SCROFEEV, OR KOTO’S EVIL, fa a ckiMitution.iMi-eJU'C, a corruption of the blood, by which thfa fluid become- vitiated, weak aaJ poor. Being in tlio cir culation It'pcrvadc* the whole l»ody, and may burst out in dfae.v-e on any nart of it. Xo organ fa free from its attacks, imr fa there nm‘ which it may not destroy. The scrotnloir* i.iint c vatiunsh' caused by mercurial disease,4ow-llving,dfa ..rd-rrJ or-kinhc-dUiy food. Impure air,filth andfiltby habits, ill'’ depre-sing vices,and. abo\oail,by the venereal infection. Whatever ho its origin, it !•» hereditary in the constitution, y this taint in the system. Most of the coiiaumption wilt U decimates the Unman family ba-its origin dhecUy in this scrofulous contamination ; and many dcnrnrtm* dfaea«?- of the liver, kidneys, brain, and. indeed, of all rhu organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause., ’ | One qmrt’er of all onr people arc scrofulous; their pencils are invade! by thfa lurking infection, and their health is mi- Totleansa if from the system wo must ren *ifi thfe blood. .m«b the-rescue of the system from, its «K -/irncti'e consi-pivniics. Hence it should bccmplincd for the ••proof »><*t onl\ -crofula, Unit afao those other affect loifa ■which nrfae fmm it. *nch as Eruptive and Skin Diseases St. .tutisHin - i iie. li-•«.<*. or Kr\j«ipola-. Pimples, Pustule*.. 15loi-hw*, Ukiinsvind Boils, TinuoTb, Tetter nnd'Sait Bhmmi. >c.iW, Hen T.-diiogworm. Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mvicu F>i-«m-.c-. Dn-p-j, l)y-p»*pri.i, Debility. anti indeed ai.l Omipl.tlntv ai faing from vitiated or inii'iirc Blond. The po]»- nl.w ludief in •*pii>cunr». , nK Tire m.oojT’.ia founded in tiuth, -for Scrofula Jvilegi-oeraiinu, of the blood. The particular j»ud \irtu-uf this Sarsaparilla is to purify and re generate tin.-, vital fluid, without which sound health is iiu poftohle in contaminated constitution B *. AVER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. rou all nn: purposes cf a family physic. arc -o r«>mpo-ud that diaca-c within tho range of their action can i.ui-Jy with-uud or evade them. Tlicir penetrating prop-,-i Lie.- fc.mii ami and Invigorate every portion »tf tb*<» hiiin.u: orrtnr.-tn. correcting its fJisca-ed action, and n -t-a'ing it*- healthy vitalitk-*. A- a oonscqat-ijoe of tli-'- 1 * PiVP*iUe*. t,Uv iim.f'ul who is -bowed down with ]iain or ph\ ivtaldobnitv«i<*-joiuMie'l tolled his health or energy icatered b., *i i .-nn-dy .a n'ii .* <>> simply sun! inviting. Not I'UJyjlo iht-t imito the every-day complaints of evcry Irndy. knit a!-<» formidable and dangerous disea-c-. The helui. pjuji'-m the Morbid Inaction of tin- jl* i\\< Is, r: tti.b-n. y, L-x* Ml Appetite .laimdice, ami other kindred • • ■mpl.uut-. ari.-ing frum a low state ot the body or obsituc lem of it- fnii' AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. / ( : ■ ‘ Ft Ml THE RAPID CURE OF. O-U'j-liS, Colds. Influenza, Hoarseness t Croup, Jb'imchiii*, Incipient Consumption , and for . (he relief of Consumptive Patients in ad r slitpcs of the disease. So w >.!■> u the ii- M of n-'.ftiitie** mid so uumeroiH are tbc rw- Of if. 4 i Hi !•■>, that filiiK-'f every section of cnuntiy abound- ih per-utia pnbliclx known, who have been restored from ahnnfmr an 1-wen d<--porata di-vases l of the lung- by iff ii''*. Mln n oik-' tuod, its superiority over every other medicine ~f It- kbi-I i.-i too apparent to e-capu observation, ami wlir-i** its vfrhi- - arc* known, the public no longer he-i •ate .i:it!ilo»<- to « mploy for the dMie—ins and rianger '•n* 4 He- tem-.of tin-pulmonary organs that ary imddeut to • •ns climate. ' Wliife many hit* nor remedies thrust upon rh«- .