SCROFULA, OR KINGEVIE, 14 a conatitmimml disease, a corruption of the: Mood, by which thN fluid becomes vitiated, weak and poor. Bwng in the cir culation it pervades the whol« body, and may burst out In on any part of it. No organ va tree from its attacks, nor Is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint j- v.triou-dv caused by mercurial disease,low living,dis ordered or unhealthy food, Impure air, filth and filthy habits, th>» depressing vices, and, above all. by the venereal infection. Whatever b* its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending “from parents, to children unto the third and fourth generation;’’ indeed, It seems to bo the rod of Him who says, *M will visit the Iniquities of the fathers upon their children.” Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of cor-‘ or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and in ternal organs, is termed tubercles; In the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. Tffis fuul corruption which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, to that scrofuhmt constitution* not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they* have'far-loss power to withstand the attacks of other dl-eases; consequently, vast numbers perish by disorders which. although not scrofulous in their nature, arc wtill rendered ilitai by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which decimates thA human family has its origin directly in tin's scrofulous contamination,* and many diHtruciivo diseases of the liver, kidneys, bruin, and, indeed, of all the organa, arise fiotu or arc aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all onr people are scrofulous; their persons •ro invaded bv sbi-< lurking infection, and their health Is un dermined hy ft. To .-K-anae it from the system we mast rcu vvabi Uw blood by an alteratu e medicine, and invigorate it by heahliv lood and exercise. Such a medicine no supply In AYER’S Compaund Extract of Sarsaparilla. til* mv>?t effectual -remedy which the medical sUiH ©f our turn-, for “tins ooiywhcrc prevailing and fatal iM'itady. It i« combined from the most active remedies that have li'-.-n dit»ci*rm*il lor the expurgation of this foul disorder from thy blood, and the rescue of the f,yntem from its de sfnictno c«*n i »i , qnfnc**jt. llcnce’it should hcemployed f<» the rim* of not only j-crofnhi- Unit also those other affections winch ;uv*€ fu»m it, ‘-ucU Krupfne and skiu DKcuwi-, st. Anthony's fire, Rose, or Kiyeipelas, Pimple.-,. PnstuKs. Blotchyn. Bl;uus> and Boil-. Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rhuim. Seal I Head. Hingwordi. Rheumatism. Syphilitic and Mercu rial IHseAjo.-s, Uroy«%. Dyspepsia, Debility, and indeed au. Compl.iint.s arising from vitiated 01 impure Wood. The imp ular belief in *‘iMPfuiTY of the lUOuii” i-, founded in truth, for Is degeneration ot the blood. The particular pnrpo-« «od virtue t*f tin-'Sauapanha is to put if} and re genenae tins vital fluid, without which .sound health is im poSsibtn m «*peui-3 Health und demise. and invigorate every portion of the human orgmu-m. correcting its diseased action, mid {t* h.*aithv vitalities. As a consequence of these properties. the invalid who is bowed down with pain ur phys- ; leal debility is&vtMmahed to find bishcaUh oreuergy restored j by a remedy at once so simple and inviting, I 'Nut only du they cure the every-day conijdaiiits of cM-ry . bo iy. but also formidable and dafijienfp diVases. Ihu ( ng-.-ut bebnv named h pleased to furtii»}> gratis my American Almanrc,whuitiirifjCertsficatesof their i tires and directions ' for their use in the f'dlowingcuinpJ.iinH: Costivene*.