1 1K AO ITATOII. PENN A. | warsdav Morals, Feb. 9, 1860. must be patient if their oom ong ar e doUjed for a sbcuptftime. f ’’fs'’and ‘*J- M-" will appear nest week. and the extra work 'Tut upon Court week, must be the apology for lek o f editorial matter in this week’s papjr. I’"* Aid Society in connection with Tcbvterton Church, meets at Colton's Camp, on ef k ( 0 n Wednesday of this week. * that a Singing Convention will T&t TioS a > commencing on the 2Sth inst, under direction of Prof* Barber, assisted by Prof Hagar. & :so3S attending the Convention will be kept free Urge- Particulars in our Delt * Fire-— Wo learn that ! the hotel of Kathan ‘ u iu Liberty township, was entirely consumed by f ' 3 on Tuesday evening of last week. We have re- Td oo information as to the origin of the fire,— :; !oia ff as nearly covered by insurance. Wc are in receipt of Qodey for February 1860. r remarkable number, large amount ''"choke reading matter, and sixty-one engravings. fond °f c h° ice reading and wishing to have a Jtulle periodical should at once subscribe for Go ](r'i sw* We have received, too late for insertion this J&m advertisement of the "Cedar Run Hotel," D. fjh proprietor- We can cheerfully recommend Mx‘. p -h'to l ' je P uJ: ‘' lc > as an a g and attentive land ,bis house as possessing all the requirements found in more favored localities. pS~ J* Emery delivered the 2d lecture of the New ftr« at the Court ouee > on Monday evening, to I .*.j] iK«ie. The subject of the lecture was “Home/' ,^ ere not present, but from the many commenda- we b-re heard bestowed upon It should Judge it ,tj T 0 f a extended publicity. tV. 11. Davis of Elmira, gave'an enter- tlae Court House on Monday and Tuesday pfcin:? ei la«t week, of dramatic recitations, etc.— Vj Davis is as elocutionist -of no little reputation, gjjjjs ihe ability to get Ibroegb -a difficult* passage vihout sacrificing tire author's idea to a torrent of ijaai He gave general satisfaction. r£* Americas Stock Journal.—We hate the iniXnmberfor 1860. Its -contents commends it to ikrtlention of every former and stock-grower, as it a devoted to tho improvement of domestic animals.— iis published monthly at 25 Park Ilew, New York, t cae dollar per year j and each number contains 32 irss octuvo pages, handsomely illustrated. The cn psnsgs cf the Improved Kentucky Sheep and other jjiaals, in tlic number before us, arc well worth the B&scnption price. Caution. —Everybody will remember the en .Kuruiog swindling firm of C. E. T*dd A Co., Jewel !rj Fanciers, Ac., which flourished about two years in the City of New York. Well, there is anoth !efirm —‘‘Angle A Co." fe-ita name—also in the same and in the same city. Last Summer were* M.»ed a “fat advertisement” from them, but as we ria’tlikc their stylo wo enclosed their letter to May s'litman of New York, who sent an officer to their iiL-ess, but that functionary failed to find them “at : Tie." On this hint, as Othello says, we refused to ;«i*4 their angular advertisement, and we only refer „ ;c now because wo find it In some of our exchanges; cl also to caution oar readers against such geomcU c*j! swindlers.. psr Fuik, ani> Loss or 'LI jt— VV e are indebted ■ a correspondent for the following particulars of a .•eat Iroy, I’a., and the death of a young man in the Mr.. Yoi.vc; The people of Troy were aroused from litir slumbers this morning at about balfpasl 3 o’clock [ijlbe crj of "Fire," which was found to proceed from | n building occupied by Mr. Hackett. A vigorous [iLrt was made by those who arrived first at the scene |d Mr. Hackett and wife were rescued from the .immg building, having received but little injury. — It mo chamber was sleeping a young man by .the unco: Henry Moore, of Williamsport, who was ris . meg at Mr. Hackett's; but nil attempts to save him *:n fruitksa, a** the chamber could not be reached, ui the roof fell in. immediately. Mr. Mooro was