-'immunity' hnvi failed and been ui-earded. this lias gained Ji lends lij *•> erv, cvuifencd bcucUt- on tho atHieted tliey • in ri--\»*i forg‘-t. and produced cute too numerous mid too 1 »ni likable to be f. rgutteil. i-Rii.ifAttED uy Dr. J, C. Ayer, & Co. LOWELL. MAS*. ’ W Mtr’llfs.icd: are f.,r m!s bv C. iJ. L. lIOWNSON- W- ilsiioto". and bj all Druggists and Merchant* throughout th" O'o • s* L'o9 —*n. TO ROISEKEEPERS. £I£MBT«LNVr. XEW.-C. T, BABBITTS BEST BALEEATUS, ' 1- maiintaeiur- 'l fromconrmottstilt.and i- pn pared) difT-i-ut from other Saleratu*. All the nvuis m uter extracted, in such a manner us ■ 10-pr-nlncrt Bread. Biscuit, amj all kind of Cake. ,*• :tb->tir e.iut ‘tiling a particle of Salcratus when •»h« bread or cako is baked; thereby producing vvh-tjy one i.-.-uUa. Every particle of Jjalecatns is turn—l M gi> and passes through tho / or IH-eult while Raking; consequently nothing le iu.iiio tun common Kilt, water and flour. Y«m will reinbiy perreiirw by the taste of this Saler.itus that jt »s<*Mtiieiy different from other fcaleratus. GBh HI- l&ek-d in one pound p-ija-rp. each wrapper bmnd.-d *R. T. Babbitt's RePtSledicinal Saleratub,’ also, pu-ture, twisted loaf of bread, with a gku>s of ’►lfcrxiy-cing water on the tup. D'h-n you purchase AKD !«me p-iper \mi should preserve the wrapper, and )Ih* cnndirl to get the nest exactly like the first— |btH«ld hk above. I (_)] Full dire« tions for making Bread wilh.this Sale ;»|s and Sour Milk or Cream Tnrtir, will accom pany each package; also, directions for making .ill kinds of p.istry; also. f->r making Soda water and sfeidlil/. Powders. nQ MAKE TOUR OWN SOAP WITH I B T. fr\nr.iTT*B Pi ur. \tkd Potash. | j \\ arnm{ed double the slreugthof ordinary Potash; vvi* [pu’t up in rails —1 lb., if !bs.. •{ lb-, 0 It)-, and 12 Ibj« I—witli full dircctioriK for making Hard and Soft jSo.vp. Consumers will find this the cheapest Pot* ■7 A lush iu market. Manufactured and for side by ' R. X. BABBITT, J Nos. OS and 70, ‘Washington at , New York, ( June l>. , - 1 '- Jy. and N-». US India at., Boston. NEW GOODS. FILL & WINTER .Tuat received, and having bought my Silk Hats at unusually i LOW PRICES, I am enabled to give my customers the benefit of It. Look at those figures: Best $1,50 Silk Hat, City Full Style reduced to $3 50. Best Si,oo Silk. Hat, City FaU'Stylo reduced to $2 50. *3 50 Hat warranted equal to those usually sold at Si 50. Silk Huts from AVoolHat* ** Ir'ur Huts u Men's Capa from Boy’s Caps Ami nit my goods at my usually low rates, ami the Largest Stock of good* to select from ever brought to Steuben Co., comprising almost all styles and shapes known in the New York Market. STRAW GOODS closing nut at 25 per cent less than cost. Coming. Sept I, 1859. WM. WALKER, NEW HAT AND CAP STORE THE just opened in this place a new Jlat and Cap Store, where be intends to manufac ture and kce'p oh hand a large and general assortment Fashionable Silk and Cassimcrc Hats, of my own manufacture, which will be sold at hard times prices. SILK HATS made to order on short notice. Xbe Hats sold at this Store are fitted with a French Cunformature, which makes them soft and easy to the bead without the trouble of breaking your head to Weak the hat- # Store in the New Block opposite the Bickiusou House. S. P. QUICK. Corning, Aug.-15, 1839. 1859. NEW DIRECTORY. 1860. PAUTXCU LAIi attention is called to the fact that the snbsmbor will is«uo as as the necessary ialormation can bo collected a FULL general Directory of Elmira, with a complete BUSINESS BIHECTOIIY of Che mflng County. >To pains or expense will be spared to make this the most reliable work of tne kind ever issued. It willulso contain the State, County and town offi ccm with their salaries, Courts, time and place of eit tin;. incorporated companies, churches, Ac. and Others wishing to bring their busi ness before the public will find this a very desirable medium, as it will haro a large circulation throughout thj C maty. Subscription price $1 00. Advertisements inserted on liberal terms and in a c mspiomns style. W.M. H. BOYp, Hlrevtory Publisher, 3i6 A 348,.Broadway, N.Y. August 8, is;»0. ■ ' Urge and troll selected assortment of / Caps of every *hape. color and quality from 2*. to 12?. i Inyo flic largest «tocK of these Good? ever h- »nch^»A f *' t l "* County, and they will he sold cheap • I'.io >•’•• the IV.f-hh yr., ,> ' l ‘ ; n V'l • B. A. SMEAD’S PATENT, for Converting: ipi rtmg: 1 Motion, , and Vice .Versa. Patbxtrd PEnßx Anv 15, 1539. t TO Manufacturers, this Invention is of great im portance? ftß'cHhcr motion ia eon verted-Jnlo ,lbc other by a simple' arrangement.