-?, Heart 1 bud. Headache ati-ing from dHOidcn-d stomach, Nausea. | Indication. Pam m the Morbid Inaction of the UuweU. i Flatulency, Los--, of Appetite Jaundice, and other kindred roinpUints. ari-ihe from a low state of the body or obstruc tion of its fmv turns. AYER'S CHERRY” PECTORAL. FOR THE RAPID emu OF ' Colds. Injh * Hoarse : Iricnds'by ov>ry trial, conferred lx neflts on Hie aihiued they uiu never fTir-t. and produced cure too nuniemus and too tvmarkutde to U.s f^rgou^u. I’iliiPAUiiD i)t , pz*. J. C..£yer, Sc Co. LOtniLL, -'IAaS. All our Remedies ara for sole by C- & .T. L. ROBlSSON TTcilsboro’, atid by a ali Druggists ami throughoat tho ccuntrv. 8, ISSjf-—Cni. j ' 7liiiisfieia Cla«t«iicul Stmiiuary. ( MANSFIELD, PA. THIS INSTITUTION u located at Ti oga Co. Pa,, on the lino of the Tioga Railroad. Its location is not surpassed by any section of the State, in beauty of scenery, healthfulness of climate, and murals of society. The building is of brick—lol feet front, and four stories high. It will be completed so as to furnish Boarding and Dormitories for the students at the com mencement of the winter term. Good fcpard in private families, and lho>o who board lUctntolres- can be bad at the lowest prices. The Seminary is under the care of Kev. J. Lan dreth, A. M.. Principal, and Miss Julia A. Ho.-nier, Preceptress, ttidcJ by b competent corps of teachers. Tbe course of ttudy will embrace all branches taught in similar institutions. A Graduating Course for Young ladies "'ill be' formed and diplomas gh rn. Particular attention willbogivou lo etudeots intend ing to teach. CALENDAR. Winter Term commences Nov. 23; closes March 3. spring " u March 24; closes June 30. EXPENSES. TUITION, PER TEJIX OF'TOVSTStH WEEKS. • Common English branches - $4 50 Highlit English branches- - 6 00 Languages and higher Mathematics 7 j>o Instrumental Music - - - 10 00 LVe of Inurnment - 200 Drawing . - - - S 3 00 to 500 Painting - - - -400 to 8 00 Incidentals, 25 cents. jSeSfTuUlou Villa, are required to be paid nr satis factorily arranged before the studentsenu be admitted to recitations. For further particular? address the principal. S. B. ELLIOTT, Pres’U W. 0. RIPLEY, Soc’y. ' [Deo. 22, 1850.] UNION ACADEMY. THIS In.-tifiuion is pleasantly located in the Cow auesque Valley, one mile below ’Knoxville Pa. BOARD of instruction. A. n. WI«iITMAN, A. 3., - - Principal. Mrs, Jas. M'ightma>* - - JW'.-'prre**. Mas*. E. A.,J. Coscivv:P. y and Tcuchor of Ornamental Brancbe.-. C. X. BuTtum, Teacher of Instrumental music. The Spring Terra of this Institution will commence February I SCO. Expenses per Term—Tuition from $3 to $5. Ornamental Branches, extra. Hoard. $! 75. All excepting bed and lights, £2. Fuel (not prepared) $1 50 ; prepared 5?2 25.* Koom tent, $1 50. AU-bUU to be paid in advance or secured by note, - _ Ko deductions for absence except la cubc uf pro tracted illness, «riu leaving to teach. Thu«o wishing to board themselves will find here accommodations for the purpose. It will be woll for those who intend doming the Spring term to secure rooms soon by applying to Mr. 0. M. Stebbins, who has charge of the buildings. All sfudeuts two earnestly requested to Uq present at ih c opening of the term, «s elas-es are formed then and permanent arrangements made. * I Fop further pirricutarj address 0. M. SrEi?Bjvs,|or A. H, Wir.utM vv, Prlucipal, Knoxville, Pa. January 4, 1600. DENTISTRY. FRAME McGEORGE, Permanently located in Concert Hall, CORNING, N. Y. "\J”ARIOU3 styles of Dental work. The continuous V gum or Porcelain, the most natural, beautiful, anil fupcrinr to any other system. ALo a new «dyle very beautiful ami cheap. Just introduced. Particular attention Is requested to tho artificial Bone for blling teeth* U being thp color and nearly as hard as the teeth and in m.vny superior to any uvetaUw substance. Alxo, by a new