The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, June 02, 1859, Image 3

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tOOO^ z \' jjaven WaicJiman transfers
'^ € y 12th to its editorial columns
'u9 CK^ 6 *° T 4116 ' B<Une- T®*
_ \
School Directors
IS;T .' io need blanks will do well to
’ oar new Hood BiUs
’f f'ccfitly executed on short notice.
-Thirds have a ''■cry
rir gjjit of War in Northern-1 tody. The
■ recently published by J. 11. Higgin
yorj. an jis sold at the low price of
'{re Call andbu^on^
our readers that Harper,
do Atlantic, Knickerbocker, and Great
* and all other three dollar Magazines
'' procured for two dollars by clubbing
,e notice that llev. John J. Pearce has
anointed Presiding Elder of the Owego
■t in the Wyoming Conference of the M.
■sreh. Mr. Pearce vras a member of Con
•fom the XVth District of this State, and
fjr Speaker Banks.
.lie llepublican County Committee..
ilcd Fredrick B. Smith Esq., of Tioga as
■rial delegate, and Martin King, Esq., of
rid as Representative delegate from this
to the Republican State Convention,
nrer to substitute.
jest moating of the Committee will be
Taylor’s Hotel in Wellsboro, Monday
Juneyith, IS-30.
’be witty editor of the Mountain Echo,
the following appropriate motto at the
if its last paper:—
sure you ix WRIQST, then ROWE
tclicvc that this motto ■will be adopted by
br£C majority of the voters of Pennsyl
in the coming contest.— Tuukhannack
it brilliant wit that is to be sure! The
-rdf will find that “Rowe>ing ahead" up
liiver" is a very easy job
•The numerous “Bon Vivants” who rank
. in its various forms among their luxu
rill be pleased to have their attention
to any improvement in the form of serv-
■shat hearty old Christopher North calls
vt Vegetable. Such an improvement is
cent one of Messrs. E. Goodwin & Bro.
w York City, of putting up Fine Cut for
ng, and consists partly in tbe superior
sg in die Tin Foil wrapper.' This is corn
el by steam power into a dense package,
■ring itomrenient for the pockety and most
able of all. permanently shutting up the
:t natural moisture, which renders the quid
luthsomc to the trained taste. t
We clip the following paragraph from
K Comrnj Journal, as it gives further partlc
-irs in regard to the fire in Jliddlebury town
hp noticed in (lie Ajiiaior last week;
*On Saturday night, the largq and valuable
Saw 31ii(, owned by Mr. A. 11. Foster,
s Corning, located in Middlefaury township,
Lsa Cu. Pa., was consumed by tire. It was !
about 10 o'clock. It probably origi
from the burning out of the smoke-stack,
iv.os a heavy thunder storm prevailed shortly
some think it may have-been struck
The mill was stopped atGo*-
and those living near the mill were
when the fire broke out and were awa
by the light. The loss is estimated at
on which there is an insurance of $B,-
in the Home, Continental and Metropoli-
Hr. Foster intends to rebuild
Mill immediately. This is a heavy loss,
more severe from the fact that but a
*■* years since Mr. F. lost several thousand
; ,,lrs worth of Lum|>er at this village when
occurred in the lumber yards on the
Z-Jh r readers v sment
( ‘ :& s.Vl‘w York Y lother
Maan * Greelev 1 ,? firsts letter from Kan
published last week. I As he is to he air
about four months, the Mulatto Democrat-
■ -j'i'its will jilease to postpone the dissolution
■ tic L'niou until ho comes lt is under
■ -’1 that ho has gone to Utah to coax Brigham
long to tolal against the authority of thoUrii-
State*. 'Jlis visit to California and Oregon
“to get those two States to jain with Mexico
ci war against our lt
15 rumored that on his recent trip through Mis*
■'sri he stole forty negroes in one day and in
s ho\vcd them the North Star, thus
■-laagering the perpetuity of our etcetera.”
(> reported that he dined in Lawrence with
"indred and twenty-six ex-Governors of
■ l'< and stated to them in private conver-
in about another year there would
j. - ' 1 * s t 33 many ex-Govefnors in Kansas as
■ well Knuwip that ho was at the
tl'e late Steamboat accident on the
■..sjj'pg as t j ie i n j urC( jf an( j dead were
vtlaTcdmldet.. He is also at the bottom
1-uropean War. The late fire in
1 “ I 'P or t was caused by hie having passed
dial place on the cars to Philadelphia
t n, eats a S°- I'he Bcaiocracy of this county
' lO agitating the question whether
Ct£ tS or <lid not burn down, because
' s cora ‘ n g hero to speak next Fall. A
fellow is Horace to the Mulatto-Demo-
I j* Ditson jt Co. T 277 Washington St.
uf 2 UI following pieces of music:
IUcL. t ,i c <>rn > ’an exquisite ballad by Chos*
*. •• 6 °f Judah, *’ from the German of
E ; ‘ &lUy M;uurka - M Fairest of the Fair Walt*/'
M altz '" “Flmora Polka,” “Tyrolicnne/’
'¥ f bv i.^ o etaire” a song translated from
t6 a «xitll e Jt C * S oo< * aut * gomc .
have n i/ .
er recc jyeJ from the same Publishers a
!^ Id c the tmic- C ca ! C( * “The Home Melodist,” con*
r** fr words of over sixty of the most
* *Wfor. l l ay; which they send by mall
?^ lQ| ava *or) Ut!i '^ ve ecutf • It is hardly ncccs
.*• S.;, u . ,7“ 01 P p w*o in behalf of this litllo
k ' ar; i 'u-< Lave already sent fer it, |
(i(7T>icY. is on, hand with its
promptness.- It oont&iog its usual Variety oterigioai'
matter wrUeu by the best lady writers in the
country. Wo will not tell pur lady friends what be
came of “Miss Slinunens;” they most bny the maga
zine and for themselves. Wo will just say that
she'gbt wbat she'deserved; The engraving this month
•is “Home and the Homeless/’ a very touching scone;
and the fashion plates need no commendation from us;
Tab Lbwisbubg .nauM}
aadnovroaljs itself The and Chrciuciki It is VtyS
of oar best country exchanges, and though we cannot
see any particular reason for this change, wo wish it
that sneess which It deserves—a long list of paying
subscribers, and lots of fat takes.