-of means,-ami with tlie least posable loss or absorption of power by fric tion, and applicable,-to every Machine where these two motions arc repaired. The Cut shows the princi ple as applied to Common Dash Churns. ’The under signed have purchased the Patent Bight for this coun tv, and arc manufacturing and selling at the low price of $5. It is conceded to hie the best arningcmcnt for churning Milk or Cream ovjer invented. Tioga,May 12. 00. BALDWIN', LOWELL £ CO. BALDWIN, LOWELL & CO., Tioga Village, Pa., Hare Just received a large and carefully selected ; assortment of SPRING GOODS, • Consisting in part of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES R PROVISIONS. and arc prepared Co furnish them at its reasonable rates as they can he Imu-bt in any other market. Customers can rely upon finding at a\l times any article they may wish, and all Goods warranted to be as represented. SILKS, AXV LAV IKS’ DKKSS GOODS, L.ite-t Style*, and adapted to every vaiiety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Lou ell .t Co., have trlways on blind a sea sonable and fa’-hionablc stuck of READY-MADE CLOTHING, which will be sold at the Invest CASH PRICES. -AISO GIUJCSuIiIES. CROCKERY. HARDWARE, GLASS. STOSS, HOLLOWS; WOO OSS IrJif/' n;o.\. sit.el. sails, oils, phisrs .t- DYS-srrrrs, rf-.-. HOOTS AXD HUGHS for KrcryXnHy. ?T- - All kimTs of Country Produce taken iu ex change for Goods aLMlie Market prices. Tioga, May 12. IS 18. TIOGA CABINET WAREHOUSE. On WHhboro Si., Tioga.. rjTHE undersigned would inform tho cili ffgyjl j zen.-of Tioga, and the county gencral (OL - ly. that he keep B constantly' on hand, for at low price-', //f f A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF CABINET WARE’ CHAIRS, &C. Including Sofas, Divans, OUoinans, Center, Dining and Breakfast Tables. DKIJSS AND COMMON DUKE ACS. WASH STANDS, COTTAGE, FAXCT AXD COM.VOX -A-L-S-O- Common Sf Spring Scat Chairs. All kinds of Rocking Chairs. All articles in the above line made to order on short notice. Tho«c dc-iring to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves before purchasing else where. J. W. PUTNAM. Tioga, August 4, 1559. ROY’S HEAVE POWDER. TUIS MEDICINE is proved by experience to bo a sure cure for Heaves in the curly stages, and will keep them hack in the most advanced stages of this prevalent and dangerous disease. The owners of horses arc hcic offered the most valuable preparation of the kind ever produced : and by its timely use the lives of many valuable animals may be saved. Give a horse two large tahlc-spoonfulls every day; Give but little bay, and when given it >hould be wet- For sale at Hoy's JJnaj «(• Chemical Store. Trice 25 cents, HOY’S WINE BITTERS. mills article is highly approved for weakness of the I stomach, loss of appetite, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Ibid taste in the mouth. Headache, Dizziness, Liver complaint, Coslhenets, Ac. To strengthen the stom ach and improve the appetite, take about a tcaspoon ful three or four times a day, iu a little cold water half before meals, Price 50 cts per bottle. 4s to S 3 50. 3s to 2 00. 6s to 6 00. 20s to 2 00. Is to 1 50, BALSAM TOLU.