process of clcctro-mcfaturgy, those having silver plates can have them heavily plated with gold «n very reasonable terms. No cheap humbugs introduced. Ills system of'practice U the roj-ult of the of the be«t members of the profession. Corning. Nov. 10, ISSO. liefer* to Ur. IV. D. Terboll, Dr. ATay, Dr. Munford, Corning., Dr. Dulson, Bath. Dr. Brown, Addison. HILDRETH & LANDIS, CASH DEALERS IN’ GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, poots and Shoes, &c. One door below UnlidayV Hotel, WelUhoro, Pa. C«J, paid for Hide* and all kind* of* Grain. „, r c. niLDH/rm. . w«ll»V/ro, Oci, «ib, S. U. LASD US'. liotisliioii’* Liquid Pcpiftt, FJii Dy«}*p«ia aiid ludigeatmo. t'KisS* at Dr'? COjUMERCIAL COILEGE. LOCATED OVER THE SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY DANK, BINGHAMTON, N. Si Booms open for instruction from 9 A. 31. to 9)a P. 3T. faculty, i D. W. "Lowell, Principal, Professor of the* Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant, author of LoweiTa Treatise upon Book Keeping, Diagrams Illustrating the same. Ac. John JlcCaw, Assistant professor iu the Book-Keeping- De jmrtmeni. A- J. 3> ah>eh 5 professor of Practical and Ornamental Pen maiiehjp, Commercial Calculations and Correspondence. Tr . _ LECTURERS. lion, Daxiel S. Djcewsok, lecturer on Commercial Law and Political Economy. Hoo Te.wher'a cuurec in Pbumausinp. practical and orna mental. - 30 00 Twelve in practical Penmanship - 2On clrt.-sey Mil! be foMied,in Phonography ■‘or further particulars *eml lor z ui cnJar. Binulmmpton. Sept, 8, 1*)59. 1 PIIISSEV & CO.. Publishers, Wholesale Booksellers, A.VD MSXCPACTURIXG ASD IMPORTING STATIOA'EIiS. .Vam, and 3 IVeit Genera Streets, - - _• Buffalo, S. y. liU American Publications supplied at Publish - bersnef Wholesale Prices to ike. T’U Ocm-ral-Catalogue, with Wholesale and Retail Price* u-.1l be foru.ir3e short Bu*ine«i Foun- of every day use in business, book-keeping, Ac., and introduc'd m logbook No. T—Cook of cot reel Ru-ines* Forms, embracing Due Bills, Receipts, Orders, Notes, Drafts, Set of Exchange, Ac counts Current, Account bales. Ledger Heading*, Letters ot introduction. Superscriptions, Ac. No. B—Ladk-” Bo *U. of approved modifications of the sys tem. deigned to impart a plain, rapid ami beautiful EnUto Hand. EXEKCISK BOOKS.—No. I—To accompany booh*. 1, 2. 3 and s - to’id't the pupil iu acquiring that tree use of the fing ers and fon’-ann e-s«*ntial to easy aud rapid execution of the touiractvd and estenfit-d letter*. No. 2—To be u*«d iu connection with tho higher numbers of the borlt-s tu gain command of the hand nj. the movement* reqtihed to execute tlio ad\aimed copies and business wriini" generally. 01 hEC‘)ND.—Spencer &’a Series of six Books, with same copies on opposite pages. TUlUl).—Extended Series of 10 Books, to wit; No§. 1, 2. 3, ‘4, Beginner a Churse. N’os. 5. a. 7, 8. 0, Progressive Coun-e* Non. 10, U, 12. Practice. Ladies’ Stylos. Retail price of all the above. 13 cents each. Compendium of Spencerian Penmanship, containing eixiv pages, and nioie then four hundred lines of bcivutUuVly en graved cnph*s. Hftail price per copy. Paper. $l. Cloth. $1 Cpon receipt id the retail prke in’stumps, any book named sb.ivc, w ill be forwarded as directed, nngiagft paid March 3d, 1559. * HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. 1 ~ A Bntcw.Uu. In^itulivn^-ttahlishrdlvspfici'i} iUUf', emlowmnit Jar the relief nf tht u(iun uiue «>f the sanm plan for th« on-mug year. The CoijsuJnjj.. Miisi-ou 13 nulhurizod to giro MEDICAL ADVIcK ‘JUATIfs to all who apply by leu- r vjth a description of their condi tion orcnpJition. lubif'-of !/le. &?.), ami in case.