NESS DIRECTOR' * bus; S. B. BROOKS., ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Ef.KLA.VPj TIOGA. CO. PA. “In'tbo multitude of there U safety."—Bible. Sept. 22, 1858, ly. HOUSE. W-ELLSBOHO’, PA.’ **•- h. D. TAYLOR, PROPRIETOR. This deservedly popular house la centrally located, and commends itself to the patronage of the travelling public. ■Nov. 25. 1858, ly. C. N. DARTTj DEH TIST. Ojjicc at his Residence, near the Academy, AU work pertaining to bis line of business done promptly ana warranted. [April 22, 1858.] AMERICAN HOTEL. CORNING, N. Y., & FREEMAN, - - - - Proprietor, Meals, 25 cts. Lodgings, 25 cts. Board, 75 cts. per day. Corning, March 31/*ISS9. (ly.) SPENCEE & THOMSON, Alloruejs?.*. Conmelor. at Law, .CORNING, Steuben County, Sew Yorlt. Geo. T. Si’ksceh. C. H. Taoarsos. April IS, 1555.—1 - Hydropathic Physician uvd Snrjevit. ELKUND, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. “Will visit patients in all parts of the County, or re ceive them for treatment at his house. [June Id, 2555. j WIXLSBOKO’ HOTEL. B. B. Holiday - - - Proprietor. TICK Subscriber has (purchased this well-known public hu«-e. not for purposes of speculation. but with the ob ject of making Wellsboru’ his permanent residence. No naiQH will be snared to render the house a desirable homo for travelers. B. B. HOLIDAY. January 13,1855, (6m.) S. F. WILSOJf, Removed to Jaa. Low fey'* Office. J \s. LOWRI3T & S.-F. WILSON, A TTOHSEVS &> COUNSELLORS AX will attend the Court of Tioga. Pottor and .McKean cv .suics. ['Wcllsboro', Feb. 1, iSoS.j GAIIVES OOTJBL. H. 0. VBMtILYEA, PROPRIETOR, Gaines, County, Pa, This well known hotel is located within easy access of { ie host fishing and hunting grounds in Northern No pains will be spared for the accommodation vf p’eaMire seekers and the traveling public. April U, !So9. COUDEHSPORT HOTEE. COUOEUSPOKI POIXEH CO., PESXA. D. F. Glassmire npiIIS HOTEL is located within an hour’* drive of I the head waters of the Allegheny, Genesee, and bu:>(uebanua rivers- No efforts are spared to make it u Lome for pleasure seekers during tfaetrouling sea son, and for the traveling public at all times. Jim. 1559, ly- WATCHES! THE Subscriber has got n fine ansortment of facavr ESGLJSH LEV EH JU\VTEH~CASE Crt>ld and Silver Walches, -which he will pell cheaper than u dirt” on • Time,’ i. c. ha will sell ‘Time Pieces' on a short (approved) credit, I All kinds of REPAIRING done promptly. If a (job of work is not done to the satisfaction of the party •ordering it, no charge will be made. Past favor? appreciated and a coutiunncc of patron* ngp kindlv solicited. ANDIE FOLEY, Wellsboro. June 24, IS4S. JOHN B. SHAKESPEAR, TAXL OR . HAVING opwucd bis &Uop in the building lately occupied by Dr. Barr, respectfully informs the ctn/ten* ofWisUshnro’ nod vicinity, that he is prepared to execute orders in bis line of business with prompt ness and despatch, hoping by strict attention to busi ness to merit the confidence and support of those who may favor him with their orders. Cutting done on hhurt notice. ■ Wellsboro, Oct 21, IS5S.—6m Corning Book Store. THE Subscribers have removed to the large and elegantly fitted up Brick Store—four doors enj-t oi Conceit Block, Corning—and will keep on hands* large n«orUneut of New Books, among which are Religious Standard Works, 11IST01UCAL BOOKS, Tales of Fid ton, Poetical H oriw, School Book*, SHEET MUSIC, Blanks, Stationery and Wall Paper, N. Y. Daily an*' Weekly papers, all the Magazines at Publishers prices. AB for sale very cheap. Coming. Sept. 24, *57. H. D. DEMIN G-, Would r spectfulty announce to the people of Tioga County, that he jj* uu'V jirepaied to fill all order? for Apple. Pear, Peach. Cherry. -Nectarine, Apricot, Evergreen ami beciduou* Oru im>-iibil trees. Alio Currants Ito-spbcrnoa, Gooseben «•«>. tiiaricberries and Strawberries of nil new and approved v.iri «Kh. R Consisting of Hybrid, Perpetual and Sum lvvyoL,k-7 iner llxvva. Mow. Bourbon. Noisette, Tea, or China, and Climbing Ho?es. CIJn IT RRIPR V Including all the finest new>«- J 111 V U UULU 1 —rietiejj of Althea. Cnl.u.mtlius. Dentzia. Lilacs. Spiraes, Syringing. Viburnums, Wigilins Ac. PI OVVPim Paeonien, Dahlias. Phloxes. Tulip?. 