ESS DIRECTORY. DICKINSON HOUSE COEHIH«< N. Y. D. CT. Noe Proprietor. G ousts taken to and from tho Depot free of charge. S. B. BROOKS, ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW ELKLA.SD, TIOGA. CO. PA. ‘Tn the multitude of Counselors there is safety.”— Bible. BapU 23,1855, ly. P£HllS¥LTliyiA HOUSE. IFJBILSBOKO’, PA. L. D. TAYXOR, PROPRIETOR. This deservedly popular house is centrally located, and commends itself to tho patronage Of tho travelling public. Kov. 115.1858, ly. jgggv G. N. DARTT, dentist. Office at his Residence, near the Academy. All work pertaining to his line of business done, promptly and warranted, [April 22, 1558.] AMERICA* HOTEL. COaNIXG, N.Y., S FRfiEWAN, .... Proprietor. Meals, 25 ets. Lodgings, 25 cts . Board, 75 cts. per day. Corning, March 31, 1859. (ly.) SPENCER a THO] Attorneys & Counselors :il law, cosivinic, Stcnbcn County, New Vorli. GKO. T. St'ENCER. C. H. Thowpsos. April 18, 1555.—1 y. . PAysictan and Surge on. ELKLAND, TIOGA COUNTY, PA, Will visit patients in all parts of the County, or re ceive them for treatment at bis house. [June 14, ISjg.] S. F. WILSON, Jiemoved to Joe. Lovcrtxft'OJJxct, JTAS. IOWRBT & S. FJ WILSOII, Attorneys iU and Silver WuicKies, which he will sell cheaper than "dirt” on 'Time,* i. e. he will sell ‘Time Pieces’on a short (approved) credit. All kinds of REPAIRIXG done promptly. If n job of work is not done to the satisfaction of the party ordering it, no charge will be made. Psist favors appreciated and a continence of patron age kindly solicited. AXDIE.FOLEY. Wcllsboro. June 24, 1848. JOHN B. SHAKESPEAB, TAILOR, HAVIXG opened his shop in the building lately occupied by Dr. Barr, respectfully informs the citizens of WelUboro’ and vicinity,that he ia prepared to execute orders in his line of business with prompt ness and despatch, hoping by strict attention to busi ness tei thrown. Sarsaparilla has. un*l deserves much, the reputation? of ac complishing these ends. But tli<» world has been cgregiou»ly deceived by preparations of it. partly because the drug alone has not all the vu tue that is claimed for it. but more be cause preparation*, ptetending to be concentrated ex tracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public hove been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for onn dollar. Most of these ham been frauds upon the »Uk. fur they imt only contain little if any Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts nf sar-apariHa which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with Imposition and cheat. Still wc call this compound Sar saparilla, and intend to supply such a iciuedy as shall rescue the name ftom the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think wo have ground for behoving it has virtues which are irresistible by the ot dinary run of the diseases it Is in tended to cure. I u order to secure their complete eradica tion from the system, the remedy should be judiciously ta ken accordingto directions on the bottle. PIUSPAUED by Dr. j. c, Ayer & Co, Price, $1 per bottle; Six bottles for $5, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every va riety of Throat and LungComphunts, that it is entirely un- f*»r us to recount the evidence of its virtues, when ever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use through-mi this section, wc need not do more than as sure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever Ims been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For the core of Custiveness, Jaundice, DyspepMo, Tndiges tlon. Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysielas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions ami Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy.*Tetter. Tumors anil Salt Rheum. Worms, Gout Neu ralgia, as a Dinner Fill, and for purifying the blood. They arc sugar-coated, so that the mo»t sensitive can take them pleasantly and they are the best aperient in the wot Id for »H the purpos a of a family physic. ROBINSON 4 CO. Price 25 cts. per bog; Five boxes for $l,OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent pen-onuses. have lent their names to certify the un paralleled of these remedies, but our sj»ace hero will mu permit the insertion of them. The Agents, below named, furnish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above com plaints, and the treatment that should be followed fur their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other pre parations they make mm e profit on. Demand Atir’s. and take no other*. The sick want the be»taid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for Palo by C. &J. L. ROBINSON — Weilnboro', and by all Druggists and Merchants throughout the country. Feb. 1", 1859.—-6ro. JUST OPENED. FLOUR AND FEED STOKE. FLO VS BY THE POUND Oil BARREL! FEED BY TEE HUNDRED OR TON!! THE Subscriber has just opened on Main Street, first door below United Slates Hotel, where the citizens of Wellsboro and surrounding country can al ways depend upon getting a GOOD SUPPLY OF Flora, FiiED, Mo mi, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. To bo Sold very Cheap for Cash only I Lumbermen and those wishing to purchase a good article will do well by calling on me before going else where. F. K. WRIGHT. Wellsboro, April Tib, 1859. WELLSBORO FOUNDRY Machine Shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. T) 0 D ERT Y 0 IT NG, late of the firm of Tabor 1L Young «t Co., Tiiga, takes this method to in- Public that he bos leased the ' Foundry and Machine Shop, in the Village of Weilsboro, for a term of years, and having pat it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done at such an establish ment, in the best manner and out of the best material. TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE! He has had over twenty years’esperiencein the bu siness and will faavo the work, entrusted to him, dose directly under his supervision. No work will be tent out half finished. MILL-GEARINGS, PLOWS, STOVES , and costings of all kinds on hand and made to order. May 28. 1567. ROBERT rOUJfG. NEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP! BSu OPPOSITE HOY'S DKUU STORE. Where you. can buy Stoves, Tin, and Japanned Ware for one-half the usual prices. Large Xo. 8 Elevated Oven Cook Stove and Trim ming* for $15,00, All kinds of Tin nnd Hardware in proportion for Ready Pay, It will pay any one who wants anything in this line to call and see our prices before purchasing elsewhere* Recollect the place—two doors south of Farr's Ho tel, or opposite Roy’s Drag Store. CALL AXD SEE! April 21, 1869. 1. GOODS. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CARPETS, AYER’S SARSAPARILLA. IOIVELL, MASS. A WHOIES.UE A; RETAIL -A-N-D THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. JOHN A. HOT, DRUGGIST diiPOTPAM. WELIvSBOBoj PA. j Wholesale and Bplail dealer in Foreign and Do mestic ; i » i R - ' ® i« Is IHD CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYES, VARNISH, WINDOW class! AND PCTTI, BURNING FLUID, TINCTURES, EVTRACTS, ACIDS, POWDERS, PILLS, LEAVES, HERBS, WRITING INK, ENVELOPES, BRUSHES, cologne: ROOTS,: PERFUMERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER. SLATES, CHILDREN'S TOYS., AC., ALSO, j HAIR OILS, YANKEE NOTIONS, & FANCY GOODS, j Almost every variety of | Pharmccntic Preparations, Thompsonian medicines, BOTANIC AND HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. KIRBY’S MOWER & REAPER THE Subscriber is selling tbis valuable machine and invites all who want a really good Mower and Reaper, to examine it before purchasing any otberma chine. It is superior to all other* Mowers and Reap ers in use, in the following particulars: Itis tbcligbt est in use; is strong and durable; requires loss draft than any other machine; has no side draft though it cuts a wide swath; will work on rough ground where no other machine can follow it 5 very difficult to be clogged in any kind of grass, be: t wet or dry ; is sim ple in construction and nut liable to get out of repair; is a perfect combined machine; vorkifagiequally well, whether mowing or reaping; an& is the CHEAPEST In price, the Mower being only $lO5 afld the combined mac'hincSlSO—making it