Trial op SiefcLES for the 'murder of Key, in full
with all the testimony speeches Ac, may be had of
Smith & Richards, Price 25 cents. - ■, - .
Adjoining- Counties.
Lycoming.— Thorailroad is now open from William
sport to Jersey Shore. The eldest daughter of Gov
ernor Packer was lately married to Mr. 'Clark, one of
the editors of the Lycoming Gazette. Mr. Clark holds
tho,office of Grain J/oasurcr at. Philadelphia, under
the Governor.—An anti-Packer Paper is shortly to be
established at Williamsport, the course of the Gazette
giving offence to the mass of the Democracy of Lycom
ing. The indications are that the new Buchanan organ
will crush out the old Packer organ. A Chap from
Muncy going through Bucks county"was tempted in
an evil hour to bestow an unasked kiss upon a bloom
ing Dutch little damsel, whose’father “sued him up to
the law,” when ho had to pay $5 for the salute, and
departed a wiser but poorer mam Thu Lycoming
Gazette states that wheat midge and Hessian fly has
been seen in that neighborhood, hut not in plenty—
Wheat is everywhere heading out, a little in blossom,
audits harvest in June seems probable this year.
The Lycoming Opposition Committee re-affirmod the
Platform of ISSS, and appointed Daniel Bower, of the
Press, Representative Delegate to the June Conven
Bradford.—Wo sec by the Towanda papers that our
old friend Dr. Macintosh has returned to hia home af
ter an absence of several months on a lecturing tour.
The Doctor has been very successful judging from tbo
flattering noticcs'he has received from the newspapers
everywhere, lie has established a reputation as an
elocutionist, excelled by none outside of the cities and
Colleges. We note with satisfaction that some of the
leading citizens of Towanda have invited the Doctor
to give one of his entertainments, and that be has ac
We learn from a private source that he intends vis
iting our place again in the Fall. Of course everybody
who heard him sing "Highland Mary” will want to
hear him again.
Ox Fiudav morning last our citizens were startled
by the announcement that a young man named liinim
Mix. of Towanda, Pa. who was temporarily a resident
at the Lewis’ House, was found lying dead in his room.
On examination it was ascertained that an incision, had
been made In the left side of the nock, severing the
carotid artery, causing death by bleeding. We are
informed that the deceased is of a highly respected
ant| wealthy family, and was at one time in possession
of a handsome fortune, bub like too may young men
of this fast age. became the victim of sharpers, and af
ter, a victim to habits which too often follow the loss
of wealth and position. Thus much wo write of the
history of one who is no more, not with the design of
reflecting disgrace upon his memory or on the family
remaining, who mourn his untimely end. But to the
living this should spcalc volumes of warning, to shun
the vices of the ago, and the lamentable goal of one
whoso “ashes,” it is to be hoped, may. “rest in peace.”
litiifjhauUon Stundard.
PoTTEtt. —The people of Coudersport arc holding a
series of Monthly Temperance meetings, although there
is not a licensed tavern in the county. At the last
meeting which was held on the 23d inst., the following
Resolutions were offered by Rev. J, Hendrick, which
we commend to the perusal and consideration of every
JitstArffJ, That the present is ever the time for action , ami
that w lulu a single intemperate person remains as one of mir
*tnjhf*jrs, it is our Imptritivo duty to use our influence and to
labor for his redemption,
UfSftfmi, That Poor Taves, Costs of Criminal Courts anil
other heavy burdens are always imposed upon society as a
penalty for allowing drunkards to be mode in their midst.
JicaAvai, That those persons who drink but asinglu glass a
week, or even a month, throw the influence of their example
in favor of the nsc of intoxicating drinks ns a beverage; and
therefore, they encourage the manu-acinro of drunkards—
we are bound to labor, in season and ont of go-asou. to per
suade them to change their Influence to the other side of (his
great question.*'
Mu. C. C. Cotter has sold a portion of hia interest
in the Northern Democrat to his brother, and the new
firm “Cotter «fc Bru,” have engaged the valuable servi
ces of their father, C. B. Cotter, the celebrated inven
tor as editor and business manager. This last position
is not very arduous, there being but little.busincss to
manage j but his editorial duties are exceedingly se
vere, as witness the following article from the last Dem
ocrat, - Thd parentheses are r auwv .
“Tun NextFrksirencV^—When wc (Charles By
ron Cotter,) raised the name of the present Chief Ex
ecutive (“J. B.”) for rc-eleclion to the position he (J.
B,) now holds, many thought wo were guilty of a great
impropriety; but every day gives new evidence of our
correctness : notwithstanding, too, the President (J.
B.) told us (in a private conversation we bad with him
on the “bread question,*'that) ‘wo “done decidedly
wrong” and that it met bis (J, B's.) “'entire disappro
bation.” Public opinion, is subsiding from its fermen
tation to an admiration of the wisdom and firmness of
bis (J, B’s.) course: and all now see his (J. B.’s) su
periority of judgement. Although at one time there
were loud and boisterous exclamations against Gen,
Jackson, nojr he is lauded for his Homan firmness, wis
dom and sagacity. Justsuch an ordeal Mr. Buchanan
ba< passed through : and. depend upon it, the interest*
of the Xation will demand his (J. B’s.) re-election.”
Wc clip the following article from the Lewisburg
Star and Chronicle.
The Right Mvnn for Sr-nvuvou General.— Wo
have been much pleased with the suggestion of the
name of John* S. Mann, Esq., a native of Chester
county, for some time a resident of Susquchana, and
now of Potter county, for Surveyor General. lie has
aticaya been right on the great question of Protection
and Freedom, and has the requisite legal and practical
knowledge of surveying to Jit him for tfao station
named. His character and hUclaimsarenot surpassed
by any gentleman proposed: and we are sure his in
fluence in such an office, would be most happily exer
ted for the good of the State and for the advancement
of true principles.
McKean :—Wc had the pleasure last week of a visit
from Wm. A. Nichols, Esq,, onc of the Editors of tho
McKean Citizen, He had on “them clothes,” looked
finely, felt well, and was as companionable and genial
as ever. He had some pieces of money in his pock
et*. but wo could not toll by the jingle whether they
were pennies or half-dollars. He left here last Thurs
day on the stage for the Rail Road, and asked us 0 n
parting, to present his respects to thcSmothport Juhy,
and the Coudersport “ Xvrthcrn Oo* Day and Patent
Free Xiggcr Dumper.*’ If there are any such papers
printed at places named, they will please take notice.