% of i\- ticoio FUUMSH MEDICIXEFUrIKOFCIIA.UGVh An admirable Import on" Spi-i nnf<>rrbrca. (> r r’em/jul Weakness. the* vice of Onanism. Masturbation, or selfabiiM*. arjJ other <>( the Sexual organ.-. liy the consulting Surgeon. iriUh" M*nt hymadon a ft d envelope;, KhlH*; OF CHAKGE,'»m receipt of TWO STAMPS for puetsure. Other Reports :md Tracts on the nature and treatment of jScxjml di-c-u«i*-. di-t. Ac., .m* con-tufuiy being puldHieJ tor gntfui tou* distribution, sin 1 will 1,0 s, ' ct to tho afflicted. s„ m .. 0 f the Mir i< medic* and method- of treatment discovered dur ing via* 1 i-t v< - ir ate* of gicHt*. Addie-', lot Ueport .-r treatment, Dr,J.SKILLIS norojf. TONi Acting Surgeon, Howard Association,No.2 South Ninth - tre» f t Philadelphia Pa. i* older of the Director-, . KZUA D. lIEAIITWELL, President. i*LO. FAinoiTild'. Secretary. Augu-t 4. IS.'S, ly. * * »EJV HIU,IH£R|' STGJKJB. Fall and Winter Goods. *oA *\fRS. W. BON'D, having returned from the Cirv a.tX of New York, informs tbe ladies of this riUngu and us vicinity, that ghc otfers for their infcpccotii,ti t \ Fashionable assortment of Millinery Goods, such aa LA I) IB S’ PATTEIiy lIATS AXD CAPS, Head-Dresses, Feathers; Ribboufr, Xaccs smd Flowers, Plain and Colored Sfratcs of cverp de'criptLm—all of which she will-sell at verv low figure*., (hr Cash only. Having bud many years?" experience iu tbe business, {•be feel- confident of gning satisfaction. Ladies will do well to call and examine ber stock. .Straw Hats, cleaned and altered to the latest fashion. Mmp on Main St., pext door to tbo old Fugle printing oSiec- H’ellsboro, Pa„ Oct. 13. 1859. CABINET qptßiqS WAKE HO O M < THE must re-peotfijU? announces that he has oo hand at the old stand, and for sale a Cheap Lot of Furuidird. comprising in part Dressing oW Common IJurcaus, SccrpUn'Jcs and 800 - Cases, Center, Card and Pier Table*, Dining and /ircakjasjj Tables, Marble-topped and Common Stand*. Cupboard*, Cotto/jr and other Bedsteads, frauds, ,S«. /a* and Chairs, Gilt and iloiftrood Mouldings for Picture Frames. •• ' ’ COFFIWS made to order oa short notice. A hearse will be famished if desired. S’- E. Turning and Sewing done to order. August 11, 1839. B. T. VASJIORS. JFUBS? PPHS! FVRSI FURS.— The subscriber has just received n largo assortment of Furs for ladies wear, consisting of I ITCH CAPES ,f VtCTORINES, FRENCH SA ttl.E CAPES rf- VICTOR INKS RIVER MINK CAPES <£■ MUFFS, ■ ROCK MARTIN CAPES • y a. p. QVICK. TERMS. FIRST. THE TIOGA COUKTY AGITATOE. ROBINSON’S BOOK STOBE, NEWS ROOM AND BOOK BINDERY, Corning, N. Y. SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY PAPER HANGINGS, AND FANCY AnnctES MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, MUSIC, GOLD-PENS, PIC TUBES, MAPS, ic, BOOKS BOUND IX ANT STYLE THAT .V,l Y BE DESIRED. JZ3T* Orders by Mail promptly attended to. E. E. ROBINSON. Corning, Oct. 20. NEW GOODS I WM. A. R O E & CO., Have junt received (heir Xcic Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS. Consisting in part of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING HATS £ GAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY & HARDWARE, GLASS & WOODEKWAHE, CARPETS, FLOOR & TABLE OIL CLOTHS, and in fact everything in the line of floods that is usually lce\it in a stove can be found at this establish ment. Purchasers w ill please cali and examine Goods and Prices before purchasing civ-'v.botv, and convince thoincelvc- that the place to hnv good and cheap Goods is at W. A. UOE A COV, ■Well-horn, Oct. 27. IS;>9. SPECIAL AKNOI’SCEiUEST, rnoit rttn Quaker City. Publishing House. 100,000 Catalogues. SEW, ENLAKRED AXH REVISER XOIV KEAPY for iiis-nui’.r'riox. Superior Inducements to tie Public, _ jSt~ A ne>v amt mre plan for obtaining GUI.U and r?IiA L'IMi'ATCffKF, ami other valuable Prizes.