FAITHLESS KELLY GRAY. A PATHETIC BALLAD. Ben Battle was a soldier bold. And used'to war’s alarms; , Bat a cannon boll took off bis legs, So be laid down his arms! ? Kow as they bore him off the field. Said be. “Let others shoot; For hero I leave my second leg, . And the Forty-second Foot!’* The army-surgeons made him limbs : Said he, “They’re only pegs; Bjat there’s os wooden members quite, As represent my legs!” Kow Ben he loved a pretty maid— Her name was Kelly Gray; So be went to pay her bis devour#, When ho devoured his pay! ■Bui when be called on Kelly Gray, She made him quite a scoff; And when she saw his wooden legs, . Began to take them off! “0, Killy Gray! 0, Kelly Gray! Is this so warm ? The loveibat lores a scarlet coat Should bo more uniform I” Said she, “I loved a soldier once. For he was blithe and brave; But I will never have a man ■With both legs in the grave! “Before you had those timber toei ' Your love I did allow ; , But then, you know, you stand upon] Another footing now!” - . J “O. Kelly Gray! 0. Kelly Gray! Fop all your jeering speeches, At duty's call I left my legs In Bad;}Jos’s breaches J” **VThy then/’ said sbe, lost the fed Of legs in war's alarms, And mjpr you cannot wear your shoes Cpon your feats of arms !" -•O. false and fickle Nelly Gray! I know why you refuse: Though I’ve no feet, some other man Is standing in my shoes ! g, l wish I ne'er had seen your face; But, now, a long farewell! For jou will be my death:—alas! i’ou will not be my Nell!” Kow when be went from Nelly Gray His heart so heavy got, And life was such a burden grown. It made him take a knot! - Bo round his melancholy neck A rope he did entwine, And, for Iris second time in life. Enlisted in the Line ! One end he tied around a beam, And then removed his pegs; And, as bis legs were off, —of course He soon was off bis legs I And there hchung, till be was dead As any nail in town ; Tor. though distress had cut him up. It could not cut hiiu down! A dozen men sat on his corpse, To find out why he died— And they buried Ben in four cross-roads, "With a stake in his inside! In the, Garden. "Wo have now reached the period when gar den work has become imperative, if we desire to keep pace with the demands of the vegetable kingdom. It is to be presumed that by this time the de bris always to be found in the garden in early spring, from the primings, takings and scra pings, have been gathered into heaps and burned and'the ashes scattered over the soil. Should this not yet have been done, no time is to be lost. Berries. —lt is to be presumed that the Rasp berries, Gooseberries and Currants have been carefully attended to, the funner pruned, and tied up to the stakes, and the stakes driven firmly into the ground, which should be dune while the ground is moist; und the latter thinned out, and a portion of the old wood re moved. The soil about the roots of all should be forked over, turning under the mulching which was applied last year, and removing all grass and weeds. By the first of May a new mulching-should be applied of decayed leaves or Jong manure. If the gooseberry is in dan ger of mildew, moisten the mulching with strong salt and water, applied from a watering pot. The Strawberry Beds should have their win ter corerins removed at once, if m.t already done, leaving as much of the manure remain as can be used with convenience ; the soil should then be carefully forked over or stirred. From the time when the fruit is set until it shall begin to color, the beds should be daily copiously wa tered in the ab-encc of rain. Grafting. —Grafting of the Pear and Apple, where the scions have been previously cut and preserved, can continue to be performed until the first of June. Sp rt chil care should be tak en that the wax is of the proper consistency t not too hard to crack in the cold winds of spring, or soft to run in the hot suns of sum mer. It is a good way to supervise the grafts once or twice during the season, and re-wax any of them which may have cracked open, or the wax in any way .displaced. If air or water £ets to the touguo of the graft, it is gone. "Weeds.