rM A< iITATO.It. PENN A. ( Thursday Morning 1 , Angnst 18, i 859. money, for subscription oif advertising, if in presence of the Post Master, may be sent .ncri»t • f- jp (Jnr piper makers made a mistake in the aiie making it too wide by two inches, which its odd appearance this week. The *Zmwu discovered too late to he rectified. The Binghamton (N. T.) Standard is now tfte i sad edited by G. W. Reynolds Esq,, late of the ypgkUn Vltitor. The Standard has always been a Republican paper. Both gentlemen—editor lad ex-editor —have oar best wishes for success. plf. We publish in another place the call for the gepubliein County Convention together with the juuei of the township committees. Tjieso gentlemen sre expected to give due notice of the Delegate meet ing!, to see that each Republican voter is fully sud fairly represented. We hope there will be a good tarn out at the caucuses. Tbottiso Match—Mansfield aoaisst Wells ioeo.—The Coming (N. T.) course is to be tho scene ef some sport on Thursday afternoon tho 25th inst. A mstch has been arranged between the well known trotting horse “Summerville” owned by Mr. Jerome Smith of this Borough, and a trotting horse owned by Richard' Hunt of Mansfield, for a prominm of $lOO. The lovers' of that noble animal, the Horse; look for a great time, and doubtless they will not bo disap pointed. _ ■ar-STe desire to thank Mrs. 11. D. Doming of Delmar for the present of a magnificent boquet- There is as much chance for the display of taste in making a boquet as there is in writing a poem or draw ing a picture. The present is the more valuable be cause the flowers of which it is composed are tare in this part of the country. One flower in it—the Cape Josamine—we have not seen before for years; and several of the dahlias are entirely new to us. “Do bachelors love flowers V* 'Why certainly they do, fax more than do Benedicts. The latter have their wives and so forth whereon to place their affections. The lore of th© beautiful implanted in the hearts of all men is not destroyed by celibacy; and we believe ’single men have more time to cultivate it, than those who have families to care for. Bachelors are a much abused class, and we intend to defend them against all charges of ‘“selfishness,” “hard heartedness,” and and the other hard things said of then, even at the risk of being classed among “the toughest-hearted of the tough.” x We have the pleasure of announcing that a large and interesting Temperance meeting das held in Roy's Hall on Monday night last- S. F. Wilson Esq. presided, assisted by A. S. Brewster and L. D. Taylor. Messrs C. G. Williams and A. Ji Sofiold acted as Sec rctaries. Mr. Wilson, in an interesting and appropriate speech stated .the object of the meeting. A permanent organization was agreed upon, and Messrs C. G, Williams, S. F- Wilson and A. J. Sofield were appointed to draft a Constitution and By Laws. Before the meeting adjourned, forty-eight persons signed their names to a pledge that they would refrain from the use, as a beverage, of all spirituous or malt liquors, wine or cider. The next meeting willbe held at the same place on Monday night. Although weliad not the pleasure of being present at this meeting, we wish those who signed the pledge God-tpeod in their efforts in this cause; and as the obligation on each waa a self-imposed one, it will re flect atUl'-greater credit if faithfully observed. The Temperance Meeting at the Presbyterian £ h arc Von ’Tu esd ay night tho 3th Inst., was also well attended/ Dr. Webb and others addressed the meeting. Jojiah Emery Esq., will speak at the same place on Tuesday evening, the 23d inst. Adjoining (Counties, [Owing to the crowd of legal advertisements in this week’s paper, the items under Ibis head are of neces sity considerably abridged.] Bradford.— lt may be seen by the fell©wing ad vertisement which we clip from the Arg iw, that Cbas Aylmer (what a pretty name I) wants—we will not an ticipate the fair reader—wants a—well, read for your self; WAKTED.—A young man of good moral character, an« fair business prospects — n._ modcrute share of tbi World’s goodij—l» desirous of ■fiwiniJig.tbe ncvuaiutancu of Young Lady, of equal position, with a vueac to matrunouy.— Communications strictly confidential. ’ Address, July 23.1559. CHARLES AYLMER. Towattda, Bradford Co. Pa. There! Tou have the want in full, and we don charge Charles a cent for giving his advertisement th benefit of eur circulation. Don’t all write at once.- We might suggest to our girls—wo mean “young la dies”—that Chariot!, though he have a “good mori eharactar and fair business prospects,” and “a moder ale share of this world’s goods,” is not quite “the thing/’ or he would not go into the papers after a wif IVo bear no malice against Charles, and trust he ma y fiad.thft “young.lady” of "equal position,” and equa ble disposition too; but if there is no “young lady* la Towanda whose *Tnoral character” ‘‘'world’s (dry ’’ goods” or “business prospects/* would suit him, Ist him come to Wcllsboro by all means. We will agr s< to lend him back a married, if not a wiser man. Chas, H. Seymour of Tioga Co.. Pa., a[) pointed to fill the vacancy of Thos. White, who c e diced to servo as Appraiser of Canal Claims, has £ c copied the appointment, and taken the requisite oai b The appraisers will not probably commence Until work before the last of September, or sometime ii October.— Argus. | McKean, —The Otfisrn has been trying to maki its readers think that a new military company I ai been formed in this county. A mistake. We oily elected officers. The Citizen had better “beat a re treat” on that statement. There is not more thou i hundred colonels in the county, with captains, maj jr Ac, in proportion. | The Republican Co.unty Convention meet i at Smethport on the 25th inst Potter.— The Republican County Convention is called to meet at Coadersport on Thursday Sept, Ist. The officers to bo chosen at the ensuing election, are r District Attorney, Sheriff, Coroner, Commissioner ;in< Auditor. The Convention will also signify its chjuc for Renalor.and Representative, subject to the supsi quent action’of the District Conferees. - - -By agreement among the counties vrhich« ;oi eUiisto this Senatorial- District, vi*., Tioga, Poitcr, M'Kean and Warren, the Republican Senatorial Coi Terence Trill bo beld'in Coudersport, on Weclnesjia; Bept. 21st, at 10 A. M. Before thaftimo the Conrei lions of the several counties will have met, andjwi have appointed and instructed their conferees. Thursday, September loth, at Taylor’s Hotel 3 has been suggested as the time for holme the Republican Representative Conference for tl District-composed of Tioga and Potter. Clinton,—The Mulatto Democrats of this Count., "at their Tale Convention at Loch Haven, put the fol lowing ticket in nomination :* ■ , president Judge.