™ Fall p.ulicu.'urs guen in Catalogues, which will bo sent free to all upon a;.plication. Valuable Gifts, worth from fifty eta. toe!On, fil'Aß- A.VJ'EFD to each pat-chaser, ijit!mh Third Street, October 20. 2m. Philadelphia. Pa. KEW MILLINERY SHOP." PAI M.\A y5l ITU bus added to her largo Stock lately purchased from Mr-?. KIKU.'*ON, u tiesh assortment, direct fioui the City, of Bouucr«i, and Floncvs, Silks, Laces, Velvets Sc. IHaift and Colored Straw and Black Bonnets. Head- l>res?®£, i'uncy (Jood<. Etc. i'rom her knowledge of, and experience in the bu>i ness she believes herself able to give satisfaction to all who may favor her with their custom. The patronage of the Ladies ol Wyllsboro and vicinity respeotiulh’ solicited. HLEAcIIIN(x AND PIIKsSLXG dons iu a superior manner. .pun® .'5O, Oct. 20th. * p. iv. Kia^ SAHJ/L E AXU tfAKJCR[ WELLSBORO ST..TIOGA, PA. TAKE? thie method of informing the citizens of Tiog/i, and of the County generally, that he hag established himself at Tioga, where lie will manufac ture and keep on band for sale ft good slock of Saddles, Bridles, Heavy Harness, Carriage Harness of all kinds nierj can rely upon finding at ull times any article they may wish, and all Good* Warranted to bo as represented. SILKS. AND LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Latest Styles, arid adopted to every' variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to cull and examine be fore purchasing eUewhure, Baldwin, Lowell & Co., have always on hand a sea sonable and fashionable stock of READI-MADE CLOTH 1 KG, which will bo &old at the lowest CASH PRICES. -A L S 0- GROCER FES. CROCKERY. HARO WARE. GLASS. .s-rOXK. HOLLOW £ WOOPb’X WARE. [Roy, STEEL. XaIL.% OILS, PAIXTS d DYE.STITTS. dv. BOOTS JXD SHOT'S for Everybody. Ail h'nds of Country Produce taken in ex change for (Pools at the Market prices. Tioga. -May [2. ISIS). Tlflfil fIBIAET WIREIIOIISB. On S*., Tio^a. fIMIK wuuM inform the citi pfl JL /»:n? of Tioga, und the county genernl ly, [ie keeps conauviUlv on haod, for at Inw jh c-. //f (f A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF CABINET WABEi CHA IKS, &C. lucimUug Softs, Dirons, Ottomans, Center, Dining and Breakfast Tables. S '"s k!? ?*5 pTW A ‘ sk«? « feSw siA dkess and co.ii.uoji bureaus. WASH STANDS, COTTAGE, FAXCV AXJ) CO AIM OX -A-L-S^O' Common Spring Seat Chairs. AH kinds of Hooking Chairs. All articles in the above line mnileto order on short notice.* Those dowring to purchase jiroinvltorl to oinl examine for tbemacli'cs buforo piircha.-lng clis£- fll'we- J. W. PUTXA.K. Tioga. Angu-t 4. I^jO. ROT’S HEAVE POWDER. Tills MFDIL’IXIi is proved by experience to bo a sure cure tor Heaves jn the ejujy stages, and will Keep them back in die most advanced stages of this pretujent and dangerous (Useiusc. The owners of hordes arc here nlferc*) the moat valuable preparation of die kind ever pi educed and by Us timely use the lives of many valuable animals n,ay be saved. Give a horse two large tahlc-spoonfulJs every day ; Give but little hay, and when given it should be wet. /V aide ut Jtoi/b f)y,iy ,p i'huui'dl Store. Price 25 cents. ROY’S WiNE BITTERS. THIS article U highly approved lor weakness of the stomach, lots of appetite, Indigestion, D 3 .-pop-iii, had (jute in the numih. Headache, Dizziness, Liver complaint, Costivene.-s, Ac. To strengthen the stom ach and improve the appetite, take about a ful three or four times a day, in a little cold water half an hour before meals, Drive .*>o cU, per bottle. BALSAM TOLD.-— This Rafeam /* procured from, a tree which is found in South America. It- is a must valuable remedy for colds, coughs, and affections of the lungs. Price of UaliUm Xolu Cough UcUiedy, 50 cents’ per bottle. ‘ *" Magic Klvf.ino, H 5 cents per Bos lluSKY Salve. 