—Never let grass or weeds bind your fruit trees. Forking over the ground a foot or two round the trunk, twice a year, will repay the cost an hundred fold. Try this season to save your Plums by the jarring process, every morning for two weeks, laying over the ground a sheet, and burning ail the curculio that may be catohed. It has been followed with great success by many persons. Asparagus.—p Your Asparagus beds arc of course dressed—the long portion of the manure removed, and all the rest nicety! forked'.in.— Early in April, not later than tbje lOih or 12ih, apply a good dose of common s;i|lt to the beds, complercly covering the ground! There need be no fear of its injuring the plants; on the contrary it is the best manure that can be ap plied to the Asparagus, which is a marine veg etable ; but it will be death to everything else with which It may come in contact. Keep it a foot away from your box-edging. Vegetables. —As to vegetables. Peas, me dium and late fora succession may now he planted. They may be put in this order; 1. Extra Early; 2. Early Frame; 3. Dwarf Blue Imperial; 4- L\rge White Marrowfat; 5. Tom Thumb, very dwarf; G. Victoria.—Cbuon*, white is the best.— Lettuce : I. Early Curled Silesian, pown thickly iu a bed fur eating young; 2, Early Cabbage, the standard variety for head ing, superior to any; 3. Curlojd India, which is also tine, both to be bedded in single plants, — Cabbage: The Early York plants, sown in frame last autumn, can be planted out at any time. The seed for plants of the Curled Savoy, the Drumhead Savoy, and the common Drum head or any other, should be sown at once—- Celery, the white solid is the best, should be sown, if not already, in a warm border.—The Early Horn CarrU and Balnify should be sown as early a* *** t* got in Jytek should be s-'jwn fh* Nr'ftl'U* of April. —Rhubarb is*’ tyt*, the Victoria 15 jbviA 'Tittle -A .vrgiV, fryfUMlVf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT EAW ELKIAXD. TIOGA CO. PA. “In the multitude of Counselor* there is safety.”— Bible. Sept. 23,1558, ly. PENNSYLVANIA UOUSE. WELLS BORO*, PA. L. D, TAYLOR, PROPRIETOR. This deacrvwtly popular house ia-xcntmlly located, and commends itself to the patronage of the travelling public. Nov. 25.1555, J.v. i _______ ST- LAWRENCE HOTEL. WM. S. CAMPBELL A CO., PROPRIETORS. NO. 1018, Chestnut St, Philadelphia. WII. S. CAMPBELL. A. 0. MCLUX. ggpa*, C. N. DARTT, d E-a t i s t . Ojncc at his Residence, near the Academy. All work pertaining to bis lino of business done promptly and warranted. [April 22, ISSS.] Attorneys & Counselors at Law, CORNING, Stcubcu Couuty, Now Yorlc. Gko. T. SpF.SCETt. C. 11. TIIOttPSOS, April IS. ISoo. — l y. Ilydrnjiathic Physician and Sttryeon. CLHLANO, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in nil ports of the County, or re ceive them for treatment at his house. [June 11, 1555.] WJGLLSBOUO’ HOTEL. B. B. Holiday - - - Proprietor. THE SubscrU»or has purchased this well-known public house, not for purpose* of speculation, but with the ob ject of making Wellsboro* hi* permanent residence. No pains w ill be .spared to render the bouse n desirable home for traveler*,. B. B. HOLIDAY. January 13,1555. (Cm.) YOU DOS’T SAY SO? "VTES SIR, I DO! I say that FOLEV has (he 1 best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES I ever saw in Wdlsboro’. Such heavy cases and finish ed movements you can't find elsewhere. Call and sec them one door north of D. B. Smith A' SonV, whore he will be glad to show them to you, and do any Repairs on Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, and all warranted. , , ANDIE FOLEY. Wclhboro’ Junoll. 3557. S. F. WILSON, jJSS?** Removed to «7a*. I.vicrry'* Office, S 3? lAS. LOWREY & S. F. WILSON, Attorneys & counsellors at law. win attend the Court of Tioga, Potior and McKean counties. [Wellsboro', Feb. 1. 