*botess S. B. B BOOKS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW '■ “ ’ ‘ EtKLASD, TfOGA CO: PA, 5 “la tins multitude of Counselors tjicre U eafety.”— Bible. *&pti 23, n.bS,ly. FEltaiSliFAlVlA It OI ) SB. ; : —. pa:' . p -3- B. TAVLOR, PROPRIETOR. * TM«i!e«mv'iiy popttUr house is centrally locnied.Rnd •omroetids itself to the patronage of the travelling public, Kov.j&lSoS, ty. C. N. DARTT, BESTIST, Ojp.cc at h{« Residence, neeur iJic Acad&ny* > All work pertaining to his line of business done promptly add yraf ran feed. [April 22, 3558-1 " ' aWektca x noTEfc. - , - - CORXljfftt, JMT-, - - - - Proprietor, Steals, 23 cts. Lodgings, 25 cts. Board, 75 cts. per day. Corning, 31o.’ J say that FOLEY has the • bwt and cheapest assortment of WATCHES I ever saw in IVelJsboro’. Such heavy cases and fiuisb ■cdmovement? you can't find elsewhere. Cn.U and see them une door north of B. B. Smith A Son's, wherehc will be glad to tdiow them to you, and do any Repairs oa Watches, Clocks A Jewelry, and all warranted. . ■\J: , , ANDIE FOLEY. ‘ r .‘BfcUsbortf JSS7• , . _ S, F. WIMOII, X 2PS$* Removed to Joe. Luw'vj'b Ojfict. -g2Zf lAS. & Si F.'\VItSOM, ATTORNEYS .fc COCNSELEOIiS AT LAW. will attend tbo Court of Tiuga, Tuttor and McKean .comities. [lVellsboro*, Feb. I, 1553.} - E 3.6- C <9 fi SR , BARSCR A>'l> HAIE-DBCSSEB. [ U\lMan', Tloyit Cj. iu-h, bupiui: by siriti uUetUion to ImH- J>css to lavHt tS»c confidence and support of those who Kay favor him with their orders. CuVimj do »e on ft&orl notice. "VTeUsboro, Oct, 21, IhhS,—f>m WM-W. & H. W. M'DOUGALL REAL ESTATE AGENTS. AHE engaged in Exploring. Surveying and Draft ing, Investing money in Ileal Fatale, nnd on Kcai E*utc Se< urity, Locating Land Warrants, Loca ting Xjand for Settlers on lime. They will attend the Land Sales in this and the ad joining Districts, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lots. Parlies entrusting money to «? for investment wj)) I’avojhp kpelit of oua explorations. Xo property puridfnyed'that vre arc not per-ovully acquainted with. .Min. Ter-, April 2-5, ISoS. H: D. MMING. Wmtld t ♦‘OeotfulU announce people of Thera Count v. that he i- iut\v pupared to till .\i( uuli-i* for Apple. IV.tr. Peach, Ch.-ny. NvctAtluw. Apckut, Ewijrrccn r.«»\ D.ekUu.n- Orma.i, n;.tl tu?\ Al-.> Cmranl-j Ua.-.pl«-i lio-n CSoo-cbejiha-. Blftihhcnictk stud stranbe;rks of all ul\v uud approved \uri itK’s. / n r\.usi*tini? of lltbrid. perpetn'd and ?vnv tocr lloses. Mu-.-, hourbim. Te,u B'-ngsd or Chin o and Climbing ib»*—. SI i IID B BER Peulriu.. l-il.tr-n ij.vriugi.is. \ iburuum-<. V. \o. IV f fJ\lT|<'lv , Sl t'.icouic-. Ddilnn*. Phloxes, Tulips. _ twl\o ilyaautlu,, Ayrcuwis Jomiuils Lit lie*. o*,Uuly s»U. ited. t&,. 'nkn-i. f-.r iJraairur, BiHJing or Pruniug will he proniptlv attended 10. Atidrox ike. lb. o*. a. fb IiKJUNG. VTHUboro, Pa. 'lO MOTHERS, WIVES AND DAUGHTERS Dr. It. A. Lain nut’s PERIODICAL COMPOUND The most urwl bucvcn.ful FJiVIAWI MhIdCIXE now in uae, f'ji all r vao?. of ob-trucUd or Mi*i)>iruatjua. Tin-, valuable vegetable cor.ipov.iul has long been used in the private brattice of Dr. Umnn’. fi.y refuting the oe r»in.sj.‘inrnt* ot the female .=y«ir»i .nul for m«j>r?n foi mit' wtk l»-fou« the monthly period will remove of? o } i r !ruciirmsJrr.iu < ay cause tcAutevcr, us incicdihle as it wav Rppoaj. X. Ladies who Lave l>ccn disappointed hi the m*e of can put the uttnort confidence'm tin* compound , £i«rC A U T 1 o X <1 This cr>ni)>m}ml murt «ut he In feni«lp« /lining the carfv tuuiitiis of under the j>enal!> of ccituiu ah onion; At all oipcr duu>* it is s.ifc. ;h if if purely xczvt.thfy. Jt will be tvut w any address h\ mclo-om; >2 to any author* iztd ageut, or to K. I. AM>i;L\\>, kuihvW*>. Y. Tor sale by J. A. Rt>Y, I’a., uua*lJra-''n s t3 cvn < rally. j.7uly 00 b YOUTH & MANHOOD. JErC the a:.ih Thousand, awl m.uh-d in a sealed envelope, to any address, post i>aid, on receipt of thn-e Manips. A Mill'll OVTItE PUYSICiI PX'Mr«nOX VXD t>£C VT DP THE ra-OIE. CAUSLII JjX ‘•SELF-LBU-T.’' INPICHeS. to Marnagu, are promptly and viTccluaHy removed j>y th-* .