25 cents* Asp haltkm Plater, 25 cents. Dr, Beach's Anti Billions Pills, 25 cents. Brr. Poison, 25 cents, Gkum.w It \r Killer, 25 cents. Exritut of Lkjujx, 20 cents. De .us’fiV Sanative Dncrs‘jso cents. Liyrii* Heave Hrurdv* 25 cents. MARRIAGE CHJTOE; ,i .\j; u r hook nr w/iltam toryn, m.d. ..r.i;, The secret clue to Courtship, Love aDtl Marriage? with the diseases inci dept to Vuuth, Maturity and Old Age— being lights and shades of Married Life, its Joys and Sorrows, Hopes, Fears and disappointments. Let all married peo pie, or fho-e contemplating marriage and having the least impediment to married life, road this book. Let every young man and woman in the land read this book. It is full ok Plates, and dis closes secrets that every one should know; a little knowledge at first may save a world of trouble in after life. Send Tor a copy (enclosing 25 cents) to DR. H r M. YOfXG. Xn. did &PRVCI: STRK4.T, piin.ADHLifirM. NTv. '. I>V». . $. C. & J. L. EOBESSON, Bare the pleasure of announcing to their customers and the public generally, that they are now receiving their stock of FILL m WINTER GOODS. CONSISTING IN PART OF DRESS GOODS. WHITE GOODS, STAPLE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES YANKEE NOTIONS GROCE R IE S HARDWARE STONEWARE READY MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHO.ES WOODENWARE AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OP ARTICLE REQUIRED B V THE PUBLIC CAN BE SECI’BED AT REASONABLE RATES A T THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN A S D W ELL ESTABLISHED ST AXD EVERYBODY KXOIVSTHE PLACE, first stoke south or COURT house. Dec. Id, ’3o —-May sth. JTete Drug Store. THE' UXDErSIoXED takes pleasure iu aunoiin cing to theyitUcas of MdDboroaud vicinity that ho has just opened a new Drugs Store iu t OSGOOD'S Hfaiu St., “there he has a complete assortment uf Drugs Sc Medicines, he will .-oil cheap for cash- Our Stock of Drugs i* complete, embracing every article ever called tbr. PATENT MEDICINES, Jayne's, Ayro'a, Helmbuld's, McLanu’s, Brant’s and other popular Medicines, together with IVistar’s Bal sam. Cod Liver Oil, Wolfs Aromatic Schnaps, Ac. CHOICE \VIXES AX D LIQUORS, for Medicinal and! Sacramental uses. Jlainfs $c ©tls. of the best quality Flavoring Eatrn.ts, Spices, licpp.-r, Salcratus, Soda, Candler, Soap, Burning Fluid, Campbene, Turpentine, Alcohol, And an innumerable variety of articles in common use. JST- Please call at the XEW BRUG STORE. P. R. WILLIAMS, Ag’t. Welisbnro, Mtifeb 10.[1859. CORNING- FIRE k LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE. BIGELOW A THOMPSON, AGENTS. AETXA FIRE IXSVRAXCE COMPANY Of llarMurd, Ct.—Capital $ 1,000.000. HARTVOUL ) EIRE IXSVRAXCE COMPANY.— Capital, SoOO.OOO. P A (EXIX FIRE IXSriiAXCE COMPAXY. Of Hartford. Ct.—Capital, 8130,000. PEOPLE'S PIPE IXSVRAXCE CO.VPAXY, Of Xcw York City-Capital 8150,000 NEW ENGLAND FIRE IXSVRAXCE CO. Of Jlnl'tfonl, Ct. $235,000. MAXII VrITAX PIBE INSURANCE CO. -Of Xe* Vork City,—Capital $200,000. MASS As OIT FIRE IXSURaSCE CO. Capital, $200,000. HOMESTEAJ) FIRE IXSURAXCE COMPANY. / - Capital. $1 jO,OOU SEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. / Accumulated Capital, $1,50Q;000. The .«uV)vfriWs are prepared to issue policies of }n fcuraiu-c on the most tuvoraMc terms in tbo above well known and reliable Stock Companies. Farm buildings injured for three years at rates as ovr ns any good companies. All losses nill be promptly adjusted and paid at this office. Applications-by mail will receive prompt at tention TOI. L. BIGELOW, Oct. n, 1850. • C- H. TUOiII’SON, p. j. Farrington, surveyor. 640,00 pays for a full course in the Iron City College, tha largest, most extensively patronized and best organ ized Commercial School iu the United States. 