155.1.] H. O. COLE, BARBER AND lIAIR-DRESSER. f Welishoro’, Tioyn County, Pennsylvania.] SHOP two doors above Roy's Drug Store. Every thing in his line will be done as well and as pi.nnptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City Saloon". Preparations for removing Dandruff, and beautifying (he Ifair. for sale cheap. Hair aud whiskers dyed any color. Call and see. Wcllsboro'. Oct. IS. IS.>s.—tf. Thomas Hood. KEEP it before the public, that the People's Humble Ser vant b:i- TIIOitOCGJIL Y REPAIRED, in every way. during the past Summer, aud has also been furm-hed with an entile NEW LOT. OF MACHINERY, throughout. of the late«t and bc-t improvements of the ape. and that it i- now m perfect pood onkr to do custom or merchant wotk. L. I). SPENCER, Miller. UclUboro* August 19, ISSS, COUDERSPORT HOTEL. COVDERSPOIVI rOTTEB CO., PENN A. D. F. Giassmire - - - Proprietor. THIS HOTEL is located within an hour's drive of the head watcJS of the Allegheny, Genesee, and huatjuehanna rivers. No efforts are spared to make it a home for pleasure seekers during the (routing sea son. and ior the trinding public at all times. Jan. 27. ISSO, ly. JOHN B. SHAKE SPEAK, TAILOR. HAVING opened his shop in the building lately occupied by Dr. Harr, ictpeclfuliy informs the citizen? of WelUburo* and vicinity, that he is prepared to execute orders in his line of business with prompt ness and despatch, hoping by strict attention to bu.-i -ne-s to metit the confidence and support of tlhosc who may favor him with their order?. CnUimj tluuc on thort notice. TVcIl-boro. Oct. 21, 1 SoS.—Cm WM- TV- & H. TV. M’DOUGALL ARE engaged in Exploring. Surveying and Draft ing, Investing money in Real Estate, and on Heal 1-htate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Loca ting Land for Settler? on time. They will attend the Land Sales in this and the ad joining Districts, wlicie their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lots. Parties entrusting money to us for investment will have the benefit of otia explorations. No property purchased that we are not personally acquainted with. TVaubashaw, Mm. Tor., April 22*, 1365. m , COPPER & SHEETM TV. ARE. THE ST RSCUIREU has csdahUthed himself at the old .-(and of Wilcox A Sears, one door be low R. S. Dailey’s Store, where he is manufacturing ami selling at wholesale and retail, (lie various kinds of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE, of the host materials, and made in the most substantial manner. ROOFING, EAVE-TROI’PIIS, and all kind? of JODDING done on short notice and in a satisfactory manner. Call and s o my stock of Tin-ware and salisfyyour sehes that FISHER'S is the place to>buy cheap. CHARLES S.* FISHER. Wcllsboro, June 17. ISoS. j Would r ‘.poctfullj .mnoiimc to tin- people of Tioga County, that ho »■* now pn-parrd to fill all order* for Apple. P. Bourbon, Noisette, Tea, Bengal or China, and Climbing Uo?es. C l_| OTT nnpTJ V Including all the finest new vn- Oi UVU UULtiV * rioties of Althea. Cnbmmhu<«, Deut/Ja. Lilac*. Spiraes, Syringing. Viburnums Migilina Ac. Pf nWFR P.ivonies, Dahlias, Phlox™. Tulips, Vf jfjacintha, NorcissU; Jonquils, Lil lies. Ac. UUAPCS—AII varieties iVabodv’s New ll.iut-i>oH Strawberry. 4 doz. plants. $5. Orders re-pectfully .-olKited. tt?U f ?r»lcr> for (iraftmir, Budding or Pruning win be promptly attended to. Address Dee. !•>. :W. U. D. DE-MING. Wtdl.-d.oro, Pa. TO Mb THINKS, WIVES-, AND DAUGHTERS Dr. It. A. C.:iiii»nl’§ PERIODICAL COMPOUND. i The must beneficial and successful FEMALE MEDICINE turn in uj-u, fui all cases of obstructed or suppressed Mcti-'-truation. Ttil* valuable vegetable compound has long been used in tbe pm.ite practice of Dr- Lainunt, for regulating the de rangement's of tbe female system and for improving the gen oral health, and by long e.