SCROFULA, OR KISO’S EVIL, is a conrtitutionaldi»ease,*corroption of the which this fluid bceom** vitiated, weak and poor. Being in the cir culation it pervade- the whole body, and may burst out in disease on nnv part of it. No organ is Ireo from it* attacks, nor is there one whrh it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is rariotwlv caused hy mercurial dlseuBo,lowUyiog,dis ordered or unhealthy fu-ri. impure air, filth and filthy habits, tb« deprrssins rfa-i, nod, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, decoding “from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation;” indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him v'ihi says. “I wilt vioit the Iniquities of the fathers upon their children.” Its effects commence by deposition from tho blood of cor* ■rapt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and in ternal organs. Is termed tubercles; In the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul corruption which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they have'far less power to withstand the attacks of other diseases; consequently, vast numbers perish hy disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal hy this taint In the system.. Most of the consumption which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this .scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people ore scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their health is un dermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must ren ovate the Mood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate It bv healthv food ami exercise. Such a medicine vc tupplv in ATER’S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla. the roost effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times tau devise for this everywhere prevailing and fatal lt is combined from the most active remedies that n*ye I‘ecn discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, and the" rescue of the system from its de structive consequence*. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not onlj scrofula. Ibut al«o those other affections which arise from it. such as Kruptivo and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony’s Fire. It.or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blums and Boil*. Tumora x Tetter and Salt Rheum, Solid Head, Ringworm. Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercu rial Diseases, Dropsy. Dyspepsia, Debility, and indeed all Complaints arising from vitiated or impure Blood. The pop ular belief in “impurity of the blood” la founded in truth, for Scrofula l« degeneration of the blood. Tho particular purpose und virtue >»f this Sarsaparilla is to purify and re generate this vital fluid, without which sound health n» im possible in contHiniu it»*d constitution'*. AVER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. FOll ALL HIE PURPOSES CF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so compos that disease within the range of their action can rarely with-1.«t.! or evade them. Their * penetrating properties search. and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human org-uu-m, correcting its diseased action, and it*> healthv- vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or ph\«- debility i> astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once ~o simple aud inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaintaibf every I*klv. but al-o many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent LiMon nam-i i- pleased to furnish gratis my American Alnianrc. cohtulning certificates of their cures and directions f«*r their u-cin thel-dlowingcumpUints: Co*thenesn. Heart burn. Headache aiding from disordered Stomach, Nausea, ludigc-tl'>u. Pain in the Morbid Inaction of tlie Rowels. Flatulency. of Appetite Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, ari-in: flora a low state of the body or obstruc tion of its function*. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL F*»K THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs , Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croitp, Brandt it U , Incipient Consumption, and for ihc relief of Consumptive Patients in ad vanced stages of ihc disease. So w id* i* tli**of u-'pfulnpprf and ao mtmeron« am the fiCiiv of its (up*-, that almost every section of country abound* in per-on- publicly known, who have been restore*! from .ilarimiiK and even desperate diseases of the lungs hy it? »<••. Wl|i a oii-'i' tried, its superiority over every other rnedinne of it- kind i* tiK) apparent to escape oh.-ervation, nod where it* virtues arc known, the public no longer best tit* what antidote to employ for the distressing and dnnger «uj- athvuon* of the pulmonary organs that arc incident to our < limate. While man) inferior remedies tltru-t upon th«* r iii’minsn have 1.u1e.l an 1 been di-carded this litis gained Inendj. !>\ e%.ny in il.conferred benefits on the atllieted they •:an nomr forget. iin-I produced iuro too numerous and too r**mnrt:ahle to he f. rgotten. nthrAHKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer, & Co. LOWELL, MASS. \!l our an' for by C. A J. L. ROBINSON- WclUboru*, ;m>nuiining ft particle of Salerutus ™hen| jtlje bread nr cake is baked; thereby producing wholes-nie results. Every particle of SKlemtus i« Jturned to gns and pauses throngh the TJmul or Biscuit while Baking; con*e«pjontly nothing re j linin'* bid common salt, water anil flour. Yon vill (readily pi nviv- liy the tm*te of this fcaleratus that lit is entirely ditfetcnt from other J'.il* ratu«. (SSI * s P a, ‘ ky, l in ono pound papers, each « rapper brand'-d *1». T. Babbitt's Best Medicinal Saleralus,’ jalsm picture, twisted loaf of bread, with a glass of; ieiTenes-ing w iter on the top. When you purcluse AN ' 3 !«uie paper yon should preserve the wrapper, and Ihe c ir-ful to uot the next exactly like the hrot— • brand as above. Ol Full directions for making Bread with this Sale jratus and Sour Milk or Cream Tartar, will accom pany curb package; also, directions for making all kind* of Pa-trj ; also, for making Soda water md Scidbt£ i*o\\tiers. «H MAKE TOCS OWN SOAP WJ7JJ , T 1 T. n%uriTT*s Pure Concf.ntrvttd Port'if. ; \\ arnuifcU dm:Methe strength of ordinary Potash:, j«»it up in <• uv—l tb.. 2 Ihs , 3 th*. G lb*, and 12 U>i I —with full dilutions for making Haul and Soft 1 |S««ap. Consumers will find this tin* cheapest Pol *aah m ataik'H. Manufactured and for ‘•ah' hv 1 B. T. BABBITT, No*, fiS and 70, Washington et , New York, 1 Juno 0. WJ. I\. and No. 38 India at.. Boston. '-AM* XKW GOODS. FALL & AVINTEE Just received, mid having bought my Silk Hats at unusually LOW PRICES, I am enabled to give my customers the benefit of it. Look at these Cgmcs: licst $1,50 Silk Hat, City Fall Style reduced to $3 50. 13cH $l,OO Silk Hat, City Fall Stylo reduced to $2 50, $3 50 Hat warranted equal to those usuallr sold at $4 50. Silk lint.** from Wool lint? " l'*ur lints 44 Men's Caps ft om Hoy's Caps 44 Ami all in v goods at nay usually loir rales, and the Largest Stock of goods to select from ever brought to Steuben Co.. romprising almost all styles aud shapes known in the New York Market. STRAW GOODp closing out at 25 per cent loss than cost. Coming, Sept. 1,-1859. WM. WALKER. NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. riYIIE Subscriber has just opened in this place a now i Hal and Cap Store, wljere he intends to tuanufac t ire and keep on hand a large and general assortment of 1 Fashionable Silk and Cassimcrc Hats, of my own manufacture, which will be sold at hard times prices. SILK HATS marie to order on Mmrt notice. The Hats sold at this Store are fitted with a French t'onformature, which makes them soft and ease to the head without the trouble of breaking your head to break the hat. Store in the New Block opposite the Dickinson House. S. P. QUICK. Corning, Aug. la, 1859. 1859. JKEW DIRECTORY. 