357 Studcm* .4(lending Pall]', march, 1559. Usual time to complete a full course, from C to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating, is guaran teed to bo competent to manage the Bueks of any business, and qualified to earn a salary of from , $5O O to $lOOO. Students enter at any time—Xo Vacation—Kevie* at pleasure. 5i ruEXrvus for best pekmak \ S JUV AWARDED IK 185 S. Sons- received nt half price. lor Circulars and Specimonsof Writing, inclose two totter stamps, and address F. W\ JEXKIXS, _ „ Pittsburg, Pa. Oct. 27. 1809. WCLLSBOISO FOIuYDRY -A-N-D Machine Shop AGAIN IN fIJI.L BBAST, Tj oh EH r \Ci i x ,; t i nte of the finu 0 f Tabor 1 1 I'iuiiß A- t'o.. Tioga, takes this method to in lurm ibo Public that he has leased the Foundry and Machine Shop, in tho ‘Village »t M eUsbnro, fora term of year. l ?, and hjxvJng- put Jt in £uod running order. i$ prepared to do all Kinds of work usually done nt siu*h an o*tabiith meut, m the manner and out of tb c be;t material* TWENTY TSARS EXPERIENCE ; llu 1)115 fw/lo'-ff tireoty yean.’experience in tho bu smoss ami will have the work, entrusted to him, done directly under hig supervision. So tcork ’'in he tent *ut htdj' rmiehed. - 31! L L-G €AK [ X(j S, PLOWS, STOVHS and castings of all kinds on hand and made In order, _May2S, ISsT. ROBERT TOI'XO. BICKIKSOS’S mill. KF.BV it before llie public, that the People's Humble Ser vant imi been - thoroughly hkpaihed. I ““ t hits also been NEW LOT OF MACHINERY, throu s l, Of the latest and best improvements of tl lo a.-e, ‘fk ,U ' V “■ ° rd “> d. and put hi fior %wSniHr Jfnii 1 * •n rcc ruu ,jC anil a patent Orain ttUwh u-jll sepanite an f uu i from tlu> cr.u,,. consequently tho hc*t of Work can ayd u ill bo done chant« aitd f.u*rn«*rs aro imited to try this Mill, and firsr MM r , k ;,r *1^ n \ n v‘ l l Uy J ' /£t7 -hi r . tfo S- V. V.-L , , , ;j ii(| j( - - & C ‘ CEO. PRisciTco Manufacturers, Buffalo, Sr’y WfIOLEstLE Dt-Poid: t>7 FuUoti st~CT~ . Chicago, Illinois. ’ ‘ * * • a,ii l H 5 mroiESAiE Jw.vr,«-n, lwl iT , Mass; «. F. Colburn. Cinnnnali. Of in ■ i";'"' 1 iav. Sc. bonis. J/o,: I*l.. p Werie'm, Men urVnT hemier, Toronto. C. W. 1 ,lu -> -ij ; \ I Prom the Hom« Journal. A\>ni r. Jn-- Tlk» ifelodeonf niafiufacctircU by '''' at 87 Fulton Street, are the best jjmV « - ({ them, and therefore * und«rMdij.j,.j.,n . f. k f —r-H They are afforded at a very modeiati c«-V tc “ '" Prices of PortaWc Instnmi^ Four octart Mexican, extenmu,; tc.m c., p*™* F.?tir and a half octavo .. r t i' ‘ Fire octave, “ .. f J |- - • • Vj, Five octave, double reed, *• •• ft u F* ' Organ Mclodeon.” ’ 1 " ' 1 Two Ijanka of Kcy-i Five S«*ts of if'.,;. f;,i. - an'i a half octavo Fort pciial-?, one 0 f •'* ladepcaJcut, - . . . . 1~5 l ~ 5 Prices of Piano Cased, Fho octave Melodcoa, extemirjg irom V t > y Six octuvo tio do i'*' Five octave double rood, do ' * V-v Five-octme, two Banks of Krns - - . ' Our facilities for mauuf.ictuMnc are p* rf y ' 5 Jong experience in the hu-im--. h.n n - },, , i i5 - a ''t: "«r Twenty-two thousand Mclode^T 1 conliiluDt ol gi.ins -ati-.lacui.tiTT aeon S "■ ; -!l Ail uf our m-uin/m tu r .\ fuji.-- . dealers 5n .my p - irt of the I’i.U.Kl itt-" ~r u', routed to he perfect in lv> ry rept t \ i h», s'.' u - ‘ be necessary fx-furc the » xpir.itmi . f .>t ; . u „',r* Vri of f'.ale we r-M K nmi w .hi;, V I a l ' ! siijjr free'of charge, prowduig the iuj,;.