\i*crienc. DEMING, THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOE. JOHN A. EOT, DRUGGIST & IPOTHECM. WELLSBOBO, PA. Wholesale and Rplail dealer in Foreign and Po* mcalic D R (I O s AND CIIEjRICA*.S,PAINTS, Olts DIES VARNISH, WINDOW GRASS, AND PUTTY, BURNING FLUID, TINCTURES, EVTRACTS, acids, POWDERS, PILLS, LEAVES, HERBS, WRITING INK, ENVELO PES, B RUSHES, COLOGNE, ROOTS, PERFUDEKY, SCHOOL ROOKS, PAPER, SL ATES, CHILDREN’S TO VS.. AC,, A LSO, HAIR OILS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &. FANCY GOODS. Almost every variety of Pliai'iiiecvilic Preparations, Thompsonian medicines, BOTANIC AND HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. CATHARTIC SYRUP A Picasnnt palatcaMe j-ihyiie for children, used as a substitute for Castor Oil. Price 25 cents per buulc. EOR Horse*? and useful fur sores, wounds and scratches, gulls and in nil cases where a healing remedy is required. Price 25 cents. FARRIER’S, LINIMENT. FOR Horses and Cattle. A most valuable article for swellings, brumes, sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgalls, kicks and sweeuey. Price 25 cents. PDRMAMVT IIMIH M. TO mark collars and other clothing so that the name will not wash out. Price 25 cU per bottle. Flavoring extracts.—Now supply: such i as Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinnamon, Rose, Nutmeg, Cellcry, Ac. CHOLERA DROPS. THE most effectual remedy for bowel complaints iu use. If taken iu lime u can hardly fail to cure it the directions are strictly complied with. Price 25 cents. CRYSTAL EYE WATER. A valuable lemedy for sore or inflamed eyes—with full directions ior use. Price 12i and 25 cts per bottle. CEPHALIC SNUFF.—For Catarrh, Headache Ac. Price 25 cents tv bottle. ARMENIAN CEMENT.—For mending broken glass or china ware, with directions fur its use. Price 25 cents per bottle. MILK OF ROSES.—A pleasant Cosmetic to im prove the complexion and to remo\o tan afad licekles.—Price 25 cents a bottle. Looking-glass plates.— I with or without Frames, lor rale at THE DRUG STORE. BALSAM Tube.—This bal-am is procured from a most valuable remedy (or colds. coughs and af fections of the lung-. Price of Balsam Tolu Cough Remedy. SO cent- per bottle: ROSEMARY OINTMENT is a useful article for chopped hand*. 'pimples on the face, burns, a* aids, eruptions on tucskiu A'o. Price 12 and 25 cts. per bus. MAYER’? OINTMENT.—Tin*? ointment has long been held to bo a great secret among the Ger man.-. It is highly valued .1- a successful cuic for fe ver sores, bad ulreis and surcs of almost .every kjind which arc found to be difficult to heal. See directions «m 1 he box. HEADACHE PILL?—For sick headache,nervous headache and all headache that comes on at iugufar intervals. BOOKS. A VARIETY of Children’* Books— Blank Books, .School Looks, .Stationery Ac. ANo the Depos iioiyof the Tioga County Bible Society—containing a largo variety of Bible* and Testament- from cts. to six dollar*. J. A. ROY. Wellshoru, April 1. TO THE LADIES! A New Kiisd «f Soap. A NEW kind of Snap has recently been invented _CJL which promise? to supersede all other kinds of haul soap. It is used cxt»n»ively for waslungclothes and possesses the rcmarkahlo property of extricating the dirt without boiling the clothes and without the use of the rubbing board. The pmc.e-? of washing requires less than halt the time, and only about” half the labor, by using tliis Patent Soap. This article is peculiarly excellent, and superior to any thing else railed Snap; because while it saves time and labor, it never rots or injures the clothes. It is just the article It is represented to be, and never disappoints the ex pectations of purchasers. It docs not take oat stains. For rale at ROY’? Drug Store, IVelNbaro, Pit, T 5 it G ;V SASH &BLIND FACTORY Tioga Village. Pa. THE undersigned bikes great pleasure in inform ing the public that he i> ready to furnish to or der, on short mihop. ncjht* Shop on Welfchoru street, one door west of J. G. 