a' "ting man of about 22 years of age and was highly rupseted. The origin of the fire is unknown, leb. 4, 1860. J. D. Ruwsev. At the election held in this place on Friday, ‘■as.fullomag officers were elected t beilsboro,— Hargett, L. Bache; Council, Robert ,Young and S. R. Smith; Constable, C. S. Field, Director*, R. C. Simpson and Jno. Alexander; hty, Josiah Emery; Inspector*, A. Q. Sturrock and Arise Foley; Assessor, A. Howland; Auditor, A, L. : Poor Matter*, C. G .Osgood a*d D. P. E&berls. The ticket nominated at the Republican Caucus elected entire (with the exception -of Hugh Totmg) ui with Unt Utile opposition—that of the Democratic tdt: and independent candidates of the Republicans* the candidates in opposition to the regular nomi were J. R. Bowen and Abel Strait for Poor fwfers. t'elnar.— Justice, J. D, Houghton ; Constable, Si ■y Johnson; Supervisor*, Ww. English and R. Reed JSC Concert. —The Concert of the Welltboro Phil h-Taonic Club came off at tbs Presbyterian Church, n Tuesday evening, and if wo can judge by the unan voice of the largo amiienco jn attendance, it •«« decided success. The Club baa been organized ‘-’3 short time, and many of it? members are begin *•*> but they displayed a creditable proficiency.— lS * tnubic was all well chosen, and some of the Quar •‘■-U and Duetts were particularly fine. Wo wish wc ' is /pact to apeak more particularly ol some pieces, l all were well done, comparisons would bo un-- 1 ( Ikmcert was ably aided by Prof. Barber aud Emily M. Garretson. Miss Garretson accompa the pieces upon tho piano, and for her excol execution of the Minne-ba-ba Polka was loudly l ':’’-dcd. , ’* r * Barber we have had occasion to speak be ‘ still hold the opinion that" he has few su as a teacher, and (hat the Club would do well, ’ •scare, if possible, bis farther services.' He has a knowledge of bis profession as a teacher of *^‘ c ’ hi« style of singing in which the sense of la apparent a« well as the sound, is one that • voold rccofflniem]. Jfr. B. sang a number of b«I - were well received. Another Concert was ea 0Q Wednesday evening of which we cannot M * e go to press this (Wednesday) morning. LA(lnilui„trutor’s Notice. f iKHS of Administration having boon granted i va^cra is Be d upon iho estate of LEVI v,„'. * a ‘° Delmar, dec’J., all persons indebted **suT ate * re rc( l u ®#tod to make immediate pay .j having claims against the same will ' ect vhem * JOHN B. HARDY ) Admr . 11VSSEL LAWTON \ A " 1860,* ■iSsw, J«n. j: ' T j.~ T '^ u, *iil»trator T » police. I . OP Administration were granted - El ji, er si lcTze bot , r=; :eU C.I S-y/i Drug Uor». STATEMENT Of the Receipts and Expenditures at ike Trtas~ ury of Tioga County far the year 1859. RECEIPTS. Roo'd from Collectors of Seated Tax, $12814 04 ** on seated lands returned to Com'rs. 17 38 “ “ redemption of seated lands 41 38 “ “ Judgments and notes 362 18 “ " sale of office doors 5 00 EXPEND ITCEES. Amount paid D. 0. Stevens, late Com’er $ll5 00 “ John James * IX7 44 '• L. D. Seeley 209 80 AUDITORS. Paid C, F. Veil and others for the year *5B $92 81 “ “ “ *59 62 37 ** J- Emory, auditing ac’ct of Proth’ry Ac 24 00 coxhissioker’s counsel. Paid James Lowrey “ Jno. W. Guernsey s7s 00 Paid Commissioner's Clerk, A. J. Sofield $5OO 00 “ Traverse Jurors, O. B. Lowell A others $2713 50 " Grand Jurors, C. A. Clark and others ‘ $722 00 ** Constables and Tip Staves, X>. B. Clos- son and others $393 27 u Crier, T. P. Wingate, $llB 00 “ Justices, Lyman Peach and others 74 56 “ Assessors, Alonzo Lee and others 425 50 “ Printing, Hugh Young AR. Jenkins 98 00 u Elections, David Rexford and others 1035 23 “ Commonwealth Costs, C, F. Veil A others 1021 C 2 New Bridges . “ Joseph "Weaver, at Long Run 25 00 “ John Howland “ Knoxville 750 00 tf C. F. MUier “ Hoaghtj’a Mill 400 00 51175 00 **Visirid Attorney. “ B. B. Strang “ Henry Allen Bounty on Wild Cats, “ Tbos. Videos and others