1800. PARTICULAR attention is called to the fact that the subscriber will issue as soon ns the necessary information can be collected a FULL general Directory of Etinlr;i, with a complete BUSINESS DIRECTORY of Che mung County. No pain?'or expense will be spared to make this the reliable work-of tne kind ever issued. It will also contain the State, County and town offi rors with their salaries, Courts, time and place of >U tm*. incorporated companies, churches, drc. Merchants and others wishing to bring their bus% rcss before the public will had this a very doi.ira.ble medium, a« it will have a large circulation throughout the County. Subscription prioo Si 00. Advertisements inserted on liberal terras end in a conspicuous style. \YM. H. BOYD, Directory Publisher, 346 A 345, Broadway, U.Y. August 6. 1859. WANTED. 000 Marlin, Fox, Raccoon and Skunk Skins, for which the highest New York market prices will be paid 5q cash at the Hat Store in Corning opposite the Dickinson House. Nov. 10, I*so. g. p. QUICK, 'O/^Z COMTIERCIAL COLLEGE. LOCATED OVER THE SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY BANE, BINGHAMTON, N. 7. Rooms open for instruction from 9 A. 51. to 9% P. 51. D- W. Lowell, Principal, Professor of the Scienceof Accounts, Practical Accountant, author of Lowell's Treatise upon Book Keeping, Diagrams illustrating the same; 4c. Joi?n McCuje, Assistant Professor in the Book-Keeping Do partmeni. L A J. Warner, Professor of Practical and Ornamental Pen manship, Commercial Calculations and Correspondence. lion. Daniel S. Dickinson, Lecturer on Commercial Law and Political Economy. Hon. Ransom Bua’ov, Lecturer on Contracts, Prommiseary Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTEE. Hon.Shermin D. Phelps, Wm. R. Osborn, Esq. Tract R. Morgan, Esq. Young Men in this Institution will be fully qualified fur the actual business of tho counting room. Tho course of Instruction comprises every department of bnsluoN*. The learner will be thoroughly taught tho science and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz;-—General Merchandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commission, Steamboatlug, Rail roading, Forwarding, Freighting. Foreign Shipping, Ac. Ladies Department entirely separate from that of the gen tlemen. Students can enter College at any time and receive indi vidual instruction. Jty this arrangement every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprise and ability will permit, and when thoroughly perfect and competent, will receive a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure, , For Book-Keeping, full accountant's course, Including Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computations and Diplo- ma ,k and dis tressed, afflict**! icdh Virulent aud Epidemic diseases. - The Director* of this well known Institution in their An* Dual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attbnded the labor* of their fcurgeon* in the cure of Spermatorrhoea. Semlutil Weakness. Impotence, Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Syphilis, the uic of Onanism, or Self-abuse, &c„ and order a continu ance of the same plan for t he m-iiing year. The Consulting Surgeon is authorized to gl\e MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter with a description of their condi tion (age, occupation, habile of Hie, Ac.), and in cases of ex treme poverty, to FURNISH 3IEDfCIN£ FREE OF CHARGE. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakne**, the vice of Onanism, Masturlmtion, or self abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope), FREE OF CilAlU?£)i>n ieceipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual dhea«e*, diet. Ac., are constantly being published lor gratui tous distribution, and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and method* of treatment discovered dur ing the la-»l jear are of great value. AddreM. for Report or treatment, Dr. J. SKILLTN HOUGH TON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia) Pa. 4 £ to $3 50. 3s to 2 00. 6.* to fi 00. 