Wc are glad to know that our friend is prospering
in McKean, Ho is nn intelligent gentleman, a pungent
and spicy writer, and a promising lawyer. We wish
him the best success.
- In St. Paul's Church, Lock Haven, Fa., on Monday
morning, 23d ult., by the Rev, It. B. Peet, Rev. S. B,
Dalrvmplk and Miss Mary Delia Bixby, both of
Lock Haven.
Wollsboro', Tioga County, Penna*
Luther R. Barlingame, A. B.; - - Principal
Miss ELIZA J. BEACH, - - - -
The Spring Term will commence on Tuesday, March
8. and close on Friday, May 20. The Summer Term
trill commoner on Tuesday, May 31, and close on Fri
day, Aug. 12.
Juvenile Department, , * - - • .• S2JKI
Common English Branches, - * J. 60
Higher English Brandies, .... 4.50
Language*, 6,00
Drawing, (extra), 3,00
By order of Trustees,
Welisbado, May 2fl, 18Mb . . : ■ ’ r
liy Virtue of sundry writs o/FL Fa., Lev. Fa., and
Vcudttioni Fxponas, issued out of the Common Pleas
ana to me directed, Licill expose to public sale at ike
Court House tn If r ells(ioro, on MONUA T, the 6th day
o/ Fifyentit, at 1 o’ctndk in the afternoon, the following
described property, to ictf .♦
A lot of 1 tnfN cl s ant own ship bounded north by
Cownacsquo river, east by Samuel Ellison and Joseph
Campbell, south by James Campbell aud west by James
Cady about 60 acres more or less, about
45 acres, or less, one frame house and
nno fmme barn thereon. * ,
Ai.s'6.—Another lot’ of land in kelson- township
joing the above described. Bounded north by Cowa
nesque river, east by Sami. EUiSon and Jo?. Campbell,
south by. Jos. Campbell and west,by SiunL Ellison—
containing about 100 acres more or less, about 40
acres improved more or less, with an apple orchard
Also. —Another lot. of land in Nelson township, for
merly known as the Richard Ellison lot, bounded
north-cast by Hamilton Earling and Samuel Bogart,
south by Cowancsque river-and west by Andrew K,
Bosard and .Frederick Thorp-Containing 125 acres
more or less, about 50 acres improved, with two frame
houses, one log house, ono'framc barn and sheds and
other out-buildings and an apple orchard and some
other fruit trees ‘thereon.’* , : ■
Also. —A lot of land in Osceola, bounded north by
Wm. T. Humphrey and Nathaniel or Morgan Seeley,
east by public road running north and south, south by
Wm. T. Humphrey and west by L. 8. Culver—contain
ing about H acres all improved, one frame dwelling
house, one frame horse barn and other out buildings
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Also. —Another lot of land in -Osceola township,
bounded north by James Tubbs, east by Norman
Strait, south by Main highway and west by street lead
ing north to the sash A blind factory—containing one
fourth of an acre more or less, all improved, with large
three story frame store house thereon. To be sold as
the property of Samuel Ellison. •
Also. —A lot of land in Covington Boro beginingat
a post on the south side of Gerould street, thence east
erly by Gerould street one hundred and ten feet to a
post the north-west corner'of lot No. 42, thence south
by lot No„ 42 on© hundred and thirty-two feet to a
post, thence west one hundred and ten feet to a post,
thence north one hundred and ten feet to a post, the
place of beginning, being lot No. 69, with a small
dwelling house-, barn and a few fruit trees thereoru—
To bo sold as tbe property-of Patrick Hubert. *
Also. — A lot of land in Richmond township, bound
ed north by C. Davis and L. Lownsberry, east by Wil
liamson Road/ south by Ira Guile and west by|L. K.
Sponcer—containing about 20 acres all improved, two
frame barns, two frame houses, ono blacksmith shop
and an apple orchard thereon..
Also. —Anothcrlot of land in same township, bound
ed nortq by Isaac Lownsberry. east by P. D. Lawns
berry, south by Stratton and west by Ira Guile—
containing about 90‘aores with about 75 acres improved.
To bC'sold as tho property of Ira Lownsberry.
Also.— A lot of land In Farmington township,
bounded north and west by Stephen Odlc. cast by An
drew Doane and south by Charles French—contain
ing about 25 acres more or less, about IS acres im
proved. one frame bouse, one log stable and some fruit
trees thereon.
Also. —Another lot of land in Dclmar township,
bounded north by lands surveyed for Peter Sumitondf,
and S. \V. Butler, cast by Benjamin C. Wilcox, south'
and west by lauds surveyed to Stowcll and Dickinson
on ITm. Bnchc’a map of Delmar township—contain
ing about 101 acres, about 05 acres improved, 1 frame
bouse, I frame burn and other out buildings and a few
fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of
Henry A. Fcamnns.
Also. —A lot of land in Covington township, bound
ed north and west by N. A. Klliott, east by Win. Rich
nrds and smith by State road—containing about one
fourth of an acre, all improved, one frame two-story
wagon shop thereon. To be sold as the property of N.
B. Stevens:
Also.— lot of land beginning at the south-west
corner of lot Xo, 26 on 11. H. Dent’s maps in Jackson
township, thence west ninety-nine perches to a post,
thence north one hundred and sixty-nine and six
tchtßs perches to a post, thence east mostly by south
line oT lot Xo. 306 contracted to be sold by the said
Dent to William Brockway, ninety-nine perches to a
post, thence south one hundred and MXty-nine and
six-tenths perches to the place of beginning —contain-
ing ono hundred and five acres more or less, being lot
No. 305 of the lands of the said Dent in Jackson
township, nnd part of warrant No. 3370; of which
are about twenty-Gvo acres improved, with ono log
bouse t and some out buildings and some fruit trees
thereon. To be sold os the property of Daniel Brock
Also.—A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded
north by Abuer Buckley, cast by Win. Rose, south by
S. L. Horton anil west by Wm. Ruse—containing
about GO acres about 53 acres improved. To be sold
as the property of Ralbum Canady.
