vnynjerrt,* and those having claims agafopt th* t<» them to 3AM.BS BURRELL; \ ' April IQjj 1660.* ROSWELL ] ** r ‘' DAVIE'S i‘AIN RiLLEIiUu EirerfUfc 1 or ut Jloy 1 it sm