1 Lj '“' yt LjIVO Zfvaciutba, Jonquils, L»J lies. 4c. u.^APES—-All varieties. I’cabodyV New ILmt-boi* Strawberry. 4 doz. plants, $5. Orders re-qiectfully solicited. •ftS.Orders for Grafting, Budding or Pruning will be promptly attended to. Address K-c. lt>, oS. 11. D. DBMINO. Wellsboro, Pa. TO MOTHERS.. WIVES AND DA'JOHTLI S Dr. R. A.- Lamtuil’s | PERIODICAL COMPOUND. t itnti successful FEMALE MKDICIXK n>i.v iu for all c ><» 4 "f obstructed or suppressed ' Menstruatlou. nluaMo vegetable compound has long been used in tb- r-rj\ ite practice of Dr. Lament. for regulating the de t i r i_ -.n.-tits of the female system and for jmpr-n ing ih»* g.-ti aal by lung experience has been found the r r t-.'-t < those painful nr general complaints :u • ■ i :h‘i Kvii-th* cuasticutiou U liable. A few do-e» ta ■ ; r i .ie week before tl\e monthly period will remove aH o V- n from ,ny cause to/uUever, as incredible as it may ;kM,j sir, T’-e X 'A. —Tho-v Ladles who have been disappointed in the ns« rf J\l!» i rt 3 put the utmost confident m this compound AUTION' .“U* TV-n ' . r.ponnd must not be taken by females during the • »r' v >"< of Pregnancy under the jwrmlty of cerium ab . i \f all other time* It is safe, iw it is purely vegetable. 1. a nhr .>«c to any mWrefs byincioaingj'i tunny author . u «rt« R. I. ANDUEWS, Buffalo N. Y. .. • by J. A. HOY, MVllaboro, Pa. t nnJ Druggists geu July 1. IWfi. Iv-1 Ohomas Harden v a/"’ - 1 -i j iwepeeUmly announce to the inhabitant? T T id Tioga Coanty, tbul he bus purchased the rc -to. k of BAILEYS Sc HAUDM, > • having* enlarged and replenished the same, is now r ~,r great inducements toCash Purchasers. The c-peciul attention of tjie Ladies is directed to "SHAWLS & DRESS GOODS, a* am »ug them maj be found many styles and fabrics never before introduced in Ibis u,arkct. In fact, Every Oepailuieut in Fall. Clothe, C*uist/M /i Ready-Had e Clothing, Hate and Cope, itoote and Shoes, tmd many of the novelties of the season. G RvtciißlES at prices that will as-toniah customers. Plea-c call and examine for yourselves. Wu’.LLvro, Jan, 6, 1860. \\ ALL PAPER, Gilt,.Satin and Common, ALL PAPER, Gilt,.Satin and Common, Vi INI>OW PAPER, Plain, Gilt and Figured. V. INDrtW PAPER, Plain, Gilt and Figured. WITH. BORDER TO MATCH, April 21, ’o9- ». At SMITH A RICHARDS*. AIEB’S SARSAPARILLA. A compound remedy, in which we hare labored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be outdo. It is a con centrated extract of I'ara Sarsaparilla, eo combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an affective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to ebre. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of oar afflicted follow-citizens.— flow completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of Che worst casus to be found of the following complaints Scrofula and Scrofulous Complaints, Eruptions and Erup tive Diseases, Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches. Tumors, Salt Rheum Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic Affections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy. Neuralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Erysipelas, Rose or f>t. Anthony’s Fire, and indeed the whole class of complatUts arising from impurity of the blood. This compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in Ibe blood at that season of the year. By the tiniriy expulsion of them many ranklingdisordera are nipped iutbe bud. Multitudes can. by the aid of this remedy, spare them selves from the endurance of foul eruption* and ulcerous sores, through which the system will stive to rid itself of •corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by nn alterative medicine. C’eanso out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities burst ing through the t>kiu in pimples.’erupt ions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleansu it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell v - ou when. Even where no particular disorder is Celt, people en joy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood.— Keep the blood healthy, and ulh's well; but with this pabu lum of life disordered, there cun be no lasting health. Soon erlor later something miirt go wrong, nod the great machi nery of life Is disordered or overthrown. Sarsa|tarilia has, and deserves much, the reputation, of ac complishing these ends. Rut the world has been egregiously deceived hy prejmrations of it, partly because the drug alone lias not ail the virtue that is claimed for if, hat aufte be came many preparations. pretending to bo concentrated ex tracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. > During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little if any Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment bus followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and ihus become synonymous w ith Imposition and cheat. Still wta call this compound Sar saparilla, anti intend to supply such « remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy! w hich rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it'has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary lun of the diseases it is in tended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradica tion from the system, the remedy should be judiciously ta ken according to directions on the bottle. prepared BY Dr. 3. C. Ayer & Co, Price, $1 per battle; Six battles for $5, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, has Won for itself such a renown for the cure of every va riety of Threat and Long Complaints, that it is entirely un necessary fitr u- to recount the evidence of its virtues, where ever U h:i> been employed. As it has long been in constant u=o throughout this* section, we need not do more than as sure llie people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it bus ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic PiUs, For the cure of Costivoness, Jaundice, Dyspepu'a, Indigos lion. Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Krysiclas, Headache, Piles. KheumatNm, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Liver Complaint, Dropsy. Tetter. Tumors and Salt Ithenm- Worms, Gout Neu ralgia, us a Dinner Dill, and fur pmifymg the blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly and they are the best aperient in the world for uH the purpos s of a family physic. Price 25 cts. per box; Five boxes for $l,OO, - Proprietor. Great numbers of -Clergymen. Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the un paralleled usefulness of these remedies, bnt our space here will n«t permit the insertion of them. The Agents, below named, furnish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above com plaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other pre paration** they make more profit on. Demand AVer's, and take no other-*. The sick want the best aid there is for them, anil they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by C. 4: J. L, ROBfNSGN— Wolioburo*. and by all Druggists aud Merchants throughout the country. Fvh, 17. isoH—fm. CABINET WAREHOUSE. I AM STILL AT MV OLD STAND, on main eU ami nearly oppo.-iie Judge White's residence, Manufacturing to order, all kind.-* of CAIUXET WARE, and iu the best manner. I likewise keep constantly on hand, and fur sale at reasonable prices, a fine stock of Solas, Divans, Ottomans, Currf, Centre, Diuhuj and Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress and Com mm Bureaus, 3/uho(jonif and Common Wash Stands. Cottage, French and Common Roadsteads, of every description, together with all articles usual ly manufactured in bis line of business. From bis knowledge of the business he flatters him self with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine his work before sending elsewheio for an inferior arlicle- Turning done in a neat manner, at short notice. Chairs! Chairs! fe«r‘ In addition to the above, the