*—This Bal«am is procured from a tree which is found in South America. Jt is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughsj and affections of the lungs. Price of Dalsaui Tolu Cough Rcmody, 50 cents per bottle. Mvmr Bukin/:, 15 cents per Box. Honey ?uu. 25 cents, AsnnAi.Tru Plaster, 25 cents. Dr. Beach's Anti Billions Pills, 25 cents. Brn Poison, 25 cents. (•p.uM.w Rat Ktu.r.n, 25 cents. Extract or Lemon, 20 cents. Dkmixg’s San vtjve Drops' 50 cents. Lignn Hkavh Remeuv, 25 cents. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. ; | "I O {*\ A Tl’ii*rf)lrn. lnditution.tMalilithed hi/tju-ruil ±OO*J. • n! for Hu' rrlif/ of thr tic!, uiu f v. No. 2—Contain-7 iliflereut lettirs, and affords additional practice on the in book 1. No. 3—Contains the 12 long or extended letters, introdm ed by princijdc-. analjM* ami svnfhcsi-. No. 4—Smhmceii the capital.-, which are introduced by principles and analysis in connection with wonlsanjlcombi nations best calculated to develop good form, order and facil ity of execution. No. 6—Contain* sentences, embracing all the capitals and small letters, attending sub-tantia) piactice on nil tho princi ple* and rules given in the preceding four hooks. No. 6—Contains short Business Forms of every day use in bu-ino.-3, book-keeping, Ac., and introduction to laiok 7. No. 7—Book of correct Business Forms, embracing Due Bills, Receipts, Orders, Notes, Drafts, bet of Exchange, Ac counts Current, Account Pales, Ledger Headings, Letters of introduction, Superscription*. ic. No, 8— Ladies’ Book, of approved modifications of.the sys tem, deigned to impart a plain, rapid and beautiful Episto lary Hand. KXKIICISR BOOKS.—Xn. I—To orrompany bonk.. 1. 2, 3 and 8. to aid the pupil in acquiring that fn*e me of the fing er* nnd fore-arm en* to <-.isy uud rapid execution of the contracted and extended letter?. No. 2—To be mud in connection with the higher numbers of the series to gain command of the hand in the movements required to execute the advanced copies and business writing generally. SECOND.—.Spencer & Lusk’s Series of Six Books, with same copies on opposite pages. TlllUD.—Extended Series of 12 Book?, to’ wit: No*. 1,2, H, 4, Beginner’s (bur*o, Nos. 5, fi. 7, 8. 9, Progressive Course. Nos. 10. 11. 12, Practice. Ladies* Styles. Ketaij price of all the above. Id cents each. Compendium of Spencerian Penman-hip. containing sixty page-, and more than four hundred lines of beautifully en graved copies. Detail pin *• per copy. Paper, $l. Cloth, $1 50. Upon receipt of the retail price in idatnps, any hook mimed above, will be forwarded as directed, postage juid. March lid, 1559. 84000 1 Pa3*s for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, mot-t extensively patronized and best organ ized Commercial School in the United States. 357 Students Attending Dully, March, 1850. Usual time to complete a full course, from G to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating, is guaran teed to be competent to manage the Rooks of any business, and qualified to earn a salary of from $5OO to $lOOO. Students enter at any time—Xo Vacation—Review at pleasure. SJ. PREMIUMS FOR BEST PEXMAX SHIP AIVARDEV IX ISSB. JfcQ* Minister’s Sons received at half price. For Circulars and Specimens of Writing, inclose two letter stamps, aud address F. W. JEXKXXS, XHttsburg, Pa. Oct. 37, 1859. NEW MJEEINERY STORE. *3" Pall and Winter Goods, "da MRS. W. BOND, having returned from tho City of New York, informs the ladies of this village and its vicinity, that she offers for their inspection, a Fashionable assortment of .Millinery Goods, such as LADIES’ PATTEDX HATS AXD CAPS, Head-Dresses, Feathers; Ribbons, Laces and Flowers. Plain and Colored Straws of everp description—all of which she will sell at very low figures, for Cash only. Having had many years* experience in the business, she feels conlldcnt of giving satisfaction. Ladies will; do well to call ami examine her stock. Straw Hats, cleaned and altered to the latest fashion. Shop on Main St., next door to tho eld Eagle printing office. Wellsboro, Pa,, Oct. 13? ISoO. FURS! FURS! FURS! I7*URS. —Tho subscriber has just received a large assortment of Furs for ladies wear, couriering of tITCU CAPES tl- VICTOUIXKS, FIIEXCH SAULE CAPES d' VICTORIXES, RIVER MIXK CA PES £ MUFFS, ROCK MAR TJX CAPES & VICTORIXES. These comprise nlf small quantity of tho assortment They have been bought at low prices and will be sold at extremely low prices for cash, at the New Hnt Store in Coruidg,-N.