\«tfmrV novel and most mode of treatment, }, v nu*au* of which the Invalid can regain prktluc Uc.dlh u ithimt having rceonrsu to dangerous and exnvnslvo medi- Ciue^- __ (From the London Lancet.) Tim De-t treatise ever written uu a subject of vital impor all, Well w wthy the Author's exalted reputation Address, the Publishers. J c KIJSE & CO., Ist Avenue Cor, ipih bU, Post Hot 4&BC. Ncvy Vortt City February l7ih, ISSD, *' .;; ATEU’S A compound remt-dv, in v. Inch we have labored to produce) the most effectual aUcraUve"tluU can be made. It Is a con-i cedtnited extract ,’ofi Par?i Sarsaparilla,’ tsd Mfi(h ( other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford au affective nDtidtrto-fdr 1 the tlit*eftscs Sarsaparilla is reputed . to care, ft i« believed that such a remedy is wanted by those nbo suffer -frm»v3tfttmpuii complaifits- and that one; which will -cure mast prove of immense, service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens.—} How completely this compound-wfii. do if has btro-proven *bv expermientou many of the wprstcosaa to.be found df ftie, •following cumplaiofe:— ; I - 1 -- | Scrofula nod Scrofulous Complaints, Eruptions and Erup* f tive lme;u.e.«, Ulcer*, dimples, Bktt,c)ieefTumors, Salt Uhemu j Scald Uead, Syphilis and Syphilitic Affections, Mercurial Disease. Dropsy. Neuralgia or Tie Douloureux, Debility, Dyspepsia and "indigestion, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony’s,, Fire, opt! Indeed wholo'clasa of complaibts arising from i impurity of the blood. f ' f 'j f *» * Ibis cumptjimd wgl be found a ircat promote* of health, •n hen taken in the spring, to ’expel tHo foul* humors which fciter iu the blood at that scn«mi of the year. By the timely, expulsion of them many fddjtlitigd isorder* arc nipped in the bud. Multitude!, can. by the aid of thin remedy, t-pare them selves from the endurance of foul eruptions anil nicerons sores, through which tbc system will-stive to* rid itself of c(frfjiptioifr»J.il dot aashtod to do this through the natural ‘kdlfttfuejs of tire hr*ij\hy aU"n!tor«ti»v v mrfdicine. •* O'eanso out the vitiated Hood uncnwer you find its Impurities burst*, ing tlmmuh the fckiu iu pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when ymi iind.it is obstructed',abi\slpggi&h m the veins; cleau'-e it whenever it w foul, and your let-hogs will tell you when, Even where no particular di-order is felt, people en joy better heiflth. and live longer, for cloadsiug the blood."- 2 '* Keep the blood healthy, and alii* well; bttl with this tiabu ffphi of fife disordered, there can Ud no lasting beultb. tromi or or Inter something mu-t go wrong, and the great machi nery -of life is db-ordered or overthrown. ■ • - -- - {Sarsaparilla'hns. and deserves touch: the*-reputation. of ar comphslnug these ends. Jlut the World Um been cgregiously decern'd by piephrations of It, parUyhecause the arug alone has not uli the virtue that is claimed for it-but mote he prepaiation*, pretending to be concha crated ex tract* of it, contain but Uulc ot the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. ' 'r During late years the public hate been misled by: large bottles, putemhng to giv« a Sarsaparilla, but often iu> curJrHx* properties whatever. Hence, bitter oml painful followed the use of the various exuaeth ol fbvod the uuirkot, until the name it«df js justly despised, and has become synonymous with iiiipo.-ition and cheat. Still we cull this compound Nir snp.irriht, and intvnd-to supply such a remedy as■shall- rescue the name from the load of ohUnpty which- rests upon it. Ami we think ue hate ground for believing it has virtues winch imt irresistible by the ordinary nut of thcdiscfljsCe it is in tended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradica tion from the system, tho remedy should be Judiciously ta ken according to directions ou the bottle, PREPARED m Dr. 3, G. Ayer & Co^ LOITELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Lottie; Six bottles for $5. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, bos iron Tor itself such n renown for the euro of every va riety of Throat ami Lung Complaints, Unit it is entirely un necessary for ns to recount the evidence of its virtues, whom ever it has been employed. As It had long been in constant use throughout tins section, we need not do more than as sure the people its ipmlity h kept up to the heat it ever baa been, amt that it mas lie relied on to do for their relief all it bsw»cver been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, Xwttns ante of C«»*tivenc-s, Jaundice, "Dyspepsia, Indigos turn. J)y-»/-nterv. Foul Mnhi.tch. Kry°K*3es, Headache, Pile*. Rheumatism, KruptUuis and skin Discuses, User Complaint, Dropsy. Tetter. Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, (lout N’eu rtvlgia, as* a Dinner Pill, and for purifying the blond. They arc suj.ar-r.Mted, no that the most sensitive can take them ph-as.ii)tiy and they are the bc-st aperient iu the world for nil the jnup.iS » of a family physic. Price 25 cts. per Sox; Five boxes fop $l,OO, - Great numbers of Clergyman. Physicians, Statesmen, and chum- in hu\o lent tin if name* to certify - the an pnr.il)e}.‘il ii-cfniiu >s \.f these remedies, bnt our tpace here udl not peumt the insertion of them. The -Agents, below named, rnrnh.fi gratfi our American Almanac in which they are fciren: uijJj ajsu full deseripliona of the above coni* plaiuw, ami the treatment that should bo followed for their cure. Vo not he put off by unprincipled dealers with other pro* parata-ns they make more profit on. Remand Atkh’S, and lake no others. The sick want the beat aid there is for them, and they ?bo»ikl h.nu it. All our Ri-medieb a) o for sale by C. A J. L. BOBI.N'SOX — Wcllohoro'. ami by all Druggists and Merchants throughout the country. fcb. 17. Itve9.—6m. TO AGENTS. EETEr.SO.NS’ CHEAP A-\D COMPLETE EDITION’ OP The "Waverley Novels. BY SIR WALTER SOTT, BAKX. The works of sm author like Scott cannot l«i too extern ?i\ely OilTu-'kl. Nim.uv can ri-efiom a perusal of his wri tings without having b«*r»n instructed a** well as amused The c.tu-e of religion. \ irrn'*, and moj.vlity find-* an advoc ito on page. It hm» been W' U observfd by i;n aide and eloquent Aniri wan cr>U»'. that "If ever w rit« r lu eiteiy climate ami on oteiv-oil: M'that wlierevir hi-works were known, there w.i- hr to br regarded u- a native ami n denir.en.” THE WXVmiLY XOVELS*~iru*L COMPRISE Ivanimc. Uuctiix Rurwiird. Rob Roy. ’ S?t- Roßaßs Well. Guy Ihnmering. Red (huintlct. Tin* Aulupury. Tliu Jlrtrothed. w the Xu\el«. And the wheh' of the above will h« published complete in 2'd volume-, ami will be furm-hed complete and tnliro at tha low pries of 25 CEXTS FOR EACH KOVEL. TERMS or SEBfCRII’TION TO THE 20 VOI.HMES. One mmplete ten.ld volumos in nil. will bft sent to any mm, to.iru place in the United Stales, free of postage, for FIVE iMMA-ls Two Oopie- of each N’oivl, or two comjdcte setta. making s'i Yolum*—in all. will be fc«n? to anj place in the VirilOil ktate-, free of postage, for SINE DOLLARS. Address all oideis to lh« I'uMi-hm-. T. U. PfcITK.KSOK & imOTUKhP. Street, Philadelphia. March 17. Thomas Harden rtspcidfully anmmv.ee to the inhabitants \\ , .of Tioga County, that limbus purchased the culiro stark of B-UI.EYS & HARDER, and paving enlarged and replenished iho sniuo, is now offering peat inducements to Cash Purchasers. The especial attention of the Ladies ia dircotcd to SHAWL < & DIIESS GOODS, «.« among them may be found many styles and fabrics never before introduced in this t.arkct. In fact, Every Dopuklmcut is Full. CioCha, Cassiwercs, JUudy-Zhclc Clothing, ' Hu in and Cup*, lluohf and Shoes, and many of the novelties of tho reason: (*KOCEKIES at prices that will astonish customers. Plcn-’e call and examine for yourselves. IVclLboro. Jen. 6, 1569. Comma, Book Store. THE Subscribers have removed to the large and elegantly fitted up Brick Store—four doors cost m Cmvccrt Limb. Corning—avid will keep on hand a large assotimcut of Xcw Books, among which aro Ruligium Standard Works, HISTORICAL iiOOKS, Tales of Fiction, Poetical f VovJca, School Rooks, SHEET MUSIC, Blanks, Stationery and Wall Paper, K. Y. Daily and Weekly papers, all the Magazines at Publishers prices. AU for sale very cheap. HOBIXSOX & CO, Corning, Sept. 24, •’57. WATCHES! THE Subscriber has got a Hue nnsortment of heavv ESGUStI LBVEH HUNTER-CASE ' Guld and Silver Waiclu-s, which he will sell cheaper than “ dirl M on 'Time,' i. e. he trill acII ‘Time Pieces' - n- Wa ccjpxtfttoji ydii .thiii you jiitaoh Hjritifi W. Vick, late of your county, By otl and singula!’, nts .goods and, chattels, lauds, and. tea omenta,.in whose hands orpbaflCssionSoeverHhV feame may W, sc t that be be and appear before our„Court of Common Pleas* to he M ovd for sms county on; the first Monday of June nest, there to answer Wil-; Hath A. DeWolf of a plda in debt; not exceeding twelve thousand dollars. And have yon then and ; there' <*l |Pytt«A|Uq.! pu? :f 44i th 6; 7th ;UfyjOf. April 1859. J P DONALDSON, Proth’y, By virtue of the.annezudKrit-.J hare attached the following described pieces or parcels of land, situate in the township of -Bloss; county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania: One beginning at a Lynn tho north- west currier o : a tract of land formerly belonging to Arbon Coal' Company, thence south 883 degrees east one hundred' and eighty-four and three-tenths