—James Gamble, of Lycoming ccraidy/ahVild pSififtol wire worker, add deeply inter e«€d-in the sale of the canals. Assembly.—Geo, Achenbach, of Sugar Yalleyi •' Txo&ecuting Attorney.—C. A. Mayer, of Lock'Ha tin. . , J County Treasurer.—John H. Chatham, Lock Haven. ■' Speaking of these nominations the Watchman says: “The framers of this ticket, confined as they were c.* *®iect men as I>. K. Jackman, H. L. und C. A. Mayer, have for the last three fonned.the.county., and district ticket, aid the in the county-have bad nothicg.to, wiy .in t w e .. lnattor . only to assemble in County Convention, »{ik i 7 < * oce prescribed for them, and go through th the Urce of confirming the nominations.” I , WelUboro’ Price Current. "IcoaaEorzPwxr sxrroa tuzAgitatub.] Flour fitbbl. Extra, Jo .Salt bbl., S2@o 00 „ „ ,1?- RAtra, s jHay ton T@S 00 Rbnr sack, 1 60® 200 Corn meal® sack 125 @0 00 wjheat bushel, 100 @ l2s|Rye, bush., none for sale. Data bush. | 60® 00 Barley, ** do. bush., 100 ®1 26 Corn bush., 75 @lOO Potatoes, “ 50® Buckwheat 3 bush., 50 ® 72 Batter Hfc, 16® 00 Green Apples, 1 GO® 125 Pork bbl., 20® 22 Wood « cord, 100® I 60 « « ft il % Eggs dozen, . •10 ® 00 , tho NqwYprk markets, flour is quoted—* Sew Ohio $5,30 to $6,*50; Old Ohio's4,9o to $5,00, and s>,6o to $7 for extra Genesee. Corn Meal—Genesee E xtra $5,60 to $7. ' Rye Flour, $3,50 to $4,20. Prime i:ess Pork $10,50 to $11,90. Wool, 34 to 44 cents ppr pound. CANDIDATES. We are requested to annoubco BENJAMIN VANDUSEN o r Chatham township as a candidate for Treasurer, subject t > the decision of the Republican County Convention. We are requested to announce JAMES S. WATBOES, of aines township, as a candidate for Treasurer, subject to tho eciaion of the Republican County Convention. We are requested to announce IL P. TANNESS, of Rutland, as a candidate for Commissioner, subject to the decision of tjhe Republican County Convention. We are requested to.announce LYMAN H. POTTER of (barleston as a candidate for Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. I take this method of announcing to -the Taxpayers and •otera of Tioga County, that I am a candidate for the Office '>f Treasurer, subject to the Voters of Tioga County. I will Srve for six hundred dollars a year, or twelve hundred for y term of office. In due time I will give the Taxpayer* ay. reasons why I make this offer. O. P. MILLER. Tioga, August 18, 1860. SHERIFF’S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa., Lev. Fa., and Venditiona Exponas, issued out of the Common Pleas and to me dircceed, I will expose to public sale at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Eonday, the sth day of September. 1859, at one o’clock in the afternoon, the following described property, to wit: A lot of land in the borough of Lawrenceville, bounded on the north by Samuel Ryan, IL 0. Adams and School house lot, on the east by Franklin Sweet, on the south by Mechanics street, and on the west by Main street or Williamson road, Samuel Ryan and Sidney 1 Mills—containing two acres- or thereabouts, all improved, a frame tavern house, store frame shop, two frame dwelling houses; three frame barns, shed, some other out buildings and sonnJTfruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Enos Slosson, ALSO—A lot of land in Gaines township, bounded north by the Jermau’s Lands, east by David and R. M. Smith, south and west by tho German tract—con taining about 100, acres, about 25 abres improved, one frame house, one frame barn, and some fruit trees thereon. To he soldias the property of Joshua Bcr nouor. - ! . ALSO—A lot of land in Elkland borough, bounded north by York State line, cast by George Dorrance, on the south by J. W. Bennett, James Hancock, W. AY. Wright and Main street, and west by land in pos session of John Chase, Joel Parkhurst, George Bob bins and Buffalo street—containing about ninety five acres, more or less, with a two story frame house, frame barn, and an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—Another lot of land in said borough, bound ed north by Joel Parkhurst and L. Culver, west by L. Culver, south by Main street, and cast by Milton Lewis, with a two story frame store, a two story frame dwelling house, a small frame bam and some fruit trees thereon—containing about J of an acre, more or less. To be sold as tbe property of Timothy Coates and Lintsford Coates. ALSO—A lot of land la Mansfield Boro, bounded north by Seminary avenue, east, south and west by lands in possession of J. S. Hoard, Cordelia Smytho and Lyman Dryer—containing about one fourth acre improved, with a two story brick bouse thereon. ALSO—Another lot of laud in Mansfield-Boro, bounded north by Cordelia Smytbe, east by William son road, south and west by D. C. Holden—containing about one half acre improved, ono frame house, frame barn, and some fntil trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of J- S. Hoard and William D. Kelly. ALSO—A lot of land in Jackson township, bounded on the north by S. L'. Parmenter and — ; — Spauld ing, east by Stephen Orcutt and Alonzo Latin, sooth by lands formerly of A. C. Bush, and west by Isaiah Inscbo and John Fleming—containing about 100 acres, 46 acres improved, 1 frame house/Tlog house, 2 log 'barns, 1 apple orchard and somcother fruit trees therc ' on. To be sold as the property of Elias Moore. ALSO—A lot of land situate in Sullivan township, .jind bounded as follows, namely, on the north by tho north lino of warrant No. 978, on the east by. land formerly of Nathaniel Nichols and N. Smith, on the south by lands of John Benson and Arad Smith, and on the west by lands of Zopher Tears and A. Updike —containing' about ono hundred and fen acres with about sixty acres improved, a frame dwelling house, and a few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the prop- 1 erty of John Benson. ALSO—tA lot of land in Tioga township, hounded ! north by A. S. Turner, east and south by Dennis C. Kinsley, and vast by D. Baker—containing about 250 ! acres, about 10 acres Improved, with ono log house j and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the prop- ; erty of Isaac Benson and John Benson. I ALSO—Alotoflandin Richmond township, bound- I ed