-Y. i g. P. QT'ICK. DRESS MAKI If G MISS M. A- JOHNSON, respectfully announces to the citizens of Wellsboro and viciuity, that she has taken rooms over Niles A Elliott’s Store, where, she is prepared to execute all orders in the Hno of DRESS MAKING. Haring bad experience in the business, she feels confident that she can give satisfac tion to all who may favor her with their patronage. Sept, 2D, 1839. * RXansfleld mill, TTIK people o Mnn«neM and vicinity are hereby mdifle?! -aid MILL law jn-t berja repaired, and put in per f- < t order, h.iving thro-* run of add a Orum .Stpoi'til&r, uhidi ujIJ scparatoall foul from tlio grain, con«e " STONEWARE READY MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES WOODENWARE AND EVERT DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE REQUIRED BT THE PCBITC CAN EE SECURED AT REASONABLE RATES A T THE ABOVE WELL KNOWS AND IV ELL ESTABLISHED STAND EVERYB OD Y KN OWS THE PLACE, FIRST STORE SOUTH OF COURT HOUSE. Dec. la, *so.—May sth. J\*eic Drug Store. THE UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Wcllsboro and vicinity that he has just opened a new Drug Store in OSGOOD’S BUILDING, Main St., he has a complete assortment of Drugs & Medicines, w nieh ho trill sell cheap for cash. Our Stock'of Drugs is complete, embracing every article ever called for. PATENT MEDICINES, Jayne’s, Ayre’s, Helmbold’s, McLanc’s, Brant’s and other popular Medicines, together with Wistar’s Bal sam, Cod Liver Oil, Wolf's Aromatic Sehuaps. »fcc. CHOICE mXES AM) LIQUOPS, for Medicinal and Sacramental uses. Daintft & of the best quality. Flavoring Extracts. Spice?, Pepper. Snlemtus, Soda, Candles, Soap, Burning Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine, Alcohol, And an innumerable variety of articles in common use. TAT- Please call at the NEW DRUG STORE. P. R. WILLIAMS, Agt. Well-loro, March 10, 1S:»9. . CORNING FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE. BIGELOW i THOMPSON, AGENTS. aetxa fire ixsuraxck (Ompaxy Of Hartford. (,'L—Capital $1,000,000. HARTFORD FIRE ISSUE. I XCE COM PAX Y.— Capital, * $500,000. PA (EXIX FIRE IXSURAXCE COJIPAX Y. Of Hartford, Ct.—Capital. $150,000. PEOPLE'S FIRE /XSURAXCE COM PAX Y. Of New York City—Capital 5150,000 XEW EXGLAXI) FIRE IXSURAXCE CO. Of Hartford, CL $225,000. MANHATTAN FIKE INSURANCE Co. Of New York City,—Capital $200,000. MASSASOIT FIKE INSURANCE CO. Capital, *20 ( ),000. HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, $150,000. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO2 Accumulated Capital. $1,500,000. The subscribers arc prepared to issue policies of in surance on the most favorable terms in the above well knoyvn and reliable Stock Companies. Farm buildings insured fur three years at rates a? off as any good companies. AlYlotscs will be prompt]}* adjusted and paid at this office. Application© by mail will receh c prompt at- tention WM. L. BIGELOW, OcL 13, ISSD. C. H. THOMPSON, P. J. FARRINGTON, Surveyor. WELLS BORO FOUNDRY -A-N-D Machine Shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST! ROBERT Y'OXTNG, late of the firm of Tabor Young A Co., Tioga, takes this method to in form the Public that he has leased the 11 Foundry and Machine Shop, in the Village of Wcllsboro, for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done at such an establish ment, in the best manner and out of the best material. TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE ! He has had over twenty the bn, sincss and will have the work, entrusted to him, done directly under bis supervision. No trork trill be tent out half Jlii{*hcd. MILL-GEARIXGS, PLOWS , STOVES and castings of all kiuds on band and made to order. May 28, 1557. ROBERT YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A \XEW ROOK IIY WILLIAM YOUXG, M. D. ....... The secret duo to Courtship, Love an(l Marria S e ? with the diseases inci dent to Youth, Maturity and Old Age— ?