perches to the centre of the Williamson road, suatb Ji> degrees east 25 rods; thence south 27 degrees eSst,l4 - degrees cast-15 rods, thouco south eleven degrees east 10 rods, thence south 7 degrees east 12-4 rods, thence south 84 degrees west 50 rods to the lino of the town plot, thence south 69J- degrees west 3S reds,whence south 4-13 degrees cast f 42 7-10 rods' to tk p6st,thence ?outb 13J degrees east 129 6*lo rods, thence north SB’ degrees west 63 4-10 tide, thence south 875 degrees, west 236 8-10 rods,-thence north 15 degrees east 4*30 rods to the'place of Legiunmg— containing five' hundred forty-two acres and five-eights of au acre more or less. Also—Another lot, heqinning'at’aJfaUeu Birch the corner of land of Nicklin A Griffiths, thence north 28 degrees west 30 rods, thence north 79 degrees west 116 tods, thence south 79 degrees west 76 and 6-10 rods to the line of the town plot, thence along the Kuo of the town pint north 7 1-4 degrees 6ast2lo rods,tbenoo. east JS2 5-39 rods to- the line Coleman, thence along surd Colemun’3 \a\id south 2 degrees west 242 X-I0 rods to the place of beginning'—containing’ 245 7*B acres more or less- I Also—Another lot beginning at a beech, tfao comer of Jeremiah Rcea’s and Arhon Coal Company's hinds, thence north 32-V dfegreea dast 4S : rods-toil post, thence north 83ft degrees cast 40 rods to a stake on Ibe hank of the river, thence south- 73 3-4 degrees west along said river to the place of.beginning—*contaimng seven acres and four-tenths porches. Also—On the undivided fifteen eight hundreths part of the following described lots of land situate in Bless, Liberty and Ward townships in the County and State aforesaid, to wit: "Warrant No 5070 in the names of, Nicklin & Griffith, containing 3126 acres; No 5955 in the name of Nicklin & Griffith, containing 110 i acres; Warrant Ko 5077 in ,lbe .name of Nicklin A Griffith, containing 400 acres; Warrant No 5952 in the name of Nickhn & Griffith, containing 220 acres ; Warrant No 5080 in tbc name of Nicklin A Griffith, containing 3080 acres; Warrant No 5972 ip the name of Nicklin A Griffith, containing eleven hundred acres. Also —The undivided fifteen eight humireth parts of the following described lots or parcels of land situ ate in townships of Blu*s, .Union and Ward, County of Tioga aforesaid, to wit* Lots Nog. 4, 6. and 7of the partition of the Elk Mountain iundsdiv the suit of Rob ert Ferris a gain.-1 Ralph Elliott and others in the Com mon Picas of said County ..of May Term. 1852 of war rant No. 1 ; Lot No. 4, containing 182 acres 158 porch ee; Nos. 6 and 7 containing together 265 acres 156 perches. t Also—Lot?, No?, 3. 4 and S in said partition of war rant Nu. 2 ; Lot No. 3 containing 18.1 acres, 5S perch es; No. 4 containing 383 acres and 5S perches; No. 8 containing 188 acres 59 perches. Also —hots Nos. 3> 5 and 7 in said .partition of war rant No. 3; TfdT'Containing 181 96 perches; No. 5 containing 381 acres, 102 perches; No. 7 con taining ISI acres, 105 perches. Also—Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 5 lit said partition of war rant No. 4; Lots Nos. 1 and 2, together containing 2o’S acres, 46 perches; No. 5 containing 129 acre?; 24 perches. f ’ Alsq—■Lots Kos. 1, 2 and. 3 of said partition of Warrant No. 5, containing together 436 acres, 99 perch es. - - -. • Also—Lots Nos. 1, 3 aud 6 of warrarit No. 6 in eaid partition; No. 1 1 omitavmng*l27 acres, 51 perches; No. 3 containing 327 acres, 49 perches; No-6 contain ing 127 acres, 52 porches. Also—Lots No?. 3, 4 and 5 in said partition of war rant No. 7, conumiing together 451 acres, 108 perches. All of the foregoing described lots and parcels of land arc wholly im.mproml, ami no person is"in the actual occupancy of the tame. S. 1. POWER, Sheriff, April 8. 1859. Tlotisv Co., ss. The Oommouicetiith of Penmyloama to (fa Sheriff of 9uid County, Greeting: Ifo command you chut j - o« attach Hiram W, Bo*t wick and Luiirin W. Mallory, lato of your County, by all and singular, bis goods and chattels, lanils and ten ements, in whose bands or possession soever the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Picas, to be holdeii at Wellsboro in and for said County on the first Monday of Juno next, there to answer WtUium A. DcAVolf of a pica «f debt not. exceeding eight thousand dollars. Ami iiavcyuu then and there (his writ. WUuc.