‘ Also. —A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded
north, east and south by R Rose, and west by high
way—containing onc-lhird of an acre more or Ic«s, all
improved and a small frame house thereon. To be sold
as tho property of M E Knapp and U B. Knapp.
' Also. —A lot of land in Farmington township,
bounded north by Daniel Buckbec and highway, cast
by Alanson Bnckbco, south by Rhoads Hall and west
by Seneca Horton and others—containing 63 5-10
acres ihora or less, about-forty acres improved, one
small frame house and a few fruit trees thereon. To
be sold as the property of Stephen Beebe.
Also. — A lot of laud in Elkland Boro bounded north
by New York State line, cast by John Hammond, south
by Cowanosquc river and.west by David Taylor—con
taining .about I‘JO acres,’about 100 acres improved,
with frame bouse, frame bam and frame wagon house,
about 73 apple trees and some out buildings thereon.
To be sold as the property of Timothy Coates and
Lintsford Coates.
Also. —A lot of land inDclraar township, bounded
north by Urial Broughton, oast by James E Brought
on, south by Martin N Davis, and west by A P COnc,
—containing fifty acres of improved land, with ono
frame bouse, one log house, ono frame barn, one log
barn and an apple orchard thfcrcoti. To be sold as the
property of Andrew Krcincr.
Ai>«—A lot of land in Clyracr township, bounded
north hy R G White, cast by Billings' lands, south
by Erastus Hill, and west by highway—containing
about fifty acres, about six or seven acres improved, a
frame bsirn and log house thereon. To be sold as the
property of Pierson C Beers.
Also —A lot of hind in Dclmar township, hounded
north by Wm Wnrrincrj cast by lands in possession of
Wm Bacho, south by Amos Warrincr, and west by
land formerly of Simon Wilcox—containing about 15
acres, about 12 acres improved, I log house, 1 log
bam and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of Elijah Hall.
Also—A lot of land in Deerfield township, bounded
north by Cowauosque river, cast hy John Goodspccd,
south by Bingham lands, and west by the Inseho es
tate-containing twenty acres more or leas, ten acres
improved, two frame houses, two frame barns, one
saw mill and nn apple orchard thereon. To be sold
ns the properly of Barton Howe and Benjamin Howe.
Also—A lotof land in Middlebury township, bound
ed north by Goo Dickinson and others, cast by John
Prutsmnn, south by Jacob Prutsmon, and west by
William Hunter—containing ono hundred and ninety
acres, with about fifty acres improved, a log house,
frame barn and shod, apple orchard and some other
fruit trees thereon. Tp bo sold os the property of Syl
vester Beckwith.
Also. —A lot of land in Mansfield Boro, bounded
north by William Ingalls, cast hy L. 11. Elliott) south
by-Blmlra street end -west by Hen ay Brewster—con
taining one and bnc-Wnlh acres nil Improved, with one
framed house, one carpenter’s shop, apple orchnttl and
other fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as tho property
of Eli C. Comfort.
Also. —A lot of land in Middlcbury township, be
ginning at a post the north-west corner of land bought
by Ambrose Keeler of T. L. Baldwin and the north
east corner hereof, thence south along the Baldwin lot
eighty-seven and six-tenths perches to a post, thence
west along the lino of Baldwin lot and O. Abbott fifty
four porches to a post, thence north nlong’ the land of
G., Abbott others eighty-seven and- six-tenths
perches to o post, thcnco along land of Joseph Geo to
the place of beginning—containing swenty : sbven
acres and six-tenths, with about twenty-five acres im
proved, a log bouse, frame barn, an orchard and a
cooper shop thereon. To_bo sold as the property of
David E. Lake.
Also— A lot of land In Clytner township, bounded ,
north by lands of Job Rexford. east by Ward Sawyer,
south by Jonas Schoonover, and west by Bingham
lands—-containing about ono hundred acres, with
abont five acres improved, and a young orchard there
on. To be sold ns tbe property of J- X- Haner.
Also. — A lot of land in Qaincs township, bounded'
south by Rice, Hurd, Smith, and lot of Miss Anna
Benn, west, cast and north by warrant lino, the same
being all of warrant No. 2300, except lots purchased
by Messrs Rice, Hurd, Smith, Benn and Thompson,
being in all six hundred and three acres, two acres
improved, two log houses, one log stable, ono shingle
shanty; there is also on the above described lot of
land large quantities of coal found, Tu he so,ld os the
property of J. N* Hancr, "" lot i*C land in MiiUlchury totrn.-lpp.
Warned tiiuth by Brown .and Ulrum Bryant,
sast by Jeremiah Whitney and Archibald Hazlett,
by U. S. March and west* by Whitcomb—
containing 140 acres more or less, 40 acres improved,
2 frame barns, 2 log houses, and 2 apple orchards
thereon, Tobo sold as the property of John Losingcr.
Also,—AJofeof land in.Chatham, bounded north
by Seth Daggett, east by John Starkey, south by
Kalph lot and westby £cth Daggett—containing about
103 acres, more or less, about 30 acres improved, one
log house, 1 log stable and a few fruit trees thereon.
To bo sold as theproperty of Z. P. Allen. [
Also.*— A lot of land in Delrnar township, bounded
north by -the heirs of Peter Buckley, oast by land of
Joseph Parimcr and land formerly surveyed to John
ID Hastings, south by lands of C. & J. L. Robinson,
and John 11, Hastings, and west by land of Job Wil
cox and C. J. L. Robinson—containing about 41
acres more .or less, about. 16 acres improved, one log
house and'some fruit trees thereon. To be sold os the
property,of Enos Stratton.
Also.—A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded
as follows :-north by A. Hubble and HAS. Wood, eost
by road canning from John Benson's to Daggett’s
Mills, south by IT, Chamberlain and Laban Rockwell’s
estate, and .west by E, Gray and E. S. Wood—contain
ing 170 ajl improved, with one frame house, one
frame barn, one wagon house anti an apple orchard
thereon. 'V
Also. —Ono f other lot of land in same township*
bounded north by.G. Gould and Daniel Gray, east by
G. Stevens nnd S. Wood, south by P. B'Rockwell and
west by Samuel Cnneda and L. M. Palmer—contain
ing 320 acres,- with *l5O acres improved, one frame
house, one log bouse, one frame barn, one cow shed
and an apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the prop*
erty of Lomoqt.Barnes rind William Updike.