'Putnam's Cabinet Ware rooms, Sash Poors, Window Sa*h, Blinds, Glass, Puttv, Paints, OIL, Ac. Glass cut to any size, at my own risk. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for work, at the best market prices. Orders thankfully received and punctually* attended to- 11. PICKERING. Tioga. Pec. 9, ISSS. (Confidential.) COHR : ill you pJcase inform your readers that the subscriber has a good asssort* Weut of CASIPIBf HB® Cheaper than ever before in this county, as well as Snja*. Tcte-n.fefcv, Chair*, liockerp, Centre Tablet, and all kinds of iFnmujHnjißiE, Lavrrcneevillc. Oct., 21, 'SS. E. D. WELLS. FOR SALE. A GOOD assortment of tho choicest g;kinds »f Apple, Pear and Cherry irccs gin good order. Apple trees for $2O per * hundred. Our intention ia la have the Trees hear just such fruit ns the label? call foi. We would invite those wauling fruit trees to call at the Nursery and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. B. C. WICIIAM, Tioga, Nov. 11,1555. I. T. BLOODGOOD. THE PLACE TO BUY THE PLACE TO BUY TUE PLACE TO BUY GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS . GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS IS AT ROE A SMITH'S. IS AT ROB 4 SMITH'S. IS AT ROE 4 SMITH'S. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. Imporlunt AiiiiobiiccidmiL rpO dll persons afflicted with Sexual diseases 1 such us SPERMATORRHCEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, Kie Vice of ONANISM,or SELF ABUSE, Ac., Ac., The HOWARD ASSOClATlONorPhiladelplib in view ol the awful destruction of human Ufe nnct health, caused by Sexual diseases, and l he deceptions which arc practiced u|>on the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to ull persons thus alHicied, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with u description oflhcir con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in ca«*c of extreme poverty und Hußcring.lo FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, tor the re liefer the sick and distressed, afflicted willfViru. lent and Epidemic Diseases, n and its funds Can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. .It is needless to add that the As sociation commands (lie highest Medical shill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. —Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Lcucorrhoea, Ac. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. Tt. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President, GEO. FAIRCHff.D, Secretary. October 25,1856.—ly. NEW GOODS 7 NEW GOODS ‘TTTJIERE? At ERWIX’S New Stnre! He bos VV just returned from the City with a choice Lot of Rcady-ITl.ule Clothing;, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SHORTER AEIV TAILOR SHOP. _ He does not deem it necessary to puff his own work, as it is warranted to furnish its own recommendation. No garment is per mitted to go out of the shop that is not made 5n the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Culling mid Filliu;’. This Department will bo under my own supervision. Believing iri the Live and let Live” principle, I have adopted the Pay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it, H fodder or no fodder.” UeUsboro', March 13, 1556. If. P. ERWfX. Tioga Marble Shop. THE Subscriber has just received a fine lot of Mar ble from the Rutland Quarries, suitable for all descriptions of Gravestones, Monuments, Cenotaphs, &c. ITe is prepared to execute orders for the above de scriptions of trork, in a superior style, and at reason able prices. Persons dc-iring Gravestones of the finer kinds of ITALIAN MARBLE can procure them of the Subscriber. A. CHOU L. of IVclLhorn, is authorised to receive orders for work at this establishment. Tioga. June 10, ’oS.