-s the Hotu U. G- White, President Judge of our said Court, the Tth day of April 1859. J. F. DONALDSON, Pruth'y* 3Jy virtue of the annexed writ I have attached tbp following described piece or parcel of laud situate in tho .township of Bloss, County of Tioga, State of Pennsylvania,; On? beginning at a Lynn, the north-\vo«t corner of a tract of l.ujil Jonm-il.v ln'tongi*'-* to the Arhon Coal Company, tb.-jivv south, ..w one hundred nu '> to tho cvutiT of ihc Williamson road, theucu along the \S iUiutn-on road wnth Iddegretn east 25 rod-,, ihi-nn* -until 2” il**gi ee-* i-.i-t 11 r«*d«, (Ih-iilc Month K degree', %.rtt 15 rod-,, tbvnce °uuch 11 degror’s-ciU'f Id rods, {lienee -.onilj east 24 ih»»net- south degrees wesvoti rods tq the hue of the town plot, thence south dt-gmes near 2S rods' I'm-nte south i4".'i degietw cast 143 T.-lu rods to a jxvf, flu-aeo »unlh IHt/' derive? e-int t'iO 6-10 rods. tVmw north bS degi ui 4-lu r,wii, thence south S7;'£ degiecs Went 230 b-Kj rods, tbcuec north I;*X degiee*- ca-i ;>>j 4-10 rods to the place of beginning, Containing 542>i acres mote or h*»s, , , , Ai.sa—Another lot beginning at a"fallen Birch, the corner of land of Nieklm k GulUtlv, thence north 2j> liquid west 30 rotW. tbcnco mivih 40 degrees west 1U r*jiK thence w>utb 70 degm*-we't "G idO 101 U to the Unc of the town plot, thence along the Imr of the towh plot north degrees east -i" mis, thence ♦•-. wt J£-J 5-i0 rods to Che info of Robert Cufc- Hun. tiiem'e along -md Coleman's huts, sotuh 2 degrees west 2421-10 rods to the* jfi.ice of beginning—Containing £45 7-S acres moie cv less. ( Also—Another beginning at a Beech the corner of .lerenfl. ah U«‘fcs*< and Ai ) we>t along said riwr lo the pl.unj'of beginning—con taming sc\»'n acres and ibur-t -nth* |»t(lim. Also—Un the undivided fifteen eight Imndmh parts of the following de-cube i land, Mliulcd in Illois, Liberty and Wiud townships, in the (~'iainl.y and Bl me aforesaid. vj»; Wnnant No. sU«i> m theumnies uf Nicklin At Uriftlth, con taining 112 C Jicrc-. No. &y 55 in the name ot Nieklm & Grit lilh Containing ll»l acn s; iv.urant X«. ol»TT «o tl.e names of NukUn A Cntlitlss. containing 4*)o acres; warrant No, 5952 in the names of NUUUn k UndUh.coniaining 22iiivcrcn; war lant No StP'U in the names »»{ NnJtliu & tiniliths contajoins Uit’.O acre-; warrant No .VJT2 in tin* iialuee of Nieklm A Gnf. fubs. Containing Ocven hnmljed sines. AU'-o—TJj* hlti'cn <%*ht hundrrth parts of the following iU»*cuWd lot* or parcel.** of Ihdcl Mtuatwl in the tow it-blps of B!uh*. Union and \\ ard, County of Tipfra rforu- boU.Nas.4. (Vend 7, of the partition of the 3-llk Mountain J.uiJs jn uf Robert furm against Ralph Elliott & others in th<* Common IMvas of said County. of May Tonu 1452. i»f warrant No. I. lot No. 4 coiitamm# Ui'2 acres and IS3 perches, Nos. ti «ad 7 ronbunint; together M acros and K>(j pcichefc. Also. 1>1« Nos. 1,4 AB in mu«\ partition of wujnun N»\ 2; lot No. I Bl acres- Juij porches. - Also Latst-No*. J. 2 and n in Kihl p.vitiUun of warrant No-4; Lots Nos. 1 and 2, to gether containing 26S ucros, 4£ perches; No ‘5 containing 129 otTfts. 24 perches. Atsrv lots No*. 1. 2 and 3of titiow of warrant No. b. containing together 436 acres. 09 perches. lots No«. 1.3 atid o warrant No. t> in said par tition; No. 1 containing 127 news, 5t porclio*; No.Scontuiij ing 127 acres. 49 penlns; No. 6 containing 127 acres, 62 pe/vrl/e.v. Also /ole .Vos. 2, 4 aud -v in and partition of war rant No. ". containing together 451 acres. It’S perches. All of thcToregnitig de-cilhed Jots and parcels.of land are wholly «nlujpro?ed,hhd.uo person Lhj the actual occupancy of tln' Unie, ' g. I. POWER, sheriff. April £. lt>s& - . r ... :!-• ✓ v The Loim):t;'ae Farm, fur Sale. THIS FARM ia Within half n mile of Tioga Village* near the Brooklyn Steam Mills, contains uno hundred acres of very good land, part of it clear bf fitumds.; a good two story.dwplliug bouse, largo barn, smoke house, garden, orchard, Ac. A fjortiou of the purchase money may remain erf Bond and Mortgage. Proposals will be received until the 2d of May-jmst by Col. N, £>. Johnson, at the Buyer Mills- [April 14, 1859, 31 % ] Adm iii i>l oVol Ice, LETTERS of Administrative haring: boon granted to the undersigned upon the estate of ANDREW BuSARD, laid of Osceola, dcoM. ail persons indebted to said estate are mpwaud to make immediate pay ment, aud those bavin" claims against the same mil present them for settlement to &L D. BOSAUD, Farmington, April 14, ’a9, 6t & . Adm'r* T> OY'S Heave Ponders are working’ wonders in XX subduing the heaves In horses. JOHN 111. EOT, ;s4( > f. „ anti sptail-dealer in- ForcifinfindDij