Also. —A Jot of hind in Tioga township, bounded
on the west by Abfara Conklin, north,by Win, K.
Mitchell, and east ami south by Thomas Mitchell, w ith
a frame house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold
as the property of Hirnm Bixby,
Also. —A lot of land in Kelson township, bounded
north by Henry Smith and William Ifeyshara, east by
Wm. Ileysbtun and Fred R. Thorp, south by the How
ard Mill race, and west by Henry Smith, with a frame
barn and fruit trees thereon—containing about sixty
acres, fifty acres improved.
Also. —Another lot of land in same township, boun
ded north by Hamilton Darling, east by Samuel Elli
son. south by Samuel Ellison, A. K. Bozard and the
mill race—containing about sixty acres, with twenty
five acres improved, with 'a frame 'house, frame barn
arid some fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the prop
erty of Frederick Thorp.
Also, — A lot of land in Richmond township, hound
ed north by S. Gillctt, east by the Wm. Hubbard lot,
south by John Ireton and west by Sntul S. Gillctt—
containing 67 acres more or less, about 20 acres im
proved. To be sold as the property of John Bristol.
Also. —A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded
north by plank road, cast by Jacob SchiefiUien, south
by A. C. Bush, and west by Harris. Hotchkiss—con
taining about an acre, improved, a frame house and
barfi and gome fruit trees thereon. To be gold as the
property of Margaret Goodrich.
Atso.—A lot of laud in, Elkland. hounded north
by X. y. Stutc'linc, east by George Dorrancc, south
by Cowaocsquo River, and west by lands of John Ry
on—containing about one hundred acres, about fifty
acres improved, one large frame house, one frame barn,
and an apple orchard thereon.
Also.— A lot of land in same township, bounded
north, west and east by L. Culver, south by highway
—containing one-fourth of an acre of improved land,
with'a frame Store house thereon. To be sold as the
property of Timothy Coates.
Also.— A lot of land in Middlcbury !township,
hounded north by lot sold by the Bingham trustees to
O. Brrggs. east by land in possession of E. W. nnd
Erastus KTlc 4 *, south' by land in possession of Ernstus
Kilcs and Griffin Palinir and west by lands in posses
ion of Griffin Palmer and D. F, Palmer—containing
forty-eight and six-tenths acres with about thirty
acres improved, a small frame house, log barn and ap
ple orchard- thereon. To be sold as the property of
Lorenzo Lake.
Also.-—A rovtiiin lacs-uagc or tract of land lying nit 4 be*
ing in the towmhip »>f Morris, on or tu-ar the jcomul fork of
Pine Creek Itetween throe ami six miles from its juncture
with the main creek, to wit: Beginning at a post corner in
the western boundary of William Babb's land *ixty-cight
porches north of the southern houndnrj of the original sur
vey made by virtue of uarrant No. 4*V4<> granted to .hum*
Wilson ami forty-four porelief west from the eastern Iwoiml
ary of said warrant survey, thence west by the land of Arch
ers 373 perches to a post corner, thence north 13.*> j*erelies to
a lurch tree corner, thence cart 273 perdu*** to a post corner,
thence south by the hind of William Babb 12.', percbe-* to tho
post corner the place of beginning—-curtaining 213 acres of
land, being part of warrant No. 43t«1. the aforesaid tract of
land being deeded March 2*Jth 1830 by .Jacob K. Smith and
Hebecca his wife to the said Jlobert 11. Archer, junior, Henry
S. Archer and Stevenson Archer.
Also.—Due other I'itno «t parcel of land, liepinninjj at a
chestnut tree the south-west corner of the original Minvy
N 0.4340 granted to James WiPon, thence e.ut along the
southern boundary of thu warrant shrvey 5-4 perebei fo a
post corner Li thu nnrinut line. thence north l.y the land of
William Uahh 68 perches to a j*ost corner, thence west 524
perehc-s to a pu«t corner in the west* i n boundary of the war
rant, survey’aforesaid. thence south along the warrant line
♦IS perches to the ihe-tunt tree corner, the place of liegimiing
—containing 222j*f acres ofland. and being part of the origi
nal survey nmdo by vhtuo of warrant No. 4340 granted to
James Wilson.
Also. —One other piece or pared of land -itn.Tte on (ho
original warrant survey adjoining and Mmth of warrant No
-4340. l*c"innitig at a Migar maple tree corner -funding in tin*
northern boundary of tin* original snr\oy made by virtue of
warrant No. 4347 James WHfm warrnnti*e. atthc distance of
264 perches west of an old JA-ech corner the north-eastern
corner of said orgiitml survey, thuncu south by the laud of
.Tames Knglislj 128 perches 'to a stone heap corner, thence
north perches to u post corner In the uortheu boundary
of the warrant survey, thence cn-t along the warrant line
128 perches to tins sugar maple tree comer the place of fx-.
ginning—containing 3.*»J£ acres of laud, uud being part of the
original survey made by virtue of warrant No. 4347, James
Wilton warrantee.
Also.—One other piece of land situate In the original war
rant «urvry adjoining and -noth of .warrant No. 4:547, begin
ning at-un iron wood tree stHintingt in the place of a white
walnut thu original imrtli-wcat corner of warrant No. 434 s
James Wilsou warrantee, thence east along the northern
Iwomlary of -aid wuirant inO perdu-., to a sugar tree comer
thence soutli 100 perches to a beech tree corner, thence wc-t
ouc hundred perches to a Norway pine corner in the Weetvru
boundary of the original smvey ’made for warrant No. 434-s,
thence north along said warrant }j«c 1W perches to the iron
wood tree corner, the place of beginning—containing 100
acres of laud and being pat t of the original survey made for
warrant No. 4J48, J.imca Wilson warrantee.
At^o.—One* other piece or {«urel of laml. beginning at a
post corner in the second fork of Pine creek in a Ui»r of Jas.
Knglich's land ilnS perches «wt from too eastern llwnd.iry
line of the original .-urvey made for warrant No. 4347 ./amen
Wilson warrantee and perches M*uih from ws north
ern bonmlary, thence weal 100 porches to a stone heap cor
ner, thence south 100 pecclm-* to a hemh*ck trcccorm-r in the
line of Khnu's land, thence cn-t 100 percltcs to a post corner,
thence north inti iwlu-s to the creek and jiost corner, the
place of beginning—containing inn ucies of laud and Wing
part of the ongimd survey made by virtue of warrant No.