Bridge Repairs. John A. Smith, at Beecher's Island 32 00 “ S, B. Hathaway, Berry’s Bridge, Tioga, 25 00 " J. Armstrong ct al Westbrook bridge, in Middlebury Al V 5 “ Amos Bixby, at Lamb’s Creek 246 70 “ Geo. Gaylord, at Blossburg '145 50 “ Clark Slosson et al at Lawrenceviile 1 56 05 “ Silas Allis, at Elk Bun “ C. Crandall, at Beecher’s Island “ John Tubbs, at Osceola “ H. Campbell, at Blackwell’s Court House and Jail Repairs , “ H. S. Cook and others Prisoners, “ John Mathers, for board Ac. *• S. I. Power for carrying prisoners to Penitentiary 32413 “ R. H. Archer, fur Medical attendance 11 00 “ W. W. Webb “ “ I 00 ** Nelson Packer “ “ , 100 “ Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital 202 01 51440 49 Stationery. “ Andrus Gauntlet A Co., and others 52 67 Incidental. “ Jno. James for distributing dup. Ac. 54 93 « F. Smith, express charge oa blank books, 75 “J. F. Donaldson, “ ** 350 ss9 23 Sheriff's Fees. “ 6.1. Power Merchandise. “ C. A J. L. Robinson, and others, 57 63 Fences. “ G. S. Cook Damage to Improvements. Paid Paid Samuel Sykes $lO 00 Samuel Hszlett $3O 00 Isaac Lownsbury 50 00 Goo. W. Phelps 10 00 Royal Havens 10 00 D. F. Gardner 400 Solomon Smith 30 00 S. S. Ramsey 20 00 Krastus Niles 25 00 Harvey Cleaveland 35 00 H. Fellows 500 W. AW. J. French 20 00 Daniel Williams SCO M. A Wm. French 25 00 Total ----- $299 00 Money Refunded, Paid S. S. Johnson 79 “ Jacob Hartman i “ H. S. Horton 3 04 1 44 11. Wilraot 18 •• J. F. Donaldson 22 14 “ Anson Holmes 315 •* Puelps DuJcc & Co. ’ 22 48 s7l 17 44 Clerk of Sessions, Johu F. Donaldson, $6BO 96 “ Prothonotary, J. F. Donaldson 39 58 44 Postage, I. D. Richards 348 Conner's Inquests. 44 Z. Mallory and others, body of unknown child - $l5 87 44 Joel Rose, body of John Smith. 17 02 44 L. P. Hoyt “ William Howe 11 87 “ I. M. Dodiue Jno. Mahony 14 24 4 ' Jno. James, 44 Jno. o‘Dea 13 43 s72 48 44 Agricultural Societies, Tioga County Ag ricultural Society $lOO 00 14 Wood House repairs, H. S. Cook et al., 2 50 41 Ruud views, Henry Allen and others 671 50 “ Bridge Views, D. G. Stevens and others 197 20 44 County Lines, Richard Childs, 6 00 44 Township Lines, David Hcise et al 79 00 44 Late Treasurer, O. H. Blanchard, balsnco due as per Auditor’s settlement for year 1857 34*91 44 Treasurer's Commission, O. F. Taylor, on $14208,62 at 3 per cent 42S 06 $15720 66 D, G. STEVEXS, Commissioner in account with Ti oga C#unty DR* To County Orders $ll5 00 Balance due accountant 1* 25 sl3o 25 Balance due accountant January 1859 611 G 7 By fifty-five days service at $2 per day HO 00 “ 11J miles direct travel 8 58 sl3o 25 L. D. SESLEV, Commissioner, in account with Tioga County ‘ < DK* To County Orders *-209 80 Balance due accountant 27 40 ♦ _ $237 20 Balance duo accountant, January 1859 $-16 80 By 70 days services, at $2 per day ' US 00 *• 540 mUes travel _ 32 40 * : $237 20 JOHN JAMES, Commissioner, iu ac’ct witb Tioga County EH. To County Orders • $ll7 44' Balance due County, 135 S 9 64 “ accountant 24 sls2 32 By 68 days services at $2 per day $136 00 “ 272 miles travel 15 32 sls2 22 AMOS BIXBY, Commissioner, in ac'ct with Tioga County DR. Balance due accountant $4l CO By 19 days services, at S 3 per day $3B-00 *• 60 miles travel . 3 60 s4l 60 Ttoqa County, SS, *We, the Commissioners of Tioga County, do here by certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the matters therein set forth. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our bands this 30th day of Jan uary, 1860 JOHN JAMES 1 t. D. SEELEY > Comm’en AMOS BIXBY J Attest, A. J. SOfTELD, Clerk. O. F. TAYLOR, Treasurer of Tioga County, in act with said county from January 13th, 1859, to Jan. To amount of outstanding tax for 1850, $l3B 82 „ j* " 1861, 11 47 „ .< “ 1852, 123 82 » « 1854, 9 53 .< » 'j 1856, 53 74 .< .