mesiic D mho H 8, iltl) C 0 EOTIC A ts, PA 13VTS, ' OILS DIES VARNISH, WINDOW O'tASS, AND PUTTY, BURNING FLUID, TINCTURES, EYTRACTB, ACIDS, • POWDERS, PILLS, LEAVES, HERBS, WRITING INK, ENVELOPES, B RUSHES, COLOGNE, BOOTS, PEUrtMBKY, SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, SLATES, , CHILDREN’S TOYS., &C„ :i; ‘ ALSO, HAIR. OILS, VAN KEF. NOTIONS,'& FANCY 0001)3. Almost every variety oT PfittrinccHlic Preparations, Thompsonian medicines, botanic and homeopathic REMEDIES. KIRBY’S MOWER & READER THE Subscriber is selling this valuable machine end invites all who want a really good Mower and Reaper, to examine it before purchasing any other ma chine. It is superior to all other Mowers and Reap ers in use, in the following pftrti6ul»rs; Itia the light est in use; is ."trong and durable; requires less draft than any other machine; has no aide draft though it cuts a wide swath t will work on rough ground where no other machine can follow it; very difficult to be dogged in any kind of gra.-*», be it wet or dry; is sim ple in construction and not liable to get out of repair; is a perfect combined machine; working equally well, whether mowing or reaping; and is the CHEAPEST in price, the Mower being only si96 and the combined mabhineSisO-Lmaking kaltogeiher the most desirable Mower and Reaper in market. Cull at the Tin and Stove Store and examine for yourselves. jgßrXljia Reaper took the -first prize at the State Pairs of New York' and. Indiana against till competi tor?. It aLo took the prize at tho Tioga County Fair lust Fall. ) r -Eeh. 24,:1869H - —D. P. ROBERTS. ’ N. Subscriber is also'Agent of tho-Tioga Point Agricultural Works for the sale of Emory’s unrivalled Railroad Horse Power?, Threshers and Separator.-, Portable Circular and Cross Cut Saw ; Bill? and Shingle Machines, Clover Hallers, Em -1 cry's HickocVs and Krauscr's Cider Mills and Press es, Corn Shelters, Hay, Straw k Stalk Cutlers, llor«cuHhkes, Log Power?, Clow’s Grain Cradles, Corn A Cob Mill - , Cultivators, Horse Hoe?, Dedtr ick’s flay Pres?, Stump Machines, Leather and Rub ber Belting. . OXYGENATED BITTERS. For {lk* cure of on l*Dunj>nos, LiverCuiupkiinL Asthma. Luba of Appetite. Fiver and Ague, Ik-ayt Burn. N'aler Brazil. Acidity- Bea Skkuqfcs, Scurvy. Nausea, Lnnai, and General Debility, or any dis- origin mivtjHfffct . , 'Hieso IliTTJn.s, as all ilsi—e# of our Mhnv citi/en's. Inrind intx Member--ol Cimgrevn laiwyer-. Hij-iciaus. Clergymen. Planters. Farmers and others testify, are the only sale, cer tain and sovereign sVhcmc for the immediate relict and per manent euro v'f the many' cruel complaints which In some phase or other of I)v-a»i0PSiA ottllct our r.n%. * These Thrmts "Were discovered by Dr. Oror.oE IV. Green. and in their foimnla dtlfet entirely from that of any other preparation of im-dmne. Contaiomß no alcohol—-no miner al—no poi«o:jj—no rioxiou* drug,—ln tUtaE. nature tome, not btimulatiug.-ireulnilig ibrnr ■virtues, fa any cjirmsi they are a • combination and tv turtd NfWtiuiijS \VUicli knows tiorniil in externunutmg discaso and restoring to it-* pristine vigor and health. N'o matter of how long atandlhg. orhowover induced or chrdnic in its diaracter the disease may bu—no matter that U hits baffled tho s kill of tlie physician, and Tesinte«i the effurta of A/cUkine. a siagle trin of thesf'Ditfeis will satkfy Out suiferrr /hat fife.disease ail amenable to the proper remedy. In testimony of the many cores effected f>y this Hemedy rcferenco i» had to tii“ written certificates from distinguished individuals kmiwn all over tho land. From among the many letters wo are constantly receiving we take the following;-- ( ‘•GtNTLK'it.v;—l hare need the Oxygenated Bitters in tny practice with decided surreys in Debility and General Pros tration, and confidently recommend it In cases of OenerAJ Debility or Devuugtitneut of the Digestive Organs. Signed. F. U. WUIXE, M.D. Jfansfield. Tioga Co. Pa., August 2G, 1558.” This medicine Ims bi-nn used with like success by A. Ho hard of Hichmond; Miss Mary A. Snover of Covington, ond Miss Qitbarine Deck of Liberty. t AGENTS. Jwj.v A. Hot, VTellsbom; C. M’. .Yesbitt. Mansfield: Dr. A- Hulun*. Mainsbrn-g; A. IJfupmtEi', Tioga; D. S. J/a cee, Dlossbnrg; J. G. AtnsrK LiWrty. S: W, FOWLE A CO., Proprietors. Bobton. For sale by Agents everywhere. CAYUGA PLASTER. 