20s to 2 010. Is to I 50, Bv order of the Director/*, , EZRA D. HEAKTWELL, President. GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary. August 4, 1559, ly NEW HILLINERT STORE. Pall and Winter Goods. "t£& MRS, W. BOND, having returned from the City of Now York, informs the ladies of this village and its vicinity, that sho oilers for their inspection, a Fashionable assortment of Millinerv Goods, such as LADIES' FATTERX HATS AND CAPS, Head-Dresses, Feathers; Ribbon*, Laces aud Flowers. Plain and Colored Straws of cverp description—nil of which she will sell at very Inw figures, for Cash only. Having hud many years’ experience in the business, she feels confident of giving satisfaction. Ladies will do well to call and examine her stuck. Straw Ilais, denned and altered to the latest fashion. Shop on Main St., next door to the old Eagle printing office. IVellsboro, Pn„ Oct. 13, 1859. CABINET WARE ROOM. THE Subscriber most respectfully announces that he has on hand at the old stand, uud for sale a Cheap Lot of Furniture. comprising in part Dressing and Cummon Bureaus, Secretaries and Booh Casco, Center, Card and Pier Tables, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Marble-topped and Common Stands, Cupboards, Cottage and other Bedsteads, Stands, So fas and Chairs, Gilt and lioseirood Mouldings for Picture frames. COFFINS made to order on abort notice. A besn-e will be'famished if desired. . K. B. Taming and Sawing done to order. August 11, 1553. S. 1. VAKHOBir. furs:' furs: furs: FURS. —The subscriber baa just received a large assortment of Furs for ladies wear, consisting of men CAPES BLEACH IN G AND PRESSING done inn superior manner. [Juno 30. Oct, 20th. F. W. KRISE, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, WELLBBORO ST., TICKS A, VA. rpUKES this method of informing the citizens of I Tioga, and of tho County generally, that he has established himself at Tioga, where be will manufac ture and keep on hand for sale a good stock of Saddles. Bridles, Heavy Harness, Carriage Harness of all kinds Ac. Also Hames, Halters, VThips, Traces, Collars Ac. All work warranted. Repairing done on shore notice. Tioga, Sept. 1,1859. —1 y. CAPS. —A large and well selected assortment of Caps-of every shape, color and quality from 2s. to 12s. I have the largest stock of these Goods ever brought into this County, and they will be sold cheap in the Now Block opposite the Dickinson House, Cor ning, N. V. Aug. 25. QUICK, Batter. EVANS & WATSON’S SALAMANDER SAFES. ; jfjmj: ’I 304 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. TRIUMPH! PiiiLADEi.i-niA, Sept. 29, 1859. To the President of the Penutyhauia Agricultural Society .—The subscribers, your committee to examine the contents of a Salamander Safe of Evans & Watson, after being exposed to a strong fire on the Fair Grounds for eight hours, respectfully represent - That after seven cords of oak wood and throe of pine had been consumed around the Safe, it was open ed in the presence of tho committee, and the contents token out, a little warmed, but not even scorched. Several Silver Medals heretofore received by the manufacturers,! and a largo quantity of documents were in tho Safe, and came out encirely uninjured. The experiment satisfied us of the capacity of Safes of this kind to protect contents from any fire to which they may be exposed. The Committee award a Diploma and Silver Medal. Geo. W. Woodward, Jons W. Geary, J. P. Rutherford, Alfred S. Gilley*. STILL ANOTHER. Wilmington, Del., Sept, 17,, 1859.—Messrs. Evans and Watson, Philadelphia. Oenthmen: The Salamander Fire-Proof Safe of your manufacture, purchased by us from your Agent, Ferris A Garrett, of our city, some nine months ago, was severely tried by burglars last Saturday night, and although they had a sledge hammer, cold chisels, drill, and gunpowder, they did not succeed in opening the Safe. The lock being one of Hall’s Patent Pow der-proof,” they could not get the powder into it, but drilled a hole in the lower panel and forced in a large charge, which was ignited, and although the door, in side and out, showed tho explosion not to have been a small one, it was not forced open. We suppose they were the greater part of tho night at work on it. We arc much gratified at the result of the attempt to enter U, and if the above facts are of any 'ervice, you are at liberty to use them. Yours, truly, BAYNARD & jpSES. GREAT FIRE !—ANOTHER TRIUMPH. Knoxville, Tenessee, March 13th, 1859.