\ * n r ’ riUl y; ! accident or design. tu.o \\ HUNi/'rf 1 Hugh Tonng, Agent for Tioga Co. Agents lor the ..ale ot 0 »r M*l.hKoii- mu . the principal ulies and towns id tic 'Ui,s‘"V' oju-v [.huie ’-its, ly. “ ' sk “* ;i: The Great Rmh at tiii: FniE yesterday morxix,-, 4 - IVm. Roberts’ Tin Shop was caused by the anxiely of the jv,i; iC h ._,, a from harm his ' “ k “ rs large as» scpeuiob stock COOKING- STOVES, of which he has the largest auj be.»: as-jrtiEsnutfn LOWEST PRICES, ever brought into iL ; Jj.rgjj any time or by any person whatever, FOREST BELL, and HOter, two more Xo. 1, elevated oven?. LIVE-OAK, UIAWATI7A AS!) JUVOKR all elevated ovens, and warranted tc gde g.y.d faction. They will bo sold at le*s prices thiesvA slot oa can be bought fur elsewhere m Tioza O-untr. Also— ’ PARLOR STOVES, Self-Regulators, thioe sizes- Cast ir.>u sr-«\cs fer Par lors, a good assortment, and BOX STOVE; .fib* best patterns, lie is prepared to furnish TIX. a r d SHEET IROX WARE and STuVK ITPE. yv>tnyC,i as heretofore. Also EAVE i.* I'TIEKS. sul.jt unally made, to order. And he is now ready to furnish ani set, a new and valuable kind of KOK-FREKZIXG mjPS, Down's A Co. The.-e pamp? ?.r> war ranted to keep tree from ice iu all «a,uW,;. £itr» farmer should call, examine, jand if suite i, junhwe tLis* invaluable Pump. Call at the oM sjand, Main st below Bowen’a Suvr Srore. "\VelUl>oro» Sov. 17, ISJ.S. NEWGOODt; FALL & V» IXTEE Just received. and having bought my Silk lla*s s' tmaauaiif ( I atn enabled to «jive my cun -mcri the tese’T :f Lov*k at IbuiC ku«ro--. liett 6 1 5U Silk II u. City Fall mvlc red iced DSL Hast SI,UO Silk Hat, Citv Pail So 1c lei'icvi $2 50. ‘ $3 50 Hat warranted equal to tbc-se ustuil? i--i l * SASO. O/fl '(y/ Largest §tock of goods to select Iroiu e\cr br>nu, r ot P 1 v fcuC.c comprising nhnnst all styles and shapes known m i'oiv Vurk Jfarkot. STRAW GOODS closing out at 25 per ecru less lba*i 'Sot. Corning, £epr, J, ISSA -M- HALKEu CiOJIBTUIXu'XEW.—B. T. liAEiilll? BKI k? MEDICINAL PALEKATV.'. • _ *I? manufactured fnm common -. ASiMru produce* Br»aul. Bi.-cnit, wiel .ul k‘iv» >-t t.»* i (without runf.iining a pirildc of Mlcnu«i- 4 (the bread or cake is* baked; pr'^oi-U 1 - 7(Vnli«>)f*..won»«lN. Kvt-i v pjrtj< I* ''f.s-o-ra.u'i > :tnrii“d to gas and passe** thr-.u-h th" mviv-u. . _ •' 1 Biscuit while linking; ....use-pi* (mams butcomiuunsah.n.dci r *C‘ ’’ branded -B. T. Babbitt s Best Medi 'h-al ■ cO also, picture, tu feted louf of hr. ad. 1 ‘-'F,.. U {eßer\p-,c’ing water on the top \N h* n\ 11 l' ,jr 1 ‘ ,j AJrO one paper jou should (he " f ‘’.f.'At (ho Careful to get the next CNactfv like £ b«. .a _]iirand «s aitn\i-. , 70i Full directions for making Br» ad wift t ! ’ J ' ; Imtus and Sour Mdk or (Tf'iu’Varhu,> *'*Q pan.v each package; abe, dm*, n* n> : ,r n -‘'’ f all kind* of aK>. frr making u . and Seidlitz PywOeis, fiO MAKE TOOK OWN SOA” 1 . ... l ro' T TUE Subscriber has fast opened Jn ib'-f u ,, c . Hat and Cap Store. wbeicbc intend l,l tur© and keep on baud a large aod gcncf^ of Fashionable Silk and Cassiniero B a . of my own ipanufiK'ture, which will be ** times price*. ~ SILK HATS made to order on short notice* , wlt h aFreacs The Uats sold at this btore are . ‘ J 0 rrji Conformaluro, which makes them soli j» j lca j to head without tho trouble nf breaking! . TOU Jc break the iut. Store m the Xcw oVICK. Dickinson House. Corning* *Aug, 15, PEI) tuns wilt find it to tbcir o.lvunwp’ r i’"jJj Roy’s Drug Store, as lie has j u ' l rCU *‘1' f u ' rc : s \i -or THE GOLDE.X WEST, Elevated Oven. 1. THE ORWO MONARCH, Another superb elevated oscu. E, OW PRICES, Silk Hats from AVotil Hats ** Fur Huts “ ’ • Os i.. n v}. Men’s Capa from - 11,1 Buy’s Caps *• I* I jf. And all my goods at my usually low rut' • w.d TO HOtSEKEEPTBS' with „ , ,-.n } B. T. PVBCITT*« PCRfc C'>N-'FNT«'' 3 O' Warranted niuui.1 I ,' *■ ■ Ipiji up in can- —1 ft*.. - \ v ‘ *.* I —with full directions for n* ikirs: -l t o Soup Consumer-. ujll Mi.; tin-V',** 1 ‘ asli 111 market, Manufacture,)! au’os. r& uu.l 7ft, -v. V* \ > v [ June ft, ’sft. \y. and No, 3* livl'A -t • ‘ - KEIV HAT AXO CAP STOB& stmili rs