4 NEW sUrrtY OF THIS GREAT FEU TILIZER HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED AT THE MANSFIELD PLASTER MILL. where it will he kept {conetuntly on hand, and sold at the low priee of $6 Per Ton. TV) nil fhoj'C who wish to invest ihcy are sure of 200 per cent on the capital invent ed, f would say, BRING ON YOUR DIMES AND 1 WILL DO YOU GOOD , d* Nothing bctlrr lo eure hard limes 1. Mansfield, Dec. 27, 1858. A. BIXBY. TIOGA COUNTY STEAM FLOXJIUNG MILE At ftlaiiifctHirg, Ptfinia, ANEW’ and splendid Steam Mill at Maxnsburg is now in full opetataon, and the proprietor is pre pared to do custom work or Flouring with neatness unA despatch. This Mill has four run of.'stone, and is capable of grinding eighty bushel* per hour. Persons bringing Grain to this' Mill can have it ground to take homo with them: and we will warrant them ns good work as can be done m this region of country. LYMAN WJBT.MOKE, Proj/r R. K. BRENDA GE, Agent [Oat. 8, 's?.] “TIME IS MONEY.” . . . .TUBBEFOEE, , Be wise and save it by ’ * ’ ■rllsliJgfE. A.’SAIL AD'S new machine \ r To operate’ your Dash ’Churn* - TbV btrekcjvarics frond 2_tp 14Jnches.* Every-Mdchine bears the inverter’s name. * Komember, they can be had. only of.- . • -r the sub?eribers, to whom all orders must bo addressed. PRICE, $5. (Patent obtained.) Tioga, Feb. 24, S.MEAD A TABOR. FOR SALE. gfrpyiysv A GOOD .assortment of the choicest J»g§||j,kinds and ChoiTjr trees j&S&Q In good order. Apple trees for $2O per. hundred. Our intention is to have the Trees bear just such fruit ns the labels call for. We would invite those wanting fruit trees to call at the Nursery and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. B. C. WICHAM, Tioga, Nov. X 1,1858. 1. T. BLOQDGOQD. SODA SALERATUS and Cream Tartar, at the New Drug Store. P. B. WILLIAMS, Ag’t. PKtNKCV * Cft. PaUiShMrk, Wholesale Booksellers, -• AND ' MAN UFA CTU&ISO .AS&JMPO&TJBa . .RATIOSBRS., _ : 188 JM0,«03 3 West Senses Streets, - . -• BpBMo, If. T- All-American Puhlicaiima siippliedai Publish " 1 ersnef Wholesale Tricea.ip tkeTrade. OCR GWcfat Catalog®, xrnti WTjoJesule flnd Retail Wees, wiH4»**w»htefcw» 30,.11, 12, Practice. Ladies’ Styles. Mvt*i[ price of all the above, 13 cents each. Compendium of Spencerian Penmanship, contaimug Bixty pages, and mure than four hundred lines of beautifully en •graved copie*. Retail price per copy, Paper, $4. Cloth, $1 50. rpon receipt of the retail price in etaaiffs, any book named above, well be forwarded or directed, postage paid. March 3d, 1859,- ' •' J SADDLE & HARNESS SHOP. . TT WOULD respectfully infonn the —■jPaL. I Public that I bav« undertaken luc above bu.'ine*s at the stand.for tncrly occopicd by Jobo Alexander, one dnur above Roy’s Drug Store. • Wulf a determination to he behind no other estab lishment in the Country, I have added • greatly lo the facilities f»«r tho general accommodation, pud knvo spared neither pains nor expense to obtain and malce myself master of erery modern improvement in'the business, and to secure the services of the best work men. lie will keep a large stock on hand, ami manu facture at the sturtest notice, all descriptions of if«r ticsi, such as Saddles, Bridies, Heavy Harness, CARRIAGE HARNESS of all kinds, Ac. Traces,- Hames, Halters, AVhips, AU of winch I will warrant to be equal to any that can be obtained in any other establishment in the country. All I ask is that those desiring anything-ia this line, should call at bis place and examine bis stock. I feel the fullest confidence in my ability to give entire satisfaction. JS?*’ AH orders thankfully received and promptly attouded to. JOS. ENSWOKTH. Wellsbom, October 28, 1553. FAUKEL, HEURIITG & CO’S PATENT CHAMPION SAFE, [Sopt. 10,18&8*} LATE EIRE AT DGTIEQFB, IOWA; Gents ; I am requested by >lr. T. A. C. Cochrane, of this place, to say to yon that on- the morning of the 4th inst., about 3 o’clock, bis store took fire, and, the entire stuck of goods was destroyed. The heat became so suddenly intense that none of the goods could pos sibly bo-saved 5 .but fortunately bis books and papers w hich-were in 000 of youc Champion Safes wore all preserved perfectly. And’ well they may' he 'called Champion, for during the whole conflagration there was owe incessant pouring of flame directly upon tho Safe which contained them. And still upon opening it,, the inside was found to be scarcely warm, while the outside was most severely scorched. Youis truly, k. a. McClure. Itorring’a Patent Champion Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes, with HALL’S PATENT POWDER PROOF LOCKS, afford the greatest security of any Safe in the world. Also Sideboard and Parlor Safes, of elegant