-*—Messrs. Evans A Watson, Philadelphia: Gentlemen : It affords me groat pleasure to say to vou that the Salamander Safe, which I purchased of you in February, 1858, proved to be what you recom mended it—a sure protection from fire. My store house together with several others, was burned to the ground in March last. The Safe fell through into the cellar, and was exposed to intense heat for six or eight hours, and when it was taken from the ruins and opened, all its contents were found to bo in a perfect state, the books and papers not being injured in the least. I can cheerfully recommend your Safes to the community, believing as I do. that they are as near fire-proof as it is possible for any Safe to be made. ' THOMAS J- POWELL. large assortment of the above SAFES al ways on hand, at 304 Chestnut street, (Into 24 South Fourth st. Philadelphia. ' I)cc. 22, 1859. BALDWIN, LOWELL & CO, Tioga Village, Pa., Have just received a large and carefully selected assortment of SPRING GOODS, Consisting in part «*f STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. and arc prepared to furnish them at as reasonable rate? as they cun bo bought in any other market. ” Customers can re!y upon finding at all times any article they may wish, and all Goods warranted to be as represented. SILKS, AND LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere, Baldwin, Lowell & Co„ have always on hand n sea sonable and fashionable stock of ; READY-MADE CLOTHING, which will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. -A L S O GROCERIES. CHOCK Eli ITMtI) WARE, GLASS, STONE, HOLLOW .f- WOODEN ' WARE , IRON, STEEL. SAILS, OILS, PAINTS £ DYE-STUFFS, dc. BOOTS AND SHOES for Everybody. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change for Gouda at the Market prices. _ Tioga, May 12. 1549. TIOGA CABINET WAREHOUSE. On Wellsboro St., Tioga. ' rpilE uudersignci) would inform the citi- Rsbl JL 7.ons of Tioga, and the county gcncral lluL| lv. that ho keeps cun&tantly on hand, for at low price®, ( A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CABINET WARE CHAIRS, AC. Including Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, Center, Dining and Breakfast Tables. DRESS AND COMMON BUREAUS. WASH STANDS, COTTAGE, FAXCY AXE COMiIOX -A-L-S-O- Common VTl'J”!;'l''- (1 T ™ ln,t * aro hereby notified * MIH h»4 ju«t been repaired, and put in per- Wralr’, t ,l' rCO mn of " l “" a “id a fUmt Grain seed from tho grain, consequently tho best of work can and will bo done. Mot- J**! 1 ®tf7 J \ ers are inT| ted to ’try this Mill, and finer rate work, will h«* WHrranted by j. Q. KKLLY, M.unfirM. Aui*u«c.Ui. lsr.o. Milby. B. CatU paid f..i nil kin-Ii of dr.itn sit thv Mill. lIYIPI iNT MELOB Ea „„ The oldest Establishment in >he Units Employing Ttco Hundred Men, and i* ishing Eighty Instruments per (Tad Combining all their recent Hut,rov cm , r Kk - Organ Melodeon.ic. «5-Tbe Di> .IJcTe. obtained in Melodcona of onr manufacture w l> GEO. PRINCE & co Manufactnrers, Buffalo, ij!’y TTholesale Depots: S 7 Fnltoa StL N Y~„ i „ Chicago, Illinois. ’ iI “ J Ho m, WHOLESALE ACEXTS-KnvA k Mass; W. F. Colburu, Cincinnati, ilhm- StLoui.J/o.; fh f, w o r , w"7* i ' t >l4 heimer, Toronto, C. W. 03 ’ 42 s, From the Home Journal, April 3, The Mclodeons manufactured by prince * r " At S 7 Fulton -Stiftt, are the best i u the them,and therefore speak UDdorsiandin-iv of tt.l, They are afforded at a very moderate coat e r Cfr Prices of Portable Instruments Four octave Melodeon, extending from C to (’ Four and a half octave •* » cto k ' ’ Five octave, “ k yto F ' ' & Fire octave, doable'reed, ,s “ y lo y’ * * TS Organ Melodeon. Two banks of Keys, Five Seta of Reeds s , and a half octave Port pedals, one a»*t uf rLi, 6 ,„ to Independent, ..... Pedal Bi Prices of Piano Cased. * 3i#l Five octave Melodeon, extending from F m y Six octave do do F to p .* ' Five octavo double reed, do y j., y' ’ Fire octavo, two Banks of Keys • . 15« m Our facilities for manufacturing ,ire rirf -ct a ri i r long experience in the business, h r s ,i« i dealers in any part of the United States i.