Subscriber would inform the public that he has just received a large and handsome assorement Common &S|iriug-svat Chairs, ROBINSON & CO. which lie will sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga Coaatj. Call and see them. B. T. VANHORN. Wellshoro, July 23, ISa7. JUST OPENED. FLOUR AND FEED STORE. FLOUR BY TUB POUND OR BARREL FEED BY THE HUNDRED 0R TON! THE Subscriber has just opened on Main Street, first door helmv United States Hotel, where the citizens of Wcllsboro nod surrounding country can al wavs depend upon getting a GOOD SUPPLY OF r: (JIB, IEMI. MD ME ?L, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. To be Sold very Cheap for Cash only! Lumbermen and tho>o wishing to purchase a good article will do well hv calling ou me before going else where. ' F. K. WRIGHT. Wellsboro, April 7lh, 1350. YOUTH & MANHOOD. JLhT PUBLISHED, the 2oth Thousand. and mailed in a sealed envelope, to any address, jaiat paid, on receipt of three stamps. V MEDICAL ESS Vf ON THE PHYSICAL EXOACSTJON .iXD DECAY OF TBE FIUM.-, CAUSED UV ••SKLF-ILCSC.*’ INFECTION. AND THE INJURI OUS uONatyucNCEs of MEKclfitv, By K.l Culverwell, M D,— M/’kilxt of the Koyitl College of Surgeons, ic. * or Seminal Emissions. Genital and N’itvous Debility. InijMJteucy. Loss of Energy, DeprewsiMi of .Npints, Timidity. Diseases of the Sexual Orgaus, and Imped iment* to Marnage, are promptly and effectually removed by the author's novel and mint Mirceavful mode of treatment. b> meam of which the invalid can regain pristine health without having recourse to dangerous and expeusire medi cines. The host treatise ever mitten on a subject of vital Impor tance to all. well worthy th»* author's exalted reputation Adiin*"*. the I’ubljsdiei h. J C & CO., Ist Avenue, Cor. unh Bt.. Post Unx 4556, New York City. February 17tit. ISuO. NEW STOVE MU TIN SHOP! m~ OPPOSITE HOY'S DRUG STORE. Where you can buy Sieves, Tin, and Japanned Ware for onc-haf the usual prices. Large No. S Elevated Oven Cock Store and Trim mings lor $15)00. All kinds of in proportion for Ready Pay. It will pay any one who wants anything in this line to call and see our prices before purchasing elsewhere. Recollect the place—two doors south of Farr’s Ho tel, «>r opposite Hoy’s Drug Store. CALL AND SEE! _April 21, ISSU. * 1. Tioga Foundry St machine Shop THE undersigned beg to announce to the public that they have leased the Tiogft Foundry and .dachine Shop, and are engaged in the manufacture uf Mill Irons, Plows and Plow Points. Castings of any kind or Ucsdiiption made on short notice. Ad dress or coll upon BALDWIN, LQWELL A CO. Tioga, May 12, 1852* LOWELL, MASS. VANHOm Boston and Common Rocking Ohair *, t constantly on hand, and sold at the low price of $6 Per Ton. To all lhre-e tylin wish lo invest money where they are sure of 300 per cenl on the capital invest ed, I weald say, BRING ON YOUR DIMES AND I WILL DO YOU GOOD. ttU* Nothing belter lo cure hard times ! Mansfield, Dec. 27, 1858. A. *BI XBY. - vtensnsows hull KEEP it before the public, tliat the People’s Humble Scr rant has been THOROUGHLY HEP AIRED, in erery way, during the post Sammcr, obU has also been furnished with no entire NEW LOT OF MACHINERY , throughout, of the latest and best improvements of the age, and that it is now m perfect good order to do custom or merchant work. L. D. SPENCER, Uillor. Hbllsboro’ August 19,1658, A CARD M. BULLARD & CO., SUCCESSORS TO TSE LATE FIRM OF M. & O. BOLLARD, An now retiring their New and Beautiful Stock of SPRING & SIMMER GOODS. Selected with a rlew to the wants of the people in thi» see tion of the State. Oar stock which we will sell very cheap for Cash consists of DRESS GOODS. WHITE GOODS. GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS W w » HOSIERY. HATS and CAPS, § J DOMESTICS. WOODEN GOODS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. * o a GROCERIES. HARDWARE CROCKERY AND STONEWARE H O O - H PAINTS & OILS. *3 e* w > ce « FISH. WOODEN-WABE j25£T“ Remember, three doom South of the Agitator Office, at the old aland *f it. & O. BULLARD. April 28. 