< 1857, 734 86 „ .i “ * 1838, 2107 93 “ Stated tax aeeoeaed 1859, 12981 58 >■ Bao’d t» eeatad lands retailed, 17 38 '• Redemption cf aeated !aud» 4} 38 “ Judgment/atd sttej 36/1? THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. “ Sale .of office doors, 500 Balance due accountant 2226 70 slBB2o 30 CR. * By judgment set aside by order of Coart, $l3B 82 “ tb. Brooks ot al (proceed’* stay’d) X 147 “ Abatements on tax for the year 1852, 3 01 “ Judgments tb. Inscho and Cook 126 SI “ Outstanding tax for year 1854, 9 53 “ Abatement on tax for the year I&S6, 40 60 “ Commission allowed Collectors “ 754 “ Abatements for the year . 1857, 43 11 “ Commission allowed Collectors 33 64 “ Outstanding tax “ 620 02 u Abatement for the year 1858, 488 59 “ Commission allowed Collectors “ 380 07 u Outstanding tax for the year “ 49 97 “ Abatements for the year 1859, 9fi2 96 11 Commission allowed Collectors “ 307 71 41 Outstanding tax for the year 44 914 65 44 Commissioner’s receipt for orders cancelled Sept 15th, ISM 7332 01 41 Receipts for orders cancelled Jan. 5, ’6O, • 6781 43 “ Amount paid Auditors for 1853 92 81 " u paid Auditors for 1859 62 37 41 Commission on $14268,62 at 3 per cent 428 06 $12469 98 $442 21 $179 18 $37 SO 37 50 We, the undersigned Auditors of Tioga County, baring audited, adjusted and settled the above account of O. P. Taylor, Treasurer of said County, with said County, do certify, that we find a balance due said ac countant, by tbe County, of two thousand two hund red and twenty-six dollars and 'Seventy cents. Wit ness our hands this 30th day of January, A. D„ 1860, W. A. DOUGLASS) JAS. I. JACKSON Auditors I CHAS. F, VEIL J The Great English Remedy. Sir Jakes Clarke's Celebrated Female Fill a—Prepared rom a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, if. D., Vhyrician Erira ordinary to Ote Queen. —This well known medicine Is no im position, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties aud Obstructions, from any causes whatever; and although a powerful remedy they contain notbinglLnrtful in their Con stitution. To M.uiejed Ladies it Is peculiarly suited. It will In % short time, bring onfthe monthly period with regularity.— Theeo tills have never been known to fall where the dlrcC tinns on the 2d page of the pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. B.—sl and 6 postage stamps enclosed to auy authorized agent, will insure a bottle , containing over 50 pills, by re turn mail. 272 00 84 00 5326 00 $5 25 For sale by John A. Roy, Wellaboro; ll.ll.Borden, Tioga; C. W. Nesbitt, Mansfield ; G. W. Miller, Lawrcnccville: J- A J. Q. Parkhurst, Elbland ; A. &J. Dcarmau, Knoxville; and Charles Goodspoed, Westfield. fjan. 27,1559. iy.] IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. $ SR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS, 2 PBEI*AE£D ST Cor.SSLZVS I. CHEESEJUK, if. D. 70 00 10 00 The combination of Ingredients in those Pills are the re sult of along and extensive practice. They are mild in their aperatlon, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Paiuful Menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether froju cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr Checscman’s Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills, can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheese-man’s Pills doing all that they repre sent to do, NOTICE. 171 00 73 56 sB74 56 202 04 100 28 SOI 07 They should not be*used during Pregnancy, as a tuls-car ringfl would certainly icsuU therulrom. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything inj>* rlous to life or health. Explicit directions, which should '-'j read, accompany each box. Price $l. Scot by mail on &u closing $1 to die General Agent. Sold by one Druggist In every town in the United States, R. B, HUTCHINGS, • General Agent for the United States, 163 Chambers Street, New York. To whom all wholesale orders should ho addressed. Sold bv John'A. Roy Welisboro, Pa., and by Pratt & Ifili Owego, N. V. [April 28,1859. 