4347. James Wil-on warrantee.
Also.—One other piece or parcel of land, beginning at a
chestnut tree the nonh-wiMcra cofncr of the original sur
vey made by virtue of warrant No. 4300, James Wilsou war
rantee, thence south along the eastern boundary line of «aid
warrant survey 2 id pen h«-* to a hemlock tree rorner, thence
west by Kline's laud 12b perches to a hemlock tree rorner.
them* north 30 degrees west 80 percln-s to a hemlock tree
corner, thence south 00 degiees we-t by said Kejm’s land 03
perches to a beech tree corner, thence main 21K perches to a
hemlock tree corner in the northern boundary of the war
rant survey before mentioned, thence east along the warrant
line 215 porches to the chestnut tree earner the place of be
ginning—containing 311 acres of land and being part of the
original survey imulu by virtue of warrant-No. 4300, James
Wilsuti warrantee.
Also.—One other piece or pared of lam!, beginning at a
po«*t corner, standing in the western boundary line of an
original survey made hy virtue of warrant X0."4347. Jamc*
THUon warrantee, at tl»e distance of 3-4)<> perches from nn
old cliestnut lice corner being the north-wcitern comer of
wudorlgiho! purvey, thence cant 96 7-lOpcrchos to u imj-U
cornprof a lot belonging to ArchrrV, thence 'south hy Arch*
cf‘.s tract 93 perches to a po«t corner In a line of .<aM tract,
thence we>t hy Keim’s land 2o perches to a lurch tiee corner
thence south 25 degrees uest by Keim’tj land 43 nnd 7-10
ol a’perch to a hemlock tree corner, a corner of ICeun's bind,
thence wist by other land of I{**hn’.-> 56 sind 7-10 perches to a
hemlock tree corner In the western boundary linp of the
original survey, thence north fllonjr tho warrant line 133
pcrcbcn to n po-t corner, the place ol beginning—containing
To acres and being pait uf the nrlgikuii suncj made by vir
tue of warrant No. 4347. .Tamos Wilson, Warrantee.
Also.—-One other lot of laud Contained in the original war
rant survey No. 4347, beginning at h -ugar tree corner stand
ing in the southern boundary line of said original survey at
distance ofSS pvicho- west front the south-east corner of said
original survey, thence West along the southern boundary
line of said wurhiht survey 222 perches io u post corner,
thence north hy l.vud *»ur\e>cd to IKS.. It. U. ami S. Archer
93 perches to a po*t the soutli-cnst corner of an 100 acre lot
belonging to «ahl Archer's, thence ca-t ±22 perches to a post
corner, thenrewmth hy John Willianimo lot 92 perches to
the sugar tree corner, the place of beginning—containing
acres of land ami being part ol the original suney
made by virtue of warrant No.+l47..lames Wilson warrantee.
Aksfl.—Out l other lot of land situate in the north-west cor
ner of tho original warrant survey No. 4347. bound’ll on the
uorth anil west hy the boundary lino of said original war
rant survey, on tha south by land owned !*y 11. S.. K. IT. and
S. Archer, ami on the cast by land owned by said Archer and
James English—containing 132y< acres more or leas and be
ing part of tho original survey” made by virtue of Wdrfant
No. 4347, James Wilson warrantee.
Also-—One other lot of land contained In the same origi
nal wprtent snrvoy No. 4347 bounded ort the north by an 100
'acre Tot owned by 11. S., U. it., and S. Archer, and bonglit of
William Enunick, on the east by land owned by said Archer's,
on the by part of the southern boundary line of war
rant No, +>47, and on tho west by Kcim's land—containing
92 acres of land mote or less, and being part of the original
survey made by urtue of warrant No. 4347, Jaipei WifiiPlb
warrantee, with about twenty acres improved, a dopldo saw
mill, live frame dwelling liopsor*. w-dbad ho*su, thpyo
frame barns, soipo othc-7 out \iui]dipgij sipd some fruit tn-cs
tbewop. All of f|m above described of land tp bo
-sold ns the property of J». U. Aichcr, 11. ss. Awhcr, iiud titu*
Vensqu Archef
.VLmv—A lot «>f H»d In Chatham. Ijoundcl north by fha?.
Tides, ra-l by Hcid unm' \ mdiwn, >ouih by >huiha 51. Ki/»'r_
and viat bj smith hfii-tjCNvu acre- ujoic
or less, at>ont thirty acres improved, two frame sheds and an
apple orchard thereon. <
Also:—Another lot in same township, hounded north by
highway, cast by Cornelius Vandyke, south by Elisha Bowen
anti Sheldcn Bntler, and west by Archibald Monroe—contain
ing about twenty acres, all Improved, ono frame house there
ou. To be sold as the property of James Sizer.
Also —Alot of land in Knoxville, bounded north by high
way, east by Quaker lot, south by J. G- Seeley nnd west by
A. D. Knox—containing about ono acre with framehouse
thereon. To be sold as tho property of David Coalloy.
Also.— -A lot of land in ilutlnnd township, bounded north
by E. Uove, east by road tanning from Roseville to Daggett's
Hollow, south by Mill Creek road and west by E. Hose—con
taining about one-half acre, all improved, with a frame house,
frame Isini nnd store house thereon.
Also. —Another lot in same township, bounded north by
"Wm. A. McClnro. eost-by J. D. Viddcnn, south by John Ben
son, west by B. Hall—containing fifty-five acres, about fifty
acres improved, with two frame houses, ono frame kirn,
blacksmith sbop and two apple orchards thereon. To be sold
os the property of Harrison bobbins.
Also.—-A lot of land in Osceola township, bounded north
by Dr. Wm. T. Humphrey, east by street, running north
from highway to sash and blind factory, sooth by main
highway and west by Julius Scott—containing % of an acre
more or less, nil improved with frame stun* and frame office
ALSO.—Another lot of land In Osceola, on Water street,
hounded north by Dr. Boswortk, east by street running to
River Bridge, south and west by Morgan Seeley—containing
of an acre more or less, all Improved with framehouse
ALSO.—Another lot of land in Osceola, hounded north by
K.Y. State line, east by Morgan Seeley, Phillip Vasblnder.