-VV ados. [June 23,1559. ly. awC; yVLL LENGTH STEEL ENGRAVE -OK WASHINGTON & EVERETT, Including a view of Mount Vernon, in tbo engraving of Washington. The— splendid are from original painting* by and dr« ivtAvn steel in the highest style of Art. They are radi | t , es, each containing six square feet, nun* u.r.- qL aide pictures have been palmed upon the public as art—and especially in cheap black and muddy that it is difficult to cumineo persons uf ta?t<- that t‘,» safe in ordering what they have not first Men \\. 'in, paid the first artists {heir nan prints. amountm; t« nai thousand dollars, to produce engravings really b-aumci.* well as the best portraits, and-tlm diall U -pi r.did ~rn: menu to any parlor. that can I* reh'd-.c £s'Tbe editor of tho X. Y. Obstrcrr odj*:—■ Th-.—; ecc vlngs are genuine works of art—tlu The portrait of Everett will takepri-ioleiuf nil” £3“Thc New York Christian Aihuc.ite >jjr —-fi,. r i.- Rinoug the linc'st engraving- w u li.ivi- t-\rr -lirKt|frem thei respective publication olhces. The cost ul the eneranas ie paid only by the difference beiwten the I'.Vjyt wWmsl and the regular price of the Magazines. 'v Engraving* sent at once, and sub*. npti'n* cals cnmniene'* with current i-Me*. un’ - orl r-1 Money at our ri-»k if proof is it tamed ol ! l*'*u mil-x First are best, thcr fore -end e.irb. A«l>ire?» u. U. EAILEY A 0> (At Wm. Hall & Son's Music Store.i Hr idwaj. Doc.l, l»)t. New \-rk T %e Great Rush AT THE FIRE YESTERDAY M'IUNINb -V Win. Robcrlfr’ Tin Shop was caused by the anxiety of the public to sscur from harm his LAROE AND SUPERIOR STOC] -or COOKING- STOVES, of which he has the largest and best a.v'urtaicntat tl LOWEST PRICES, c\er brought into tin; Her", j any time or by any person whatever. THE GOLDEX WEST, Elevated Oven, N’o. I. THE GRAND MONARCH, Another superb elevated oven. FOREST BELL, ami HENTER. two more elevated ovens. Regies live-oak, ifia irj tha as drawee, all elevated o|*ens, and warranted to jri'c gm'd sati*- faction. They will be sold at K.-a prices thau-*u’-'u stoves can be bought for elsewhere in Hog* l ’-ountj Also— PARLOR STOVES, Self-Regulator.-, three sizca. Cast mm format lors, a good assortment, and I> (| X 1 ‘ best pattern?, Ho is prepared t»* furni/u TI. SHEET IRON WAKE and STnVK PITK. pr-aipf*. as heretofore. Also EAVK G I ITERS, sub.-unrau. made, to order. And he is now ready to farnu** 101 set, u new and valuable of JS'OX-FUk f,zisir rniv. s Down’s A Co. Manufacturers. These pump.- ari !/ ar ranted to keep free from ice in all n calker.-. / farmer should call, examine, and if suited, pun. this invaluable Pump. Call fit the old ttdnd, Mam si., ‘ below Bowen's New Store. V M. lllbhi We l,w bjro, Nov. IT, 1859. J _ _ Hlaiibllclcl Classical Seminar)• MANSFIELD. PA. THIS INSTITUTION is located at ‘ oga Co. Pa,, on thh lino of the Us location is not surpass! Im* azn “ ecl: ‘‘ a^ s , ej State, in beauty of scenery, kcaltlifuincs? 1 ‘ c “ ami morals of *.ociety. r-.j The building is of brick—lsl feet fi'ir.t. stories high. It will be completed "J fl:: Boarding and Dormitories for the indents at - mencement of the winter term. _ . , Good board in private families, and y\, ]!e!l who board thcm.-elves can be had at ibel-^ 1 - T UJi Tlic Seminary is under the care q ~meb dretli. A. M., Principal,'and Miss Ju’ia • | Preceptress, aided by a competent fibiT' The course of study will embrace ill l' ra *^ Qr . e f y f in similar institutions. A Graduating Voting ladies will be formed and diplunu j X’articuTar attention will be given to stag ing to tench. CALENDAK- . fc: "Winter Term commences Nov. 23; clo:es Spring “ “ March 24; c!oa« JuC ', EXPENSES, icino.v, pi;k tehji or rorr.ri.i.> Common English branches - * 1 Higher English branches - *. -51) Languages and higher Mathematic- J Instrumental Music - ,y ,iq Use of Instrument - - * t Drawing L - - » J«» Painting - , - . - - 4 00 “ Incidentals, 25 cents. c,r-at.J yZjsT'Tuitiou'bills are required to b 0 a dcu llt . factorily arranged before the students can ta< to recitations. For further particular principal. S. B. KLLl nT V- 0 ’ W. C. It IP LEV, te-/y. L l>cc '