^V:%Si3 lights antl shades of Married Life, its Joys and Sorrows, Hopes, Fears and Disappointments. Letallinarricd peo 'v.‘hu'- pie, or those contemplating marriage and having the least impediment to married life, read this book. Let every young man and woman in the land read this book. It is rmn op Rt.ates, and dis closes secrets that every ono should know; a little knowledge at first may save a world of trouble in after life. Send for a copy (enclosing 25 cents) to « DR. WM. YOUNG. No. 410 SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. i May 5, 1359. 8. In tho matter of the application ] of the II t Rev. John N. Neumann [ln the Com. Pleas Trustee Ac., ef the congregation of |- of the Co. of Tl-. the Roman Catholic Church of the | oga, Dec. Term, township of Tioga. J 1351). On petition and affidavit? a rule is granted on the congregation ofHhe Roman Catholic Church of the township of Tioga, to ih| ou|.t to in L _ A ‘ These Machines sew from two spo,;. from the store, requiring no re wir. v' they cm, Fell, Gather, and Stu c & ner, finishing each scam by their own ,7 out recourse to the hand-needle, at cr machines. They will do better and '■* than a seamstress can, even if she work,' ax noun, and are, unquestionably the 1 in the market for family sewing on simplicity, durability, ease of manao'oi,, tation to all varieties of family cither heavy or fine work with cuual fan out special adjustment. i As evidence of the unquestioned ttgair Machines, the Grover .1- Bv Company beg leave to respectfully « lowing J - testimonials. "Havinghad one of Grover & Bake*’ my family for nearly a year and a In sure in commending it as every wav n purpose for which it is designed— [Mrs. Joshua Lca-itt, wife of Rev. I) r I of *V. Y. Independent "I confess myself delighted with you chine, which has been in my famil-, f„ r It hns always been ready lur dutV re. justraent, and is easily adapt'd tj c\l family sewing, by simply chancin'- thread.’* —[Mrs. Elizabeth Strickland* r Strickland, Editor of X. 3". j “After trying several different preferred yours, on account of feet case with which it is managed'a', strength and durability of the poricuce, I feel competent to o,*k :/ and to confidently recommend it family sewing.”—[Mrs. E. B. Spt-'ncr.i itor of lirookhjn Star. “ I have used a Grover and Raker ?, for two years, and have found it adapt of family sewing, from Cambric to R ri , : ments have been worn out without the a stitch. The Machine is cjim!\ km easily used.” —[Mrs. A. 15. IVlnppl,. iu Whipple, New York. “Your Sewing Machine ha« been in \ ily the past two years, and the l.»«Uo~ give you their testimonials to u? j, u:u as well as labor-saving m ritu fiimily and household scninc.”—rj New Y'ork. ■ “Tor several months we have u s ul kcr’s Sewing Machine, and have c->uic sion that every lady who dm-irct Ur fully and quickly done, would !■<.• in.-, possessing one of these reliable ,tn>' ‘iron needle-women.’ whose comlma beauty, strength, and simph-iiy. nr* [J. W. Morris. daughter ul Hen. tor of Home Journal. Extract of a letter from Thos. E. L, American gentleman now re.-ddcnt ui South "Wales, dated January 12. 1 5.0. “ I had a tent made in Mtdb„un .. In there were over threp thou.-and y.