10 Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters. IN VIEW of the fact that every member of the human family Is more or less sabjected to some complaint,* be sides Innumerable other Conditions iu life, which, by the assistance of a little knowledge or exercise of common sense, they may bo able so to rogujato their habits of diet, and with the assistance of a good tonic, secure permanent health. In order to accomplish thl-» desired object tho true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life; lor this end Dr, Hoatottor has Introduced to this country a prep aration bearing his qa me, which at this day is not a new medicine, but one that bos been tric'd fur years, giving satis faction to all who have u*ed it. The Bittcrj operate-power fully upyn the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable tho system to triumph over disease. 90 20 147 60 For the cure of Dyspepsia- Indigestion, Nausea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Billmus Complaints, arising from a morbid Inaction of theSttroach or Dowels, producing.Cramp*, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Ac., these Hitters hau? nut an equal. Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Flux, so generally cpntractod by new settlers, ami canned principally by the enngo of w.iter and diet, will be sbeedily regulated by a brief ine of this preperation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent when taken in all its uirious forms, thanany other, the cause ot which may always bo attributed to derange ments of the digestive organs, can bo cured without f.iil bv using UOSTETTER’S STOMACH HITTERS,as per directions gn the bottle. For this disease crcry physician will recom mend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article to be infallible? Every country have their Bitters as a prevent ative of disease and strengthening of the system in general, and among them all there h not to bo found a healthier peo ple than the Germans, from whom this preparation emana ted. based upon scientific experiments which have tended to advance the destiny of this great preparation iu the medical scale of science. Ffterasd Acre.—This trying and provoking disease,•winch fasteea its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a short space of time, and rendering him physically and mentally useless, can be defeated ami driven from the body by the two of HOSTETTEK’S HE* NOWNED mXTBHJj. Further, any of the above stated dis tal diseases cannot be contracted when exposed to any ordi nary conditions producing them, if the Bittcra are used as per directions. And as it neither creates nausea, nor offends the palatt, and rendering unnecessary any change of died or interruption to usual pursuits, but promotes sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is thus removed as speedily as is consistent with tho production of a thorough and per manent cure. Foe Perso.te r.v Advanced Yea as who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters aie in valuable as a restorative of strength and vigor, and needs only to bo tried to bi appreciated- And to a mother while nvrsing. these Bitters are indispensable, especially where the mother’s nourishment is inadequate to the demands of the child,consequently her strength must yield, and here it is wfcuro a good tonic, such as Hostetler's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the sys tem. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all ca ses of debility, and before so doing, your physici-m uho, if he is acquainted with tho virtue of the Bitters, will recom mend their use iu all cases of weakne-a. CAUTION.- We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for Hostet ter's Cei.ewutei> Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottle has the words “Dr. J. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the m< tallic cup covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature, la on tho label. Prepared and sold hy UOTBTTKR & SMITH, Wet* burgh, pa., nud sold by all Druggists, Giocera mid dcalcis generally throughout the United States, Canada, South Amer ica and Germany. AGENTS.— J oI m A. Roy, Wellsboro. J. tc J. Q. Park hurst, ElkJand. A. AJ. Deroan. Knoxville. M. W. Staple, Osceola. - Charles Goodspeed, Westfield. fceeley k Logg. Nel son. A. Humphrey, 11. H. Borden, John Rcdington. Tioga* Curtis Parkhurst, \Vm. J. Miller; Lawrcuoeville, G. R. Shef fer. Liberty. October 13,1550. —ly. THOMAS HARDEN begs leave to inform tho public that be is now rcceiv. ing an EXTENSIVE STOCK OP MERCHANDISE, which he offers at prices that will bo found worthy of the attention of close purchasers. This stock consists in part of SHAWLS of mostly all descriptions and at ALL PRICES. DRESS GOODS, An Extensive Assortment of Dress Goods of New and Rich Styles 4" Qualities, never before introduced in this place, and at estrome !j low prices. An endless variety of EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, LACES, t£- DRESS TRIMMINGS, BROADCLOTHS, CASSIBEKES & VESTINGS. ALSO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, CROCKERY & CLASS WARE, and" many other things too numerous to mention. Again we would invito purchasers t-o call and see the Goods and compare pricos. Wdlaboru, Jan. 26, 'CO. THOS. HARDEN. 700 m - E£ V *LVEX J*lBBON^>ust^roc«i~c^ slBB2o 39 Special Notices. NEW TORE CITTj O. BULLAKD Takes this opportunity of announcing that he has fit ted up the stand formerly occupied by G. Lamb, and is now receiving an entirely NEW STOCK -O F a- IIH> ® SJ IB 2 m 3a Hia.stock consists In part of Pork and Flour , SUGARS- Refined, Crushed, Granulated, Powdered, Muscovado, Pork, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Fish, Oil, Coffee* ' Tobacco—Smoking & Chewing, Snuff, Soap, Molasses—Maple A Sugar house. Soap. WOODEN WIRE S-cS”if“ rows, "Willow Wagons, Clothes Pins, Clothes Baskets, Wooden Pails, orge Ripley and Charles A. Ihiua, aided by a numerous select corps of wri ters in all branches of Science, Art, and Literature. This work is being published In about 15 large octavo volumes, each containing 750 two-column pages, Vols I, 11, 111, IV, k V, are now ready, each containing near 2,500 original ar ticles. Au additional volume will be published oucc m about three mouths. Price, in Cloth, $3; abeep, S3,SO; dlalf Morrocco, $4; Half Russia, $4.50 each. The New American Cyclopedia is popular without being superficial, loafuod, but not pedantic. comprehensive butsnt ficionfly detailed, free from personal pique and party preju dice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a. complete statement of all that is kuowo upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Every important article in it has’been specially written for its pages by men who are au thorities upon tlie topics of which they speak. They are re quired to bring the subject up to the present moment: to state ju«t how* it stands note. All the statistical information is from the latent reports; the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical matters include the freshest just views; tho biographical notices not only speak ot the dead but of the living, it is a hbrarv ot itself. 1 ABRIDGMENT OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS.— Being a Political llMory of the United States, from the or ganization of the first Federal Congress in 17&9 to 1850* Ed ited and compiled by Hon. Thomas 11, Bentos, from the of ficial Records of Congress. The work will iw completed iu 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 11 of which are now u*adj. An additional Volume will be issued once in three mouths. A WAV or PROCCItISG IKB CYCLOPAEDIA OR DEBATES. F"sm a club of four, and remit the price of four books, and five copies will bo sent at the remitter’s expen«« for car. riage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will be uontat our expense for carriage. i TO ACEVTS. No other works will so liberally reward tho exertions of Agents, a.v Aoe.vt IVixreo in this County. Terms made known on application to tbo Publishers. [Aug. 11, ’59. Gv€ (I t Bar gains TO BE HADE. YOC Hill find R-RfGHT in M. Bullard A C o 's old Store, where he b selling FLOUR, REED, MEAL, SHORTS, BRAN Ac,, cheaper than ut any other place in town. TO UlfflSGßUEit. I can furnish Lumbermen with Flour at a figure to suit tho times. Feed for almost nothing and all ac cordingly. Will pav cash for OafA, Rvo and Torn. FRED. IC. WRIGHT. Wellsboro, Doc. 8, 1859. NOTICE. —Ebeneter G. Smith of Westfield town ship baa applied to tho County Court of Tioga Co., Pn., to keep an inn or tavern in said township.— A hearing upon his application will bo bad at Feb’y Sessions next, and license granted unless sufficient cause be shown to the contrary. Tfce following named person* have tUc filed their petitions with me to keep an Inn or Tavern in the following places: C.B. Wlilrtetnore, Covington township. RenjsQ) in Bar&c, Gaipes. J. F. DONALDSON, Clerk, Jan. 12, 1859. Administrators Notice* LETTERS of Administration haring been granted to tho undersigned on the estate of Jacob Duryea, late of Delraar, dcc’d., all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them to HIRAM KIMBALL,} , , . SILAS JOHNSON, J Admrs Deloiar. Jan. 12, 1859. 'Buffalo Robes. A FT"**' BALSS Nn. 1. Babes fo* rale rory cheap « rv-r A- ?-0E A CC*3. C. G. OSGOOD, la now filling his Store from Top to Bottom, with a very desirable STOCK OF GOODS, AND SUITED TO THIS MARKET. They were selected with care and with due regardto. Style, Quality, &> Price. And will be Offered at sw®ai as will bring about QUICK SALES, THE DRY GOODS DEPARTWIENT 19 FULL, And we will nut (enumerate articlest THE STOCK OF or tiou of their CLOT KING, and it affords him much pleasure to know that fae ha* So fur succeeded ax to have received a good SHARE OF 'THE TRADE. A continuance of which—while he gratefully a« knowl edges past ikvors—be earnestly and respectfully so lid Is. ' In every kind of business there are some thing* that nm called Leading Articles, and so we find ;n this that SLACK CLOTHS CASSI MERES arc what almost everybody wants and without wLi* h tjo establishment can dress up its customers in truly Klegant Style. Of these he has a great abundant« and ns deeply dyed us any Democrat or Black Repub lican you can find in the land; .while in FANCY COLORED CLOTHS bis assortment is no.less varied than the politics of ti e numerous parties, ranging all the way from get \i'n o administration down to rankest opposition. In selection of goods for Over Coatings he is remark.ibiy fortunate both as to STYLE AND DURABILITY tile has not only & largeStovk of Goods, but bfa. ciiitics f«T manufacturing them were never bo f, ir, having secured in Mr. Ten a most EXCELLENT GETTER. And in every other department the most compi*«i a i help. Confident that be can offer advantage* tn his customers not excelled by any in the trade, and -b tor mined to make bis establishment one of the he.-t ,u (his section of country, ho invites the attentu «»d the people cf Tioga County who arc in any n;»\ in noed of a good, comfortable. Ptvlhdi and durnld* > ir. ment. J. NTS ROBINSON. Coming, X. Y., Xnv. U>, 1800. HILDRETH ft LANDIS, CASU DEALER-VIX GUOCEUJIiS, PROVISIONS, CLOTHS VS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, One door below Holiday’s Hotel, Vi'aHt-Wo, J „ Cash paid for Hides and all fcind» of Grain. f C. HILPBAT!\ Wellgtnrft. Oct, fiih. IE&Q. S. 11. I,A>’ fli V , “VTOTICK ia hervby givqu ihn .„ : , P-nhuini*, .T. W. H.Utl’jj? l7»v z n:xpr. AND CHEAPEST assortment. CLOTHING, r BOOTS i SHOES, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, GIIOCEUIES. £c., &Q., &C., ; [Dec. 1. 1359.] Science and the Arts. AXD Autliltti V Notice. all:. V llv «'M),