—tf. A. D. COLE. ON MANHOOD VM> Its PREMATURE DECLINE Jiist I’ubh-hfi, Oi.iti'. tin* jQth Thou-aml. atfffTstsM A FEU' WORDS OX THE RATIONAL Treatment without Medicine, of Speculator- GKF iht.n*r Loc/iJ Weakness. hrm*»ic»iis Gcmttil and Net vmi< Debility, Imjiotcncy, and •Impediments to Man i.ige generally. by The important fart that the manv nhn iniug complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of vouth. may he easily removed WITHOUT MKDICINK, is in this small tract clouth demonstrated; and the entirely now and highly M;r ct.--.fiil treatment, as adopted by the Author. tvdlv explained, by mean* of whichever} one is enabled to uux* IHMsKLI* perfectly and .-u the leant po—ddc cost, thereby avoiding all the advettNcd nostrums of the day. Sent to any addles*, gratis and post free in a sealed envc}. ope. l.v remitting (post paid; two postage -tamps to Dr. B. DF. LANKV, SR Ksv*l olsi sliocl. New YoiU Citv. April. ifll, ISoS. CKYSTAI. rOPSTAJX HOTJEJL. Main Street. Wellshoro 1 i*n. D. HART, PROPRIETOR, rpurs nniU-out temperance hotel has J_ been lately re-opened for the accommodation of Hie Traveling Puhlic, and no pains will he spared to render it popular with such as may favor it with their patronage. Ihis HOTEL is located conveniently for those who desire to take either the Tioga, Cedar Run, Couders port, Mansfield, Covington or Troy Stages. Those de siring to reach intermediate places, not on Stage routes, will be accommodated with a conveyance at a reasonable charge. This HOTEL will he conducted, as it ever has been, on the “Live and let Live** principle. Charges as low as those of any good Hotel in the Country. A good Ostler always in attendance. February IS, JB3S. CAYUGA PLASTER. A NEW Hill'ELY OF THIS GREAT FEU 11L1ZER HAS JUST BEEN DECEIVED A T THE MANSFIELD' PLASTER MILL. where it will he kepi constantly on hand, and sold at ihe low price of $6 Per Ton. - To all those who wish to invest money where they arc Mire of 200 pgr cent on the capital invest ed, I would say, BRING ON YOUR DIMES AND I WILL DO YOU GOOD. dr Nothing heller to core hard limes I Mansfield, Dec. 2T, 1858. A. BIXBY. WATCHES! THE Subscriber has got a fine assortment of heavy ENGLISH LEVKH HVSTEII-CASE Gold and Silver Walclieg, which be will sell cheaper than "dirt” on 'Time,' I. o. he will sell ‘Time Pieces’on a short (approved) credit. All kinds of REPAIRING done promptly. If a job of work is not done to the satisfaction of the party ordering it, no charge will be made. Past favor? appreciated and a contiuance of patron age kindly solicited. ANDIE FOLEY. Wellsboro, June 24, IS4S. Comiii;; Book Store. THE Subscribers have removed-to the large and elegantly fitted up Brick Store—four doors east ut Concert Block. Corning—and trill keep on hand a large assortment of New Books, among which are Religion* Standard Works, HISTORICAL BOOKS, Talet of Fiction, Poetical Works, School Books, SHEET MUSIC, Blanks, Stationery and Wall Paper, N. Y. Daily and Weekly paper?, all the Magazines at . ' Publishers prices. All for sale very cheap. ROBINSON A CO. Corning, Sept. 24, '57. GROCERIES —The place to buy Groceries of all fcind» Awfc it at ROB A SMITH’S. miMO BODE STORE And News-Office. WE HAVE LONG BELIEVED A LIVE BOOK STORE AND NEWS OFFICE to bo one of tbo essential accommodations which the good people of Wcllsboro' were prepared to appreciate and sustain, have established themselves one doorabove Niles & Elliott's Store, where they will keep a first-rate selec tion of the best and most popular -NEWSPAPERS DAILY & WEEKLY, POLITICAL. LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC. Together with the various JUußtraled Pajpert pub lished. Also, all the leading sa&. ei>] lor themselves, as it will be greatly to your advantage to examine my Stock of Good* before row purchase elsewhere. J. R. BOWER, November 2a. ISoS. Stoves, Stoves, AND TIN SHOP. ROBERT? respectfully announces to the f t citizens of U clUburo and vicinity, that ho has just received a large aadition to bis stock of Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and is now prepared to furnish his numerous custom ers with article* in his lino ut business superior to any that can bo obtained in this section of the country. liia slock consists. - in part, of COOK AND PARLOK STOVES. A!