north by C. Davis and L. Lownsbury, east by Wil liamson road, south by Ira Guile, and west by L. K. , Spencer—containing about 20 acres all improved, two frame bouses, two frame barns, ono blacksmith shop, and an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—Another lot of land in same township, : bounded north by Isaac Lownsbury, east by P. D. Lownsbury, south by Stratton, and west by Ira Guile 1 —containing about 90 acres, with about 75 acres im proved. To he sold as the property of Ira Lowns bury. ALSO—A lot of land in Deerfield township, com mencing at.a post the northwest corner of lot No. 15, in subdivision by Silas Billings of warrant No. 5181 in the New York State line, thence cast by said State line 194 perches to a white asb, thence south 139 I perches to a maple, thence west 194 perches to a post, thence north 141 perches to the post the place of be ginning—containing 17SJ acres, more or less, being lots No. 14 and 15 in sold subdivision and part of war rant No. 51SJ. ALSO—Another heginiiing at a post tho northwest corner of lot 29. in the subdivision by Silas Billings of warrant No. 5510, thence oast 194 perches to a post, thence south 154 perches to a hemlock, thence south 87 degrees, west 175 perches to a post, thence north 32J degrees, west 17 perches, thence north 874 degrees iv west 13 perches ton white .oak, thence south 128 rods to tho beginning—-containing about 200 acres and being lots No. 28 and 29 of said subdivision and part of wafaant No. 5010. ALSO—Another beginning at a yellow pine the northwest corner of land formerly of Bowen, thence north C 6 perches to a post, thence cast 26 perch es to a chestnut, thence north 250 perches to a post 1 thence east 133 perches to a post, thence south 2SO perches to a post, thence cast 10-perches to a post, thence south 164 perches to a hemlock in the New York State line, thence by said State line east 216 perches to a white ouk, thence 482 perches to a post, thence east 66 perches to a post, thence south 105 perches a post, tbenco west 15 perches to a white ash, thence south 79 perches to a white pine, tbenco west 76.5 perches to a sugar, thence south 38 perches to a white ash, thonce west 21 perches to a hemlock, thence north 6 degrees, east 107 perches to a post, j tbenco west 188 perches toap6st, thence south 128 perches to a post, thence west 125 porches to a post, thence south 66 perches to a post, thence west 143.5 perches to the place of beginning—containing about 1300 acres, being lota Nos. 9, 10, 53,33, 46, 88,47,48, 49, and 50, of the subdivision by Silas Billings of war rants Nos. 5180, 5179, 5177 wand 5178, lots Nos. 10 v and 59. on warrant No. lots Nos. 9, 33 and 88, ’ * in warrants No. 5179, lots Nos, 46 and 47, on warrant a ~ No. 5178 and lots Nos. 49, 48, and 50 on warrant No, 5177. To bo sold as the property of, Freeman Camp- bell and Rutherford Moody, ta ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded _ north by James and Lewis Osgood, cast by Jess© Col ® luips, south jby E. Benson and G. Brewer, and west by 10 road running from John Benson to Daggett Hollow— containing about 80 acres, about 25 acres improved, one frame house, young apple orchard, and some other fruit trees thereon. r ALSO^-Another lot in same township, bounded north by H. M. Wood and Elijah Benson, east by B. Benson and Lewis Seely, south by A. Haslet and Al mon Updike, and west by estate of L. Rockwell—con taining about ninety seven acres, about eighty five acres improved, two frame houses, two frame barns, and other out buildings, and apple orchard and other fruit trees, thereon. To be sold as the property of Ulysses Chamberlin. ALSO—A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded north, east and south by John Dally, and west by Ti oga Rivet —containing about i of an acre, all im proved, with frame house, frame barn, frame pail and firkin factory, and machinery Ac., for manufacturing ■ the same, two framo dry houses and other out build . ings and a few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the I property, of JoicphW. Guernsey and James W. Guern sey. THE 'TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. ALSO—AJot of land in Delmar township, hounded north by Wm. Warriner, east by lands in possession ,pf Wm. Bache, south by Amos Warriner, and west by land formerly of Simon Wilcox—containing about fifteen acres, about twelve acres improved, one log house, one log him and a'few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Elijah HalL ALSO —A lot of land lu Chatham township, bound ed north by Ambrose Sweet and John Short, east by William Spaulding, south by Solomon HafftaUng, and west by John Short Jr. and Peter Hufflaling-r-contain ing about 75 acres about fifteen acres improved and a log house and some fruit trees therein, To be sold as the property of Er&atus Cloos. ; ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar tqwnship, bounded north by Josi&h Coolidge, east by Silas May, south by Wm. Bache and Samuel Dickinson, and west by land formerly Eaton Merrick—containing about 50 acres, about 15 acres improved, and a few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold aS the property of Morris! Dawson. ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham tyrownahip, bound ed north, east and west by land of the Phllcman Smith estate, and south by highway—containing about twenty acres all improved, one frame 1 house and other out buildings and some fruit trees therein. To be sold as the property of , J.‘ S. Hoard and William D. Kelly. ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury township, bounded north by & H. Potter, east by Arch’d and David Hazlet, south by William Mbrse, west by L. L Nichols, containing about sixty or seventy acres, about twenty acres improved, frame house 1 and log barn thereon. To be sold as the property of Amariah Ha ilet, ALSO—A lot of land in Nelson 1 ownship, bounded north by Samuel Haxelett and Eno h, Blackwell, east by George Phelps, south fay E. Blackwell and E. Mc- Glory, west by Enoch Blackwell; —containing about eighty acres about forty acres improved, two frame houses, one frame barn and sheds and other outbuild ings and two apple orchards and otter fruit trees there on. To be sold as the property of fepinetus Cook. ALSO—A lot pf land in Rutland township, bounded north by Joel Rose, east by Erm tus Rose, south by Erastus Rose,'wcstby William Roso—containing about ten acres, nine acres improved, one frame house, one frame barn and a small apple orchard thereon. Also—Another lot of land in ihe same township, bounded north by E. Rose, cast byj public road, south and west by E. Rose—containing about two acres all improved, with one frame, house, dne frame barn and apple orchard thereon. To be soldi as the property of John Bailey. , ALSO—A lot of land in SulUrap township, bonnd edmnrth by lot No. 149 in possession of Burgess, and lot No. 148 deeded by H. H. Dent t:o Allen F. Webster, oast by unseated land- of M. H. Dent, and south by south line of warrant No. 3381, aid west by lot No. 147 now in possession of Daniel Hart, being lot No. 171 on thcHmap of the lands of IL H.’Dent in Sulli van township—containing about 137 acres, with about 50 acres improved, one log house, mo frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. .To bo .sold as the property of Jason Clark. ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded north by A. Hubble and E. & S. Wood, cast by road running from John Benson’s to Duggott’jf Mills, south by C 7. Chamberlain and Laban Rockwell’s estate, and west by E. Gray and E. S. one hun dred and seventy acres, all improved, with one frame house, one frame bam, one wagon house and an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—Another lot of land In same township, bounded north by G. Gould and Daniel Gray, cast by G. Stevens and S. 1 Wood, south by P. W. Rockwell, and west by Samuel Caneda and L; 51. Palmer—con taining three hundred and twenty acres, with one hun dred and fifty acres improved, one frame house, three log houses, one frame barn, ono cow shed, spring bouse and three apple orchards i hereon. To be sold as the property of Lemon Barnes and William Up dike. | ALSO—A lot of land in Richm ind township, begin ning at a ,post the south-west corner of a mill lot known as'the H. Gi & T. Smyth i milt lot, thence by laud heretofore conyeyed by D. C. Holden to James Lowrcy and by land of said Hold m, north SSJ degrees west 40 perches to a post, thence north 18 perches to a post, thence south 88J degrees cast 40 perches to a post, thenco by said mill lot south IS perches to the place of beginning-)—containing 4i acres, being land conveyed to James Lowrey by J P. Morris and wife and by aaid Lowrey and wife t< said Mansfield Iron Works! | J Also — A lot beginning at a 1 cmlock stump in the south line of land of J. P. Morris, thence south 12 degrees cast thirty-two perches to a post,-thence south BSJ degrees east 46 perches to a stake, thence north 12 degrees west 25 9-lfr perches to a post, thence south BSJ degrees cast 14 perches to the Tioga river, thence down tbe river by I its various courses to tbe northern boundary line of Holden’s land, thence by- said Hold en's land north 881 degrees s7i perches to tbe place of beginning—containing nine and one-half acres, being land cbnveyed by IX C. Holden and wife to James Lowrey, and- by him Iconveycd to the said Mansfield Iron Works—the 1 said’ two lots being now connected together, and being jtho land upon which the buildings, office Ac. of tboj said Mansfield Iron Works now stand, all improved lands, upon which is situated one frame! building occupied for an iron fur nace, three coal kilns made of bijiek, one frame build ing occupied for an office, five idoublo frame tenant houses, four small frame shanties and one long open shed. To be sold as tbe property of tbe Mansfield Iron Works. | ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivhn township bounded north by Reuben ,Nash and E. jDewoy, east by Allen Webster, H. Cooley and E. Dewey, south by Jason Clark and lands of H. H. Dent, land west by Charles Purvis—containing about 109 acres, about 20 acres improved, one log house, one log barn and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Joseph Gregory. J ALSO—A lot of land in Mansfield Boro, bounded north by William Engals, cast by L. H, Elliott, south by Elmira street,lweat by Henry Brewster —contain- ing one and one-tenth acre, all improved, with one frame house, one carpenter shojp, apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Te be sold as tbe property of E. C. Comfort! I ALSO—A lot of land in Gaines township, bounded north by White, east by Ogden, south by Levi Fur man and west by B. V. Ogden, :ontaining one hund red and fifty acres unimproved. To be sold as the property of Stephen Babcock. ALSO—A lot of land in Middlcbury township, bounded north by K. Brown and H. Bryant, east by J. Whitney and A. Hailctt, south by R. S. March and west by ning about 140 acres, about 45 acres improved, two log houses, two frame barns and two apple orchards t lereoa. To bo sold as the property of John Losinger. ALSO-r-A loj of land in Richmond,township, boun ded north by Virgil Sweet and Daniel Walden, oast by C. Whitney, south by Filed Goodall and west by M. Benedict —containing about 208 acres, about 45 acres improved, one log house?, one frame barn, and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of L. C. Griggs and James W. Guernsey. ALSO—A lot of land in Wellsboro, beginning at a stake thirty feet from the nortbi-wost corner of Morgan Sherwood on Main street, thence south-east parallel with tbe line of Sherwood to| land of Bache, thence along land of said Bache north forty-five degrees cast thirty feet to a post, thence north forty-five degrees west to lino of Main street, thence along Main street to the place of beginning, beipg thirty feet front on Main street, with a two story frame building, used formerly for a printing house a!nd shoe shop, now used for a dwelling house thereon. To bo sold as tbe prop erty of Jaines P. Magill. ALSO-f A lot or tract of land in Elkland Boro to wit, bounded north and west by Cowancsquo River and lauds of D. R. Shoff, south by Bingham lands and John C. Hammond, cast by Lcander Culver—contain ing about six hundred acres about three hundred acres improved and three wii(l, with seven dwelling houses, three barns, two grist nills, one saw mill, two apple orchards and some out buildings thereon. To be sold as the property of Lonuet Davenport. ALSO—A lot of land situite in the township of Sullivan, bounded on the nortjh by Theda Cooley, bn the east by the Ward tract, on the south by Aaron Wood and the Ward tract, on the west by Warren Nash—containing'on© hundred and seven acses, with about forty acres improved, with a log house and framefaarn-there fin. To be sold as-the property of Jason Clark. : | ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township, bound ed north by highway, east by highway or Crooked. creek road, south by