An«on Blnekmnn, James Tubbs. Wm. T. Humphrey. Gdorge
Butcher, Freeborn, Dr. Bosworth, Alien Seeley et al.,
south by Robert Tubbs—containing about 165 acres more or
less, CO acres improved, with five frame houses, two frame
burns, ono horse barn, one frame gang saw mill, one frame
w agon shop, one frame corn house and some other oat build
ings, with two apple orchards and some other fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as tho property of C. F. Culver and
Enos Sloswm* "■ "
ALSO.—A lot of land in Sullivan township, Ivonndcd on
the north by {he State road, west by Allen Webster, on the
south by Gardner Hngar. east by J. S. Dewey—containing
nineteen acres and ten rods. one frame barn mid one frame
hou«o nnd a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of J. S. Deivoy,
ALSO.—A lot of land in Sullivan township, bounded on
tho east by Alien Webster and U. Hagnr, on the west by
Le\i Smith and E. Rosa, on the 1 north by tho State road,
and south by Jason Clark—containing three hundred nnd
seventy acres, with atwmt one Imndml and twenty ncrea
improved, with two frame houses and ono log house, two
frame barn* and two apple orchards thereon. To In,* sold
ns the property of Morris D. Lewis and Ira Lewis, Reuben
Nash and Edwin Dewey.
ALSO. —A lot of land in Union township, bounded north
by lands of J. Pent nark and Nathan Denmark. east by If.
Vothcrgidl. south by —and west bjr J. Peters—contain
ing uliont 100 acres, about 50 acres ’improved one block
house, one log barn and u young apple orchard thereon.
To be sold as the property of P. M. Soper.
ALSO—A lot of land situated in Sullivan township, bound
ed north by II S Main, on the east by Washington and Lo
renr.o Doud, south by It Bond and west by D u Koso L
linker and 1* Bond— acres or thereabouts with
about 20 acres improved, a log house and a few fruit trees
thereon To be sold ns the projiorty of I*uue N Ilar>ey.
ALSO—A lot of land in Richmond township, bound
ed north by tho Traverse and A. S. Turner lot,
cast by K. Hurley and Russel Watrous. south hy
Russel Watrous and 'Hlinira Rond and west by W. M.
Johnson nnd E. Sperry—containing about 130 acres,
about oO acres improved, one frame house, a shanty
barn nnd stable and other out buildings thereon. To
be sold as the property of J. M. Cnssels,
ALSO—A lotof land in Westfield township, bound
ed north by Biugham lands, cast by Charlton Phillips,
south by Cbwancsque river and west by Charlton Phil
lips—containing about two hundred acres, about forty
acres improved, two frame bouses, two frame barns,
one corn house, one grist mill and apple orchard there
on. To be sold as the property of Richard Phillips.
ALSO—A lot of land in Mansfield, bounded north
by Dr. Win. M. Barden, east by Wm. M. Barden, south
by Elmira Street and west by Williamson Koad—con
taining about i acre more or less, all improved, with
one frame three story store thereon.
ALSO—Another lot of land in Mansfield, bounded
north by Aaron Ingalls, east by L. H. Brewster, south
by C. y. Elliott and west by Williamson Road—con
taining about $ of an acre more or less, all improved,
one frame house, one frame born and other out build
ings thereon. To be sold as the property of B. M.
Bailey.* Elijah Clarke and P. M. Clarke.
ALSO—A lotof land situate in the township of Sul
livan, bounded on the north by Theda Coolley, on the
east by the Ward tract on the south by Aaron Wood
and tho Ward tract, on the west by Warren Narsh—
containing one hundred nnd seven acres, with about
forty acres improved, with a log houscaud frame barn
thereon. To be sold as the property of Ja°on Clark.
ALSO —A lotof land in Sullivan township, bounded
as follows : north by L. A. Rarick. east by Justus .Mc-
Connell and D. Brewster, south by Seely Johns and
others, west by Dawd Bronson—contaiuiug filty acres
or thereabouts, with forty acres improved, one frame
house, one frame bam, corn bouse ami apple orchard
thereon. To be hold as the properly of Martin Moore.
ALSO —A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded
north, cast and south hy John Dailey and west by Ti
oga River—containing about $ of an acre more or
le.-s nil improved, frame house, frame barn, frame pail
and firkin factory, two frame dry houses and other
out buildings and a few fruit trees thereon ; also a
lot of machinery for making pails, firkins, Ac., in said
factory. To behold as the property of Joseph W.
ALSO—A lot of land in Richmond township, bound
ed north by Virgil Sweet nnd Daniel Walden, east by
Caleb Whiting, south by Ellen Goudall and west by
Marcus* Benedict —containing about 208 acres, about
45 acres improved, one lug house nnd one frame barn
and some IVuit trees thereon. To be sold os the prop
erty of L. C. Griggs
ALSO—A lot of land in Westfield township, bound
ed, north by line of Brookfield township, east by A.
Streeter and Z. Mallory, south by Bingham lands,
west by Samuel Fierce—containing eighty six acres,
about thirty or forty acres improved, one frame house,
frame barn, saw mill, cow shed and apple orchard
thereon. To be sold as the property of John Pierce.
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston township, bound
ed north by Thomas Davis, east by D. 0. Edwards,
south by Highway and E. U'bUmoro and wo>t by
Highway—containing about 07 acres about 35 acres
improved, one frame house, one frame barn and other
out buildings and an apple orchard and some other
fruit trees thereon. To be sold os the property of
Jeremiah Hart.
.IL.SO—-I lot of land in Tioga township, hounded
north by John W\ Guernsey, east by A. i’. Turner,
•*outh by J/rs. K. Guernsey, wc-t by con
taining about fifty or sixty acres with about fifty acres
improved, frame barn ami some fruit trees thereon.
ALNO—Another lot of land in .-aid township, com
mencing at a plum tree in the lane of Candy. late of
estate of Jnmc - * Bryant dccM, thence south five nnd
one-half degrees east 36 rods to Buttonwood corner,
thence north 80 degrees west 82 rods to a post. thence
north 15f> rods to a stone heap, thence south 82 de
grees east 238 rods to white oak stump, thence south
07 wes-t 123 rods to white pine, thence north 8n de
grees wc.-t 100 rods to a post, thence north 64 degrrcc
west 40 rods to beginning—containing l7Bi acre.- and
allowance, excepting -32 acres sold to A. A dessc Kee
ney. also excepting about one acre for burying ground,
with two frame hottses, three frame barns, corn house
and shed and Blacksmith shop, sonic fruit tree-. 70 or
80 acres improved. To be sold os the* propei ty of
William J. .Vann.