=o a large a-*sornicnt of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Sto\e Pipe, Store Fixtures, Boilers. Hardware, Ac.. Particular attention paid to putting on Tin Roofs, Eave - Troughs and CONDUCTORS. Repairing done on short notice with readiness and dispatch. Those wi-hing Goods in this line will find it to tlu-ir interest to tall and examine my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as- they will be sold at fair prices. Don t forget the place, one door below Bowen’s Ptnrc. [lV,dishorn, Get. Id, ISiS.] 15* DK LANKY. M. D. Fa 11 Sr IF inter GOODS. 'Vm. A. Roc, Wcltsboro, Pa, PJAS now on hand a largo and extensive slock of DRY GOODS, : GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. HATS A CAPS. ROOTS facli«>n. Wellaboro, Oct. 11, *5B. W.M. A. ROE. w. jD. TERBELL, Successor to W. TERBELL & SON COIHISG, If. V. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, In mi rsGs-, And Medicines, Lend, Zinc, and Col ored Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Cmnphenc and Burning Fluid, Dye Stuff, Sash and Glass, ■' Pure Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medi cines, Artists Paints and Brushes, Per/umerv, Fancy Articles, Flavorirng Extracts, d~c,, d'C., &e. ALSO, —A general assortment of School Books Blank Books, Staple and Fancy . . Stationary. Physicians, Druggies and Country Merchants dealing in any of the above articles can ho supplied at a small advance on New York prices. [Sept. 3/IS57] TIOGA COUNTY ! " STEAM FLOURING MILL. At MTaiiikbiirg, Pcuiia. ANEW and splendid Steam Mill nt Mainshnrg 1, now in full operation, and the proprietor ispre pured to do custom work or Flouring with neatneTs 2 e 2f* Mi " hns fuur of stone, and is capable of grinding eighty bushela per hour. wrm.nd°t DS . h n n ?' DS GKlin this Mill can have it them i ™ h °? e "‘ th them ; ~,,,, Ke will wor tnnt " S d Work " ho done in this region of KY m trvn i A YJ ? AN W BTMORE, Prop’,. K. K. BRIDtDAGE, Ag»*i. [Oot. 8,’47.1 VAN (JOHN’S NEW BIIDWIN, Ufutth ARE now receiving a very choir.*,,,. c. ,1 Jetted oesortmaotef STAPLE A-?. ' al, Jk BEY GOODS'*' Groceries and Prsvjsj > and are prepared to furnish them to custom As Reasonuble Pri cc , Uli At they con he bought any other Jf arj r, Customers can rely upon finding at all tin,'**' tide they may wish, and aU goods warranw .*?* represented. Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goofe Latest Style?, and adapted to every variety T* mings. Ladies will do well to call aad eZo Stock before purchasing elsewhewhere BALDWIN, LOWELL, & CO.. have always on bond a scasonble and fasV Stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Slade Clotiij, which will bo sold at the lowest Cash Price * —ALSO— Oroceriei, Crockery, Hardware, Gfan t Slot* d , and Wooden Ware, Iron, Steel, >»nils, o;{, p yf and Dye-Stuffs of every kind and of Best quality, together with Boots and Shoes, for Everybody. All kinds of Country Produce taken k change for goods at the market prices. **■ Tioga, July 2, 1557. cone AND S££ XUt NEW SPRING good* 1 JUST RECEIVED AT " WM. WALKER'j 31, Market St. Corning, —AND SELLING AT DEDUCED PmciL. All the latest Fashionable styles of For men and boyg. Ladiea’ Pmnelle, Satin, Cloth uj* occo Gaiters from 4s. to $3.00; Ladies’ Morocco, Calfsy amvlled Boots, from o*. to $2,00; Ladies Morocco Leather, ami Satin Slippers and Buskins; Meo'j Nd! Leather, Cioth and Cflif Congress Gaiters. Men’s Kip, Calf and Enammelled Brogans: Men's h*- Leather and Calf Oxford Tics and Slippers; Clnldren«; as * Slippers, Gaiters. Hosiery Ac,, Ladies’ Kubber* first quality 45.. third quality Is.: Men's Kubb-rs a:j & d.ils.tir!»t quality 65.; Ladies’ Hosiery, Silk, Gloves and Gauntlets. Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Trunks. Carpet Bags, Silk, Merim-sod TTLoI Cl derahirtsand Draaer-j. Cravats. Ties, and Scarf*, .'n-pidn Hosiery. Gloves. Shirts,Collars,Linen, Silk acJt’vtfoa kercheifs; also an assortment of cßocsm To be sold cheap for r.i«h Corning. April 29, 1858. ly MILi,MM ITALSQL Thomson & tTriungtoT Fire 4 life insurance agents, ’ CuKMXG. y. Y. A ETNA Fire Insurance Co - ., of Hertford Ccai_ J\. C.ipiul $LOvi |( j)| PUOENIN Fire Insurance Co., of Ilarcfi.ri Co-i CapiUti §2OO K) HARTFORD Fire Insurance Co, cf iianfunlCoi. Capital $53!), CONNECTICUT Fire Insurance Ci ( ., of Ilariijrl Conn.—Caudal PEOPLE'S Fire Insurance Co., of New York C«t, CapuV. $156 W MANIIATTON Fire Insurance Co.,'-fyew \'d:i City. Capital SSOO.MJ Life Insurance Co.. Acnm’afcl i'i * Capital Sl.2M.rvO The subscribers having succeeded to the Tire ha. ranee business of (.Jco, is prrpcw’i take ri?ks«ue Policies in the above well atrd reliable stock Companies Farm building-* insured f--r three years a: ivesL rnoft as low as thu.-e of mutual companies ,jAU losses will be promptly ami satisfactorily sctlrf iid at this office, applications by mail will receive prompt attcovi • P. J. FARKIN'ITuN*, . C. H. TUOMI’rOX, j ;ra * Concert Hull Block, Corning, April 23. ISSS. OK. WALTOS'S AMERICAN PILLS JOY TO TUT AFFLICTED. Vouiis America Victorious. One small boa of Pills cures ninety-nine caifjnt of a hundred. Xo batairu, no mercury, no civics-I breath, no fear of detection. Two ?mll pill? a i-“ bistoJeos and harmless a? water, Full throctr >r?rj given, so thru the patient can cure 'huuseU' as cerja as with the advice of the most e.\i'jerierae'i *• and much better than with the advice of one l experience in this class of disease. Sent by mail to any part of the Country ly cy sing one dollar- to J)r. D. G. J1 "So. J3l. M seventh ?t-. below Race, Philadelplu i. A Fit eral ij count to the trade. Xonc genuine \vithc*uithe signature of Dr. D. G. Walton. FioprlctiT. Dr. W.’s treatraonf for ?clf-abiise, weakness, entirely different Inun the usual c*ur?c. I*’-" -. u cured hundred* who have tried other? with ra bersi- The treatment i*. as certain to cure as the ?c T > u ' 3 rite. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr. M., giving a full history of your ca*e, ami y«u the day you made the effort to secure a hat nceta •< A Jladicul Cure.' [.March 11. «-". r . WELLMIOKO FOIADBI -A-X-D Machine Shop again in FULL 81-AsT. T) OBEKT VOCXIi, loteof JL\j Young 4»’Co.» Tioga, takes tins De^ l -'“* s "" form the Public'that he has lc.i>ed the Foundry and Machine She?* in the Village of WelLboro. for a tern « • r " r f’ having put it in good running order. i*prcp jri - . v all kinds of work usually done at smh ui. c«tav».._ ment, in the best manner and out vl ibe m ‘ lseT ‘ . TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE! has had over twenty lDi 8 siness and will have the work, entrusted to hiw» directly under his supervision. -Ao i corh trill he tent out hfriy J riLL-GEARISGS. PLOWS. and castings of all kinds on hand ami made May 28, 1857. ROBERT YOl^ •W* e w Goods I. M. & O. BULLAE?, arc now receiving a large and well selected st‘ ,fk • Fall and Winter Good*, which arc to be sold LOW (ns usual.) , ti Among their assortment may be found e«rytß j the line of Staple & Fancy Drv Good*, Keady-lflude €lotlii»9< Bools & Shoes, Hals & Caps, Fork & I' ,o " r ' Hard «■»•*> GROCERIES, &a, &[■; Call and see before purchasing eLewbeic# New Store, one dour below jWifcox A Scuts- September 30, ISSS. -■ ISxecntor’K police. TETTERS Testamentary having been j dersigned upon the last will and testatum t , : ii Bockius. late of Charleston, tlec'd, nil person 1 ’ wa* £& estate are requested to make immediate pajm ,,n • having claims against the same will promt then Charleston, February 17, ) SETIi CLAKH. . jjv. IS&9. / hypasha - Broadcloths and cassimereSjtACi assortment of Black Broadcloth j> Fancy Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Fulled Clot® gflpl And Kentucky Jeans, can be found at *** A ‘ Oti. U» Issg.