>rd- . with one of Grover it Baker’s scam of that has outstood all the dual by sailors with a needle and tw.n ‘‘lf Homer could ho c.illvl up fr sWWes, he would sing the advent >-f t■ ■. os a mote benignant inirmdc of art t Vulcan’s smity. He wi>uld dcin.ume making as ‘the direful spring • woe; —[Prof. Xorth. “ I take pleasure in saying, that :I. kcr dewing Machines have mulct* a: expectation. After trying and resin have three of them in operation in my. and, after four years’ trial, have n«» f. [J-. 11. Hammond,.Senator of r-outh r.i My wife has had one of UroverA Sewing Machines for some time, ami ] is one of the best labor-saving machlm invented. I take niiuch plc:i«urc in rr to the public.’’’—[J. j(». Horn*. (/>■». of “ It is a beautiful jthinc. aiul put© cu excitement of good] huwur. Were I should insist upon Saints tinker A. 15. eternal holiday in commemoration of i for humanity.*’—[C.»s©iua M. Clay. “ I' think it by far the bc©t patent in chine can be adapted from the finest heaviest ens.-imere. It sews stronger. 1 beautifully than one can imagine. Jl be replaced, money could not Lin : Brown. Nashville, Tenn. ‘•lt is speedy, -very neat, and dtir.tL is easily understood and kepi in r- jvr recommend this .Machine to all my ac others/’—[Mrs. M. A. Forrtst, .Miiupii ‘•We find this work to «.•: and with pleasure recoin mend it t<> t! believe the Grover »t Baker to be tin 1 b chine in use.”—[Leary Brother©. Alb- If used exclusively for Tamil} pm dinar}' care, I will wager they uiil 1 scute years and ten,’ and ne\ cr gel oat Er©kluc, N.itb\ille, Tenn. •*X Lave had y.,rr machine f<«r ©ct in am perfectly satn-ficcl that th- v.uik U anti must beautiful that etei m; AimLuu, Nashville, Tenn. I use my machine upon coat©, dn line linen stitching, and the vurk i better than the best hanJ-.-cwmir, 4*r chine I have ever seen.”—[Lucy B. IT vilie, Tenn. “ I find the work the strongest and have ever seen, made either by ha ml i regard the Grover A Baker machine greatest blessings to our sex.”*—[Mi; vilie, Tenn. ‘•I have one of Grover .t Baker© c c in use in my family, and find it :n>. confidently recommend it to sill per?'' machine.”—G. T. Thompson, Nashvili- “ I take pleasure .in certifying U< i! Grover *fc Raker sewing machines. I on almost eVjery description of w<*rk f find it much-stronger and Fetter in cu work done by hand.”—[Mrs. D. W. 1 vilie, Tenn. “ I would be unwilling to dNpose ' Raker machine fur a lane ajnonnr. rmi it again at pleasure.”—[Mr?. U. Ten nesaoc. “Our two Machine?, purcha«ed fr‘ work of twenty young ladles. Vc ui commend the Grover A Baker the best in use.”—[N. Stillman A bo., - “The Grover A Raker sewing mac mirably. I think the stitch and nuts that of any sewing machine I ever s I think the machine would be hard to Davie, Memphis, Tcnn, “I find the machine easily manatee and take pleasure in recommending it convenience, economy, and pleasure. - Memphis, Tenn. “The Grover A Raker sewing mru-ln snch satisfaction that wc ehcerlufiy rot to all who wish a good and =uh ? tanti chine. It execute? work with much i and more finch* than any other ni.u 10l —[Mrs. R. C. Mitchell, Memphis, T‘.n: “I am happy to give my testimony i ver A Baker’s spring machine, amt of isfaction it gives in every ru-jett. 1 and is by no means complicated, ami 1 others I have seen.”—[Mrs. Bryan, v M. Bryan, Memphis, Tcnn. “ It affords me much pleasure to sa. v chine works well; and 1 do not hesiwu it as possessing all the advantages jvi My wife is very much pleased with »t pleasure in certifying to this effect.” — Memphis, Tcnn. “Having seen, examined, and u*c kinds of sewing machines, I fed free Grover k Baker machines arc farsupci in use.”—[M. Francois Seitz. Nash' ll ' “I consider my sewing machine » wmild not lake five times its coat, if 1 ply its. With it I can do all my fa about one-fourth the time I could will [M. J- Scott, Nashville, Tcnn. “ It gives me pleasure to find the Gr sewing machine giving so much satiif it in constant use, and find it all that c It is the most simple and durable m-ik I hun Lily recommend it.”— [F. M- " Tennessee. SEND T< *R A CIRCT’I