altogether the most desirable Mower and Reaper in market. Call at the Tin and Stove Store and examine for yourselves. Reaper took the fiijst prize at the State Fairs of New York and Indiana against all competi tors. It also took the prize at die Tioga County Fair lost Fall. Feb. 24,1859. D. P. ROBERTS. N. B. Tbe Subscriber is also Agent of the Tioga Point Agricultural Works for thn sale of Emery’s unrivalled Railroad Horse Powers, Threshers and Separators, Portable Circi larnnd Cross Cut Saw Mills and Shingle Clover Hullers, Em ery’s Ilickock’s and'Krauscr’s CiderMillsand Press es, Corn Shelters, Jlay, Stnw & Stalk Cutters, Horse Rakes, Dog iPowers, Clow’s Grain Cradles, Corn & Cob Mills, Cultuatorj, Horse Hoes, Deder ick’e Hay Press, Stump Mach: nes, Leather and Rub ber Belting. p hiwet&co; Publishers, Wholesale Booksellers, AND MANUFACTURING AND IMPORTING STATIONERS. JSB Main, and 3 West Seneca Street ?, - - - Buffalo, N. V. All American Publications at Publish ers net Wholesale Prides to the Trade. OUR General Catalogue, with Wholesale and Retail Price* will bo foiwurded to Dealers on application. Also Cir culars containing full description o'f all our Books, with tec oramendationa of Teachora, Sc. | Spencerian System of Practical Penmanship Kmbmdng Twenty-Eight arranged in THREE DISTINCT SERIES. to suit tbe wants of the Public, and Se lect Schools and Colleges, Private Learners, Clerks, Account ant*, Ac. I ■p **'*• rT ~" IRSjT. Common School Series of Eight Boohs. In which letters are introduced by analysis and synthesis, anil progressively graded to nieut Ithc u.ujts 01 schools and pupils of every class. Each book) contains lucid rules and scientific instructions applicable t[o each letter and copy, so that any intelligent person can efficiently impart instruction to the learner, or acquire an elegant and systematic hand writing without the md of a teacher. _ _ DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL DOORS, VIZ: No. I—Contains 8 diflcrcnt'h'U jr« vritli tlnnr simple cem hliifitlons. Explanations are wi Irtea above each copy. No 2—Contains 7 different Ictt ;rs, nod affords additional practice on the letters in lujok 1. No. 3—-Contains the 12 lun« or extended letters, Introduced by principles, analysis and syntht sis. No.-I—Embraces the capitals which are introduced by principles and analysis, in connection with words and combi nations best calculated to doteloj good form, order and facil ity of execution. No. s—Contain* sentences, embracing all the capitals and small letters, affording substantial practice on nil the princi ples and rules given in the preceding four books. No. G—Contains short Ittisineni Forms of every day nse in business, book-keeping. Ac., and introducti jn to book 7. No. 7—lloak of correct business Forms, embracing Xhie Bills, Receipts, Orders, Notes, Drafts, Set of Exchange, Ac counts Current. Account Sales, Lodger Headings, Letters of Introduction, Superscriptions, Ac. No. B—Ladies’ Book, of approved modifications of the sys tem, designed to impart a plain, rapid and beautiful Episto lary Hand. | EXERCISE BOOKS.—-No. I—To accompany books, 1, 2,3 and 8. to aid the pupil in acquiring that free use of the fing ers and fore-arm essential to and rapid execution of the contracted and extended letters.] No. 2—To be used in connection with themigher numbers of the series to gntn command of the hand in -the movements required to execute the advanced copies and business wtitlug generally. 1 SECOND. —Spencer & Lusk's] Series of Six Books, with same copies on opposite pages. THlRD.—Extended Series of 32 Books, to wit: Nos. 1,2, 3,4, Beginner’s C\»urse. Nos. 5. 5,7, 8,9, Progressive Course. Nos. 10. 11, 12, Practice. Ladle ’ Styles. Retail price of nil the above, 33 cents each. Compendium of Spencerian rjenmanship, containing sixty pages, and more than four 1m dred lines of lawutifully en graved copies. Retail price per copy, Paper, $l. Cloth, $1 50. Upon receipt of the retail price in stamps, any bookruamod above, will be forwarded as dice Red. postage paid. I March 3d. 1859. 