VVelLboro. May 19, ”oX S. I. P 0 H’ER. Shenf.
a .YA’ir hook nr hvaa/a.v young, j r.n.
N ... ... The secret clue to Courtship. Love
ami Marriage; With the disea.-os imd
dent to Youth, Maturity nnd Old Age—
being lights and shades of Married Life,
J°y« and Sorrows, Hopes, Fears and
Let all married peo
/.*li\\V pie, or those contemplating marriage
and having the least impediment to married life, read
this book. Let every young man and woman in the
hind rend this book. It is ftli. of Pi.atks, and dis
closes seertts that every one should know; a little
knowledge at first may save a world of trouble in after
life. Send for a copy (enclosing 23 cents) to I
May a. 1850. S.
»ew Tin,cc\i;uv srOist,
MRS. ELLIOTT takes this opportunity to inform
the ladies of Covington, Mansfield and vicinity,
that she has just received from NcW York, a large hud
fdshiohnhle assortment of
nnd designs increasing her stock at intervals during
the season so that she may shit all thhl may give her
their patfundge;
Clenching and repairing done on tho shortest notice
and in Ihc ticateeb stylo.
All orders for Goods strictly attended to.
Ftorq at the residence of 3)r. Elliott nearly opposite
0. 11. Phelps 1 Store. [April 21, 1860. 4.]
Oct a Stump machine]
THE undersigned respectfully heg leave to Inform
tho fanners of Ting* Cuunty that they are the
agents fur this county fur
Patent Stump FoUer,
This tpacVine ei\n ho easily \Yoykuci hy three men,
sp as to tafte P’ l l- from thirty to i \ty stumps a day
VfUnppt the At'l of it team, Farm or Township Eights
trill he st»hl to any person upon application. For for
'V'f Piirtiyuiars apply tu the unilerslgniiil by letter or
!n per.-.n. Farm Rights. with .Machine. Slill.
nr;i:i: s su-.uj.i.nxu.
Tioga. April £l, ISofl. It.
WM. A. ROE & CO.,
Save just received their Kcw Stock of
Consisting in part of
and in .fact everything in the line of Gu<>il s tbnt is
usually kept in a store can be found at ibi?-
raent. Purchasers will please call and examine Goods
and prices before purchasing elsewhere, anil convince
themeefves that the place to buy goml] r:ul cheap
Good 3 is at Vt. A. ROE Jr V ! )'S.
Wcllsboro, Msy 12. 1859.
For Converting' Rotarv into Reciprocating*
Motion, and Vice Versa.
Patb.vtkd Fbbrcarv 15, 1559.
TO Manufacturers* this Invention is of great im
portance, as either converted into the
outer by a simple arrangement of means, and with
the least possible loss or absorption of power by fric
tion, and applicable to every Machine where these
two motions are required. The Cut shows the princi
ple as applied to Common Dash Churns. The under*
signed have purchased the Patent Right for this coun
ty. and ore manufacturing and selling at the low price
of $5. It is conceded to be the best arrangement Tor
churning Milk or Cream ever invented.
Tioga, May 12. ’si>. BALDWIN, LOWELL A CO.
Tioga Village, Pa.,
Hare Just received a large and careful hj selected
assortment of
Consisting in part of
and arc prepared to furnish them at as .reasonable
rates as they can be bought in any other market.
Customers can rely upon finding at all times any
article they may wish, and all Goods warranted to lm
as represented.
Latest Styles, and. adapted to every variety of trim
mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere,
Baldwin, Lowell A Co,, have always on hand a sea
sonable and fashionable stock of
which will he sold at the lowest CASH PRICKS.
-A L S 0-
J7T&'' All kinds of Country Produce taken in, ex
change far Goods- at the Market prices-
Tioga, May 12, ISOD.
185 0.
The Fashionable styles of
14f 8 & o&l’®a
For the above seasons, are now on exlubltM.i; rf 5 v
Store together with a well selected stock of V.'*. *i. u\
(j alters.
«EXT»S FtßXlsHli\G GCOH^.
Umbrellas t Satchels, Carpet Bags, G!o< r ■
Uoiscry , Yankee Notions, dr., dr.
Come and see them, at the lint Store nm'li
side of Market Street, nest to Dr. Terbcll's
China, Glass and Earthen-Ware.
I have now on band and intend to keep a well se
lected stock of the above Good*, together with
Looking Glasses, Lamps,
Slone Ware, Knives and JForJ:*,
Bird Cages, Fancy Articles, Toys , d-c., <(c,
Next Store to Dr. TerbelTs Drug Store,
3fay 12th, 1559. ly.
xew tore tot.
The lombinatiun of ingredient* in these PHU arc the re
snlt of a long and extensive practice. They are thild in tln-ir
operation, ami certain in correcting all Irregularities, Paiutnl
Menstruations, re moving all obstruction*, whether from roM
or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of tl»o
heart, disturbed Sleep, which arise frominterrnptiun of nature
Dr. Checseman'f Pills are iurulnuhle, as they will bring 01,
the monthly period with regularity. Ladles who h«\e
disappointed in the use of other Pills, can place the utmost
confidence in Dr. Checseraan’s Pills doing all that they n-pn*»
sent to do. _ NOTICK.
They should pot be'used during Pregnancy, as a n\N-car
riago would oortaiuly result therefrom.
Warranted purely vejgotahlc, and free from anything Juju
rious to life or health. > Explicit directions, which should
read, accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on ei\
closing $1 to the General AjJent. SoW by one Druggist in
every town In the United States, IL 11. HUTCXIIN’tiS,
General Agent for the United Stares.
165 Chambers Street, New York,
To whom all wholesale order* should he addressed,
Sold by John A. Roy Wollsboro, Pa,, and by Pratt i Hilt
Owego, N, Y» [April 28,1559. 10
COO I N Pi, X. Y
0. C. \me, > IVi'pririor,
Ouc-j!.- tukyn t« iinJ fica uf