L. B. Kenyon, and west by Burdick—containing about one acre more or less, all improved, one store house with dwelling combined, one house frame, one frame barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. .To be sold as the property of Wm. D. Kelly. ALSO —Two lots of in Wellsboro on north side of Main NoV 2 and 4 north of the avenue, containing each on Main street, sixty feet in breadth, and in length or depth two hundred and fifty feet to Water street, bounded easterly by lot No. 6, northerly by said Water street, westerly by tbe Avenue and southerly by Main.etreet aforesaid, (except thirty four feet front on Main street and fifty-four feet back, sold to B. B. Smith] being the lot upon which stands tbe Wellsboro Hotel, two harps, one store house and other out buildings thereon.' iTo be sold as the propr erty of-BofAliel S. Sajro. j j 11. POWER, Sheriff. I Wellsboro, August 18, lS59i Special Notices. The Great English Remedy. Str Jax£s Cta&xx's CiLZBRATKa Fkmalx Pills. —Prepared fob* aprtxcrcption qf' Sir J, Clarke, M. Physician jSrtm ordinary to the Queau—'this wall known medicine U no im position, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any causes whatever; and although a powerful remedy they contain nothing hurtful in their cun sUtutioa. . To Ma&sjxd Lasbs it is peculiarly soiled. It will in a short time, bring oh the monthly period with regularity.— These Pills have never been known to fail where the direc* tions on tbd 2d page of the pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. B.—sl and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by re* turn mail. For sate by John A. Roy, Wellsboro; H.H.Borden, Tioga; C. W. Nesbitt, Mansfield; Q. W. Miller, Lawrencovllle: J. 4 J. G. Parkhnrsfc, Rlkland ; A. iJ. Dcartnan, Knoxville; and Charles Goodspeed, Westfield. [Jan. 2T, 1859. ly.] IMPORTANT TO FBSIALES. OR. CBBSSEMAN’S PILLS, ntKFXUn BT CORNEUCB L. CUKESXXAH, X. D. KZW TOBX CITT, The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the re* suit of along and extensive practice. They are mßd in their ape ration, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr Cheesoman’a Pills aro invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the uso of other Pills, can place the utmost confidence in Dr’. Cheeseman’s Pills doing all that they repre sent to do. • NOTICE; They should not be used -during Pregnancy, os a mls-car* riageVould certainly result therefrom. - Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything luju rioiJs to Ufe or health. Explicit directions, which 'should be read, accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by mall on en closing $1 to the General Agent. Sold by one Druggist in every town In the United States, R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for tbe United States, 165 Chambers Street, New York. To'whom, all wholesale orders should be addressed. Sold by John A. Roy Welisboro, Pa., and by Pratt & Hill Owcgo, N. Y. [April 28,1859.10 Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. WHERE the above preparation Is known, it is so well es tablished os on infallible Remedy fur the cure of— Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Spit ting of Blood, Pain in tce Breast,, Crocp, Whooping Cocon, and every form ofll'ulmouary Complaint, that It were a work of supererogation!) to speak of its merits. Discovered by a celebrated physician more than twenty years since, it has by the wonderful cures it has effected been constantly appreciating in public furor, until its use and Its use and its reputation are alike universal; and it is now well known and cherished by all (and their “name is legion’') who have been restored to health by its use as the Great Remedy for nil the diseases which it professes to care. Sir panics Clarke, physician to Queen Victoria, has given it as ms opinion that CONSUMPTION CAN BE C VRED. The whole history of this medicine fully confirms the opin ion of thta eminent man. Thousands can testify, and have testified, that when all other remedies had failed, this had completely cored; that when the sufferer hod well nigh des paired, this had afforded immediate relief; that when the physician had pronounced the disease incurable, this has re moved It entirely. The virtues of this Balsam are alike applicable to enre a Blight cold or a Confirmed Consumption, and its power as a safe, certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy cannot be equalled. ftg,Caution! Purchase none unless it has the written signature of ‘*l. Butts” ou the wrapper, as well os the pilnt cd name of the proprietors. Head the following Letter: Gentlemen: Having used Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry in my practice with great success, I most cheerfully recommend it to those afflicted with Obstinate Coughs, Colds, or Asthma. (Signed,) H. G. MARTIN, M. D. Mansfield, Tioga Co., Aug. ISSS. The following persons have also derived great benefit from the use of the GREAT REMEDY: IVm. Lawrence, P. M_ Bailey Creek; John Fox, P. M. Mainsburg; B. M. Bailey, the well known temperance lecturer, and Thomas Jcriel a well known citizen of this county. S. W FOWLE A Co., Proprietors, Boston. For sale by their Agents everywhere. AGENTS.—John A. Roy, Welisboro; C. W. Nesbitt, Mans field; D. S. Magee, Blossburg; J. Q. Albock, Liberty; A Humphrey, Tioga; Dr. A. Rollins, Jr, Mainsburg. September SO, 1858. Executor’* Sate* IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court to us directed, we will expose to public gale at the house of H. C. Yermilyea, in Gaines township, on Thursday, the Ist day of September, A. D, 1869, the following described real estate to wit: The undivided two-thirds part of a tract of land in Gaines* Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Beginning a hemlock in the west line of Tioga County the south west corner of warrant No. 1308, thence south by the west line of Tioga County 317 perches to a post, thence south eighty-nine degrees east sixty-two perches to a post, then south one degree west 76 perches to a beech stump, thence south eighty-nine ‘degrees east 15 perches to a hemlock, thence south 3 degrees cast 12 perches, thence south 30 degrees east 14$ perches to a forked hemlock, thence by the Phoenix Creek road south 13 perches to the State road, thence by the State road easterly 17 perches to the south east corner of lot formerly of Daniel Barnhart, thence south 71 degrees east 9. 