1859. 13. IMPORT AWT TO EVERT FAMILY JW TIOGA COUNTY. NEW GROCERY O D YANKEE NOTION STORE! O. BULLAED Takes this opportunity of announcing that he has fit ted np the stand formerly occupied by G. Lamb, and is now receiving an entirely NEW STOCK -0 F His stock consists in part of s traaks Refined, Crashed, Granulated, Powdered, Muscovado. Pork, Lard. Rutter, Cheese, Fish, Oil, Coffee, Tobacco—Smoking A Chewing, Snuff, Soap, Molasses—-Maple A Sugar house, Soap. WOODEN WARE rows, Willow Wagons, Clothes Pins, Clothes Baskets, Wooden Pails, Ac. Altogether the best assortment of Willow and Wooden Ware over brought into Wells boro! OIIfTCIfI?CJ Whitewash Brushes, Blacking Brush 1111 li I'lUjlJ e?. Shoe Brushes, Clothes Brushes Horse Brushes, Tooth Brushes, YMREE NOTIONS lfc c A^i and Pocket Combs, made of Ivory, Gutta Percha, and Bone, Penholders, Pencils, Pens, Pencil Sharpeners, Slate and Lead Pencils, Steel Rings, Jews Harps, Teething Rings, Chess Boards, Dominoes, Rubber Balls, Yankee Soap, Pipes, Sealing Wax, Inkstands, .Marteiles and Linen Collars, Cap and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Ac.. Ac. VIMIVDIUIiIV May find Limerick hooks on A lull Li II 111 IV it gut, Spun silk fish lines, Assort ed trout flies, Limerick trout hooks, Fishing baskets, Fi s bm2 rod**. Common books, Ac. ||lT) TTT'TC Oranges, Lemons, Apples, r JIL LJ X X O* Figs, Prunes, Currants Rai jm>, uht-rnos. XTTTTQ kinds. Also Mustard, Ghcr- J_l| U XU kins, Pickles, Candies, Citron Brar died Fruits, Ac., Ac. Teas, Coffee, Spice, Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Kut megs, Candles, Crackers, Childrens’ Toys, Ac. I will not enumerate articles further, hut would re spectfully invite those desirous of purchasing any ar ticle in this line, to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. If I cannot please you for quality and prices you will have to go to the City to do better. I will state however that everything is FOB SALE FOB CASH. April 28, 1859. ROT’S HEAVE POWDER. THIS MEDICINE is proved by experience to be a sure cure for Heaves in the early stages, and will keep them back in the most advanced stages of this prevalent and dangerous disease. The owners of horses are here offered the most valuable preparation of the kind ever produced ; and by its timely use the lives of many valuable animals may be saved. Give a horse two large table-spoonfulls every day; Give but little hoy, and when given it should be wet- For sate at Roy’s Drag & Chemical Store , Price 25 cents. ROY’S WINE BITTERS. THIS article is highly approved for weakness of the stomach, loss of appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Dud taste in the mouth, Headache! Dizziness, Liver complaint, Costiveness, , he has just opened a new Drug Store in OSGOOD’S BlIUH't So* 11 " where be has a complete assort c ’ r Brims & Medicines, w w, rich be will sell cheap for cash. . & Our Stock of Drugs is complete, embracing t article ever called for. _ PATENT MEDICD^ Jayne’s, AyVe’s, Helmhold’s. Mclanes. other popular Medicines, together wita ■' j. sam. Cod Liver Oil, Wolf’s Aromatic - 1 -' •'’ , CHOICE MINES AX-D LIQI-' s * for Medicinal and Sacramental uses. of the best quality. c Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Pepr cr * Soda, .Candles, Soap. Burning Cainphene, Turpentine, Alc .°, And an innumerable variety of nrtu* Please call at the NEW i/* Wellsboro, March 10, IS5*9. 34=0,00 . CcW i Pays for a full course *in the [ largest, most extensively patronized izod Commercial School in tbo t’«J £e iwilf’ 357 Student!) AtlendiiiS " jnai-clt. , f Usual time to complete a full C ™ l ;'U ,j weeks. Every Student, upon " teed to be competent to manaite business, and qualified to earn a $5OO to Blo° 0 ’ , Students enter at any time —No ' acatl ! at pleasure. «rV^ ■ 51 PREMIUMS FOR REST Fi- SHIP AWARDER II L Minister’s Snns received uiJ'f^ for Circulars and Specimens j)J>’KD\ letter stamps, and address F. p.^hars“ April U, 59-Sept. 23, ’5B, ly. CUES' CHli?' CllElf! CBEi? 1 CB£l?>