1 Stoves, Sioves, AND TIN SHOP. WM- KOBBBTS respcptfußy announces fo the citizens of Wellsboro and vicinity, that ho has just received a large audition to big stock of Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and ia now prepared to furnish bia numerous custom ers with articles ia his line >f business superior to any that can be obtained in tint section of the country. Uis stock const star in part, of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. Also a large assortment of Tin and Sliest Iron Ware, Stove Pipe, Stove Fixtures, Boilers, Hardware, Ac,. Particular attention paid to putting on Tin Roofs, Eavje- Troughs and CONDUCTORS. Repairing done on short) notice with readiness and dispatch. These wishing ils. of the best qualify. 1 Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Pepper, Saleratus, Soda, Candles, Soap, Burning Fluid, .Camphene, Turpentine, Alcohol* And an'innumerable variety of articles In common use. ' ] s33* Please call at the NEW DRUG STORE. • P. R. WILLIASIS, Ag’t. Wellfboro, March 10, 1550. c. & J. L. ROBINSON, Have the pleasure of announcing to their customer* and the public generally, that they are nUv receiving their stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. HEADY MADE CLOTHING. AND EVERT DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE REQUIRED BY THE PUBLIC AT REASONABLE BATES THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN WELL ESTABLISHED STASD EVESYBOITKSOWS THE PLACE, FIRST STORE SOUTH OF COURT HOUSE. M.iy sth, 1859. SEW FM! SEW FIRM!! SEARS & WOOD. Have bought ont the entire stock of C. L. Wilcox, and prepared to furnish CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, FILINGS, PEGS , NAILS, THREAD, BINDINGS, LIKINGS, PITTING-SILK SHOE-KNIVES, AWLS, PITTING-THREAD, Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etc., CHEAP FOR CASH! Repairing done'in a workmanlike manner, and all work warranted. The Boot A Shoe Department will, as hereto fore, be under tbe direct supervision of Charles Sears, whose long experience in the business, may be presumed, without vanity, to qualify him for giving good satisfaction to those who may favor us with or ders. We will also pay kho highest cash prices for HIDES, SKINS & FURS, A Itew Stock of Groceries. AS GOOD AS THE BEST, AXD AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! We intend to keep our assortment of Groceries full, nnd to sell them on ns favorable terms as the same ar ticle can be bought in the County. Stand, the same as formerly occupied by 0.1.. Vill coi, third door below J. R. liowen. Wellsboro, April 7, '59. C. W. SEARS H. H. WOOD. 0. BULLARD. SADDLE & HARNESS SHOP. . a- T WOULD respectfully inform the JL Public that I have undertaken tfce above business at the stand for mcrly occupied by John Alexander, l ono door above Roy’s Drug Store. With determination to be behind no other estab lishment in tho Country, I have added greatly to the facilities for the general accommodation, and have spared neither pains nor expense to obtain and make myself master of every modern improvement in tbe business, and to secure tbe services of the best work men. He will keep a large stock on band, and manu facture at the stortest notice, all descriptions of Har ness, such as Saddles, Bridles, Heavy Harness, CARRIAGE IIARSESS of all kinds, Ac. Traces, Hames, Halters, IVhips, All of which I will warrant to be equal to any that can be obtained in any other establishment in the country* All I ask is that those desiring anything in this line, should call at bis place and examine his stock. I feel the fullest confidence in my ability to giro entire satisfaction. JS&- All orders thankfully received and promptly Ifn 10 ’ „ , JOS - ENSVVOKTH. Wclisboro, October 2S, 185 S. TUB SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH & MATURITY. Just Published, Gratis, the 2oth Thousand. JlSJjltlSLt FEW "'ORDS OS THE RATIONAL MSSSgS& Treatment, without medicine, of Sperm bUfralMmy aturrhea or Local tVeakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genual and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Impotency and