2 porches, thence south 45 degrees east S porches, thence south 24 degrees east 2 perches, thence south JO degrees east 8 perches, thence south S degrees wesuß porches, thenco south 22 degrees west 8 perches, south 39 degrees west 6 perches, south 58 degrees west 10 perches, south sixty-nine degrees west ll perches to a butternut, thence south across Fine creek 10 perches to south bank, thence down Pino creek in a direction north of cast 5 perches, north 36 degrees west across Fine creek 14 perches, north 21 degrees west 7 perches, north 32 degrees west 8 perches, south 12 degrees west 0 perches, south 62 de grees west 4 perches, south 15 degrees cast 27 perches, north 14 degrees cast 14 perches to a white oak, north 06 perches to a post, thence south 89 degrees east 141 perches to a post, thence south 1$ west 297 perches to the beginning—containing about 544 acres with about ; 8 acres 'improved, a frame bouse, framed shop and bam thereon. Terms of sale made known on the day of sale. JAMES BARBER, CHESTER ROBINSON, Ex'rt Estate of O. B. Goodman, Deed. Aug ust Ist, 1859. Administrator’* Sale* IN pursuance of an order of tho Orphan’s Court for Tioga County, the undersigned. Administrators of the estate' of PhUemon Culver dec’d., will expose to public sale at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Satur day the third day of September next, at 2 o’clock p. m. of same day, the following described real estate, situate in Charleston township in said County: One lot bounded ou tho north by lot in possession of Alaneon Thompson, on the east by public road, on the south by land of Francis Wingate, and west by land of Joel Culver and others—containing about seventy five acres with about forty-five acres improved, two frame houses, three frame barns, a steam grist mill and water privilege and an orchard thereon. Also —A lot hounded on the north by the State road, on tho east by Nelson Austin, on the south, and' west by public highway—containing twenty acres, all improved, with a frame bouse and orchard thereon. Also —A lot bounded north by the State road, on tho east by the old creek road and a smalt croek, south by last named creek and new road leading from the grist mill to the State road, and west by the last named new road—containing about seven acres—all improved with a frame house and some fruit trees thereon, A. E. NILES } . , , PRUDENCE CULVER, j i August 9,1859. WEIXSBORO’ ACADEMY. Wollsboro*, Tioga County, Pcnna' Lather R. Barlingame, A. B.; - - Principal Miss ELIZA J. BEACH, .... A*tistant. The Fall Torm will commence Wednesday, Aug. 31st, and close Friday Nor. 11. Tuition. Juvenile Department, • • • . $2,60 Common English Branches, * - 3,50 Higher English Branches, .... 4,50 Ijuiguage*, • - . 1 . - . . 5,00 Drawing, (extra) - * - - ‘ - - 3,00 By order of Trustees, . J. F DONALDSON, PreSt, Wellsboro, Aug. 4,1859. Application for Divorce. To Harriet Leicit: -You ore hereby notified that Lewis C. Lewis, your husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County, for a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court have appointed Monday, the sth day of Sep tember next, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day for bearing the said Leyris C. Lewis in the premises; at which tune- and place you cap appear if you think proper. \ S. L POWER, Sheriff, Sheriff/s Office,. WeHaboro, August 1, *59, Ifotice. IS HEREBY GIVEN that an applieation has been made to the Court of Common Plea* of Tioga, coun ty-by Benj. Oner, Isaac Warn, Richard Hunt and oth ers to grant a charter of incorporation for religious purposes to themselves, their associates and successors under the name and stylo of the ‘‘Baptist Church of Brookfield," and if no sufficient reasons be known to the contrary the said Court will decree that they be come a body corporate. X F. DONALDSON August 11, 1830. PrctP’y. THE EMPIRE STORE; —OF— JOHN R. BOWEN, Has just bean filled up with a complete and well se lected stock of SPRING GOODS. which he is prepared to show to the public, and sell on terms that cannot be beat in this section of country Everything the people wont can be found at the Em pire. For Beautiful Dress Goods, For Beautiful Dress Goods, Call at the EMPIRE STORE. For an Assortment of White Goods, For an Assortment of White Goods, Call at the EMPIRE STOKE For Domestic Goods, For Domestic Goods, Call at the EMPIRE STOKE. For Keady Made Clothing, . For Keady Made Clothing, Call at the EMPIRE STOKE. For Hats and Caps, For Hats and Caps, Call at the EMPIRE STOKE. For First Quality of Groceries, For First Quality of Groceries, • • Call at the EMPIRE STORE. For Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, Ac., For Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, &0., . Call at the EMPIRE STORE For Crockery, Glass and Woodcnware, For Crockery, Glass and Woodcnware, Call at the EMPIRE STORE For Hardware and Cutlery, For Hardware and Cutlery,’ Call at the EMPIRE STORE. For Pork, Flour and Fish, For Pork, Flour and Fish, Call at the EMPIRE STORE. For anything yon want, For anything you want, Call at -f THE EMPIRE STORE. Of JOHN K. BOWES. April 28, 1859. r Death to all Vermin. IT IS TRULY WONDERFUL WITH WHAT CERTAINTY Rata, Roaches, Mice, Moles, Ground Mice, Bed-Bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitos, Fleas, Insects ou animals, in short owry species of vermin are utterly destroyed by “ Costar’s '* Rat, Roach , cCt., Exterminator , “Costay 1 s*’ Bed-Bug Exterminator, “Costar's'* Electric Powder for Insects, Etc. [The only infallible remedies known.] J* C. COVER, (Ed. “Herald”) Lancaster, Wis. “Wo highly recommend the Exter. More grain and provisions are de stroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat Killer and Insect Exter., yet a hnnclreth part of the valne of such property laid out in Costar’s Extr., would save all from loss.” W. CURTIS, (Druggist) Oaklana, 111. ‘*Wo received the box —care Blakcsly, St. Louis—it gives great satisfaction wherever tried—is a “dead shot” and no mistake.” OSBORN k PARSONS, Tafton, Wis. “Your Rat, Roach Extr. is all sold. It gives universal satisfaction.” GEORGE ROSE (Druggist) Cardlngtcn, O. “I have been selling your Extr. frr the last year, and have not known it to fail in a single instance.” R. WRIGHT, (Druggist) Troy, O. *‘l have Bold out all the Hat, Roach, sc. Ext. The Rat Killer is iu great demand.” Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, New York. .83" All wholesale Druggists In New York arc Agents. ASP* Wholesale Agents in all the laoge cities. JS3* Druggists and Dealers everywhere sell them. *s** 10,000 boxes sold per week in New York alone.