workmanship and finish, for plate Ac, PARREL, HERRING & CO., have removed from B 4 Walnut St., to their new store, No. 629 Chestnut St., (Jayne’s Hall,) where the largest assortment of Safes in tho world can he found PARREL, iMERRING & CO., 629 Chestnut Street, (Jayne’s Hall,) March Z 7, 1669. Philadelphia. Sto v e-8j Stoves. AND TIN SHOP. WM. KOBEUTS respectfully announces to the citizens of Wellglmra and vicinity, that ho has just received a large audition to his stock of Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and is now prepared to furnish his-numerous custom ers wit h articles in his lino of business superior to any that can be obtained in this section of the country His stock consists, in part, 6f COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Stove Pipe, Storc'Fixtm-c?, Boilers, Hardware, «Jkc.,' Particular attention paid to putting on Tin Roofs, Eave-Troughs arid Repairing done on short notice with readiness and dispatch, -Those wishing Goods, in this Umrwill find it to their interest ■hr cal] and examine my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, aa they will bo sold at fair prices. Dont forget the-place, ono door below Bowen s Store. . fWellsboro, Oct. 14, 1858.1 Broadcloths and cassimbbes.—a good assortment of Black Broadcloths, Black and jtancy .Caaaimeresb-SaUinettx, Bulled Cloths, Tweeds and Aentoeky Jeans, can he found at Vf. A-ROE’g.t vCw 14/ X8$8» . ...» 7 WELLSBORO’ DCBugrE, Jan. 7, 1559, Also & Irvtgo ossormenl of CONDUCTORS, I AM Smti-AT MY OLD STAVn and nearly opposite Judge Wh;,,’,' Manufacturing to order, alHiiod, of 1 CABINET WAEg and to the best manner. I iiio>»i w 'v on hand, andfor sale at reasonable rJn? of Sofas, Bivans, ©tloi Card, Centre, Dining and BreaJf/vtt f > Stand*, jOre** and Commun But •7 ir,zzC Mxiosnrts rad- Common * . ■„ , Wo *h Stand*, , , ' Cottage, ‘ • French and Common Beadateads, of «t«ry description, together •wub »}}. ly manufactured in hia line, of burners! Brora hia knowledge of tKe business )j e self with’tbo ‘belief that those wUhia* would do’well to call and examine fcfj aendirig tilaewbeie for] an inferior article. Turning done in a neat manner, at gh Q j TT& Chairs! Chnii jaxfl . In addition to lie above, ti, inform tbn public i' u . a large and hasdsoai C»mmon Jt Spring-s«at Boston and Common Rorkinj o\nin which be will sell as cheap, if not cbeap« al can.bfc'jmrchaaectaoywbere ebo in Tic^c^?' Call and see them. B. T. YAW , WellsbQrOy July 23,_1857. WELLSBORO BOOS And News-Office "\fT E HAVE LONG BELIEVED i nr,’ ,VV ’• '6tore AND NEWS OFFICE .the essential accommodations which thegocd. Welleboro.' were prepared lo appreciate a/L have established themselves one dooraWitv Elliott's. Store, where tbej will keep tion of tH’e-best and tooM popular ** -NEWSPAPER DAILY & WEEKLY ' : POLTHCAt. > . EITEBAET, .• , ■ ■ . SCIESTm Together with‘the various Illustrate} /‘srp-n •; lisbed. Also, all fbe leading * of the can be bad at their counter. They .trill Ukewij-e keep a full assorUsMitf SCHOOL BOOKS, Current Ziierniu re Aari> STATOAttD WOBKS, and any Book, Newspaper or magazine noi will be ordered promptly, if desired Tier mil * a assortment of '• TAXEBE iVOTiOy«?, all and singular of which mil be sold atla*** for C«*h. SMITH i RICIIASCi Wellaboro, Jane 21. IS6S. WEtLSBORO FOOi\DS! Machine Shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST, ThOBERT Y 0 U X Tr, late of the fins Ufa XV Young &Co., Tioga, takes this mefoia* form the Public that he has leased the Foundry and Machine Shop, in-the Village of IVelUboro, for a term of rectal having put it in good running order, u prepared ■** all kinds of work usually done at sutb an traia tnent, in the best manner and out of the beftmatei TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE! So has had over twenty years’ experience ia litis siness audvnTl have the m»rk, entrusted.tj kata directly under his eupervi-ion. X*• b7e from the Rutland Quarried suU descriptions of • Gravestones, Monuments? .. u Ce»oti*P“^ K *> Ho is prepared to execute orders j*: s-' r scriptlons of work, in a superior style, able prices. Persons desiring,-g:* kinds of ITALIAN GARBLE can the Subscriber, , A.' CRCTWL, of 'Wctlsboro,' is authors orders for worlcat ibis establishment* _ Tipga, jfuoe 10,‘oS. — tf. THE PEACE TO BUY THE PEACE TO CUV THE PEACE TO COY „ nF ,,p ■ GOOD AKD CBS-V GOOD AS» «% GOOD AXD CHEAT IS AT ROE A SMITH'S. IS AT ROE A SMITH’S. IS AT ROE A SMITH’S. Groceries.— The-piace to fc«j . ■ teat BOR i SMEAD t Mil