Impediments to Marriage generally, r BY B. DE LANEY, M. D., The important fact that the many alarming com plaints, originating m the imprudence and solitude of youth, may bo easily removed without medicine is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entire highly saoeessful treatment, as adopted by • T explained, by meansof which every one is enabled to cure HDtSELC perfectly and'at the uTs a 4n P ms of the S daj bereby the ad V Ec4 .j*," 1 '" “J ad4 « M . gratis and post free in » sealed . T\. ti s nr 1 ! ( POBt P a W) two postage stamps ■ to Dr. B. DE LANEY, 88 East 3ist St. New York Li'y- June 2, 1869. (Fob. 9, IS3S) & CONSISTING IN PART OF DRESS 0 0 D S. WHITE GOODS. STAPLE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. YANKEE NOTIONS. GROCERIES HARDWARE STONEWARE BOOTS AND SHOES. WOODENWARE CAN BE SECURED A T AND WELIiSBORO’ C. Ct. OSGOOD, IS NOW RECEIVING HIS STOCK 0? SPUING & SUMMEj GOODS, which is large and complete, and to which he ■ the attention of the Goods baying public not blow about prices, as we ate not accust '*3 playing on wind instruments. But pl ei ., °* ! 'i a see, and if the goods and prices do not suit do not expect to selh ‘ !lut DRESS GOODS Black Silks, Plain, Black Silks, Corded, Lawn, ' Mohair Stripes, Lawns Printed, English Challis’ Printed, Pine Ginghams., French Cambrics, French Jaconetu’ Figured Brilliants, etc., etc., etc ’ WHITE GOODS Irish linens, * -Embroidered Collars. Bishops Lawns, Book Victoria Lawns, Bands and Flouoeb»« Esmv ralda Swiss, Ctieck Cambric, Table S, Bands and Flouncing*, Figured Swiss, Swiss Linen Shirt Fronts, Edgings, Inserting?, xfcJf 4 Cotton, Nainsook Muslins, Marsalis * 4 ' ; Handkerchiefs, Laces, Cotton, '* Laces, Silks, Towels, N a pk i n s. GENTLEMEN. You will find at Osgood's a fine stock of Cloth, r aimeres, Vestings, Furnishing Goods, .Gloves, Iloisery, pEanr.vny 15, 155 i». . TO Manufacturers, this Invention is of great > portance, as either motion is converted ion other by n simple arrangement of mean;, *•* the least possible loss or absorption of power l*y ■&** Uon, and applicable to every Machine where two motions are required. The Cut shows the pn: •• pie as applied to Common Dash Churn?. Ths signed have purchased the Patent Right fortnuw*’ ty, aud are manufacturing and selling at the low of §5. It is conceded to he the best arraogetcen. •• churning Milk or Cream ever invented. Tioga, May 12. ’59. BALDWIN, LOWELL FABBEL, HEKBfS64 col PA TEXT CIU.MPIOX S.lit. LATE TIRE AT Dl'BrQl'E, Drergii:. Jan - V' s'',f 5 '',f Gents i I am requested by Mr. X. A. C. this place, to say lo you that on (be monit«£" 4th inst, about 3 o’clock, his store took *ire, ao ■- entire stock of goods was destroyed. The flout so suddenly intense that none of the gw’ s Ct '“ v ’ erJ sibly be saved; but fortunately hi- books auo which were in one of your Champion preserved perfectly. And well they cjj/ '‘ ‘ Champion, for during the whole ron^f 3 was one incessant pouring of flame /L^n? Safe which contained them. And ihl* up it, the inside xros found to be scarcely the outside was most severely £C ™ l *\ {^UU.'r Herring’s Patent Champion Fire PRO''" Safes, with HALL’S PATENT LOCKS, afford the greatest security of any . world. Also Sideboard and Parlor saiesj workmanship and finish, j r—® FARRELL HERRING A 34 Walnut St., to their new store, No- -.-• St., (Jayne’s Hall,) where the largest aii Safes in the world can be found - FAKREI,. HERKIM' K;, 629 Chestnut Street, (J»5 “* V„rft March ir, 1855 f P.lsd^ MARKIAGrE G&lßh-* A NEW BOOK BY WILLtAM JO'- ; L The secret clue to C w '|’ and Marriage; with the '.m - dent to Youth, Maturity being lights and shad*? 0 • its Joys and Sorrow?, ’. rr? .;y j ' Disappointments, Let ili '* i pie, or those eontcmrD«?f and haring the least impediment to this book. Let every young man am land read this book. It is rrti* 0 , , L | n 0,.» closes secrets that every' oqe sho»hl , n b • knowledge at first may save a world m r (i) life. Send for a copy (enclosing -o DR. wax. VOCNG, No. 415 Li * ” PHILADELPHIA May 5, 1559. 8. WE W JI MISS PAULINA SMITH