* Jt 3‘l t! Beware !! lof spurious imitations. Examine each Dor. Houle or Flask, and take nothing but “Crstar’a.” 85** $l,OO Boxes can be sent by mail, (sufficient to destroy the vermin ou any premises.) aAS- $2,00 sample packages (1 doz.) by Express to Dealers. B®"*For Agencies, f>enJ for Circular, Terms, Ac. Wholesale Agents for Pcuna. Philadelphia, Pa.—T. W, Dyott 4 Sons, Robert Shoemaker A Co. Pittsburg, Pa.—B. L. Fahnostock k Co. Sold also by JOHN A. ROY, Welisboro, Pa. Jnly 14,1859. 3m. TIOGA CABINET WAREHOUSE. Ou Welisboro SI., Tioga. fTIHE undersigned would inform the citi &CU JL zons of Tioga, and the county gencraJ- that'bo keeps constantly on hand, for at low prices, //f % A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CABINET WARE CHAIRS, &C. Including Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, Center, Dining and Breakfast Tables, DRESS AND COHESION BUREAUS. WASH STANDS, COTTAGE , iM.VCr A JED COMMON -A-L-S-O- Common 4' Spring Seat Chairs. All kinds of Rocking Chairs. All articles in the above line made to order on short notice. Those desiring to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves before purchasing else-, where. J. W. PUTNAM. Tioga, August 4, 1859. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. JMETHINO NEW—B. T. BABBITT'S B: MEDICINAL SALEBATUS, Is manufactured from common salt, and is prepared entirely different from other Saleratus. All the delctcrcons matter extracted In such a manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit, and all kind of Cake, without containing a particle of Saleratus when Che bread or cake is baked; thereby producing wholesome results. Every particle of Saleratus is turned to gas and passes through tho .Bread or Biscuit while Baking; consequently nothing re* mains but common salt, water and flour. You will readily perceive by the taste of this Saleratus that it is entirely different from other Saleratus. It is packed in one pound papers, each wrapper branded *B. T. Babbitt’s Best Medicinal Saleratus,’ also, picture, twisted loaf of bread, with a glass of effervescing water on the top. When yon purchase one paper you should preserve the wrapper, and be careful to get the next exactly like the first— brand as above/ Full directions for making Bread with this Sale* ratns and Sour Milk or Cream Tartar, will accom pany each package; also, directions for making all kinds of Pastry; also, for making Soda water and Seidlitz Powders. MAES YOUR OWN SOAP B. T. Babdxtt’s Puee Coscestrateu Potash. Warranted double the strength of ordinary Potash: put up in cans—l J>> M 2 3 lb*, 0 ft.«, ami 12 lbs —with full directions fur making Hard and Soft Soap. Consumers will find this the cheapest Pot ash in market. Manufactured and for sale by B. T. BABBITT. Nos. 68 and 70, Washington st, New York, and No. 38 India st., Boston. June 9, *6O. ly. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. 1 QffTO ■Benerofrn. Institution, estaWshrd ho rperinl JLOOI/. endowment for the. relief of the tick and dis tressed, affiided with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. The Directors of this well known Institution in their An nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labor* of their surgeons iu the cure of Sperrantorrhma, Seminal Weakness. Impotence, Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Syphilis, the rice of Onanism, or Self-abuse, Ac,, and order a continu ance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Consulting Surgeon is authorized to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS^ - to all who apply by letter with a description of their coud£ tion (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.), and in coses of ex treme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINE FREE OF CHARGE. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or self-abuse, and other diseases of the Scxnal organs, by the consulting Surgeon, will bo sent by mail (In a scaled enreloDCL FREE OF CHARGE) on receipt of TWO STAMPS for pottage. Other Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, Acu, are constantly being published lor gratui tous distribution, and will bo sect to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered dur ing the last year are of great value. Address, for Report or treatment,Dr.J.SKlLUN HOUGH TON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No&South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Director*, EZRA D. HEABXWRLL, President. GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary. August 4,1859, ly. * -1 BARRELS of Ist and 2d Quality White X vU Wheat Flour fur sale at my store very cheap. New wheat. FRED E. WRIGHT, J^XTMPHREYS’ Specific Specific Howspathic Ksnooss, Hoxcefathic Bexbdles, No; 502 Broadway. No. 562 Broadway* Tbe Great Teatcrr The Great Feature Of this series of Domestic Remedies is that each par tieolor medicine is a Specific for the particular disease or class of diseases whose name it bears, and may be relied upon for the cure of that particular a Section. Hence, persons suffering from a chronic disease or long-standing ailment, in buying a case of H ym-. phrets' Specific, obtain the particular one desired lo their case, and thus themselves make a cure wbieh otherwise would cost them mhny dollars, and no small amount of time and medical attendance, if, indeed, U could be obtained at alt. Thus multitudes suffer from Dyspepsia, Billons Con. dition. Costiveness, Bad- Taste, Coated Tongue and Do, bUity, which is perfectly controlled and cured by the Dyspepsia Specific, Dyspepsia Specific. There Is scarcely a phase or form of this disease which isnot promptly controlled and ultimately cured by the use of this Specific. Thousands who hare suffered for yean with this “Bilious condition’' having purchased a case of these Specifies, hare obtained % perfect cure and immunity from their old complaint. Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats, Coughs, Golds and Sore Throats, which so frequently lead to Bronchitis and Coxsueptiov, Bronchitis and Conscription, are all in their early stage secured by the Couch Pills. Cough Pills, Many cases of long standing Bronchitis and Irritating Coughs have been perfectly cored by this specific. But more I many persons have a specific liiibility to colds and take them from the least .exposure. This will be entirely relieved by the use of Cough Pills, os scores con testify from experience. So Catarrh Catarrh is one of onr moat common and most troublesome dis eases, against which the Old School Medicines and even Homoepathic prescriptions, are of very little use. Yet hundreds of persons have been cured of not only recent and fresh,hut 6ven long standing and obstinate cases of Catarrh by the use of this specific. One aged lady in Syracuse was thus porfeoth- cored of a Catarrh, which had annoyed her all her life, And a young lady at one of our first class boarding schoul*. who Was so afilicted with this disease as to require more than forty handkerchiefs a week, was entirely cured in a single week by this Specific. Piles, Piles, bleeding and blind, as one of those common and ob stinate forms of disease which are so difficult t« cure by the ordinary methoda/but which find an entire and fundamental cures in the Piles Specific. True, time is required; but the Specific is pleasant to take, requires neither diet nor restraint, and being followed up, a perfect euro is the result Hundreds of persons, in purchasing a case of Specifics, have obtained a cure for this most trying and obstinate form of disease, which has been worth to them ten times the coat of the entire set Cases of over twenty rears’ standing have been cured with this simple Specific, and wo be lieve all may be cured by perseverance. The cose contains the best Fever aro Agee Specific Fever asd Ague Specific known. A remedy without any deleterious or poison ous substante, which not only cures the ague, and old, mismanaged agues, but may be relied upon as a pre ventative when persons are residing in a fever and ague district It prevents or protects upon the same principles that vaccination prevents small-pox or belJa dona prevents scarlet fever, by pre-occnpying the sys tem with the true Specific. Hundreds have been thus protected and cured. I The Ophthalmv Specific ■ has proved a most invaluable remedy for Sore Eyes and Eyelids, and for Weak and Blurred Sight One lady in Indiana, who hod been a sufferer from sore eyes for many years, and for two years was entirely blind, was cured perfectly by tho Ophtholmy Specific alone. Headaches, to which 60 many are subject, finds a curative in the case. There is a specific which relieves at the time of the attack, and also ona which corrects tbo condition of the system upon which it depends, and so destroy! the predisposition to a return. The Specifics for the various forms of t Female Complaints have proved invaluable. Old long standing Loocor rbwa or Whites, attended with debility or exhaustion, and for which other.forms of medicine are of little value, are fully controlled and cured hy the Female Pills; while the specific for irregularities control al most every form of scanty, painful, or irregular men struation. Diarrhoeas and Summer Complaints in adults or children are controlled like magic by the Diarrhoea Pills, while it may be averred without the possibility of successful contradiction, that the Dysen, tery Pills are the most perfect Specific for that disease known. For the various forms of Fevers, Scarlet Fever, Measles, and other diseases of children, the Fever Pills may he safely and surely relied upon, * These Specifics are the prescriptions of Prof. Hum phreys, used for years in his extensive practice, and to the perfection of which he has devoted the resour ces of extensive knowledge, experience and study. The public may rest assured that during the life time of Dr. H. no one bos been or shall be intrusted with the preparation of his Specific?, and he offers the guaranty of his professional life and reputation that they shall bo just as bo represents them. They have now hepn before the public for five years, and have everywhere won golden opinions from the many thousands who have used them. Simple, free from intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have become the ready recourse and aid of tho parent, traveler, nurse, or invalid, and have become tho family physician aad medical adviser of thousands of families. Nowhere have they been tried without hav ing been approved, and their highest appreciation is among those who have known them longest, and most intimately. Every family will find those Specifics all they have been recommended ? prompt, reliable simple and effi cient; often a friend in need and a friend indeed. List op Specific Remedies. Jvo 1. Fever Pills —For Fever, Congestion and In flammation of all kinds. No. 2. Worm Pills —For Worm Fever, Worm Colic and wetting the bed. No. 3. Baby's Pills — For Colic, Crying, Teething and Wakefulness, and Nervousness of Adult-. No. 4. Diarrhoea Pills —For Diarrhoja, Cholera lu f fantum and Summer Complaint, No. 5, Dtsbnlkuv Pills —For Colic, Griping, Dys entery or Bloody Flux. No. 6. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. 7. Cough Pills—For Coughs, Colds, Influenza and Sore Throat No, 8. Toothache Pills— For Tooth-arh© F«e-*cho and Neuralgia. No. 9. Headache Pills— For Headache* Tcftieov Heat and Fulness of tbo Head. No. 10. Dyspepsia Pills— For Weak Had Deranged Stomachs, Constipation and Liver Complaiau No. 11. Female Irregularities-— Scanty, Painful <*r suppressed Periods. No. 12. Female Pills,— For leoeeirhcoa, Prufuse ‘ Menses and Bearing Down. No. 13. Croup Pills—Fa* Croup,Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 14. Salt Rheum Pills—For Erysipelas, Emptioas, Pimples on tho Face. No. 15. Rheumatic pills—For Pain, Lameness or Soro- boss in tho Chest, Back Loins or Limbs, A—For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, old mis managed Agues. F—For Wha Blind or Bleedings Jnlernal or Extenyil. 0. —For Sore, Weak or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids, VaJline. Waal; or Blumd Sight, C.~For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either nhh oN struotion or profhse df«ctmrge. W. C—For whoopjng frogli, abating ita rtolenee and short ening Us course. Pricks. Foil set, 20 Targe vials In Morrocco Case an d Book «00 Full sot, 20 large xihla, in Plain Case and * 4 00 Case of 15 numbered boxes and Book, * 2 OG Case of any 0 numbered boxes and Book, 1 00 Single numbered boxes, with Directions. 04 Single lotterod.boxos, with directions^ Large plantation, or physician’s case, 1 and 3 02. vials IS 00 Oun Remedies by Mail. Look over the list, make up a case of what kind rou chooaev and enclose the amount in a current note'nrstamik by malL to our address, at No. 562 Broadway, New York, and the charge" 0 WUI ** dnly rßtnrned h 7 mail or express, five of Address DR. F. HUMPHREYS A 00„ Sold In ir.,l»v. r( , by j 0 y B BctJ aoiJ ,_,. Drnjgfcn, • «i, 3m. , _